How to mow with an electric trimmer

Why are the tops removed?

There are several reasons why it is advisable to remove the tops before harvesting. Let’s see why this is done, and what positive results the removal of greenery gives.

  • After mowing the tops of potatoes, an accelerated ripening of tubers occurs.
  • Product quality is improved due to the supply of nutrients from the stems to the fruits.
  • The soil between the rows dries out faster and the skin of the fruit coarsens.
  • Reduces the risk of late blight disease in tubers to a minimum.

Young potatoes have a narrow and delicate skin, which is simply damaged during harvesting. To avoid damage, it is necessary to dig out the tubers at the stage of technical ripeness.

The soil, in this area with potato planting, will not pollute the fruits, stick to tools when digging products. This will protect the tubers from rotting. When it often rains, then you need to mow the tops within a week, in other words, 2.4 weeks before harvesting.

Excess moisture encourages new shoots and leaves to sprout on the stems. They will begin to eat due to the use of tubers, taking back vitamins and nutrients to our client, deteriorating the quality of the fruit. This gives rise to the appearance of fungal diseases and viruses. Such potatoes will be poorly stored and many products will die.

How to trim the tops correctly

Lawn Mower Trimmer Lawn Mower Mow Potato Tops.

Lawn Mower Trimmer Lawn Mower Alliance How to cut potato tops. We like to subscribe to the channel.

electric, trimmer

When growing products for storage, cut the stems so that they remain at least 20 cm above the soil level. On bare stems, new leaves and branches will not be able to form, and pesticides have the opportunity to be absorbed directly into the soil.

You can carry out the process of cutting the aerial part of the plants in 2 stages. First, we cut off the tops of all the potatoes in the upper part, with the bulk of the leaves. After a week, you need to carry out the final cleaning of the greenery.

If the bushes have died from the severity of leaves or frequent rains, then the aboveground part is removed to a height of about 15 cm. It is not recommended to completely remove the stems to the level of the soil. this can interfere with harvesting, when visually determining the location of the fruit nests of potatoes.

The optimal pruning time is considered to be the time when at least a month has passed after flowering and the bulk of the fruits is still growing. Then the tubers were fully formed, they accumulated a sufficient amount of starch, mineral and organic substances.

Weeding potatoes with a trimmer. devices and their features

Modern gardeners are well aware that household trimmers can be used not only for mowing grass on the site, but also for weeding grown potato bushes. Weeding with a lawn mower can save you a lot of time and effort. At the same time, the result will delight even the most experienced cultivators.

To cultivate the site and remove green manure and weeds, it is best to use a lawn mower in which the power unit is installed in its upper part. this will allow cutting not only dry, but also wet grass. Weeding potatoes with a row-spacing trimmer is most often done using a mowing head fitted with a cord of the appropriate diameter. At the same time, many experienced gardeners claim that wild vegetation, previously mown with a line with a factory round cross-section, grows much more slowly than grass, which was mowed with a cord with a cross-section in the form of an asterisk.

In some cases, a 3-blade knife is used to cut weeds. It can be metal or plastic. Steel cutting blades can only be fitted to mowers with straight booms. If the tool boom is bent at its lower end, then a plastic cutting attachment must be fitted to the trimmer. The most common problem with metal and plastic knives is the risk of using them. The fact is that in case of contact of the nozzle with a stone or other solid foreign object, the trimmer will fold back or to the side. As a result, there will be a danger of damaging the grown potato bushes.

How to mow potato tops with a trimmer: process features, how to prepare equipment

How to properly mow potato tops with a trimmer.

The main indicator for trimming the aboveground part of plants is yellowing of more than 50% of the stems. These conditions may change if potatoes are grown in the regions of the North and Siberia, where frequent and early frosts are possible. Why risk your harvest when you can speed up tuber ripening and harvesting.

Mowing rules

In order to mow the lawn efficiently and quickly, you need to follow the technique and know some features that will save you time and effort. You can work faster, now we’ll tell you how.

Divide your site into zones. This will help you understand how much you need to complete. Also, you will have no delusions about whether you have already worked here and whether you are not going through the second time. For the first time in the seasons, the lawn is mowed at a level of 4-5 cm, gradually decreasing to 3-4. Set the mowing rate yourself. You can leave more, less. It all depends only on you.

