AEG 125 angle grinder with variable speed

Recommendations for selection

Types of angle grinder. All angle grinders can be divided into 4 groups according to the type of power.

  • The most popular are line grinders, working from the domestic network (220 V). They combine an affordable price, good power and a rich set of functions. But to work with the tool can only be in the vicinity of an electrical outlet.
  • Electric power is also used and cordless angle grinder. They differ in mobility and ease of operation. However, they have the shortest running time.
  • The largest are gasoline angle grinders. They are used with industrial or construction industry, where energy independence, high power and performance is required. Minuses will be the additional cost of gasoline and consumables, as well as high noise.
  • In factory workshops, the pneumatic angle grinder has become a popular tool. It is characterized by low weight, high rotation speed, quietness and fire safety. But these models are expensive and a compressed air source is a must.

Power. One of the main technical parameters of the angle grinder is power. It can vary within a range of 0.5. 3,0 kW. The heavier the load on the machine and the larger the disc, the more powerful the motor must be. In the home most often used angle grinders with power from 0.5 to 2.0 kW. In the construction or manufacturing industry, this figure reaches 3 kW.

Speed of rotation. Angle grinders have not only a motor, but also a gearbox. It is responsible for the rotation speed of the spindle. The choice of this parameter depends on the nature of the work performed.

  • In everyday life, you can successfully apply the machine with a speed of up to 7000 rpm.
  • It is more convenient to polish wooden objects at 7000-11000 rpm.
  • To grind a car body, you need a high-speed angle grinder (up to 15000 rpm).

Tool weight. Since you always have to hold the angle grinder in your hand, it is the weight of the tool that plays a significant role in prolonged work.

  • The lightest models weighing from 1.2 kg are comfortable for outstretched arms. The work time can reach 4 hours.
  • With more powerful and heavy (2-3 kg) machines it is more convenient to work on a table or workbench. But already after 2-3 hours a person accumulates fatigue.

options. Modern angle grinders have a number of additional options.

  • The carrying case makes it easy to move the tool and its accessories around.
  • Smooth startup reduces stress on the engine in the first few seconds.
  • Locking button on the button on the grinders so that you don’t have to keep your finger on the trigger when you’re working for longer periods of time.
  • The electronic speed control system helps you to maintain a constant RPM whatever the load is.
  • Unintentional start protection is useful when there is a power outage. The tool will not start on its own if voltage is applied.

We’ve chosen 11 of the best adjustable speed grinders in this review. All of them are sold in the Russian distribution network. When deciding on the placement, expertology editors relied on the opinion of the expert community, taking into account the feedback from the domestic consumers.

AEG ws13-125xe: manual

προορισμού. Μ παταρίες, Χαρακτηριστικά, Συντήρηση, Σ ύμβολα.

T eknik veriler. Güvenliğiniz için talimatlar. K ullanim, Şeb eke b ağla nti si,

T echnická data, Speciální bezpečno stní upozornění, Oblast využit í,

Techn ické ú daj e, Špe ciá lne b ez pčèn OS tné p ok yn y, Použi tie p od l’a pre dpi sov,

Dane techniczne, Specjalne zalecenia dotyc zące bezpiecze´ nst wa,

Uż yt kowa nie z god ne z pr ze znac ze nie m, Pod łą cz eni e do sie ci, G war anc ja, Sym bo le

Műszaki adatok, Külön leges biztonsági tudnivalók, Rendeltetésszerű használat,

Hálózati csatlakozt atás, Karbantar tás, Szimbólumok

T ehnični podatki, Specialni varnostni napotki, Uporaba v skladu z namembnostjo,

Omrežni priključek, Vzdrževanje, S imboli

T ehnički podaci, S pecijalne sigurnosne upute. Propisna upotreba,

Priključak na mrežu, Održavanje, Simboli

T ehniskie dati, Speciālie drošības noteikumi. Noteikumiem atbilstošs izmantojums ,

T echniniai duomenys. Ypatingos saugumo nuorodos, N audojimas pagal paskirti,

Elektro s tinklo jungtis, T echninis aptar navimas, Simboliai

T ehnilised andmed, Spetsiaalsed turvajuhised, Kasutamine vastavalt otstarbele,

angle, grinder, speed

The machine is too slow, it stops, and you find that it has been driven too fast,

The following is an example. The following are some of the most important features of this document

T h e y o u g h k i d a n i o n i o n a t i o n o f t h e. The purpose of the study was to determine the nature and scope of the study. The definition of the term “human trafficking” is given in the following sections


Date tehnice, Instru c ţ iuni de securitate, Condi ţii de u ti liz are s pec if cat e,

T h i c h n i c a t i o n o f t h e P o l i c a t i o n o f t h e P o l i c a t i o n o f t h e P o l i c a t i o n o f t h e C o m m. Functional specifications and specifications

The Office of the Attorney General, BATERIES. The temperature of the device is њ. C ym oli

Technical specifications, Safety instructions, Use as intended,

Connection to the network, Maintenance, Symbols

WS 10-115 WS 10-125 WS 12-115 WS 12-125 WS 13-125 XE

Rated i nput 1000 W 1000 W 1200 W 1200 W 1300 W

b= Cu tt ing d isk thick nes s min. / m ax.

