Brand of steel frame for metal. Brands and categories

HGs. The chemical composition of the material in percentage

C Si Mn Ni S P Cr Mo W V Ti Cu
0.95. one.05 0.four. 0.7 0.85. one.25 up to 0.four up to 0.03 up to 0.03 one.3. one.65 up to 0.2 up to 0.2 up to 0.fifteen up to 0.03 up to 0.3

Attention! All given information about HCS is visual in nature. All the characteristics you are interested in must be clarified by specialists.

12×1 (another designation of 120s EP430) for a measuring tool (tiles, calibers, templates)

05x12N6D2MFSGT (another designation of DI80) for the tools of forming parts of press form forming of rubber and plastic products

11x4V2MF3C2 (other designation of di37) for cutting stamps, puasons and matrices of cold.high.bearing machines, puasons and explosors for cold extrusion operated with specific pressure up to 2000 MPa under the conditions of increased wear and heating of working surfaces up to 400 degrees to 400 degrees.S-slot and threaded tools

13x for razor knives and blades, acute surgical instrument, shaber, engraving tool

11XF (another designation 11x) for taps and other cutting tools with a diameter of up to 30 mm, hardened with cooling in hot media

3x2MNF large hammer stamps-stamps-rings-bandages are large internal bushings

4xMnfs for hammer stamps, bandages and matrices

4xs for chisel, fingertips, scissors with cold and hot cutting metal stamps of hot hood

5XV2SF knives for cold metal cutting, thread-boiled dies, punch and squeezing matrices with cold work-general-lobed tools with prolonged operation

5XNV for hammer stamps of steam locomotive and pneumatic hammers with a mass of falling parts up to 3 tons

6x3MFS (other designation EP788) for Poissons working with increased dynamic loads- for cold-hungry stamps, stamps, stigma stamps and some locksmithing tools

5HNVS for hammer stamps of steam locomotive and pneumatic hammers with a mass of falling parts up to 3 tons

6x4m2fs (another designation of D55) for a cutting and landing tool (stamps, puason, pneumatic chisels and others.), downstone

6x6V3MFS (other designation 55x6V3 SMF EP569) for threaded rollers, dentists, trimmed matrices, etc. instruments attached for cold plastic deformation of metals of increased hardness of pipeline machines, knives of guillotine scissors for cutting high-strength steels and rabid knives used in the woodworking industriality to destroy rocks and other similar tools

7XF for the manufacture of woodworking tools

8x4V2MFS2 (other designation EP761) for matrices and Pooason stamps of cold volumetric deformation experiencing pressure up to 2300 MPa during operation, thread.boiled rollers

8x6NFT (other designation 85x6NFT) for knives used to milling wood, strict saws and other woodworking tools

8XF for stamps during cold work with cold cutting of metal, trimmed matrices and puassons with cold trimming-cores

9g2f for cutting and stamping tools

9×1 workers and support rolls for cold rolling of metals. Working rolls of rail, coarse and wire squeezing and varietal mills for hot rolling of metals, subject to intensive wear and operate in minimum or moderate shock loads. Supporting compound rolls of sheet mills for hot rolling of metal. Stigma, breakdowns, cold.high stamps, woodworking tools and other details.

9x5VF for knives used to milling wood, strict saws and other woodworking tools

9XVG threaded calibers, complex patterns, complex very accurate stamps for cold work, which during hardening should not be subjected to significant volumetric changes and warfare.

9XS drill, scanning, taps, dies, combs, mills, machine stamps, stamps for cold work. Responsible details, the material of which should have increased wear resistance, fatigue strength during bending, twisting, contact load, as well as elastic properties.

9XF for frame, tape, round strict saws during cold work during cold cutting of metal, wiped matrices and puasons with cold pruning of zusent-cores

9XFM disk and frame woodworking saws

B2F for strip saws for metal and hacksaw paintings

X for chisel used for the notch of files- very solid fists of eccentric and fingers- smooth cylindrical calibers and caliber ring, strict and fucking incisors in pattern and repair workshops

XV4 for firmware puassons, tools for finishing cutting solid materials with low speed and engraver work

CH4F incisors and cutters when processing with a low cutting speed of solid metals (rolls with a hardened surface), engraving incisors during very hard work, firmware punch, etc. D.