The disadvantage of electric trimmers is that if you mow vegetation during dew, then water can get into the motor of your equipment.

If the motor is located underneath, the likelihood of moisture ingress will be even higher. It is also not recommended to use the trimmer when it rains for the same reasons. Water ingress can cause a short circuit, which in the future may develop into a malfunction of the unit. Therefore, it is better to wait for more favorable weather for work.

It is recommended to work clockwise. It is this direction that will leave the grass cut by you on the outside of the entire mowed area. Hold the coil at least 5 centimeters during operation. This is a safe mowing option that will work well for those new to this type of tool. When it comes to working near a fence or other places where you only need to mow a small part, use the edge of the line. This will help ensure that the engine does not overload and wear out.

How to put on and hold correctly?

The quality of your work also depends on what technique you use. For the correct technique, you must be able to hold the unit, and for convenience, put it on correctly. This is because not all trimmers are equipped with a shoulder strap. If you have one, then you need to put it on so that you feel comfortable. There are models of devices, the belt of which can be uncomfortable, so try to put on the trimmer as conveniently as possible.

During long work, it also happens that pains in the back and muscles occur, so the most conveniently worn tool can reduce the number of such troubles.

Another function is to adjust this belt. On higher quality models, its convenience was given a special role and special positions were made that will allow the scythe driver not to experience inconvenience. You can adjust the belt in height, choosing the one you need.

Now let’s talk about how to properly hold the unit. Different types of trimmers have different handles. For some, it is made in the form of a bicycle handlebar (which ensures the distribution of the load on both hands). On some units, you can see the handle in the shape of the letter D. The bicycle version must be held with both hands, and firmly.

Despite the presence of rubberized handles, it is better to rely on yourself and not hope that they will not slip. Hold the D-shaped grip with one hand and palm to provide a wider grip. This will give you full control of the stick, which will have a positive impact on handling.

How to properly cut grass with a trimmer?

  • General terms of use
  • How to put on and hold correctly?
  • Mowing rules
  • Recommendations

In the midst of the summer season, people who have their own plots have a problem. It lies in the fact that after winter and spring, grass and other vegetation grows very quickly in these areas. Today we will consider options for mowing grass. For example, it is better to disassemble ordinary trimmers, since they provide a person with more scope for action due to direct movement with this technique, and they are relatively inexpensive.

General terms of use

The general rules of use should definitely be reminded to those who are first thinking about how to remove grass with a trimmer and do not yet know how to use it. It is these foundations that will help you start cleaning your site with high quality.

Among summer residents, the tendency to use trimmers is increasingly emerging, because, unlike lawn mowers, they allow you to remove grass in hard-to-reach places, and professional models can even help you process tree branches. Another advantage of the trimmer is the ability to work at height and cut branches, which can also greatly help in cleaning on your territory.

Remove foreign objects from the grass. Make sure the grass is free of stones, ropes, steel or other hard materials before starting work. If hit, the cutting element may be damaged, it will be necessary to repair or replace it.

Another important point is safety. Since lawn mowers have a high rotation speed (they reach several thousand revolutions per minute), even a small stone can fly out at high speed and cause harm to a working person.

Check and inspect all trimmer parts before starting work. Make sure the trimmer works. Since they are electric and gasoline, you will need to organize their work depending on the type of equipment. Electric should be plugged into the power supply and charged if it is not charged, and gasoline should be refueled, if required.

Let the trimmer run in for the first time. If you bought a new device, then you need to let it run for a few minutes without load in order for the motor, knives, fishing lines, and rotating elements to start. This can be called a kind of warm-up for the equipment, in addition, it can help prevent some troubles before direct work, because the assembly and quality of garden equipment are different.

The trimmer motor must be run in beforehand. Running in gasoline is as follows: turn on the trimmer at idle, but first at a low number of revolutions, and then increase their number.

Running an electric trnimmer includes several stages.

  • To get started, start and work with the trimmer for a short time, literally 5 minutes.
  • Then you can increase the running time up to 10 minutes, but you need to monitor the motor so that it does not overheat.
  • After a few trials of the electric trimmer, you can use it on a permanent basis. Do not forget about the engine cooling system, which is available as an additional function on some models.

