How to Cut a Slate Without an Angle Grinder

How and how to cut wave slate without cracks and dust. tools and technologies

Despite the abundance of modern roofing materials, slate coating does not give up its position. On the contrary, continues to be popular among private developers. During the construction of houses, gazebos and other buildings, the question often arises of how to cut the wave slate yourself and what is the best way to do it. There are several ways to cut this roofing material. Here we will consider the most affordable ways to saw the wave and flat cloth with your own hands.

When cutting roofing slate is required

You will need to cut a piece of slate can in a variety of situations. For example, old sheets removed from the roof, but still strong enough, can be adapted as a fence for flower beds and beds. With small repairs on the roof, when it becomes necessary to make a small patch, the ability to cut slate can also come in handy. A lot of work on cutting sheets involves roofs with complex geometry.

How to Cut a Slate Without an Angle Grinder

In addition to trimming along the edges of the roof, aprons protecting chimneys and ventilation pipes are cut from slate sheets.

Flat slate is used not only in roofing works. Interior walls are made of sheets, external and internal slopes for windows and doors are made. Often flat slate is used as a facing material for the home. It is attached to the crate, and the space between the wall of the house and the slate sheet is filled with insulation. In all these works, slate has to be cut at different angles and in large numbers.

Important to stock

How and how to cut the wave slate correctly

You can apply several methods for cutting wave slate. The methods differ in the complexity, the tools used and the quality of the cut.

Popular tools for work

The following is a list from which you can see how to cut a wavy slate:

  • with a nail;
  • cutter;
  • hacksaw;
  • a drill;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • Angle Grinder;
  • circular saw.

The selection of tools is huge.

Whichever cutting method you choose, before you cut the wave slate, you need to protect your hands and face. Gloves are put on hands, glasses and a respirator are used to protect the face. This must be done because small fragments fly off during operation. With mechanical sawing methods, dust is added to the fragments. Slate is produced using asbestos, so the dust from it is quite harmful.

How to cut a wavy slate with a nail

The first method from the list is used in conditions when there is no necessary tool at hand. A nail is taken, preferably sharp enough, and with the help of a hammer, holes are cut through the cutting line with short and sharp strokes. The nail for this method is better to take a special slate. The holes in the sheet must be punched as often as possible. The impact must be sharp and accurate to get holes in the sheet, excluding its splitting.

After the holes under the sheet are punched along the cutting line, a bar is laid and the slate sheet is broken. The edge of the cut with this method is uneven and it is desirable to process it. You can use pliers or pliers to trim the edges or take a coarse file with a large notch.

How to cut the blade with a cutter

The second way, how to cut the wave slate, is more time-consuming than the first. A standard cutter is taken. a slanting knife with a sharpening angle of 40-35%, and with this help, a deep scratch is carried out along the cut line. This method is very similar to cutting glass. Glass cutters do not cut glass, but only make a deep groove in the material through which they break it. So when cutting slate with a cutter along a furrow, a sheet breaks. This method is more suitable for cutting along the sheet. Cutting the wave slate across with a cutter is possible, but very difficult.

How to cut a roofing slate with a hacksaw


You can use a hacksaw to cut slate. It is advisable to take a tool for working on metal, as a hacksaw on a tree will become very dull very quickly. You can also use hacksaw with victorious surfacing, used for sawing foam.

The technology of sawing slate with a hacksaw is simple. It is enough to follow the pressure on the sheet in order to avoid its fracture. Periodically, the cut place is wetted with water to reduce dust and cool the hacksaw blade. Cutting slate with a hacksaw is also quite slow and time-consuming, so it is worth choosing for small roofs.

The technique of cutting slate panels with a drill

Cutting slate with a drill is similar to the method with a nail. Only with this method a drill acts instead of a nail. Many holes are drilled along the cut line. The more often they are located, the cleaner the cut line, more precisely, the fracture of the sheet, will be cleaner, which is especially important for the top element, overlapping.