1/ 3 m m 1/ 3 m m 1/ 3 m m 1/ 3 m m 1/ 3 m m

b= G rin ding d isk thick nes s max. 6 mm 6 mm 6 mm 6 mm 6 mm

D= G rin ding s ur fa ce diam ete r max. 115 m m 12 5 m m 115 m m m 12 5 m m m 12 5 m m

D= Wiring brush diameter max. 75 m m 75 m m 75 m m 75 m m 75 m m

Thr ead of w ork sp ind le M 14 M 14 M 14 M 14 M 14

Weigh t accor din g EPTA-Pro ced ure 01/20 03 2,3 kg 2,3 kg 2,4 kg 2,4 kg 2,4 kg

angle, grinder, speed

Mea sure d valu es de ter mine d acco rdi ng to EN 6 07 45. Typic all y, the A-wei ghte d noi se leve ls of t he too l are:

Sound pressure le vel (U ncertainty K= 3dB( A) ) 87,1 dB (A) 87,1 dB (A) 87,1 dB ( A) 87,1 dB (A ) 90,1 dB (A)

Sound power level ( Uncert ainty K= 3dB(A ) ) 98,1 dB (A) 98,1 dB ( A) 98,1 dB (A ) 98,1 dB (A) 101,1 dB ( A)

Vib rat ion to tal v alue s (tria xia l vec tor s um) dete rmin ed ac cord ing to E N 6074 5

For other applications, e.g. Abrasive C utting.O Operations or Wire Brushing other vibration values could occur.

The v ibr atio n emis sio n level g iven i n this i nfo rma tion s hee t has b een me asur ed in a ccor dance w it h a sta ndar dis ed te st gi ven in EN 6 074 5

and ma y be us ed to co mpa re one t ool w ith an oth er. It may be us ed f or a pr elim inar y as ses sme nt of ex po sure.

The d ecl ared v ibr ati on emi ssio n leve l repr es ent s the ma in app lic atio ns of t he too l. Howe ver if t he to ol is us ed f or di er ent ap plic ati ons,

wit h di ere nt acce ss ori es or p oor ly mai ntai ned. the vi bra tio n emis sion m ay di er. This may s igni c antl y incr eas e the e xp osur e leve l over

An es tim ati on of th e leve l of ex pos ure to v ibr atio n sho uld als o take i nto ac coun t the ti mes w hen t he too l is sw itc hed o  or whe n it is

running but not actually doing the job. This ma y signicantly reduce the exposure level over the total working period.

Ide ntif y add itio nal s afe ty m easu res t o pro tec t th e oper ato r fro m the e e ct s of v ibr atio n suc h as: mai nta in the t ool an d the a cces sor ies ,

keep t he han ds wa rm, or gani sat ion o f work p at ter ns.

thi s powe r too l. Failu re to fo llow a ll ins tr uc tio ns lis ted b elow m ay

res ult in e lec t ric sh ock. r e and/or s eri ous in jur y.

Read all safet y warnings and all instructions. Failur e to

b) Operations such as polishing are not recommended

fol low th e war ning s and in st ruc ti ons may r esu lt in el ec tr ic sho ck ,

to be perfor med with this pow er tool. Ope rat ions f or wh ich

the p ower to ol wa s not de sig ned m ay cre ate a haz ar d and c ause

Save a ll wa rn ing s and i ns tru c tio ns fo r fu tur e re fer en ce.

c) Do not use accessories which are not specically

designed and recommended by the tool manufactur er. Ju st

Safety Warnings Common for Grinding, Sanding. Wire

be cau se the a cces sor y c an be a tt ach ed to yo ur po wer too l, it do es

Brushing or Abrasive Cutting-O Operations:

a) Thi s powe r too l is i nten de d to fu nc ti on as a g rin de r ,

d) The r ate d spe ed of t he ac ces sor y m us t be at le as t equ al

sa nde r, wire b ru sh or c ut-o too l. Rea d all s afe t y war ni ngs,

to th e ma xim um sp ee d mar ked o n the p ower to ol. Acce sso.

