How to cut large ceiling plinths

How to properly cut the ceiling plinth in the corners. options and methods for plinths made of different materials

Ceiling skirting boards are special parts designed to visually separate walls from the ceiling, as well as to mask the joint between them. Such skirting boards are used almost everywhere and complement the interior of the room well. Installation of skirting boards is quite simple, but it has a number of nuances. for example, to connect individual parts, you need to cut them off correctly. How to properly cut the ceiling plinth will be discussed in this article.

large, ceiling, plinths

Cutting skirting boards for ceilings without miter box

You also need to figure out how to glue the ceiling plinth without a miter box. this tool is far from always available. One of these methods involves marking the skirting boards on the ceiling. Perhaps the only drawback of this method is the fact that it is not very convenient to keep the bar motionless while applying the markings. Otherwise, the method is quite reliable. the measurement accuracy is higher, since when the plinth is applied to the place, all errors become noticeable.

Another method is associated with corner trimming of the baseboard. The edges of the two joining workpieces are cut at right angles. One of the planks is applied directly to the corner, after which a fishing line is applied to the ceiling along the contour of the plinth. The same operation is repeated with the opposite skirting board.

The point at which the two separate mowing lines intersect is the mark at which the skirting board will need to be cut. The workpieces are again applied to their places in turn, the cut mowing line is marked on them. A straight line is drawn from the mark to the opposite edge of the part. The skirting boards are cut in accordance with the markings applied to them and are joined in place. This method is an excellent answer to the question of how to connect the corners of the ceiling plinth without a miter box, especially when it comes to internal corners.

Outside corner cutting

In the case of external corners, the cutting technology will look like this:

  • For greater accuracy, it will be better to start from the inner corners, and only then proceed to the outer ones. If this is not done, then the length of the plinth in the end may simply not be enough.
  • The part is applied to the ceiling, and marks are made on it in the right places. Then the plinth is placed in the miter box, held with the left hand near the near wall and cut off at the desired angle using a hacksaw.
  • The opposite plank is laid near the near wall of the miter box, but is already held by the right hand. The hacksaw is at a 45-degree angle and the workpiece can be cut off. Finished planks need to be docked with each other to make sure that the cut is correct.

Cutting skirting boards with a miter box is only suitable if the walls and ceiling are at right angles to each other. If there are any irregularities, it would be better to use another method.

The need to trim skirting boards

Installation of ceiling plinths (also called fillets) must be carried out using the correct technology. However, there are no difficulties in it. the vast majority of fillets are mounted with glue. It is enough just to properly coat the product and hold it in the right place for a while.

But with how to properly cut the ceiling plinth in the corners, questions arise. When arranging a ceiling, there is always a need to process corners. but their value can have both a standard value (for example, a right angle) or a certain deviation. The latter case is possible if the room has a complex shape, or if during the repair it was not possible to align it.

The fillets should fit perfectly evenly, regardless of the corners of the room. In addition, skirting boards often have to be cut at the outer corners. To carry out such work correctly, you need to stock up on the right tools and figure out how to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth at home.


Wooden ceiling skirting boards differ from analogues. Wood has a fairly large weight, which affects the mass of products from it. As a result, the skirting boards turn out to be quite dense, very resistant to mechanical damage and hard, which allows you not to be afraid of accidental deformation during installation or cutting.

To trim a fillet made of wood, it is best to use a fine-toothed hacksaw designed specifically for delicate work with this material. However, a good option would be a high-quality sheet for metal.

Finished corner pieces

Unfortunately, this method is not relevant in all situations. The dimensions of the corners produced at the factory are adjusted to certain standards. but the skirting boards themselves do not always meet the standards. Of course, such details can be combined, but the result will look unaesthetic. If corners of a suitable size are not on sale, then you will still have to cut the baseboards yourself.


Polyurethane skirting boards are the most expensive products. The high cost is due to a large number of advantages, among which are excellent resistance to moisture, high mechanical strength, reliability and elasticity. For most situations, this option will be optimal.

However, there are exceptions. polyurethane does not withstand temperature extremes. If you place such skirting boards in the kitchen in the area of ​​the stove, then over time, the polyurethane will deform and crack. Cutting of such fillets is performed with a special knife, and no complications arise in the process of work.

