How can you cut the slate. Features of the formation of beds

How to cut slate for a garden?

Slate, if it is inaccurate to work with him, rather fragile material. By its nature, this is an asbestos cement, and it, like any concrete stone, holds the load loads well, but has low strength for the break. Therefore, during cutting, he may crack not along the marked line. And the leaf with a crack is unsuitable as a roofing and for the construction of the garden. The slate is usually cut by a power tool, but if the electricity is not supplied to the construction object, use a manual saw or other suitable tool.

Slate is flat and with a certain number of waves. The first species is used not only for the roof, but also in other enclosing surfaces. Wave slate is a roofing material that can have a different amount of crests, profile height, length and width of the sheet. It can be applied with the construction of beds for vegetables or floral crops.

The physical properties of the finished product depend on the ratio of voluminous shares of ingredients.

  • Sheet thickness. From 5.2 to 8 mm;
  • Number of waves. From 5 to 8;
  • Width. From 980 to 1130 mm;
  • Length. From 2000 to 2800 mm;
  • It is possible to stain in volume by adding pigments to the composition of the raw materials;
  • To increase the resistance to wet, additional staining of the surface with hydrophobic paints for concrete is possible;
  • Density. From 1.4 to 2.1 g/cm 3 (the greater, the higher the strength to mechanical influences);
  • Frost resistance. From 25 to 50 cycles.

The service life of the slate depends on operating conditions and is 25. 40 years. Unlike other wavy roofing materials (profiled sheet, metal tiles and euro.Shifers), he does not conduct heat and extinguishes well air street noises. In a roofing cake, it is not necessary to lay roll waterproofing, since condensation does not form on the inner surface of the slate.

This characteristic of the slate is well suited when building beds for plants.

Schifer cutting with a grinder with a disk for stone

Taking advantage of the corner grinding-cutting machine (grinder) equipped with a stone disk, you can easily cut a wave of a wave slate leaf.

The technology of work requires the use of water, which should be supplied with a thin stream to the site of the saw. This will simultaneously cool the working part of the tool and prevent the appearance of harmful asbestos dust.

To supply water, an assistant is necessary, who will hold the hose or water the incision with water from an ordinary plastic bottle. In this case, the dust will not fly apart, but dragging along with water to the ground. If there is no assistant, then you can fix the hose with water with improvised means so that it flows to the cut.

slate, features, formation, beds

Corner machine (hereinafter UDSHM) with a disk for stone, it is convenient to cut sheets of roofing material along the wave. Previously, mark the place of the cut, put the sheet on the even plot of the earth so that the cut falls on the lower wave, or on the wide boards, so that the place of the cut is not far from the edge of one of them.

Creaming a flat slate

If you have to cut the sheet across the wave, the operation is carried out in two approaches: at the first stage, convex crests are cut along the intended line, at the second stage the sheet is turned over, and convex crests are cut again, which before that remained below. With this method, the slate is cut through and decaying into two parts.

Alternative options

Hacksaw and an electrician cut ondulin well, but quickly sit on asbestos.Cement sheets.

Electric tools

Use a cutting saw, with a stone cutting disk. Preparation includes the marking of the line on the slate sheet, wetting the place of the cut. When working, you cannot allow displacement from the intended line, conducting exactly along it.

At a time, the part will not work out at a time, so after wetting, they additionally outline the line, simultaneously deepening it with core. So the wheel wheel will not be lost from the rut of the mark. In the case of using a disk saw, several approaches you need to make.

Use an electric drill with a drill that has a winning tip.

  • The sheet is placed on the aligned surface, on it across the waves or along them marks the line of separation;
  • On the marked line, holes are drilled, as close as possible one to the other, drilled to the end of the sheet, while trying not to move away from the line;
  • Take a hammer and tap on the line of holes every 6. 10 centimeters;
  • One half of the panel is lifted, carefully separated from the second side of the sheet.

