How to cut foam rubber at home evenly

Reduced alimony

It is much more difficult to achieve a decrease in the amount of alimony payments than to increase it, since serious reasons and evidence are needed. If the interested party is the payer, in order to change the amount of alimony, it is necessary not only to collect all the necessary documents and competently draw up a claim, but to achieve the beginning of a trial and the opening of a case on reducing the amount of alimony. In practice, alimony payers often face a number of problems: the delay in cases to reduce the amount of alimony and an insufficient amount of evidence that can really confirm the unreasonableness of the established amount of payment. The judiciary also has difficulty in determining the correct amount and delivering a fair decision.

There are a number of reasons for reducing alimony.

  • Confirmation that the payer has I or II disability group. This can be supplemented by proof that he needs outside care.
  • The debtor (payer) has other persons who are long-term or permanently dependent on his part, to whom he also pays alimony (other children, parents).
  • If the payer’s income is so high that the rate of alimony paid is significantly higher than the subsistence level.
  • With a significant reduction in the amount of income or other financial difficulties of the payer.
  • When a child for whom child support needs to be paid is fully supported by the state.
  • In the event that payments are intended for a sixteen-year-old child who is simultaneously engaged in labor or business activities, which is fully or partially capable of meeting his needs. The reason is applicable only in the presence of additional circumstances from the above list.

High earnings of a guardian or guardian supporting a child or parent, a pension, as well as the fact that some of them own property that does not generate income, are not acceptable grounds for reducing the amount of alimony.

Alimony indexation

The conditions for indexation must be written in the alimony agreement. So the parties provide for the procedure for changing alimony on their own and come to a common denominator. If this is not in the contract, the process of indexing alimony occurs in accordance with the conditions described in article 117 of the IC RF.

  • The bailiff, as well as the organization or other person to whom the executive document was sent in the case established by part 1 of Article 9 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 N 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings”, index the alimony collected by court decision in a hard monetary amount, in proportion to the growth of the subsistence minimum for the corresponding socio-demographic group of the population established in the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of the person receiving alimony, in the absence of this value in the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, this indexation is performed in proportion to the growth in the subsistence minimum for the corresponding socio-demographic group of the population as a whole in the Russian Federation.
  • The amount of alimony recovered by a court decision in a fixed amount, for the purpose of indexing it, is established by the court as a multiple of the subsistence minimum determined in accordance with the rules of paragraph 1 of this article, including the amount of alimony may be established as a fraction of the subsistence minimum.

The process of changing the amount of alimony takes place taking into account the marital status and financial condition of the parties, as well as other significant points specified in Article 119 of the IC RF. The amount of alimony should be balanced in order to satisfy the interests of both parties: simultaneously support the dependent and allow the payer to live normally on the remaining funds. Only on this generalized basis does the court reconsider the amount of material support in order to change the alimony.

Registration of changes in the amount of alimony

If it is necessary to change the amount of payments, it can be done in three ways:

  • orally by agreement of the parties;
  • written agreement by mutual agreement;
  • through a judicial authority (in case of refusal of one party).

The first method does not oblige you to sign any contracts. If an agreement is drawn up, it must be certified by a notary. The change in the established amount of payments for alimony, which was originally ordered through the court, occurs in a similar way. In order for the court to review the amount of payments, it is necessary to file a new claim, which will set out all the requirements for adjusting the amount for alimony.

The grounds for adjusting the amount of alimony will be confirmed or rejected already during the trial. The plaintiff’s task is to prove all the data provided and substantiate the claims presented, otherwise the decision to increase / decrease the amount of payment will not be made, and you will have to start all over again.

If, initially, in the course of the trial, the payment of alimony was established in the form of a share of the subsistence minimum, then the change (up or down) of the amount of alimony also occurs in shares. The same rule applies to changes in payments in certain amounts of money. When calculating the amount of alimony, the income and assistance of other persons in supporting a minor child or an incapacitated parent will not be taken into account. Only the income of a specific alimony payer is considered.

Changing the amount of alimony

The most common requirement in our practice related to the procedure for collecting alimony is a change in the amount of alimony from a share ratio to income to a lump sum. In cases where the official income of the alimony payer is significantly reduced or moves into the shadow sector of the economy, it is advisable to tie the amount of payment for the child not to the debtor’s income, but to the subsistence level in the region.

