How to determine the step of the chain of the chainship.

How to determine the step of the chain of the chainship

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If you want to purchase a saw chain, or a guide tire for an electric or a chainsaw, but do not know which saw set is suitable for your saw model, fill out a form with the parameters known to you. Our technical specialist will select consumables for your saw and contact you.

Video: how to measure the step of the chain of the chain

When choosing a chain, the rule is that the step (the distance between the teeth) is proportional to the strength, but the cut accuracy is inversely proportional, t.E. The greater the distance, the lower the accuracy.

3/8 or 0.325, which is better and why

It is impossible to determine which parameter is better and which is worse, because each of them has its own characteristics and is designed for a chain saw of a certain power. Depending on how well the saw set is chosen, the productivity of the tool will have different indicators. If the headset is chosen optimally, t. E. The distance between the links corresponds to the recommended power, the performance of the chainsaw will be maximum. If the engine is incorrect, the engine will be overloaded, which can lead to faults.

Optimum power by 0.325 inches. 1.8-2 kW. That is why chains with this step are used on the chainsaw Huskvarn 142/137.

Parameter 3/8 requires a tool up to 3 kW. In this case, the question arises why Calm 180 1.5 kW uses 3/8 inch circuits. The answer is simple: for chainsaw STIHL power. Not most importantly, the maximum number of revolutions. The most important. Calm 180 produces more than 13,500 revolutions per minute, so it is able to see 3/8-inch sets.

For 0.404 inches the optimal power is 4.5. 5 kW.

Important! The indicated power values ​​and tilt of the chain are not necessarily, the user has the right to choose the parameters of the headset that he plans to use on a chainsaw.

How to choose

If you need to choose the optimal step of the chain for the chainsaw, it is best to consider the manufacturer’s recommendations and on their basis choose the type of saw.

If the manufacturer’s recommendations are not known, then you need to choose the engine power. We gave the recommended values ​​corresponding to a certain step slightly higher.

Important! When choosing, consider that the distance between links. Not the only parameter to pay attention to.

You should also choose the thickness of the link, the type of cutting tooth, the number of links. Productivity largely depends on the angle of sharpening, cutting depth and tooth limiter shape. The more acute the tooth, the higher the cutting speed and the lower its quality.

Below we suggest you watch a video of choosing a chainsaw step. The video tells and shows how to determine which chain saw, which chain step to use.

How to find out

There are several ways to find out the step of the scheme:

determine, step, chain, chainship
  • Check the step on the saw panel. Drink manufacturers should indicate the length of the tire, the width of the groove and the step of the driven star on the saw shank.
  • Measure the distance between the tailings of neighboring teeth or the centers of three neighboring rivets.
  • The method that is suitable for chains in the original packaging is to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the chain on the box.

Full information about the product is indicated on the branded package of Calm chains by reading it, you can find out not only the distance between neighboring links, but also the type of teeth, the width of the link and the recommended size of the file for sharpening.

Scheme of the chain saw

In conclusion, we propose to get acquainted with the table, which shows the technical parameters of popular models of chainsaws for chainsaws of various capacities.

Based on the recommendations of the manufacturer of the chainsaw and taking into account the technical parameters from the table, you can find out the model of the chain that is suitable for your tool and avoid errors when buying.


Distance between chains of chainsaws. One of the most important parameters that in no case should be neglected. When buying interchangeable headsets, you need to know which step is suitable for the tire and asterisk installed on your chainsaw, or replace a set of chains, tires and stars.

To choose a chain for a chainsaw, you should know three parameters:

Knowing these three parameters, you can easily choose, high.Rise or hard.Winged head.

One. The step of the chain

The chain step is customary to indicate in inches, calculate it as follows: measure the distance between the nearest drive links of the chain, or the distance between the three closest rivets of the chain (from the center of the rivet), divide by 2 and transferred into inch (1 inch = 25.4 mm).

The chain step should always coincide with the step of the leading star of the saw and the driven.

