How To Cut Tiles At Home

How to cut porcelain stoneware

It is considered that porcelain stoneware is the hardest material from which floor tiles are made. You can trim it in the same way as a regular tile.

Sometimes I go to cut floor tiles more difficult than porcelain stoneware. There is a hardened tile on which, after cutting with a tile cutter, it is almost invisible to cut into the glaze. And even a diamond disc does NOT take it on an angle grinder. the cut is ragged, like after a tractor. In such cases, you need to use an angle grinder, and dust the groove 2-3 mm from the back to mark the place of the break.

Cutting tiles angle grinder

Sometimes there are cases when you need to cut a narrow strip of tiles 0.5-2 cm, and an ordinary tile cutter does NOT take it, because his legs are too wide.

In such cases, you need to draw a line with a pencil, cut and make a gash with an angle grinder with a diamond disc. But if you try to cut it off in one go, the narrow strip will break off in parts. Therefore, you need to smoothly and without pressure walk the angle grinder along the markings so that you get an incision with a depth of about 2 mm. You need to walk along the mowing line with a disc, and not directly along it, then the width of the already narrow strip will NOT decrease.

Using the same method, run several times along the same seam, you cut off a narrow strip. The second and next time you drive the angle grinder, it will be possible faster, but try to press it to the opposite side, then there will be no chips.

It is better to do this work by weight, so the vibration will go into the hands. When you already see that the strip will soon fall, it is advisable to put something soft so that it does not break.

How To Cut Tiles At Home

Tile cutting angle grinder with special diamond-coated discs on tiles

Be sure to wear glasses when working with an angle grinder.

Tile cutter tongs

Tile cutting tongs are the cheapest (200-400 rubles), and they are only suitable for small volumes of work with thin ceramic tiles at home.

After scoring, press down on the tile with a cracking pliers

  • Make markings taking into account all gaps and seams (-5 mm).
  • Attach a metal ruler to the mowing line and slide the cutter along it once. The pressure should be medium to form a visible streak. Lead him from the far end to you.
  • Place the tongs with their feet along the mowing line of the crowbar near the edge. Sponges Should be on top of the glaze and the straight part on the bottom. The line of the break should run right halfway between the edges of the upper lip.
  • Press gently on the handles to break off the tile. Do NOT lift it high, otherwise it will break after falling.

How to cut tiles without a tile cutter

If you only need to cut a few tiles, it doesn’t have to be spent on a tile cutter. You can use the tools at hand:

  • Glass cutter.
  • Drill. It should preferably be with a victorious tip, as it will scratch the tile better.
  • Nail.
  • Construction knife.

Attach a metal ruler to the notch area and cut once with a glass cutter or drill. A deep scratch should remain on the enamel. If you use a knife, but you will need to spend several times.

Place the tile at the corner with the cut and press down on the edges with a sharp motion. The cut will NOT be perfectly flat, unlike the tile cutter, but you will NOT have to spend extra money.

Electric tile cutter

If you have a large amount of work, then the fastest and highest quality cut comes from an electric tile cutter. They use a diamond wheel and supply water to the cutting site for cooling and dust removal. The cheapest types of amateur class can be found on sale for 3-4 thousand rubles.

How to cut a tile with the letter “G”

Since the tile cutter can only cut straight tiles, many have difficulty with L-shaped cutouts. The easiest option is to divide this tile into 2 rectangular elements, but then you get an extra ugly seam, which will be striking.

But this can be avoided by trimming the short side with an angle grinder and then cutting the long side with a tile cutter.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make L-shaped cuts on tiles

Second method: in any way available to you, a cut is made on the glaze, and the excess is gradually broken off with pliers. Irregularities are sanded with sandpaper. This option will even allow you to get a rounded incision for abutting the risers.

We make a drink at 45 degrees

Ceramic pencil skirting is best for protecting the sharp outer corners of tiles

If you are using a professional electric tile cutter, the tilting platform there makes it easy to make a 45-degree angle to the tile bevel, but not everyone has such a tool. It is easy to make such an angle yourself using the same angle grinder. “approximately”. The disc is guided along the line of the cut, with the disc tilted slightly inward.