If you do not know what type of mowing is best to start with, then it is better to try to cut a low lawn with fishing line. This will allow the engine to come into operation smoothly. No need to immediately load it with a large amount of work.

Mowing tall grass

This requires special attention. Tall grass needs more careful processing than simple grass. The fact is that there is an effect of winding the vegetation onto a coil. In this case, the grass remains on it and does not allow the mechanism to rotate at full power. This noticeably slows down the process and reduces the number of revolutions.

To prevent this from happening, go through the path in several stages. Gradually cut a certain amount down the height, going down and down the stem.

As a rule, the base of the stem is much thicker and stronger in tall greenery, so in addition to winding, you can damage the cutting element with hard stems.

It should also be borne in mind that if your technique is working recently, then mowing tall grass can be even more difficult. Therefore, do not work for a long time, so as not to overload the motor. It will be enough 15-20 minutes with a break of 15 minutes. Since it is better to mow the grass in several stages, do not forget about the grass catcher. It will start to clog very quickly and this will lead to problems with the instrument. Clean thoroughly so that it doesn’t take too long before the next cleaning.

Under the hay

Use a disc as a cutting element because meadow vegetation is tougher than usual. It is better than fishing line for hay in that it cuts through dry grass better. This way, the grass will not get stuck on the line, which could result in poor engine performance. The hay does not need to be cut small, it should be quite tall, so try to cut the hay at the root.

Smooth lawn

To create a level lawn surface, try to process the greenery with gardening equipment as low as possible. So all the grass will be the same height, which will make the coating even and beautiful. Don’t forget about the tilt. For best results, tilt the device at least 30 degrees towards the grass surface. This will cut the grass as low as possible. Any other irregularities can be removed with garden shears, if any.

Terratek 20V Cordless Electric Hedge Trimmer 51cm 510mm Cutting Length Easy cut Pro

Before using the technique, it will be advisable for you to read the instructions from the manufacturer itself and familiarize yourself with the general functions and structure of the trimmer. The functions should be located on the control stick. Understanding the constituent parts and components is helpful in the sense that you will know how you can and should handle it. Select the load for the motor, work for the cutting elements. all this will be useful to you during operation.

Pay attention to the following points.

  • First of all, it is technique. She has malfunctions and breakdowns. Before work, carefully check all the components of your technique, because mowing the lawn with such tools is an important matter. You need to check the filters (clean if necessary), the fuel level, cutting elements (in case of a malfunction, it is better to take the knives to the master), the engine and other parts. This can be done after work, but some manufacturers recommend before it.
  • Some trimmers have an engine cooling and vibration damping system, but they are not present everywhere. Therefore, watch out for the heating of the motor during operation, because its overheating can lead to problems. Occasionally draw your attention to bolts and other items. Although the extinguishing system can work, but on some representatives of garden assistants, the paper clips are still gradually unwound, in the end it will lead to breakage.
  • Sometimes it also happens that the turnover falls. In this case, first check all filters, and then try to work. Testing the technique is much better before the immediate action.
  • If parts are broken, it is better to contact a technical center. Do not try to repair the equipment yourself, as this can only accelerate the breakdown. Mechanics have a complete understanding of this technique, you better trust them.

How to work with the trimmer correctly, see below.

How to properly cut grass with a trimmer

Any owner of a country house or suburban area knows that in summer and spring time it is necessary to constantly care for the lawn, otherwise it will lose its external, attractive appearance. Therefore, many dacha owners are wondering how to properly mow the grass with a trimmer with a fishing line. And before you start learning to mow, you need to choose the right tool for the site and only then use it correctly on the lawn.

  • Controlling the trimmer, as it may seem to many, is not an easy task, but also nothing special (there is nothing complicated in it) if you properly observe safety measures and know how to operate it correctly, rather than a garden tool, the cutter of which is a metal disc.

We carry out the correct mowing in both cases

The device should move correctly in front of you and strictly from right to left, because the grass you mowed will surely fall onto an already mown area, which will give you the opportunity to initially mow the tops of the grass. Then you carry out a reverse motion, due to which you will remove any remaining branches of the grass.

