How to cut a ceiling plinth under 45

How to cut a 45 degree ceiling plinth?

ceiling, plinth

The ceiling plinth, or fillet, is the subject of the final decorative decoration of the room, separating the ceiling and the wall. In addition to the decorative function, it also has a completely functional value, hiding the joints of the wallpaper and the ceiling. It is simply impossible to decorate the edges of the wallpaper in any other way, and, as you know, they move away precisely along the edges. Corner decoration can be a problem when using fillets. Mistakes can lead to waste of material, and such incorrectly cut skirting boards look unattractive. In this article, we will look at simple ways to optimally file a ceiling plinth at an angle of 45 degrees.

Fundamental rules

To cut the ceiling plinth at an angle of 45 degrees, you need to decide on the sides. The main mistake is the incorrect definition of the fillet sides. A proven way to determine the correct side is to apply material in place. So it becomes clear how you need to cut the skirting board. This operation, despite its seeming simplicity, is very laborious, since after trying on the plinth with it you have to go down to the place where the sawing will be done. Most often, in order to avoid deformation or damage to the baseboard, especially if it is made of foam or similar material, you have to cut it on the floor.

Then all this must be lifted back to the ceiling for final fitting and installation, the same steps are done with another segment.

The joints of two skirting boards in the corners should look aesthetically pleasing, so you need to cut or saw them off as carefully as possible. A hacksaw for metal works well for this. In some cases, a sharp knife. If it was washed down correctly, small imperfections can be eliminated with putty or sealant.

Required tools

Starting the decoration of the room with ceiling plinths, it is necessary to prepare the appropriate tools:

  • stationery knife for foam baseboards;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • roulette;
  • carpentry or simple school square;
  • miter box;
  • pencil;
  • a stable and high enough stepladder.

It is necessary to free up space on the floor in order to make it convenient to cut the skirting boards. It is on the floor that it is best to place a miter box, the length of a table or a portable workbench is not enough to securely place the plinth to be sawn off.

The ways

In addition to cutting with a carpenter’s miter box, in which the angles are clearly defined (90, 45, sometimes 60 degrees), there are other methods. expensive is the use of a rotary miter box or a rotary circular saw. Cutting a corner with a tool where it can be adjusted and fairly easy to set is not difficult. Cutting is done either by hand or using a circular.

The purchase of such equipment for finishing one room, bathroom or even an apartment is hardly justified, another thing is professional activity, in this case, of course, it is better not to save.

In order to grind the fillet at home, you can do with a more budgetary option by preparing a homemade plywood miter box. It is important to clearly measure the corners and make cuts, along which the plinth will be sawn off in the future.

In order not to confuse the sides of the plinth and cut it correctly, at first it is better to apply it together with the miter box to the ceiling, gradually a skill will be developed and it will be possible to do without repeated movements up and down.

You can also prepare a kind of miter box layout on cardboard, while the plinth to be sawn off will have to be applied to the layout and marked with a pencil. In order to cut the required corner, it is better to move it to a more convenient place, in addition, it is important not to spoil the layout.

There are ways to cut corners without a miter box. This is all the more important because the angles are not always perfect, and the standard 45 degree angle may turn out to be wrong. In order to make a corner in this way, it is necessary to attach a piece of skirting board directly to the ceiling exactly as it will be mounted. With a pencil, it is necessary to mark the width of the fillet on the ceiling. Attaching the skirting board to the other side of the corner, you also need to mark its width on the ceiling.

There will be two intersecting line segments. Then again you need to attach the pieces of the plinth to the ceiling and mark the same point on them.

It is necessary to cut off from the edge to the marked point, it is important to remember the sides with which the plinth will adhere to the wall and ceiling, in no case should they be confused. Small flaws can be corrected during the installation process, cut with a clerical knife, if the baseboard material allows it. With wooden fillets, everything is much more complicated, there a knife will not help.

In-situ measurements allow cutting both inner and outer corners without great losses, although the latter are not common, yet their finish is significantly different.

How to cut a 45 degree ceiling plinth, see below.