Dust tiles at 45 degrees

How to choose the right disc by tile

For cutting, metal discs are used with diamond dust on the edges. But they are different: for concrete, brick, stone. Tiled discs do not have any holes, the soldering on them is uniform and smooth. Discs for concrete have slots for watering, and will create chips when vibrated. If you cut ceramic tiles with them, then these chips can fly into the face.

Cutting tiles with a manual tile cutter

How a manual tile cutter works

  • The tile is inserted into the tile cutter, and the markings on it are aligned with a special label.
  • The handle is lowered and held away from you. It must be driven at the same speed and uniform pressure, so that the roller cut the glaze to the same depth. It will be enough to run the roller once. If you drive several times, the breakage may turn out to be of poor quality.
  • There are special paws next to the roller, which lower and break the tiles into 2 parts, after a sharp push on the lever. In this case, all tile cutters have a metal tubercle on their platform, and soft pads along the edges. When you press on the edges of the tile with your paws, maximum stress will be created at the notch, if correctly aligned with the backing, and it will evenly break.

It’s hard to explain it in words, so it’s easier to look. Which shows how to cut tiles correctly with a tile cutter:

High-quality tile cutters allow you to cut even 10 mm thick tiles without any problems. And it doesn’t matter at what angle you cut it: at least 45 degrees, at least 30.

Technology for cutting tiles for the floor in the apartment

In order to make it easier to cut the tiles, you need to properly prepare the material. Softening ceramic tiles at home is achieved by soaking in water for half an hour. This simple procedure removes dust, reduces brittleness and increases material flexibility. After that, it is not difficult to cut it even with an ordinary clerical knife and a glass cutter.

Do you know how to cut floor tiles at home using the tools at hand??

With the advancement of technology, the popularity of ceramic flooring in buildings has increased. It is difficult to imagine kitchens, bathrooms and corridors without tiles, but ceramic coverings with heating are increasingly used for living rooms. Floor tiles are easy to clean, reliable, durable and visually attractive. Also, such coatings do not burn, and are not afraid of water and do NOT cause allergies in residents.

Laying tiles on the floor is not particularly difficult. Consideration should be given to how to properly cut or spray such material. “for firewood”, but for the floor. Of course, such precise work can only be done by qualified specialists who use special equipment for cutting tiles. a mechanical or electric tile cutter equipped with a diamond wheel and cutting water directly onto the line. With this device you can easily and quickly cut tiles.

Tile cutters are available mechanical and electrical

At home, it is not always possible to use a professional tile cutting tool. Firstly, it is not always advisable, since the laying of floor and wall tiles takes up a small part of the total repair volume. Secondly, the tile cutter has a fairly high cost, but allows you to work only with certain tile sizes.

He may not cope with non-standard options. Ceramic floor tiles differ from wall tiles in their thickness, relief, strength and structure. It takes more effort to cut it. Craftsmen have learned to solve such problems at home with the help of improvised tools and means. It is recommended to take advantage of their rich experience.

Floor tiles can be cut with:

  • Threaded lathe tool with ruler;
  • Glass cutter;
  • Drills with a victorious tip;
  • Hacksaws for metal with an abrasive bar;
  • “Angle Grinder”;
  • Drills;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Ordinary office knife;
  • Tile cutter-tongs.


Cutting floor tiles is best done using the electric version of the diamond wire jigsaw. To do this, you need, laid, fix the tile on the flat surface of a chair or table. In this case, the area with the drawn line on the front side should be suspended. By running the tool along the mowing line, you can get an even cut line without chips.

Glass cutter and stationery knife

The main thing when cutting with these tools is accuracy and clarity of movements. You need to act calmly and consistently:

This option is more suitable for cutting thick tiles.

  • Use a flat surface of the floor, table or stool;
  • Put the tiles on it with the front side up, make the necessary marks and draw the line with a ruler and pencil;
  • Attach a ruler to the mowing line until it is fully aligned;
  • Make a clear cut along the ruler, pressing down firmly on the glass cutter;
  • Tap along to cut;
  • You can cut a drill under the fishing line and, gently pressing on the edges, break the tile. If you place the tiles along the cut groove on the edge of the countertop and gently press down, you will also get a good result;
  • If the tile is cut well, it will break exactly along the mowing line.

