How the bit is inserted into a screwdriver. Rotation speed and torque

How the bit is inserted into a screwdriver

Before starting work, make sure that the battery of your screwdriver is completely charged. Insert it into a charger and pay attention to the indicator. The green color of the indicator indicates that the battery is charged. The red color of the indicator suggests that it must be charged.

In order to increase the work time of the screwdriver, it is enough to have a second battery. After the first is discharged and you replace it with the second, the first insert into the charger. After the battery is charged, do not keep it in a charging device. This shortens the service life of the battery in general. It also adversely affects the battery life too hot or too cold temperature of the room in which the screwdriver works. The operating mode of one battery is designed for five hours.

Bit for a screwdriver: device and general classification

Bits, or heads for screwdriver, have a simple structure. These removable nozzles consist of a rod, which is fixed in the cartridge of an electrical tool. A drill is inserted into it. The rod is made in the form of a hexagon. Each bit has a specific shape that corresponds to a certain type of fastener.

Bits for a screwdriver. These are nozzles of a certain shape for different purposes

All existing types of bit can conditionally be divided into three categories:

  • The main. The working body of the nozzle is made in the form of a cross. Such tips are characterized by a good hitch with the heads of fasteners.
  • Combined. Nozzles are equipped with a working body on both sides, each of them can have its own size and shape.
  • Special. Nozzles from this category are called highly specialized. Such bits are designed to perform certain tasks, they are rarely used, and therefore are sold only by the piece.

Varieties of bit for the screwdriver for its intended purpose

Her purpose depends on the shape of the working part of the bit. On this basis, the following varieties of heads are distinguished:

  • For bolts and nuts;
  • With anti.Vandal slot;
  • Professional;
  • For drywall;
  • With a design type “fork”;
  • Magnetic and spring.

There are three categories: basic, special and combined

Best Bolt Extractor? Let’s find out! Drill Hog, Bosch, Irwin, Speed out, Ryobi Broken Screw Sets

The shape of the bit intended for twisting and twisting of bolts and nuts, non.Standard. The working part of these heads is not convex, like most tips, but has a hole. The dimensional line of such bit is quite extensive. Nozzles equipped with an anti.Vandal slot are called a “snake eye”. The shape of this tip is adapted to the fork key.

Professional bits for screwdrivers are characterized by a high degree of reliability, excellent strength characteristics and a long service life. Using such heads, you can tighten a large number of fasteners. Professional nozzles are made of high.Quality metal, they are protected by a special coating.

In the sets of professional heads, there is usually a torsion bat for shock screwdriver. It can be distinguished from ordinary nozzles in appearance. In it, the site between the shank and the slot is very narrow. The torsion bat has a special design with a special flexible insert, which is made in the form of a spring. This component works for twisting. A similar structure allows you to use a torsion bat to work with very solid materials, using self.Lover fasteners. With the help of such a head, you can completely drown the self.Tapping screw in the metal, and together with the hat.

A separate group of bits for screws includes nozzles designed for drywall. They have a limiter that will not allow you to damage the material during installation work. Plasterboard sheets are quite fragile, so it is worth avoiding strong pressure while screwing self.Tapping screws.

Bits are divided into different types depending on the purpose

Bitter with a “fork” design is a type of anti.Vandal slot. Outwardly, it looks like a flat version of the head, only with a slot in the middle.

Features of spring and magnetic bits for screwdriver

To work in hard.To.Reach places, as well as on the ceiling, bits with special capabilities are used. Magnetic or with a latch. Tips with a spring latch are well held in the adapter. Like battles for screwdrivers, magnetic heads provide a good coupling with the notches of the fastener (screw). The possibilities of these nozzles are used so that in the process of work the tip does not slip off the fasteners head.

Heads with a spring structure are classified as special. They are used in cases where it is necessary to install fasteners in hard.To.Reach places or at different angles. Such bits consist of the base and slice that are interconnected using a flexible spring. Over, the slot in such products is fixed manually. After that, it is inserted into the notch on the screw. Thanks to a flexible spring, the fasteners can be twisted at an angle that exceeds 90 °.