  • Chain with a step of 0.25 ″ he is 1/4 ″. The distance between three rivets (leading links) 12.7 mm ÷ 2 = 6.35 mm we transfer into inch (÷ 25.4) in inches is 0.25 ″ (more often designated as 1/4 ″).
  • Chain with a step of 0.325 ″. Distance between three rivets (leading links) 16.5 mm ÷ 2 = 8.25 mm we transfer into inch (÷ 25.4) in inches this is 0.325 ″.
  • Chain with a step of 0.375 ″ he is 3/8 ″. The distance between the three rivets is 19 mm ÷ 2 = 9.5 mm we transfer to inch (÷ 25.4) in inches it is 0.375 ″ (it is customary to designate as 3/8 ″ so as not to be confused from 0.325 ″).
  • Chain with a step of 0.404 ″. The distance between three rivets is 20.5 mm ÷ 2 = 10.25 mm we transfer to inch (÷ 25.4) in inches this is 0.404 ″.
  • Chain with 3/4 ″ step. The distance between the three rivets is 38.1 mm ÷ 2 = 19.05 mm we transfer to inch (÷ 25.4) in inches it is 0.75 ″ (it is customary to designate as 3/4 ″).


The thickness of the chain is the thickness of the drive link (can be measured with a caliper). This size should always coincide with the thickness of the groove.

In total, for electric and gasoline saws, as well as Harvesters, there are 6 sizes determining the thickness of the leading link:

The third main parameter when selecting the chain: the length of the chain (number of drive links).

The length of the chain is determined by the calculation of the number of drive (internal) links of the chain

  • The cutting links do not determine the length of the chain (do not count them).
  • The length of the guide tire does not determine the exact length of the chain (for example, on a saw with a tire of 16 ″ (40 cm), a chain of 55, or 56, or 57 links, depends on the mechanism of the chain of a particular saw model).
  • A circuit of about 55-57 links is not suitable for you, only a certain size recommended by the manufacturer of the saw is suitable.

What is the length of the tire of my chainsaw?

The length of the cutting part of the tire differs from its total length. The length of the tire is considered to be the length of the cut (working part). This is the distance from the front of the saw to the rounded tip of the bow of the tire. This size is rounded to the closest in inches or centimeters. Inch is designated as “equal to 2.54 cm.

For example, the length of the cutting part of the tire for the STIHL MS180 chainsaw is 40 cm. 40 cm ÷ 2.54 = 15.7 inches. Rounding is 16 ″ (inches).

determine, step, chain, chainship

For a chainsaw, the Calm MS180 is suitable for 16 inch (40 centimeter) tire Oregon Article 160SDEA074.

How many links should be in a bicycle chain?

I would like to stop at one moment. You can often hear the question: “How many links should be in a bicycle chain?”

It is definitely impossible to answer it. There should be as many of them. As you need for a normal ride.

First of all, you need to clearly decide what is meant by the term link of the chain.

We remind you that all bicycle chains have the same full.Level size. One inch (25.4 mm) and, therefore, one half.Winter in 1/2 ″ or 12.7 mm. And there is also a halflink chain (in English Half-Link, where Half is half, Link is a link), in which the link length is 1/2 ″ (12.7 mm.). This is considered in an article on the device of a bicycle circuit.

The poet’s length of the chain depends on the type of bicycle frame, feathers, etc.D. Typically, on highways or hybrid bicycles from 114 to 116 half a day or slightly less. The mountain bikes have fewer the frame and the chain is usually from 106 to 108 half a day or a little more. Well, how to correctly determine the length of the chain for your specific bicycle described above.

If you need to know exactly how many links in the chain of your bicycle there are two ways: just count them or measure the length of the chain roulette (centimeter) and divide this number expressed in mm by 25.4. The length of one link (or 12.7 for a chain Halflink).

Chain for the chainsaw and its choice

The saw set consists of a tire (is a guide) and a chain. It is the chain that is the important element of the chainsaw, due to which the performance is performed. Sawing wood. With frequent or improper use of the tool, cutting teeth are blunting, and therefore require sharpening. Periodically a chain for a chainsaw needs to be replaced due to its stretching and wear. How to choose it for your tool, consider in details.

Varieties of chains on chainsaws

Before choosing chains for your chainsaw, you need to consider their varieties. The elements under consideration are distinguished due to the classification of chainsaws, which are domestic, professional and semi.Professional. Before buying a saw chain, you need to deal with the available types of saw.

How to choose the device under consideration for your tool, not every professional knows. After all, after buying an instrument, the need to buy and replace the saw set arises no earlier than a few years after seasonal operation of the chainsaw. Not only chainsaws have the corresponding technical parameters, but also a saw set. For both the chainsaw and electric saw, you need to select the chain, based on the technical characteristics of the tool. The main parameters of the devices under consideration are:

Step. The length of the site between the centers of neighboring links

A step is the important parameter by which they are guided to select a chain for chainsaws. You can measure the step on your existing headset by applying the ruler to the first and third link of rivets. This parameter is measured in inches, and the larger this value, the higher the productivity of the tool.