To do this, you need to apply for a change in the amount of alimony. In this case, it will be necessary to prove that the defendant has irregular and changing earnings, the amount of alimony collected is less than half of the subsistence minimum for the child and this content is not enough to meet the primary needs of the minor.

Also, a change in alimony may be required when one of the payer’s children reaches the age of majority. When collecting alimony for several children, the judges do not always prescribe in the decision how payments for other children will change after the older children reach the age of majority.

Let’s consider this case using an example from our judicial practice.

Increase in alimony

A party interested in an increase in alimony payments may demand an increase in their size due to constant inflation, an increase in the requests of the recipient (child or parent), as well as with an urgent need for additional costs and a number of other reasons. The payer and recipient of payments have a similar right, which allows them to demand an increase in the amount of alimony.

The reason for the increase in the amount of alimony on the part of the recipient may be:

  • reduction in the amount of income (change in salary, etc.) of the recipient to a minimum level;
  • the recipient is fired from his job;
  • the unchanged amount of the recipient’s salary with constant inflation;
  • forced reduction of the costs of the recipient for the child or parent (if there is a guardian) due to deteriorating health;
  • the recipient has additional costs for other children or disabled parents;
  • death of another person (spouse, relative) who was previously involved in supporting the recipient.
  • An increase in the amount of alimony payments on the part of the payer may occur on the basis of:
  • termination of the obligation to financially support other persons who were previously with him;
  • the emergence of permanent additional income;
  • other circumstances that contribute to the ability to pay more child support.

Changing the order of the collection of alimony

The two most common methods of court ordering alimony are a share ratio to the payer’s income (for example: 1/4) and a fixed sum of money that is a multiple of the subsistence minimum.

In the first case, alimony can be recovered in the order of order and action proceedings. It is much faster and easier to obtain a court order. It is enough to apply to the magistrate with an application for its issuance, and within 5 days he will be ready.

The court order for alimony has the force of an executive document and is subject to immediate execution. Therefore, you can immediately go with him to the bailiffs.

Court order on the recovery of alimony in proportion to the payer’s income

Cutting Upholstery Foam at Home

However, in contrast to all the above-mentioned advantages, there is a significant procedural disadvantage of this document. it is very easy to cancel it. The debtor, within 10 days after receiving it, can apply to the court with an application for cancellation, without even specifying specific reasons, and the judge will cancel the previously issued order.

In such circumstances, the recoverer will need to go to court again, but to the district court and with a statement of claim, in order to further obtain alimony. The dispute on the payment of alimony will be resolved with the summons of the parties to court sessions.

You can find a detailed algorithm of actions when canceling a court order in the article: Collecting alimony after canceling a court order.

Alimony was assigned to four children in the amount of two living wages, half for each of the children. The legal justification for this size was that parents have equal responsibilities for the maintenance of their children. Consequently, children have the right to receive equal support from a parent, regardless of whether they live with him or separately from him. The court also proceeded from the maximum preservation for children of the level of their previous provision.

Since the defendant did not present evidence that he works and has a permanent, stable income, the alimony was collected in a lump sum with subsequent indexation until the children come of age.

How to carefully cut and glue furniture foam at home

Foam rubber is a universal material. It is used in many large industries and in needlework. Differs in a porous structure, elasticity, softness and attractive cost. When working with furniture foam, home craftsmen, especially those who have not used it before, have two questions: how to carefully cut and firmly glue parts from this material together. The secrets of how to do it correctly, quickly and reliably were shared by the masters of the Vinyl Tex company.

To cut smoothly and without scuffing furniture foam rubber for a sofa, chair, ottoman or armchair, stock up on:

  • a sharp knife: clerical or for cutting linoleum;
  • marker or felt-tip pen;
  • thick cardboard, plywood or a piece of board under the base;
  • a wooden lath or a regular ruler, a piece (for curved cuts).
  • choose a place for laying out a sheet of foam rubber and place thick cardboard or a piece of board under the material so that you do not spoil the base (floor, tabletop) during cutting;
  • with a felt-tip pen or marker, make marks on the foam rubber and connect them using a strip or ruler. For cutting under the radius, use a template or a piece;
  • take a knife and, holding it strictly vertically, with a strong, confident movement, draw along the markings. Do not use a ruler when cutting, because under the weight of your hand it will press on the foam rubber, crush it, and the cut will end up being uneven;
  • if the foam rubber has not completely cut through, spread the “processed” section with your fingers and finish the work with the second cut. Break off the utility knife blade or replace it if any bulges appear.

