How to cut foam paper lengthwise at home

How to cut the foam rubber

Hello all, just recently I faced the problem of how to cut the foam evenly and at home. During all the time of carpentry, I have never once faced with foam rubber, and understandably, I usually work with wood.

So how to cut foam rubber? And what it takes. The first thing that came to my mind was some expensive machine, which is just not realistic to buy, because I once cut foam rubber, but a long time ago, and it did not work out well.

At work, in a nearby shop do upholstered furniture, and then at lunchtime I met a guy on the street who does it. During the conversation I found out that in order to cut the foam rubber they use a regular knife, and they do not have any expensive equipment for that. We got to talking, and he told me how to cut the foam accurately at home.

To cut the foam will need the following

  • A sharp knife, preferably a stationery knife or linoleum cutter
  • A marker or marker with a thin rod
  • Cardboard or something else under the base
  • A good ruler

So, how to cut the foam rubber, first using a marker, make a scythe line cut on the foam rubber. If it is a straight line, it is better to use a ruler, if you have to cut it under the radius, it is better to use some sort of mold, template or other device to draw exactly the radius.

Next, to cut the foam rubber, it will be necessary to prepare the base. As a base, many advise to use plywood or particle board. I would not advise you to do this because when you cut the knife foam rubber, the tip of the knife will blunt on the plywood. Therefore, I suggest using cardboard for the base. By the way, I forgot to tell you why you need the base, the base serves not to spoil the floor or other base on which you are going to cut the foam rubber, and as you understand to protect the tip of the blade.

And the last point how to cut the foam rubber is the process of cutting. Use a very sharp knife for this one. Your kitchen knife won’t cut it, because its blade is thicker. Therefore, I advise you to use a utility knife or a construction knife like the ones used to cut linoleum. It is very important that the blade and the tip are sharp, otherwise you will not be able to cut the foam evenly.

foam, home

Well then proceed to work, exactly on the mowing line hold the knife, preferably without the use of the stop, as the focus will press on the foam, thereby creating a load in it, and the knife will not cut well. If in doubt of your abilities, it is better to practice a little on another piece of foam rubber, so as not to spoil the workpiece.

And in general, foam rubber is usually cut in order to trim upholstered furniture. So it is perfectly flat can not be done, and you can not be 100% flat to cut it all. On top of the foam will still be a fabric, which will smooth out all the irregularities and uncertainties of the cut.

Here I am, this article may be useful to those who have thought about how to cut foam rubber at home with his hands. I would be happy to comment, tell me what you think about it, and if you have experience, share it.

Often you can see the advice that foam rubber should be cut with a heated nichrome wire connected to a voltage of 12 V, as well as a heated soldering iron.

How to cut a flat thick foam rubber at home?

However, it is not recommended to do this at home, as foam rubber emits harmful substances into the air, which, even in small doses, are highly toxic and affect the respiratory and nervous systems. Let us not risk our health, especially as foam rubber is well cut with a regular knife.

Mark a piece of polyurethane foam with a marker or felt tip pen, making small marks at the same time. Connect the labels with each other on a ruler (you can use a flat bar).

Under the place of the future cut, put a piece of board, plywood, chipboard or just a thick cardboard. This will prevent the floor from being damaged when cutting.

It is best to cut foam rubber without a ruler. Use the knife to move it firmly and accurately along the marking you have made. Hold the knife vertically.

If the foam rubber does not cut through to the end, use your fingers to pull the cut apart and with a second cut cut the foam rubber all the way through.

If you get scuff marks when cutting, it means that the blade has blunted. Break off the tip of the blade or replace it with a new one.

The curved cuts are made in exactly the same way. Then cut the foam rubber along the guide line making sure that the knife is vertical and not tilted. The quality of the cut will not be perfect, but it is quite useful if you need to cut a cushion for upholstered furniture, which will then be covered with fabric.

Upholstery Basics: How To Cut FoamWith a Bread Knife!

How to cut the foam rubber

Hello all, just recently I faced the problem of how to cut the foam evenly, and at home. During all the time of carpentry, I have never once faced with foam rubber, which is understandable, I usually work with wood.

So how do you cut the foam rubber?? And what do you need to do that? The first thing that came to my mind is some expensive machine, which is just not realistic to buy, because I once cut foam rubber, but a long time ago, and it did not work out well.

At work, in a nearby shop engaged in upholstered furniture, and then at lunchtime I met a guy who does it in the street. I found out that in order to cut the foam rubber, they use a regular knife, and they don’t have any expensive equipment for that. We got to talking, and he told me how to cut the foam accurately at home.

  • A sharp knife, preferably a box cutter or linoleum cutter
  • A highlighter or marker with a thin rod
  • Cardboard or something else under the base
  • A good ruler

So, how to cut the foam rubber, first using a marker, make a scythe line cut on the foam. If it is a straight line, it is better to use a ruler, if you have to cut it under the radius, it is better to use some sort of template, template or other device to draw exactly the radius.