Magnetic or latches with a fixator are used for hard.To.Reach areas

Adapters, or extensors for bits of a screwdriver, greatly simplify construction work. There are two options for these designs:

Adapters are designed for standard nozzles, they are convenient and practical.

Is it possible to drill?

You can use the tool instead of a drill only if such an opportunity is indicated in the technical passport of the device.

However, soft materials, such as drywall, are drilled even with a low.Power screwdriver.

To do this, instead of the bit, you need to insert a drill into the cartridge for working with GKL.

To pull out a drill or other nozzles, you need to spin the cartridge with your hand or key. You also need to rearrange the coupling in the appropriate position, usually the drill icon is depicted in this mode. The nozzle is put to the marked surface at right angles. It is not recommended to deviate. This will complicate the stroke of the drill, increase the diameter of the hole performed.

To drill a concrete or brick wall, tiles, you need a tool with a high speed of rotation (from 1200 revolutions per minute) and a large torque. Screwdrivers with the shock mechanism cope with the task more efficiently and faster.

To make polishing the body, headlights of the car or other surface with a screwdriver, additional nozzles are needed. Polishing circles. Circles made of a cord or leather are used for preliminary cleaning. Fleet nozzles are used for both cleaning and final polishing.

  • The surface that needs to be polished is washed from dirt and dust;
  • Dried;
  • Apply the abrasive composition to the polishing circle;
  • Sequentially process all areas with smooth movements without strong pressure.

In the process, the circle is periodically cleaned of the residues of the pasta using a clean rag. Polishing takes a lot of time, the battery can be discharged. If the device is very heated, you need to turn it off and wait for a while before resuming the work.


To make polishing the body, headlights of the car or other surface with a screwdriver, additional nozzles are needed. Polishing circles. Circles made of a cord or leather are used for preliminary cleaning. Fleet nozzles are used for both cleaning and final polishing.

  • The surface that needs to be polished is washed from dirt and dust;
  • Dried;
  • Apply the abrasive composition to the polishing circle;
  • Sequentially process all areas with smooth movements without strong pressure.

In the process, the circle is periodically cleaned of the residues of the pasta using a clean rag. Polishing takes a lot of time, the battery can be discharged. If the device is very heated, you need to turn it off and wait for a while before resuming the work.

Is it possible to use a screwdriver as a gaykovert?

If you have Squad, You can use him in the role Gaykowert, without purchasing a separate tool. Of course, the power of the tool will remain small, but it will still help to significantly reduce the time with the nuts when changing the wheels to the car.

What time is it Need to charge Squad The indicator is individual. It varies from 30 minutes to 7 hours and depends on the capacity.

How to insert a drill into a drill Bosch

How Insert the drill in drill And a punch

Often there are difficulties to appear not tasks when working with a perforator on another drill. In the main thing, the inconsistent may consist in the inability to work correctly with drill. First, we see some differences in cartridges not drills.


  • Spiral. They are universal are not used to perform drilling of various materials.
  • Crowned. If you need to adjust the depth, then this drill is used, which will make the hole huge.
  • Feather. These drills make holes in wooden products.
  • Stepped. They are used for drilling in ondulin, gland and metal tile.
  • Milling.
  • Ruffled and so on.

The drills are also different and their tip differ. They are specially made for a shock and ordinary drill, and in shape resemble a cylinder.

As for the cartridges themselves, there are also differences here. For example, some are used for a shock drill, while others for a conventional drill or perforator. How to fix a bat or drill. You can fix a drill or bat in a screwdriver in two ways. In each individual case, you can fix the drill in different ways.

You can find cartridges in which it is possible insert Drill for both a perforator and a drill. But for safety reasons, it is better not to do this. The principles of the punch and drill work are very different from each other.

Cartridges, in turn, can also be two types:

The key cartridge requires a special key to install the drill. The cartridge is clamped by the key, which is inserted into its hole and spins clockwise. So, the drill is securely fixed. As for the fast.Packed, it is divided into two types: one.Button and two.Button.