Appointment of the miter box

The procedure for cutting the corners of the ceiling skirting boards is as follows:

  • Attach the baguette to the area of ​​the future fastening. This will make it possible to accurately mark the place of the cut.
  • Place the plinth in the recess of the miter box so that the back side fits snugly against the underside of the tool. The surface to be glued must be oriented upwards.
  • The ceiling plinth is cut along a 45-degree guide. You can use a knife or saw to clean up uneven cuts.

How to cut ceiling skirting boards. cutting tools and rules

Any kind of ceiling finish will look unfinished without a skirting board. With the help of these elements, you can reliably hide the unevenness of the joints between the wall and the ceiling.

How to cut outside corners

Sometimes there are corners protruding outward in the room, which are much more difficult to trim. There are also several ways to implement this procedure, how to cut skirting boards to the ceiling. The simplest is to use a miter box: in this case, the outer sections of the joints must be cut so that part of the ceiling is on the plane of the miter box, and the side from the wall is adjacent to the wall of the tool. In addition, you can apply spot markings by running the line along the base of the ceiling. The procedure here is very similar to the preparation of the inner corners.

There is also an option with a wall marking, when the baguette is positioned parallel to the ceiling and the line is drawn along the lower cut. In the presence of excessive roundness of the outer corner, a sharp painting knife enters the work. At the point of convergence, the line is drawn exactly along the cut of the future docking: it must connect the ceiling and wall mark. The resulting marking is a guide for sawing off or cutting off the butt end.

Trimming the oblique corners of the ceiling plinth

As practice shows, the corners in the room are far from always even. It depends on the quality of the preparation of the walls and the architectural features of the room. In such a situation, an ordinary miter box or marking sheet turns out to be powerless, since you have to deal with other parameters of the butt sections. blunt, or vice versa, sharp. Most often, this can be found in old-style houses, village buildings and dachas. There is only one way out in this situation. to make markup in place.

The order of work, how to cut the ceiling plinth at a non-standard angle:

  • The baguette is positioned on any wall in such a way as to achieve abutment of the end against the adjacent wall.
  • On the surface of the ceiling, a line is drawn along the cut of the plinth.
  • The other wall is marked in the same way.
  • At the point of intersection of two lines, a mark is made on the surface of the baguette.
  • By connecting the mark and the corner part, cut off.
  • A similar procedure, how to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth, is carried out on another workpiece, which will be on the adjoining side.
  • When installing blanks, it is important to achieve a snug fit.

When there is no miter box

It so happens that the miter box is not at hand. In this case, you have to be smart. Before sawing the ceiling plinth, it is recommended to apply the cutting direction on paper, cardboard or wallpaper. It will act as a guide for applying blanks to it when cutting. To make the drawing correctly, I attach a piece of baguette to the paper and draw a couple of parallel lines. They will serve as the side boundaries of the workpiece.

Next, using a school protractor, measure 45 degrees and apply the direction of the cut. In work, a similar drawing is used in the same way as a miter box: you need to put a workpiece and cut off all protruding parts along the mowing line. The disadvantage of this method is that the cutting tool has to be held in weight above the drawn line. There are no special saw guides here.

Recommendations for the selection of tools

The process of choosing a specific fixture for cutting the corners of the ceiling plinth primarily depends on the material for making the baguette:

  • PVC. Plastic products are prone to damage from any careless pressing. Since their elasticity is weak, the dents are not restored back. This point should be taken into account, and do not press too much on the product when trimming corners. As a tool, how to cut a ceiling plinth on a miter box, it is best to use a sharp construction knife or a hacksaw for metal.
  • Styrofoam. A very popular option for the manufacture of ceiling plinths and other decorative elements (moldings, chandelier linings, etc.). Foam products are very lightweight, which makes installation much easier. Cut the corners of these friezes carefully due to their fragility.
  • Wood. Wood baguettes are elite expensive products that are distinguished by their external beauty and style. A hacksaw for metal is usually used to cut this type of ceiling plinth. In the process of work, it is necessary to regularly clean the teeth, because they get clogged up pretty quickly by shavings. It is recommended to choose a hacksaw blade with a close tooth pitch.

Self-made miter box

Given the simplicity of the miter box design, it is often made by hand from wood and steel. The parameters of the product do not matter much, but as their width increases, the accuracy of the cuts increases. It should be borne in mind that if the width of the device exceeds the length of the hacksaw, the sawing procedure will face additional difficulties.

