From which the benzotrimer is overheated. 4 correct ways to overheat the CPH on a chainsaw or trimmer

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Chainsaw overheating #shorts

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_wisdom (experience and endurance) comes over the years.All your troubles and problems, from a lack of knowledge.Smart and a fool will learn, and a fool and. Albert Neunstein will not help and GDP will not save. And the Ministry of Emergencies is lateAnd now fools and tolerasts are dying on Fridays!

Last edited by Musor, on the NOVE 28, 2019 13:10:15, edited 1 time in total.

_wisdom (experience and endurance) comes over the years.All your troubles and problems, from a lack of knowledge.Smart and a fool will learn, and a fool and. Albert Neunstein will not help and GDP will not save. And the Ministry of Emergencies is lateAnd now fools and tolerasts are dying on Fridays!

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What to do if the engine does not start?

If a gas tank is unable to start, then the first thing you should check the presence of fuel in the tank and its quality. For refueling the tool, it is recommended to use high-quality gasoline purchased at gas stations, the brand of which should not be lower than the AI-92.

Savings on cheap fuel can lead to a breakdown of the cylinder-piston group, for the repair of which a third of the cost of Motokosa itself can take. It is equally important and correctly preparing a fuel mixture of gasoline and oil. The proportional ratio of these components of the mixture is indicated by the manufacturer in the manual.

When preparing the fuel mixture, pour the oil into gasoline using a medical syringe that allows you to accurately observe the necessary proportion of the components

Fuel filter pollution in the tank may also prevent the engine of benzokosa engine. Therefore, when problems with the launch of the motor, check the condition of the filter. If necessary, replace the filter. It is forbidden to leave the incoming pipe without a fuel filter.

The air filter also needs to be in the test. During contamination, the part is removed, in the field is washed in gasoline and put in place. In the country or at home, the filter can be washed in water using detergents. After that, the filter rinses, squeezes and dries.

The dried filter is moistened with a small amount of oil used to prepare the fuel mixture. Excess oils are removed by compressing the filter with hands. Then the part is installed in place. The removed cover is placed back and fixed with screws.

The air filter washed in the fuel mixture, squeezed and dried, is installed in place in the plastic case and covered with a lid

Why does a trimmer stall when you press the gas?

As you can see, the reasons why the trimmer can stall when the gas is pressed, a lot. That is why it is important to monitor the state of your assistant, to check the condition of all systems of the mechanism in time.

Summer days have come, and in the summer cottages he is habitually hidden motorcycles. This tool is good for everyone. Powerful, mobile. With the help of a gasoline trimmer and grass, you can mow, and get rid of a dried.Up weed. However, it happens that the motorcycle is not started or working with interruptions without developing full power.

When pressing gas

If, when pressed on a gas.Like gas, the reasons may be the following.

  • The most common option is a fuss of adjusting the carburetor, which occurs with significant loads on the drive, after a prolonged inaction of the mechanism or when it is used in severe conditions.
  • The clogging of the fuel valve, which eliminates it with the message, as a result of which gasoline according to the system begins to flow normally.
  • The weakening and hanging of the cable in the carburetor. Also, a tensile of the fuel hose can occur up to its rupture, caused by the action of a significant load.
  • Clogging of the saapun (check valve), as a result of which fuel does not enter the tank.

If the problem is associated with a carburetor node, then it can be recognized by the appearance of vibrations of benzoocos. Когда лопается шланг или растягивается трос — выполняют замену данных комплектующих.

Reasons why a new trimmer is not started

Difficulties with the launch do not only have the types of motorcycle, but also in completely new. In this situation, there is only one way out. To listen to the advice of our experts and take advantage of their practical experience!

The reasons why the new gasoline trimmer does not start is eliminated by the instructions for the plant Motokos from the forum users, which sounds like this:

  • Turn on the ignition.
  • Switch fuel with a silicone button (primer) located below the carburetor. Presses must be done as much (or a little more) as it is written in the instructions, usually about 8-10.
  • Close the air damper.
  • Fix the gas lever with a button at high speeds.
  • Twer the label handle 2-3 times. The engine must “grasp”.

If the engine “grasped” and stalled, then you need to transfer the air damper to 1/2 and try to start the motor again. If the motor has started, then drop the gas and transfer the air damper to the “open” position. The trimmer easily starts. We start work.

Performing manipulations for pumping fuel, no need to be afraid to shift it. If this happened, and “flooded the candle”, then it is not necessary to unscrew it, it is enough to transfer the air damper to the “open” position and, holding the full gas, simultaneously scroll through the engine with a starter 2-4 times. After that, you can start the engine and proceed to the mocking of the grass, not afraid that it will stall.

