How to make a bargorer out of a grinder. DIY barboresis for aerated concrete

How to make a bell from a grinder with your own hands

Bricks are fastened together with a cement mortar, which can be removed without effort. This is done using a chisel and a hammer. The strobe should follow the seam of the masonry. In this case, dust formation will be minimal. A vertical groove is performed by a perforator using different nozzles.

In the stroke of the surfaces of the walls, the material from which they are built played an important role. The course of work, which has its own characteristics, also depends on it. Execution process:

  • Before the start of stroke with a hammer and core, you need to outline places for holes in the form of recesses (then the drill will not go to the side).
  • Keep the tool at right angles with respect to the wall so as not to break the drill from exposure to the mechanical load.
  • In the process of execution, severe heating and dulling of the tool occurs, so it should be periodically cooled in cold water.

It is more difficult to work with burnt bricks. You can determine it by black dust. This interval of distance must be held at low speeds with connecting the shock method of the tool. Rumors between holes are removed using the punch chisels in the “without drilling” mode.

The manufacture of the barborer

A simple tool for making a barborer is a bell. There are two ways to make homemade bargores from a grinder:

The store sells a variety of nozzles for a grinder, but their cost is also quite high. The disadvantage of such a device is a limited casing, which is made for certain disk parameters.

For the manufacture of the nozzle for a grinder, which will be used for stroke, the following tools and material are needed:

  • Casing;
  • Angle grinder;
  • Cutting discs;
  • Vacuum cleaner;
  • Nuts;
  • Screwdrivers and wrench;
  • Passatigi.

With your own hands. For and against

If you want to make such an instrument independently, it is necessary for a sufficient amount of time, certain knowledge and skills, as well as instructions for manufacturing. Before starting work, weigh all the factors and collect the reviews of people who previously faced the manufacture of such a device.

How to make a strooboresis with your own hands?

Depending on what type of device you need to do, you will need a certain set of tools and materials that will be used to manufacture this device. As practice shows, manual barrels are usually made using a grinder and a reinforcing pipe. This is the simplest and most effective manufacturing option. However, there are other methods that allow you to independently make a strobore.

DIY barboresis from reinforcement

To independently make a gap, you need a set of certain tools and materials:

  • A piece of a water pipe made of metal (about 1 m in length);
  • Bulgarian;
  • Welding device;
  • Sledgehammer;
  • Vise or an anvil.

First you need to cut off a piece of a metal pipe with a grinder, the approximate size of which should be 80 cm. One end of the pipe is required to bend at an angle of 90 °. From the segment of the metal plate, you need to make a bracket in the form of U, the main function of which is the performance of the role of the cutter. The base of the future incisor must be sharpened, welded to a direct segment of a metal pipe. The sharpening process can be done using a grinder. The remaining piece of the pipe will serve as a handle, it must be welcome to the base of the future tool in the place where its edge is at an angle. After that, the device is completely ready for operation.

Bulgarian barboresis

In the absence of a desire to make a manual type of device, you can build a troborer with an electric motor with your own hands, converting a grinder. According to many builders, such a device is no worse in quality than ready, purchased in the store, but its cost will be much less. For the manufacture of the device you will need the following tools and materials:

First you need to fasten two diamond disks to the grinder. One will be clinged in a standard way, and the second must be placed nearby, fixed with the help selected in size of the nut. It should be placed an additional ring that will serve for better fixing. It is this nut that will help to keep the second diamond disk on a home.Made carbon gap with an electric motor.

For more comfortable work with this kind of tool, it is necessary to attach a casing to it to protect the builder in the process of working from dust. He will direct dust in the opposite direction. Do not forget about the instant cleaning of dust, which will be quite a lot after working with a strobes. In this regard, the device will need to attach the mechanism from the vacuum cleaner.

Since the rotation of the diamond disk occurs back, then the vacuum cleaning mechanism that is intended to collect dust must be placed behind the casing. The tube can be attached with clamps, and then bend. Thanks to this, it will not interfere with the disk when working rotation.

The mini-vacuum cleaner needs to be attached so that it does not interfere with holding and working with a home-made unit. To start this mechanical masterpiece, it will be necessary to use a couple of sockets or a tee.