It is important to understand! It is not recommended to put a chain with a big step on household chainsaws, as they will create a colossal load on the engine.

Before considering the saw set of different steps, you need to clarify the power of your tool, since the correct choice depends on it. The standardized steps of steps have the following values:

Step Description of the purpose
0.25 or 1/4 Are extremely rare, and are almost no longer used
0.325 Designed for chainsaws of household and semi.Professional type
0.375 or 3/8
0.404 Installed on semi.Professional and professional tools
0.75 or 3/4 Used in units of a professional type, but are extremely rare

By the table, you can quickly find out what type of sawing headset depending on the step is needed for the existing tool.

The thickness of the shank is the width of the leading links

The tail part is called the area of ​​the chain that is located in the inner part of the tire. The tail of the tail there is different thicknesses, so it should be chosen depending on the size of the tire groove. The smaller the power of the chainsaw, the less the thickness of the tail of the chain is needed. There are the following dimensions of the thickness of the tail parts of the chains:

For household chainsaws, devices with a shank size of 1.1-1.3 mm are suitable, and for the professional materials with a tail thickness of 1.6 mm are used. 1.5 mm thickness is used for semi.Professional and professional units. The size of the tail of the links 2 mm means that these devices are designed for special professional chainsaws that are operated in difficult conditions. For electric spikes, you need to buy chains with a shank size of 1.1 mm.

How to choose a device in the thickness of the tail

Length. Total size

The size of the new chain depends on the length of the tire. Typically, tires last 2 times longer than chains, but provided that they are made of their quality materials. To clarify the desired length of the purchased chain for your tool, you need to measure the size of the tire. Typically, the length is indicated on the lateral part of the tire, but over time of operation, the entire marking is erased. You can find out the length of the tire by contacting the tool passport or measure it with a ruler.

Tire length measurement. How to measure correctly

If the decision is made to replace the tire along with the chain size larger, then this can be done in exceptional cases when the power of the chainsaw corresponds to. If you install on a household saw, set the tire is a size larger, then it will not cope with the assigned task by engine power. The passport for the tool indicates the installation of the tire of the corresponding length.

Cutting depth. A parameter depending on the tooth profile

The larger the tooth profile (size), the more the depth drank in one pass. The higher the cutting depth value, the greater the value of the tool performance. It is important that the higher the depth of cutting chains for chainsaws, the greater the load on the engine engine.

The height of the links also affects the strength of the teeth, and the greater they are, the lower the strength indicator. Standard models of the saw headset are available in two versions of the height of the teeth. 0.635 and 0.762 mm. Products with a lower parameter of the profile height are called low.Profile, and with large. Highly profile. The depth of sawing affects the cutting time of wood.

Link types. Design or shape shape

In shape, a modern saw set of two types. Chipper and cheese. Each type differs constructively, affecting performance parameters and sharpening features.

  • Chipper links look like a sickle and have low performance indicators. Their main advantage is the simplicity of sharpening with a file. It is due to the simplicity of sharpening, many sawmills prefer to choose models with a chipper or sickle type of link
  • Chiselic links have the shape of teeth in the form of the number “7” with a pointed corner part. Such teeth on the chain show high performance indicators, but it is difficult to grind them with a file

Chisel and chipper types of links. Pay attention

The sequence of location of the links is the distance of the cutting teeth

There are three types of sequence of location of the links:

  • Standard. When cutting teeth are located at each link
  • With a semi.Percentage. When the teeth are located in the order “one in two”
  • With a pass. Cutting teeth are located through one link in the chain

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Recommendations for the choice and interchangeability of chains

When purchasing a tool, you need to clearly represent the spheres of its use and, depending on this, determine the desired chain step.

Chain links: a. Cutting or cutter, b. Castle.

Conditional types of application of chainsaws in private users:

  • Trimming branches in the garden, simple summer cottages;
  • Individual construction, woodwork, episodic roll of trees;
  • Frequent use (implying the performance of employment), the workpiece of very large volumes of firewood, operation in their own workshop.