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This is a video about that, How to insert a drill in the perforator is more focused on women who decided to take up not

How to insert a drill into a drill?

The video roller is shown, how to insert a drill into a drill and fix it with a quick.And.Packed cartridge

The technique of replacing the cartridge is presented in the video material:

The two.Tick cartridge has two couplings, one of them is clamped, the other coupling is spinning with the second hand. If we talk about one.Meofal cartridges, then the cartridge is clamped with one hand. Replacing drills in such a cartridge is much faster, unlike the key. But as for the fixation of the drill, it holds much weaker with this option.

The fastening of the drill is always vertically, otherwise there is a risk of breaking not only drill, but the instrument itself.

So, how to insert a drill into a perforator or drill correctly?

How Insert the drill

For this process to go smoothly, it is important to observe some consistent steps:

  • Before you install drill In the drill, make sure that the drill is disconnected from the network.
  • Then insert the drill into the cartridge. To do this, you must first make sure that the drill used is designed for a specific tool.
  • To reduce the wear of the cartridge on the perforator, you can grease the drill with special lubricant. You can apply it to the hole of the cartridge.
  • Next, fix the drill.
  • After installing the drill in the cartridge, it is important to make sure that it does not stagger.

In the process of drilling, you can not touch the rotating elements of a drill or perforator. As you can see, the installation of the drill is not special problems.

It all depends on the cartridge you use. But what if after work it is not possible to extract a drill from the cartridge?

What to do if the drill stuck

Usually the removal of a drill from the cartridge is not special problems. How to fix a bat or drill. You can fix a drill or bat in a screwdriver in two ways. For example, in the key cartridge, it is enough to turn the key counterclockwise.

In a fast.Packed cartridge, all actions are also just taking place. For this, the coupling is spinning counterclockwise. On this principle, drill from other types of cartridges are pulled out.

But what if the drill is firmly settled in the cartridge? Most often, such a problem can arise with fast.And.Packed cartridges. Great efforts will be required to extract the drill.

If the cartridge is metallic, then you can also lightly tap on the cartridge with a hammer. It is necessary to tap until the tail appears from the cartridge. If it doesn’t work out, then you can use the gas key.

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If no manipulations help you, you will have to remove the cartridge from the drill/punch and disassemble it.

There are other cases when the drill stuck in the wall. In this case, the drill scrolls in the cartridge. To remove it, you will need to squeeze the cartridge and remove the drill from the wall.

So, as we examined with you all the possible situations that may arise in working with a perforator and drill when changing the drill.

Installation of a drill in a screwdriver

How to insert a bit into a screwdriver. Often this question is asked by novice masters. Depending on the type of cartridge, the method of installing a cutting tool designed to drill holes will depend. To avoid mistakes, you should find out how to insert a drill into a screwdriver.

  • To install the drill, the master must turn off the screwdriver from the network and select a suitable cutting tool designed to drill holes.
  • The drill is cleaned of a raid of dust and dirt. It is important to pay attention to the tail. The whole plaque should be removed.
  • In cases where a quick.And.Packed cartridge is installed on the tool, it is necessary to manually dilute its fists. If the gear cartridge is used, it is worth diluting the fists using the key.
  • The tail of the drill is directed to the stop to the cartridge. If it doesn’t work out right away, it is best to get it and repeat the process again.
  • Depending on the type of clamping mechanism, the master fixes the drill.

Thanks to step.By.Step instructions, everyone can familiarize themselves with the information regarding how to change the nozzle to a screwdriver or drill. After replacing the drill, it is important to check the reliability of its fixation and make sure that the backlash is missing. Changing the nozzle is quite simple. The most important thing is to adhere to the advice of specialists.

Features of spring and magnetic bits for screwdriver

If the master is working in an inaccessible place or on the ceiling, experts recommend using bats with special capabilities (magnetic or with the presence of fixers). It should be borne in mind that the tip with a spring type fixer will be firmly held in the adapter. Magnetic heads, in turn, will provide a good hitch with the notch of screws. The use of such nozzles avoids slipping the tip from the fastener head.