Continuous operation of the benzokosa is indicated in the instructions for the operation of the trimmer. On average, Kosim is 15-20 minutes, after which you need to drown out the trimmer and let it cool for 3-5 minutes. Also on the duration of continuous work, the weather and operating conditions have a significant impact. In the heat, when mowing high grass, thickets of weeds, under a large load, the trimmer overheats faster, does not work and hardly starts after the break.

When pressing gas

If, when pressed on a gas.Like gas, the prerequisites may be subsequent prerequisites.

  • The more increased option is a carburetor adjustment failure that appears with significant load loads after a long.Term inaction of the mechanism or when using it in languid criteria.

If the problem is associated with a carburetor node, then it can be recognized by the appearance of vibrations of benzoocos. Когда лопается шланг или растягивается трос — выполняют замену данных комплектующих.

What to clean and what to replace?

The owner loves a brand new trimmer or a lawn mower and carefully wipes a cloth after work. But it is worth passing the first joy from the acquisition, and now the apparatus, stained with oil and covered with garbage, is pushed immediately after work into the corner of the shed.

Do not be lazy to clean the equipment after work

  • Clean the air filter regularly: we have already talked about the importance of engine cooling. It is recommended to flush it every 25 hours, and after 100 hours it is worth buying a new.
  • Take a rule to mow dry grass, this will positively affect the cleaning process, and on the condition of the cutting elements and body.
  • The fuel filter also requires periodic cleaning or replacement, the clogging of which leads to regular engine overloads, and this can disable the technique.
  • Check for the presence of soot and a candle of ignition, if necessary. Clean. This will ensure a stably fast engine start.

Overheating of the engine. What to do?

Overheating of the car engine is a serious and widespread problem that can be found not only on the way to work, but also on a long trip, and lead to expensive repairs. Let’s figure out what can cause overheating, what to do with it and what consequences can be.

Why is the car engine overheat. What you need to know and take into account

Many motorists mistakenly think that engine overheating is an exclusively summer problem associated with high temperatures. This is not to say that this assumption is fundamentally incorrect, summer heat is a concomitant factor, but there are a lot of possible reasons, the most common of them:

The failure of any element of the system can be the beginning in the process of overheating of the engine.

Car services in Moscow that will help you in this situation:

The radiator can be contaminated both outside (fluff, dirt) and inside (rust, scale, deposits). You can clean the grill outside in two ways: removing and without removing from the car. The second option is not entirely effective and short.Term. When removing, the grille is cleaned with the pressure of water using special cleaners. In the process, it is important to observe the correct pressure and distance so as not to damage the honeycomb of the grate.

The final stage must be washing clean water to prevent corrosion from shampoo residues.

To rinse the radiator from the inside, the cooling system is filled with water (distilled) and a remedy for cleaning. Then the engine is launched for about twenty minutes, during which time the water merges with garbage and a scale. The procedure will be repeated several times, then the antifreeze is poured and a motor is started for several minutes to release air that could stay. After that, you can check the level of antifreeze and operate the car.

Sometimes the cleaning of the radiator is useless and the only option is to replace it. Right now you can sign up for cleaning the radiator and diagnosing the engine in one of our car services in Moscow.

System depressurization leads to a coolant leakage. Frequent reasons:

Often this happens due to changes in temperature, excess moisture, use of low-quality coolant, mechanical damage.

You can check the thermostat and the valve you can independently by feeling the radiator from below. If the pipe and the radiator are cold with a hot engine, then you need to change the thermostat.

If the engine overheating has already been, cracks in the HBC are possible, gaskets of gaskets. You can check in one of our car services in Moscow.

How to determine engine overheating

The easiest and most popular way to control overheating is the coolant temperature arrows or light bulb on the instrument panel. If you notice a problem in time, you can avoid serious consequences. If the ICE worked overheated for several minutes, most likely there will be no consequences at all.

When this happens on the go, it is difficult to miss the “hints” of the car about this.

  • The temperature of the antifreeze rose sharply;
  • The engine works loudly, but the power drops;
  • Distinct metal “explosions” (not always);
  • White steam from under the hood.

If you suspected overheating, stop the car immediately. If necessary, indicate the sign of the emergency stop.

Read more about other reasons for the loud operation of the engine.

