How to cut a ceiling plinth for an outside corner

Products, masking gaps are fixed so that they fit tightly to both the wall and the ceiling. The element has a special configuration, but to dock its fragments, you must first cut the material

The skirting boards are not cut at 90 degrees, but at 45 degrees. This solution allows you to then properly align the baguette on both the outer and inner parts. It is possible to buy models with a ready-made cut of this type. In this case, the user has to cut elements only at right angles. But the model is more expensive and does not completely exclude preparatory work.

In practice, cutting the ceiling plinth at 45 degrees is quite simple. Most often a special device is used for this purpose. a plier, but you can also do with other means.

Cutting with a power plier: the outer corner

Most often, when installing ceiling plinths, home craftsmen are interested in how to properly formalize the inner corners in the room. Cutting outer corners is made less often, but with a certain wall layout and it is necessary. Let’s look at how to properly make an interior fillet, using a special tool (a chair).

First you will need to buy a plier. This tool is a tray in which the part is fixed, and it is trimmed. In order to measure the length of the desired product, you need to attach it to the ceiling. Next, it is necessary to establish a plinth in a chair. Its positioning should match the position it will occupy on the ceiling.


How to properly cut the inner corner of the ceiling plinth. not a simple question, to answer which the corresponding photos help. Experts recommend studying them, and only after that should you start working.

After you make sure that the product is positioned correctly in the tool, you can proceed with the cutting itself. The hacksaw must have a certain angle, namely: 45 degrees. During the work, it is not recommended to put a lot of pressure on the cutting tool, as it is possible to damage the surface of the chair. Then the trimming of the adjacent fillet is performed, which is done in a “mirror” manner.

And how did our ancestors?

In the olden, olden days, when power tools were not yet sold freely in stores, our ancestors also mounted baseboards and all sorts of other decorative details. And they were pretty good at it. To mark a part for an actual angle, you need to take a part of the ceiling plinth, put it to the corner you are going to work. Do this carefully, pressing the ledge against the ceiling and wall. And apply the fishing line along the ceiling and along the wall at the intersection of the piece. Then do the same operation on a perpendicular wall.

On the ceiling you will have two intersecting scythe lines. If you connect the intersection point of the lines and the intersection point of the wall planes, that will be the line by which you want to cut the details. Now it remains to transfer this fishing line to the detail ceiling plinth. Having put the ceiling skirting once again to its intended place, mark on it the point of intersection obtained on the ceiling. At the bottom also mark the point where the wall ends. Connect these two points with a straight line. This is the sawing line on the part. Try to keep the hacksaw perpendicular when sawing to minimize inaccuracy.

What tools can be used?

The appropriateness of certain tools depends on the materials, of which the skirting board will be made.

Table. 1. Types of materials and peculiarities of their use.

Type of material Material properties, requirements Tool
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) PVC skirting boards are notorious for being easily damaged when pressed and can no longer recover their former appearance, as they lack elasticity. That is why you should not put pressure on these skirting boards when cutting them. Use a construction knife or a metal saw. A blade or a sharpened kitchen knife will also do.
Styrofoam Plastic skirting boards are also not very firm, but they are better than their PVC counterparts. It crumbles easily. The same tools can be used as for PVC
Wood Stronger and more aesthetic than its polymeric counterparts, but expensive. Wood is best cut with a hacksaw, maybe on metal, though you risk clogging the teeth of the blade with wood shavings. A fine toothed wood saw is best.

How to get the right angle

Most of the problems when working with ceiling plinths arise in the design of corners. Since the surface of the products is complex, just cut at the right angle is not possible: you must also trim so that they fit together, and preferably without large gaps. In fact, there are several ways to make the corner of the ceiling plinth perfect (or almost).

With the use of a wire cutter

If the corners and walls in the room are flat, you can use a special carpentry tool pliers. This is a groove in the form of an inverted letter U, in which are marked with a scythe line for a cut at an angle of 90 ° and 45 °. Inside is laid the part in which to make a cut, the saw is inserted into the guide. The part is held in place, cut at the desired angle.

This is what a jointer looks like. Can be plastic, wood or metal

Pre-Cut Outside Crown Molding Corners Explained

In the case of the skirting boards is not so simple: they must simultaneously adhere to two surfaces, so they must be pressed to one or the other wall of the chair. When working with the ceiling ones, they are pressed on the side closest to you.

Sequence of actions when finishing an outside corner you need to make a cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Place the chair in front of you. Try on how the baseboard will be positioned, determining which part of it will be fastened to the ceiling. To avoid confusion and to cut the ceiling plinth correctly, the one plank that will be located on the right, you put on the right, the one on the left on the left.

ceiling, plinth, corner

How to cut a corner on a ceiling skirting board: properly install it in the jigsaw

The part that ends up on the ceiling, pressed to the bottom of the jigsaw. The second side is closer to you and elevated. You rest it on the wall of the fixture, so it does not wobble when sawing. That is, the front part of the skirting board is turned away from you. The direction of the kerf do as shown in the photo below. Putting the two cut off parts together, you get the outer corner or outside corner protruding.