Some roofers additionally cut the line along the holes using an acute ax blade. This procedure is optional, t. To. The stove will split in the direction of drilled holes. Do not take a drill with a shock effect (perforator) for work. Such sharp efforts will lead to the appearance of a oblique crack not along the planned line.

Cutting sheets of asbestosenta with a grinder or jigsaw

A circle of stone or diamond disk is put on an angle grinding machine to saw slate.

In the first case, organize a continuous supply of a water jet to the place of touching the circle to the surface of the slate to cool the work edge of the disk and prevent dust. For convenience, work is performed with an assistant who uses a hose or a plastic bottle with holes in the lid. When single work, the hose is fixed in a convenient position.

  • The sheet is laid on the floor, if you need to cut off the narrow edge, then a wooden bar or board is placed under it.
  • Make the first cut along the intended line on the ledge of the wave from beginning to end the panel.
  • The stove is turned over, the cut place is obtained in the concave area of ​​the sheet.
  • Cut along the line, if everything is correct, then the profile will be divided into two parts;.
  • The dust on the side surface of the disk is removed with a wet rag at once, if it froze, the circle will have to be thrown away.

In the case of the use of a diamond disk on a grinder, you can cut a sheet in two directions and it is not necessary to turn the panel over. In winter, it is recommended to lay asbestoscene slabs directly on the snow. So the allocated dust for the most part is absorbed into it. The diamond circles are polished by the edges of the material in Pesta cutting to increase resistance to negative factors. The disk is used to cut the corners of the profile if the sheet does not move half during installation.

What disks are suitable for cutting cutter

The slate is very durable when installed on the roof of the roll. But when cutting the slate along the line, it turns out that this is a fragile material. Cut it off with a grinder with a disk very carefully and carefully so as not to break the edge in a wrong place.

To cut the slate (both wavy and flat), it is best to buy a 125 mm grinder (maximum circle diameter). This size just allows you to saw the slate on the waves, and is sufficient for flat sheets.

There are two types of disks on sale that are used to cut asbestos.Cement sheets:

This type of cutting circles is good because it does not require very strong pressure and effort. But before cutting the slate with a stone disk, Think about where the constant water supply will come from, otherwise you can’t handle. When cutting a disk for stone into the air, a dense Cloud of fine asbestos dust rises in the air. To eliminate it, it is necessary to supply water to the place where the grinder is in contact with the slate during cutting. So you can, and cool the disk, and the dust is besieged.

The easiest way to supply water. With a thin stream manually, from a hose or a plastic bottle. If there is no one who could constantly water the circle of water, then you need to fix the water hose. Circles for the stone is good to cut a flat slate in a straight line. So you can also saw the wave slate for the roof, but not across the wave, but along it.

Diamond circles perfectly cut slate on any cut line. A solid circle is best suited, without slots. It is good because it does not have segments that are clogged with dust. A solid diamond disk is very durable, suitable for the hardest materials. But he is adapted exclusively for wet cut with water supply, otherwise it will overheat in 1-2 minutes. The diamond disk also cuts the corners and grinding the edge of the sheet so that it is more resistant to moisture and temperature extremes.

Three methods of cutting

Asbesta.Based roofing sheets have been used for more than half a century. At the moment, there is a wave and flat slate. Specifically in roofing, the wave option is more popular.

But in flat sheets, the scope of use is much wider, in addition to the roof, the walls are sheathed, they make fences and even use as sides for beds in the country. But wherever this material is mounted, everywhere you need to cut.

The arrangement of beds with a straight or wave slate is a fairly common practice.

Method number 1: disk power tool

Various kinds of disk power tools are now used in the vast majority of cases, because cutting it is easier and in labor costs is incomparably easier. The big plus is that the tool can be different, and the cutting technology is almost the same everywhere, so we will start with the technology.

Most often, sheets are cut with a grinder, the tool is available and relatively inexpensive. In addition, both flat and wavy sheets can be cut with a grinder. Step.By.Step instructions look something like this:

Here 2 options. You can cut a diamond disk and a simple cut disc. Both options are workers, but the diamond disk can withstand longer and I recommend it.