CVSG for the manufacture of tools intended for handmade- cold-precious matrices and Poissonov-technological equipment- woodworking tools for the paper industry

HVSGF for round dies, scanes and other cutting tools

HVG measuring and cutting tools, for which increased warping during hardening is unacceptable, threaded calibers, broach, long taps, long scanes and other type of special tools, cold.made matrices and punch, technological equipment.

Classification of frame saws

Saws for vertical sawmills (GOST 5524-75). Designed for sawing logs and bars on vertical sawmills. Two types are supplied: type 1- with glued strips, type 2- without strips (rice. 27 (a, b)).

Saws for tare sawmill frames (GOST 10482-74) are designed for sawing logs and bars on tar-boots made of coniferous and deciduous wood. Produced 600 and 685 mm without strips (rice. 27 c). Corner saw parameters are similar to the parameters according to GOST 5524-75.

Rice. 27 The main dimensions and the profile of teeth drank:

A, B. for vertical sawmills, c. for tare sawmill frames

Material for the manufacture of frame saws

Frame saws are made from steel grades 9XFM or 9XF. The hardness of the saw along the entire length should be within 42 46 HRC. The dies’ dimensions are checked with a caliper and an angle. Deviations of linear parameters should not exceed: along the length of the saw 2 mm, in width ± 5 mm, in thickness ± (0.12 0.15), in the step and height of the teeth ± 0.5 mm. Permissible deviation of the angular values ​​± 2º. The roughness of the lateral surfaces drank according to the parameter Rα = 0.8 μm.

Depending on the technological purpose, saws are distinguished for vertical, horizontal and tarry foresters. Saws for vertical sawmills are produced in two types: type 1. with strips (for sawmills with normalized saw frames and grips); Type 2. without strips (for sawmill with abnormalized saw frames). At a sawmill, planks or captures rumble to these saws. Saws for tare sawmill frames are designed for sawing thin.dimensional round timber and bars up to 220 mm high. Saws for horizontal sawmills are made at woodworking enterprises. The frame saw consists of two main parts: the canvas of the saw (case) and the gear crown (cutting part). The canvas of the saw frame is characterized by the length L, width B And thick B. The choice of the length of the frame saws depends on the course of the saw frame S and maximum diameter of the sawn log.

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Instrumental alloy steel

Loaded steel for cutting and measuring tools. By the nature of the alloy, the properties and areas of the use of steel can be divided into two groups:

1) slight prolidability (7XF, 8XF, 9XF, 11XF, 13X, XV4, KH5);

2) increased prolidability (9x, x, 9xs, HCS, 12×1, 9XVG, HVG, HVSG).

The chemical composition of alloy instrumental steels is given in GOST 5950-2000.

Steels that are included in the first group, in terms of stability of hypothermia of austenite, are slightly superior to carbon steels U7-U13, but thanks to the doping of chromium (0.2-0.7 %), vanadium (0.15-0.3 %) and tungsten (up to 4 %) have increased stability against overheating, wear resistance and heat resistance.

As well as carbon steel U7-U13, after heat treatment, they contain little residual austenite, which provides them with a high limit limit limit. Most of these steels are successfully used in the manufacture of tools subjected to surface (local) hardening. Some of the steels of slight prolidability have specialized use: steel 13x is intended mainly for razor knives, blades, surgical and engraving tools; CH4 steel is recommended for incisors and cutters used for cutting with low speeds of high hardness materials; B2F steel is used for the manufacture of strip saws and hacksaw paintings for cutting structural steels of medium hardness.

The second group of steel has higher chromium (0.8-1.7%), along with which manganese, silicon, tungsten are present in a number of brands.