You need to cut with a clerical knife using a similar technology. The only difference is that the cuts must be made several times on the same mowing line in order to deepen the furrow.

Tile cutter tongs

This is a small budget option for cutting tiles. There is a cutting wheel on one side and a transverse plate on the other. With its help, it is quite easy to cut ceramics. To do this, you need a straight edge ruler on one side.

Tile cutter is used for light cutting

  • The desired distance is marked on one side of the tile on the front side.
  • Along the mowing line marking from the far edge of the tile towards you, an incision is made once with medium pressure. The result is a visible streak.
  • The cross plate of the forceps must be placed on top of the front side so that the line of the fracture passes strictly in the center of the plate.
  • At the last stage, when the tongs are gently squeezed, the tile breaks along an even mowing line.
  • In the case of cutting thick tiles, it is also recommended to make a small groove on the inside with a depth of 2-3 mm.

In the process of laying tiles, they are faced with the need to cut through the tiles, make curly cuts in order to bypass the bulge and pipes. Curly cutting is also possible with a glass cutter, however, in this case, you will additionally need special nippers and sandpaper.


  • You can solve this problem at home with a drill, using special attachments. The attachments can be as follows:
  • “Ballerina”, working like a compass;
  • Tubular drill;
  • “Crown”;
  • Conventional drill.

Tiles are easy to cut with wet cutting attachments

Floor tiles are better than drills with a universal drill with a victorious finish. In this case, before drilling, it is necessary to prepare the point of application of the force by destroying the enamel. The drill must be periodically moistened with water.

Angle Grinder

Large quantities of ceramic tiles can be cut with an “angle grinder” using a diamond disc. When carrying out THESE works at home, special attention should be paid to safety issues. The person working with this tool must have the right skills and follow clear rules. For example, tiles are cut strictly towards you. In this case, the tile must be rigidly fixed. The airway must be protected from dust with a mask.

Before learning how to properly cut an angle grinder, prepare the tool appropriately.

In general, the use of an “angle grinder” at home has several disadvantages. First of all. the abundance of dust and noise. In addition, working with this tool is potentially hazardous and requires sufficient skill.

Depending on the availability of certain tools, you can choose the best repair option at home and after training on illiquid material, it will start working.

How to cut a porcelain stoneware angle grinder without chips

Almost every home craftsman has an angle grinder, or an angle grinder. Therefore, it is she who is most often cut porcelain stoneware. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to make such a cut without chips, but it is quite possible to minimize their number. For this, it is very important to choose the right disc. He must have:

  • High quality diamond dusting;
  • Marking confirming that the device is intended for cutting porcelain stoneware;
  • The smallest possible thickness;
  • Continuous cutting edge.

An angle grinder is a potentially dangerous tool, so do not ignore the safety rules. You should take care of the means of protection. The kit includes:

  • Respirator, as a lot of dust is generated when cutting.
  • Safety goggles to prevent possible eye contact with disc fragments.
  • Special clothing.
  • Earplugs or ear muffs to protect your hearing from loud noise.

It is not recommended to neglect protective equipment, even if it is planned to cut several plates.

Cutting porcelain stoneware tiles correctly with an angle grinder is quite simple if you follow the instructions:

  • A ready place to work. On the leveled surface We lay a substrate that protects the base. You can choose Penoplex, Styrofoam, etc.
  • We put the part face up on the base, mark the section of the cut on it. So that there are fewer chips, we glue a strip of masking tape on it, draw a cutting line along it.
  • We apply a metal corner over the tile along the cut path, fix it with clamps. This will allow you to make an accurate cut. This must be done when cutting products with a large thickness.
  • We start the angle grinder. We cut the part at a time, direct it “away from ourselves.” To get an even edge, cut off the fragment so that the line of the marking is preserved on the product. It will be removed during the sanding process, and the tile will retain the specified size.
  • We remove the masking tape, if necessary, grind the end of the part.