  • When working with large areas of the lawn, it is best to divide the work into several stages, visually dividing the territory into squares. In the process of mowing the grass, you should move along the outside, which will make it possible once again not to trample the grass at the same time, without complicating the mowing procedure for yourself. To make it easier to work, it is best to move from the bottom, walking parallel to the already treated area, and then come back.

With this approach, you can easily use the line trimmer to mow the grass around the trees planted on the site, carefully bypassing them, and at the same time without loading the devices. By mowing the grass in the way we recommend above, you can reduce the likelihood of the grass scattering to the sides, ensuring faster and easier processing.

How to mow with a line trimmer

Mowing with a line mower is much safer than a trimmer equipped with a cord, but this is not always optimal and profitable. The cutting main element (mechanism) must be selected based on the garden area and the height of the weed.

electric, trimmer
  • Previously, we looked at how to mow with a line lawnmower in automatic or semi-automatic and manual mode. In automatic mode, the main cutting element (line) is thrown out after each start of the device motor. On the one hand, it is very convenient, but on the other, it is not very economical, for example, your garden plot is of a non-standard shape. there are uneven corners, notches and with each next transition from place to place, you need to turn off the device and then turn it on again. In this case, it is best to use the second, semi-automatic option. This is when the line is fed in the trimmer by pressing a special button located at the very bottom of the drum (in the cutting area). You just need to press the tip to the ground and the line will be thrown out.

If you are an operator, you should understand that the length of the ends of the cutting element (line), which is located on the drum in an extended (working) condition, should not exceed 15 cm.It is this length that should be enough for the average power of grass trimmers.

What you need to do to properly, easily and quickly mow the grass with a trimmer with a line in order for the device itself to serve you much longer than usual.

  • Try to keep the main drum (spool) at least 5 cm off the ground.
  • When mowing taller grass, mow the top first, and only then get close to the stalks to protect your device from breakage and prevent damage to the mower.
  • In the process of mowing grass, it is imperative to insert in the direction of the cutting element (trimmer) in which the coil rotates.
  • The lawn grass, which is located near the walls of the garden area as a decoration, is best mowed using only the edges of the line, so as not to overload the engine and not wear it out too much.
  • Every 15-20 minutes worked, let the device “rest”.

Preparing the trimmer for work

Depending on what kind of trimmer you have, you still need to prepare it before starting work. If the trimmer is electric, we need to charge it, or turn it on to the 220 Volt network and start working like that. If you are using the grass trimmer with petrol fuel, fill the tank. Prepare and check the cutting element, depending on the design. It will not be superfluous to check the safety of the trimmer. When working with the device, it must be hung on the body and hold onto the handles correctly. Use protective goggles or a special mesh (protective) helmet during beveling.

Any owner of a suburban house, as it is also called a summer cottage, knows that in the summer and spring time it is necessary to constantly care for the lawn, otherwise he will lose his own external, pretty look. Therefore, some dacha owners are wondering how to properly mow the grass with a trimmer with a fishing line. And before you start learning how to mow, you need to choose the right tool for the site and only later use it correctly on the lawn.

  • Managing the trimmer, as many might think, is not an easy task, and there is nothing special (there is nothing complicated in a personal computer) if you follow the safety measures correctly and know how to properly manage it, if the garden tools, the cutter of which is an iron disk.

Mowing with a line mower is much safer than a line trimmer, but this is not normal and profitable every time. The cutting main element (mechanism) must be selected based on considerations of the garden area and the height of the weed.

  • Previously, we looked at how to mow with a line lawn mower in automatic or automatic and manual mode. In automatic mode, the main cutting element (line) is thrown out after each start of the device motor. That it is beneficial, but on the other it is not entirely economical, for example, your garden plot of an unusual shape. there are uneven corners, notches and with each subsequent transition to different places, you need to turn off the device, and then turn it on again. It is advisable to use the 2nd, automatic option under such circumstances. This is when the line is fed in the trimmer by pressing a special button located at the very bottom of the drum (in the grass cutting area). It is quite easy to push the tip to the ground and the line will be thrown out.