The use of a drill greatly accelerates and facilitates the process. But for drilling you will have to use drills with victorious soldering. Simple drills for metal and even more so for wood will instantly become dull.

Slate cutting with an electric jigsaw

Using an electric jigsaw for cutting at times increases the speed and quality of work. This tool is not only designed for such work, but it is also easy to find the appropriate canvas for it. Cloths for cutting exactly slate are not produced separately, however there is a strip for cutting stone. Here they are also suitable for working with asbestos-cement slate sheets.

Before cutting the slate, under the sheet put bars in such a way that the jigsaw blade has a free play. Cutting is carried out according to the rules of working with this tool, a landmark for most men since childhood.

How to cut a slate angle grinder and circular saw

The most common way to cut both wave and flat slate is to use an angle grinder. Colloquially referred to as an angle grinder. For angle grinders, cutting discs are available for various materials. Slate is cut either with stone discs or with special universal diamond-coated discs.

Cutting an angle grinder is the fastest and easiest way. However, an increased amount of dust is released during operation. For protection, it is necessary to adjust the tool so that the rotation of the disk is from a working person. This allows you to remove excess dust to the side.

The last way to cut slate sheets is to use a hand saw. The disks used in such saws are of three types:

  • without victorious surfacing;
  • with surfacing;
  • with diamond spraying.

To cut the wave slate, use surfaced or sprayed discs.

How to eliminate dust

The dust generated during cutting of asbestos-cement slate acts annoyingly on the mucous membranes and lungs, so an important task is to minimize its formation. Professionals use several methods:

  1. They abundantly wet the surface of the blade before work and moisturize the risk during the cutting and sawing process several times. In this case, it is important to immediately wash off the resulting asbestos mass from the surface until it has frozen.
  2. Use a vacuum cleaner as a dust collector. It is more convenient to work with an assistant who will hold the tube in the cutting area.
  3. Construction tape is glued to the surface, which slightly reduces the formation of dust.

Constant wetting with water

Differences in cutting wave and flat slate

The differences in the technique of cutting flat slate from the wave follow from the shape of these materials. It is easier and more convenient to work with a flat cloth. When applying a cut to a wave sheet, as a rule, only one side of the wave is used. Then the sheet is broken off. When working with a flat sheet, the material is cut immediately to the full depth. Flat material is less afraid of kinks than wave. But in any case, it is advisable to use water to wet the cut.

Working with flat slate is easier

Some experts cut flat slate in several passes. Both the cutting knife and the angle grinder are applied at the risk of the cut. In several passes, it goes deep. The sheet is not cut through, but is broken at risk.

It is very convenient to cut slate in the winter on snow. If conditions allow, then this is the most optimal option. The sheet is laid on snow tightly and without distortions. In the case of using an angle grinder or circular saw, the working disks are immersed in the snow mass.

At the same time, the workplace is moistened and cooled. With this method, there is practically no dust. All of it is absorbed by a snow pillow.

When working with slate, it is important to remember that this is a rather fragile material. The technology of its cutting is much similar to the cutting of glass, and you need to handle it also. extremely carefully. The surfaces on which the work is performed must be straight to avoid stress in the sheets.

Work safety and important recommendations

Than sawing slate is not as essential as observing safety rules in work. The protection of the worker was discussed above. Particular care must be taken when working with high-speed power tools.

Professional tools make work easier

This primarily refers to angle grinders and hand-held circular saws. To a lesser extent, one should be careful when working with an electric jigsaw. All of these tools have great power and in inept hands can become source of danger for both the worker and others.

If cutting occurs for the first time or if the worker has little experience, then it is better to make a margin on the sheet of about 10%. Such a reserve will allow to cover losses due to chips and rejected material. Sawing asbestos-cement slate sheet is not as difficult as it might seem at first. However, to improve the quality, it is better to practice small fragments. This will allow not only to “get a hand”, but also to work out a certain technique.