If the plate is thin or you do not need a perfectly straight cut, you can simplify your work. The angle grinder does NOT cut, but only cut. Then the fragment is broken off with a sharp strong movement.

It is very convenient to use a grinder to cut porcelain stoneware tiles. First of all, because it is the most accessible of all devices that can be applied. They can make cuts of various shapes, including any curved. However, the angle grinder is traumatic, you need to work very carefully. It is very dusty and noisy.

Cut off the plate without chips

Porcelain stoneware belongs to the materials of increased strength. It has virtually no pores, does not absorb water and does NOT crumble. It is very difficult to even scratch it. Therefore, in home craftsmen the question arises of how to cut off porcelain stoneware without chips and is it possible at all. It must be admitted that theoretically this is possible, but in practice it turns out very rarely. often small chips remain on the cut, which account for thin sections.

To keep them as small as possible, experienced craftsmen advise following these recommendations:

  • Cut the part from the top side. Most material chips appear where the cutter exits the plate.
  • The smaller the thickness of the selected cutting disc of the grinder, the lower the probability of chipping.
  • Reduce torch speed at the start and end of the cut line.
  • When working with a mechanical tile cutter, the pressure on the lever is stronger than when cutting ordinary tiles.
  • Make a cut slightly to the right of the intended mowing line so that it remains on the cut piece. Then it will be possible to remove unwanted chips with a sander.

It is very important that the tool is of high quality and suitable for working with the selected material. Otherwise, it is almost impossible to get a beautiful cut without chips. If, however, they do appear, which happens most often, the defects should be sanded down. You can use sandpaper or a diamond sponge.

The best option is a grinder with a special attachment. This is the so-called turtle or flexible diamond circle. They are distinguished by the diameter of the particles applied to the surface of the diamond coating. The turtle can only work with a grinder, the model of which provides for the ability to adjust the number of revolutions. If it is above three thousand per minute, the nozzle can fly off the wasp.

Tools for cutting porcelain stoneware

Before determining how and how to cut porcelain stoneware at home, you should understand its features. It is a composite material that successfully combines the properties of natural stone and ceramics. It is made by pressing a mixture pre-fired at high temperatures. The result is a very strong and durable material. During the production process, it can be given a wide variety of colors and textures.

The surface of ceramics is matte, glossy, structured, etc. Consider this when choosing a cutting method.

You can cut a fragment of a tile using various tools:

  • Glass cutter;
  • Electric tile cutter (aka wet cutter)
  • Mechanical tile cutter;
  • Angle Grinder;
  • Waterjet cutting attachments.

The latter method is not used in a home workshop, since it is assumed that special expensive equipment is available.

How to cut porcelain stoneware with an electric tile cutter

In the recommendations on how to cut porcelain stoneware tiles at home, you can read that it is convenient to do it with a wet cutter. This is the name of an electric type tile cutter, for which a diamond cutting disc is used. To cool it, water is supplied to the part during the cutting process (hence the name of the device).

There are two types of equipment: with upper and lower supply of tiles. The first ones make the cut as accurately as possible and are more expensive. For homework, budget devices are more often purchased that feed parts from below.

Devices of any type make it possible to make cuts not only straight, but also curved. To cut a piece of porcelain stoneware tiles, do the following:

  • We outline the cutting line.
  • Fixing the part to the bed using special clamps. If you have to make a curved incision, you will have to hold it with your hands.
  • We start the device. First, we select the minimum disk speed, so the part does not deform.
  • By gradually increasing the cutting speed. Make sure that the element does NOT move from vibration.

The cuts made with such equipment are more accurate and better than with a mechanical device. It is especially appreciated by beginners as it is capable of completely leveling the so-called shaky hand factor. In addition, the device allows you to cut fragments less than 6 mm wide, does not generate dust and no noise. The main disadvantage of the device is the high price of quality models.

How to cut porcelain stoneware with a tile cutter

The principle of the tool is somewhat similar to the glass cutter. There, too, there is a cutting roller, which moves along the guides. In addition to it, there is a bed on which the part is laid, a lever and guides. It is very important that the diameter of the cutting element matches the height of the tile.