To tighten the self.Tapping screw to the maximum depth, it is worth using a magnetic bat instead of the usual.

It is advisable to use the heads with the spring structure, if necessary, installing the fasteners in an inaccessible place or at different angles. Basic and Slitz are the main elements of such bit. A flexible spring connects them among themselves. Schlitz must be inserted into notches on self.Tapping screw. The presence of a flexible spring allows you to tighten it at an angle.

The adapter or extension cord of the screwdriver is able to greatly simplify construction work. Manufacturers make 2 types of structures that differ among themselves:

The adapter is designed for standard nozzles.

Why can a bat in a screwdriver get stuck

It doesn’t matter, expensive or cheap tool, jamming of a clamping device is not uncommon. This happens in several cases:

  • When trying to use the drill of the largest of the permissible sizes of the cartridge fist is diluted to the maximum value, after which it is often impossible to squeeze them in normal mode.
  • It is impossible to get a jammed drill or bit, because it is not possible to unclench the fists-in most cases due to their uneven compression.
  • Glue lips due to free move during compression and unclenching. The blame, chips, wraps that fall into the figures of the fists that have come inside this.

Unfortunately, in such situations it is impossible to work with a screwdriver, despite its serviceability. It is possible to cope with the problem yourself, in severe cases it is better to contact a service center to specialists.

Which screwdriver to choose.

Characteristics, choice parameters

Scurgery. A universal power tool, used to tighten fasteners and drill not very solid materials: wood, plastic, drywall, thin sheet metal, etc. Non.Standard use of screwdrivers. Drilling holes in ice on winter fishing and mixing not very thick building mixtures.

The screwdriver is considered a multi.Purpose tool, as it finds use in different types of work: repair, finish, grinding surfaces, assembly of furniture and various designs, work with drywall, wood, etc. The device can be used both indoors (in the apartment, in the country, in the garage), and outside.

The design of any screwdriver is the same: an electric motor with a gearbox transmitting rotation to a spindle and equipment, a cartridge of a certain type and an electronic control system. There is also a clutch that regulates the torque, and the battery (in battery models), which supplies the tool for the tool. The choice of the tool that is optimal for your needs should be approached thoroughly. What screwdriver to buy for home or professional use, our article will tell.

Overview of popular boat manufacturers

On the question of which screwdriver to choose for work at home or at the facility, the manufacturer and trademark of equipment plays an important role. As a rule, users want to buy a tool of a well.Known and already proven brand and do not overpay for quality. Reviews of real users affected the choice of the best brands.

Bosch. German brand, under which high.Quality equipment and reliability, proven by several generations are produced. All models are equipped with hardy engines with a high torque. Tool classes are divided into colors: in the green case, household tools, in blue. Professional. In the assortment, both network and battery models.

Makita. Japanese brand of professional equipment for construction and repair work. One of the favorites, along with Bosch, among craftsmen and ordinary users. Products are distinguished by good power, increased working resource and many years of reliability.

Dewalt. A brand from America is considered one of the best in the line of screwdrivers. The equipment is characterized by multifunctionality, high.Quality and powerful engine and safe use due to reduced vibration. In the lineup both network and battery screwdrivers. Actively used in the professional construction field.

“Interskol”. Domestic brand of electrical equipment, produces budget lines of screwdrivers and other tool for construction and repair. Inexpensive models are multifunctional and quite productive, they cope well with the loads. Interskol equipment is used mainly in household repair or as a spare tool for professional. The catalog has network and battery options with 1 or 2 batteries.

Stanley. An old brand of construction equipment, there is a professional and amateur line. New technologies are used in the production and each time improvement of the technical properties of the tool. High.Class quality and ease of use have long been evaluated by users around the world.

Patriot. Another American manufacturer of power tools and various special equipment in the segment of available products. Even professional models have a fairly low cost compared to other well.Known brands. The tools use fairly strong and reliable engines that withstand significant loads.