Here are some tips for cutting tall grass:

  • Try not to overload the mechanism during the bevelling process.
  • If tall grass gets tangled on the line, then immediately turn off the mechanism so that the motor does not burn out.
  • If your trimmer runs on gasoline, cutting wet grass is strictly prohibited.

How to set up a trimmer, how to mow, how to refuel.

If you are an operator, you need to be aware that the length of the ends of the cutting element (line) that is placed on the drum in an extended (working) condition should not exceed more than 15 cm.This length should be enough for an average power of grass trimmers.

What needs to be decided in order to correctly, simply and quickly mow the grass with a trimmer with a fishing line, if you set a goal, the device itself has served you for a long time everyday.

  • Try to keep the main drum (spool) at least 5 cm off the ground.
  • When mowing slightly elevated grass, first mow its top, and only later get to the stems in order to protect your own skill of the device from breakage and prevent damage to the mower.
  • In the course of mowing grass, it is imperative to introduce the cutting element (trimmer) in which the coil is spinning about the direction.
  • The lawn grass, which is located near the walls of the garden plot as a decor, is best mowed using only the edges of the fishing line, so as not to overload the engine and not wear it out very much.
  • Every processed 15-20 minutes, let the device “rest”.

It is better to cut the highest grass in your own garden with a massive trimmer using thick fishing line. Alas, they probably will probably agree that the land almost always where the weeds are located will certainly be uneven, under the influence of which the owners of such garden plots get various debris and various pebbles. So that your precious device (trimmer) does not break down the bevel of the highest grass is much better and faster to mow in two passes. Those. the beginning of everything we cut off the entire top of the grass, identify more difficult mowing areas and go through the mower for the second time.

Preparing the trimmer

If it is raining or has just stopped raining, you may get an electric shock when cutting wet grass. Before using for the first time, make sure you have correctly assembled the device. some models are shipped disassembled. Precise assembly will protect you from injury, and the unit itself from failures and sudden breakdowns. Trimmer assembly instructions are described in the user manual.

When using the trimmer, charge the battery (if the device is designed for autonomous operation). Lubricate the mechanical gearbox with lithol or grease. If the battery is not in the device circuit. connect the plug to the socket and start work.

How to properly operate an electric grass trimmer

When choosing equipment for a summer cottage, it is not always worth chasing powerful and dimensional devices. The power of the tool is undoubtedly an important parameter, but it obviously carries with it the increased weight of the device, its large size, as well as the high price and increased fuel costs. But that’s not the point.

If you have a small garden with densely planted fruit trees or a small lawn with flower beds and shrubs. then clearing it of weeds and carefully mowing the grass is clearly an overwhelming task for any lawn mower. In such cases, even a hand tool. an ordinary scythe will not help: you simply cannot swing it, bumping into tree trunks.

The ideal solution in this case is a good and inexpensive electric trimmer. It is so lightweight, comfortable and easy to operate that it always becomes a favorite of women and the elderly. A lightweight, quietly whirring electric motor, a handle with comfortable grips and a nylon line tucked into a spool. these are the main components of an electric trimmer.

Electric trimmer efficiency

Electrokosa, which operates from a household electrical network, is relevant on a plot with an area of ​​four to six acres, planted with trees, flowers, shrubs. It is convenient for her to carefully mow the grass near the house or along the curb, mow paths, and an environmentally friendly motor that does not produce exhaust, gas and fumes will even make it possible to remove weeds in any covered room. greenhouse or greenhouse.

The trimmer cable limits the cutting radius, but can be extended with a standard extension. If this length is not enough for you, or the parameters of the electrical network do not contribute to the normal operation of the electric motor, then you can purchase a type of electric tool. a cordless trimmer. It works autonomously, the built-in battery lasts for half an hour or an hour of intensive work. quite enough to mow the trees in the garden. The trimmer motor can be positioned at the top of the tool or at the bottom. Upper motor trimmers work well on bumpy and uneven terrain. They are also perfectly balanced and can handle tall and wet grass. no short circuits. The convenience of working with it is also increased by a single-shoulder loop, which is hung on the shoulder. The lower motor trimmer should only be used on dry grass and on level areas. Often it is the lower motor trimmers that run on a rechargeable battery.