The first step is to outline the central axis of the workpiece, which requires a long steel ruler. Next, make an indent by 0.5 of the width of the workpiece from the points of intersection of the axis and the edges, for marking. These mowing lines must be connected crosswise. An existing base is used to mark the side walls of the tool. When drawing lines, they are guided by the existing marking, from which transverse straight lines depart.

Then you can proceed to the miter box assembly procedure. Self-tapping screws are used to fix wooden or chipboard walls to the base. If these elements are made of steel, bolted angles will be required. The fully assembled structure is equipped with saw guides and is then ready for use. With its help, you can significantly speed up the procedure for repair and finishing work, without wasting time on manually cutting corners. It takes a little experience to cut the ceiling plinth with a miter box as it should.

Technique for cutting ceiling skirting boards

This method can be used if your corners are even and you want to trim the baguette exactly 45 degrees. To do this, before cutting the ceiling plinth in the corners, you need to draw a miter box on thick paper. Draw two parallel mowing lines and mark the angles at the desired degrees using a protractor.

We place the fillet in this case in the same way as on a traditional miter box. Please note that you need to cut the skirting board while holding the tool in a strictly vertical position.

Rules for cutting ceiling plinths by marking

This method is used to cut skirting boards in cases where there is neither a miter box nor parts from which it can be made.

To do this, you need to make markings on the wall in this order:

    We apply a baguette in the corner to the place of fastening.

Along its one edge, we draw a base line on the ceiling for the level of attachment.

We apply the fillet in the same way to the perpendicularly drawn mowing line on the ceiling and again draw a straight line along one side. We should have two segments that intersect at one point.

We again apply two plinths in turn and mark this point on them.

We repeat the same procedure now on the wall to mark the place of cutting from below on the products.

We connect two points with a line. It can run at an angle of 38-45 degrees, since walls and corners in living rooms are often uneven.

  • Cut off the baguette along the mowing line.
  • Features of cutting ceiling plinths in a miter box

    It is necessary to work with this device extremely carefully so as not to blunt the tool and not leave cuts in unnecessary places. In the process, we adhere to the following instructions:

      We fix the baguette in the miter box in the same way as it is planned to place it on the wall. The side that will be pressed against the ceiling on the miter box must lie against the sidewall.

    We insert a cutting tool (hacksaw or knife) into the desired gap and cut the fillet.

  • We process the joint of the ceiling plinth and apply it to the wall to check the correctness. The foam molding can be tweaked with a sharp knife if the roughness of the end is about 2 mm. Wooden skirting boards can be simply sanded with sandpaper. For ease of use, it can be glued to a wooden block.
  • Fitting Kitchen Plinths | The Carpenter’s Daughter

    How to cut a ceiling plinth


    • Selection of tools
    • Cutting technology
    • In the miter box
    • By pattern
    • By markup
    • Without miter box
    • Useful Tips

    One of the most difficult steps in installing skirting boards is cutting them correctly. Only by correctly joining the individual elements at the outer and inner corners will you get the desired result. Fillets will look aesthetically pleasing and neat if you cut them off at the right angle and seal the cracks. A special tool (miter box) is used to accomplish this task. And if it is not there, then other devices will help.

    Method for cutting a ceiling plinth without a miter box

    To neatly dock fillets in the inner corners, you can do without a miter box.

    We carry out the work in the following order:

      We apply the end part of the baguette to the sheet of paper and outline the outline of the convex side. It is more convenient to use a small piece of plinth (if any).

    Cut out the resulting template.

    We transfer the contour to the surface of the baguette with a simple pencil.

    Cut along the drawn curve.

    For fitting, one plinth is applied tightly with the end part to the wall, and then the second.

  • If there are small gaps, then they can be processed with a clerical knife or subsequently sealed with a sealant.
  • Cutting technology for ceiling plinths

    For a prompt and high-quality work, you need to choose a tool in accordance with the material of the baseboard and choose a cutting method. If you have a miter box, then there will be no particular difficulties in the process. If it is not there, then two options are possible: cut according to the template and measurements on the ceiling or make this tool yourself.