instructions, illustrations and specications provided with

rie s ru nnin g fas ter t han th eir ra ted sp ee d can b reak a nd y a par t.

e) The o ut sid e dia met er an d the t hic kn ess o f you r

cau se s the un cont rol led p ower to ol to be f orc ed in t he dir ec ti on

acc ess or y mu st b e wit hin t he c apa cit y r ati ng of yo ur p ower

opp osi te of th e acce sso ry ‘s rota tion a t the p oint o f the b indi ng.

too l. Incorrec tly sized accessories cannot be adequately guarded

For e xam ple, if a n abr asiv e whe el is sna gge d or pi nche d by th e

wor kpi ece, th e edg e of th e whe el tha t is ent erin g into t he pi nch

f ) Threaded m ounting of accessories must match the grin.

poi nt ca n dig in to the s ur fa ce of th e mater ial c ausi ng th e whe el

to cli mb ou t or ki ck ou t. Th e whe el may ei the r jump to war d or

der spindle thread. For accessories mount ed by anges, the

away f rom t he op erat or, depen din g on dir ec ti on of th e whe el’s

ar bou r hol e of t he acc ess or y mu st  t the l oc atin g di ame ter

move ment a t the po int o f pinc hing. Abr asiv e whe els may al so br eak

of t he a nge. Acc ess ori es th at do no t match t he mo unti ng har d-

war e of the p ower t ool w ill ru n out o f bala nce, vi brat e exce ssi vely

Kic kb ack is t he re sul t of powe r too l misu se and /or inco rre c t ope ra-

tin g pro cedu res o r cond iti ons an d can b e avoi ded by t aki ng pr ope r

g) Do not u se a da mag ed ac ces sor y. Be for e eac h us e ins pe ct

the a cce sso r y suc h as ab ra sive w hee ls f or c hip s and c ra ck s,

bac ki ng p ad fo r cr ack s, te ar o r exce ss wea r, wire b ru sh fo r

a) Mai nt ain a  rm g rip o n the p ower t ool a nd p osi tio n your

loo se o r cr acke d wi res. If pow er to ol or a cce sso ry i s dr op ped,

bo dy an d arm t o all ow you t o re sis t kic k bac k for ce s. Al ways

inspect for damage or install an undamaged accessory. After

use auxiliary handle. if pro vided, for maximum control over

inspecting and installing an accessory, position yourself and

ki ck bac k or to rq ue re ac ti on du rin g st ar t-up. T he ope rat or ca n

cont ro l torq ue rea ct ion s or ki ckb ack f orc es, if p rop er pr ec auti ons

bys ta nde rs aw ay fr om t he pl ane o f the r ot ati ng acc ess or y

and r un t he po wer to ol at m ax imu m no.lo ad sp eed f or o ne

Mi nute. Damaged accessor ies will normally break apart during this

b) Neve r pl ace yo ur ha nd ne ar th e ro tat ing a cce sso r y.

Acce sso ry m ay kic kb ack ove r your h and.

h) Wear personal protective equipment. Depending on

c) Do no t pos iti on you r bo dy in t he ar ea w her e powe r too l

use face shields, safety goggles or safety glasses.

wi ll move i f ki ck bac k oc cur s. K ick bac k wil l pro pel t he too l in

As a ppr op ria te, wea r du st ma sk, h ear in g pr otec t or s, glo ves

direc tion opposite to the wheel’s movement at the point of nagging.

and shop apron capable of stopping small abrasive or

d) Use special care when working c orners, sharp edges et c.

workpiece fragments. The eye pr ote ct ion mu st b e cap abl e of

Avoid bouncing and snagging the accessory. Corner s, sh arp

stopping ying debris generated by various operations. The dust

edg es or b oun cing h ave a ten denc y to s nag th e rot atin g acce sso ry

The mask or respirator must be capable of ltrating par ticles generated

and c aus e los s of con tro l or ki ckb ack.

by you r ope rati on. Pr olo nge d exp osu re to hi gh int ensi ty n oise m ay

e) Do no t at tac h a saw c ha in woo dc ar vi ng b lad e or to oth ed

saw b la de. Suc h blad es c reate f re que nt kic kb ack a nd los s of con tro l.

i) Keep by sta nd er s a saf e di st ance a way f rom wo rk a rea.

Anyone entering the work area must wear personal protec.