Having created such a construction device with your own hands, you can perfectly save your budget, as well as the time spent on processing aerated concrete. But the result will surpass all expectations. A uniform recess and easy work with the tool will be provided.

In the absence of tools for the manufacture of tools at home, you can use a punch for stroke. However, it should be borne in mind that it is used exclusively for gross processing.

The nuances of the stroke of the grinder

It is impossible to stroke the wall without dust. In addition, the Bulgarian in the classic form does not allow to control the depth of the groove. So you can damage the reinforcement of the carrier wall. For this, a special nozzle is used. The washers between the disks change the width of the groove for the wiring or pipe. A vacuum cleaner hose is connected through the pipe, the handle on top allows you to more accurately withstand the directions of cutting.

It should be borne in mind that the grinder is not intended for prolonged continuous operation, so every 15-20 minutes you need to take breaks to cool the electric motor and gearbox. The rest of the work techniques are the same as with the factory strobes. The home.Made design may not be accurately completed and evaluated. With strong loads, the beating present may be dangerous.

Homemade nozzle of a barborer on a grinder: features of the work and manufacturing of the tool

During the construction or repair of a house or apartment to hide the wiring or other communications, it is often necessary to make recesses in the walls (stroke) of various depths and widths.

Until recently, builders had to do this with a chisel and a hammer or use a punch or corner grinder (grinder), with which a lot of dust formed a lot of dust. Shallow grooves were cut into the wall in the wall, and then grooves were depressed between them with a chisel or perforator, into which electrical wiring or pipes started.

How to Use an Angle Grinder

But recently, manufacturers of construction power tools have begun the production of barriers that greatly facilitated the work of the builders and increased their performance.

Features of the tool

Construction standards provide clear dimensions for the fine, which are designed for certain materials of the walls of buildings and should not weaken their strength. This is especially true for walls mounted from railway panels, for which the depth of the strata is strictly limited.

Violation of these standards can weaken their strength and in the future lead to undesirable consequences.

For example, in old panel houses (Khrushchevs), in general, strokes with the help of punch are prohibited, but at the same time, the work with a crap is allowed, since no negative consequences of this are expected.

Compared to the grinder, the speed of cutting the stroke of the strobes increases by almost 2-3 times. The grooves themselves are flat, the same in width and, which is very important, a given depth is clearly observed. At the same time, during his operation, the room forms a minimum amount of dust, and the work is much safer for the performer.

Description of equipment

Shtroboresis is used in construction for cutting straps of both different depths and widths. Particular attention should be paid to the description of this equipment:

Advantages of use

Using a stroborer for cutting a fine has several advantages, among which:

Stages of clipping stalks

Before starting work, the marking is preliminary on the wall for cutting a fine, and on the tool, using the platform, the depth of cutting grooves is installed. To do this, the platform is set in such a way that the cutting parts of the disks go beyond its limits to a distance designed for the depth of the Strabs.

When selecting the cutting width of the channels (for a fine), the distance between the disks is regulated by a set of washers or bushings, which are dressed on the axis of the tools between the disks.

After that, a flexible hose from the vacuum cleaner is connected to the casing pipe, and the tool is connected to an electric outlet.

The tool is pressed and conducted on the surface of the wall, cutting at the same time two even grooves of the same depth.

Cutting is carried out simultaneously by two disks, which has the cutting part from diamond spraying or winning attacks.

At the same time, the channel itself does not produce the channel itself. Other tools are used for this operation.

Professional curtains equipped with industrial vacuum cleaners are very expensive and are usually acquired by enterprises that are constantly engaged in construction work.

For one.Time work, Naturally, purchasing such equipment will be quite obscen.

In this case, the best option would be to rent this tool or make a barborer overlaid on a grinder with your own hands.

DIY barborer manufacture

The cost of a professional stroborez ranges from 5-50 thousand./rub. Naturally, for a team of professionals or a construction company, such an amount will pay off quite quickly.

Making Belt Grinder

But for the master, making one.Time repairs in an apartment or house, such a purchase makes no sense at all, since, in addition to cutting channels, nothing else can be done with a stroberase.

The best option in this case will be its manufacture on the basis of a conventional grinder.

Preparatory stage

You can ensure the manufacture of the simplest tool for cutting channels based on a grinder. For this:

But when working in the room, it is still advisable to equip a handicraft gear with a casing to collect dust and protect the worker From small fragments, thrown out by spinning disks.