In the first version, a chainsaw has a chain with a small one (0.325 ”) step. This will allow you to get an easy and maneuverable tool, it is easy to cut the branches, including climbing ladders and branches of trees. This equipment allows you to carry out simple wood letters, and episodically, it is allowed to conduct a roll of small trees.

The second option implies the choice of a saw with 3/8 steps and the thickness of the guide link at least 1.5 mm. Such saws allow you to easily carry out the entire range of work on maintenance of the site, a small workshop, to harvest a supply of firewood for the winter.

The third option offers the use of chains 3/8 and 0.404 ”paired with a powerful engine, since the list of work performed is intended only for a professional tool, while it is important to consider the thickness of the guide, it should be 1.6 or 2.0 mm. Steel for the manufacture of such chains is made taking into account the possible overheating during the dissolution of wood without losing the hardness of the cutting edges of the links.

The interchangeability of the chains is allowed only to the step size provided by the manufacturer. This is explained by the number of teeth of the drive star, which is calculated only at a certain distance between the links. The tire of the chainsaw has a groove for a certain thickness of the guides, this should be taken into account when changing the chain.

Replacing the drive asterisk under a larger step is not recommended due to the occurrence of power of power and loads during the dissolution of wood. A weak motor will not develop the necessary power to extend the cutting links on wood, which will lead to jamming or failure of the drive and clutch of the device.

The most universal chain has a step 3/8 ”, this makes it possible to multilateral use, combined with a high cut rate and a fairly accurate cut line, with a satisfactory breakdown of wood fibers.

Leading star for a chainsaw. Device and functions of part

In its form and appearance, the stars of the clutch of a gasoline saw really resembles a star. The main function of this compact part is to accept, maintain and instantaneous transmission of the effort from the working ICE to the built.In cutting organs of the gas tool used. Thus, the leading star of the chainsaws supports the continuous operation of the saw headset and ensures the effectiveness of the chainsaw in solving various problems on the site. The second important function of the star is the protection of the engine in the case of jamming or emergency stopping of the circuit.

Asterisk, like the drum with which it contacts, can be located inside or on the outer side of the chainsaw building. In the first case, it is reliably protected from damage, but the second method of layout simplifies the maintenance and replacement of the part.

Depending on the manufacturer and the purpose of the chainsaw, the star in the device of its clutch couplings can be made of metal or plastic. The second option is common among Chinese brands that produce mainly cheap household chain saws. Metal stars are much more reliable and are installed on branded equipment for professional operation.

Types of leading stars of modern chainsaws

Depending on the technological device of stars, they can be:

  • Solid. Elements of this type constructively consist of a standard hub equipped with a stationary crown with a specific number of teeth. At the manufacturer, both parts of the star are pressed on each other, so you cannot make out. For whole stars, most chainships of Champion brand and garden equipment of other brands from China are equipped;
  • Prefabricated. Details of this type are equipped with a removable crown, which allows you to quickly separate it from the hub. This makes the repair of clutch couplings more convenient and cheaper. Most often equipped with assemblies of the STIHL and Husqvarna chainsaws.

The type of design of the clutch star of the chainsaw plays an important role in choosing a gas tool. If a beginner gardener will use the saw, then it is better for it to choose a model with a whole star. If the user already has experience in servicing and repairing a chainsaw, then a tool equipped with a team star is more suitable for him.

Models of circuits for transverse and longitudinal sawing

This information can be found in the documentation for the chainsaw. These types of profiles are installed on amateur and professional units. But you should know that the instrument of the grade class cannot always be equipped with high.Profile chains, and the household tool is always equipped with low.Profile cutting elements.

These parameters should know the owners of professional models that pull the chains manually at home. Cutting depth is regulated by a decrease in the height of the stop of each cutting link.

Additionally: a chainsaw partner 371 Carburetor adjustment

The parameters of a low.Profile and high.Profile chain, respectively, 0.025 and 0.03 inches. Knowledge of profile types is necessary for the correct choice of the height of the limiters.

If necessary, the problem of deficiency is simply solved by changing the angle of sharpening of standard circuits up to 5-15 °. The tire in this version is operated without changing the design.

All given information is valid for Chinese chainsaws and their components. Most Chinese chainsaw assortments make up more or less successful copies of leading European developers, so all standards are practically identical.

How to exclude the risks of buying chain falsifications

Separate unscrupulous manufacturers and sellers are trying to give out their crafts for high.Quality products of well.Known brands.