You can work on the ground or on the table, but it is inconvenient because you have to turn the sheet a couple of times a couple of times. It’s easier to knock down a small frame from the boards and cut it on it.

Here the process is standard, you just need to measure the roulette and draw a line.

Disk tools are still good in that the cut lines can go both along and across the wave.

slate, features, formation, beds

You can dissolve the sheet with one wiring, but there is a risk that it will burst.

Therefore, at first we cut all the upper waves on the one hand, and then turn the sheet and combine the cut line on the back.

The main problem is dust to knock it down, during operation the disk and sheet are constantly watered with water.

Step.By.Step cutting scheme of straight sheets using a grinder.

The most common Bulgarian, but not the only power tool that can cut asbestos.Cement sheets. The second in the ranking is the end of the circular saw.

True, for such purposes, only its manual modification is more suitable, and the disk is also better to take diamond, models designed for cutting wood quickly sit down.

Cutting slate with a circular saw is as convenient as a grinder.

Another representative of the disk community of power tools suitable for cutting asbestos.Cement plates and specifically slate is a detachment machine. Over, this tool was specially developed for such purposes. In fact, it is one of the modifications of the grinder adapted under the cut of the slate.

The cutter cutter is easiest to cut, since it is precisely for this intended.

Method No. 2: Rezak

At a time when there were no experimental equipment for the Bulgarians and other such power tools, they used steel cutters for cutting sheets. The main requirement for such cutters is as strong as possible steel as possible.

  • A metal ruler is pressed along the cutting line;
  • Then, several dozen cuts are performed on this line and with great pressure and with great pressure. The number of cuts depends on the level of strength of the sheet and the quality of the cutter;
  • Когда борозда от резака дойдет до половины толщины материала, лист кладется на край стола и легким нажимом обламывается.

The technique of work with a steel cutter is extremely simple.

The problem is that flat sheets can be cut anywhere, and wavy slate according to this scheme is cut only along the wave.

There is a professional tool that can be performed by such work, but it is often taken only by people involved in such work, in everyday life it is not enough where you can use it.

There is a professional tool to work with slate and shale.

According to the above technology, the slate can be cut with a sharp boot knife made of high.Strength steel, but only the blade with such cutting quickly “sits down” and few people agree to spoil a good knife.

Our wise people adapted to make such cutters from a broken hacksaw cloth for cutting metal. A groove is pulled out on the back of the canvas, as a result of which a peculiar tooth is obtained, which perfectly cuts sheet materials.

And to keep it was more convenient, the handle is wrapped with island. The tool, of course, is far from the ideal, but an indisputable plus here can be called its cheapness. After all, you would still throw a broken canvas, and so it will go into business.

A hacksaw cutter is an inexpensive and quite effective tool.

By the way, such a folk cutter made of a hacksaw canvas can be cut not only asbestos.Cement sheets, but also textiles, gitinax, as well as any kind of plastic.

Method No. 3: Ponger

The above methods work, of course, good, but what to do if only a hammer, and slate nails from the tool at hand? It turns out that there is also a way out of this situation:

  • Put the sheet simply on the ground and mark the cutting line on it;
  • Then take a nail and break through a number of holes along the line. Only you need to beat in the lower part of the wave, the one that rests on the ground;
  • Now turn over the sheet with the other side and beat a number of holes along the line, again in the lower part of the wave;
  • As a result, you got a flat row of holes with a step of about 5. 7 mm along the cutting line. You only need to take the sheet on some even edge and break it along the cutting line.

It is impossible to achieve a punch of an even edge of the sheet.

How and what can be carefully cut with a wave slate without a grinder?

There are many pieces, but there is no grinder and circle.

How to turn these pieces into neat quadrangular forms?

How and what can be carefully cut with a wave slate without a grinder ?