    Selection of tools for cutting ceiling skirting boards

    To properly and accurately cut the skirting board, you need to use a suitable cutting tool. It is chosen depending on the material from which the fillets are made:

      Styrofoam. It is characterized by low strength and is relatively inexpensive, and therefore foam models are becoming more and more popular. Their strength does not particularly affect the performance, since usually the ceiling plinth is not subjected to mechanical stress. An ordinary stationery knife is suitable for cutting.

    Extruded polystyrene foam. A cheap material with a density several times higher than that of foam. Because of this, cutting it is a little more difficult, and therefore a sharp and thin knife is used for this purpose.

  • Wood. Such skirting boards are more difficult to process, although they have many advantages (environmental friendliness, durability). They are more expensive,
    especially if made of hardwood. Before cutting wood ceiling plinths, stock up on a hacksaw.
  • In addition to the tool for direct cutting of the baguette, you will need a miter box. This is a special device made of wood, plastic or metal in the form of a box with notches on the sides. A hacksaw or knife can be inserted into it at the desired angle. Thus, the cutting angle is as accurate as possible.

      We knock three planks of 5015 cm with a long edge into the shape of a three-sided, rectangular box. Please note that an angle of 90 degrees must be observed between the side rails and the transverse plank.

    Using a protractor, mark an angle of 45 degrees on the bars. Instead of a protractor, you can use a school square. In it, one angle is 90 degrees, and the other two are 45.

  • Before cutting corners, mark the vertical direction with a simple pencil.
  • Useful tips for cutting ceiling plinths

    When working with a miter box, there are two points to consider:

      The inner corner of the ceiling plinth is formed from two elements: the first one we put on the right in the miter box and cut from right to left, the second we start from the left and cut from left to right.

  • We start the first part of the outer corner from the left and cut from right to left, the second we start from the right and cut from left to right.
  • In addition, you need to know the following nuances before cutting the skirting board:

      Before you start cutting a baguette with a miter box, try cutting a test strip to avoid mistakes.

    You can make the correct measurements by measuring the length of the inner corners of the plank on the inner side, and the outer ones from the point of the inner corner to the width of the fillet deep into the room.

    If the baguette is installed under a stretch ceiling, then it should be attached only to the wall. The adhesive composition should never get onto the vinyl sheet.

    The final fixing of the skirting board should be carried out only after the exact fitting of the plank.

    If the corners and walls in the room are even, then the fitting can be done on the floor.

    When installing baguettes, it may be necessary to adjust them several times, therefore, stock up on tools and patience.

    Instead of a template and a miter box, you can cut in the corner between the wall and the floor, or by moving the table against the wall. In this case, on the wall, ceiling and baguette, you need to mark the cutting angle of the end.

    If you are interested in the question of how to cut a ceiling plinth without a miter box, and you do not have time to use templates, then you can purchase special corner inserts in advance. They will hide gaps, but will protrude and stand out on the surface.

    If you have a skirting board made of precious wood, then you need to cut and install it very carefully, since a large amount of putty for sealing joints will be too noticeable, and painting over a baguette is an inappropriate solution, because this way you will hide the natural texture of the solid wood.

    Polystyrene foam products do not have to fit close to each other due to the soft texture, but wooden and plastic models should be well matched.

  • If the trapezoidal niches on the wall need to be bypassed from above with a plinth, then we join the piers at an angle different from the straight.
    In this case, we cut off the plinth at an angle equal to half the joint. For example, if the walls are joined at an angle of 120 degrees, then we cut the fillet at an angle of 60 degrees.
  • How to cut a ceiling plinth. look at

    How to join ceiling skirting boards in straight sections

    After the corners are finished, the easiest part of the job remains. gluing the friezes on flat areas. If the edges of the planks are uneven, trim the baguette at right angles on both sides.

    When the plinth is ready, coat the segment with glue on the back side, attach it to the end corner strip, press it down. Glue the next part from another corner.

    At the end, a piece of plinth is installed in the middle. There will be no questions with this part of the work. For a perfect fit, sand the cut sides of the frieze with sandpaper or a file. When you attach the fillet to the wall, press it with the edge of your palm, then the shape of the baguette will not suffer. Remove excess adhesive with a cloth.

    When the skirting board is glued on, inspect the result again. The resulting cracks at the joints are putty or sealed with a sealant.