Safety Warnings Specic for Grinding and A brasive C utting-

tive equipme nt. Fragm ent s of wor kp iece o r of a br oken ac cess or y

may y aw ay and c aus e inju ry b eyon d imm edia te are a of op erat ion.

a) Use only wheel types that are recommended for y our

j) Hold t he po wer to ol by i nsu late d gr ipp in g sur f aces o nl y,

powe r too l and t he sp ec ic g uar d de sig ned f or t he se lec te d

when performing an opera tion where the cutting acc essory

whe el. W hee ls fo r whic h the p ower to ol wa s not d esig ned c ann ot be

may co nt ac t hid den w ir ing o r it s own c ord. Cutt ing accessor y

ade quat ely gu arde d and a re uns af e.

cont ac ti ng a „li ve“ w ire may m ake ex po sed m eta l par t s of th e power

b) Th e gua rd mu st b e sec ur el y at tac he d to the p ower t ool

too l „li ve“ an d coul d give t he op erat or an el ec tr ic sho ck.

and p OS iti one d for m ax imu m sa fet y, so th e lea st a mou nt

k) Po sition the cord clear of the spinning ac cessory. If you los e

of w hee l is ex po sed t owa rds t he op er ator. The g uar d help s

cont ro l, the co rd may b e cut o r snag ged an d your h and or a rm may b e

to pr otec t t he ope rat or fr om br oken w hee l fr agme nt s, acci dent al

cont ac t wi th wh eel a nd spa rk s tha t coul d igni te clo thi ng.

l) Never l ay the p ower t ool d own u nti l the a cce sso r y has

c) Wheels must be used only for recommended applications.

com e to a co mpl ete s top. T he sp inni ng acce sso r y may gr ab the

For e xam ple: d o not g ri nd wi th th e sid e of c ut-o w hee l. Abra

sur f ace an d pull t he pow er too l out o f your c ontr ol.

sive cut-o wheels are intended for peripheral grinding, side forces

m) Do no t run t he p ower to ol w hil e ca rr yi ng it a t you r sid e.

ppl ied to t hes e whe els m ay cau se th em to sha tt er.

Accidental contact with the spinning acc essor y could snag your

d) Alw ays us e und ama ge d whe el a nge s tha t ar e of co rr ec t

clothing, pulling the accessory into your body.

siz e and s hap e fo r your s el ec ted w hee l. Proper wheel anges

n) Reg ula rly c le an th e powe r too l’s air ve nt s. The m otor ’s fan

sup por t th e whe el th us re duci ng th e pos sibi lit y of wh eel b rea kage.

will draw the dust inside the housing a nd excessive accumulation of

Flan ges f or cu t-o w hee ls may be d i eren t fr om gr indi ng wh eel

powdered metal may cause elect rical hazards.

o) Do not operate the pow er tool near a mmable materials.

e) Do n ot us e wor n dow n whe els f ro m la rge r powe r too ls.

Whe el int ende d fo r larg er powe r too l is not s uit able f or th e hig her

p) Do not use acc essories that require liquid coolants. Us ing

spe ed of a s malle r too l and may b ur st.

water or other liquid coolants may result in electroc ution or shock.

Additional Safety W arnings Specic for A brasive Cutting-O

Kic kb ack is a s udd en rea ct ion t o a pinc hed o r snag ged r otat ing

a) Do not “jam” the cut. o wheel or apply excessive pressure.

wheel, backing pad, brush or any other ac cessor y. Pinching or snag.

Do no t at tem pt to m ake an e xce ssi ve dep th o f cut. Overst ressing

gin g cau ses r api d sta llin g of the r ota ting a cces sor y w hich i n tur n

the wheel increases the loading and susceptibility to twisting or

bin ding o f the w hee l in the c ut an d the p ossi bili t y of ki ckb ack o r whe el

Conn ec t onl y to sin ase AC s ys tem vol tag e as ind ica ted o n

b) Do no t pos iti on yo ur bo dy i n lin e wit h and b eh ind t he

the r ati ng plat e. It is als o po ssib le to co nnec t to s oc ket s wit hou t an

rotating wheel. When the wheel, at the point of operation, is moving

ear th ing co nta ct a s the d esig n conf or ms to s afe ty c lass I I.

away f rom y our bo dy, the p ossi ble k ick bac k may pr ope l the sp inni ng

App lianc es us ed at m any di ere nt lo cat ions i nclu din g wet ro om

whe el an d the p ower to ol dir ec tl y at you.

and o pen ai r mus t be co nnec te d via a r esi dual c urr ent de vice (F I,

c) When wheel is binding or when interrupting a cut for any

re aso n, sw itc h o th e powe r too l an d hol d the p ower t ool

Only plug-in when machine is switched o.