What to do if engine overheating

  • Stop the car;
  • Set the lever in a neutral position;
  • If the coolant flows and steam goes, drown out the motor;
  • If there is no leakage, you can not jam the car, but it is important that the fan works;
  • Check the cooling system for the presence of coolant (possibly water flow from the air conditioner, this is the norm);

If there is no leakage, then after reducing the pressure, you can open the radiator plug and gradually add boiled liquid.

Let’s Overheat The Nintendo Switch!

Wrap it with a dense cloth or rag to remove the lid, slowly turn and move. After pulling the pressure, you can open until the end.

If after starting the temperature did not rise sharply, you need to go to a car service to find out the causes of the incident. If it rises, it is better to seek help on the spot (by the tow truck).

The engine overheating in Moscow is a frequent problem due to traffic jams in the city.

Contact the nearest car service in Moscow:

Frequent mistakes of drivers

The first thing to do is to water the heated motor with water. It must be understood that due to a change in temperature, cracks may form, which will subsequently show themselves.

If you need to quickly cool the internal combustion engine, you can water the radiator.

Another common mistake, often leading to injuries, is an attempt to open a radiator or barrel plug, preventing the engine from cooling down. Why is it dangerous? Opening the cork, you release a hot fluid in the form of a steam under high pressure, risking to burn your hands and face.

What is the danger of engine overheating

The engine overheating is a heart attack of a car. What it turns out is unknown, and depends on how quickly the driver finds the problem and eliminate the causes.

If the overheating time is no more than five to fifteen minutes, then you can not be afraid of serious consequences. Perhaps the pistons will mel up, this is the smallest of problems that will not even arise on most new cars. When overheating 20-30 minutes, the following breakdowns are possible:

It may be interesting! Replacing the gasket of the HBC.

The most terrible scenario is overheating for more than 30 minutes. Absolutely all engine details suffer. First, the pistons begin to melt, then the cylinders fail. Due to the high lubrication temperature, it does not perform its functions and elements rub against each other. The crankshaft can break and pierce the BC wall, disableing the engine.

Any engine can overheat, regardless of whether gasoline or diesel, winter or summer, a new car or old.

Overheating of the engine. The reason for the mandatory visit to one hundred. Leave an application for a visit to a car service online or by phone.

How to protect the engine from overheating

Today in the car repair shops in Moscow there are a lot of cars that have “survived” overheating repeatedly. The price of such a repair is much larger, and sometimes you have to change the engine at all.

As already mentioned, overheating is possible not only in the summer, but this is the most dangerous time, so it is recommended to check the cooling system, clean the radiator before the hot period.

Reasons for overheating of the motor

In addition to the hassle, the loss of time, which is required for periodic parking with an open hood, a hit on the prestige and reputation caused by either sympathetic or contemptuous views from passing cars, all this is extremely incompetent for the motor.

Even a single short.Term overheating of the motor can provide it with a lot of problems in further life. The fact is that the motor has many details that are very sensitive to elevated temperatures. Firstly, these are oil-refracting valve caps. Gum, what will you take from it! Yes, even if the caps are silicone, it is all the same. And they do not like overheating. Secondly, these are piston rings, oilflower in the first place. Spring expanders of oil.Removable rings at high temperatures are “released”, lose their elasticity. And this ring turns into a simple piston decoration. Both the first and second entails a sharp increase in the oil appetite. But, in addition to the need for frequent valve of oil and a smoky exhaust, the growth of oil consumption has another dangerous side. The surfaces of the combustion chamber are overgrown with deposits that prevent the normal cooling of the engine, which exacerbates the situation with overheating.

And not even that worst. Details, as you know, expand when heated. If everything is standard, then when cooling, they return to their original state. As the mechanics say, the deformation is linear, there are no residual deformations. And when overheating. They expand more than it is prescribed by the design. And deformation can go beyond the boundaries of the “linear law”. Go to plastic. And this leads to the fact that after cooling the part will not return to the initial state. Residual deformations appear. Hence the warning of the block and the cylinder head, the growth of the piston size up to their bully. This is already completely unpleasant, because it requires a serious engine repair. Well, probably enough horror stories. Let’s deal with the reasons.

Why is the motor suddenly start to warm up? Reasons can be counted from a dozen. Over, overheating can be external and, more dangerous, internal. A sign of external overheating. An increase in the temperature of the coolant. We see this and can quickly react to it. But the internal overheating outside is not immediately noticeable. Heat, as it were, remains inside the engine, there is practically no increase in the temperature of the liquid. But the engine reacts with a sharp decrease in power due to the deterioration of filling and increasing mechanical losses, detonation and potassium ignition, and, in the worst version, by the piston.