    You can leave the baguettes as they are, or paint to match the rest of the finish. Painting is carried out both before attaching the skirting boards to the wall, and after installing them.

    How to join the corners of ceiling plinths: external and non-standard

    Despite the fact that outer corners are less common in rooms, knowing how to join ceiling plinths in them will not hurt. To cut the fillet, proceed as follows:

    • press the friezes crosswise against the wall. This will tell you where to start and end the cut;
    • outline the line along which you will cut the frieze;
    • cut the baguettes along this mowing line, check the docking by aligning the skirting boards in the corner;
    • the cut should have straight edges. If defects are obtained, trim the cutting line with a knife or file with a file.

    Sometimes even craftsmen have to face difficulties when fitting skirting boards. For example, if the room has non-standard corners. In this case, the skirting boards are cut into small fragments (5-10 cm), which are alternately docked with each other and glued to the wall. In order not to get confused in the sequence, the order of each element is outlined with a simple pencil on the reverse side. After the parts are glued, remove excess glue or putty, continue to work further.

    Preparation of skirting boards for work is carried out before applying the markings.

    How to properly join ceiling skirting boards: getting ready to work

    For work you will need:

    • plinth;
    • glue;
    • stationery knife;
    • hacksaw for metal with small teeth;
    • ruler;
    • roulette;
    • pencil;
    • miter box;
    • sealant;
    • dry clean cloth.

    How to make a miter box with your own hands

    As for the miter box, in the absence of one, it is easy to make the instrument yourself. Take three sanded boards and connect with self-tapping screws in the shape of the letter “P”. Now make the cuts so that the skirting board is easy to cut at the desired angle. Usually, the middle line is cut at an angle of 90 °, and the outer ones. 45 °. The cut should reach the point where the side walls of the miter box are attached to the lower base. The side walls are made of both wood and aluminum. Metal tools will last longer.

    Before starting work, the ceiling surface and walls in the place where the skirting boards are attached must be prepared. They are cleaned of dust, old finishes, leveled with putty and primed. Any water-based paint that improves the adhesion properties of the glue is used as a primer.

    On a note! Fillets are best fixed to the wall surface, not wallpaper. So the skirting boards will hold more securely.

    Choose glue on an acrylic or silicone base. Alternatively, you can use putty, then, in addition to gluing the frieze, it will be possible to eliminate irregularities on the surface of the wall. Glue is used to fix the baguette to the wallpaper, the putty to the walls.

    Ceiling plinth adhesive

    “Liquid nails” cannot be used for plastic fillets, since they contain solvents that deform the plinth.

    If you wish, you can make your own glue. To do this, mix the putty and PVA glue in a 1: 1 ratio, let the substance sit for 5-10 minutes. The solution needs to be worked out in 2 hours, as it hardens quickly. Styrofoam, gypsum and wooden fillets are fixed on such glue.

    To make it easier to work, beat off the control line with a paint cord under the ceiling.

    With strong irregularities and distortions of the walls, the skirting board will only highlight imperfections. However, this rule also works in the opposite direction. Even with uneven corners, the situation can be remedied with a properly glued ceiling frieze. The main thing is to follow the sequence when working. Attach the first element from the corner closest to the entrance to the room. During installation, try to form as few joints as possible.

    How to dock the ceiling plinth in the corners: important nuances

    Docking fillets in the corners is carried out in one of two ways:

    • in the inner corners;
    • in the outer corners.

    As for the internal corners, they are in any room, their value is 90 °, external (270 °) are less common.

    Features of trimming moldings in the corners are identical:

    • when working with a miter box, that side of the frieze, which is pressed when cutting the corners with the side part to the wall of the tool, will be attached to the wall surface, to the base of the miter box. it is mounted to the ceiling;
    • for internal corners, the lower side of the plinth protrudes above the upper, for external corners. vice versa
    • measure the corners in the room with a protractor. If the value is 90 °, then cut the edges of the baguette at 45 ° angles. For non-standard angles, halve the measured value. Then the frieze located on the left side of the corner will have a right cut, on the right side. left.

    To cut the skirting board, fix the molding in the miter box to prevent slipping. After making the cut, join the two pieces together to check the result. Flaws are removed with a clerical knife or file.