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At one time, thirty years ago he sawed a wave slate with a regular saw. There is always a saw in which the teeth are worn or poorly wiring is done. You can of course also buy from cheap disposable saws in the store.

Deselecting Marks with a Highlight Actions

Well, you can with an ordinary hacksaw on wood, however, you will have to get a bit, and you can split inadvertently. And when we put the roofs, the grinder was very expensive exotic, and the slate “cut” with a nail 150 mm (well, or another size, but it was a favorite).

The cut line is drawn, then the boards are placed from below so that this line is on it and the slate fit tightly. And then along the line they pierced often, often with a nail and a hammer of many, many holes (not through and through, but to outline-the nail should slightly go to the other side, the very tip). And when the whole line was punctured, Schifer simply broke with easy, as they say, perforations.

The most “interesting” thing is that it is now given tips that could and should be used 20-30 years ago, when the wave slate was made with the addition of asbestos. And then yes, such a slate could be cut with an ordinary hacksaw on wood. Now there is no asbestos in the slate. It has become completely cement, and think that a hacksaw will take it. Absolute stupidity, if it is not a hacksaw with attacked winning teeth. So if there is no such hacksaw at hand, then you can’t do without a grinder with a diamond disk. Of course, there will be a lot of dust and you will sneeze and cough for a very long time, so you will definitely need to provide means of protecting the organs of vision and breathing. Something else is not even worth wise, or as they say now, some kind of aggregate to collective farm.

Rules for working with asbestos.Cement sheets

There are many options for cutting the slate, however, regardless of your choice, you need to observe certain safety measures. Dust from asbestos sheets that enters the human body when inhaling, negatively affects human health. It does not matter how to cut than cut. The main thing is to reduce the amount of asbestos dust as much as possible. The release will significantly reduce the use of protection products, for example, a mask, glasses and another.

slate, features, formation, beds

Wet sheets are highlighted by dust when sawing, so before cutting slate, it is wetted with water. Over, raw material is easier to cut, since moist asbestosacent acquires elasticity.

In this case, the location is important. Sawing should be performed in the open air, located during cutting from the leeward side. So the dust will be carried away by the wind.

Safety precautions

Safety precautions in any business are important. When working with slate, it should be remembered that the asbestos contained in it, a dangerous mineral of silicate class, irritates the respiratory tract, eyes. Many do not attach the proper importance to compliance with the simple rules, make smokers, inhaling air contaminated with dust, neglecting a real danger. And in vain.

It is not difficult to protect yourself from the traumatic effects of asbestos dust, it is important to follow the following rules:

  • Cut only outdoors;
  • Wear a respirator moistened in water;
  • Protect your eyes with glasses;
  • Become from the leeward side so that the dust does not fall on you.

Working with power tools, a grinder, a circular saw and other devices that make piercing harsh sounds, use headphones.

Than cut the slate

Often the sizes of slate sheets are too large for transportation or it is necessary to cut off a sheet of slate in size during installation. About how to do it correctly and talk.


The preferred version of the cutter cutting. Using a grinder with a diamond or circle for stone. It is necessary to protect yourself with special glasses and a respirator, t.To. The dust from the slate is very harmful to health. This should be taken extremely responsibly! According to the World Health Organization annually from diseases caused by the influence of dust from the slate with non.Compliance with safety precautions, about 107,000 people die.

In addition to protective equipment, it is necessary to direct a continuous stream of water to the place of contact of the chipher with the instrument. The easiest option would be to make a hole in the lid of a plastic bottle and ask the assistant to pour water with a thin stream.

You can also cut the slate with a cutting machine with a disk mill over the stone. The process will be a little more complex, but possible. Most likely you have to make a saw in two passes.

An even less preferable option is the use of electrolobsics. It is suitable for small volumes of the saw, t.To. The process will be long and painstaking.

If you need to cut the slate without power tools, then you can do with a regular hacksaw with small teeth. But they will have to be constantly undermined, t.To. They will be stupid very quickly. Not to mention significant temporary and physical costs.