The analogy with the human body is clearly traced. Like a person, an increase in the temperature of the motor is evidence that the “organism” resists. Even with working thermostat, some engine temperature increase in certain situations is normal. Long standing in traffic jams, driving in a hill with full load. An increase in temperature inevitably. But this is a manifestation of “external” overheating. But remember the situation when it’s bad at all, and the temperature is low! This is even worse than, for example, 38 on a thermometer. “The body does not fight,” they say in such cases. The motor is similar. There are situations when the “internal fire” does not affect the temperature indicator in any way. This is overheating of the “internal”.

The causes of two types of overheating are different. Let’s start with the “external”.

The first reason, And the simplest. Insufficient amount of coolant in the cooling system. Water, or antifreeze is a liquid that, as you know, will find a hole. In the engine cooling system, with a bunch of tubes, tubes, nozzles, clamps and gaskets, there can be many such holes. So the antifreeze gradually leaves both the expansion tank, and from the radiator of the cooling system. This is evidence of this. White streams on the external surfaces of the engine, drops of a porch under the machine after a long parking. And it’s really bad if the antifreeze goes into the oil and the engine cylinders. As mentioned earlier, this is possible when the cylinder block is destroyed or fierce, the groove of the landing surfaces of the head or block. Here the consequences can be much tougher: from the hydraulic jacket to jamming of the crankshaft.

The second reason. Small efficiency of air cooling of the radiator. There may also be several reasons for this. If the fan is driven by a crankshaft belt, then the tension of this belt may weaken. If the fan drive is electric, then the temperature sensor may fool. And this may also be the result of strong contamination of the ribs of the radiator of the cooling system. Dirt is a very bad heat conductor, and under the hood it is usually enough. By the way, the strong pollution of the radiator speaks of a small speed of normalization of temperature at the beginning of movement after a long parking. In the normal state of blowing the radiator when moving even at an average speed leads to a very Rapid decrease in temperature to normal. If this is not, the radiator must be washed or generally changed!

The third reason. Violations in the work of thermostat. Everything is clear here too. As the deposits accumulate in the cooling system, the mobility of the elastic element of the thermostat is lost, and it ceases to respond to the temperature of the antifreeze leaving the engine. Then it all depends on the position in which it will hang. Either it will constantly start chasing the liquid along a large contour, and the motor will be harder to warm up; or small, then overheating is inevitable. And especially the thermostat “loves” water, and best of all. Hard, with a high content of salts and minerals. Here, hanging his elastic element can be expected after a couple of thousand kilometers after replacing. Some sealants of the cooling system can also give a similar effect, especially if they are abused.

The fourth reason lies in the area of ​​improper adjustment of the ignition or injection system. Later, the beginning of the combustion shifts the moment of the end of the burning of the fuel almost by the time the exhaust valves are opened, or even further. Then the combustion will not end and on the release. The result is a sharp increase in the temperature of the exhaust gases. The head of the cylinder block up to 40-50% heat receives from the exhaust system. If you add to this very difficult conditions for cooling the head, then avoid boiling of the antifreeze in such a situation, most likely it will not work. Steam traffic jams in the cooling cavities “plug” the entire cooling circuit, here is a heavy overheating.

What to do if the laptop overheats and how to avoid it

A laptop is a reliable companion of many people, a convenient tool for work and entertainment. The advantages of laptops are well known compared to desktop computers. This is their mobility and compactness. But sometimes such compactness leads to the fact that the laptop is very hot during operation, which can lead to its unstable operation, spontaneous turning off the device and freezing the system. What to do if your laptop overheats and how to avoid this, let’s try to understand this article.

However, some problems can flow out of these useful qualities. In particular, due to the fact that the laptop body has an extremely small thickness, then there is practically no free airspace in it. And this means that the removal of heat from the laptop body is very difficult. The desire of manufacturers to reduce the weight of the laptop is also the main reason that laptops most often use a plastic case with lower thermal conductivity compared to metal, which are equipped with table computers.

These factors contribute to the tendency of laptops to strong overheating. At the same time, it must be taken into account that laptops, as a rule, perform the same tasks as desktop computers, which means that the load on their electronic components is no less than.

The heat release of the laptop largely depends on the number of energy.Intensive components that are inside it and the degree of their energy intensity. The most energy.Intensive components in modern computers are chips containing the largest number of transistors and produce the largest number of logical operations. Such components include, first of all, the central processor and video card, to a lesser extent. The motherboard chipset and drive controllers.

Why is he warming up?