They fake the chain itself and proprietary packaging. Externally, the tool looks exactly the same, but since falsifiers save on materials, it will not last a long time.

Packaging, as a rule, is made of loose cardboard, the seal often greased and fuzzy. If you take several of these packages, there will be the same serial number for everyone.

Experienced masters advise not to play roulette, independently trying to recognize a fake. It is better to buy chains in branded service centers or in trusted construction stores, valid for their reputation and do not associate with falsifiers.

Marking chains for chainsaws

This is a defining parameter, and depending on its value, all existing chains are divided into five groups with a pitch of 1/4 ’’, 0.325 ’’, 3/8 ’’, 0.404 ’and 3/4’ ’’ ’’ ON.Step 1/4 ’’ (6.35 mm) is characteristic of small chains installed on low.Power one.Handed saws.

Chains with steps 0.325 ’’ (8.25 mm) and 3/8 ’’ (9.3 mm). The most common options. Than 80% of the saw all over the world are equipped with them.

Steps 0.404 ’’ (10.26 mm) and 3/4 ’’ (19.05 mm) are distinguished by chains with larger links and increased performance. For several decades, they have been equipped with Russian.Made saws, but now they have been installed only on powerful gross saws and charvester equipment.

The larger the chain step, the larger its links and the higher its performance, but more wider drank. To overcome increasing resistance cutting, a more powerful saw is required. The chains with a small step have other advantages. A larger number of teeth per unit length, smooth movement in the propyle and, accordingly, reduced vibration, a cleaner cut.

The thickness of the leading link. During operation, the chain slides into the tire groove, and this sliding should be smooth, without hooks and at the same time without an extra “chatter”. The thickness of the shank and the thickness of the groove should strictly correspond to each other, which increases the reliability of the landing of the chain and eliminates the likelihood of its “tump”. Everything is provided for five standard sizes:

  • 1.1 mm (0.043 ’’) for low.Power saws
  • 1.3 mm (0.050 ’’) household and semi.Professional chains,
  • 1.5 mm (0.058 ’’) Powerful and productive saws,
  • 1.6 mm (0.063 ’’) and 2.0 mm (0.080 ’’) highly professional saws.

The purpose of use imposes its requirements for the chains used. For example, if necessary, sawing hard and contaminated wood or when demolishing and building structures. It is better to use special carbide chains of Picco Duro or Rapid Duro, having carbed.Free teeth or overlays, giving them unsurpassed strength and durability of use. Some work is simply impossible to do without their help.

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It is also known that for longitudinal sawing of wood (along the fibers) it is advisable to use special chains. The main difference between the chains of the longitudinal and the transverse type is the angles of the attack of the cutting links. For transverse saw chains, they are 25–35 degrees. In circuits for longitudinal sawing (for example, the STIHL Picco Micro X circuits) are more acute angles. From 5 to 15 degrees.

The use of chains inconsistently leads to either reduced performance, or to increased “aggressiveness”, strong vibration and additional load on the chainsaw engine.

Additional characteristics of the chain are the height of the profile and the depth of cutting.

The chains are highly and low-profile depending on the height of the cutting edge above the plane of the guide tire. Highly profile chains are usually used for professional purposes to obtain maximum sawing performance. Low.Profile chains are installed on the chainsaws of the household and amateur class, t.To. Due to the increased area of ​​the support of the cutting links and the reduced thickness of the cut chips, they are safer.

The depth of cutting is the gap between the upper facet of the tooth and the cut limiter, which regulates the thickness of the chips. Most often there are samples with clearances of 0.025 inches (or 0.635 mm) and 0.030 inch (or 0.762 mm), less often with gaps up to 0.07 inch (or 1.778 mm), the latter are designed for the aggregates of the forest roll of forest.

The main parameters of the chain of the chain

Important constructive features of the chainsaw can be called a chain and tire. Both elements can be replaced, if necessary, experts recommend giving preference to wear.Resistant execution options that can last for a long period. Chains for chainsaws are characterized by a rather large number of different parameters:

  • Length.
  • Type of links.
  • Step.
  • Type of material used in manufacture.
  • Design features.
  • Type of sawing.

Only when taking into account all the main parameters can you choose the option that will be ideal for a particular case. That is why it is recommended to approach the choice thoroughly, to divide the entire process into several main stages and consider them in more detail.

