Cutting slate with corner grinding circle around metal.

Ways to cut the slate

During installation, you almost always have to cut slate, level sheets, cut in half, into equal parts and so on. Such manipulations are made:

There are also quite effective grandfathers methods that are relevant when there are no electrical tools at hand or not, it will be connected in the mains.

It’s not difficult to cut a wave slate with a wave slate. The sheet is installed on two supports above the ground. First, a fishing line is carried out for the trimmer of the cut, watered with water so that asbestos.cement dust is released less, and they are cut at low speeds. The corner grinder significantly reduces a degree of effort, the main thing is not to forget constantly, to moisten the fishing line for the cutting trimmer with water. So the corner grinder will be easier and safer for the employee. Use a diamond disk or a circle to work with a stone for corner grinder, it can be cut a sheet in any direction, grind the edges.

Schifer cutting with an electric jigsaw is less effective. The usual tool does not have sufficient power, the cutting saw quickly becomes unusable. It takes a fever made of high.carbon steel with winning tips. This will help to cut the sheet in accordance with the specified parameters, make arcs, rounding.

Cut the slate at home with a simple cutter. The wavy slate, however, is more difficult to saw with this manual tool than flat. But if you observe the next algorithm of work, you can achieve a good result. By laying the sheet in an even place, you need to attach a ruler by outlining a fishing line for a trimmer of a cut. Tags to put the waves along the crest, then removing the ruler to make labels in the recesses. Pressing the cutter with force smoothly outline the fishing line for the trimmer of the saw. With a careless movement, you can split the sheet. After the fishing line for the trimmer is indicated under it, you need to put the block along the entire length and press it so that the sheet breaks. experienced workers break off a sawn piece with a hammer.

Before cutting a wave slate with a hacksaw, you need to install it out of the blue on the support. The height should correspond to the hacksaw. It is worth providing that the slate installed on high supports may split when falling. Mark the fishing line for a trimmer to cut it with a construction pencil. Wet with water, put abundantly moistened rags, shift them as the saw moves. Keep the saw at an angle of 45 °, make efforts smoothly, without pressure, so as not to damage the sheet. You can cut the slate with a circular saw, an electric chainsaw, however, certain skills will be required.


Each layer, except the latter, is sequentially spilled with water and rammed.

Когда уровень наполнителя достигает 25-30 сантиметров, конструкцию по всему периметру стягивают прочной проволокой, чтобы в дальнейшем она легко выдерживала давление грунта изнутри.

In opposite places of the walls, holes are made and a wire is extended to them for reliable fixation. Several ordinary or high slate from the slate turn the site into a compact enterprise for the production of vegetables or berries.

General characteristics of the tool

The corner grinder, like many other power tools, has removable elements. This allows you to carry out an angular grinder a wider range of work. A diamond disk for corner grinding requires sharpening or simply timely replacement. Therefore, from time to time it is simply necessary to purchase new interchangeable nozzles.

It is worth noting that there are simple and diamond discs for an angular grinding machine. On the latter version they stop more often, as this is a more durable element of equipment. However, depending on the volume of work, it is necessary to choose the characteristics of the discs.

The greater the load it will be subjected to, the more endure and more expensive the tool. It is also important to initially take into account the conditions in which diamond discs will be used. For each type of material, the appropriate variety is used.

Features and scope of application

A cup for grinding concrete is a type of grinding disk, which has an abrasive working surface on only one side. On the other side of the cup is fastener accessories. Diamond coating gives the tool stiffness several times higher than the density and rigidity of concrete. Due to this, the grinding of concrete surfaces occurs as efficiently as possible. A diamond grinding cup is used to eliminate irregularities on concrete walls, floors or to align the angles. The type of tool and its parameters must be chosen taking into account the future type of construction work.

Read also: What pressure should be in the heating accumulator

The following types of diamond cups are distinguished depending on the purpose and design:

  • one.row. Diamond segments on the working surface of the cup are located in one row;
  • Two.row. The working surface of this cup has two rows of diamond segments;
  • turbo. Diamond segments on the working surface of such a cup are located across the direction of its rotation.

A single.row and two.row diamond cup of concrete 125 is used for black concrete grinding. They “tear off” concrete very powerfully, so with their help you can level the floor surface very quickly.