In order to make a corner on the skirting board, not so much is required:

  • Ruler or tape measure
  • Miter box
  • Hacksaw
  • Sharp knife
  • Pencil

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All this, as a rule, any home craftsman has in his arsenal. But not all of them know how to make corner joints on skirting boards. Therefore, before starting work with those parts that will go into action, you can practice on small pieces that will not be used, or take one whole part for training.

If polystyrene or polyurethane products are glued, it will be useful to wash your hands thoroughly, since these pieces are usually bright white, and handprints are clearly visible on them.

It is also not worth putting too much pressure on them during installation. despite their outwardly apparent strength, they bend and crumple quite easily.

Well, the skills of working with different tools will not hurt. If everything is done for the first time, then you should be careful, especially with office knives, they are very sharp.

Uneven walls and joints

This is a headache for anyone who has undertaken a renovation. But for those who set themselves the task of attaching the fillet, the corners will become a stumbling block. How to cut a corner on a skirting board if the walls converge far beyond 90 degrees? It is necessary to cut off the connecting parts very accurately, otherwise, they will not converge exactly.

There are many ways to make your job easier. In some cases, some will do, in others. others. The simplest and most reliable is with the correct preliminary marking of the ceiling and transferring it to those parts that need to be sawed off.

This method works if you are careful and accurately mark everything up. You should not figure it out “by eye”. this way the accuracy of the connection cannot be achieved.

It will also not work to disguise unevenly connected parts. you will still see flaws in the work, so it is better to do everything right away accurately and accurately.

For external and internal connections, you need to use albeit similar, but different markup methods, which are described below.

External connection

So how do you make an outer join if a fillet is being mounted? Different situations should be followed by different options.

You can cut off both parts using a miter box if the walls allow. The main thing to remember is that the outer joints must be cut off, placing the part in such a way that the side that will press against the ceiling is at the bottom of the miter box, and the one that will press against the wall. on the wall of the tool.

But, more often than not, you have to resort to manual marking again, and then cutting or sawing off according to the resulting marking.

You need to mark it by analogy with the previous instruction, with the only difference that the markup is applied on the outside of the protruding part.

A fishing line is drawn on the ceiling, at a distance from the wall equal to the thickness of the product. The second line is drawn in the same way. The resulting crosshair will be the point from which the fishing line is drawn along the piece to be cut.

On the wall, you also need to draw a mowing line, on the underside.

To the point where they converge, the line is drawn directly along the future part of the connection. From the point on the ceiling to this.

The resulting marking will be the line along which you need to saw off or cut off the connecting parts.

Using these techniques, you no longer need to wonder how to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth.

Little tricks

There is not always a miter box, although for an even cut, this is a very useful thing. But sometimes, you won’t need it if you have a piece of paper at hand.

You can make a paper miter box. It is enough to apply this simple markup on the paper:

And the resulting template is quite suitable for use instead of a tool.

In order not to get confused when sawing off, you need to remember:

  • The right part is cut from the left side, and in the miter box is placed on the right side
  • The left, respectively, is placed in the miter box on the left side, and sawn off on the right

потолочный плинтус- правильно режем в стусле

For decorative elements used on ceilings or walls, there is exactly the same corner fittings as for floor ones. With its help, you can generally save yourself from the need to do something with the corner joints.

Such connections also look beautiful, but you will have to do much less. But evenly connected decorative elements still look more neat and, in general, look more interesting. Therefore, it is better to work a little, but do everything the way real masters do.

Internal connection

In the same way, we apply the part that will connect with the first one and mark in the same way with a pencil line on the ceiling.

In the place marked with an arrow, the intersection of the lines will turn out. This point should be transferred to both parts.

  • Applying them alternately to the corner, you need to draw the line from the resulting point to its other end.
  • Cut or saw off according to the resulting markings.
  • How to cut inside and outside corners for mounting quarter round to a ceiling.

    This method is suitable if you have questions about how to make an inner corner. But for external ones, another solution is needed, how to make the corner exactly.

    How to make a corner on a ceiling plinth?

    Ceiling plinths, or fillets, are used to make the transition from wall to ceiling more beautiful, as well as to hide irregularities in these places, or not the most successful joints of the ceiling and wallpaper.