Design features

In the wide and heavy chains of high.Class professional equipment, each link has a couple of shanks. This provides reliable contact with the bus and stars and makes it possible to resist the tool with strong lateral loads. In a regular chain, the share of cutting links is half.

To facilitate the tools of the household class, they release so lightweight inexpensive models:

  • Call. The supporting link with the shank is installed immediately behind the cutting, their share is reduced to 40 %;
  • Semi.Sailors: supporting is inserted after each second cutter, their share is 35 %.

A decrease in the number of active ringlets leads to a proportional increase in the load on the rest. This inevitably leads to a reduction in their service life and increase the frequency of sharpening.

You can choose such chains if you do not want to spend extra money, with small volumes of work and their episodic character.

Why is a table that determines the size of the chains

The reasons that reduce the productivity of saws with the internal mountain engine are the wrong selection of size, profile height and chain step. When buying it, you need to carefully study the marking applied to the closing links, as well as the working characteristics indicated on the packaging. If it is impossible to decipher the marking and there is no package to the product, the best way is to choose the product according to the dimensional table. They can be found on the official sites of well.Known manufacturers, such as Ukvarna, Shtil, Oregon. Consider such tables that will help you choose a chain of the desired size for your chainsaw. In the left column are the most common motopyl models in our country. In the following columns. The main parameters of saw nodes. Having found the right model, you will quickly find out which chain is suitable for your tool. The chains produced by other companies may be suitable for chainsaws released by one company.

Size for saws Husqvarna

Model Step The depth of the cut Tire length STIHL product product Husqvarna production chain Oregon product
236 3/8 0.013 cm 0.35 meters 63 PM 52 H 3552 91 p 52
137, 235, 345, 353, 440, 450 0.325 0.013 cm 0.38 meters 23 RMC 64 H 3064 95vpx 64
262, 272, 365, 395, 570, 576 3/8 0.013 cm 0.45 / 0.5 meters 35 rm 68 /72 H 42 68 /72 73 LPX68 / 72
55, 257, 359, 460, 555 0.325 0.015 cm 0.38 meters 25 RMC 64 H 25 64 21 LPX 64
3120 0.404 0.016 cm 0.61 meters 46 rm 76 H 6476 59 l 76


Model Step The depth of the cut Tire length STIHL production circuit Husqvarna product The chain of Oregon
137, 240 3/8 0.013 cm 0.4 meters 63 PM 56 H 3556 91 VXL 52
55, 250 0.325 0.013 cm 0.45 meters 25 RMC 72 H 2372 20 LPX 72
254 0.325 0.015 cm 0.45 meters 26 RMC 72 H 25 72 21 Lpx 72

In the conclusion of the article, I must say that the correct selection of chain products is an important task that increases the performance of the chainsaw and increases its service life. Using a dimensional table, you buy the desired chain of good quality.

How to measure the length of the chainsaw tire?

Not everyone knows how to measure the chainship of the chainship. Chains of chainsaws are available in endless combinations of sizes, types and features. This is due to the fact that the chainsaws themselves differ in size and use

When the time has come to replace the chain, it is especially important to have all the correct information about the chain and its size. Only in this case you can replace it correctly

The selection of the correct chain to the chainsaws is slightly more complicated than the search for other accessories for the power tool due to the unique method of measuring the chainsaw tire. The information below explains how the chains of the chainsaws are measured, the difference between these dimensions and how to quickly find the measurement numbers necessary to order the correct chain.

The length of the chain of the chainsaw is compared with the measurement of the saw tire. Some manufacturers sell chains for replacing only on the basis of the measured tire

It is important to know that there are no universal chains. A chain with a long tire will require a longer chain accordingly

However, the exact means of determining the length of the chain includes several measurement options, which ultimately affect how well the chain is suitable for your chainsaw.

First of all, it is worth considering the question of how to measure the length of the tire of chainsaw?

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  • Measure the distance from the tip of the chain saw to the point when the tire first leaves the saw case. Roulette is useful for measuring and obtaining this information. It is necessary to round the measurements to the nearest even number, if the number was not accurate. The resulting number is the measurement of the tire. The most common values ​​of the bar are 16, 18 and 20 inches.
  • Lay the chain on a flat surface. Look for the links of the chain, which are sometimes called tips. These links protrude from the lower part of the chain, and they capture the toothed drive, nourishing the chain. Calculate the number of drive links in the chain.
  • Determine the height of the chain. Measure the distance between any 3 sequential rivets holding the chain together. Measure from the center of one rivet to the middle of the third link. Rivets are noticeable between drivenings and cutters. Cutting teeth that lie on top of the chain. To find out the height, divide the measurement by 2. A step, along with the number of drive links, describes the length of the tire that is needed when searching for chains for replacement.