Large cups are more productive, but them, and the cup of diamond grinding in concrete 230 is no less than 500. Therefore, for home repairs, when you need to treat several square meters, it is better to buy a diameter diameter of a diameter.

Single.row cups have a higher grinding rate compared to two.row. But a two.row diamond cup of concrete TDR has a larger work resource. Working segments of both single.row and two.row cups may have the shape of a petal or rectangle.

For finish processing, when it is necessary to achieve an almost smooth surface, it is recommended to use diamond grinding cups in concrete turbo. These cups are small in weight and provide very high quality grinding of concrete surfaces of a small area.

Features and scope of application

A cup for grinding concrete is a type of grinding disk, which has an abrasive working surface on only one side. On the other side of the cup is fastener accessories. Diamond coating gives the tool stiffness several times higher than the density and rigidity of concrete. Due to this, the grinding of concrete surfaces occurs as efficiently as possible. A diamond grinding cup is used to eliminate irregularities on concrete walls, floors or to align the angles. The type of tool and its parameters must be chosen taking into account the future type of construction work.

Read also: What pressure should be in the heating accumulator

The following types of diamond cups are distinguished depending on the purpose and design:

  • one.row. Diamond segments on the working surface of the cup are located in one row;
  • Two.row. The working surface of this cup has two rows of diamond segments;
  • turbo. Diamond segments on the working surface of such a cup are located across the direction of its rotation.

A single.row and two.row diamond cup of concrete 125 is used for black concrete grinding. They “tear off” concrete very powerfully, so with their help you can level the floor surface very quickly.

Large cups are more productive, but them, and the cup of diamond grinding in concrete 230 is no less than 500. Therefore, for home repairs, when you need to treat several square meters, it is better to buy a diameter diameter of a diameter.

Cutting Brick and Concrete with a Grinder Masonry Wheel

Single.row cups have a higher grinding rate compared to two.row. But a two.row diamond cup of concrete TDR has a larger work resource. Working segments of both single.row and two.row cups may have the shape of a petal or rectangle.

For finish processing, when it is necessary to achieve an almost smooth surface, it is recommended to use diamond grinding cups in concrete turbo. These cups are small in weight and provide very high quality grinding of concrete surfaces of a small area.

Types of disks for the type of edge

Each cutting element of the corner grinder consists of a cutting (diamond) edge and steel case. Depending on the type of working surface, 3 types of removable elements are distinguished angular grind.

Continuous cutting discs allow you to do work without losing material. This is important for ceramic tiles, marble. The cut is flat.

The segmented diamond detachment disc has cuts for cooling. Therefore, it is used to cut concrete, brick.

Such a nozzle cools a dry or wet way. In the first case, air enters the grooves of the disk to the working surface. The second option involves cooling water or special substances.

Combined diamond cutting discs allow you to dry the material or with the use of water cooling.

The use of other power tools for slate cutting

To carefully cut the slate of the slate, it is enough to have a cutting machine at your disposal, on which a disk for cutting stone is installed. Drawing a fishing line for a trimmer of the future cut, you need to wet the material well. Then it is required to draw a disk exactly along the intended line, without pressing, to perform a shallow incision.

The resulting incision is moistened (wetted with water from a plastic bottle, but it is better to lay wet rags for a while), after which it should again be drawn along the cutting line of the working part of the cutting machine, deepening it. The cycle is repeated three to four times, after which the sheet is easily broken.

Pre.soaked wave slate is also allowed to saw with an ordinary electrician. It is important to use canvases with small teeth and switch the spindle to a reduced gear.

The tool should work carefully, without pressing on the material, otherwise it will begin to crumble. It makes sense to use an electrician only if you need to cut a small number of sheets.

Using an electrician for sawing

How to do without a power tool

If the work has to be carried out in the room or there are no suitable electrical tools, you can use classic methods of cutting wavy slate sheets.

Pre.wetting asbestos.cement material, you can:

  • sprinkle. It is necessary to use a tool with interchangeable canvases with a small tooth, since the working part will quickly stupor and clog asbestos.cement crumbs. It is better to saw without pressure so as not to break fragile material;
cutting, slate, corner, grinding, circle, metal
  • cut. The incision of the marked line deepens into several visits that alternate with the smearing of the slate. When the cutter is deepened by more than 2/3 of the thickness of the sheet, a wooden bar should be placed under the fishing line for a trimmer cut and press on the edges of the sheet. it will fall into two parts.