    There is no doubt about the usefulness of this decorative design element, but there is one point that gives a lot of trouble to everyone who undertakes to independently fix the ceiling plinth. the corners. It is this moment, almost no one succeeds the first time.

    To facilitate this task, you need to learn how to properly cut a corner on the ceiling plinth by reading this instruction, and then everything will go easily and does not require much effort.

    Using a miter box

    It is quite simple to handle this device. the part that needs to be cut is inserted into it, and sawn off with a hacksaw through the existing slots. The main thing is to position it correctly and not to confuse the slots. As a rule, there are no questions about how to cut a corner on a fillet. With the help of a picture, it will be easier to understand the essence of the process.

    But, this tool will only help when the master is faced with the question of how to saw off the plinth at 45 degrees or at 90. In other cases, when ceiling plinths are made and you need to cut a corner, but it is not even, the question most often arises. how? This situation appears almost every time.

    Outside corner

    • Measure the length of the plinth from the nearest wall to the outer corner, leave the fishing line on the wrong side with a pencil, indicating the desired length. It should be noted that the edge (its upper part) should protrude slightly outward.
    • The plinth is moved to the miter box and cut off.
    • The adjacent bar also needs to be measured with a margin and cut off in a mirror image to the first part.

    Trying on the ceiling plinth: the joining of the parts should be perfectly even. If the result is not achieved and there are irregularities at the joints, you can trim the edges with an ordinary knife to a perfect fit.

    The first way is with a miter box

    Professional miter box with rotary hacksaw

    The miter box usually looks like a tray with vertical holes for a hacksaw. It can be made of wood, metal or plastic. This tool is the oldest and simplest carpenter’s tool for cutting wood pieces at 90 ° and 45 ° angles. There are types of such a device for professional work, with a rotary mechanism, in which the cutting tool can be rotated and fixed in any position.

    How to cut a ceiling plinth correctly

    Ceiling corners are divided into internal and external, the method of joining on them is slightly different.

    If necessary, you can make a miter box with your own hands. To do this, you need three trims from plywood or boards of the same size. First, they are applied in the form of an inverted letter “P” and the corners are marked. Then, according to the marking, slots are cut out for a hacksaw almost to the very bottom, and the boards are twisted.

    Inner corner

    • Making the right measurements.
    • We install the plinth strip in the miter box so that this position exactly coincides with the placement on the ceiling.
    • The plinth should be firmly pressed against the opposite wall of the miter box. Hold and press with your free hand.
    • We put a hacksaw at an angle of 45 ° in a special hole and cut off the part.
    • The adjacent part must be cut in the same way, only in a mirror image, as shown in the photo.

    When cutting soft materials (PVC, expanded polystyrene), use a metal hacksaw or an ordinary construction knife. Then the work will be neat and with smooth edges.

    Method two. no additional tools

    For the inner corner, you can use the simplest way of perfect joining. by marking on the ceiling. Another example of how to cut a corner nice and even.

    • Apply a fillet to the ceiling, firmly pressing its even edge into a corner.
    • Draw a line along the long side of the plinth on the ceiling.
    • The same action is done with the adjacent part on the other side.
    • Mark the point of intersection of lines.

    The end result is an even 45 ° angle when you draw the line from the point of intersection to the edge of the part. Note that the above marking method works only for perfectly flat corners.

    How to cut the corner of a skirting board evenly

    A beautiful and neat edging of the ceiling hides the joints between the coverings and is an additional element of the room’s decor. But in order for the ceiling plinth to look really beautiful, you need to be able to qualitatively join its corner joints. How to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth evenly can be found in our article. Related article: how to properly glue the ceiling plinth with glue and putty.

    other methods

    With a good eye and accuracy of hand action, you can use a homemade template that resembles an imitation of a miter box. To do this, take a thin board or thick plywood and draw a layout in the form of a horizontal rectangle. Using a protractor, mark 45 ° on the right and left sides of the rectangle. Draw mowing lines connecting opposite edges. You can now cut off the ceiling plinth using this layout. The actions are simple and similar to the description above in the first option. Only the ceiling parts should not be inserted, but placed on the drawing and the hacksaw should be combined with the layout of the layout.

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