When the phone temperature rises, the most likely culprits are a battery, processor or screen. Each of these components can generate heat; The chemicals contained in the battery of your phone create electricity, the processor transmits information with high speed (for example, computer), and your phone screen radiates light. So, how can you determine the cause of the problem? Although this is not an accurate science, you can make a reasonable assumption about why your iPhone or Android telephone heats up depending on where the heat comes from.

The trimmer gasoline heats up and stalls

Trimmer, both electric and with an internal combustion engine (ICE), in the summer and autumn is invisible for owners of country and private houses. Shrubs and lawn are trimmed. Failure at the most inopportune moment. First you need to determine the reason for their appearance.

The main malfunctions of gasoline and desktop trimmers

If you do not take into account damage associated with the arrow and mowing head, problems usually arise In the engine area.

Damage to gas trimmers

Typical breakdowns of the gas trimmer are as follows:

  • Engine breakdown;
  • Problems with the carburetor;
  • Fuel supply problems;
  • Muffler malfunction;
  • Gear breakdown;
  • The starter is broken;
  • Air filter problems;
  • Cut the fan on the gas tank.

Malfunctions of sugar trimmers

Thanks to the device, electric mowers are much easier than motor trimmers.

It should be noted that some of them are best trusted by experts.

Primarily trimmer ceases to work normally in the following cases:

  • Electric cable malfunction;
  • Faulty control button;
  • Winding of the burned engine stator;
  • Open contact on the engine.

Why gas trimmer does not start

The reason why the gas trimmer stopped turning on can be different, so step.By.Step diagnosis of the device is required.

Fuel tank (fuel quality)

Remember that always before starting the device, Checking the availability and quality of fuel. In this case, do not greedy and do not save, but “be careful” about the amount of oil added. Therefore, when replacing the piston group, its replacement will cost about 70% of the total cost of the trimmer. All this will be spent on work He loses his properties for a while Therefore, the mixture is not ready for further use and in large quantities. If the brush starts poorly, try to drain the “old” fuel from the tank and fill it with a freshly prepared mixture.

Important! Refueling the device with fuel, the origin of which is unknown, threatens the negative consequences. The brand should not be lower than AI-95.

Candle and candle channel

Thus, you changed the fuel, but nothing has changed. In this case, it is necessary to check the candles channel: whether it throws the combustible mixture. Often users translate Air damper to the position “turned off” when starting and when starting the engine, after which it stops. Then the attempt to recreate events leads to the fact that the candle is refueling with gasoline, and the launch becomes impossible. Make the following.

  • You need to unscrew the spark plug, wipe it well and dry. When installing the spark plug in the engine cylinder, it should be dry.
  • Drain the accumulated fuel from the combustion chamber. We do this through the hole from which you unscrewed the candle.
  • If there are carbon deposits on the electrodes of the candles, it should be removed with a thin file or nail file.
  • Be sure to install the gap between its electrodes before installing parts in place. The gap on the spark plug should be 1 mm. You can use a coin to check the gap.
  • Then collect the device, read the start instructions and try to start the engine again.

If the engine does not start, they must check the spark. For this:

  • Unscrew the candle;
  • Put on it the lid of the high.Voltage wire;
  • As shown in the figure below;
  • So there are several engine speeds.

Candles should miss the spark. If a spark occurs, look for other parts of the device.

To better understand the process, you need to check it using the example of the Soyuz gasoline binders.

If there is no spark, then at the beginning Check the cable, Perhaps the reason for this is the connection of the spark plug to the reel. You can call with the tester. In the case of an open circuit, the high voltage wire must be replaced.

You can download the spark that has disappeared The ignition coil malfunction (Magneto.Optical). The figure below shows how the coil (magnet) of the Patriot gasoline trimmer looks like.

Check the presence of a magnetic trimmer, as well as its primary and secondary windings. Resistance should be from 0.4 to 2.0 Ohms. If the device shows 0, this means that a short circuit has occurred in the winding, and if infinity is a clear sign of a circuit gap. The resistance on the secondary winding should be in the range from 6 to 8 kOhm.

On some coils it can reach 15 by.

Air filter

Attention should be paid to the air filter, because it can clog, and as a result the camera will not light up, and there will be no burning. To check if the filter is in the case, remove it and try to start the engine. If he earned, then the reason was found. The filter must be replaced or thoroughly washed and dried before installation. If you find out Air filter oil, This should be announced with gasoline for at least 2 hours before placing it in the place.

In this case, it is recommended to check the fuel filter.

