How to properly adjust the plow on a power tiller

How to properly plow with a power tiller. about the procedure in detail

Before you do the main plowing of the vegetable garden with a power tiller, you will need to make a trial processing. it is necessary to check the correct adjustment of the plow, the set depth and roll back the soil.

During conventional ploughing the ridge of each successive furrow should be placed very close to the ridge of the previous furrow. Ploughing should be no more than 10 cm apart. At the same time, each successive furrow should never overlap the previous furrow. In order to achieve such a result during ploughing the right wheel of the used power tiller should not be on the base of the previously made furrow. it is better to have it in the central part of the mouldboard of the previous furrow.

Working according to this principle the farmer achieves the best result and ploughens the area with neat and tidy furrows.

Perfect ploughing with a power tiller. expert advice

Most beginning farmers are afraid to use a single-axle tractor for plowing, because they simply do not know how to properly adjust the plow and perform the upcoming basic land treatment on the plot. Nevertheless, there is nothing complicated about it, and to achieve the best result, you only need to study the recommendations of experts and adhere to them in the process of work.

The size of the cultivated area is of great importance. Based on this factor, you should select the class of the power tiller and the type of attached equipment for plowing.

As you know, all commercially available power tillers are divided into the following categories:

  • Light class power tillers. weight of such machines does not exceed 50 kg, power. not more than 5 l. с. The area of the plot, for which a light single-axle tractor is used, should not be more than 6 acres, otherwise, the unit will succumb to increased loads. Plowing the plot with such a motorblock is carried out with the regular cutters from the set of the unit;
  • Medium-class motoblocs. the weight of such equipment reaches 100 kg, and the power. 12 l. с., which is more than enough to work effectively on plots of up to 20 acres. Soil treatment with this technique is carried out with a light plough;
  • Heavy-duty tractors. with up to 30 liters of power. с. weighing from 100 to 180 kg, these units are capable of effective plowing in areas up to 1 hectare. To do this, power tillers can be equipped with a tractor-mounted plough. Also, high power and big weight give owners of these power tillers the ability to plow the heaviest soils in a quality way.

After deciding on the right implement, it’s time to consider how to plough the land. Smaller areas are best plowed with a tiller. The procedure is essentially uncomplicated. the unit is positioned on the edge of the plot, a high gear is engaged, and then you can start driving with the power tiller. Reach the edge of the field and turn the tractor around by 180° and reverse the procedure. The video will tell you more about plowing soil with a Neva power tiller with cutters.

The situation is very different when ploughing on large areas. For best results during work it is vital to get the plough adjusted correctly. After setting up the attachment properly, make a test drive from one end of the furrow to the other, and then do the same thing in the opposite direction. During this pass the right wheel of the power tiller should be in the center of the previous furrow. During tillage, you need to keep an eye on the plow. given the slope of the motoblock, the attachment must be perpendicular to the surface of the ground. If this rule is not followed, the plough has to be readjusted.

After that you should make the second pass, which will help you estimate the depth of the furrow. If it is too deep, or conversely very shallow, the plow needs to be adjusted. The optimal rate is considered a depth of 15-20 cm.

With improved results when plowing the plot, the work speed can be increased. As a result, the plow you use will fall off the soil faster, and its surface will be smoother and lump-free.

Adjusting the plow on heavy power tillers

In this article we considered the so-called lightweight motor blocks, which are mostly used at dachas. But there are also heavy versions. Their main differences are that the latter are several times more powerful and more cumbersome. They also have diesel engines. This choice is due to the fact that the same volume at the same working speed, the diesel engine has a higher torque than the gasoline engine.

properly, adjust, plow, power

Setting up and adjusting the plow on this type of equipment is no different from the one described above. The only thing worth mentioning is that it is better to make the adjustment with two workers, because the weight of heavy power tillers sometimes exceeds 200 kg.

How to plow with a “Neva” power tiller and plow

The gardening equipment of this brand is very much in demand among dacha owners, thanks to its practicality, convenience in use and low cost.

The power of Neva power tillers is enough for the toughest soils and even for virgin land. In the latter case, no plough is used, but special cutters. The grass on the virgin soil must be mowed before plowing. It can also be cleaned with the use of a power tiller (if you have the appropriate attachments).

Actually, the answer to the question of how to plow the land with a “Neva” with a plow is simple. Of course, just like with any other similar equipment. The only thing that experienced dacha owners recommend changing the oil in this make of motor-block before plowing. Even if it is new.