    If it did not work out perfectly to fit the fillets

    It may well be that the first time not everything will go as smoothly as you would like. In this case, it is better that there is a gap between the adjacent elements of the baseboards, which can be masked with silicone sealant. To do this, carefully fill the gap with the compound, smooth out the sealant with your fingers, remove the excess mass with a wet cloth.

    If the cut turned out to be less than necessary, and when trying to dock the skirting boards one of them “goes” to the side, take a clerical knife and cut the cut, or sand with fine-grained sandpaper.

    How to join ceiling skirting boards and what you need to know about fillets

    Skirting board is a decorative element used in the interior to indicate a smooth transition between the ceiling and walls. If a stretch ceiling is installed in the room, the fillet will hide the gaps formed during the work. Often the evenness of walls and corners leaves much to be desired, therefore, ceiling baguettes are also used to mask such defects.

    Another task that designers assign to skirting boards is to act as a kind of niche for installing decorative lighting. This idea has been used in interior decoration for several years. The light from the tape located on the inside of the skirting board gives a soft diffused glow, filling the room with a cozy and comfortable atmosphere, creating the effect of a decorative ceiling floating (floating stretch ceilings).

    Ceiling lighting around the perimeter

    Tommy’s Trade Secrets. How To Fit Coving (Internal Mitre)

    Polyurethane or polystyrene is used as a material for the production of fillets. A special extrusion method makes it possible to obtain light and flexible friezes, with the help of which it will be possible to bypass uneven walls. Baguettes are also made from plaster or wood. In this case, the surface of the decorative element is completely smooth, with patterns or deep relief. The most common type is white friezes that can be painted to match the color of the interior.

    The figure shows fillets with relief

    The decorative skirting board is combined with plastic panels, foam tiles, textured wallpaper. The ceiling gets an interesting look when products are combined with stucco elements.

    Bonding fillets is the final stage of ceiling decoration. Baguettes are produced with a standard length of 2 m. Therefore, during the work, you will have to adjust the parts for joining in straight sections and in the corners of the room. Corner docking is the most difficult stage.

    Ready-made corners for gluing skirting boards

    How to dock the ceiling plinth in the corners: step by step instructions

    How to fit the ceiling plinth in the corners is one of the main questions that are asked when repairing ceilings. When installing skirting boards, difficulties arise when it is necessary to adjust the joints of individual elements. And, if on straight sections it comes out to glue the fillet the first time, then you have to tinker with the corners. Therefore, a reasonable question arises, how to dock the ceiling plinths in the corners so that the connections are invisible.

    Correctly joined inner corner

    Practical advice on how to fit the ceiling plinth in the corners

    When installing fillets, observe the following recommendations:

    • before starting work with skirting boards, wash your hands thoroughly, since friezes are often produced in white, so they get dirty easily;
    • if the interior requires colored skirting boards, paint them before mounting. Then you don’t have to decide how to paint the fillets so as not to stain the walls;
    • “Planting” the baguette on the glue, do not press the product too hard. Friezes are made of soft materials (with the exception of wood and plaster), so fingerprints may remain on them;
    • always have a piece of clean cloth close at hand to remove excess glue and fingerprints.

    As for the sequence of gluing. wallpaper or baseboards, there is no difference if the apartment has flat ceilings and walls. You can install the skirting boards first, then paste the wallpaper, or vice versa.

    From a practical point of view, it is better to secure the baguettes and then decorate the walls with wallpaper. Then you don’t have to dismantle the skirting boards if the wallpaper needs to be replaced.

    When installing ceiling fillets in the corners of the room, there will be no difficulties if you act carefully, measuring out every millimeter of the baguette. Nevertheless, professional craftsmen recommend that beginners purchase one extra fillet to practice cutting corners. And only after that, proceed to the final works.

    We cut the ceiling plinth in the corners at home without a miter box correctly: Review Video

    A ceiling plinth is a narrow decorative demarcation between the ceiling and adjacent walls.

    It is very convenient for them to mask the joints on the walls and on the ceiling, especially if they have a different structure and are not made too neatly.

    Its presence makes the design of the room clearer and more complete.

    Often people ask the question: how to correctly and accurately decorate a room with a ceiling plinth?

    This is especially true for those cases when the owner of the house prefers repairs done with his own hands.

