Doesn’t Start Trimmer Petrol Leader

Doesn't Start Trimmer Petrol Leader

Gas mowers and trimmers are very convenient, compact and maneuverable, suitable for work in any country house. They cope with grass in areas with different terrain and different sizes. Especially advantageous is their use in narrow, inaccessible places for a lawn mower. In addition, they are cheaper and easier to maintain than a lawn mower.

  • Gas trimmer: purpose of the tool in the country
  • Types of trimmers on a gasoline engine
  • Household
  • Professional
  • Universal
  • Lawn mowers
  • How to choose a gas trimmer for a summer residence, selection criteria
    • Type and engine power
    • Knife and fishing line for trimmer
    • Weight and type of petrol trimmer handle
    • Additional devices
    • Advantages and disadvantages of a gas trimmer in the garden
    • Gas trimmer: purpose of the tool in the country

      The lawn trimmer is, in fact, a scythe for grass on gasoline. It is used for mowing decorative grass (leveling, cutting), for mowing weeds, for mowing grass on hay.

      The trimmer does this quickly and accurately, in addition, it is lightweight and easy to maintain and does not require large storage space – the main thing that distinguishes the trimmer from a lawn mower.

      With a trimmer you can not only cut grass and herbaceous plants, it perfectly cuts not thick (2.5-3 cm in diameter) branches of trees and shrubs – so it replaces the secateurs in the garden.

      Types of trimmers on a gasoline engine

      Consider the different types of gasoline trimmers and find out what kind of work is best suited for each of them.


      Used for mowing weeds and grass in adjacent areas. This is a lightweight tool with a curved handle with a power of 1 horsepower or a little more. Such trimmers are suitable for small volumes of work or infrequent mowing, haircuts.

      When purchasing a household tool, you need to know how to use a grass trimmer – it needs to rest every 20-25 minutes of work, otherwise it may fail. But at the same time, the household trimmer has a moderate gas mileage and excellent maneuverability.


      Their power is higher – 2-3 liters. S., respectively, and gasoline for a professional trimmer is consumed more. Such a trimmer performs a much larger amount of work and has a knife in the configuration, that is, shears both grass, and thin branches, shrubs.

      It is also equipped with a shoulder strap and anti-vibration system. But also at work it requires rest every 30 minutes and cleaning the cutting part of the grass.


      They are similar to professional ones, but they can also trim the lawns, that is, their trimmed canvas will be homogeneous, even and beautiful.

      Lawn mowers

      Not only grasses, branches and shrubs mow, but even young trees can cut. They have a capacity of over 3 liters. With. They can work without interruption for several hours in large areas.

      How to choose a gas trimmer for a summer residence, selection criteria

      Before choosing a gas trimmer, you need to at least briefly know the main parameters of the tool. The key to choosing a gas trimmer will be how often you plan to use it and what area it is intended for.

      Based on this, the best gas trimmer for your particular site is selected according to the power and performance of each individual model.

      Type and engine power

      The best gas trimmers do not have to have the greatest power. If you have a small lawn. The most powerful trimmer is not required for her. A good medium power gas trimmer is fine. But if the cultivated area is large and there is a need to work on it for 6-7 hours a day, then you need a more powerful trimmer.

      By the type of suspension, trimmers are straps – the best option for infrequent use, and trimmers with a knapsack suspension – these are best taken with a constant, almost daily load on the tool.

      By type of drive, gas trimmers come with a straight shaft or with a metal cable. It is better to take a tool driven by a direct shaft. They are more wear resistant. By type of engine, gas trimmers are divided into two and four-cycle ones.

      Video: Doesn’t Start Trimmer Petrol Leader

      The former are filled with oil already mixed with gasoline, the latter have separate compartments for oil and gasoline. Push-pulls are considered more noisy, and their lifespan is often shorter. And four-stroke ones are more durable, more expensive to maintain and repair, but at the same time they work a little quieter.

      The engine can be located in the upper or lower position. The ones located at the top are preferable – they are more convenient in operation, better cooled, more protected from clogging with grass and debris, and they, as a rule, have more power.

      Knife and fishing line for trimmer

      The line in the trimmer is used only for mowing grass. According to the type of pattern, several types of fishing line are distinguished:

      • In the shape of an asterisk. For green decorative lawn or young grass;
      • In the shape of a square. For tall grass with thick stems;
      • In the shape of a circle. Universal view suitable for both lawn and woody and dry grass stems, leaves.