Fuel filter

This filter cleans fuel of possible pollution. If he forgot, gasoline does not enter the cylinder, and, accordingly, the block does not work and does not delay after starting. The fuel filter is located at the end of the fuel tank. To get to the filter, you need to remove the plug with the tubes emerging from it.

When removing the traffic jam, the intake hose can be disconnected and left in the tank. It is removed using tweezers.

Then remove the old fuel filter and a new pre.Bought from a hose. Also possible Clean the fuel filter, If you don’t have new. The filter should be attached to the hose using a spring clamp.

Place the last tube on the cork and insert the last into the tank.

The asynchronous three.Phase engine is heated

The reasons for overheating of the asynchronous 3-phase electric motor can be divided into two categories: mechanical and electric.

The former are associated with the design features of the device, and the latter. With the low quality of the applied voltage.

  • The increase in the load, for example, due to the addition of additional consumers, the wedge of the mechanism or the entry of foreign elements.
  • Wear of the sequins of an electric motor due to prolonged operation.
  • Failure of bearings due to lack of lubrication or its low quality. If nothing is done, the device is destroyed, which leads to damage to the remaining elements of the electric motor.
  • Insufficient cooling, for example, due to damage to the fan impeller. To solve the problem, additional blowing is required.
  • Skew the electric motor shaft.

Electric causes less affect the temperature of the electric motor, but you should not disconnect them.

  • Error in the inclusion scheme.
  • Cliff/burning of one of the phases, which is why the mechanical moment is reduced, and the engine may even stop.
  • Voltage change at the input. Asynchronous three.Phase engines are sensitive to this parameter. Change even by 5% leads to an increase in heating, and when 10% reaches 10%, the engine can generally stop or fail.
  • Internal closure between turns or phases. To determine the malfunction, you need to turn off the motor and use the multimeter and ohmmeter. When the small number of turns is closed, the change in the resistance change is slight, so it is difficult to identify the problem.

Why is a gasoline trimmer warming up

The internal combustion engine converts the energy that occurs as a result of fuel combustion into a mechanical rotational force. The emerging energy is thermal energy, part of which is used for mechanical operation. The rest of the thermal energy must be taken from the engine, otherwise its service life will be calculated for hours, and not for years.

Almost all Briggs Stratton engines uses a forced air cooling system that effectively removes unused heat. Air.Cooled engines should have the ability to operate at high temperatures and pressure. There is a direct dependence between the expected engine service life and an increase or a decrease in these factors. The engine is in a state of overheating if it is not able to maintain the temperature of its internal and external parts within the permissible calculated level. The main task of the engine cooling system is to convey the heat to the cylinder block arising from the combustion of the fuel and then take it to the air flow into the atmosphere. The additional cooling process is that the heat formed as a result of friction of the internal parts of the engine is transmitted by the heat to lubricant, which also transfers its engine block. Cooling ribs are located around the cylinder and cylinder head in order to increase the cooling surface and the intensity of heat removal into the atmosphere with a flow of air. If any malfunctions occur in this process, the engine can overheat.