Metabo.A well-known German brand of special equipment in a corporate-green corps corporate. Wide line of battery and network screwdrivers. The battery tool uses the most powerful LIHD technologies (from 4 to 8 Ah), which provide high.Power work for a very long time.

Household and professional screwdrivers

Before choosing a drill screwdriver of a particular model, you need to determine the volume of work. If you need a tool for constant work for several hours, it is better to pay attention to the professional option, and for small homework (hang a shelf, collect new furniture) you can purchase an inexpensive household version.

Used to wrap screws, bolts and screws. It has modest technical indicators: low torque, relatively small battery capacity, while affordable. Found use in home fine repairs or as a spare tool in addition to the main.

Professional screwdrivers

Productive and powerful. Tighten fasteners and can drill holes in wood, plastic, thin and soft metal. Usually have a 2 or 3-speed gearbox to select optimal working conditions, the torque of such models reaches values ​​of 130 N ∙ m. As a rule, there is a quick replacement system for equipment (bit). Also, professional models may contain a bronnote engine that has higher efficiency and small dimensions. Expensive, compared to domestic, but pays for itself due to constant operation.

Network and battery screwdriver

All screwdrivers work from electricity, the difference is only in its source: network models receive power from the mains through the cable and outlet. Battery has a removable battery, which is charged from a direct current source (also through a socket).

How to put a bit in a screwdriver?

To install the necessary nozzle, you need to choose it in size to the hat of the fastener and insert into the magnetic holder of the cartridge. To do this, the cartridge and the coupling must be removed from the device. After installing the required bat, the cartridge is re.Attached to the tool body. Next, you need to set the optimal bit rotation frequency.

To extract a drill or bat, you need to switch the screwdriver to the reverse, fix the cartridge and turn on the screwdriver: the fists will be injected and free the drill or bit. Which has become the standard in screwdrivers, a clip of restriction of the moment. Above the case, opposite the cartridge there is an arrow that indicates the number.

What to do if the cartridge is jammed in a screwdriver?

If jammed bat in Patron of the screwdriver Bosch, Texas, practice, etc., then (after lubrication) effectively solves the problem using two divorce keys. One is clamped by the base cartridge, the second neatly rotate its upper part.

It is designed to screw or twist bolts or nuts. Unlike the screwdriver to Gaykowert The cartridge is not attached In operational capabilities, the mechanism for nuts has serious restrictions. When drilling is good to use drill.

What is the screwdriver consists of? Settings of the device.

In the plastic case there is a engine and a geover mechanism that drives the bat, which is installed at the end of the screwdriver. The device is provided for by the presence of a start.Up starter, direction of direction and speed speed, diode illumination and tightening time regulator.

The principle of activity of the tool is very simple. The nozzle, previously fixed in the cartridge, moves using a shaft, which starts moving from the work of the motor through the gearbox. Before using a screwdriver, you should find out if the battery is charged, and whether the nozzle is installed correctly.

Immediately before the work, you need to look after such a nozzle so that it corresponds to the self.Tapping screw or screw hat.

To install the desired nozzle, you should choose it by the size of the hat of the fastener and fix it in the magnetic holder of the cartridge. First, the cartridge with the coupling must be removed from the device, and after fixing the bat, the cartridge must again be fixed to the screwdriver body.

Then it is required to assign a suitable bit speed of the bit. Settings are performed by means of a special regulator. The required mode is set in the disconnected state of the tool.

Before using the power tool, it is necessary to adjust the depth of screwing the fastening element. After some time, the need to replace the magnetic holder may arise. To change it, a cartridge, magnetic mount and coupling is removed. Next, the cartridge with the coupling is fixed back to the block-the-clock of the screwdriver.

How to work with a screwdriver

After all the settings are completed, you can undertake to use the power tool. Having studied the instructions for the operation of a screwdriver, it is possible to prevent possible malfunctions in the process of handling the device, thereby increasing the life of the tool.