Before you cut the wave slate into pieces, you need to carefully measure and calculate everything. This will eliminate unnecessary material loss and save time. With serious doubts in your abilities, you can always consult a specialist.

DIY slate cutting

Good old material for the roof, despite the abundance of new roofing that has appeared, is in constant demand among the population, because it has a number of undoubted advantages.

Types, features, characteristics

Slate seemed to have lost its relevance in modern construction. Gray, dull look, dull associations with the poverty of Soviet life. However, the technical and operational characteristics of the material do not allow it to sink into the past irrevocably. In addition, modern manufacturers have learned to overcome its aesthetic shortcomings. Painting slate in green, red, gray-blue colors allows manufacturers to skillfully use its operational advantages, attracting the attention of customers. Slate is in high demand because:

  • durable
  • durable
  • light weight;
  • does not fade in the sun;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • is inexpensive.

In addition, this material has high characteristics:

  • fire resistance;
  • hardness;
  • soundproofing;
  • frost resistance.

The material is easy to install, it is easy to process. The practicality of slate is also well known to the Russian people. Even the old sheets removed from the roof can be used to set up a pen for poultry, domestic animals, a fence, a vegetable garden, a flower bed, and some utility structures.

This roofing material is distinguished by the shape of the sheet, it is flat and wavy. The waveform is available in three types:

  1. IN, sheet 1200x680mm;
  2. VU, sheet 1200x2800mm;
  3. HC, sheet 1750x1125mm.

The disadvantages include the composition, which includes asbestos harmful to the body and the environment, fragility, and the complexity of transportation. Over time, mossy formations appear on the surface, reducing the aesthetics of its appearance. But this can be avoided by treating the surface with a primer.

Wavy Slate Cutting

During installation, you almost always have to cut slate, align the sheets, cut in half, into equal parts and so on. Such manipulations are performed:

  • cutting machine (angle grinder);
  • jigsaw;
  • cutter;
  • hand saw (hacksaw).

There are also quite effective grandfather methods that are relevant when there are no electric tools at hand or if it is not possible to connect to the mains.

Cutting the wave slate with a cutting machine is not difficult at all. The sheet is installed on two supports above the ground. First, a cut line is carried out, watered with water so that less asbestos-cement dust is released, and they are cut at low speeds. Angle grinder significantly reduces the degree of effort, the main thing is not to forget constantly, moisten the cut line with water. So the angle grinder will be easier and safer for the worker. To use an angle grinder, you should use a diamond disk or a circle for working with a stone, you can cut a sheet in any direction, grind the edges.

Cutting slate with an electric jigsaw is less efficient. A conventional tool does not have enough power; a cutting file quickly becomes unusable. A high-carbon steel file with victorious tips is required. This will help to cut the sheet in accordance with the specified parameters, to make arcs, curves.

You can cut slate at home with a simple cutter. True, wavy slate is harder to saw with this hand tool than a flat one. But if you follow the following algorithm of work, you can achieve a good result. Having laid the sheet on an even place, you need to attach a ruler, outlining the cut line. Marks put along the crest of the wave, then removing the ruler to make marks in the recesses. By pressing the cutter with force, smoothly outline the cut line. With careless movement, you can split the sheet. After the fishing line is marked under it, you need to put a bar along the entire length and press so that the sheet breaks. experienced workers crack the sawn off piece with a hammer.

Before you cut the wave slate with a hacksaw, you need to install it on an even place on the supports. The height should correspond to the course of the hacksaw. It is worth considering that the slate mounted on high supports can crack when dropped. Mark the fishing line with a construction pencil. Moisten with water, put plenty of dampened rags on, raze them as the saw moves. Hold the saw at an angle of 45 °, apply effortlessly, without pressure, so as not to damage the sheet. You can cut the slate with a circular saw, an electric chainsaw, however, certain skills will be required.