You can divide the sheet of slate without the use of cutting tools using only a hammer and a roofing nail. A lot of holes are breaking through the intended line (along or across the wave) with a nail. the more there will be, the smoother the fishing line for the trimmer and the easier to break off the extra part of the sheet.

If the holes break along the wave, the sheet should be expanded so that this wave turns out to be the lower. After the chain of holes is pierced, a long rail or bar is placed under the intended fishing line for the trimmer, after which the sheet is broken by pressing to the edges. You can also tap the material along the line from the holes by the side of the hammer.

Using a nail and a hammer for sawing

This technology requires the use of only special slate nails. They have a special configuration of the rod and the head made of soft metal. when clogging the roofing nail, the slate does not split.

If you need to divide a lot of slate sheets, the process of breaking holes can be accelerated. To do this, drive a number of roofing nails into the bar and break through the slate with the finished “comb”.

You can find out how to “cut” slate sheets without dust about how to “cut” slate sheets from a video.

cutting, slate, corner, grinding, circle, metal

Cutting options without power tools

To the question of how to cut the slate, about 20-30 years ago they approached from the standpoint of the complete absence of power tools. Therefore, they used manual tools, given the variety of methods and methods. Here are just some of them that can be classified as “classic”.

  • Using a metal. To do this, it is better to use canvases with small teeth. Unfortunately, the hacksaw will quickly become dull and clog with asbestos dust. So for this process you will have to stock up on several canvases. The main task of the manufacturer of work is to cut slate without effort and pressure.
  • Can be cut with a conventional saw. Here are the same requirements as in the previous case. But keep in mind that the saw is not designed to cut products of this type. Therefore, everything must be done carefully. Particular attention of the severity of the teeth of the instrument. Dumb cutter will only break the roofing panel even at the beginning of the operation. Experienced craftsmen make incomplete cut along the line both along the upper and lower waves with a leaf coup, as in the case of an abrasive detachment disc. Then, putting a straight flat profile under the incision, break the slate sheet.
  • With the help of a roofing nail and a hammer. This is an old grandfather’s way to cut off the slate, which justified itself during the complete absence of any modern cutting tools. To do this, along the cutting line with a nail you need to make through holes with a pitch of 1-2 cm. After that, a flat wooden rail or metal profile is laid under the sheet along the cutting line. By clicking on the cut edge, we get a break directly along the openings made. The edges of the cut out of evenness leave much to be desired, but, as mentioned above, they will remain under the sheet laid on top. If there is a need to increase the cutting speed in this way, then from slate nails you can make a comb. That is, into a wooden rail, it is necessary to drive several fasteners, and already with a hammer to beat precisely on the bar on the reverse side. The main thing is to accurately set the nails along the cutting line.
  • Experienced craftsmen used to make holes for the boy of a hammer. For this, an accurate eye was required to get along the laid line. Second. withstanding impact strength. Less power. they did not pierce the panel, you have to repeat the attempt again. And not the fact that after the second blow it will not split. Strongly hit the first time, you can get a large hole or roofing material that was not cracked along the line.

The last two technologies cannot be called a sharp. They are not as simple as it might seem at first glance. But they have one great dignity. the complete absence of asbestos dust. And this option is low.haired.

How to cut flat material

Analyzing the question of how and how to cut a flat slate, it is necessary to indicate that all the methods that were described above are suitable for this option. Although the masters assure that it is better to use a stone disk with diamond spraying.

To cut the slate, the sheet must be laid on a flat surface. The main task is that it is tightly pressed to the base. For this, dense soil, wooden flooring, several wooden boards are suitable, which are located from each other at a distance of half a meter. In the latter case, it is better to place a fishing line for a cutting trimmer between the boards. As with wavy roofing material, water should be supplied to flat slate.

The angles of the flat slate are recommended to be fixed on a metal corner cut to the desired length. Holes are made in the corner and slate sheets, the slate is screwed with bolts.

To protect against corrosion, a corner with already made holes is painted. The success of the work depends on the neat handling of slate, the level of the bed cannot be aligned, driving sheets into the ground.