Plowing a plot

Setting up the plow on your power tiller is important, so before starting work you must do some test plowing to check the alignment. This process includes steps such as:

Evaluate furrow depth and blade quality; Evaluate plow stroke in furrow; Evaluate tiller load; Evaluate hand load.

Only after this check is complete can you start the basic work. If at least one factor does not meet the requirements, you will need to re-adjust the mechanism. The plowing process itself consists of the following processes:

How to plow and till a vegetable garden area that’s never been plowed | John Deere Tips Notebook

For final plowing, place the mini-tractor at the edge of the field where you plan to make the furrow.

Keep the handlebar parallel to the ground. It is not necessary to push hard on the steering wheel and push the single-axle tractor while working, it will do everything by itself. The main thing is to keep the rudder parallel to the ground so that the machine does not sink or sink up;

Once the initial furrow is made, check its depth from the bottom of the furrow to the ridge. When the plowing depth is 15 to 18 cm, you can start the basic process.

Ploughing rules

Medium and heavy power tillers are best suited for ploughing. Cultivators are rarely used. The correct choice of share size is important. For heavy power tillers (about 100 kg) the share size is 23 cm, for medium tillers (about 75 kg) 18 cm.

Working with the plough, plow in 1 downshift or upshift, depending on the soil. Plow in light soils (sandstone, sandy loam, developed loose black earth, gray soils) in high gear. Heavy loam and very soddy soils are plowed in lowest gear. This reduces the speed of the power tiller and plough, but gives maximum power.

Do not overheat engine. When working on larger areas, take breaks to allow the engine to cool down. This is especially important for new, untested machines. Remember this rule. It allows you to get the tiller all the way to the ground.

Setup of a tractor-mounted ploughing implement

There is nothing difficult to install. For this you will need:

  • fasten the plough to the hitch without overtightening the nuts. This is to enable the parameters for the plough to be adjusted later on;
  • the plough hitch has to be fixed to the clevis with two pegs.

This concludes the installation, and we move on to the next stage of adjustment.

Adjustment is a very important step, because it affects both the quality of ploughing and the amount of effort required. If not properly adjusted, the single-axle tractor will not be able to do its job properly and a lot of time will be spent on simple tasks.

Adjusting the ploughing depth

This figure represents the length of the attachment’s depth into the soil as it works. It should be set at a distance that the shovel’s bayonet can take.

If the depth is shallow, most of the roots of weeds will remain in the ground, and this will require additional time and effort to combat them. Otherwise the upper nutrient part of the soil will be mixed with the ones below, and the planted crops will not receive the necessary vital nutrients.

The depth is adjusted using the screws that fasten the plough riser and the lock. This adjustment is made when moving the equipment up or down. However, if there is a single lateral connection and a hole, no adjustment is possible.

Rules for plowing land with a power tiller

Technologically this process is not complicated, but it requires some adherence to common rules, which ensures maximum efficiency of the process and quality of the result.

  • To begin, the machine is set on the edge of the field, the gear is set to maximum, and thus the single-axle tractor is moved forward from itself toward the opposite edge of the plot, holding it by the handles.
  • At the end, a turn is made at 1800 and a similar pass is made. It’s important to remember that every subsequent ridge should be no more than 10 cm behind the previous one. This is easily accomplished by guiding the right plow bit in the middle of the mouldboard of the nearest furrow.
  • To begin with it is recommended to run at low speed. check the first pass with a straight line, keeping the plough perpendicular to the ground and the resultant depth. If any of these parameters are not as expected, the work must be interrupted and the machine adjusted accordingly. Ideally the machine should not move jerkily, nor should the coulter tip dig deep into the soil. Then the speed can also be increased.

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It is recommended to plough through hard and fallow land at least twice: first at a shallower depth, and then at a greater depth.

Setting the plough

The next step is to mount the plough to a single-axle tractor, which is also a very responsible measure.

It is worth noting that to install the plow to the design of the power block Neva and other models use a hitch. To put the plowing mechanism on the block, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • before installing the plough, a wooden block is placed under the left wheel of the unit, which will allow a kind of recreation of the ploughing process;
  • It is important to specify the plowing depth in advance, since the plow design may vary;
  • When working on dacha and garden plots, the depth varies from 10 to 20 cm;
  • the unit must be hinged on a single-point mount, and then secured with 2 bolts;
  • if the motoblock does not have a single-point system, then the hitch is connected, and the plow is attached to it;
  • when installing through a hitch, it is mandatory to have a horizontal clearance, but no more than 5 degrees;
  • if the bolt connections are overtightened, more physical effort will have to be applied when ploughing.

When the single axle tractor and its plough are ready for work, the following adjustment procedure is carried out.