How to make a hole in plywood without a drill

How to make a hole in furniture without a drill?

Take the paper clip and straighten out a portion of it. Applying steady pressure, press the point of the paper clip where you want the center of your hole to be. Turn it left and right like a screwdriver / awl. This will drill a tiny hole in the soft plastic.

Also, you can drill a hole in wood with a drill, cutter, and even a regular nail, and a very small hole. With a sewing needle, if you use its broken off eye as a cutting edge. When drilling wood, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of this material.

How to drill with wood Fibreboard?

If it is necessary to drill a large number of holes in the wood-fiber board, very sharp drills with special sharpening on the model of machine drills (with a large angle) are used. This way of sharpening is called shaped sharpening. Feather-operated drill bits can be used for drilling large diameter holes in fiberboard.

Of special note is the bolero drill, a device for drilling holes of large diameters (up to 300 mm) in thin wooden panels (chipboard, hardboard, fiberboard, etc).). The ballerina is made of a centering drill bit and two cutters arranged on graduated guides.

The drill with their own hands

Best suited for this operation are small-sized hand drills, the semblance of which can be made by yourself. For this purpose, to the rigid axis, which can be a steel or wooden rod, tied at the top two cords and a handle, and at the bottom. a sharpened nail. In the middle of the rod it is necessary to fix a heavy handwheel, which will act as an inertial accumulator. In order to bring this drill into action, the cords are manually twisted on a rod, and then, placing a nail in the right place, press the handle. The rod rotates and the nail drills, the pressure on the handle stops when the cords are fully unscrewed. The handwheel rotates by inertia and again turns them on the rod, and then stops and you need to press the handle again. Viscous types of wood may not yield to such a drill, as the drill will bind and slow down the rotation.

In order for you to be able to drill correctly through a concrete wall, you need to have the right equipment, do all the work carefully and stick to the following tips:

  • Without a hole punch, the work can be done with an impact drill or drill with an electric screwdriver;
  • Do not buy cheap drills, because the tip very quickly falls off and they fail;
  • Instead of a hole punch, you can use a victorious tool, one will break the rubble, and the second, inserted into an ordinary electric drill, a drill;
  • To work with concrete the core drill bit must have an SDS-plus chuck;
  • Scroll in your head the placement of the fittings to find where it is, you can use a metal detector, if the fittings are naked, it must be painted to prevent rusting;
  • To work with concrete, you can use universal drills with diamond coating, but they must be inserted only in a regular drill, or it is necessary to turn off the percussion mode.

How to Change Gears in an Ordinary Drill Chuck Spins Power Tool Repair

How to Change a Gear in an Ordinary Drill Chuck Spins Power Tool Repair

Screw drill with their own hands

For construction of a screw drill a mechanism of rotation from a child’s top rollers is good enough. Instead of a chuck, the pencil holder of a compasses jig is good. When lowered by hand with the same threaded motor, the screw axis of the drill begins to rotate. Drill head in this mechanism must rotate freely on the axis.

If there is no spinner at hand, a screw of this action can be bent by yourself. To do this, you need a strip of steel, one end of which should be secured in a vise, mounted on a machine or on a table, and the other end to fix in a hand vise. With the rotation of the hand vise strip evenly twisted into a screw, which is then put on a wooden slider with a predrilled hole. In order that when passing the screw surface of the strip the slider does not have difficulties, the strip is heated and, passing in this state by the slider, make a thread on the strip. To make the cap is suitable small size wooden ball in which a hole is made with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the screw.

How to make a hole in the metal without a drill

How to drill a concrete wall with an ordinary drill?. Such a question probably asked by craftsmen when they had to hang shelves, curtain rods and other.

Concrete is a hard material and therefore is very difficult to drill. Even how to drill a wall in a panel house, the task seems unsolvable.

Although, if you know certain secrets, such a process for you to simplify significantly.

How to drill a hole in a concrete wall without a drill and a torch!