In addition, when choosing a device, pay attention to:

  • The base of the device. The metal from which it is made must be thick enough so that the base does NOT vibrate or sag during cutting.
  • Strength of guides and supports.
  • Smooth movement of the carriage. It is desirable that this is provided by special bearings.
  • No backlash when moving the carriage. If it is available, it is impossible to make a straight cut.

Tile cutters vary in length and it is best to choose a long model. This will make it possible to cut porcelain stoneware of different sizes, not only along the side, but also diagonally.

To cut off a piece of porcelain tiles with your own hands along a straight mowing line, you need to follow these steps:

  • Place the tile cutter on a solid, level surface.
  • On the product we outline the cut line.
  • We lay the part on the bed so that the trajectory of the roller goes exactly according to the outline.
  • We perform the cut by pressing on the carriage and move it away from you.
  • I release the handle and break the part with strong pressure.
  • Grind the cut to remove Possible chips.

Working with a mechanical tile cutter is very simple, even a novice master can handle it. There are, however, some disadvantages that you need to know:

  • A fragment already 6 mm wide cannot be cut in this way.
  • It is also impossible to chamfer or make curved cuts with a mechanical tile cutter.
  • If the cut falls on the edge under the glue or the surface of the material is ribbed, there is a very high probability of chipping.

How to cut a glass cutter porcelain stoneware

This is the easiest tool to use. It also gives a minimal effect. With the help of a glass cutter, you can cut off porcelain stoneware, but provided that its thickness is small. This is how wall cladding is most often cut. Glass cutter will NOT cope with floor tiles.

There are two types of tools: with a hard metal roller and with a diamond cutter. The latter option cuts better, but fails faster. Its cost is higher than that of a roller analogue.

With a glass cutter, you can make a straight or curly cut. In the latter case, you will also need special nippers. To cut the tiles along a straight mowing line, proceed as follows:

  • We lay the cladding on a flat base. Determine where the cut line will be.
  • We take a ruler, lay it along the future cutting line of the cut and press it with our fingers.
  • Gently, but with strong pressure, draw the line along the ruler with the tool. Try to scratch a deep enough groove at a time. Otherwise, chips cannot be avoided.
  • We put the part on the edge of the table or workbench and press firmly on its edge. So that the cladding splits at the intended mowing line.
  • The edge is sanded if necessary.

If you want to make a curvilinear cut, the glass cutter is held by the line. Then you need to take pliers and use them to remove sections of the tile. The closer the cut is to the mowing line, the smaller the pieces should be cut off. The edge with such processing will turn out to be sharp and not quite even, so it must be sanded.

How and what to cut porcelain stoneware at home: 4 proven methods

There are many ways to cut porcelain stoneware tiles. All of them are quite effective. When choosing the best option for yourself, you need to take into account the availability or availability of Special Tools and your own experience when working with them. If you have the skills, you should think about the Electric tile cutter, it is more expensive, but allows beginners to make even cuts.

How to cut porcelain stoneware tiles at home

Before starting to decorate the walls, floor or ceiling with porcelain stoneware tiles, each owner should be well prepared, both theoretically and practically. A person who has come across how to cut porcelain stoneware tiles at home will confirm that the main pitfall of the process is cutting the material to certain sizes, especially in the case of a stronger floor. Of course, it is likely that in SEPARATE cases the dimensions of the full row will correspond to the length of the wall, but even with such layouts, it is not necessary to forget about the corners, heating mains and other built-in elements. Here, you will definitely have to think about how to cut a tile with a tile cutter into a smaller surface area, and not split it at the same time.

In the arsenal of any owner, you can find a wide variety of tools, which will allow you to process floor, ceiling and wall tiles, which means that success is guaranteed. But in order to achieve it, the availability of equipment alone is not enough, you need to know how to use a tile cutter or any other unit at home.

Angle Grinder

This type of tool is one of the most affordable options for adjusting tiles to the required dimensions. The angle grinder can be used to cut ceiling, wall, floor and even mosaic tiles, both tiled and porcelain stoneware. In addition, it is Indispensable in a situation when it is necessary to perform a cut of a curly.