Necessary tools and materials

You will not surprise anyone with roofing slate. this is the most familiar roofing material throughout the vast territory of the countries of the former Soviet Union. However, than and how to cut a flat or wave slate. fairly fragile products. for the young generation often remains a mystery. We will try to make clarity to this question.

Cutting requirements

  • Carrying, you need to take care of security measures. Namely: put on a respirator, protective glasses and mittens.
  • Moisten the place of the cut so that the dust does not form.
  • Choose a tool that easily cuts durable materials.
  • If desired, equip a power tool for cutting a slate with a dust collector with your own hands ( instructions in the photo)

Necessary tools and materials

You will not surprise anyone with roofing slate. this is the most familiar roofing material throughout the vast territory of the countries of the former Soviet Union. However, than and how to cut a flat or wave slate. fairly fragile products. for the young generation often remains a mystery. We will try to make clarity to this question.

Cutting requirements

  • Carrying, you need to take care of security measures. Namely: put on a respirator, protective glasses and mittens.
  • Moisten the place of the cut so that the dust does not form.
  • Choose a tool that easily cuts durable materials.
  • If desired, equip a power tool for cutting a slate with a dust collector with your own hands ( instructions in the photo)

How to cut slate: useful tips about methods and tools

In a large assortment of roofing materials, a special place, thanks to its good mechanical and operational characteristics and accessibility, is occupied by slate. However, these sheets have one pronounced minus. insufficient impact resistance, so when cutting there is a high probability of damage.

Asbestos.cement sheets and today continue to enjoy the roofing of a roof. In the process of construction, the need for slate trimming. rather fragile building materials. Since non.professionals often work with him, it is very important to know how to cut the slate, how you can cut it.

How and what to cut slate. various options and tools

Any roofing is not dispensed with trimming roofing material. This fully concerns the wave asbestos.cement slate. There are several sufficiently simple ways to cut different tools.

But before cutting slate, it is necessary to understand that this material is fragile and emits a large amount of asbestos dust when processing, which is very harmful to humans.

Cutting requirements

  • Carrying, you need to take care of security measures. Namely: put on a respirator, protective glasses and mittens.
  • Moisten the place of the cut so that the dust does not form.
  • Choose a tool that easily cuts durable materials.

Cutting with various power tools

In principle, all the power tools that are used to cut building materials can also be used for cutting slate panels. But most often use corner grinding or electric.

corner grinder

To do this, you can use the corner grinder of a simple (straight) or corner. Here the choice depends only on the cutting tool, namely on the disk. You can cut a diamond disk, abrasive and for cutting stone. At the same time, technology using different materials will differ from each other.

If a diamond disk is used, then there are no restrictions on the process. Diamond spraying copes with more solid materials, so that cutting wavy or flat slate will not be difficult both along and across. The only thing. do not forget to moisten the place of the cut. This can be done in several ways:

  • Water a fishing line for a trimmer cut with water from a hose or plastic a bottle directly during the operation of a corner grinder. To do this, you have to use the services of an assistant who will hold a hose or a bottle and direct the flow of water to the required place.
  • Thoroughly moisten the slate plane carefully, laying wet rags in place of cut.
  • If the process is carried out in winter, then the best option is to lay the slate leaf directly on the snow. In the process of cutting, it will begin to melt, because the disk rotates at high speed, and a high temperature occurs between it and the roofing material.

If the cutting of the slate of the corner grinding is performed along the panel, then you need to cut along the upper wave. If it is necessary to cut across, then the upper (convex) waves are cut first, then the slate leaf is turned over, and the lower waves are cut, which now become the upper.

How NOT TO CUT patio pavers with diamond blade on 5 inch angle grinder 20 September 2018

The main distinguishing feature of two cutting discs is that after a diamond tool, cut off edges practically do not require processing.

cutting, slate, corner, grinding, circle, metal

The edges of the slate leaf cut off by the abrasive disk will have to be finalized, because it does not always work out a smooth cut.

Although this is not critical for the roof, because the sheets are laid overlapping with a dession of up to 20 cm both in the transverse position and in the longitudinal.