If you need to attach a baguette in the house, but you do not have a jackhammer drill

, if the hole is not made with a drill, the hole can be made with a conventional drill

Eyes are afraid of. hands do it || How to “drill” a hole in the concrete WITHOUT a torch

Eyes are afraid. hands do || How to drill a hole in concrete WITHOUT

PEOPLE My drill with no drill bit

There are such drill bits for drills. But they have a different kind of sputtering. a cadride-tungsten alloy. It is convenient to use them, because to drill a hole with a drill

In the wall of concrete and at the same time make a hole in the tile she is quite able to. only use such drill bits with powerful drills.

Drills. another tool, what to drill a concrete wall. They come in a variety of diameters. In the vast majority of cases, when installing concealed wiring can not do without such a dirty and noisy procedure, as hole drilling. Experienced craftsmen advise to make a selection based on the diameter of dowels.

The peculiarity of deep holes

To drill a deep hole in the metal, it is best to use a lathe. During this process, it is mandatory to perform cooling. In doing so, the chips must be forced out. Remove the tool from the workpiece periodically to remove the chips.

When working without special tools should not sink the nozzle more than 2/3 of its length. For cooling during work it is necessary to use water. If the work is done in several passes, do not change the angle.

Using drill bits

It is often necessary to get a large-diameter hole in the wall for the socket. How to drill a load-bearing wall and then? Then use the bits, which have metal tips on the circumference. Crowns can be found in different sizes, but the most popular are 68-centimeters, which are designed at this time for the sockets. How to make a hole in the drill rpm third way is to do without. How to make a hole in glass, a hole in glass without a drill. When working with these parts, you need to turn off the impact mode.

Wanted to improve my conditions when repairing LED light bulbs with smd LEDs, as well as to work with small-sized boards. I built a compact thermostat with home-built triac power controller (dimmer) out of aluminum platform of a 1000W iron (USSR production) and a Sony DVD player body (the regulator was based on an article from Radio magazine, 1998). It was convenient to work, but the absence of stabilization and temperature indication was not happy.

Somehow it was necessary to make some experiments with the platform :). To do this, I mounted in the center of the platform thermocouple K-type (TXA), and to control heating used homemade analog of a solid-state relay (SSR) on optotriac MOC3041M (schematic in datasheet) and a symmetric thyristor BTA16-600, this circuit gets control signals from a clone temperature controller REX-C100, once purchased in a Chinese online store. The controller was the cheapest, so the main output was the electromagnetic relay and the ALARM relay was absent at all. I converted the main output to a solid state relay. The controller works by PID-algori firmware with changed functionality (compared to the firmware of the original controllers from RKC Instruments), I managed to make friends with it and make friends with the platform from the iron. After several cycles of setting parameters P.I.D. the design received indication of current and target temperatures, and steadily began to hold the set temperature of the plate.

Still, a pile of wires, not insulated high-voltage circuits, as well as a home-made dimmer, which is not used now, caused confusion in the soul of an amateur radio After a plastic (polystyrene) case KRADEX Z-4A-C (X=159mm, Y=139mm, Z=59mm) in black with removable back and front panels came into sight, the realization of what should result appeared! I placed in the case REX-C100, combined board analog of a solid-state relay and dimmer, brought out the front panel of the case controls, and on the back panel. connector output dimmer.

now it is possible to connect an additional radiator for heating components from above to the device and to control its power with the regulator on the front panel. We got mini-station for infrared soldering with independent thermal table function.

In operation I found that the platform surface painted black with heat-resistant paint is not just a whim, but the efficiency of the platform has increased, t.к. now to achieve the target board temperature, the setpoint should be set at 60 ° C below! This event again provoked experiments resulting in a) main output cutoff of REX-C100; b) use of ALARM function built in the REX-C100 to realize preliminary “gentle” heating of external emitter (upper) in order to accumulate heat in the soldering zone and activate flux, before the start of molten solder phase.

Drilling Concrete with a Peorator

So what do you need, how do you drill a hole?