Slate cutting

Cutting slate is much easier. A flat surface is easier to mark, it is more convenient to manage, hold, fasten to a desktop or bars. Flat slate is produced in different sizes, different compositions, fiber lengths. The successful cutting of the sheet depends on their diameter and length. Flat slate is thicker than wave, but more fragile, despite the density. It is pressed and unpressed. Its thickness ranges from 4mm to 10mm. Unlike wave flat slate breaks better when cut.

Video: How to Cut a Slate Without an Angle Grinder

How to cut a flat slate? The same tools as the wavy, in addition it can be broken, evenly, without harmful dust. Slate cutting angle grinder is quite effective if the correct disk is selected. The diamond blade does the job easily. You can make an angle grinder a shallow cut and then break the sheet.

You can cut a flat slate with an electric saw. To do this, use a chisel to make notches along which the cut will pass, then lower the saw. Be sure to wet with water. A hand-held circular saw is also useful, it is better to use it at low speeds.

Sawing slate with an electric jigsaw is inefficient, but possible. Use carbide hacksaws with diamond coating. Follow the cut line, it will “run away”, an extra effort will lead to a split sheet.

Secrets of cutting slate at home

Cutting flat slate without dust is easier than wave. Skilled craftsmen try not to dust when working with slate. Knowing some tricks, following the rules helps you gain skills quickly.

An ordinary nail can be an effective tool at home. It is necessary to draw a fishing line with a construction pencil, scratch a recess along it with a nail, place a block under the fishing line, and press on different sides of the sheet. You can also punch small holes with a nail, then break. Particular attention is given to the corners of the sheet so that the scrap line is even, first you need to break the edges near the line, then in the middle. Instead of a nail, you can use a cutter, also make cuts, then break. If there is no cutter, a clerical knife is useful. Walk along the cut line several times, deepening the risk of breaking. A steel sheet and a rim from a barrel will also come in handy. Attach such devices to the cut line, evenly tap with a hammer along the entire length, cutting the sheet. Cut carefully, applying evenly so as not to damage the geometry of the cut.

Similar cutting technology with an electric drill. Several holes are made along the break line, a block is laid, broken. Sheet wetting is required both when working with tools and during manual cutting. Moisture will reduce the amount of waste and reduce the emission of asbestos dust harmful to health. Break off the remaining pieces, irregularities with nippers, pliers, sanded with sandpaper, a grinder. The main thing is not to break the corners of the sheet. You should buy slate with a margin, at least 10% of the material will not hurt.

Safety precautions

Safety in any business is important. When working with slate, it should be remembered that the asbestos contained in it, a mineral dangerous to the body, a class of silicates, irritates the respiratory tract, eyes. Many do not attach due importance to observing simple rules, make smoke breaks, inhaling air polluted by dust, neglecting the real danger. But in vain.

It is not difficult to protect yourself from the traumatic effects of asbestos dust, it is important to observe the following rules:

  • Only saw in the open air;
  • Wear a water-damped respirator;
  • Protect eyes with glasses;
  • Become leeward so that dust does not fall on you.

When working with power tools, an angle grinder, a circular saw and other devices that make piercing sharp sounds, use headphones.

How to cut slate. cutting technology and necessary tools

In summer cottage construction, for any householder, slate is the most indispensable material. With its help, you can quickly and inexpensively make a roof for a garage, a barn, a gazebo or even a garden house. The non-decreasing demand for it suggests ease of installation and affordable price. However, do not forget that it contains asbestos, a mineral dangerous to the respiratory tract and mucous membranes of a person. In sheets not exposed to external influences, it is in a bound state, held by a binder. Danger awaits workers when cutting material. This article will tell how and how to cut slate so as not to violate the integrity of the sheet and protect yourself.