It is also important to know: the roof under the slate. with your own hands


Electrician is not the best tool when the question is raised, how to cut slate. But if you approach this process correctly, then it is easy to cope with the task. The only thing is to fulfill two strict rules:

As in the case of a corner grinder, the panel must be moistened well along the cutting line. Electrolobzik strictly with a file is carried out according to a linear segment without pressure on the power tool.

In addition to the requirements, you can use an electrician for cutting slate sheets if the volume of work is small. For mass use, this tool is not suitable. The saw simply can not withstand constant pressure.

And the power tool itself is not designed for such work (it is low.power), its electric motor can simply burn.


After the end of drilling under the slate leaf along the holes and a flat block is laid next to them. It is necessary to press on the edge of a smaller segment, the material will break along the line.

Cutting options without power tools

To the question of how to cut the slate, about 20-30 years ago they approached from the standpoint of the complete absence of power tools. Therefore, they used manual tools, given the variety of methods and methods. Here are just some of them that can be classified as “classic”.

  • Using a metal. To do this, it is better to use canvases with small teeth. Unfortunately, the hacksaw will quickly become dull and clog with asbestos dust. So for this process you will have to stock up on several canvases. The main task of the manufacturer of work is to cut slate without effort and pressure.
  • Can be cut with a conventional saw. Here are the same requirements as in the previous case. But keep in mind that the saw is not designed to cut products of this type. Therefore, everything must be done carefully. Particular attention of the severity of the teeth of the instrument. Dumb cutter will only break the roofing panel even at the beginning of the operation. Experienced craftsmen make incomplete cut along the line both along the upper and lower waves with a leaf coup, as in the case of an abrasive detachment disc. Then, putting a straight flat profile under the incision, break the slate sheet.
  • With the help of a roofing nail and a hammer. This is an old grandfather’s way to cut off the slate, which justified itself during the complete absence of any modern cutting tools. To do this, along the cutting line with a nail you need to make through holes with a pitch of 1-2 cm. After that, a flat wooden rail or metal profile is laid under the sheet along the cutting line. By clicking on the cut edge, we get a break directly along the openings made. The edges of the cut out of evenness leave much to be desired, but, as mentioned above, they will remain under the sheet laid on top. If there is a need to increase the cutting speed in this way, then from slate nails you can make a comb. That is, into a wooden rail, it is necessary to drive several fasteners, and already with a hammer to beat precisely on the bar on the reverse side. The main thing is to accurately set the nails along the cutting line.
  • Experienced craftsmen used to make holes for the boy of a hammer. For this, an accurate eye was required to get along the laid line. Second. withstanding impact strength. Less power. they did not pierce the panel, you have to repeat the attempt again. And not the fact that after the second blow it will not split. Strongly hit the first time, you can get a large hole or roofing material that was not cracked along the line.

Than to saw the slate of the wave. features of cutting, the choice of disk, how to cut with a power tool, mechanical methods

The slate roof still does not lose relevance. both on utility structures and on the house itself. However, sooner or later, almost any owner faces the tasks of repairing the roof or its new installation, in the solution of which such roofing material cannot be done without proper cutting.

We will analyze how to cut the slate of the wave and its flat modification, in what cases it is cut and what are the features of the organization of work, how to choose the right disk for corner grinding, which power tools and mechanical methods can also be used, which safety recommendations must be followed.

Slinging wavy slate using an angular grinder source

Cases when it is required to cut slate

The task of cutting the slate sheet arises in the following cases:

  • Installation of a new roof-it is rarely possible to lay a multiple number of sheets on the rafter system. In addition, they often have to be cut along or from the corners.
  • When repairing a long.operated roof, it is often necessary to lay a whole sheet, but a fragment with a certain notch.
  • The construction of a roof of a complex architectural form. Sheets need to be cut at all possible angles.
  • Creation of roofing elements for pipes, chimneys, ventilation aerators, etc. P.
  • Cutting from old sheets of elements of decorative design and protection of beds, flower beds, greenhouses and other garden structures.
cutting, slate, corner, grinding, circle, metal

Good to know! Quite often the cutting of the slate is practiced not only with the wave, but also the flat surface of the sheet. Such material is used not so much to create a roof as for the decoration of the facade and insulation of the walls of the house, the construction of interior partitions, manufacturing door and window slopes.