Overheating of the engine can occur for a number of reasons, some of which are not directly related to the engine. The main possible cause of overheating can be the cooler blocked by mud. Any extraneous materials that impede the air flow through the cooler ribs can slow down the process of heat removal. Most often cooling ribs are clogged with various garbage and dirt. Cooling ribs can also be clogged with any other materials and dust that arise during the operation of the equipment on which the engine is installed (Poloters, roofing scissors, soil mills, etc.P.).
When contaminating the cooling ribs, the engine temperature increases sharply. Almost all metals expand when heated and take their previous sizes and shapes when cooling. Over, various materials are expanded and compressed to varying degrees. This can be illustrated by the example of steel bolts of fastening the aluminum head of the cylinder. When aluminum expands, this leads to an increase in the tightening effort of the bolt. If you add to this the pressure that occurs as a result of combustion of fuel, then each bolt of fastening of the cylinder head may experience loads comparable to the mass. If the engine temperature is high enough, the bolts can stretch. The same thing can happen with a thread in an aluminum block. In both cases, the aluminum block and steel bolt exceed the temperature limit of the fluidity of the metal. At this point, the material will expand and will no longer be able to return to the previous form and size.
As a result of overheating of the engine, the gasket of the cylinder head can be broken, and the cylinder head itself is deformed. If the blocking of the block head is punctured, air at the suction tact can be sucked into the cylinder, impoverished the working mixture. In this case, the engine temperature inevitably increases.
The cylinder, in which thermal expansion exceeds the limit of the material, may be deformed. After cooling the engine, the deformed surface does not always accept the previous configuration.This deformation can look like a recess along the cylinder wall. In this case, the piston rings will not tightly pressed against the wall of the cylinder, and the oil will burn on its surface. Local change in the color of the metal that occurs during overheating is called “overheated places”. As a result, oil consumption increases and engine power drops.
With a very strong overheating of the engine, the braids of the outlet valves can occur. Repeating overheating can lead to the fact that the steel valve nest will expand the aluminum block. As a result, the valve nest is impaired. The nest can scold and even fall out of the landing site. The temperature, high enough for the gap of valves, can also cause deformation of the surface of the cylinder block itself for laying the head. In such cases, it usually arises in the overhaul.
The spinning of the inlet valve nest, on the other hand, occurs due to overheating quite rarely. Due to the cooling effect of the working mixture (air with air) under the influence of excessive overheating, the final nests are more often weakened than inlets than inlets.
Changing the color of engine parts often serves as a sign of its overheating. In essence, a change in color is nothing more than a trace left after the evaporation of the oil in this place. When the oil is subjected to excessive heating, it experiences thermal decomposition, in which lighter oil fractions evaporate and only heavier fractions remain more than its heavier fractions. Representing resin.Shaped residues, these heavy fractions burn and stick to a hot surface. Usually on open surfaces of piston fingers, between the upper head of the connecting rod and the body of the piston, you can see dark belts. In this case, the inside of the piston bell may also have a pronounced color change.
If the engine continues to operate in overheating, the oil will begin to lose its viscosity, and serious problems may occur as a result of insufficient lubrication. The decomposition of oil under the influence of high temperatures (cracking) leads to the formation of very viscous materials resembling resin, which almost do not have a lubricant. As a result, the friction between the details increases even more and their heating increases.
As already noted above, there are other external factors that affect engine overheating. The modification of working equipment can cause engine overheating if sufficient ventilation of the room in which it is used is not provided, or if it is difficult to access the outer air. A damaged or incorrectly located exhaust pipe can direct the exhaust gases to the suction pipe of the carburetor or directly to the engine cooling system.

The trimmer is very hot

The trimmer overheating can occur for many reasons:

  • Gasoline has not the same octane number indicated in the instructions for the unit;
  • The proportions of gasoline and oil during the preparation of the fuel mixture are not observed;
  • A mixture of fuel with butter has long been prepared (the mixture cannot be stored for more than 2 weeks);
  • The trimmer works more than the time instructions;
  • A low.Power trimmer is used on thick and hard grass, the device works with overload and heats up quickly;
  • Shifted towards the bar or the cassette lid clutched.

The latter occurs if you install a mowing head inappropriate for this unit, or when the axis shifts inside the bar. These changes make it difficult to rotate, the load on the engine increases, and it overheating.

Reasons for overheating of the motor | 5koleso.Ru

Good time is summer, only many motorists may have a problem. Engine overheating. Standing in traffic jams, carefully and warily observe how the engine temperature climbs up steadily. There was still not enough to “boil” the motor on the road!

In addition to the hassle, the loss of time, which is required for periodic parking with an open hood, a hit on the prestige and reputation caused by either sympathetic or contemptuous views from passing cars, all this is extremely incompetent for the motor.

Even a single short.Term overheating of the motor can provide it with a lot of problems in further life. The fact is that the motor has many details that are very sensitive to elevated temperatures. Firstly, these are oil-refracting valve caps. Gum, what will you take from it! Yes, even if the caps are silicone, it is all the same. And they do not like overheating. Secondly, these are piston rings, oilflower in the first place. Spring expanders of oil.Removable rings at high temperatures are “released”, lose their elasticity. And this ring turns into a simple piston decoration. Both the first and second entails a sharp increase in the oil appetite. But, in addition to the need for frequent valve of oil and a smoky exhaust, the growth of oil consumption has another dangerous side. The surfaces of the combustion chamber are overgrown with deposits that prevent the normal cooling of the engine, which exacerbates the situation with overheating.

And not even that worst. Details, as you know, expand when heated. If everything is standard, then when cooling, they return to their original state. As the mechanics say, the deformation is linear, there are no residual deformations. And when overheating. They expand more than it is prescribed by the design. And deformation can go beyond the boundaries of the “linear law”. Go to plastic. And this leads to the fact that after cooling the part will not return to the initial state. Residual deformations appear. Hence the warning of the block and the cylinder head, the growth of the piston size up to their bully. This is already completely unpleasant, because it requires a serious engine repair. Well, probably enough horror stories. Let’s deal with the reasons.