In a concrete slab with a peorator? The procedure isn’t complicated:

  • the drill switches to percussion mode, then drilling begins; the tool must be held strictly at right angles;
  • After a couple of weeks, the drill bit is wet with water, this will help avoid overheating;
  • If it is possible to drill a reinforced concrete wall, the drill, without turning off the machine itself, must be removed;
  • To clean the resulting hole from dust, there several times run the drill bit.

I can’t drill through the wall? The torch hit something hard? Then you have to try to make the hole somewhere else.

Hole in the brick without a drill

How to drill a hole in a brick if you don’t have a drill. The main thing is to find a metal drill bit of the right diameter at home.

  • Break off the spiral rod strictly perpendicular.
  • Use this drill and a hammer to make a hole in the wall.
  • Turn it regularly in a clockwise direction. Then it will gradually deepen more and more.

To make a hole 5 cm deep with a splinter drill bit and hammer, you need about 5 minutes. So if necessary, you can punch through brick with these tools.

How and what is the right way to drill in wood?

Let’s start with what drills are generally used in carpentry. It is easy to distinguish a wood drill from another drill. wood drills necessarily have a guide spike in the center, which is set at the point outlined for the future hole. At the initial stage, it is enough to have two basic types of drills in the workshop. spiral and flat:

Flat drill bit (feather drill bit or “quill”)

make, hole, plywood, drill

A hole in the glass without a drill

A way to make a hole without a drill in the glass so that it does not crack. You will need molten lead for this.

  • Load lead fishing weights into the metal dish.
  • Light a torch and melt them.
make, hole, plywood, drill

In the place where the molten lead was poured, a hole is formed. And the glass will not be damaged.

Screw drill with your own hands

To construct a screw drill, a spinning mechanism from a child’s spinner will work well. Instead of a chuck a pencil holder from a compass is good. When you put the hand down the motor with the same thread, the screw axis of the drill begins to rotate. The head of the drill with this mechanism must rotate freely on the axis.

If you do not have a spiked drill bit handy, you can bend it yourself. You will need a strip of steel, one end of which should be secured in a vise mounted on the machine or on the table, and the other end secured in a hand vise. With the rotation of the hand vise strip evenly twisted into a screw, which is then set on a wooden slider with a pre-drilled hole. In order that the passing of the screw surface of the strip at the slider does not cause difficulties, the strip is heated and, passing in this state on it the slider, make a thread on the strip. To make the cap is suitable small size wooden ball in which a hole is made with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the screw.

Drilling concrete with a peorator

What will be needed, how to drill a hole

in the concrete slab by means of a peorator? The procedure is not complicated:

  • The drill is switched to percussion mode, then drilling begins; the tool must be held strictly at right angles;
  • After a couple of weeks, moisten the drill bit with water, this will help avoid overheating;
  • if you drill a reinforced concrete wall succeeds, the drill, without turning off the machine itself, must be removed;
  • To clean the resulting hole from dust, run the drill bit there several times.

Can’t drill through the wall? The drill has hit something hard? So you have to try to make a hole somewhere else.

What to drill a wall

The best tool for drilling holes in brick and concrete walls has not yet been invented. But rarely can anyone afford the luxury of having such an expensive tool in the household. Usually get an electronic drill percussive action.

Accurate drilling holes

Solve the problem is possible until painfully simple, sticking to the whole area of the side conductor, which is attached to the wall, a sheet of at least some sandpaper glue or 2-sided adhesive tape. In doing so, the grip of the jig with the wall surface increases repeatedly and the drilling ensures this accuracy of positioning of the jig. The hole will be exactly in the place of marking.

Depending on the weight of the product and the density of the wall, you have to drill holes for dowels of different cross section, usually 6 or 8 mm. For the versatility of the conductor, it is necessary to drill with a regular drill

Several holes of the desired cross section.

make, hole, plywood, drill

Finally, a plate at right angles should be attached to the end of the base of the conductor. Thanks to this modification, most of the drilling goods will remain on this shelf, which will prevent the wallpaper from getting dirty and reduce dusting in all directions.