Complex alloying, even relatively small amounts of elements, significantly increases procaling, helps to increase the dispersion and uniformity of the distribution of carbides (with the exception of steels such as HVG), reduces sensitivity to overheating, and helps to preserve smaller grains during hardening. Steel of increased prosperity is used to make tool tools cooled during hardening in oil or hot media. The indicated features of the steel of the second group (9XS, HCS, HVG, HVSG) allow them to be used for the manufacture of the cutting (taps, dies, scanning, cutters, links), as well as a stamping tool of a more crucial purpose than from carbon and low-sided steels. A distinctive feature of the manganese-containing steels (HVG, CVS, 9XVG) is their low deformability during heat treatment, due to increased Mustenite. This allows you to recommend them for the manufacture of those tools that are stiff requirements for the stability of the size during heat treatment. The disadvantage of these steels is an increased tendency to form a carbide grid along the grain boundaries as a result of the release of carbides during slow cooling after hot plastic deformation or high.temperature heating. Steel CVH and KH4 are also characterized by an adverse distribution of carbides in a deformed metal section of more than 30-40 mm. Carbid heterogeneity is also observed in steel X, which, in addition, has increased sensitivity to overheating and significant fluctuations in procality in various swimming trunks. The features of thermal treatment of low.alloy instrumental steels include the need to use sharp cooling media (aqueous solutions of salts and alkalis) for steels of slight prolidability, hardened at maximum hardness (7XF, 8XF, 9XF, 11XF, 13X).

It became increased procality (9xs, CVH, 9XVG, HVSH) to reduce thermal stresses and warping in instruments of complex shape to be subjected to incomplete isothermal (excerpt at 180-250 ° C 30-60 min) or stepped (cooling in hot media with a temperature of 150. 220 ° C with subsequent transfer to air) hardening.

The duration of exposure during the austenization of low-alloy steels is selected at the rate of 50-70 s/mm when heated in an air furnace and 35-40 s/mm when heated in a salt bath.

The duration of vacation is usually 1-2 hours plus 1. 1.5 min per 1 mm thickness of a large.sized tool.

The variety of doped instrumental steels: forged round and square (GOST 1133-71), calibrated (GOST 7417-75, GOST 8559-75 and GOST 8560-78); Hot rolled round (GOST 2590-88), hot square square; Hot-rolled and forged stripes (GOST 4405-74).

The permissible depth of the neuggle-burned layer is regulated by GOST 5950-2000.

Critical points, forging and annealing modes, final heat treatment modes and the purpose of le-shut-down instrumental steels are given in the tables below:

Critical points (temperature, c) of alloy instrumental steels
Became a slight prolidability
Became increased prolidability
For steels 7XF and 8XF AC3 and AR3

How to make a knife from a frame saw

On the Evgen DEM channel showed a video lesson on how to make a steep knife from a frame saw. The material was a saw from sawmill type P 63, the brand of steel 9XF. It is quite possible to make a blade from this canvas yourself. Of course, outstanding results should not be expected from him. But at least brought out a kitchen knife for street, garden work. Advised to carry out the heat processing of the blade after its manufacture.

The hardness of the frame saw is quite high, including on the teeth. Presumably 47-48 Rockwell should be, but when we trim this part of the corner grinding, we will try to cool this area abundantly, since there is a high probability of the release of the cutting edge.

Let’s start. Descents along the Chernovoy as you can see, ready. We will polish the rust, at the same time leveling the plane, a fishing line for a trimmer of descent on a circle for a corner grinder.

He leveled the plane. Took a lot of time because the shells turned out to be deep. I had to remove a large amount of metal. We take the sandpaper circuit circle, install it on the emery, grind the blank on it. First descent, and then a flat part. If you apply a little sunflower oil to a felt with a rag, at the moment when the engine is spinning, it is best absorbed. Accordingly, it is better to move to the side, since the oil is sprayed, but at the same time a certain amount remains on the circle. Why do it? The grinding object is much easier, it lasts longer on the circle.

After processing the workpiece of rusty frame saw on a hard roll, we go to overcoat felt. It is softer, respectively, the processing is thinner. that is, polishing. It looks much better after polishing on the overcoat circle.

Let’s try to continue working in a circle. It can be seen with the naked eye that it was possible to polish thinner, to polish the workpiece. He did not strive for a perfect mirror, so he did not polish manually. It will be a kitchen knife for simple work. There is no particular beauty. By the way, it has high flexibility, while even hard to process.

Necessary tools and samples

All of the considered and other brands of high.speed steels are drilled using spear.shaped (feathers) drills on tiles that have various execution. So, for example, the shanks are performed round or hexagonal, which for the main work. drilling, is of fundamental importance.