Production of a protective casing

Naturally, even with a home.Made stroboresis based on a grinder without a protective casing, you can’t do not do without a protective casing. In addition to protecting the worker from various fragments, The casing should have a special pipe To connect the vacuum cleaner. Various filtering elements capturing dust during operation, without the help of a vacuum cleaner, can quickly clog.

If the volumes for cutting the channels are small and the work is not in the room, the casing can be made from the waste of plywood or laminated strips for the floor.

Such a casing, of course, will not be able to solve the problem with dust, but it will be a good protection for the operator and the surrounding working area from the scattering fragments when cutting channels (strata).

True, with this design of the casing, cutting depth will always be the same without the possibility of adjusting it, but for the same type of channels, for example, for electrical wiring, this will be quite enough. And the plywood base will easily slide along the surface of the wall and the presence of slide with the wheels is not necessary.

DIY bargorer-rod on a grinder

It is not easy to make it with your own hands, however, the resulting device will unequivocally exceed the industrial version in two parameters. In compatibility with the grinder of a particular model, and in the cost of the materials spent for manufacture (purchase nozzle in less than 2500 rubles. Will not work).

Restrictions on the functioning of such a device are as follows:

  • The nozzle on the grinder is inoperative with the main tool whose power is less than 1500 watts.
  • The diameter of the disk should not exceed 180 mm, otherwise the engine will overheat.
  • In the room where tabletings will be performed, there should be an extension cord (or two outlets) for connecting a vacuum cleaner and a grinder.
  • The length of the shaft should be sufficient in order to ensure the installation of two disks and the washers/bushings separating them, the length of which is equal to the width of the future string.
  • The casing should be allocent and rotating: this will provide the possibility of regulating the depth of cut.
  • It is better to provide a return spring on the casing: the control force will increase slightly, but the danger of injury will decrease many times.

DIY bargorer for a grinder, except for an additional disk, includes: it includes:

  • The outer casing designed to limit the course of the disks deep into the groove (you can use the part from a more powerful grinder);
  • The supporting plane that facilitates the movement of the grinder along the axis of the strobe;
  • The outer casing with a bell to remove the dust and fragments in the vacuum cleaner (using shockproof plastic as material, you can reduce the total weight of the device);
  • A set of connective goals or a sleeve (it is advisable to use parts made of antifriction bronze);
  • Nut for attaching the second disk.

Homemade sedimentary gap is made in welded performance. In this case, to exclude deformation of the structure, the internal casing is made of steel with a thickness of at least 1 mm. Between the casing during assembly, a gap of 1 2 mm is left. The design must first be tested with a manual throat of the shaft, and then with parallel cuts of soft material, for example, wood.

If you use a grinder instead

It is clear from the design that in extreme cases, a car for manufacturing a stroke can be replaced by an ordinary grinder. Put a disc on it on concrete and make the right cuts in two approaches. This is really done if one small strobe is needed, but practice and multiple reviews show that the dust will be seated for a long time after such strokes that it can stall all the work.

If necessary, to last a few grooves, the loss of time will be significant, and if such work is performed with some frequency, then the method becomes ineffective. Other disadvantages of this method are the inability to withstand the same sizes of the edges of the strobe and their depth. This can not be called a significant drawback, but sometimes fraught with a dumped piece of wall with the rtellation of the core of the string.

If the length of the fastener allows, then you can put two discs on the concrete on the grinder and then the strobe will cut out in one call. Even if you do not touch the issue of safety measures, it will not become less dust and it will settle at the same speed. As a result. The winnings of time will turn out to be insignificant, and injuries increase by an order of magnitude.

How to turn a grinder into a strobore

To make a full.Fledged troborer from a grinder with your own hands, you need to solve two issues:

  • Dust divert. This is a priority problem. Without its solution, further modernization is meaningless.
  • Placement on the shaft intended for one disk, two circles on concrete. At the same time, the design should be reliable and ensure the strictly perpendicular position of the circles to the cut plane. The slightest skew at 3,000 and more revolutions per minute is at best the jamming and failure of the gearbox or engine.

Production of a protective casing

By and large, this detail makes home.Made trobreobores from the Ushm. Such a nozzle on a grinder replaces the standard protection installed on the device, completely hiding the part of the circle, not immersed in the wall. How to make fasteners, the question should not arise. They are simply copied from the factory part.