How and how to glue foam rubber

Contact adhesives based on styrene-butadiene, polyurethane, and neoprene are suitable for working with foam rubber. The most popular and budgetary ones are: BF-6, Clay 88, Rapid-100. They are safe for health (do not exude toxins), easy to use and securely fasten the foam parts together.

  • grease the edges of the prepared parts with glue using a roller, brush or spray gun. An economical option is a pistol, the consumption of the composition is about 70 g / cm2;
  • wait for the time specified in the instructions;
  • connect the parts, pressing firmly or pressing down with a press, until a reliable, even, elastic seam is formed.

Vinyl Tex company: furniture foam rubber for sofas and other upholstered furniture, as well as upholstery materials, accessories at retail, wholesale and delivery to all regions of Russia.

Cutting thick foam rubber: do’s and don’ts

Furniture manufacturers use special machines. They can be used to cut polyurethane foam of any thickness, with a perfectly even seam and accurate dimensional accuracy.

Naturally, these options are not entirely suitable for the home: especially when you need to cut a couple of sheets for furniture restoration and never do it again.

In such cases, it is recommended to use the so-called “loaf knife” (with serrated blade). Its shape and length allows for an even cut in the thick polyurethane foam. It will take a long time to cut, but as a “one-time action” the method is quite suitable.

Please note: in no case listen to the advice of “craftsmen” and do not cut the foam rubber with a heated wire (tungsten or nichrome). Heating the foam leads to the release of phosgene, a poisonous gas. It is extremely dangerous to inhale it indoors.

How and what to cut thick foam rubber at home?

Outline, make an incision, draw with a blade and cut to the end. this is how the instructions for cutting polyurethane foam at home look in brief. Everything is simple and convenient, but only if the height of the sheet is small. And what if you need to cut foam rubber with a height of 100 millimeters or more? Consider how to solve this problem at home.

How to cut thick foam rubber: instructions

To organize the workflow, you will need a lining (usually a sheet of plywood is used, and a laid out cardboard box is laid on it). You also need to find a long ruler and a marker or packing tape for marking. A sharp construction knife will also come in handy.

Place the polyurethane foam sheet on the backing. Make sure that the line of the future cut is on the cardboard.

Place a ruler along the line and carefully, holding the knife at an angle, mark the cut in the corner.

Continue sawing, following the markings and using a ruler.

If you are not sure of your own accuracy, you need to put two even wooden planks along the cut mowing line, leaving a gap for the knife to move.

Having made a cut to the bottom, you can take a construction knife and cut the halves completely in one precise motion.

Curly cutting of thick foam rubber in this way is difficult. It is more suitable for straight lines. Complex elements can only be cut with a special tool.

How to_Cut_Quillo_Evenly

Now you have bought polyurethane foam, and it’s time to cut it. How to do it? How to cut foam rubber at home? What tools are required? We will tell you about everything clearly and in order.

The most common piece of advice is to cut the foam with a heated wire. In no case do it yourself, you risk your health. With this method, the foam rubber will burn, and hazardous substances will be released that affect the nervous system and respiratory organs.

It is best to take a regular sharp construction knife, from which you can replace the blades, and work with it.

Phased plan:

  • With a felt-tip pen, make the marks along which you want to make a cut, and connect them along a ruler. If you need smooth curves of the mowing line, then draw them along the pattern.
  • Under the place where you will make the cut, put a board, thick cardboard or plywood
  • Cut the foam hard and slowly along the intended mowing line. Attention! The knife must be positioned vertically during cutting
  • If the foam is suddenly not completely cut through, we advise you to expand the cut and cut.

If irregularities and burrs begin to appear during the cutting process, replace the blade.

In this way, you can cut polyurethane foam without harm to your health.