How to make the outside corner of the ceiling plinth using a chair

First sawed off parts put in place on a dry place, without applying glue. If the geometry of the corner is not ideal, you can make minor adjustments with a knife. It is easier to fill in the small imperfections with a special putty.

With the inner corner of the ceiling skirting the situation is very similar. First, try on, which side will be on the ceiling, this part pressed to the bottom of the chair, the second part rests on the wall closest to you and make notches as drawn in the photo below.

How to do the inside corner of the ceiling plinth using the chair

And again at first try on without applying glue, if necessary, slightly correcting. Then apply a thin strip of glue to both surfaces to be glued to the wall or ceiling.

ceiling, plinth, corner

Your version of how to properly use a skirting board is shown in the video.

How to do the corner of the ceiling plinths without a plank

Few people in apartments or houses have corners at exactly 90 °. Small deviations can easily be corrected after fitting. But not always. Then you have to measure everything on the spot under the ceiling.

You will need a thinly outlined pencil (solid it is not so visible on the ceiling, but close enough to leave clear marks), a small piece of baseboard, a ruler and a good office knife if you work with polyurethane (polystyrene) baguettes or a saw on metal to work with the other materials.

You put the skirting board to the corner, pencil along the outer edge. Apply to the other side of the corner, also mark. You got a cross on the ceiling, the center of which marks the point where the ceiling plinth strips should converge (see photo). Having established in a corner of a piece of a plinth which there will be glued and having set its end in a wall, transfer a mark on it.

How to make corners on ceiling plinths without using special devices

Now take a ruler and connect the edge of the baseboard with the mark you made. If you just put the baseboard on the table and cut the line, the two parts will not add up in the corner anyway: the inner part will interfere. It can be trimmed later, trying it on the ceiling. The second way to set the piece to be trimmed on the table, the part that will be on the ceiling. And cut along the line, but holding the knife at an angle of about 45°. Correction will still be necessary, but much less (and less chance of error).

Repeat the same operation with the second plank. You put it against the wall you want, place the end against the adjoining wall, mark the spot where the cross is drawn, run the fishing line and then cut it off. The correction is carried out on the dry without applying glue.

Repeat these steps for the outside (projecting) corner. Now you know another way of how to make the corner of the ceiling plinth, and without strings or other special devices.

With the help of decorative corners

There is another, easiest way. For skirting boards made of polyurethane or polystyrene, use prefabricated, factory decorative corners. They are installed in the corner, and the strips are glued closely to them. Trim them if necessary is very simple: a few millimeters with a regular office knife.

With what we will cut?

Before you get to work, you should determine what material the ceiling plinths are made of.

Table. Materials used in the manufacture of ceiling plinths.

For your information! There are special fittings to facilitate the difficult process of installing the skirting boards. These are special corners, designed for the insertion of skirting boards in them.

They are useful in that they hide various errors made when working with the installation of the trim. You only need to cut the skirting at a 90 degree angle, and the corner will do the rest of the work for you. It will camouflage holes and gaps, if any, and will give the ceiling a nice look, making the job a lot easier.

It is important to have!

Please note that it is not necessary to immediately cover the skirting boards with an adhesive compound and mount them to the ceiling. First, exclude all the inaccuracies of cutting, for which purpose, connect the parts and check whether they form a perfectly straight joint. Added to everything else is the fact that the outer and inner corners for ceiling plinths are cut differently.

If it comes to cutting the baseboard to furnish the outer corner, then:

  • The slat that will be fastened to the left should be on the side of the jigsaw closest to you, and should lie with the bottom up. The hacksaw should be inserted in the farthest right and the closest left cut;
  • The bar which will be fastened to the right, is put in the same way, but the hacksaw should be inserted in the far left and the nearest right cut in the wall of the jigsaw.

If you have inner corners to be refinished, proceed as follows:

  • The bar to be glued on the left side must be on the bottom side up and on the side closest to you. The cutting tool is inserted into the far left and the near right of the cut.
  • Baguette which will be mounted on the right, is put in the same way, here the hacksaw should be inserted in far right and closest left slots.
ceiling, plinth, corner

Cutting ceiling plinth: how professionals do it

It seems to beginners that even a housewife can cut and fasten a baseboard. But when it comes to docking, the need to cut the corner turns into a real chore. Due to ignorance of how to cut the corner on the ceiling plinth, many apartment dwellers desire to repair something in the house disappeared once and for all. Sincerely hope that the ceiling plinths will not bring you to the white heat. Familiarized with this material, you will no longer puzzle over how to properly cut the corner on the ceiling plinth.

The most painful question of installation comes down to how to cut the ceiling plinth in the corners and achieve a perfect fit. It is known that the skirting boards in the corners are attached at an angle of 38 degrees to 45. How to properly cut the ceiling plinth, when to perform a cut of forty-five degrees is so difficult? After all, on the inside the cut edge is often not joined, the gaps are still visible.