They are freely sold in almost all construction stores or points selling all kinds of tools. Which is very important, the drills of this type and purpose are attractive in that they are inexpensive. Also, for drilling high.speed steels, balls of various shapes and execution will be needed. With their help, accuracy, cleanliness, shape and necessary diameter of the drilled hole are ensured.

brand, steel, frame, metal, brands
  • A piece from a frame saw of steel of a 9XF brand.
  • canvas from a hacksaw for metal from steel grade 1x6VF.
  • a canvas from a mechanical saw made of steel brand HSS.
brand, steel, frame, metal, brands

The process of drilling samples of high.speed steels

Let’s start with a canvas from a hacksaw on metal. As an instrument, we choose a used feathery drill along the tile, which has already been overlapped more than once on a diamond circle. That is, from factory sharpening, which would undoubtedly give the best result, nothing has left for a long time. We insert our tools into the electrodeshille cartridge and start drilling without lubrication or cooling. As a working mode, select low speeds. We notice that the process goes slowly, but with a certain patience, after some time, a conical deepening is obtained on the canvas, a kind of zenkovka caused by the shape of our drill.

Alternately drilling from one or the other, we achieve an increase in the diameter of the hole until we get the right size.

The next sample is a canvas from a frame saw. We choose a place of drilling at the base of the teeth, where the material has the greatest hardness.

The process also does not proceed very quickly, but steadily. This can be seen by the gradually increasing volume of shavings around the drill.

We notice that the work goes faster if you slightly roll the tool from side to side. This helps to remove chips from the cut zone. We continue drilling on the one hand until the tip of the tool passes the entire thickness of the metal and forms a small tubercle on the other side of our sample.

Since the thickness of the metal is greater than that of the metal canvas, you will have to replace the drill in the middle of the process or rewind the one we use. After that we turn the sample and continue to drill.

Literally after a few revolutions of the drill, a through hole is formed. Continuing the process, we achieve the required diameter for a mating detail.We bring a hole using a suitable ball.

In our case, it is most convenient to use a conical tool. It is easier and faster to achieve the required hole size and give it a cylindrical shape.

After all, after a pepper drill with its great cone, the hole is different in diameter: closer to the surface of the sample it is larger, and in the center is less.

Also, for this, select the zone closer to the teeth, since in this place the metal is stronger due to a special hardening.

The process compared to the two previous samples seems to proceed faster. This is evident by the intensity of the formation of chips and obtaining a through hole without drilling from the reverse side.

Bring the hole to the desired diameter and give it a cylindrical shape, as in past cases, one of the balls will help.

A few words about marking

All instrumental steels have a special letter-drop. According to GOST, this code should be applied to all packages with steel details, and in some cases the designation should be applied to the part itself. In the case of transportation of parts to the territory of another state, marking is applied without fail. The state standards of the receiving parties should also be taken into account. Let’s say, the state may require that in addition to domestic marking, additional code that meets national legislation be applied to it.

GOST code has the following structure: x1 x2 y z. The decoding will be this:

  • X1. this indicator reflects high carbon in the alloy. Variable x1 can only take one meaning. the symbol of. Since instrumental alloys contain an increased amount of carbon, this symbol is always indicated. Therefore, in fact, in all instrumental alloys, the code begins with the symbol in.
  • X2. This indicator reflects the concentration of carbon in tenths of a percentage. The minimum value that instrumental steel can take is 7 (which is clear from the definition of this steel brand). Formally, the value of X2 is not limited, but in the fact of carbon in instrumental alloys, it is rarely more than 1.2%. Therefore, usually the variable x2 is in the range from 7 to 12.
  • Y. this indicator indicates the presence of alloying additives. The main alloying additive is a manganese, because of which the variable can take the value of g. Chrome (symbol X), tungsten (symbol B) and others can also be used as alloying substances. Please note that in the absence of alloying additives, the variable y will be absent.
  • Z. this indicator indicates the crop category (high.quality or high.quality). If the alloy is high.quality, then the letter A is placed. If the alloy is simply high quality, then any characters are not placed.
  • Say, we have a part of the brand U8ga. Symbols U and 8 mean that the material includes increased carbon, and the exact concentration of carbon is 0.8%. The letter D is indicated that the alloy contains a manganese. The letter reflects the fact that steel is high.quality.
  • Now consider another example. We have an alloy with a mark U12. Symbols U and 12 indicate that the alloy contains carbon in a concentration of 1.2%. There is no variable y. this means that the material does not contain alloying additives in significant quantities. Also, the alloy does not have a letter and at the end of the code. this means that the material belongs to the category of quality (but not high.quality).