Cutting flat slate leaf source

Features of the organization of work

The slate roof is certainly durable, durable, frost.resistant, characterized by good fire resistance and sound insulation indicators.

In many ways, the set of such characteristics is due to the asbestos.cement basis. However, he owes her to her increased fragility. the main drawback of the material that complicates its transportation and processing.

Therefore, with almost any mechanical effect, it begins to crumble.

If the process is cyclic, then a very light finely dispersed crumb is formed, rapidly picked up by the slightest drafts and for a long time weighed in the air. In addition to the fact that such dust settles on a nearby objects and pollutes the environment, inhaling it with the air deadly for all living things. Asbestos pollen can provoke the development of lung cancer.

It is this main specific aspect that determines the following requirements for the organization of work on how, what, and under what circumstances to saw the slate:

  • Master who performs cutting must be in personal protective equipment. This is primarily a respirator, glasses or a mask, gloves and overalls made of dense fabric.

Protective mask for cutting slate source

  • To reduce the intensity of dust formation, as well as the chipping edges of the cut edging place of the contact of the material with a sawing tool should be periodically or continuously moistened with water.
  • The dust should be captured by the hood when working in the room or carried away by the wind into the opposite of the worker. when working on the street.
  • When working in the room, all doors and windows leading to neighboring rooms should be tightly locked. In this case, only specialists in special protection should be inside.

Important! Prevention of prevention of asbestos dust penetration into the respiratory organs when cutting slate sheets should be paid to special attention. Only professional respirators with replaceable filters give full protection. Ordinary medical masks and gauze dressings are not suitable for this.

Choosing a disk for cutting a corner grinder

For cutting slate wavy sheet, a universal cutting machine is most often used. corner grinder. It is most convenient to use a corner model for this. For this purpose, the device is equipped with two types of cutting tools:

Cutting the wave slate with a corner grinder source FB

The stone disk allows you to cut the angular grinder of the slope of the slate of slate mainly along the wave. the diamond circle makes it possible to saw it in any direction. In this case, the cutting technique in both cases is slightly different.

So, in the first case, the procedure must be performed under the constant wetting of the cutting place with a small stream of water. conveniently fixed in the wave of a garden hose or with the help of an assistant with a capacity.

If in this way it is necessary to perform the cutting along the along, the procedure is divided into two stages.

First, a cut is made according to the mark of the rowers of the sheet on one side, then it is turned over, and the procedure is done in a similar way. on the other.

The use of a diamond circle is more efficient and productive. They can cut a sheet in any direction. The only prerequisite is pre.wetting the surface of the material. This tool is also used to adjust the grinding of the cutting place, and cutting angles-in the case when the styling technology involves this.

Diamond Circle for cutting slate source

The use of power tools

The slate sheet can be sawed not only with a corner grinder, but also by some other types of power tools. This is first of all:

We will analyze the features of their application in more detail.

Hand disk saw

The use of a portable electric saw equipped with a disk cutting tool is justified primarily for soft materials. such as euroshifers. It is based on cellulose fibers with bitumen impregnation. In this case, to facilitate the procedure, a disk should be used, the size of which would allow the sheet in one pass, taking into account the full wave height.

In addition, a discoster saw can also be sawed off the standard wave slate based on asbestos cement. As a cutting tool, a circle for a cut of stone should be used. with diamond spraying or surfaces. However, the use of such a cutter for solid fragile material is associated with a number of difficulties:

How to sprinkle the pipe with a corner grinding of a corner: at 45 degrees, large diameter and around the circle

Pipes are the most common type of metal and plastic rental. These products are used in various fields.

Depending on the purpose, the products are cut to the desired length, smoothly or with a bevel under a certain degree. There are several methods for cutting, including using corner grinder.

Understand how to saw off the pipe with a corner grinder, you can, having learned all the subtleties of cutting.

Cut metal with a corner grinder

How to cut off the pipe with a corner grinder

In order for the cut from the corner grinder to be even, it is recommended to use special devices to fix the metal blank. For this, prepared templates, struck or vise are suitable.

It is necessary to very smoothly mark a place for the saw so that the cut does not go to the side. With large volumes of work, for industrial purposes, special equipment is used to cut pipes in the form of turning machines or tape machines.

On a metal profile, you can make vertical and horizontal cuts, saw it at any angle.