mot ion le ss un til t he wh eel c ome s to a co mpl ete s top. N ever

Do not t let an y met al par t s ent er the a iri ng slo ts. da nger o f shor t

to remo ve the cut.o wheel from the cut while the

whe el i s in mo tio n oth er wi se k ic kba ck m ay occ ur. Investigate

Inrush currents cause short-time voltage drops. Under unfav oura.

and t ake cor re ct ive ac t ion to e limi nate th e cau se of w hee l bin ding.

ble p ower su ppl y cond iti ons, o ther e qui pmen t may be a ec te d. If

d) Do not r es ta rt t he c ut tin g ope rat ion i n the w ork pi ece. L et

the s ys tem im ped ance o f the po wer su pply i s lower t han 0,2 O hm,

the w he el re ac h ful l spe ed an d ca re fu lly r e- ent er th e cu t. The

dis tur ban ces ar e unli kely to o ccu r.

whe el may b ind, w alk up o r kic kba ck if t he po wer too l is re st ar ted i n

e) Support panels or any oversized workpiece t o minimize the

The angle grinder is intended for grinding and cutting metal, stone

ri sk of w hee l pi nch ing a nd k ick ba ck. Lar ge wor kpi ece s tend t o sag

and ce ram icmate rial s as well a s san din g and wi re br ushi ng.

und er the ir own w eigh t. Sup por t s mus t be p laced u nde r the wo rkp iec e

Use t he cu tt ing gu ard f rom t he acc ess ori es ra nge f or cu t ting

near t he lin e of cu t and n ear th e edg e of the w ork pie ce on b oth si des

Plea se re fer t o the in st ruc ti ons su ppl ied by t he acc ess or y

f ) Use ex tr a ca uti on wh en ma ki ng a “po cke t cu t ” int o exi st ing

walls or other blind areas. The pro tru din g whe el may c ut gas o r

The m achi ne is su ita ble o nly fo r wor kin g wit hout w ater.

wate r pip es, el ec tr ica l wir ing o r obje c ts th at ca n cau se ki ck back.

Safety Warnings Specic for Sanding Operations:

For a cces sor ies i nten ded to b e t ted w ith t hre ade d hole w hee l,

a) Do not use excessively o versized sanding disc paper.

ensu re th at the t hrea d in th e whe el is lo ng eno ugh to a ccep t the

Follow manufacturer s recommendations, when selecting

sanding paper. Larger sanding paper ex tending beyond the

Alw ays us e and s tore t he cu t ting a nd gr indi ng di sks a ccor ding t o

san din g pad p res ent s a lacer ati on ha zar d and may c aus e snag gin g,

Alw ays us e the co rre c t guar d for c ut ti ng and g rin ding.

Safety Warnings Specic for Wire Brushing Operations:

The g rin ding s ur fa ce of th e cent re dep res se d disk s mu st be m oun.

ted m in. 2 mm b elow t he pla ne of th e guar d lip.

a) Be aw are t hat w ir e bri st les a re th row n by th e br ush

The a djus tin g nut m ust b e tig hten ed be for e st ar tin g to wor k wit h

even during ordinary operation. Do not ov erstress the wires

By ap ply in g exce ssi ve lo ad to t he br us h. The w ire b ris tle s can

easily penetrate light clothing and/or skin.

The wo rk pie ce mus t be xed if i t is no t heav y eno ugh to b e ste ady.

b) If t he us e of a gu ar d is re co mme nde d for w ir e br ush ing,

Neve r move th e wor kpi ece to ward s the r otat ing d isk by ha nd.

do no t all ow any i nte r fer enc e of t he wi re wh ee l or br us h

The  ange n ut mus t be s ec urel y tig htene d be for e the ma chi ne is

with the guard. Wire w hee l or br ush ma y exp and i n diam eter d ue

to wor k loa d and ce ntr if ugal f orce s.

If th e too l is not s ecu rel y tigh tene d wit h the  ange n ut, i t is pos.

angle, grinder, speed

Additional Safety and W or king Instructions

sib le tha t the to ol wi ll los e the r equ ired c lamp ing f orce w hen i t is

Whe n gri ndin g met al, y ing sp ark s ar e pro duce d. Take car e that

In th e event t hat a po wer f ailur e occ ur s whil st th e mach ine is

no pe rs ons ar e enda nge red. B ec aus e of the d ange r of r e, no

operating, the brake function will be inoperative.

combustible materials should be located in the vicinity (spark ight

Avoid  yin g spar k s and s andi ng dus t hit y our b ody.