Why is the motor suddenly start to warm up? Reasons can be counted from a dozen. Over, overheating can be external and, more dangerous, internal. A sign of external overheating. An increase in the temperature of the coolant. We see this and can quickly react to it. But the internal overheating outside is not immediately noticeable. Heat, as it were, remains inside the engine, there is practically no increase in the temperature of the liquid. But the engine reacts with a sharp decrease in power due to the deterioration of filling and increasing mechanical losses, detonation and potassium ignition, and, in the worst version, by the piston.

The analogy with the human body is clearly traced. Like a person, an increase in the temperature of the motor is evidence that the “organism” resists. Even with working thermostat, some engine temperature increase in certain situations is normal. Long standing in traffic jams, driving in a hill with full load. An increase in temperature inevitably. But this is a manifestation of “external” overheating. But remember the situation when it’s bad at all, and the temperature is low! This is even worse than, for example, 38 on a thermometer. “The body does not fight,” they say in such cases. The motor is similar. There are situations when the “internal fire” does not affect the temperature indicator in any way. This is overheating of the “internal”.

The causes of two types of overheating are different. Let’s start with the “external”.

The first reason, and the simplest, is an insufficient amount of coolant in the cooling system. Water, or antifreeze is a liquid that, as you know, will find a hole. In the engine cooling system, with a bunch of tubes, tubes, nozzles, clamps and gaskets, there can be many such holes. So the antifreeze gradually leaves both the expansion tank, and from the radiator of the cooling system. This is evidence of this. White streams on the external surfaces of the engine, drops of the antifreeze under the machine after a long parking. And it’s really bad if the antifreeze goes into the oil and the engine cylinders. As mentioned earlier, this is possible when the cylinder block is destroyed or fierce, the groove of the landing surfaces of the head or block. Here the consequences can be much tougher: from the hydraulic jacket to jamming of the crankshaft.

The second reason is the low efficiency of the air cooling of the radiator. There may also be several reasons for this. If the fan is driven by a crankshaft belt, then the tension of this belt may weaken. If the fan drive is electric, then the temperature sensor may fool. And this may also be the result of strong contamination of the ribs of the radiator of the cooling system. Dirt is a very bad heat conductor, and under the hood it is usually enough. By the way, the strong pollution of the radiator speaks of a small speed of normalization of temperature at the beginning of movement after a long parking. In the normal state of blowing the radiator when moving even at an average speed leads to a very Rapid decrease in temperature to normal. If this is not, the radiator must be washed or generally changed!

The third reason is a violation in the work of the thermostat. Everything is clear here too. As the deposits accumulate in the cooling system, the mobility of the elastic element of the thermostat is lost, and it ceases to respond to the temperature of the antifreeze leaving the engine. Then it all depends on the position in which it will hang. Either it will constantly start chasing the liquid along a large contour, and the motor will be harder to warm up; or small, then overheating is inevitable. And especially the thermostat “loves” water, and best of all. Hard, with a high content of salts and minerals. Here, hanging his elastic element can be expected after a couple of thousand kilometers after replacing. Some sealants of the cooling system can also give a similar effect, especially if they are abused.

The fourth reason lies in the field of improper adjustment of the ignition or injection system. Later, the beginning of the combustion shifts the moment of the end of the burning of the fuel almost by the time the exhaust valves are opened, or even further. Then the combustion will not end and on the release. The result is a sharp increase in the temperature of the exhaust gases. The head of the cylinder block up to 40-50% heat receives from the exhaust system. If you add to this very difficult conditions for cooling the head, then avoid boiling of the antifreeze in such a situation, most likely it will not work. Steam traffic jams in the cooling cavities “plug” the entire cooling circuit, here is a heavy overheating.

We summarize. What to choose an electric trimmer or benzotrimer?

There is no access to electricity or pull the wires through the entire site is not possible or it is necessary to work for a long time. For example, the processing of park zones, regardless of the weather, is worth choosing a device with a gasoline engine.

For work on a equipped summer cottage, an electrimmer is ideal. Quite powerful, but light, not noisy tool without gasoline exhausts.

Comparison of trimmers FPT 43 gas trimmer Electritrimmer Fet 1200R
Power 1.3 kW 1.2 kW
The weight 8.5 kg 5.5 kg
Readiness for work
Noise from work

It is ideal to have both tools. For each of the trimmers there is a decent use. How to choose each of them-watch new videos on our Fubag Russia YouTube channel.