Physical properties of the material

To make slate, manufacturers mix asbestos with cement and water, pour it into molds and leave to dry. To prevent dusting, both sides and sections are coated with a special paint that gives the desired shade to the material and makes it smoother. Slate has the following physical characteristics:

  1. A lot of weight. The weight of one sheet of standard size exceeds 30 kg. Among roofing materials, it has a large weight, which is exceeded perhaps only by ceramic tiles.
  2. Fragility. Breaking the integrity of a slate sheet is easy enough. On the one hand, this is bad, since you need to be more careful about transportation and storage. And on the other hand, this is a definite advantage, since cutting a sheet is not particularly difficult.
  3. Color. Unpainted slate is easy to recognize by its light gray hue, which is impossible to confuse with something. If it seems ugly or does not harmonize with home decoration, just buy paint and apply it on the roof surface.
  4. Variety of textures. Manufacturers of building materials produce wave and flat slate. Not differing in composition, they have a different surface and a different scope. The wave type is often used to cover the roof, and flat to protect the walls.

Sizes and weights of slate sheets of different types

Note! Slate is made using asbestos. This insidious class of silicates penetrates with dust into the lungs, irritating and causing microtraumas. Therefore, to cut a sheet of slate, you need to use personal protective equipment that protects the respiratory tract and eyes. It is best not to cut indoors, but outdoors.

Cut using an angle grinder

Since the times of the USSR, an angle grinder is commonly called an angle grinder, which was produced in the friendly republic of the same name. Sawing slate with this universal tool is better with an assistant, following this technology:

  • Carefully remove the slate sheet to an open area and place it on two supports that will lift it above the ground to make it more convenient.
  • Determine the location of the cut and draw a line on which you will cut. Dampen the area of ​​the future cut with plenty of water. Firstly, the plasticity of slate when wet increases, and secondly, less hazardous asbestos dust is formed. Wave Slate Cutting Process Angle Grinder Cutting angle grinder with diamond disc
  • Put on a respirator moistened with water, a protective mask over your eyes and determine where the wind blows so that it carries the dust in the opposite direction from you.
  • Start cutting the slate using an angle grinder at low speeds. As you continue to cut, your assistant should pour water to the workplace. If the incision is constantly wetted, the bulk of the dust flows with the water to the ground. Sawing a slate with an angle grinder

Important! To cut the slate use an angle grinder with a stone disc or diamond wheel. The first option is cheaper than the second. Nevertheless, the diamond nozzle allows you to fill cuts in any direction or even polish the edges of the sheet.

Hacksaw cutting

If you don’t have an angle grinder or other electric tool at your disposal, you can cut on a slate using a simple hacksaw for metal or a sharp carpentry knife. Interestingly, it takes no more than 2-3 minutes to cut a slate sheet with a hand tool. In order not to damage the sheet, follow the steps in the following order:

  1. Take a sheet and place it on two bars on the ground. It is not necessary to take too high supports, since after the end of sawing, the sheet will fall and break.
  2. Before cutting a flat slate, outline a cut line on it with a construction pencil. Wet clean cotton rags in water and lay along the line drawn. Three hours later, when the water is absorbed and the slate becomes more malleable, get to work.
  3. Take a hacksaw in your hands, bring it over the place of cut, positioning at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface. Holding the edge of the sheet with one hand, begin to move the tool back and forth, cutting the slate in a line. Do not make too much effort, act without pressure to avoid damage to the sheet.

Sawing a slate sheet with a hacksaw

Important! Professional builders with experience in handling slate argue that the use of a hand tool during sawing reduces the amount of asbestos dust when compared to working with an angle grinder or a jigsaw.

Alternative methods

Sometimes it happens that you need to cut a slate sheet urgently, but there is no angle grinder, no jigsaw, or a hacksaw at hand. The only way out in this case is to break the sheet with your hands. Experienced masters have two tricks to make a fault even:

  • With a sharp knife. A line is applied to the slate surface where a cut is needed. Then, taking a sharp household or office knife, repeatedly draw along this line, time and again deepening the risk. When the incision is deep enough, the sheet is carefully broken.
  • With a drill. A line is drawn on the sheet marking the place of the future cut. Using a drill along this line, holes are made every 5 cm. Then, along the resulting perforated strip, the slate is carefully broken. The smaller the pitch between the holes, the easier it is to break the sheet.