Pipe trimming at right angles

The technology of trimming at right angles is quite simple. You just need to fix the metal part, mark the cut on the cut line, and cut the workpiece directly. The end of the cut part of the pipe should be over the support.

A wide or narrow tape, marker or simple pencil is suitable for applying the cut tag. It will simply be necessary to wrap the product, mark the place of the cut, and make an even incision. When winding, both ends of adhesive tape should be accurately fixed with each other

Methods of cutting metal products at an angle

The usual perpendicular cutting under 90 °, using an angular grinder, is carried out quickly and efficiently if the advice of specialists is not neglected.

Many people believe that if a large tool with a large powerful disk is used for sawing off, then you can not apply markings. Experts do not recommend sawing without applying the marks, because after pruning the part may not be compatible.

note! Before you understand how to cut off the pipe with a large corner grinder, it is better to make markings several times, make sure of the accuracy of calculations. After incorrect sawing a profile or gas pipe, you will have to start work first.

Features of cutting a cylindrical pipe under 45

Most often, a section at an angle of 45 degrees is required when installing heating or water supply systems. The main complexity of the work is that after combining the cut parts of the pipe, a right angle of 90 degrees should be obtained. A simple way to prepare a home.made pattern will help to achieve the quality of the cutting process:

  • Prepare an ordinary white sheet of paper.
  • Fold it diagonally.
  • The protruding part of the sheet needs to be cut off with scissors, so that in the expanded form a square.
  • The resulting triangle must be wrapped around the pipe so that the long side goes parallel to the cross section.

A paper pattern is great for cutting metal products in the middle.

Paper template

The half.folded triangle must be divided into two parts. Then the templates need to be wrapped around the pipe, and fixed with tape or island. The templates should be located in such a way that one edge of the base coincides with the second.

With scissors you need to round the upper corners of both templates. The resulting two blanks of the desired diameter should be put on the pipe, and marked the cut place with chalk or pencil. The prepared marked part can be safely sawn down.

For small diameter tubes, which must be cut close to the edge, the marking method is suitable using a container with water. On the deep container, the desired angle of inclination of the cut is noted, then the end of the tube is placed in the water, and leans to the marking. Fishing line for trimmer contact with liquid will become a tag for sawing.

How to note the place of cut under 45 on a profile pipe

Not everyone knows how to cut a profile pipe under 45 degrees with a corner grinder correctly and efficiently. Experts advise using an ordinary triangular ruler for marking a profile pipe with a square section.

First, on one of the faces, draw a straight strip located perpendicular to the side of the pipe. Then the workpiece must be turned, and apply a slanting label to the next line. It should go from the edge of the first strip at an angle of 45 degrees.

After that, the product rotates again, and a perpendicular fishing line for a trimmer is carried out. On the fourth edge it will only remain to connect the previously carried out strips diagonally. Now you can start the saw.

Additional Information! Many experts believe that the best way to mark the profile is roulette. However, with the help of this tool, it is very difficult to perform work perfectly, the cut may turn out to be uneven. The school line will cope with the task much better.

Rules for cutting pipes from different metal

Corner grinder even in the hands of the master is a rather dangerous tool. When working with it, the precautions should be observed, and be as concentrated as possible. Otherwise, you can not only damage metal blanks, but also injure yourself.

Know how to correctly cut the pipe under 45 degrees with a corner grinder, each specialist in working with metal should. The circle of the disk should be installed by the pattern up, and clamped by a special nut. Different metal pipes are cut in compliance with some rules.

Work with aluminum blanks

Aluminum belongs to soft types of metal, so another type of disk is used to cut the corner grinder. When working with soft metals, such as aluminum or copper, it is impossible to make a cut at a time. The cutting disk is simply knitted in the material.

A special disk is performed very carefully. The same slic should go through several times.

Cutting sheet metal with corner grinding ground quickly and evenly

Cutting sheet metal with various tools only at first glance may seem a simple matter. Because, depending on its thickness and size, various methods should be applied. It is clear that a sheet of any thickness can be cut off by gas, but in this case the edge will not work perfectly, additional processing will be required, and this is an extra loss of time. What to do then? Today we will consider 3 light ways to cut a metal sheet with a corner grinder so that the edges are even and at the same time not to get injuries.