Foam rubber is a modern material that is soft, comfortable, hypoallergenic. It is used as a filler for mattresses, furniture, it is made of different density and thickness.

So, what to cut? Here are the tools needed to cut the foam:

  • we use cardboard or plywood for lining to preserve the surface of the table or floor where this operation will be performed;
  • construction knife with adjacent blades;
  • ruler or template;
  • marker for drawing a section.

What to look for

Foam rubber is not just a kind of plastic, but plastic with the addition of various kinds of chemical impurities, toxic polymers, which impart porosity to this material.

At room temperatures, foam rubber is absolutely harmless to humans, but as soon as the material is heated, it immediately becomes toxic. Therefore, it is impossible to use a heated metal thread or wire for cutting foam rubber at home, as some amateurs advise.

In production, foam rubber sheets are cut this way, but workers must use protective masks, and in the production workshop where this operation takes place, powerful ventilation is installed.

Ordinary household scissors are also not helpers for cutting foam rubber. The edges of the material cut in this way lose their porous structure.

Cutting process

In order to make curly cutting, you should act in exactly the same way. Only increase the angle of inclination of the knife towards you as much as possible so that the mowing line bends are even.

For cutting material such as foam, get everything you need and be patient.

comment: How to cut foam rubber at home

I thought it would be difficult to cut the foam rubber on my own, at home. But, judging by the description in the article, everything is quite simple. We will try.

As a rule, in production, foam rubber is cut by means of a nichrome wire heated with an electric voltage, which is highly discouraged to do at home. Since when cutting in this way, foam rubber releases highly toxic harmful substances into the air, which, by their action, contribute to the damage to the nervous system and respiratory tract of a person. Therefore, in the name of preserving your health, experts recommend cutting the foam at home. with a sharp knife.

First, using an ordinary felt-tip pen or marker, you need to mark the foam rubber by applying small marks on it, which are then connected to each other by straight lines, for which a flat wooden strip or ruler is used. Then, under the foam rubber, or rather, under the place where the cut will be made, you need to put a piece of plywood, boards or thick cardboard, which will protect the surface of the workplace from the formation of defects when cutting this material.

When the foam is cut, the ruler is not used, but with an accurate and strong movement, along the mowing line of the marking, the foam is cut with a sharp knife, which must be kept in an upright position. If the foam rubber has a large thickness, then first the thickness corresponding to the length of the knife is cut, after which the cut must be pushed apart with your hands and cut with the knife again.

The first sign by which you can determine that the knife needs to be sharpened is the formation of scuffs on the foam rubber. In this case, you need to replace the knife blade with a new one or sharpen the knife itself. Cutting the foam rubber along the curve of the mowing line is done in the same way, but first you need to apply the mowing line to it and only then cut it. As in the previous case, when cutting foam rubber, the knife must always be held vertically, since if this rule is omitted, the cut of the material can hardly be made perfect. However, if a pillow is made of foam rubber to decorate upholstered furniture, which will then be covered with a satin fabric, then getting a perfect cut is not relevant here.

Bad tips for thin wire

It is better not to listen to these advice. Even if the cutting of foam rubber takes place on the street, you risk breathing in the most dangerous toxins so that you will ruin your health at once. The thing is that foam rubber is not ordinary plastic. To give it a foamy structure, various kinds of toxic impurities are added to the polymers, which are absolutely not dangerous in the usual solidified state and at room temperature, but instantly turn into the strongest poison when heated.

Yes, in production this material is cut by means of hot nichrome threads. But there people work in protective clothing and respirators, or even stay in a protected operator’s booth with an excellent hood. And since you are going to cut the foam rubber at home, in the absence of such means of protection, you run the risk of poisoning not only yourself, but also your loved ones.

Plus, this method is only suitable for straight cuts. To make a curly one, you still have to take up a knife.

What’s the problem with scissors?

The problem is that when cutting with scissors, the structure of the foam rubber along the edges of the cut is broken. The edges are depressed and no longer straighten to their original position. So scissors for even cutting will not work either.

How to cut foam rubber at home: expert advice

Foam rubber is a great thing. Soft, comfortable and harmless. Most often, mattresses and padding for upholstered furniture are made from it. It comes in varying degrees of rigidity and thickness. But regardless of what elasticity and thickness it has, it should only be cut with a knife. How to cut foam rubber with a knife, and why you need to do it only with this tool, you will learn from this article.