The offered device is also indispensable for drilling holes for attaching baseboards. Drill a hole in the conductor at this height from the shelf. When drilling, you put the shelf on the floor and all the holes you get strictly at the right height from the floor, which will guarantee a tight fit of the skirting board to the floor surface.

Occasionally, we have a product to hang on the wall, for which we must drill several holes in the wall and maintain the distance between them with more precision. If the wall is brick and plastered, it is unrealistic to drill clearly without a drill guide.

For the production of conductor for clear drilling will be suitable board, sheet plywood or metal. After marking in the sheet is drilled with an ordinary drill bit

make, hole, plywood, drill

The desired number of holes. Consider the case for fixing the product on the 2 screws. One hole is drilled with a cross section equal to the cross section of the drill with which the wall will be drilled, the 2nd hole is drilled with a cross section equal to the cross section of the screw. After the conductor is made, the first hole in the wall is drilled with the conductor, to drill accurately as described above, and the dowel is hammered into the hole.

Screw in a hammered dowel to the wall conductor screwed to the wall, aligned with a water level, so that the drilled holes were on the same level.

Thanks to the use of a simple conductor, which can be made in a couple of minutes from any material at hand, the holes came out exactly at this distance from each other.

According to the same technology it is possible to drill

And a number of holes at a greater distance from each other. In this case, firstly the last holes are drilled as described above, the conductor is screwed to the last 2 screws and then all the other holes are drilled.

The proposed options conductors comfortable when repairing apartments, when everywhere mud an everyday thing. But when the repair is finished and cleanliness is imposed, drilling is converted into stress. Do not want to soil carpets and furniture with concrete or brick chips and dust.

Drilling for tile

To drill in tile with a carbide drill bit, not specifically designed for tile, you must, after marking the point of drilling previously remove the glaze.

This is done painfully simple, core, and in his absence, you can, and an ordinary screw or even a thick nail with a sharp end, very light strokes skolokot glaze in place of the future hole and then drill like a brick wall at low speed.

Mistakes when working with a drill

If you perform the work in accordance with the recommendations, choose the right drill bit, the place for drilling and avoid the most common mistakes, it will not be difficult to drill any hole.

Practical tips from the experts

In order to ensure that in the process of drilling openings, the drill bit stands exclusively vertically, use an angle piece. It is placed strictly at right angles, in the same parallel with the drill.

Regular carpentry work involves the purchase of a special stand, it will hold the power tool perpendicular. The stand allows you to control the depth of the groove.

To fix the wooden bar firmly, it is worth using a vice or a workbench. Holding the material in your hand is not safe at all: at the moment of its processing, the dry base can give a crack and split, injuring the master.

To ensure the smoothness of the entrance groove it is recommended to put under its base any remainder of the board, which can later be thrown away. You can drill the product. This technique works well for flat surfaces.

Making a hole straight at a 90 degree angle is not an easy task. It can take a lot of effort to keep the drill straight. BullseyeBore suggests doing it with multiple laser concentric rings.

The BullseyeBore drill uses a simple red laser to project three rings onto the surface where you are going to drill. In order to keep the drill as level as possible during the process, watch the three rings. The inner two will stay in the same position no matter how the drill is tilted, while the outer one can move. By aligning the biggest ring with the two smaller ones, the drill is absolutely vertical and the hole is just perfect.

Additionally, the concentric rings can give information about the depth of the hole. The distance between the large and medium circles will be just an indication of the drilling depth. If this is the pattern at the beginning:

In the middle of the process the circles will get closer together:

The nozzle looks like a small transparent disc with a connector for easy installation on any drill. Lasers, optics, and batteries are already built in. The disc is smooth, lightweight and impact resistant.

Manufacturers are now developing a model where all the stuffing will be implanted in the drill chuck.