How to use the trimmer correctly

The household trimmer is the easiest to use and at the same time very effective tool. It seems that there is nowhere easier. to plug the tool into an outlet and work. But still, there are some nuances that you need to know in order for the trimmer to work for a long time and efficiently.

Site preparation. It is necessary to carefully inspect the mowing area and remove all foreign objects. stones, glass, wire, etc. Having flown out suddenly from under the fishing line during operation, such an object is capable of causing injury.

Installation of the cutting system. There are low-power trimmers that can only work with a line, cutting soft and succulent grass. they do not need to install a cutting system. But some trimmer models with a motor of 1 kW or more can work with a knife. If there are tough weeds or even a small overgrowth of bushes on the site, you need to unscrew the working attachment nut and install the cutting knife. Then tighten the nut tightly with a wrench.

electric, trimmer

Before starting work. It is very important to wear protective goggles when working with the trimmer, because even if you have removed the area from debris, plant stems and grass can fly into your eyes. The same stems, grass and branches can injure hands, so it is advisable to wear gloves. We simply plug in the electric trimmer, but the battery trimmer needs to be charged for several hours before use. Then, if there is a shoulder attachment, we hang it on the shoulder, the knapsack attachment on both shoulders. We conveniently grasp the trimmer by the handles: grasp the D-shaped handle tightly with your palm, and grip the garden trimmer with a bicycle handle (U-shaped) firmly with both hands. The trimmer should be held over the grass so that the line spool or knife is parallel to the ground. Turn on start.

How to mow correctly. The rotation of the cutting mechanism is counterclockwise. Thus, in order for the cut grass to fall onto the already mown area, easily, with simple movements, we carry the trimmer in front of us, from right to left. To remove the remnants of grass, you should make a movement in the other direction. from left to right. If the area is flat and large, break it into imaginary squares and mow, moving along the outside of such a square. If the plot is on a slope, then you need to start mowing from the bottom of the lawn, passing across the plot. in one direction. Having reached the edge, you need to go back and mow in the same direction, parallel. If there are many trees in the area, only cut with fishing line, otherwise you can cut the tree trunk with a knife. In such a garden, it is best to mow around the perimeter, bypassing the tree in a circle.

Completion of work. Turn off the engine and remove the shoulder straps. it is not yet complete completion. It is necessary to carefully clean the spool and knife from the remnants of grass. Then fold the trimmer, if it is telescopic or collapsible, and hide it until the next mow.

The line also has its secrets

The line is wound on a spool inside the spool, with the ends exposed outward. When mowing, the spool rotates, and the line, with this rotation, cuts the grass. To release the ends, you need to lightly hit the coil on the ground (semi-automatic system), there are automatic reels, in which the fishing line is released itself. There are also a few rules when working with fishing line:

In order not to damage the line and reel. Try not to touch the spool and line with various hard materials. tracks, curbs, fences. This will shorten the line prematurely, damage the reel or even jam the engine. The line spool should also not touch the ground.

Cut with the ends is more effective. Cutting the full length of the line can overload the engine. It also reduces the mowing efficiency. The tool should be held so that it only mows with the ends of the line. To do this, tilt it forward. towards the mowing side.

Tall grass requires several mows. If the grass is taller than 20 centimeters, then one mowing will not do here. You need to mow two or three times, from top to bottom. This is to prevent the grass from wrapping around the reel. The wrapped grass is the ensured overheating of the engine. If the grass is still wound, you need to stop the tool and clean it.

The line ran away and hid in the reel. This option happens when you work if you did not release the line from the reel in time. After all, the line is erased and shortened during mowing. If you do not have time to release it, then stop the engine, turn off the tool from the mains, and then disassemble the spool and pass the ends of the line into the desired holes.

What does the line consumption depend on? It must be remembered that the line wears out faster if the grass is tough. Therefore, it is necessary to release it more often when mowing weeds and dry tough grass. Around the foundation of the house, near the wall and curb, the line consumption will also be higher than directly on the lawn or near the trees. It is worth considering: if you work carefully and accurately, then the consumption of the trimmer line will be optimal and economical.