Carbon instrumental steel floors, which contains at least 0.7% carbon. The material has good physical properties. high strength, good plasticity, low risk of corrosion, preservation of form when impact. The alloy has a simple smelting, which is well affected by the cost of material. To improve the properties of the metal, various alloying additives are added to it. chrome, tungsten, Cobalt, aluminum and others.

Sulfur and phosphorus worsen the physical properties of the material, so they should be less than 0.03% for sulfur or less than 0.035% for phosphorus. If the metal contains up to 0.02% sulfur and up to 0.03% phosphorus, then it is called high.quality. Of the instrumental carbon alloys, various tools are made. hammers, saws, rollers, screwdrivers, nippers and so on. Depending on the composition and methods of processing, several categories of steel are distinguished. The main types are standard steel, alloy, high.speed, roller, stamp. Popular brands. U7A, U8, U8a, U9. According to GOST, instrumental alloys should have a special marking in the form.

What is the strip saw?

This is a steel strip (cooked in a ring), which has cloves on one side, the second side is free from them. The one that has cloves is called the cutting edge. The strip saw is installed on special machines and there is actually cutting metals there. There is an electric drive in the machines, with which the work of the saw is launched. But still this does not fully explain why one metal cuts the other.

We all know that metals can be very different. These are ferrous metals, non.ferrous metals and various other alloys. All this suggests that for their processing it is required to spend a different amount of effort, as a result of this, saws with different technical characteristics are made.

The composition of the metal from which the cutting part is made

The cutting tape is created of steel with certain properties that can cut this or that metal. They choose an alloy for the tape depending on what characteristics the metal has, which is supposed to be cut, namely: its strength, heat resistance, carbon or beyond solid metals, such as titanium. Typically, high.strength steel is used to process ferrous metals and alloys to process lighter metals. Carbon steel, composite. include silicon for faster cutting and are used for cutting a variety of materials.

The size and width of the canvas depends on what processing is needed. Optimality is needed here. This means that the width of the canvas of the cutting tape should correspond to the parameters of the material that will cut. A thin blade can break quickly if the material is too dense and vice versa, if the blade is wide in the section, the incision will turn out not as expected. Important circumstances that need to be taken into account:

Frame saws

Drama saws. cutting tools of sawmill one-omal and tarry vertical sawmill frames. They are designed for longitudinal sawing of logs on the beams, bars, boards and a targeted plank. Instrumental plants are currently producing two types of saws: for vertical sawmill frames according to GOST 5524-62 and for tare sawmill frames according to GOST 10482–63.Frame saws according to GOST 5524-62 are made in two types (rice. 29, a): type A (i) and type B (II). Type A saws have riveted strips at the ends, but they have no more. Type A frame saws are attached in the saw frames using removable captures and are used in sawmill frames with continuous supply, in these frames, depending on the supply of logs, a change in the slope of the saw is required, and the design of frame saws with strips allows the necessary change. Type B saws are attached in the saw frame using riveted captures and are used mainly in sawmill frames with a jolly supply of logs for working strokes, which do not require a change in the slope. TE and other saws can work with diluted tilted teeth.

Saws for tare sawmill frames are available without planks according to the drawing on rice. 29, a. They differ from the sections examined by the length of the canvas free from the teeth (40-60 and 70 mm, respectively) and the size of the canvas itself, such saws are also installed in the saw frame using riveted grips.Performance, quality of the saw and durability of frame saws depend mainly on their design and preparation for work.