Fundamental rules

Despite the emergence of new materials to create a roof, the slate continues to be actively used in construction. When installing it, there is a need to trim individual elements. This operation is specific: in the composition of gray roofing material there are asbestos fibers. They are carcinogenic. Asbestos dust inhalation can provoke the development of lung cancer. Therefore, you need to cut the sheets very carefully, observing safety rules. They are extremely simple:

  • Before work, you need to put dense clothes on the body, completely closing the case, gloves, protective glasses and respirator. Cutting is always accompanied by a strong noise, if you refuse to use anti-noise headphones, you can deaf for some time.
  • It is important to thoroughly moisten the surface of the roofing material before starting, then less dust will form. Experienced roofers, talking about how to cut the slate, advise watering it right during the saw. This is the most effective way that allows you to protect yourself as much as possible from inhalation of the strongest carcinogens.
  • The operation needs to be carried out on the street, preferably in a well.Blown place. If you sit on it so that the wind will immediately take the dust as part of which there are particles of asbestos, it will be possible to protect not only yourself, but also passers.By.

The same technologies are used for cutting flat and wavy slate. But in the process of its implementation there are some nuances.

Features of the organization of work

The slate roof is certainly durable, durable, frost.Resistant, characterized by good fire resistance and sound insulation indicators. In many ways, the set of such characteristics is due to the asbestos.Cement basis. However, he owes her to her increased fragility. The main drawback of the material that complicates its transportation and processing. Therefore, with almost any mechanical effect, it begins to crumble.

If the process is cyclic, then a very light finely dispersed crumb is formed, rapidly picked up by the slightest drafts and for a long time weighed in the air. In addition to the fact that such dust settles on a nearby objects and pollutes the environment, inhaling it with the air deadly for all living things. Asbestos pollen can provoke the development of lung cancer.

It is this main specific aspect that determines the following requirements for the organization of work on how, what, and under what circumstances to saw the slate:

  • Master who performs cutting must be in personal protective equipment. This is primarily a respirator, glasses or a mask, gloves and overalls made of dense fabric.
  • To reduce the intensity of dust formation, as well as the chipping edges of the cut edging place of the contact of the material with a sawing tool should be periodically or continuously moistened with water.
  • The dust should be captured by the hood when working in the room or carried away by the wind into the opposite of the worker. When working on the street.
  • When working in the room, all doors and Windows leading to neighboring rooms should be tightly locked. In this case, only specialists in special protection should be inside.

Choosing a disk for cutting a grinder

For cutting slate wavy sheet, a universal cutting machine is most often used. A grinder. It is most convenient to use a corner model for this. For this purpose, the device is equipped with two types of cutting tools:

The stone disk allows you to cut the slope of the slate with a grinder mainly along the wave. The diamond circle makes it possible to saw it in any direction. In this case, the cutting technique in both cases is slightly different.

So, in the first case, the procedure must be performed under the constant wetting of the cutting place with a small stream of water. Conveniently fixed in the wave of a garden hose or with the help of an assistant with a capacity. If in this way it is necessary to perform the cutting along the along, the procedure is divided into two stages. First, a cut is made according to the mark of the rowers of the sheet on one side, then it is turned over, and the procedure is done in a similar way. On the other.

The use of a diamond circle is more efficient and productive. They can cut a sheet in any direction. The only prerequisite is pre.Wetting the surface of the material. This tool is also used to adjust the grinding of the cutting place, and cutting angles-in the case when the styling technology involves this.