Electric saw for cutting slate

Due to the fault of flaws in the process of sawing slate, most of the defective sheets are formed, which are not always used. If you do not have experience in cutting, buying material, take care of a 10% margin that compensates for losses resulting from careless actions when cutting.

Video instruction

Original roof and designer roofs

4. A variety of textures. Manufacturers of building materials produce wave and flat slate. Not differing in composition, they have a different surface and a different scope. The wave type is often used to cover the roof, and flat to protect the walls.

Note! Slate is made using asbestos. This insidious class of silicates penetrates with dust into the lungs, irritating and causing microtraumas. Therefore, to cut a sheet of slate, you need to use personal protective equipment that protects the respiratory tract and eyes. It is best not to cut indoors, but outdoors.

Saw with an angle grinder. An angle grinder from the time of the USSR is commonly called an angle grinder, which was produced in the friendly republic of the same name. Sawing slate with this universal tool is better with an assistant, following this technology: · Carefully remove the slate sheet to an open area and place it on two supports that will raise it above the ground to make it more convenient.

· Determine the location of the cut and draw the line on which you will cut. Dampen the area of ​​the future cut with plenty of water. Firstly, the plasticity of slate when wet increases, and secondly, less hazardous asbestos dust is formed.

· Put on a respirator dampened with water, a protective mask over your eyes and determine where the wind blows so that it carries the dust in the opposite direction from you. · Proceed to cut the slate using an angle grinder at low speeds. As you continue to cut, your assistant should pour water to the workplace. If the incision is constantly wetted, the bulk of the dust flows with the water to the ground.

Important! To cut the slate use an angle grinder with a stone disc or diamond wheel. The first option is cheaper than the second. Nevertheless, the diamond nozzle allows you to fill cuts in any direction or even polish the edges of the sheet.

The main advantage of using slate is its resistance to extremes of both high and low temperatures in various climatic zones, as well as its resistance to water resistance and resistance to aggressive ultraviolet radiation. In addition, its predominant property is excellent insulation of roofing and attic structures.

Most often, slate coating is made in the form of rectangular sheets with a wavy surface to simplify drainage from the roofing surface. But today, for the construction and improvement of land, flat slate sheets are also being produced.

It is used: · for installation of walls of utility rooms; · device of fences and fences; · in construction. when pouring foundations. as a fixed formwork, which serves as a waterproofing barrier, protecting the product from groundwater and product jams. How to work with slate?

Slate is a rather fragile and unsafe material when improperly organized work with it. Therefore, every builder must know how to cut slate so that the cut of the sheet is even, so that the material does not crumble, and also that your work does not harm your health.

Cutting with a hacksaw If you do not have an angle grinder or other electric tool at your disposal, you can cut on a slate using a simple hacksaw for metal or a sharp carpentry knife. Interestingly, it takes no more than 2-3 minutes to cut a slate sheet with a hand tool. In order not to damage the sheet, follow the steps in the following order: 1. Take a sheet and place it on two bars on the ground. It is not necessary to take too high supports, since after the end of sawing, the sheet will fall and break. 2. Before cutting a flat slate, outline a cut line on it with a construction pencil. Wet clean cotton rags in water and lay along the line drawn. Three hours later, when the water is absorbed and the slate becomes more malleable, get to work.

3. Take a hacksaw in your hands, bring it over the place of cutting, positioning at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface. Holding the edge of the sheet with one hand, begin to move the tool back and forth, cutting the slate in a line. Do not make too much effort, act without pressure to avoid damage to the sheet.

Important! Professional builders with experience working with slate argue that using a hand tool during sawing reduces the amount of asbestos dust when compared to working with an angle grinder or jigsaw. There are many options for cutting slate, however, regardless of your choice, certain safety measures. dust from asbestos leaves, which enters the human body by inhalation, negatively affects human health. It doesn’t matter how to cut, what to cut. the main thing is to minimize the amount of asbestos dust. Emission will significantly reduce the use of protective equipment, for example, a mask, glasses and more. Wet sheets emit much less dust when sawing, so they are moistened with water before sawing. over, raw material is easier to cut, since wet asbestos cement becomes elastic.