The best cutting result is shown by thin diamond-coated discs, they are also dry cutters. If the beauty of the cut doesn’t matter, a regular disc will do. There is no point in explaining how to cut a tile with an angle grinder correctly, since there is a special difference from metal or concrete processing in this process.

Curly cutting

You can cut off a curly ceramic granite tile at home with just a few tools, a jigsaw is one of them. Using diamond wire as a cutting element, it can cope with a wide variety of sections, including complex cutting around. They can effectively process wall, ceiling and even dense floor tiles, but it is better to refuse to process the mosaic, otherwise you can damage your own limbs. To properly cut the figure in this way, you need to abundantly wet the material as it dries and promptly clean the surface of debris.

Glass cutter

It is not necessary to spend on a special tool, a regular glass cutter will do. But in large-scale repairs, it is unlikely to help, a small amount of material is another matter. Of course, the cutting roller must have a diamond element, otherwise the efficiency of the glass cutter will be questionable.

Answering the question of how to cut a glass cutter tile, we can safely say. just like glass! However, there are some nuances:

  • Before starting the procedure, the plate is immersed in water for 30 minutes to soften the structure;
  • Then you need to make a markup based on the size of the working surface;
  • Then it is laid on a smooth and flat surface and the cut is made along the marks with one strong movement;
  • In total, under the formed fishing line, you need to put a wooden block and press on both sides of the material.

If you are going to use a glass cutter to cut a tile or porcelain stoneware tile, buy more material, you cannot do without cracks and chips!

Electric tile or wet cutter

This device is capable of adjusting the size of the heavy-duty structure tiles. By its design, it is a conventional machine with an electric drive. In other words, if you need to apply force to work with the manual option, in an electrically driven machine everything is automated.

An electric cutter at home is rarely used because of too high prices. It is not strange, because nothing better than this mechanism has yet been created. The installation is capable of processing Huge volumes of material for wall and floor finishing for any size with excellent final quality (complete absence of chips, roughness and cracks), which allows it to be actively used for commercial purposes.

If the Goals do NOT imply enrichment, but only require the completion of the repair, then you need to follow a few simple steps yourself:

  • Fill the tray with water.
  • Install tiles on the Footprint.
  • Smoothly skip tiles under the disc.

With intensive use of the equipment, it is necessary to periodically change the water in the sump, as well as clean off plaque from the disc. These actions will help you get the most out of your wet cutter.

Tile cutter

This mechanism has proven itself perfectly when processing tiles. Similar results can be achieved in the case of porcelain stoneware, having previously familiarized yourself with the installation design. It consists of a base (platform) and several guides along which the carriage moves, and with it the cutting mechanism, located below. There is a handle on top that allows you to cut the material mechanically. Thanks to the rather neat results of the cut without chips, this type of tile cutter is the main tool of many construction specialists.

Better than a manual tile cutter, only an electrical modification can cut off, we’ll talk about it later. Everyone can use the manual option, because by and large, you need to correctly perform 4 steps:

  • Layout on the tile future line cut.
  • Place the material on the platform so that the mark is aligned with the cutting roller.
  • Next, holding the stove with your hand, take the handle and apply a slight effort to move the carriage from one side of the guides to the other, thus making a cut.
  • To break, you need to apply force to the handle.

Experts do NOT recommend using a manual tile cutter for processing mosaic tiles and in cases where the material thickness exceeds 15 mm. However, even in the permissible range, you can make a mistake with the selection of the desired installation, because the dimensions of the tile cutter can be different. So, ceiling and wall tiles are cut with a tile cutter up to 40 cm long, floor tiles. for larger models.

Cutting tools

Choosing a tool in order to cut even the most common mosaic tiles, you will have to “break your head”. Judge for yourself, every second knows how to cut ceramic tiles, and only a few will answer the same question regarding more durable materials. In addition, it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve success without certain skills, so it is better to practice well.

Absolutely all tools capable of cutting porcelain tiles are divided into two types:

  • Mechanical. installations that allow you to perform a manual cut.
  • Electric. automatic devices.