Cutting instruction

If you follow the instructions in everything, your foam rubber will be cut perfectly. So let’s go:

  • Since we decided to cut the foam rubber on the lining, and not on linoleum or parquet, the first thing we do is lay it. Plywood first, then a sheet of cardboard.
  • On top we lay a layer of foam rubber that we want to cut. We make sure that the line of the future cut falls on the lining.
  • We take a ruler and, in accordance with the given dimensions, draw a line along which the future cut will pass.
  • We remove the ruler. If we cut along the ruler and press down on it at the same time, then the cut will turn out to be even, but the edge will be the same depressed as in the case of the scissors. If you decide to cut along a ruler, then in no case press on it.

Upholstery Basics: How To Cut FoamWith a Bread Knife!

Good advice on how to cut the foam so that the edge is perfect. If you feel that the knife has begun to make peculiar hooks during the wiring, it means that in some place the blade has become dull and, without cutting through, begins to tear the foam rubber, forming a strip of foam burrs. In this case, immediately replace the blade with a new one. It is best to do this without waiting for this to happen. We made five or six wires, changed the blade. They can then be used again for any other purpose, but they will no longer be suitable for cutting foam rubber. A simple cutting of foam rubber with a knife is clearly shown in this video.

Preparing tools for cutting foam rubber

So, how to cut foam rubber at home so that the edges are as smooth as possible and close to those obtained during production cutting? To do this, you will need to prepare the following tools and consumables:

  • Actually, the foam itself, which we are going to cut.
  • Lining for foam rubber, which we will cut. It is clear that if we lay it out on linoleum or on the parquet floor of an apartment, these same materials will end, since they will all be scratched by a knife. As a lining, it is best to use a sheet of plywood with cardboard laid on it, so that the tip of the knife does not blunt against the hard plywood. Cardboard can be used by opening any suitable size cardboard box.
  • It is desirable to have a knife from the category of construction. They are also called linoleum knives. He comes with a whole clip of removable blades, which can be changed in case of dullness. It is better to use a branded European rather than a Chinese knife, since the steel of the “Chinese” is of low quality, and such a blade will become dull after the very first wiring.

about curly cutting

How to cut foam rubber smoothly along curved lines? Here everything is the same as in the case of straight cutting. The only thing is that the angle of inclination of the knife towards you should be increased to the maximum, otherwise the cut out parts will “mow” a little along the edges, as if you were holding the plane of the knife blade non-vertically in relation to the plane of the foam rubber. That’s all. Nothing complicated. The main thing. have patience and a branded knife, and you will get the edges of the cuts as a factory.

So, what to cut? Here are the tools needed to cut the foam:

  • we use cardboard or plywood for lining to preserve the surface of the table or floor where this operation will be performed;
  • construction knife with adjacent blades;
  • ruler or template;
  • marker for drawing a section.

How to cut foam rubber at home

Foam rubber is a modern material that is soft, comfortable, hypoallergenic. It is used as a filler for mattresses, furniture, it is made of different density and thickness.

What to look for

Foam rubber is not just a kind of plastic, but plastic with the addition of various kinds of chemical impurities, toxic polymers, which impart porosity to this material.

At room temperatures, foam rubber is absolutely harmless to humans, but as soon as the material is heated, it immediately becomes toxic. Therefore, it is impossible to use a heated metal thread or wire for cutting foam rubber at home, as some amateurs advise.

In production, foam rubber sheets are cut this way, but workers must use protective masks, and in the production workshop where this operation takes place, powerful ventilation is installed.

Ordinary household scissors are also not helpers for cutting foam rubber. The edges of the material cut in this way lose their porous structure.

Cutting process

In order to make curly cutting, you should act in exactly the same way. Only increase the angle of inclination of the knife towards you as much as possible so that the mowing line bends are even.

For cutting material such as foam, get everything you need and be patient.

comment: How to cut foam rubber at home

I thought it would be difficult to cut the foam rubber on my own, at home. But, judging by the description in the article, everything is quite simple. We will try.