      For cutting branches, cutting shrubs will need a knife. There are models equipped only with fishing line, and there are models with fishing line and with knives.

      Weight and type of petrol trimmer handle

      By the type of rod (handle), the trimmers come with a curved handle for small loads or with a straight one – for larger loads. The weight of the trimmer, as a rule, does not affect the operation of the instrument in any way, it matters to the person who works with it – if it’s a man, then you can take a heavier model, if a woman, then it’s easier.

      When choosing an instrument by weight, you need to take into account the size of the trimmer’s gas tank – the larger it is, the heavier the trimmed trimmer will be (on average 0.6-1.5 kg).

      Additional devices

      Before choosing a trimmer for a lawn, study all the possibilities of each model – some of them are endowed with additional useful functions. It can be a snow nozzle, anti-vibration system – for the convenience of hands, quick start of the trimmer with a decompression device, which increases the tool life.

      Advantages and disadvantages of a gas trimmer in the garden

      Advantages include mobility, versatility, and tool performance. Disadvantages – not always a reasonable price, especially for multifunction mowers, and the noise of a working trimmer, even for models with reduced noise.

      But, on the other hand, the tool has good power, performance, and besides, a gas trimmer can work in any weather (after rain, for example).

      That’s all, how to choose a trimmer for a summer house or home. We want to decide and choose the trimmer that is suitable for your site, lawn or garden!

      In general, such a conversation should start with the fact that after buying a garden gasoline tool it would be better to first familiarize yourself with the instructions attached to it. Then many problems could have been avoided. But since this happened the gas trimmer does not start, then we must look for sources of inoperability. And in this article we will consider the main reasons why the trimmer does not start with the example of the Elitech T750 model, as well as describe general recommendations for the operation of such a tool.

      Start with the banal! We will figure out how to properly start a gas trimmer. It may be that the reason lies precisely here.

      First you need to bring the red toggle switch on the trimmer bar to position "I". This means turning on the power. Then you need to switch the fuel supply lever on the carburetor and use the “suction” button of fuel (similar to a pipette, located on the carburetor). This is necessary to supply gasoline to the engine. Return the fuel supply lever to its original position. Finally, pull the starter handle toward you sharply. The trimmer should work. Try several times if the first time fails. If after such manipulations the situation has not changed and the gas trimmer does not start, then you should first examine it yourself before leading to the service center. There are two main reasons why a garden trimmer will not start:

      1. Violation of the power circuit.
      2. There is no fuel.
      • Let’s start with the ignition problems. In most cases, it is caused by the need to change the spark plug in the engine. It is done like this:
      • First of all, we must take care of security measures, make sure that the trimmer is turned off. We bring the above toggle switch to the "STOP" position.
      • Then remove the rubber protection from the plug and the wiring terminal. Using a special candle key, we unscrew the spark plug and replace it.
      • After that, we assemble the device and carry out the procedure for trimming the trimmer described above.

      The second reason the garden tool doesn’t work is because the fuel has run out. On the Elinech T750, a fuel tank is located near the motor, but on most trimmers it is there. We unscrew the cap from the tank and fill it with gasoline (the most optimal option is the AI-92, it is inexpensive and does not clog the carburetor like the AI-76). Do not forget to add special engine oil to the tank, just 50 grams per gas tank is enough, without it the motor will begin to “sneeze” and will quickly become worthless. After we close the tank with a cap, wipe the surface of the trimmer and our hands with a dry cloth. We also do the above manipulations to turn on the garden tool.

      If the gas trimmer does not start as before, then it makes sense to return it for repair. And the reason for this decision is simple – if you do not have the appropriate skills, repairing the equipment is almost impossible.

      In order for the tool to serve as long as possible and there are no such malfunctions, you should, first of all, familiarize yourself with the instruction manual for the trimmer. Also, pay special attention to the operating time of the engine at the trimmer – take a short break every 15 minutes of operation and, finally, properly care for the tool, wipe it after work, lubricate it with graphite grease. Observing such simple rules, you can significantly increase the life of the tool and it is quite possible that you do not have to look for reasons why the gas trimmer will not start.

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