The frame saw has two main elements; a canvas and a gear crown, stuck on one of its edges.The saw canvas is characterized by its dimensions: length l, width B and thickness S (rice. 29, a). The length of the frame saw depends on the height of the saw frame and the maximum diameter of the sawn log and can be determined by the following dependence:

To increase the rigidity of the canvas in the transverse direction, saws with a minimum possible length should be used. Three sizes are produced in vertical sawmill width for vertical sawmills: 160, 180, 200 mm, and 80 mm for containers. As the teeth are sharpened, the width of the canvas decreases. The minimum width of the canvas, which provides sufficient strength and hardness of saws during operation, is approximately 75 mm. The thickness of the frame saws is determined by a number of conflicting requirements. To increase the stiffness (stability) of the saw in the cutting process, it is necessary to increase the thickness. An increase in thickness leads to an increase in wood consumption in sawdust and cutting power. The thickness of the frame saws is approximately determined by the empirical formula:

The smaller value of the coefficient (0.1) is taken when sawing conifers with saws with a talked tooth, more (0.12). when sawing hardwood and frozen wood. When sawing logs of significant diameters, the average saw in the supply is set 0.2-0.3 mm thicker than the extreme. The dimensions of frame saws produced by domestic instrumental plants are given in the table. fourteen.

The design of the gear crown of the frame of the saw is shown in the rice. 29, b. According to GOST, it is provided for all types of frame saws with a tooth profile having a broken rear line.The practice of the work set the following values ​​of linear and geometric tooth parameters. Tooth step (according to TsNIBMOD)

For a tilted tooth, an increase in step due to the better quality of sawn surfaces is allowed. The selection of a string of teeth should be done depending on the working conditions and the thickness of the saw (see. table. 5).The height of the tooth is installed from empirical dependencies:

The higher the tooth, the lower its rigidity, but the volume of the hollow under the chips. Therefore, with unstressed work of the hollow, the smaller height of the tooth should be taken. To improve the conditions for moving the chips in the hollow, its bottom is formed according to the radius R, the value of which is determined by the following empirical dependence:

The volume of the hollow is better used with a smaller step of the teeth, but their larger height. A larger rounding radius allows you to reduce the resistance to placing chips in the hollow. The sizes of the teeth of frame saws are given in the table. fifteen.GOST saws have a symbol of. For example, when applying for saws for vertical sawmills of type A, 1600 mm long, 180 mm wide, 2.2 mm thick, with a 26 mm teeth, they indicate: pr-A 1600x180x2.2×26, GOST 5524–62.

Drama saws are made of steel of 9XF brands according to GOST 5950-63 or cold.rolled tape from steel 65XF. The hardness of the saw over the entire length should be within the HRC 42–46, and the tarry saw with a step of 15 mm HRC 45-50. The maximum deviations of frame saws from the established sizes should not exceed the values ​​specified in the table. 16.

In the logging, frame saws of several structural options are used.Saws with counter.frying teeth (rice. 29, b) can cut out groups of fibers (mustache) formed on the lower plate plate plate and related to it by one of the ends. The step of the handle teeth is 16 mm, they are cut so that at the upper dead position, the lower slice of the toe enters the cut by 10-12 mm, the divorce 0.1-0.2 mm more than the saws accepted for cutting teeth.Saws with strict incisors (rice. 29, g) are used to simultaneously strict pilot products with high humidity for low surface purity requirements (bridge.building and shipbuilding bars). The disadvantage of such saws is a relatively short service life due to the presence of slots for strict incisors.Saws with teeth equipped with hard alloys, the most effective type of cutting tool. However, the creation of reliable efficient saws of this kind requires a wide production experimentation.

Steel instrumental alloy x

This page shows technical, mechanical and other properties, as well as the characteristics of the stamp X.