How to cut foam rubber at home: a list of necessary tools

To cut the foam rubber and make its edges extremely smooth, you need to stock up on special tools and consumables. Among them:

lining. this will help protect the surface from scratches that occur during cutting. A sheet of plywood supplemented with cardboard is suitable (a cardboard box in an unfolded state will do);

construction knife or other long blade knife. In addition, buy a set of removable blades for easy replacement after wear. Remember that a quality knife is the key to the success of cutting foam rubber. So buy models of the middle price segment;

if curly cutting is necessary, you will need a cardboard template with a cut out template;

marker. with it you can mark the line of the cut.

How to cut furniture foam rubber: instructions

If all the materials and tools are at your fingertips, you can go directly to the process. Compliance with cutting technology will allow you to achieve an ideal result. How easy it is to cut foam rubber. full instructions:

Place plywood, chipboard, fibreboard on a flat surface (e.g. floor) and place a sheet of cardboard on top of it.

Lay a layer of foam rubber on top of the cardboard in such a way that the place of the future cut is on the cardboard and does not go beyond its edges.

Using a ruler, draw the line you want to cut along. Cutting can be done under a ruler if the length of the knife blade allows.

Take a knife and adjust the required blade length. Then make a small cut on one side. Then insert the knife into the starting line of the cut and make a confident, precise movement. At this point, lightly grip the edges of the foam block with your other hand. Cutting foam rubber at an angle is the best solution to make the cut as smooth as possible.

⚡ Gluing and cutting of foam rubber. how and what to cut foam rubber

Polyurethane foam is a material with a porous structure, high elasticity, soft and inexpensive. Most often it is used for filling mattresses and as upholstery. If there is a desire to pull furniture or make a mattress with your own hands, a problem arises: how to cut foam rubber at home and how to glue it? There are several recommendations for craftsmen.

Here are some examples

If the first cut of the foam rubber is full width, it is necessary to carefully widen the edges of the cut, deepen the knife and make the last cut. As soon as you hear the scraping of a knife blade against the cardboard, it means you have done the job.

Cutting foam rubber with your own hands is a difficult task, but a real one. To keep the edge as straight as possible, you must use a knife with a very sharp and long blade. If the knife starts to cling or begins to tear the foam rubber, it’s time to replace the blade or sharpen it. But it is better not to wait until the last, but immediately take care of the timely replacement.

Curly cutting of foam rubber is no different from straight cutting. But the angle of inclination towards yourself must be increased as much as possible, otherwise the cut parts will have slightly oblique edges. There is nothing difficult in such cutting, the main thing is to have patience and a high-quality knife. Also, for shape cutting, you can use a special foam saw Bosch GSG-300 Professional.

It is such a saw for foam rubber that we have in our arsenal and we can easily cut sheets of foam rubber with a thickness of 30 cm for you. The quality of the cut is excellent, everything turns out perfectly even and perpendicular. Cutting out figures of different shapes is quite an entertaining and interesting activity.

You can order the service of cutting and gluing foam rubber on our website by going to the card of the service you are interested in. The cost of cutting is indicated per running meter, and gluing. per square.

What to look for

Foam rubber is not just a kind of plastic, but plastic with the addition of various kinds of chemical impurities, toxic polymers, which impart porosity to this material.

At room temperatures, foam rubber is absolutely harmless to humans, but as soon as the material is heated, it immediately becomes toxic. Therefore, it is impossible to use a heated metal thread or wire for cutting foam rubber at home, as some amateurs advise.

In production, foam rubber sheets are cut this way, but workers must use protective masks, and in the production workshop where this operation takes place, powerful ventilation is installed.

Ordinary household scissors are also not helpers for cutting foam rubber. The edges of the material cut in this way lose their porous structure.

Cutting the carpet under the skirting board

In this situation, the work must be done as follows:

  • Initially, you need to start laying the carpet from the even and longest wall, right next to it.
  • At the next stage, it is required to smooth the canvas to eliminate all existing waves.
  • Next, you need to adjust the other three sides of the material.
  • Fitted to the opposite side of the carpet in the place of its intersection with the floor, you should fold the folds with your hands and fold the excess covering over it.
  • The resulting hall acts as a strip along which further cutting is required.
  • After that, it is necessary to carry out a neat cutting of the carpet, checking after every 10 cm the correctness of the direction of the cut and compliance with the line made.