The protective and dust.Off casing is a flattened cylinder cut on the side, in which there is a pipe for connecting the hose from the vacuum cleaner (you can use the construction, and if you make a cyclone filter, then ordinary household).

The height of the cylinder is sufficient to fit two discs at it at the required distance from each other. For its manufacture, two iron semicircular plates and a strip of steel are needed, which will fasten them. The strip bends, is welded to the rounded parts of the plates and the base of the casing is ready.

Depending on the factory protection mounts, in the plate that will fit the grinder body, in addition to the shaft slots, holes are made for bolts, or a clamp clamp is welded.

The adjustment of the depth was drunk

Part of the casing that solves this problem is at the same time a guide for a stroborer. If you attach the wheels to it, then the device will be easily moved along the wall.

It is made in “g” or “t”-shaped form-the lower part of the “letter” is typed from two corners, which are attached to the upper part of the protective casing so that the lower part can freely lower and rise, which will allow you to regulate how much the discs will peek out of.Under the casing. Fixation in a given position is easiest to make using a bolt connection or stop.

Additionally, on the basis of the guide, the sidewalls are welded so that dust, no matter how the depth of the cut is adjusted, does not fly out from under the casing.

The upper part of the “letter” is needed for stability. Wheels are installed on it for smooth movement of the stroborer along the wall.

Two disc shaft installation

Extremely rarely the factory shaft of the grinder is sufficient length, which will immediately fix two circles on it. There are two logical exits from this position. To blame a new shaft or make a nut that would clamp the first circle and hold the second. For a number of reasons, the second solution is more profitable:

  • Not required to disassemble a grinder.
  • If the device fails, then you can purchase another and simply rearrange the nut on it.
  • It is technically easier to make a nut than a shaft connecting to the gearbox.
  • The nut is pulled out with the sleeve.
  • The first disc is installed on the shaft of the grinder.
  • A sleeve lies on top of it and on it. The second circle.
  • The nut flows through the upper disk, the sleeve and tighten the first disk and clamping the second with each other and the sleeve.

The entire design is clearly shown on the video:

Features of working with a home.Made strobe

The internal device of the factory stroborez is slightly different from the grinder. It is intended for one single task, as simplified as possible and requires better components. The force to the grinder shaft is transmitted through the corner gearbox and everything is designed to clean the surfaces and cutting iron.

The effort arising when cutting out the stroke quickly disable a gearbox and bearings. This is facilitated by a double load on the nodes of the mechanism and the fact that the second disc is not located at the design place, which means that the force is transmitted from a different angle.

In any case, the cost of a barborer is an order of magnitude higher than that of a grinder and is often easier to buy a new Ushm than one furrow. But this should not interfere with the observance of simple recommendations that will extend the life of a home.Made strobeza made from a grinder:

  • It is necessary to ensure that the tool does not overheat and, if possible, often give it a rest.
  • It also does not hurt to evaluate how much work with two disks is faster than with one. The protective casing with the adjustment of the depth of the cut provides protection against dust and relatively even strobes, even if you make two parallel cuts. If the excess movement along the wall with a crap with one disk extends its service life, then it may be limited to this option.

As a result. With your own hands, a high.Quality strooboresis, it works no worse than the factory original, but there is a risk of quickly bringing into unusable grinder, which is taken as its basis. If you have to cut the strokes often, it is better to purchase your furrow, designed specifically for the stroke of the walls, and the Bulgarian converted under the strobores is more suitable for periodic work.

Strobores. Nozzle on a grinder: how to make a gap, drawings and schemes with your own hands

The strobe (less commonly mentioned the term “furrow”) is two parallel grooves, the width and height of the walls of which determine the possibilities of the installation of communications in it. To perform a stroke, the following groove dimensions are required:

  • A width of 3 to 50 mm (the first option provides for laying in the stroke of only power and low.Current cables, the second. For the installation of heating systems);
  • The depth of the groove is no less than its width, but better with a small margin of 5 10 mm;
  • The bottom of the strobes is even, without protrusions.