Classification of the material: instrumental alloy steel

Application: for chisels used in the notch of files- very hard fists of eccentric and fingers- smooth cylindrical calibers and caliber ring-turning, strict and fucking incisors in pattern and repair workshops

X. The chemical composition of the material in percentage

C Si Mn Ni S P Cr Mo W V Ti Cu
0.95. 0.four 0.fifteen. 0.45 up to 0.four up to 0.03 up to 0.03 one.3. one.65 up to 0.2 up to 0.2 up to 0.fifteen up to 0.03 up to 0.3

Attention! All given information about X is visual in nature. All the characteristics you are interested in must be clarified by specialists.

brand, steel, frame, metal, brands

12×1 (another designation of 120s EP430) for a measuring tool (tiles, calibers, templates)

05x12N6D2MFSGT (another designation of DI80) for the tools of forming parts of press form forming of rubber and plastic products

11x4V2MF3C2 (other designation of di37) for cutting stamps, puasons and matrices of cold.high.bearing machines, puasons and explosors for cold extrusion operated with specific pressure up to 2000 MPa under the conditions of increased wear and heating of working surfaces up to 400 degrees to 400 degrees.S-slot and threaded tools

13x for razor knives and blades, acute surgical instrument, shaber, engraving tool

11XF (another designation 11x) for taps and other cutting tools with a diameter of up to 30 mm, hardened with cooling in hot media

3x2MNF large hammer stamps-stamps-rings-bandages are large internal bushings

4xMnfs for hammer stamps, bandages and matrices

4xs for chisel, fingertips, scissors with cold and hot cutting metal stamps of hot hood

5XV2SF knives for cold metal cutting, thread-boiled dies, punch and squeezing matrices with cold work-general-lobed tools with prolonged operation

5XNV for hammer stamps of steam locomotive and pneumatic hammers with a mass of falling parts up to 3 tons

6x3MFS (other designation EP788) for Poissons working with increased dynamic loads- for cold-hungry stamps, stamps, stigma stamps and some locksmithing tools

5HNVS for hammer stamps of steam locomotive and pneumatic hammers with a mass of falling parts up to 3 tons

6x4m2fs (another designation of D55) for a cutting and landing tool (stamps, puason, pneumatic chisels and others.), downstone

6x6V3MFS (other designation 55x6V3 SMF EP569) for threaded rollers, dentists, trimmed matrices, etc. instruments attached for cold plastic deformation of metals of increased hardness of pipeline machines, knives of guillotine scissors for cutting high-strength steels and rabid knives used in the woodworking industriality to destroy rocks and other similar tools

7XF for the manufacture of woodworking tools

8x4V2MFS2 (other designation EP761) for matrices and Pooason stamps of cold volumetric deformation experiencing pressure up to 2300 MPa during operation, thread.boiled rollers

8x6NFT (other designation 85x6NFT) for knives used to milling wood, strict saws and other woodworking tools

8XF for stamps during cold work with cold cutting of metal, trimmed matrices and puassons with cold trimming-cores

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9g2f for cutting and stamping tools

9×1 workers and support rolls for cold rolling of metals. Working rolls of rail, coarse and wire squeezing and varietal mills for hot rolling of metals, subject to intensive wear and operate in minimum or moderate shock loads. Supporting compound rolls of sheet mills for hot rolling of metal. Stigma, breakdowns, cold.high stamps, woodworking tools and other details.

9x5VF for knives used to milling wood, strict saws and other woodworking tools

9XVG threaded calibers, complex patterns, complex very accurate stamps for cold work, which during hardening should not be subjected to significant volumetric changes and warfare.

9XS drill, scanning, taps, dies, combs, mills, machine stamps, stamps for cold work. Responsible details, the material of which should have increased wear resistance, fatigue strength during bending, twisting, contact load, as well as elastic properties.

9XF for frame, tape, round strict saws during cold work during cold cutting of metal, wiped matrices and puasons with cold pruning of zusent-cores

9XFM disk and frame woodworking saws

B2F for strip saws for metal and hacksaw paintings

XV4 for firmware puassons, tools for finishing cutting solid materials with low speed and engraver work

CH4F incisors and cutters when processing with a low cutting speed of solid metals (rolls with a hardened surface), engraving incisors during very hard work, firmware punch, etc. D.

CVSG for the manufacture of tools intended for handmade- cold-precious matrices and Poissonov-technological equipment- woodworking tools for the paper industry

HVSGF for round dies, scanes and other cutting tools

HCS for rollers of cold rolling, cold.high matrices and puasons, small stamps of small sizes (with a diameter or thickness of up to 70 mm)

HVG measuring and cutting tools, for which increased warping during hardening is unacceptable, threaded calibers, broach, long taps, long scanes and other type of special tools, cold.made matrices and punch, technological equipment.