Next, to cut the foam rubber, you will need to prepare the base. As a base, many advise to use plywood or particle board. I wouldn’t advise this because when you cut the foam rubber with the knife, the knife tip will blunt against the plywood. So for the base I suggest to use cardboard. By the way, I forgot to tell why you need the base, the base serves not to spoil the floor or other substrate on which you are going to cut the foam rubber, and as you have understood for the protection of the tip of the knife.

And the last point how to cut the foam rubber, is the process of cutting. For this you need a very sharp knife. Obviously your kitchen knife will not fit here, as the blade is thicker. Therefore, I advise you to use a utility knife or a construction knife, like the ones used for cutting linoleum. It is very important that the blade and tip were sharp, otherwise you will not be able to cut evenly foam rubber.

Well and then go to work, evenly on the mowing line run the knife, preferably without the use of the stop, as the stop will press on the foam rubber, thus creating a load in it, and the knife will not cut well. If in doubt of your abilities, it is better to train on another piece of foam rubber so as not to spoil the workpiece.

And in general, foam rubber is usually cut in order to cover them upholstered furniture. So you can’t cut it perfectly straight, and you can’t cut it 100% straight. There will still be a cloth on top of the foam rubber, which will smooth out all the irregularities and inaccuracies of the cut.

Here I am, this article may be useful to those who have thought how to cut the foam rubber at home with their own hands. I would be happy to hear your Комментарии и мнения владельцев, tell me what you think about it, and if you have experience, share it.

Instructions for cutting

If you follow the instructions, your foam will cut perfectly. So, let’s go:

  • As we decided to cut foam rubber on the mat, but not on linoleum or parquet, the first thing we do is to lay it. First the plywood, then the cardboard sheet.
  • On top of the layer of foam rubber we want to cut. Make sure that the line of the future cut is on the lining.
  • We take a ruler and according to the given dimensions draw the fishing line, along which the future cut will run.
  • Remove the ruler. If we use the ruler to make the cut and press it down, it will be flat, but the edge will be depressed like with the scissors. If you decide to cut on the ruler, do not put any pressure on it.

Good advice on how to cut the foam to have a perfect edge. If you feel that the knife began to make peculiar hooks during wiring, it means that in some place the blade has blunted and, without cutting through, begins to tear foam rubber, forming a strip of foam burrs. In this case, you should immediately change the blade for a new one. It is best to do it without waiting for it to happen. Make five to six wires, change blade. They can be used again later for any other purpose, but they will be useless for cutting foam rubber. Easy cutting foam rubber with a knife clearly shown in this video.

How and what to cut thick foam rubber at home?

Polyurethane foam is a modern material of synthetic origin. At home, cut foam rubber is easy enough: just draw a fishing line, which will be cutting cloth, hold a knife with a sharp blade and cut to the end of the cloth, lightly holding the edges with his other hand.

How to cut foam rubber if the thickness of the blade is 10 mm or more? If you follow the rules for cutting foam rubber, you can achieve an even edge of the material, even at home.

How to cut foam rubber correctly?

There is no need to buy a specialized saw for polyurethane foam, which is used in stores or small factories to cut a sheet of foam rubber at home.

It is enough to use a sharp knife, or it is possible to take a knife with jagged edges, with which one cuts a loaf. Thanks to its shape and length the edges of the material are even. If such a knife is not available, any other well-sharpened knife will do. If you have a construction knife with a retractable blade, it is also suitable for cutting foam rubber.

The secret of an even edge of the material is to tilt the knife toward you while cutting if you want to make an even line. When shaped cutting of foam rubber is required, the angle should be increased. This will help to avoid beveling the edges.

Stages of cutting foam rubber

No expensive tools or special conditions are required to cut the foam blade. To cut the fabric at home, you need to stock up on a sheet of cardboard and plywood, a ruler or a shaped molding (if the fishing line will be uneven), a marker or construction tape, and a sharp knife. The whole process consists of uncomplicated steps:

  • It is necessary to choose a flat surface where you will cut the foam rubber.
  • Lay plywood and cardboard on the floor or table surface to avoid damaging it with the knife when cutting the material.
  • Using a ruler, use a marker or construction adhesive tape to mark the fishing line for the intended cut. Scotch tape is good for straight cuts, and a marker is good for shaped ones.
  • Use a ruler to hold the material as you cut the sheet into pieces. Do not put too much pressure on the ruler, as this can deform the fabric and the edge at the point of cut will be uneven.
  • You can use two wooden planks if you want to cut along a straight line. A cut gap should be left between the slats. This will help hold the sheet in place.
  • With a strong, smooth move of the knife, cut the blade. If you do not manage to cut through thick material the first time, you need to repeat the procedure, inserting the knife exactly into the line of the already made cut. It is possible to make the cut to half of the thickness first and then continue cutting to the end.
  • It is more difficult to cut thick material with a knife, so you need to hold the knife at a steeper angle and guide the knife more carefully.

