How to Make a Manual Potato Planter with Your Hands Drawings

Since childhood, many of us have loved to make paper boats and let them flow in streams. This fun is still popular among those who like tinkering. A boat can be made using plain paper or cardboard. But you can also try materials such as tree branches, polystyrene foam, walnut shells and plastic bottles.

You can build several boats and let them race. Whose boat will sail more, he will win.

Let’s look at a few ship options, starting with two types of paper boats.

How to make a boat (diagram)

You can prepare both a sheet for printing and a landscape or notebook sheet.

Here’s how to make an ordinary paper boat.

So you can make a sailboat / frigate

And this is another type of paper boat

The diagram below shows how to make an origami boat.

How to make a boat (photo)

Prepare a sheet of A4 paper.

1. Fold the sheet in half lengthwise.

2. Bend and unbend the sheet once more in advance to mark the fold points.

3. Bend the top corners to a line.

4. Fold the bottom edges halfway up (this must be done both from the front and from the back).

5. Now bend the bottom corners 90 degrees to the top. Do it on both sides.

6. Also on both sides you need to bend the bottom edges to the end.

7. Taking the folded workpiece by the center, begin to stretch it.

8. The lower edge of the square must be bent up.

9. Again take the workpiece by the center and begin to stretch it.

10. The lower edge must be folded.

11. Holding the workpiece by the ends of the corners, begin to stretch it.

Video: How to Make a Manual Potato Planter with Your Hands Drawings

How to make a boat with your own hands

This is another kind of boat, or rather a steamer with two pipes. Such a ship is very simple to make. Follow the photo instructions.

Prepare a sheet of A4 paper (you can use a simple landscape sheet) and scissors.

1. First you need to make a square from a rectangular sheet.

2. Bend the corners to the middle.

3. Turn the workpiece over and repeat the same, ie bend the corners again to the center.

4. Turn over the workpiece again and repeat the same action a third time.

5. Last time, turn the workpiece over and straighten two opposite corners as shown in the picture. These corners should turn into rectangles, which will play the role of pipes of your ship.

6. It remains to take the product by the tips of the opposite angles, and simply deploy it. The steamer pipes should close.

How to make a boat with your own hands

As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, boats can be made not only from paper. Here’s what you can do if you use, for example, bottle caps.

This craft is quite easy to make. Simply glue three or more bottle caps together using super glue, add a toothpick mast and sail.

If you wish, you can tie a rope with a reel to your boat so that you do not lose it and can return it.

But what a nice boat you can make using a walnut shell.

But here’s how to craft a boat from tree branches.

1. First you need to cut off excess from a piece of polystyrene in order to shape the future ship.

2. Glue a few flat pieces for good feed.

3. While the ship is not very smooth, it means we’ll fix the situation with the help of papier-mâché.

4. Prepare a glue gun and corrugated paper, and tighten the ship’s hull.

5. We decorate the ship with rope sides and masts. Use skewers and superglue for this. For ropes, use thick threads that just need to be glued.

6. Use corrugated paper to make sails.

7. Start decorating. To make a pirate flag, simply print the image on paper and cut out the paper flag.

8. Add candy (glued to the ship) and a paper chest.

Handmade homemade potato planter: how to make your own.

The principle of a manual potato planter device is what you need to do. Asking yourself the question: how to make a potato planter manual do-it-yourself is necessary. On the Internet, you can easily find drawings of a potato planter.