In this case, the location is important. sawing should be performed outdoors, being located on the leeward side during cutting. so the dust will be carried away by the wind.

How to cut slate: the most common options Here are the most common options for cutting asbestos cement sheets. It is more expedient to work with a tool equipped with a stone disk for two: someone will work with an angle grinder, and the other will moisten the section of the cut with water. The liquid is poured in a thin stream using either a hose or a regular plastic bottle. Such a simple way will help to limit the abundant emission of asbestos dust. when mixed with water, the dust simply drains dirt down. Otherwise, the dust will quickly fly through the air and clog the tool.

Residual dirt from the angle grinder and other objects must be removed immediately, as after some time, it hardens and removing it after that will be quite difficult.

When using an angle grinder that cuts with a diamond blade, sawing can be done in any direction, and the edges of the cuts are also grinded in parallel. When cutting asbestos-cement sheets with a diamond blade, protective means must be used. As an example, let’s see how to cut a wave slate using the simplest angle grinder and a cutting a disk on a stone. Before cutting, the sheet is laid on a table-substrate. In this capacity, special boardwalks or a wooden staircase can act. From a bar of wood, make improvised tools with an emphasis of the required length for marking the profile. For example, if you need to divide it across in half, then this kind of ruler will need to be promoted in the direction of the sheet width, while making marks on the crests of the waves. When connecting, they get a cut line. As already noted, it is necessary to cut the ACL in the wet. Watering the material is necessary during the cutting process. One cuts, and the second pours water into the cut and a little bit on the disk to cool it. For watering, you can adapt a spray bottle from a plastic bottle with holes in the cork. It is more convenient to organize sawing as follows: first cut through the convex parts, and then connect the cuts together.

If the cut is performed without an assistant, then rags moistened with water must be laid on the cutting line and left for a couple of hours.

A wet asbestos-cement sheet is cut without much effort, so you should not press the angle grinder too much on it. The technology of cutting the material is greatly simplified in winter, since it is possible to cut the wave slate angle grinder directly on the snow, then the dust will mainly remain on the snow cover. A special circle is installed on the machine. used when sawing stone. In the wetted area, the incision is performed without additional effort. The appeared risk is once again moistened and continue to deepen the incision. The process is repeated several times, after which the obtained depth will be enough to easily break the profile along the intended line. An electric jigsaw with reduced speeds or a simple hacksaw are suitable for sawing asbestos-cement sheets. The main thing is to be careful and not overdo it with the use of force in order to avoid cracking or splitting of the material. It is possible to cut a flat slate with a conventional cutter. It is placed on a flat plane and a cut line is planned, say, a cutter is used to cut it under the ruler, leaving a direct scratch. For several passes, the risk deepens, after which a thin rail is laid under it, the sheet is broken along the intended line. This method is also suitable for material with a wavy profile, it must be cut in the direction of the wave. Cutting with a torch is fast enough and more gentle compared to using an angle grinder, since the amount of dust formed during the sawing process is not very large.

Is it possible to cut this roofing material without any tool at all? It turns out yes. For example, to obtain a cut line, you can use a slate nail, which punch holes along it. Under the profile, lay any thin object of sufficient length and gently break it. How smooth the cut will turn out depends on the frequency of the holes made and on how accurately the breaking is performed.

The work can not only be facilitated, but also get a more even cut line, if you make a device resembling a comb. Holes are drilled on a wooden plank with a pitch of 20 mm, into which the corresponding nails are inserted. The device is placed on the profile along the cut line and carefully beat with a hammer. As a result, the sheet breaks easily and accurately. Alternative methods Sometimes it happens that you need to cut a slate sheet urgently, and there is no angle grinder, no jigsaw, no hacksaw at hand. The only way out in this case is to break the sheet with your hands. Experienced craftsmen have two tricks to make the fault even: · Using a sharp knife. A line is applied to the slate surface where a cut is needed. Then, taking a sharp household or office knife, repeatedly draw along this line, time and again deepening the risk. When the incision is deep enough, the sheet is carefully broken.