Waterjet cutting of porcelain stoneware

It is impossible to carry out the procedure for cutting the material in this way at home, since the cutting of ceramic tiles or the same porcelain stoneware is carried out using expensive professional special-purpose equipment. In other words, it is obvious that it is unprofitable to purchase such an installation for single purposes, therefore, the purpose in a waterjet machine is exclusively commercial. That is, it is the main tool of businessmen specializing in the processing of building materials.

By contacting such an organization, for a certain amount of money, the consumer will receive porcelain stoneware tiles of any required dimensions with a perfectly flat cut as soon as possible. No matter what type of material needs to be cut, the unit will work equally effectively on ceiling, wall and even floor tiles.

So, the cut is directly performed by water and abrasive particles, which, under high pressure in a mixed state, are fed to the tile surface through a thin (0.2. 0.4 mm) hole, thus cutting through the tile structure. With such a water-jet jet, you can process any building materials, the thickness of which does NOT exceed 200 mm.

Summing up all of the above, we can confidently say that giving the desired shape to porcelain stoneware is within the power of any responsible owner. Wall, floor, ceiling tiles and even small mosaics can be easily processed with the described tools!

Tile cutting methods

There are special tools for cutting tiles. However, at home you can cut tiles without a tile cutter. You can use devices for a one-time job, others will cope with cladding on an industrial scale. And also I distinguish devices depending on the types of tiles.

Glass cutter or any pointed object

This is another way to cut tiles without a tile cutter. Such a tool works only on tiles and in a straight mowing line. There is also a limitation on the width of the cut off part. not less than 20 millimeters. This requires the instrument itself or a similar device. As it is used diamond or victory drills. Sometimes a good household knife can be used.

The cut must be applied slowly, carefully. Particular attention should be paid to the training and of course the pressure on the tool. It is usually not sufficient at such times. If the good is not cut through the edges, the scrap in THESE places will be uneven.

In order to cut ceramic tiles at home, you can use available tools. With a drill or knife, it is necessary to draw along the trajectory several times, until the top layer of the tile is cut through. The number of starts depends on the hardness of the tool.

You can split the cut tiles in several ways:

  • I took a tile from both sides, cut it on both edges, clearly, from a distance of 10-15 centimeters, it will hit the edge of the table. The corner itself must be straight and rigid. The blow must be applied carefully, and not hitting the surface with your palms.
  • You can put an even rod under the entire length of the tile along the mowing line. It should protrude a few centimeters beyond the edges. It is necessary to press sharply from both edges with both hands. If the length of the tile is large, carry out this operation in several passes.
  • To break in the clamping devices, the tiles must be reversed with goods and clamped between the jaws along the mowing line of the break. You can make a homemade clamp from two metal corners or wooden blocks fastened with bolts or studs.

Hole drilling technique

The process begins with the selection of drills or crowns of any diameter. Any drilling tool will do, electric or manual. For drills, speed control is desirable. This is important for the safety of the cutting accessories, as the tips quickly sit at high speeds. And also in this case, the likelihood of enamel chipping increases.

Holes are made with Special Sharp Drills. However, they have a high cost. But you can drill a surface of any hardness, and the service life of such a tool is long. The use of inexpensive lance drills for tiles is suitable for periodic, small-volume work. One tool, provided that it is applied on tiles, is enough for two dozen holes. Pobeditovye drills are recommended only as a last resort.

For the production of large round openings, you can use a spray crown or Ballerinas.

How to cut tiles at home

Most often, tiles are used to cover the walls and floors in the bathroom. The difference between the types of floor and wall coverings gives rise to thinking about how to cut tiles. To do this, it is not at all necessary to have a professional tool. a tile cutter. At home, you can use the tools at hand.

Using an electric cutter

This is an expensive professional tool, which will cut any tile equally quickly, smoothly and precisely. With its help, trimming in a straight line and at an angle of 45 degrees, drilling holes and indentations, as well as curly cutting are available. Cut strips are less than 5 millimeters wide. The cut edges are smooth, slightly rounded.

Some models work with tiles, one side dipped in water, others only require regular wetting along the cut. This method prevents dust formation.