Things you need: roulette. A chain that is not properly suitable for a chainsaw is a danger. Therefore, if you are not sure of choosing, ask a professional to help determine the length of the tire and choose the right chain. Contact the leadership of your chainsaw to make sure that you are buying the right type of chain.

Before working with a chainsaw or any power tool, read all the security warnings in the manufacturer’s management. Before replacing the chain on the chainsaw, turn off the spark plug or battery to make sure that the saw would not be rang.

Below are steps that can also be taken before starting the search for a suitable chain.

  • Find out the measurement of the chain step by finding it on the tool, in the user guide, or dividing the distance between 3 links by 2 (it is recommended that this be done with a professional).
  • Get the measurement of the chain either by finding it on the tool, in the user guide, or by measuring the thickness of the drive links of the chain. All measurements should be accurate.
  • Calculate the number of individual drive links in the chain. With no exceptions. Now good news, everything else is easy to do. If you have these three digits, a suitable replacement chain will take only a few minutes. All you need to do is make the correct measurements and the number of links to a simple formula or online measurement calculator, and it will automatically determine the length of the tire.

All unique tire measurement systems require small awareness in terminology and other technical things. If you want to buy a new chain for your chainsaw, then this leadership will help the best. With the information provided in the article, it will be easier to narrow the choice to the chain that is needed in a particular case.

Use the method that seems to you the most convenient. Tire measurement differs from the actual chain length

Tire measurement is important when you replace the chain or buy a chain for the future replacement. It is important for each owner of a chainsaw to know how to measure the chainsaw tire

The measurement of the tire expresses the length of the guide rod of the chainsaw, and not the entire length of the tire, which is actually a little longer. If you want to know the true length of the tire, you will need not only roulette, but also effective measurement methods presented above.

The selection of the chain depending on the upcoming work

Before buying a chainsaw, it is important to understand in advance for yourself what work you will do to her.

All work can be divided into three spheres:

  • Garden care, slight harvesting of firewood, small work on the site;
  • Building from wood, large workpiece of firewood, an infrequent roll of trees;
  • Daily professional operation associated with a roll of trees or significant volumes of firewood harvesting.

For the first sphere, chainsaws with a chain with a step of 0.325 ″ or a low.Profile 3/8 and a thickness of 1.1 or 1.3 mm are suitable. Such devices have small weight and dimensions, so it is very convenient to use them on their own site. Since the volume of work in household operation is not too large, the strength of the strength and performance of such chainsaws will be more than enough.

For the second sphere, devices with chains of 3/8 and 0.325 ″ 1.5 mm thick are suitable. The margin of strength of these chainsaws and their performance with more than enough for such work.

In the professional sphere, you can not do without chainsaws having a thick chain for 1.6 or even 2 mm. The step here will be 3/8 or even 0.404 ″. The power of such chainsaws is large, so they easily work with such chains, despite the fact that the resistance during operation is quite large. At the same time, the performance is of course just huge. It is possible to bring down the trees and harvest wood very quickly.

From the above, it becomes clear that it is not worth putting the inappropriate types of chains on a chainsaw. Even if you put a suitable leading asterisk and tire (and for different steps and thickness of the chains, these parameters will also be unequal), the chainsaws will be either overloaded if you put a chain with a large step and high profile on a low.Power model, or it will not use all its own opportunities, if you put a chain with a small step or low profile on a powerful saw. In this case, she will simply in vain burn gasoline.

Chardal chains

Wins. This is a very solid alloy surpassing glass. Therefore, domestic glass cutters, various cutting locksmiths and turning tools, and it is also applied to sawing chains. Winning is soldered on cutting links, where he plays the role of a strong cutting edge. But despite its firmness, this alloy is fragile.

The service life of chains with attacks from the winning significantly exceeds the resource of standard cutting elements. The carbide chains are used for sawing frozen and solid wood, as well as in emergency rescue measures, if you need to quickly cut reinforced or ordinary concrete.

Chains for chainsaws with winning attacks in amateur practice are used very rarely, since they are designed for a semi.Professional and professional tools that have good power and high torque.