To get a straight cut, you need to buy high quality foam. In our store you can find the material from the best manufacturers. We offer sheets of different thickness and density. To choose and buy the right foam for your task, call our store at the phone number listed on the website.

How to cut a thick foam rubber: a guide

To organize the work process you will need a pad (usually use a sheet of plywood, and on it lay an unfolded cardboard box). You also need to find a long ruler, as well as a marker or packing tape for marking. A sharp construction knife will also come in handy.

foam, home

Lay a sheet of polyurethane foam on a pad. Make sure that the fishing line of the future cut is on the cardboard.

Place the straight edge along the mowing line and, holding the knife carefully at a slant, mark the corner part of the cut.

Continue sawing, adhering to the marking and using a ruler for this.

If you are not sure of your own precision. place two straight pieces of wood along the mowing line, leaving a clearance for the blade to move.

Having made a bevel to the bottom part, it is possible to take a construction knife and with one precise movement cut halves completely.

It is difficult to cut thick foam rubber with this method. It is more suitable for straight lines. Complex elements can only be cut with a special tool.

  • Make room, remove all the things that can interfere.
  • Position the foam sheet
  • We take a knife with a blade of the right length (according to the width of the foam rubber) and carefully make an incision on one side.
  • The plane of the blade incline towards yourself to get an even cut.
  • If the blade clings to foam, it means that it is blunt.
  • The surfaces must be moistened before gluing;
  • Glue BF-6 is needed to be applied twice, the first layer is applied thinly and is given time to dry, after which the second layer of glue is applied;
  • After the glue dries, through a damp cloth you need to iron the seam with an iron.

So, how to cut foam rubber at home so the edges are as flat as possible and close to those obtained by the production cut? For this you will need to prepare the following tools and supplies:

  • The foam rubber itself, which we are going to cut.
  • The lining under the foam rubber that we are going to cut. It is clear that if we spread it on the linoleum or on the parquet in the apartment, these very materials will end, because they will all be scratched by the knife. For the pad it is best to use a sheet of plywood with cardboard on it, so that the knife tip does not get blunted on the solid plywood. Cardboard can be used by unzipping any cardboard box of suitable size.
  • It is advisable to have a construction type knife. They are also called linoleum cutting knives. It has a complete set of removable blades, which in the case of bluntness can be replaced. Use better branded European, not Chinese knife, as the Chinese have low-quality steel, and a blade blunt after the first wiring.

How to sew foam rubber

Capron or lavsan threads are not recommended. The seam will come apart very quickly. Cotton yarn is also not very suitable. It is too stiff. The seam will be slightly stronger than in the first case, but not by much. You can connect a woolen thread and a relatively soft cotton thread.

You can use calico, sateen, or calico to reinforce the seams. A linen cloth will also work. Do not use synthetics.

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What glue can be used for gluing polyurethane foam

Despite the large variety of adhesive compositions, experts advise using glue for foam rubber from proven manufacturers. Consider the most popular and well-known brands of glue, with which you can glue polyurethane foam.

Rapid. Quick-drying, non-flammable and solvent-free adhesive. The most widespread glue compound among do-it-yourselfers and car repairmen. Glued seams are even and strong enough.

BF-6. Totally safe and easy-to-use glue that makes it easy to glue foams together, even in the home. Applied in two layers, every 10 minutes, after which the workpieces are glued, and the seam is smoothed with a hot iron through a cotton cloth, pre-moistened.

SABA. Non-flammable and harmless to human health, glue that is widely used at home and in industry. Resistant to high temperatures and ensures high adhesion between the glued materials. Available in spray cans, designed for spraying with a glue gun.

Porolon-2. Water-resistant rubber-based adhesive, which is specially designed for gluing foam rubber to each other, as well as to such materials as cardboard, glass, wood, fabric, plastic, chipboard, wood-fiber board, etc. This glue does not require any pre-treatment. Widely used in furniture industry.

Glue 88. Quite often in everyday life it is also called shoe glue. It does not require time for pre-cooking, and the seam at the glue point is resistant to high humidity and low temperatures. Mostly available in tubes, but also in cans.

Tapicer. Pretty popular glue for gluing foam materials in furniture industry. Proven to be a quality and safe adhesive that guarantees a sufficiently long service life.

Olimpur. Special adhesive for polyurethane foams, water based, which requires spot application on the surface for gluing. This glue composition allows you to glue foam with almost any building material (plaster, drywall, putty, etc.).).