Sometimes you have to stroke and inclined grooves. For a scythe sede, all these sizes usually increase by 10 12%. The strobe should be as flat as possible, since any groove of the groove will automatically increase the length of the cable or pipe. The distance from the axis of the groove to adjacent ceilings, openings, etc. D should be at least 150 mm, and to the elements of the gas pipeline. At least 400 mm.

The material of the walls is also important. Since obtaining a groove occurs with the removal of the material from under the disk of the tool, all the dust and fragments of the stones fall into the working. Even when performing such work in the walls of foam or aerated concrete, the need for dust will be very relevant, since finely dispersed dust will be in the air for a long time.

In a professional strobes, all these problems are solved by connecting to a vacuum cleaner tool with a cyclone filter. Ordinary meshs are clogged with stroke products in a few seconds of continuous operation of the barborer.

Homemade dust collector for Floor Grinder

The second significant difference between strokes with a specialized tool is the presence of a mobile frame with wheels, controlling which, you can significantly reduce the load on the hands of the working. A single-disc trobobores-drill on a grinder dramatically does not solve the problem, since the depth of the strobe is not limited in any way, and manual removal of the jumper is very time-consuming, and does not provide good quality of the bottom of the resulting groove. In addition, in the second passage, it will not be easy to achieve parallelity of the walls of the strobe.

Stroborer for foam blocks. Design features

A manual tool for stroke can be made in the following design options:

  • Based on a conventional grinder. The design provides for the installation of two cutting disks on the shaft of the concrete, between which the sleeve of the desired length or the required number of washers can be installed. Changing the length of the spacer element, the interval between the cutting disks corresponding to the width of the canal is regulated;
  • A modernized option. It is an advanced version of a grinder, on which, in addition to two circles, a casing made of a metal sheet is mounted. The dust formed in the process of stroke is removed through the pipe mounted on the metal casing of the aspiration device;

Based on manual grinder. The advanced version of the tool in design is similar to a bell with an aspiration casing. A distinctive feature of the structure. The presence of a mobile platform with wheels fixed in the lower part of the dust receiver. This option allows you to easily move the device along the wall without applying significant efforts.

Electric stroobores in the gas block in terms of efficiency exceeds a manual tool due to the following moments:

  • Increased speeding rate;
  • Flat surface of the walls of the groove;
  • Clear geometry of the channel;
  • Increased safety;
  • The possibilities of aspiration.

A modern electric stroke tool includes:

  • Protective casing. It prevents the possibility of injuring the operator with fragments during disks rotation;
  • Aspiration pipe. Provides dust selection from the working area when connecting to the vacuum cleaner;
  • Working site. Provides smooth movement of the device along the wall and allows you to adjust the depth of the groove;
  • Working handle. It can be installed in various places of the casing, providing a convenient location of the device during cutting;
  • Electric drive. Accelerated strokes are provided at a power of 2 kW and a spindle rotation frequency of 5500./min.

The Hitabochi CM7MRURUSTRICTION STROBOSS can be equipped with various electronic equipment, which provides the following functions:

  • Adjustment of the spindle rotation frequency;
  • Smooth engine start when turning on;
  • Disk braking when the power is turned off;
  • Motor blocking when heated;
  • Reducing vibration vibrations.

The principle of operation and the arrangement

To figure out how to make a bargorer from a grinder, you need to understand the principle of its work. The factory manufacturing power tool consists of an engine, which through the gearbox transfers a torque of the working shaft with two cutting discs through concrete. The distance between the knives is regulated by nuts, which allows you to cut grooves of different widths. Using an adjusting bar and fixers, set the desired cut of cut.

A particular role is played by the casing. If in a grinder it is needed only for protection, then in a stroborez this part performs another function. Dust removal. A small pipe is fixed on the casing. During operation, a vacuum cleaner is connected to it. Когда оператор выполняет пропил канавки на стене, летящая от дисков пыль остается в кожухе и через выводной патрубок поступает в пылесос.

Upon learning how the stroboresis works, it will now be easier to deal with the modernization of the grinder.

Method number 3. Perforator

Another common and fairly simple way how to independently make a gap on your own is a punch. But instead of the usual drill, the cutter should be inserted into it.

Such a trobreboresis is quite simple and does not require a lot of time and effort to manufacture it, but, at the same time, gives a very low quality of work. The groove is not only a curve in height and length, but also of different depths and widths. As a result, you will have to spend much more time for stroke and a much larger number of finishing materials.