    • 1 Ceiling plinth. fillet
    • 1.1 Skirting materials and cutting methods
    • 1.2 Finished factory corners
  • 2 Trim fillet
  • 2.1 Pruning using a miter box
  • 2.1.1 Inner corner
  • 2.1.2 Outside corner
  • 2.2 How to cut a ceiling plinth without a miter box?
  • 2.2.1 Ceiling markings
  • 2.2.2 Trim Corner
  • 2.3 How to make a miter box template with your own hands
  • 3 How to cut the ceiling plinth correctly. Important little things
  • Corner trim

    First you need to take a couple of blanks, then cut them at right angles. Pushing the end of the plank against the perpendicular wall, apply one plank. We outline the fishing line on the ceiling along the contour of the plinth. We remove the first bar, then, in the same way, resting the butt against the wall, we apply the counter bar. In the same way, mark the line along the contour.

    The intersection of the two separate lines is the mark at which the workpiece is cut. Each bar is applied to the surface again, on both the point of the future cut is marked. From the found point to the other edge of the plinth plank, draw a line. We cut the skirting boards according to the previously made outlines, carefully join them, place them in the place of their installation.

    This method allows for more accurate processing of inner corners.

    Skirting materials and cutting methods

    On sale today you can find products made of polystyrene (polyvinyl chloride), wood, expanded polystyrene and polyurethane.


    Perhaps one of the cheapest skirting boards is made of polystyrene, which is a fragile, soft and brittle material.

    Even the fingers of the hands can leave dents on them, wrinkles and defects are easily formed on them. It is quite difficult to cut a beautifully and evenly corner at a baseboard based on polyvinyl chloride.

    For an inexperienced craftsman, a large amount of purchased material can go to waste for this very reason. Also, this polymer has high electrostatic properties, which explains its ability to collect dust.

    It is most convenient to cut such a plinth with a hacksaw or a sharp construction knife.

    crown molding at a cathedral ceiling

    Expanded polystyrene

    Products made of expanded polystyrene are also inexpensive, although this material is a more durable analogue of traditional foam.

    Can also be cut with a sharp tool.

    Extruded expanded polystyrene

    Extruded polystyrene skirting boards are slightly more expensive, they are somewhat denser and more difficult to cut. But they crumble and break much less.

    Therefore, it is more convenient and easier to cut them. For this purpose, it is convenient to use a hacksaw or a sharp knife.


    Polyurethane ceiling skirting boards are currently perhaps one of the most expensive.

    But they justify their cost: moisture resistant, quite strong and dense, quite elastic.

    The skirting above the stove can deform and even crackle slightly.

    They are perfectly cut with a special knife without forming crumbs. But these products are very sensitive to temperature extremes.


    Wooden skirting boards for the ceiling are quite heavy and dense products, solid and durable.

    They lend themselves well to processing with a special fine-toothed hacksaw. You can also use a reliable metal blade. So how to cut the ceiling plinth correctly?

    Pruning with a miter box

    How to trim the corner of a ceiling plinth evenly with it?

    A miter box is a simple tool used by carpenters. It can be used to cut any workpiece at the desired angle.

    It is usually a wooden, metal or plastic tray, on which special vertical slots are made for cutting at an angle of 45 ° and 90 °.

    There are complicated designs, on which, plus to the named corners, there is also a hole for making a 60-degree cut.

    A special miter box is produced for professional work. Its swivel mechanism allows you to fix the cutting blade in relation to the workpiece at any given angle.

    Ceiling markings

    In all other respects, using this method, you will be able to mark the angle for cutting even more accurately than others.

    When the skirting board is applied to the intended installation site, all dimensional deviations and inaccuracies are noticeable and immediately taken into account.

    How to make a miter box template with your own hands

    If you don’t have a miter box, you don’t have to buy a one-time tool. You can make a template with similar functions yourself.

    To do this, the required cut angles are applied to wood, paper or cardboard.

    Then you need to draw a pair of parallel lines, find the center, and then use the protractor to measure the angles of any given value.

    This method is especially convenient in that, using it, you can postpone an angle of any magnitude, even more than a straight line.

    The technique of processing a skirting board using a homemade tool is practically no different from working with the original. The bar is pressed against one of the parallels, after which the hacksaw is set at the required angle and cut off.

    Fillet trimming