It is not allowed to configure the frequency and the direction of speed of the nozzle in the included state of the device. You can not touch the power tools to ground objects, otherwise a person can hit the current. You should not use the device for a long time, since it can burn out.

A room in which it is best to use a screwdriver should be well.Lit, and the power supply network is constant, without jumps, this will avoid equipment malfunctions. The work should take place in specialized clothing and only with good tools.

How to correctly change the drill or bit by screwdriver

Cartridge. A node of a screwdriver in which a shift nozzle is installed: a bat, drill or another. Installation is performed manually, automatically (without equipment) or with equipment in the form of a key. There are several types of cartridges.

How to correctly change the drill or bit in a screwdriver

The procedure for installing a change of nozzle is as follows:

The cams are compressed, for which the front coupling rotates counterclockwise. The nozzle is installed, the coupling is twisted back.

The nozzle is inserted or pulled out with a slight effort. Fixing the nozzle is performed by an attractive magnetic effect.

Most often used in screwdrivers with pneumatic drive. The head is executed in the direction of the opposite work direction. After installing the nozzle, the head is released, as a result of which the nozzle is fixed. In order to get it, you need to release the squeezing and holding of the head.

If the key is used for installation, then the process is as follows:

  • The spindle or engine is blocked, or the head with the nozzle is simply held by the hand;
  • By rotating the key installed in the groove, the cartridge is rotated before the tsang or the release of the nozzle;
  • The cartridge closes with the key in the opposite direction.

Regardless of the type of cartridge, you should pay attention to the position of the nozzle after installation. You need to serve food and start rotating the cartridge. If the nozzle is incorrectly installed, a beating will appear. The phenomenon of moving the end of the nozzle to the direction of rotation. In this mode, the work will not be effective.

How to change a drill in a screwdriver

Screwdriver often replaces the usual screwdriver. Many models are equipped with a drilling function. In each case, you need to correctly select the equipment and use it correctly so as not to damage the tool and fasteners.

Device and assignment of power tools

Scuriper is used to twist and unscrew various fasteners. You can cut the thread and drill. It greatly facilitates and accelerates the work. Screwdrivers are used in everyday life, construction, assembly of furniture, in car repair shops, wherever you need to work with a lot of fasteners.

Screwdriver can be battery and network

  • Cartridge.
  • Twist.
  • Speed ​​shifter.
  • Engine in the screw of screwdriver.
  • Reducer imprisoned in the tool.
  • Reversion switch.
  • Power button.
  • The handle is rubberized to eliminate the slippage.
  • Battery.
  • Network cord.

Screwdrivers feed from batteries or from the network.

Types of bits for screwdriver: like a chosen

To choose the right nozzles, you need to study their varieties. First determine the type of tail shape and diameter. It happens from 1/4 to 1 inches.

  • Shlitz. Differ in the width and thickness of the slot; slotted bits of different widths and thicknesses
  • Cross. Have a different angle at the base and shape;
  • Hexagonal. The main characteristic of the bit is the distance between the sides of the hexagon; hexagonal bits
  • Four.Sided; four.Sided bits
  • Starks. This form improves the adhesion between the nozzle and the mounting element.Starks
  • Tri wing or three.Sided; three.Sided nozzle
  • Double PIN. They look like slotted, but with a recess in the middle; Double Pin is a notch
  • Torq set. As three.Sided, but with four rays; three.Sided bits
  • End. Usually performed with a magnet;
  • For drywall. Have a stubborn limiter; a bit for drywall has a stubborn limiter
  • With a spring latch.Bit with a spring latch

Combined bits have two types of shank or one shape, but of different sizes. For example, a slotted shank and asterisk.

Determine the length of the bit that you need for work. It ranges from 10 to 200 mm.

inserted, screwdriver, rotation, speed, torque

Depending on the shape of the tail of the nozzle, they have a certain marking:

  • SL (SLOT). Slotted;
  • PH (Philips). Cross.Shaped universal;
  • Pz (Pozidrive). Cross.Shaped with additional thin ribs;
  • T (Torx Hole). Stars;
  • H (hex). Hexagonal.