Cutting sheet metal is not as simple as it might seem at first glance

Safety precautions when working with an angular grinding machine

This question is the most important. Indeed, in case of violation of the rules of operation of the corner grinder, you can get serious injuries, sometimes incompatible with life. Consider the main ones that are required to comply with.

  • Disk size. Many people believe that if you put a large disk on a small corner grinder, removing the protective casing, nothing terrible will happen. Say, a large corner grinder is more powerful. This delusion is life.threatening. The fact is that a small corner grinder has a momentum much higher, and therefore they need different discs for them. When installing a large disk, the master most likely does not even have time to start work. the disk will fly around when there is no protective casing will lead to deplorable results.
  • Direction of rotation. Some “masters” do not like that sparks fly under their feet during work. They unfold the casing, rearrange the handle and start work. This is what most often leads to the fact that the disk is scattered during a hook by an acute edge. Disc rotation during operation of a corner grinder should be carried out “on itself” and not vice versa.
  • Personal protective equipment. Use protective glasses or shields, wear gloves, mask or respirator must. This will protect from burns, eye injuries, which, unfortunately, with such work are not uncommon.

The use of personal protective equipment when working with an angular grinder is mandatory

Ordinary cut of thin sheet metal

Metal, 1 mm thick is not too difficult, but here you need to be extremely careful and neat. It is when cutting such a material that the disk often “bites”. First of all, you need to make sure that there are no defects on the cutting plane of the circle. It is they who lead to the fact that the detachment of the circle is scattered.

Thin sheet metal should be cut from the far edge, moving back

Should start from the far edge of the sheet, moving back. In this case, it turns out that the master pulls an angular grinder over himself. In this case, the disk should not be immersed deeply-a maximum of 5-6 mm.

With this method of cutting, it turns out that the cutting circle simply cannot catch on. If the disk goes deep, the area of ​​contact with the metal is sharply reduced.

This leads to hooks, as a result of which a cutting circle may fly apart.

How to cut off a thicker sheet of metal using a corner grinder

Consider the option with a sharp sheet metal, 8 mm thick. It is best to move forward here. it’s much more convenient.

However, if you pass the seam simply along the drawn line, it will turn out flaws. it is perfectly even even.

At the same time, the tension on the hands increases. after all, you have to constantly ensure that the corner grinder does not go to the side. In order to avoid this, there is a very good way.

When cutting thick metal, you need to move forward, according to the planned cut

A steel corner is laid at the cutting place, which is pressed against the sheet with clamps on two sides. Drawn fishing line for a trimmer should be located from its vertical part.

Now you can go several times along it, touching the corner a little so that the groove is obtained, about 1-2 mm deep. After that, you can remove the corner and begin the usual cutting.

It is the groove that will not let the disc with the intended path, and the edge will turn out to be perfectly even.

Working with a small corner grinder is even more dangerous than with a large

How to cut off the pipe with a corner grinding: the usual perpendicular cutting at 90º, cutting a cylindrical pipe at an angle of 45º, how to use a paper template for marking the cut at 45º, how to note the place of cutting under 45º on a profile pipe. read in the publication.

Another similar option

Can be done differently. At first, the same work is performed as in the previous version. the strip is drawn, the corner is laid and pressed. But here the groove is made a little deeper-4-5 mm.

After the corner is removed, the remainder of the metal can simply be chosen, and the edge should be treated using an angular grinder with a grinding disk.

However, small fits on the edge are possible here, which makes the second option more acceptable.

The groove along the guide corner is made a little deeper than in the previous version

Summing up

The fact that the corner grinder is very convenient for cutting metal is not disputed. However, it is necessary to be able to work and strictly observe all precautions and safety regulations. You need to understand that they were created precisely in order to preserve the life and health of a master working with such a dangerous tool as an angular grinding machine.

We hope that everything that we told today will be useful for those who have no experience with a corner grinder. If something remains incomprehensible, it is worthwhile to set it out in x below the article. The editors of Housechief will be happy to answer all questions as quickly and fully as possible. You have experience of such work or you know other methods of cutting? Then we ask you to write about this in the discussions. Such information will be very useful to many. And finally, according to the already established good tradition, we suggest you watch a short but rather exciting video on today’s topic.