WS 13- 125 XE: The bu ilt-i n elec t ron ic wil l keep a co nst ant s pee d

even u nder i ncr eas ed lo ad. In c ase o f over load. the r otat ion al spe ed

Never reach into the danger area of the machine when it is running.

Imme dia tely s wit ch o t he mac hine i n cas e of co nsid erab le vi bra.

Ele ct ron ic smo oth s ta rt f or s ave use p reve nts j erk y r un- up of t he

tio ns or i f othe r malf un ct ions o ccu r. Chec k the ma chin e in or der to

Under extreme conditions ( e.g. smooth-grinding metals with

the a rbo ur and v ulc ani zed b re gr ind ing di sk), sign ic ant

The ve nti latio n slot s of t he mac hine m us t be kept c lea r at all ti mes.

cont ami nati on ca n buil d up on t he ins ide of t he an gle gr ind er. For

sa fet y re aso ns, in su ch co ndit ion s a grou nd f ault i nter rup ter mu st

If th e supp ly co rd of th is pow er too l is dam age d, it mu st be

be connected in series. If the ground fault interrupter trips the

rep lace d by a spe cial ly pr epar ed co rd ava ilabl e thr ough t he se r vice

mac hine m ust b e sen t for s er vic e.

Chi ps and s plin ter s mus t not b e remo ved wh ile th e mach ine is

Use o nly AEG a cces sor ies a nd spa re pa rt s. S houl d comp one nts n eed t o

be re plac ed wh ich hav e not be en de sc rib ed, pl eas e cont ac t one o f our

AEG se r vice a gent s (se e our li st of g uar ante e/ser v ice ad dres se s).

If ne ede d, an e xpl ode d vie w of the t ool c an be o rde red. P leas e st ate

the A rt icl e No. as we ll as th e mach ine t yp e pri nte d on the l abel

and o rder t he dr awin g at you r loc al se rv ice ag ent s or di rec t ly at:

Techtr oni c Indu str ie s GmbH, M ax- Eyt h-Str aße10, 71364Win nen-

Please read the in struc tions caref ully before starting the

Always wear goggles when using the ma chine.

Alw ays dis con nec t th e plug f ro m the s ocke t be for e

ca rr yin g out a ny wor k on the m achi ne.

Accessory. Not included in standard equipment, avail a.

Do no t disp ose o f ele ct ric t ool s toge the r wit h hous eho ld

waste material. Electr ic tools and elec tronic equipment

tha t have rea che d the e nd of th eir li fe mu st b e colle c ted

Separately and returned to an en vironmentally compatible

rec yc ling f ac ilit y. Che ck wi th you r loc al au thor it y or r eta iler

for recycling advice and collection point.

Clas s II too l. Tool in w hich p rote c tio n agai nst e lec tr ic

sho ck do es no t rely o n bas ic insu lati on on ly, but in wh ich

add iti onal s afe t y pre cau tio ns, suc h as do uble i nsul atio n

or reinforced insulation, are provided. There being

no pr ovis ion f or pr otec ti ve ear t hing o r reli ance u pon

WS 10-115 WS 10-125 WS 12-115 WS 12-125 WS 13-125 XE

Nennaufnahme leistung 1000 W 1000 W 1200 W 1200 W 1300 W

1/ 3 m m 1/ 3 m m 1/ 3 m m 1/ 3 m m 1/ 3 m m

AEG WS 13-125 XE / SXE (125 mm angle grinder ) / Which angle grinder should I choose? / 4935451410

b= Schle ifscheibendick e max. 6 mm 6 mm 6 mm 6 mm 6 mm

D= Schleiächendu rchmesser max. 115 m m 12 5 m m 115 m m 12 5 m m 12 5 m m

D= T opfbürstendurchmesser max. 75 m m 75 m m 75 m m 75 m m 75 m m

Spindelgewinde M 14 M 14 M 14 M 14 M 14

Gewicht nach EPT A-Prozedur 01 /20 03 2,3 kg 2,3 kg 2,4 kg 2,4 kg 2,4 kg

Messwer te ermittelt entsprechend EN 607 45. Der A.bewerte te Geräuschpegel des Gerätes beträgt typisc herweise:

Schalldruck pegel (Unsicherheit K= 3dB(A) ) 87,1 dB (A) 87,1 dB ( A) 87,1 dB (A ) 87,1 dB (A) 90,1 dB ( A)

Schallleistungspe gel (Unsicherheit K= 3dB(A) ) 98,1 dB (A) 98,1 dB ( A) 98,1 dB (A ) 98,1 dB (A) 101,1 dB ( A)

Schwingungsgesamt werte (Vektorsumme dreier Richtungen) ermittelt entsprechend EN 607 45.