An important characteristic is a brand of steel from which a bat is made. The nozzle may have a snake coating. The strength of the equipment depends on this. The main types of steel and coatings that should be preferred:

  • CR-V-chrome-vanadium steel. The most common, with increased hardness;
  • CR-MB-chrome-molibden steel. It is less common. Very durable material;
  • Ni. Nickel coating. Increases corrosion resistance;
  • WC-carbide volframe coating. Increases strength;
  • Tin-nitrite titanic yellow coating. Increases strength.Tin. Coating to increase strength

The nozzles differ depending on the purpose:

Given all the considered parameters, you can easily choose the necessary bits.

How to work with nozzles

Different cartridges are installed in the screwdrivers. Consider how to change the nozzle in all types.

  • Fasted cartridge. There is a single.Button and two.Lump. It is installed most often. To unclench the fists and extract the old bat, rotate the front clutch counterclockwise. Insert a new bat and tighten the coupling back; a dummy cartridge
  • Hexagonal cartridge with a magnet. The nozzle is simply inserted and pulled out; replacing the bits in the hexagonal cartridge
  • Clicking clamp. Found in pneumatic screwdrivers. The nozzle is inserted and snap. To extract, you need to pull the bat, holding the clamping head.You need to hold the head to extract the bit

Magnetization and hardening of nozzles

A large number of nozzles are produced in China from soft material. Therefore, they quickly lose their shape. The new bit is enough for a short time. To extend the life, the nozzle must be tempered. You will need: machine oil, gas burner or gas stove, a small container for oil from any tin can, a piece of steel wire.

    Wrap the wire on the bit so that it does not fall out.

The hardened bat will last longer than the usual.

Hardening bit oil

For ease of work, especially in hard.To.Reach places, nozzles are magnetized. This can be done in several ways.

Method 1

You will need to purchase a special device for magnetization and demagnetization of the screwdrivers. Insert the bit there. The square window is magnetized, and the stepped. On the contrary.

Device for magnetization and demagnetization

Device for magnetization and demagnetization

Method 4

  • Buy in the radio store neodymium magnets.
  • Divide them into two parts and put them in one row so that the formed groups push off from each other. Put a plastic cap from the handle between them. To keep the repulsive magnets, fix them with plasticine.

The process of magnetization of bats by neodymium magnets

As a result, the nozzle will magnetize the fasteners better than the new.

How to use screwdrivers: useful operating tips

After purchasing a screwdriver, follow simple recommendations regarding use. And then the tool will work for a long time and efficiently:

  • Before connecting and extracting the battery, turn off the screwdriver;
  • Do not bring the tool to overheating, take breaks;
  • Correctly adjust the coupling of torque adjustment;
  • After applying high speeds, install the minimum and upset the engine idle for a few minutes so that it cools down;
  • Check the cable of the network screwdriver, and the battery cord of the charger with the battery. If the tool or charger periodically loses the network, then the wire must be replaced;
  • Do not use screwdriver in the rain and snow. In a humid environment, you can only work under a canopy.

How to use a screwdriver: how to insert and pull out a drill, how to drill a concrete and brick wall, polishing the farm of a car

Screwdriver. A tool designed to tighten the fasteners. In the presence of drills and special nozzles with it, you can also perform some other operations.

Device and purpose

The screwdriver is used for various construction and repair work, but its main function is Rapid screwing and twisting fasteners: screws, screws, bolts, screws.

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It helps to cope with a large volume of tasks for significantly less time than when using a screwdriver.

Budget screwdrivers of small and medium power are used in the assembly, installation and dismantling of furniture, equipment, the construction of frame structures (partitions, walls, suspended ceilings) and other objects. A powerful tool with the shock mechanism copes with the drilling of holes.

In addition to standard operations listed in the instructions for a screwdriver, it can also be used for other tasks. With the help of a mixer nozzle, sparse solutions are kneaded. Through a special adapter, the device is connected to the ice discovery to quickly make the holes.