What to look for

Foam rubber is not just a kind of plastic, but plastic with the addition of various kinds of chemical impurities, toxic polymers, which impart porosity to this material.

How To Evenly Remove Thickness From A Large Piece Of Cushion Foam

At room temperatures, foam rubber is absolutely harmless to humans, but as soon as the material is heated, it immediately becomes toxic. Therefore, it is impossible to use a heated metal thread or wire for cutting foam rubber at home, as some amateurs advise.

In production, foam rubber sheets are cut this way, but workers must use protective masks, and in the production workshop where this operation takes place, powerful ventilation is installed.

Ordinary household scissors are also not helpers for cutting foam rubber. The edges of the material cut in this way lose their porous structure.

Bad tips for thin wire

It is better not to listen to these advice. Even if the cutting of foam rubber takes place on the street, you risk breathing in the most dangerous toxins so that you will ruin your health at once. The thing is that foam rubber is not ordinary plastic. To give it a foamy structure, various kinds of toxic impurities are added to the polymers, which are absolutely not dangerous in the usual solidified state and at room temperature, but instantly turn into the strongest poison when heated.

Yes, in production this material is cut by means of hot nichrome threads. But there people work in protective clothing and respirators, or even stay in a protected operator’s booth with an excellent hood. And since you are going to cut the foam rubber at home, in the absence of such means of protection, you run the risk of poisoning not only yourself, but also your loved ones.

Plus, this method is only suitable for straight cuts. To make a curly one, you still have to take up a knife.

Sawing rules

Before sawing, choose a method, as well as accessories and tools.

  • Scotch;
  • masking tape;
  • pencil, ruler;
  • sandpaper.
  • hacksaw;
  • milling cutter;
  • a circular saw;
  • tire;
  • jigsaw;
  • sawing machine.
  • Place dots on the end part of the chipboard. It is necessary to determine in advance what type of cutting will be made. straight or curly. Their cutting technique is different.
  • Connect the dots in the fishing line and stick the adhesive tape on top. Sawing laminated chipboard preferably with adhesive tape. It will reduce cracks when cutting, as the wood board is subjected to strong pressure as the temperature rises.
  • Saw the board. The accessory is set at the desired angle to achieve extremely smooth edges. The process should take place smoothly, rhythmically and without strong pressure.
  • Finish irregularities and edges, if necessary, with a file and a rasp. The edges can be pasted over with a matching color veneer. This will protect them and make them look prettier.

To mask low-quality ends, the method of decorative finishing is used. veneering (pasting the sides). Thus, not only will the appearance be improved, but also the service life of the product will be increased.

Only after placing all the necessary tools on the table, you can start cutting.

Bad tips for thin wire

It is better not to listen to these advice. Even if the cutting of foam rubber takes place on the street, you risk breathing in the most dangerous toxins so that you will ruin your health at once. The thing is that foam rubber is not ordinary plastic. To give it a foamy structure, various kinds of toxic impurities are added to the polymers, which are absolutely not dangerous in the usual solidified state and at room temperature, but instantly turn into the strongest poison when heated.

Yes, in production this material is cut by means of hot nichrome threads. But there people work in protective clothing and respirators, or even stay in a protected operator’s booth with an excellent hood. And since you are going to cut the foam rubber at home, in the absence of such means of protection, you run the risk of poisoning not only yourself, but also your loved ones.

Plus, this method is only suitable for straight cuts. To make a curly one, you still have to take up a knife.

Gluing and cutting of foam rubber. how and what to cut foam rubber

To cut the foam rubber and make its edges extremely smooth, you need to stock up on special tools and consumables. Among them:

lining. this will help protect the surface from scratches that occur during cutting. A sheet of plywood supplemented with cardboard is suitable (a cardboard box in an unfolded state will do);

construction knife or other long blade knife. In addition, buy a set of removable blades for easy replacement after wear. Remember that a quality knife is the key to the success of cutting foam rubber. So buy models of the middle price segment;

if curly cutting is necessary, you will need a cardboard template with a cut out template;

marker. with it you can mark the line of the cut.