  • Bosch GWS 13-125 CIE: power 1200W; rpm 2800-11500; soft start yes; RPM under load yes; blade diameter 125mm.2,3 kg weight.

Bosch angle grinder (angle grinder) GWS 13-125 CIE. 220Volt photo

  • DeWALT DWE4257: power 1500 W; rpm 2800-10000; soft start yes; RPM under load yes; blade diameter 125 mm.weight 2.6 kg.

DeWALT DWE4257 angle grinder. Photo Alltools.manual

  • Makita GA5041C: power 1400 W; rpm 2800-11000; soft start yes; RPM under load yes; disk diameter 125 mm.weight 2,7 kg.

angle grinder (angle grinder) Makita GA5041C. 220Volt photo

angle grinder angle grinder AEG

Dust-proof motor allows to handle stone materials. removal/replacement of the hood without screwdriver. Long work time due to lockable start button. Spindle lock for quick accessory change.

Угловые шлифмашины Interskol не вызывают сомнений в своем качестве, долговечности и эргономичности работы. All this and predetermined the popularity of the decision to buy an angle grinder Interskol, which we will talk about in this article.

  • Power, W 1200
  • Max. RPM 11500
  • Weight 2.4
  • Disc diameter 125mm
  • Speed regulation
  • Soft start
  • With shaking handle Yes
  • Power, W 1300
  • Max. RPM 11500
  • Weight 2.4
  • Wheel diameter, mm 125
  • Speed regulation yes
  • Soft starter Yes
  • With shaking handle Yes
  • Power, W 800
  • Max. rpm 12000
  • Weight 1.9
  • Disc diameter, 125 mm
  • Speed adjustment
  • Soft start
  • With handle
  • Power, W 1100
  • Max. rpm 11000
  • Weight 2.1
  • Disc diameter, mm 115
  • Speed regulation
  • Soft start
  • With shaking handle Yes
  • Power, W 800
  • Max. rpm 12000
  • Weight 1.9
  • Disc diameter, mm 115
  • RPM adjustment
  • Soft start
  • With handle
  • Power, W 1000
  • Max. rpm 11500
  • Масса 2.3
  • Disc diameter, mm 125
  • Rotational speed adjustment
  • Soft start
  • With shaking handle Yes
  • Power 1100 W
  • Max. rpm 11000
  • Weight 2.3
  • Wheel diameter, mm 125
  • Speed control
  • Soft start
  • With vibrating handle Yes
  • Power, W 1200
  • Max. RPM 11000
  • Weight 2.4
  • Diameter wheel 125 mm
  • Speed adjustment yes
  • Soft start Yes
  • With shaking handle Yes
  • Power, W 2200
  • Max. rpm 6600
  • Weight 5.8
  • Disc diameter, mm
  • Speed adjustment
  • Soft start
  • With handle
  • Power, Watt 2400
  • Max. RPM 6600
  • Weight 5.1
  • Wheel diameter, mm 230
  • Speed control
  • Soft start Yes
  • With vibrating handle Yes
  • Power, W 900
  • Max. rpm 11000
  • Weight 2
  • Disc diameter, mm 115
  • Speed regulation
  • soft start
  • With shaker handle Yes
  • Power, W 2400
  • Max. rpm 8500
  • Weight.4
  • Diameter wheel, mm 180
  • Регулировка оборотов
  • Soft start Yes
  • With shaking handle Yes
  • Power, W 2400
  • Max. RPM 6600
  • Weight 5.4
  • Wheel diameter, mm 230
  • Speed control
  • Soft start Yes
  • With shaking handle Yes
  • Power, Watt 700
  • Max. RPM 10000
  • Weight 1.9
  • Wheel diameter 125 mm
  • Speed regulation
  • Soft start
  • With shaking handle
  • Power, W 1450
  • Max. rpm 11000
  • Weight 2.5
  • Wheel diameter, mm 125
  • Speed adjustment
  • Soft start Yes
  • With handle
  • Power, W 2200
  • Max. RPM 6600
  • Weight 5.8
  • Disc diameter, mm 230
  • Speed regulation
  • Soft starter
  • With shaking handle
  • Power, W 2100
  • Max. RPM 6600
  • Weight 5.1
  • Disc diameter, mm 230
  • Speed Control
  • Soft start Yes
  • With vibrating handle Yes
  • Power, W 2100
  • Max. RPM 8300
  • Weight 4.7
  • Disc diameter, mm 180
  • Speed control
  • Soft start Yes
  • With vibrating handle
  • Мощность, Вт 670
  • Max. RPM 10000
  • Weight 1.9
  • Wheel diameter, mm 115
  • Speed regulation
  • Soft start
  • With vibrating handle
  • Power, W 2400
  • Max. rpm 6600
  • Weight 5.1
  • Wheel diameter, mm 230
  • Speed regulation
  • Soft start Yes
  • With shaking handle Yes
  • Power, W 900
  • Max. RPM 11000
  • Weight 2
  • Wheel diameter, mm 125
  • Speed adjustment
  • Soft start
  • With vibrating handle Yes
  • Power, W 2400
  • Max. turning speed. RPM 6600
  • Weight 5.3
  • Wheel diameter, mm 230
  • RPM control
  • Soft Start Yes
  • With shaking handle Yes
  • Power, W 2400
  • Max. RPM 6600
  • Weight 5.4
  • Disc diameter, mm 230
  • Speed Control
  • Soft start Yes
  • With vibrating handle Yes