An advanced tool

So that all the dust is immediately removed during the stroke of the walls, you can equip your home.Made strobores with a vacuum cleaner. The absorption hose is fixed over the cutting part, thereby instantly picks up the so.Called “dust Cloud”. A modernized casing can be bought, or you can do it yourself. In the first case, you will give a considerable amount of money for a part, which can be collected independently for your tool.

In order to make a stroborer with a vacuum cleaner, you need to take consumables and turn on the imagination. There are many ideas for assembling a casing of a metal pipe, a strong pan and even a plastic container. We recommend viewing photos of ideas to gain inspiration and make your own version of the casing with dust remote:

We draw your attention to the fact that the pipe should be installed on top of a home.Made barrier. This is due to the rotation of the cutting circle, just with this location of the suction hose, all dust will immediately be removed from the working area.

If you still decide to make a protective casing yourself, we recommend that you measure the diameter of the hose from the vacuum cleaner before creating the pipe so that when attaching the withdrawal does not dangle and at the same time can normally go to the seat. Also do not forget that to connect such a model of a home.Made stroborer you need two sockets located nearby. In this case, we advise you to make an electric extension cord for two outlets specifically for this type of work.

When working in this way with a vacuum cleaner, its filter will often clog so that this does not happen, we recommend that you make a home.Made cyclone filter. With it there will be much less trouble when performing work on walls of walls.

Simple and reliable stand with a length for a grinder

I welcome all lovers to pattern, I propose to consider the instructions for making a simple and reliable rack for a grinder with a do.It.Yourself length. A carriage that the author collected from profile pipes and bearings is responsible for the broach. The carriage can be tightened, thereby removing the backlash. As for the axis, its author made from a threaded rod and nuts, there are practically no backlash there, the knot is cheap and durable. Having such a rack, you can cut not only steel, but also a tree by installing a disc for circulars or even brick using a diamond disk. Of course, you can accurately set the cut angle you need. If the project interested you, I propose to study it in more detail! Materials and tools used by the author:List of materials:

We cut the workpieces for the carriage, we will make it from not very thick square pipe. We need 4 segments of the same length. We drill the holes in the segments, then collect the carriage on the bolts. Of course, the holes should be drilled at the same distances. Well, as videos, the author uses radial bearings.

Step two. Bracket for a grinder We make a fastener bracket for a grinder, we use steel plates as a material. The grinder should cling to the bracket using two bolts in front, and in the rear of the fasteners there will be an emphasis in the form of a bolt, with which we can configure the cutting angle of disk.

Step third. Assembly of a carriage Before assembling the carriage, we will prepare the “rail”, which will move along the carriage, as such a “rail”, the author also used a piece of a square pipe. At the end of the pipe we drill holes, here we will attach the bracket in which the Bulgarian is fixed.

We collect a carriage on bolts, nuts and washers. We put radial bearings as videos. We select the washers so that the rail moves in a carriage with minimal backlash. To accurately adjust everything, you can use nuts with a plastic latch.

Step fourth. Racks and axis From pieces of profile pipe and corners we make racks to which the axis of the carriage will be attached. As an axis, the author used a threaded rod, and the author set the nuts right at the ends of the racks, they were welded there. It turns out such a kind of “threaded bearing”.

Step fifth. Assembly and testing We collect a home.Made, put the racks on the base, the author used a sheet of plywood, or you can fix the rack and directly on the table. Before installing the racks, do not forget to wind up the racks on the carriage axis.

We fasten the bracket for a grinder to the rail, and already put the grinder itself on the bracket. On the grinder, the author installed a clamp for fastening sewer pipes, an adjusting bolt rests on this clamp.

Building a Guitar Out of Carbon Fiber 2.0

Everything is ready, adjust the disk using the square and you can cut. The author easily works on a steel machine, he used a steel corner as an emphasis, and the gap was based on a disc. If you put the disk on the car on the machine, you can easily cut boards, plywood and other materials. The author also cuts a brick using the machine, installing a concrete disk on a grinder.

This is where the project is completed, I hope you liked the home.Made, and you found useful thoughts for yourself. Good luck and creative inspiration, if you decide to repeat this. Do not forget to share your ideas and homemade ones with us!