The tool consists of a base, a knife and an electric motor, and the cutting process is as follows:

  • Water is drawn into the pan at the level of the cutting disc so that it is lowered into it by 2-3 centimeters (for submersible models).
  • The tile is clamped and slowly moves under the cutter along the markings. The force must be uniform to avoid chipping and engine seizure.
  • To cut a corner, repeat the procedure twice along the segment with the desired angle.

Like any similar tool, the electric tile cutter requires safety and security requirements.

Open with a jigsaw

If you don’t have an angle grinder on hand, there may be another power tool nearby. When speed is not important, you can also use a regular jigsaw with a blade for working on stone. Cutting tiles with this tool is NOT different from cutting any other material. You only need a special saw and pre-soak the tiles.

For thick tiles, a jigsaw is NOT effective. It is suitable for wall covering and for cutting out pieces with a large radius of curvature.

Manual tile cutter

This tool allows you to cut tiles in a straight line or diagonally with a cut-off width of 5 millimeters or more. It can be used to cut floor tiles and porcelain stoneware. Its structure consists of a base and a carriage with a diamond knife. a wheel sliding along the runners. For greater depth, cut its diameter larger than in a glass cutter. The knife can be replaced when worn. When choosing a tool, it is advisable to purchase a mechanism with a bearing, which will ensure smooth sliding of the cutting mechanism.

To break off the notched strip, an even metal strip is fixed along the edge of the base, and a small T-shaped lever along the cutting knife. It is he who presses on the tile after cutting.

The tile cut begins with leveling the material on the base according to the marked line. Then fix it tightly. The carriage is driven by hand, making a single cut. Then, by pressing the handle, the tile is split into pieces. With this method, sometimes small chips are obtained, which are masked with grout.

Ceramic cutting angle grinder

This angle grinder can cut both ceramics and tiles at home. A tool in skillful hands will make not only a straight line, but also a curly one. First you need to prepare:

  • Tiles.
  • Angle grinder or angle grinder.
  • Cutting and grinding discs.
  • Remedies. A mask or goggles are absolutely necessary, and a respirator and overalls are put on as needed.
  • Pressures or clamps.

With a pointed object, you need to make a preliminary marking. A permanent marker can be used. Cutting line applied with a simple felt-tip pen will rub off the mirror surface.

For shallow cuts, the tiles must not be held down. Its mass and the frictional force of the underside with the table is sufficient to keep it in place. For a more serious deepening, Partner’s help may be required, if you cannot fix the tile with your foot.

Curved cuts will require fixing the tile in a vice, it must be shifted on both sides with a soft cloth or cardboard to avoid scratches.

To carry out a high-quality fit, you must:

  • Deepening should be done gradually, cutting 2-3 millimeters in depth in one pass.
  • Perform small incisions to the full thickness at once.
  • In order to prevent accidental contact of the disc with the front surface, it is recommended to apply markings on both sides. Then make one continuous cut along the glossy part, and finish to the end from the inside.

With the help of an angle grinder, it is better to make curly edges, and a straight one. with a second, simpler tool. This will allow you to avoid the cost of purchasing diamond discs, as well as dust that rises when working in this way.

Advantages and disadvantages of tiles

Despite the great complexity of processing and installation, ceramic tiles have NOT left the list of the most popular finishing materials for many decades. If earlier with its help he repaired only rooms with high humidity and an unfavorable atmosphere, now many varieties are suitable for exterior decoration of buildings, floors, walls and ceilings in enterprises. This means that there are enough advantages in such a finish:

  • The material does not require special maintenance. Keeps it clean and fresh with regular grooming.
  • Fungus does not start on it.
  • Indispensable in damp rooms.
  • Due to its refractory properties, it is suitable for finishing stoves and fireplaces.
  • Variety of colors, patterns, shapes and sizes.
  • Lasts for decades and does not fade.

The disadvantage of a tile covering is the temperature of the surface on which the material lies. However, modern technologies allow placing water or electric heating systems under its layer. If the surface is ribbed or rough, then in some rooms (for example, in the kitchen), cleaning may be difficult. Removing dirt on uneven surfaces is difficult. It can also be difficult to cut tiles at home.