Cordless versions

The AEG Bews 18-125X-0 cordless grinding machine deserves attention. It can cut through a wide variety of objects and products and grind them successfully. Its almost complete independence from the power supply significantly increases its mobility. But while this is a feature common to all cordless models, the ergonomic lightweight angle grinder is the result of painstaking work by German engineers. They have also designed effective protection against various overloads, creating a machine with the longest possible service life.

The blade has an outer diameter of 115 mm. It can cut through material up to 2.8 cm in depth. The designers have taken care of the charge indicator, the anti-vibration properties of the side handle. Changing discs when needed is very easy. The hood can be removed and put back in place without a wrench.

The AEG Bews 18-125X LI-402C is the alternative. Engineers specifically designed this model to be used successfully in a variety of applications. The manufacturer claims that cutting and grinding is performed at a very high level with the machine. The lightness and compactness of the mechanism makes it easy to use, as does the lack of special differences in design from other similar products.

Like the previous model, the angle grinder is capable of making cuts up to 2.8 cm deep. Easy disc changes are guaranteed, as well. Charge level is indicated by a special indicator. The auxiliary handle increases convenience. Comes with a handy carrying case.

Interskol 125-1100E angle grinder

The data sheet states that the power of the device is 1.1 kW. That is enough to do the job around the house. Even experienced professionals can use this device. You can adjust the number of revolutions. Also soft start is available. It is possible to maintain the speed under a certain load.

Often people are faced with the fact that during prolonged grinding of hard surfaces will decrease the number of revolutions. This device is protected against similar situations.

Additional handle that can be repositioned in different positions. The hood can be rotated without a wrench. You can use this angle grinder to grind seams after welding or to perform abrasive cutting of metal surfaces. Often the device is used for scraping from rust. Disc diameter up to 12,5 cm. Every minute the machine completes 10,000 revolutions per minute. RPMs. Weight 2.2 kg.

TOP 10: Rating of angle grinders AEG 2021-2022

Compiled by the editors of About the selection criteria. This material is subjective, not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to purchase. Consult a specialist before buying.

Rating-2021-2022 best angle grinders (angle grinders) AEG (AEG) according to customer reviews: what angle grinder (angle grinder) is better to buy, how to choose, price comparison, buy in a reliable online store in your city.

AEG WS 12-125 XE angle grinder, 1200 W, 125 mm

Looking for positive and negative reviews of the AEG WS 12-125 XE angle grinder, 1200 W, 125 mm?

From 11 sources we gathered 22 negative, negative, and positive reviews.

We show you all the advantages and disadvantages of the AEG WS 12-125 XE angle grinder, 1200W, 125mm revealed by the users. We do not hide anything and post all positive and negative honest customer reviews about AEG WS 12-125 XE angle grinder, 1200 W, 125 mm, as well as offer alternative products similar. Is it worth it to buy? The decision is up to you!

Angle grinder AEG WS 13-125 XE, 1300 W, 125 mm

Looking for positive and negative reviews of the angular grinder AEG WS 13-125 XE, 1300 W, 125 mm?

From 11 sources we collected 58 negative, negative and positive reviews.

We show you all the advantages and disadvantages of angle grinder AEG WS 13-125 XE, 1300 W, 125 mm revealed in the use of users. We do not hide anything and post all positive and negative honest customer reviews about AEG WS 13-125 XE angle grinder, 1300 W, 125 mm, as well as offer alternative products similar. Is it worth buying. It’s your decision!