· Using a drill. A line is drawn on the sheet marking the place of the future cut. Using a drill along this line, holes are made every 5 cm. Then, along the resulting perforated strip, the slate is carefully broken. The smaller the pitch between the holes, the easier it is to break the sheet.

Due to the fault of flaws in the process of sawing slate, most of the defective sheets are formed, which are not always used. If you do not have experience in cutting, buying material, take care of a 10% margin that compensates for losses resulting from careless actions when cutting.

Without a special tool Along the line it is necessary to make several holes (drill with a drill, pierce with a nail. only with special slate). It is advisable to make more holes along the line. After that, on the edge of the workbench, the sheet is broken in the same way as glass. You can put a rail under the slate and break it. It is better if the holes are small in diameter, but there will be many of them. then the edges of the break will be smoother. General recommendation for sawing Regardless of which method you choose and which tool you will use for sawing, in the process, the line should be constantly moistened with water. And do not rush. It should be noted that when cutting traditional slate, dust containing asbestos is released in large quantities. Therefore, it is necessary to protect both the eyes and the respiratory tract from damage. When working with slate, you need to use safety glasses, a respirator. Hands should be protected with gloves as dust penetrates the pores of the skin. Work must be carried out either on the street or in a good draft. If the room is closed, then a good hood should be organized.

Several methods are used depending on what we cut the slate: · an angle grinder with a stone disc, · an angle grinder with a diamond wheel, · a cutting machine, · an electric jigsaw, · a hacksaw, a cutter, a slate nail. · Consider each of the methods of cutting a sheet in more detail. First you need to make the slate sheet more flexible and supple, which will help us avoid brittleness and protect our health from asbestos dust. To do this, we use ordinary water. We wet the rags with water, lay them on the intended fishing line, on which slate will be cut, and leave for a couple of hours. The material has become softer, but still pressing it should be careful to avoid cracking. For cutting wet slate use an angle grinder, jigsaw or a conventional hacksaw.

How to cut a wave slate? If your farm has an angle grinder equipped with a diamond wheel, then the question "how to cut a slate" has already been resolved. Using diamond blades, we make cuts of different directions on the angle grinder and grind the edges. If we use this method in the winter, we carry out the cutting in the snow, bringing the angle grinder on top of the sheet, as a result of which the dust is not sprayed.

Another way of cutting slate is when using a cutting machine on which a stone disc is attached. The method is as follows: we moisten the line of the sheet cut, lightly draw with the disc, moisten again, hold the disc a little deeper and repeat several times until the cut line is deepened. After that, the slate can be easily broken and avoid unnecessary marriage.

Cutting flat sheets If you intend to use flat slate in construction, there are several methods that will help you decide how to cut flat slate. Basically, you can use an angle grinder with a stone disc. But for this you need an assistant. The scheme of work is as follows. you cut the sheet, and the assistant pours a thin stream of water into the place of the cut. This method will help you reduce the dustiness of the environment and the tool. Since asbestos dust accumulates, dries and as a result becomes difficult to remove, all contaminants must be washed off after work. The cutter will also help with cutting a flat slate sheet. On the sheet we mark the line of the cut, after laying the slate on a flat, flat surface. We draw a cutter along this line several times, deepening the cut, and carefully break the sheet along the incised line. But the easiest way is to use such an improvised tool as a slate nail and a hammer. Only with the construction of a slate nail will the sheet be cut without damage and chips. To do this, along the marked cut line with a slate nail and a hammer, punch holes, put a block under the cut line and break the slate sheet. It should be remembered that the more holes, the smoother the cut.

Choosing a convenient and effective method of cutting slate, we can once again emphasize the practicality and ease of use of this roofing material in the modern construction of cozy houses and summer cottages.