The case of most screwdrivers is made of plastic. Thanks to this, the total weight of the tool decreases. Inside the case are placed:

  • Engine. Depending on the type of device, it can be electric or pneumatic. The former work from the network or battery, the latter. From the tank with compressed air or compressor.
  • Gearbox. A geover mechanism that transfers rotational movements from the engine to the spindle.
  • Clus-regulator. Connected to the gearbox, with its help, adjusting the depth of screwing and the rotating moment.
  • Start capacitor. He launches the engine.
  • Chuck. Bits, drills, end heads are inserted into it. The most common fast-and-packed three- or four-cup.
  • Power supply (battery) and/or network cord.

On the case there is a control panel with a power button, a speed switch. Reverses are used to work in the unstable mode. Additionally, a screwdriver may have a backlight, fuse.

How to work in twisting mode?

Before starting work, you need to prepare the tool. If it works from the battery, you need to put it on charging.

The next step is to install a bit. To choose the right nozzle, you need to take into account the size of the mounting hat and the type of slot. Bits differ in type and diameter:

  • Shlitz. It is used most often. Designed for twisting screws with a secret head with a rifle under a flat screwdriver, screws. The width of the tip varies.
  • Cross. With their help, spin and twist screws, screws with a secret head. The tip has 4 radial diagonal ribs.
  • Hexagonal. Used for fasteners, the head of which has hexagonal recesses. Scuros and screws of this type are used in assembling furniture and appliances.
  • For bolts and nuts. Nozzle with a tip, inside which a hexagonal recess is made. With her, the tool is used as a gaykovert, screws, screws, bolts are twisted.

There are other nozzles, but they are used less often. How to change or even remove the bit? Having determined which bit is needed, they insert it into the cartridge. The installation method depends on the type of cartridge.

The fast.Packed nozzle is inserted as follows: they turn the cartridge counterclockwise until the distance between the fists increases.

They push the end of the nozzle between them, twist the cartridge clockwise so that the fists are closed and reliably fix the part.

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The next step is to check the tools of the tool. If the screwdriver eats from the network, connect it to the outlet. Click on the start button, check if the bit is scrolling. The rotation speed is regulated using the same button, weakening or increasing the pressure. The tip of the bits is inserted into the recess on the fastener hat, pressed on the launch button.

If you need to unscrew the screw or screw, switch the reverse button.

Is it possible to drill?

You can use the tool instead of a drill only if such an opportunity is indicated in the technical passport of the device.

However, soft materials, such as drywall, are drilled even with a low.Power screwdriver.

To do this, instead of the bit, you need to insert a drill into the cartridge for working with GKL.

To pull out a drill or other nozzles, you need to spin the cartridge with your hand or key. You also need to rearrange the coupling in the appropriate position, usually the drill icon is depicted in this mode. The nozzle is put to the marked surface at right angles. It is not recommended to deviate. This will complicate the stroke of the drill, increase the diameter of the hole performed.

To drill a concrete or brick wall, tiles, you need a tool with a high speed of rotation (from 1200 revolutions per minute) and a large torque. Screwdrivers with the shock mechanism cope with the task more efficiently and faster.

Important! The screwdriver differs from a drill and a perforator with power, and it should not be used to drill a large number of holes. In the work, you need to take breaks so that the tool does not fail due to overheating.


To make polishing the body, headlights of the car or other surface with a screwdriver, additional nozzles are needed. Polishing circles. Circles made of a cord or leather are used for preliminary cleaning. Fleet nozzles are used for both cleaning and final polishing.

  • The surface that needs to be polished is washed from dirt and dust;
  • Dried;
  • Apply the abrasive composition to the polishing circle;
  • Sequentially process all areas with smooth movements without strong pressure.

Boar of the screwdriver for women

Many are interested in how to work with a screwdriver for women. First of all, it is worth considering that the use of the device requires physical strength. Therefore, it needs to be kept tight and be very careful.

When working, it is worth observing the following rules:

The use of a screwdriver has a number of features. To get a quality result, it is necessary to adhere to the main recommendations of specialists.