A disk for a stroborez

First of all, a special bolt on the grinder is attached to one disk. Nothing supernatural. In order to add the second, you need another nut, plus a ring that has the same diameter as the main thing. The ring is necessary in order to fix the additional disk. The main difficulty that arises among the craftsmen at this stage is to achieve reliability in attaching the second disk.

Then we get rid of the second nut and instead we take a metal ring (not more than one centimeter in diameter). Now we fix the desired disk using a nut with a downward ring. If you take the nut more authentic or a sleeve with a set of washers, then you can change the distance between the disks to the necessary for you and thereby make the strobe of the required width.

General technological information

When performing construction and repair work in residential and industrial premises, strokes are often used. A strobe (more correctly saying a stake) represents a special recess for styling in building structures (walls, floors, plaster layer) of communications. Depending on the size of the communication gutters, the following types of strobe are distinguished:

  • Narrow. For laying communication networks (up to 5 mm wide, up to 10 mm deep);
  • Medium width. For laying electrical wiring (width up to 15mm, depth of up to 20 mm);
  • Wide. For laying water supply communications, power supply circuits of high.Precision electrical equipment, electrical wiring in armored shutters (dimensions of more than 15mm20 mm).

GOST 21.201-2011 regulates the designation of the grooves (as the strobes in the document are called) in structures on construction drawings.

In the construction of the cables are performed using special tools:

Technologically, the strobores can be one and two-pile. To perform narrow grooves, there is a sufficiently single.Piercing barborer with a wide diamond circle. To perform wide stroob, barbodes with two circles are used. The middle zone between the grooves is removed using a chisel or punch.

Since the 80s of the last century, a power tool began to be introduced in practice, including household. Almost every owner of an apartment or household has an electric drill, a grinder. In most cases, this is unprofessional power tool. Strooboruses are mainly produced in a professional performance for the following reasons:

  • This tool should work with solid building materials (concrete, brick);
  • A tool with two diamond circles has a double load;
  • When working with concrete, brick, plaster layer, plentiful building dust forms, which should be removed.

Some home craftsmen use a regular grinder without re.Equipment as a stroborer.

  • As an stop, a regular protective casing is used. Its design is not reliable, slipping to the side can lead to injury.
  • The fastening of cutting circles may not be organized properly, since the length of the standard place of the threaded connection is small.
  • Particles tore off from the building structure can injure the organs of vision.

Without the necessary stop, guides, regulation in the depth of the strob, the absence of dust removal, such work will be performed poorly. The simplest method of re.Equipment can only be used to carry out strokeing light building materials (foam blocks, plaster) at low distances or in the corners of the room. In other cases, re.Equipment of the construction of the grinder is required.

Instructions for the modernization of the working shaft with step.By.Step photos

Native shaft of the grinder is not long. The spindle is designed to install one disk, and for a stroborer you need two cutting elements. You can modernize the working shaft in two ways: to hide your native clamping nuts or to grind a new spindle.

The first way to install two discs

A simple way is to hinder the clamping nuts and fix the two disks.

Disadvantage. It is impossible to regulate the width of the cut.

The modernization process consists of the following steps:

  • Two clamping nuts with a thread and one landing puck for a disk are required. Three details are stuck perfectly evenly to avoid distortion. Planting washer is put on the spindle of the grinder.

A second disk is installed on top of the twisted nut and screwed with another nut.

Stroborese is ready to work. You can try to make a cut on the wall.

The second way to install two discs

To regulate the width, it drank stroobes, the native spindle of the grinder will have to lengthen. The following actions are done for this:

  • An elongated shaft with a limiter for a landing washer is pulled out on a lathe. Cut the thread inside the workpiece to wind the part on the Bulgarian spindle. Outside on the shaft, they also cut the thread to wind up the clamping nuts. Additionally, the set of washers are pulled out, which will serve as substrates between two disks.
  • The finished part is stuck on the spindle of the grinder. The first disk is installed on the planting washer and the clamping nut is wound. Next, they type the required number of lining washers. Their total thickness will correspond to the width of the strobe. Now it remains to install the second disk and wind up another clamping nut.

Modernization of the working shaft is over, you can experience a barborer in work.

Self.Assembled from a grinder, the strobores in parameters is not inferior to the factory manufacturing tool.