Cutting flat slate at home

To separate flat slate sheets, any method of cutting wavy slate can be taken into service. However, it is most convenient to cut even slate with a grinder with a stone disk. To carry out the procedure, a flat surface is selected on which the material is laid. It can be a simple wooden flooring, or a dense soil platform. The main thing is that the lower base is not expensive, since during cutting it will certainly be damaged. When cutting near the edge of the slate under it, it is advisable to put the wooden rail of the desired length. Before cutting flat slate at home, you need to organize the supply of water to the place of work, to reduce the volume of asbestos dust

How and how to cut slate. 3 methods of cutting asbestos.Cement sheets and a list of tools

Roofing asbestos.Cement slate of perhaps the most popular material in the open spaces of the CIS. Nevertheless, for many young roofers, accurate and quick cutting of sheets to this day remains a problem. The sheet of the slate of the slate is durable, but fragile and for proper cut, both the tool and the technology are important. Therefore, further we will talk about 3 methods of cutting and try to deal with rumors about the harmfulness of the material.

In roofing work, you can’t do without cutting.

Three methods of cutting

Asbesta.Based roofing sheets have been used for more than half a century. At the moment, there is a wave and flat slate. Specifically in roofing, the wave option is more popular.

But in flat sheets, the scope of use is much wider, in addition to the roof, the walls are sheathed, they make fences and even use as sides for beds in the country. But wherever this material is mounted, everywhere you need to cut.

The arrangement of beds with a straight or wave slate is a fairly common practice.

Method number 1: disk power tool

Various kinds of disk power tools are now used in the vast majority of cases, because cutting it is easier and in labor costs is incomparably easier. The big plus is that the tool can be different, and the cutting technology is almost the same everywhere, so we will start with the technology.

Most often, sheets are cut with a grinder, the tool is available and relatively inexpensive. In addition, both flat and wavy sheets can be cut with a grinder. Step.By.Step instructions look something like this:

Here the process is standard, you just need to measure the roulette and draw a line.

You can dissolve the sheet with one wiring, but there is a risk that it will burst.

How to Use a Wet Saw to Cut Slate Tile

Therefore, at first we cut all the upper waves on the one hand, and then turn the sheet and combine the cut line on the back.

Step.By.Step cutting scheme of straight sheets using a grinder.

The most common Bulgarian, but not the only power tool that can cut asbestos.Cement sheets. The second in the ranking is the end of the circular saw.

True, for such purposes, only its manual modification is more suitable, and the disk is also better to take diamond, models designed for cutting wood quickly sit down.

Cutting slate with a circular saw is as convenient as a grinder.

Another representative of the disk community of power tools suitable for cutting asbestos.Cement plates and specifically slate is a detachment machine. Over, this tool was specially developed for such purposes. In fact, it is one of the modifications of the grinder adapted under the cut of the slate.

The cutter cutter is easiest to cut, since it is precisely for this intended.

Method No. 2: Rezak

At a time when there were no experimental equipment for the Bulgarians and other such power tools, they used steel cutters for cutting sheets. The main requirement for such cutters is as strong as possible steel as possible.

  • A metal ruler is pressed along the cutting line;
  • Then, several dozen cuts are performed on this line and with great pressure and with great pressure. The number of cuts depends on the level of strength of the sheet and the quality of the cutter;
  • Когда борозда от резака дойдет до половины толщины материала, лист кладется на край стола и легким нажимом обламывается.

The technique of work with a steel cutter is extremely simple.

There is a professional tool that can be performed by such work, but it is often taken only by people involved in such work, in everyday life it is not enough where you can use it.

There is a professional tool to work with slate and shale.

According to the above technology, the slate can be cut with a sharp boot knife made of high.Strength steel, but only the blade with such cutting quickly “sits down” and few people agree to spoil a good knife.

Our wise people adapted to make such cutters from a broken hacksaw cloth for cutting metal. A groove is pulled out on the back of the canvas, as a result of which a peculiar tooth is obtained, which perfectly cuts sheet materials.

And to keep it was more convenient, the handle is wrapped with island. The tool, of course, is far from the ideal, but an indisputable plus here can be called its cheapness. After all, you would still throw a broken canvas, and so it will go into business.

A hacksaw cutter is an inexpensive and quite effective tool.

Method No. 3: Ponger

The above methods work, of course, good, but what to do if only a hammer, and slate nails from the tool at hand? It turns out that there is also a way out of this situation: