How to remove the head of the Huter lawn mower.

Review: Huter Eth-400 head with fishing line for trimmer for GET-400 SAF grass. New head for a completely unstable lawn mower.

The new assembly assembly allows you to completely replace the failed former. The bonus is equipped with a sufficiently strong fishing line, which is enough for the first period of work.

Weak design of brass bushings through which a fishing line for a trimmer is served outside. From the experience of the previous head, they are wiped with fishing line, loosened in their mounts, and in the future they can completely fly and get lost.

The Huter Get-400 electric trimmer has not been produced for not the first year, and is widely sold at present. At the bottom of the plastic case of the device is a 350-watt electric motor, which will be more powerful than that of a number of modern electric scooters. The Huter Eth-400 head rotates on the axis of this electric motor with a high speed with a fishing line, which refuel 5-6 meters into it, depending on the diameter. The diameter of the fishing line can be from 1.2mm to 1.6mm. The ends of the trimmer’s head for the grass mowed the grass, and this is done quite efficiently. At least with periodic mowing under the root of weaves in a private household, this model of a trimmer trimmer copes with confidently. His only drawback. The low length of the case, which when working with the device makes a person of average or higher than average height bend very much. A short network cord, which is typical for a suspended type of device, is not a problem. A 20-50 meters network extension cord, which can be found on sale for a completely adequate cost, can significantly expand the radius of using a trimmer for grass away from the network outlet.

The head of the Huter Eth-400 fishing line, which the Huter Get-400 electric trimmer was equipped from the factory, initially the manufacturer refers to consumables. Which means the need for its periodic replacement with a new. In principle, it will withstand two or three full refueling with a 5-meter fishing line, and then it will require replacement due to wear of its plastic details. Initially, the quality of the performance of this head cannot be recognized as high. Fully made of plastic, when working, a trimmer for grass rotates with a frequency of up to 10,000 revolutions per minute, experiencing considerable mechanical loads. From the rapid wiping of the plastic in the places of exit of the fishing line from the head of the head, it is protected by brass bushings, which take on the main mechanical load from the fishing line. However, the quality of the hollows of both brass bushings in the body of the head is low. They are gradually loosening in their fasteners, and in the future they can completely fly and get lost in the grass. Without these bushings, a trimmer fishing line for a trimmer wipes the grooves in the bare plastmass in just a few minutes of work of the trimmer for the grass, after which the entire node becomes unusable.

In our case, part of the head with a fishing line, which was equipped with a plant from the plant, was generally broken out after contact with a stone during the mowing of the grass. After that, the broken part along with the sleeve for the exit of the fishing line “shot”, flying into the grass for a dozen meters. By the way, in the lower photo of the previous head of the trimmer for the grass, the preserved sleeve at the place of the fishing line is already installed by a home.made. Factory brass bushings by this time both had a fishing line through. Both homemade fishing sleeves installed instead stuck out a little more than the previous factory. This is what caused such catastrophic consequences in contact with the stone. A sticking home.made sleeve flew into it at all its speed of 10,000 rpm:

The new head was swirled to replace the failed factory. Interestingly, the same model of a trimmer for Huter Get-400 grass is produced in two Chinese factories. One of the manufacturer’s factories is called ENB, and the second factory is called SAF. over, there is no information on the trimmer and its factory stickers about which factory a trimmer for GET-400 grass was made from the German manufacturer Huter, the ENB or SAF factory, is not available. But this information can be found on the barcode of the factory box from the trimmer for the grass. Ours was made at the SAF factory. cm. The beginning of the upper line of numbers:

The name of the factory needs to be known in order to choose the right Huter Eth-400 head. Despite the same labeling, for the model of trimmers Huter Get-400 release of ENB and SAF factories, these heads are different, and they are not interchangeable. over, today on the manufacturer’s website the Huter Eth-400 ENB head is offered for 230, and the Huter Eth-400 SAF head is sold in the same place for 370.

This new Huter ETH-400 head right on the box has a SAF marking, despite the fact that on the store’s website where it ordered, there were no such subtleties at all. But when choosing a head for a specific modification of a trimmer for Huter Get-400 grass, this information should be taken into account so as not to get into a mess. The factory box with a new head looks as follows:

Type of the head in the foundation laid out of the base. To replace the head, a nut and a rubber sleeve can not be removed from the case with the impeller. In the lower photo they are extracted:

Brass bushings in the body of the head are not covered with very high quality. From the inside, the blocking is well done, and outside it was not made very soundly in both bushings. But due to poor hollows, these bushings are first loosened in their nests, and then they can fall out and get lost:

The main malfunctions of the coil

Users of the electrimmer and lawn mower often face a problem associated with a semi.automatic braid head. Coil malfunctions can be as follows:

The cord spontaneously lengthens

There are situations when a user of a trimmer for grass notices a very fast fishing line consumption. At the same time, he never hit the ground with a button to lengthen the fishing line. The reason that the fishing line for a trimmer spontaneously lengthens, cutting off a special knife on the casing of the device, may be the absence of a spring in a mowing head. Often beginner users of mowers, trying to charge a fishing line for a trimmer into a coil, forget to install a clamping spring in the head, or completely lose it when opening the lid, and in the future, they do not even suspect its existence.

Also, a fishing line for a trimmer can lengthen without using a button if the spring is weakened. If the spring check confirmed this fact, then it is necessary to put several goals under it to strengthen its clamping properties.

How to remove the coil and replace the fishing line for the trimmer

The owners of the trimmers, mainly beginners, confuse, bordering on panic, when it becomes necessary to change the cutting tool or fishing line for a trimmer in a reel. Very often, when trying to unscrew the mowing head, users simply make it unusable, not suspecting that it is unscrewed in the opposite direction. So that this does not happen, if you need to replace the tool, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the instructions given below.

  • Before refueling the fishing line for the trimmer to the coil, drown out the engine of motorcycles or de.energize the ethletric trimmer for the grass to avoid injuries that may occur in case of accidental rotation of the cutting tool.
  • Unscrew the nozzle mounted on the gearbox shaft. To do this, the shaft must be fixed by combining holes on the puck and on the axis, and inserting a metal rod or screwdriver into them.
  • Unscrew the nozzle. You should know that the thread on the shaft is left. Therefore, to twist the coil of the trimmer for the grass should be right, that is, clockwise.
  • Disassemble the mowing head. Most often, the head cover is attached to the fixers. To remove it, you need to drown these latches into the case, pressing the edges of the lid. If your trimmer has a semi.automatic mowing head, which has a button from below, then disassembling the nozzle should be done carefully, since you can lose a spring that sometimes flies away when removing the cover.
  • Cut the required amount of fishing line. Usually its length is 5 meters. Use the cord of the diameter that is indicated in the instructions for the tool. It is not recommended to exceed the maximum diameter of the fishing line, since this will lead to increased load on the engine and greater consumption of gasoline.
  • Find the middle of the segment of the cord, folding it in half. You will get a loop.
  • Special grooves are cut out inside the coil (there may be holes). Insert the loop from the fishing line into this groove.
  • Wind a fishing line for a trimmer to a coil, turning it counterclockwise. You need to refuel the cord as evenly as possible, the turns should be laid without ceiling and with good tension. When the winding is finished, leave the free ends of the fishing line about 20 cm long and fix them in the grooves located on the sides of the coil.
  • Collect the braid head. Before you finally collect the nozzle, do not forget to insert a spring and washer (if it is available). Install the coil in the case, and prone the ends of the cord through the holes or eye.
  • Dress the lid and fix it with latches.
  • Screw the nozzle back to the gear shaft, also fixing it with a screwdriver. Tighten the coil of the trimmer for the grass will need to go to the left (against h. Arrows).

The fishing line for the trimmer does not extend automatically

If, with a light blow, the trimmer coil button for grass on the ground is not lengthened for a trimmer, then the reasons for this may be the following.

Option 1. there was a snack, t.e. Squeezing the cord between turns. This problem usually appears if the user wound a fishing line for a trimmer to the coil unevenly, with the intersection of the turns, or wound it with insufficient tension. In the latter case, when the mowing head is rotated at large revolutions under the influence of centrifugal force, the cord begins to drag on, as a result of which the interitral clamping of the fishing line is possible. To eliminate the problem, you will have to disassemble the coil on the trimmer and rewind the cord correctly, that is, with even turns with good tension.

Option 2. too short ends protrude from the head. A fishing line for a trimmer may not exit when hitting the ground, if its ends sticking out of the head, insufficient length (short). In this case, the centrifugal force is not enough for the fishing line for the trimmer to stretch. Therefore, it is required to stop the unit (drown out the engine or turn off the ethletric trimmer for grass from the network) and pull the fishing line for the trimmer manually, after pressing the button.

Option 3. a fishing line for a trimmer was soldered inside a mowing head. This leads to the fact that the coil is stopped and does not spin when the button is pressed. Basically, this happens for several reasons: poor quality of the cord, overheating of the coil with prolonged operation of the unit, a fishing line on solid items.

  • In the first case, the cord of manufacturers can be made of low.quality and fusible materials that do not withstand the mechanical and temperature load. Therefore, preference should be given to “branded” fishing.
  • But, if you still purchased a fishing line for a trimmer of unknown quality, and it is often soldered during operation, then you can follow the example of some users who, after refueling the cord, moisten it either with silicone grease (from the spray can) or mineral oil). This procedure greatly reduces the likelihood of soldering a fishing line among themselves.
  • Also, a fishing line for a trimmer can sleep if during a mowing it hit a hard object (stone, fence, dry branch, etc.D.). As a result of this, it is slightly stretched and draws back into the head with high speed. The cord is heated from friction, and its turns are sticking together. The only thing that can be done to eliminate this malfunction is to open a trimmer coil for grass and rewind a fishing line for a trimmer.

Recommendations related to repair

Mechanical problems are associated with damage to the trimmer head. This component is most often exposed to wear, and this element often contacts the environment. There are several options for a breakdown that is mechanical.

Electric version of braids for grass

Self.propelled type of these units can be used anywhere, but only next to the power supply. Silent, they are often used near schools, kindergartens, as well as hospitals and clinics. They are quite actively used in private territory.

The models are easy to manage, have a low noise level, high reliability, as well as an acceptable price.

remove, head, huter, lawn

How to disassemble a coil

Before planning the repair of a fishing reel with your own hands, you should worry about the availability of the necessary materials and tools. For these purposes, the fisherman will need curly and flat boost of small and medium sizes, round.liners, tweezers, an awl, soft and tough hair structure, oily, a piece of rags, as well as any type of cleansing, alcohol.containing liquid and special mineral oil designed to lubricate the rubbing Details of the device.

It is convenient to carry out manipulations with a repair table under a bright lamp with a white spectrum of light, on a substrate of a sheet of white paper, where small details and connecting elements of the product will be clearly visible.

How to remove the head of a trimmer for grass: Basic rules

It is necessary to remove the trimmer head, adhering to the elementary rules in working with a motorcycle and an electric counterpart, and the main ones we will call:

  • Jam the gearbox for unscrewing the head with a special hexagon or neatly screwdriver, immersing it in a special hole. The latter can greatly clog with grass and merge with a common color, therefore. delicately clean and find it;
  • It is necessary to jam so that the shaft does not turn;
  • Especially carefully work with the dismantling of a broken or cracked coil. its elements can be everywhere;
  • Many users of a benzo.wrap today are looking for a “trimmer for grass to remove the head” today, and in instructive articles and videos we also make Accent on different types of threads. take into account the nuances of your tool;
  • For ease of work, it is practiced to turn the tool down down the engine, laying on a horizontal surface;
  • Shock and sharp efforts attached when removing the mowing head are inappropriate, since the plastic delicate case can be damaged;
  • Install a new coil or old, if it is still suitable, you need to be a cleaned tool.
  • The new tackle must meet the parameters of the old. Installation of another component, the characteristics of which do not meet the power of braids for grass, can negatively affect its elements and the operation of the mechanism as a whole;
  • We recommend working with a cleaned tool to avoid getting garbage and small particles of grass into the holes;
  • Blocking the gearbox by threading into the groove of the screwdriver is a mandatory procedure when installing a new coil or removing the old;
  • Remember the prevailing of the left thread on the gearbox of most trimmers;
  • Do not forget to remove the screwdriver from the groove groove at the end of the installation of the coil in place;
  • All fixations and removal must be carried out delicately, remembering that the coil is made of thin plastic;
  • It is not worth it to tighten the new coil (or the old one in its place), since after the working hours it will be impossible to remove it at the next time withdrawal. It is also not necessary to fix too easily. weigh the load laid on this node during operation and the resistance of the cutting material;
  • If you need to determine a knife or spool instead of a trimmer for a trimmer for grass. analog cutting tackle, then the gearbox block is also carried out, twisting is carried out according to the same scheme, but the installation itself is slightly different due to the specifics of each individual gear. Mount the knives on a trimmer for grass with a coil if the tool functionally works with different types of gear.

If you need to buy a fishing line for a trimmer for a trimmer for grass, then you can do this in the vastness of our site, and how to mount and replace it correctly. we will tell you joy in our articles.

The main malfunctions of the coil

Users of the electrimmer and lawn mower often face a problem associated with a semi.automatic braid head. Coil malfunctions can be as follows:

Summer was rainy this year, so the grass rushes, as if on yeast. I tried to cut down the weeds with a pull a couple of times, but quickly cooled to this tedious occupation.

I decided that it was best to purchase a trimmer for grass. preferably not expensive, but so that even weeds could mow. There was no desire to order a gasoline unit. you need to take care of it and regularly turn on, otherwise the fuel system will clog. then then. I have only 5 acres of the site, so you can reach with a 20 meter densaway of 20 meters everywhere. And an electric trimmer for grass is cheaper than gasoline.

Having run over the Internet, I decided to order an electric trimmer for Huter Get-600 grass on Citeline.

First leaned towards buying the Huter Get-400-it costs only 1410. But the power is painfully low. 300 watts. For the same reason, Bosch Art 23 SL with even lower power also rejected.

But the HUTER GET-600 engine capacity is declared at 600 watts, which should be enough for comfortable work. The price, of course, is higher. 2880 rubles, but I took it for 2770.But, if you have bonuses, then with a discount it will be even cheaper.

In a couple of days I received an order. I apologize that there is no box in the photo and a trimmer for the grass is already used, but my camera was taken to the sea, but I could not resist and not try out a new tool. Excuse me.

The grass trimmer is packed in a long, but not particularly overall box. Nothing is required to collect, all that it was needed is to fix it on 3 screws (we need a cross screwdriver) protective casing.

The handle under the left hand is installed with a simple press of yellow buttons on the sides. when clicking them, you can also set the handle on the required angle of inclination.

The whole assembly took 5 minutes. no more.

The trimmer for the grass has a spreading handle. for this you need to loosen the nut on the case, put forward the handle and twist the nut again. Conveniently, with my growth just below 170 cm, the instrument is just by the arm.

The cord is short, but now on almost all electrical tools. I just went to the store, bought 20 meters of cable and a socket with a plug and in 5 minutes I collected a carrier.

That’s what I didn’t like is a solution with a fishing line fastening. The fishing line for the trimmer is wound on the reel. You can wound a maximum of 4 meters. As for me. it would be better to make small segments of the fishing line. it would be more convenient. But the coil will go, in principle, adapted. normal. Only release a fishing line for a trimmer yourself, there is no automation. On the other hand, this is even good. so the design is simpler and more reliable.

You can immediately throw a fishing line for a trimmer that goes along with a trimmer. Even on a lawn grass, it breaks every 1-2 minutes and does not really cut the grass. Better go to the store and buy a reinforced fishing line for a trimmer 2 mm thick (this is an orange fishing line for a trimmer in the photo. this is it). It is quadrangular in terms and reinforced with fiberglass. Such a hundred and more high grass can be mowed and never change the fishing line for the trimmer. I think it will be even cooler if you use a thin steel guitar string.

The reinforced fishing line cuts and thick weeds, and literally under the root. I dumped the whole site during the day. I have only trees and berry bushes on it, I don’t sit potatoes or vegetables, so there were a lot of thickets of grass. There is no special vibration during the operation of the unit, the engine even in intensive work in the heat practically does not heat up.

In general, if you change the fishing line for a trimmer, then the tool works like a beast. it cuts literally everything, even young shoots of trees, and under the root. I even managed to smooth them for them. I tried it. it turns out and you don’t need to work with garden scissors. I recommend. a trimmer for the grass standing, if you handle it correctly.

Personally, I believe that the purchase is fully justified and I don’t need a better tool. I am completely satisfied with the purchase. At the price of a trimmer for the grass, saving fair.

What can I advise. do not mow wet grass in the morning or immediately after the rain. the engine is located below, it is not good if water gets on it.

How the trimmer works for the grass, look at the video. I shot how to work with it and how it mows grass.

The main malfunctions of the coil

Users of the electrimmer and lawn mower often face a problem associated with a semi.automatic braid head. Coil malfunctions can be as follows:

The cord spontaneously lengthens

There are situations when a user of a trimmer for grass notices a very fast fishing line consumption. At the same time, he never hit the ground with a button to lengthen the fishing line. The reason that the fishing line for a trimmer spontaneously lengthens, cutting off a special knife on the casing of the device, may be the absence of a spring in a mowing head. Often beginner users of mowers, trying to charge a fishing line for a trimmer into a coil, forget to install a clamping spring in the head, or completely lose it when opening the lid, and in the future, they do not even suspect its existence.

Also, a fishing line for a trimmer can lengthen without using a button if the spring is weakened. If the spring check confirmed this fact, then it is necessary to put several goals under it to strengthen its clamping properties.

remove, head, huter, lawn

The fishing line for the trimmer does not extend automatically

If, with a light blow, the trimmer coil button for grass on the ground is not lengthened for a trimmer, then the reasons for this may be the following.

Option 1. there was a snack, t.e. Squeezing the cord between turns. This problem usually appears if the user wound a fishing line for a trimmer to the coil unevenly, with the intersection of the turns, or wound it with insufficient tension. In the latter case, when the mowing head is rotated at large revolutions under the influence of centrifugal force, the cord begins to drag on, as a result of which the interitral clamping of the fishing line is possible. To eliminate the problem, you will have to disassemble the coil on the trimmer and rewind the cord correctly, that is, with even turns with good tension.

Option 2. too short ends protrude from the head. A fishing line for a trimmer may not exit when hitting the ground, if its ends sticking out of the head, insufficient length (short). In this case, the centrifugal force is not enough for the fishing line for the trimmer to stretch. Therefore, it is required to stop the unit (drown out the engine or turn off the ethletric trimmer for grass from the network) and pull the fishing line for the trimmer manually, after pressing the button.

Option 3. a fishing line for a trimmer was soldered inside a mowing head. This leads to the fact that the coil is stopped and does not spin when the button is pressed. Basically, this happens for several reasons: poor quality of the cord, overheating of the coil with prolonged operation of the unit, a fishing line on solid items.

  • In the first case, the cord of manufacturers can be made of low.quality and fusible materials that do not withstand the mechanical and temperature load. Therefore, preference should be given to “branded” fishing.
  • But, if you still purchased a fishing line for a trimmer of unknown quality, and it is often soldered during operation, then you can follow the example of some users who, after refueling the cord, moisten it either with silicone grease (from the spray can) or mineral oil). This procedure greatly reduces the likelihood of soldering a fishing line among themselves.
  • Also, a fishing line for a trimmer can sleep if during a mowing it hit a hard object (stone, fence, dry branch, etc.D.). As a result of this, it is slightly stretched and draws back into the head with high speed. The cord is heated from friction, and its turns are sticking together. The only thing that can be done to eliminate this malfunction is to open a trimmer coil for grass and rewind a fishing line for a trimmer.

How to remove the coil and replace the fishing line for the trimmer

The owners of the trimmers, mainly beginners, confuse, bordering on panic, when it becomes necessary to change the cutting tool or fishing line for a trimmer in a reel. Very often, when trying to unscrew the mowing head, users simply make it unusable, not suspecting that it is unscrewed in the opposite direction. So that this does not happen, if you need to replace the tool, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the instructions given later.

  • Before refueling the fishing line for the trimmer to the coil, drown out the engine of motorcycles or de.energize the ethletric trimmer for the grass to avoid injuries that may occur in case of accidental rotation of the cutting tool.
  • Unscrew the nozzle mounted on the gearbox shaft. To do this, the shaft must be fixed by combining holes on the puck and on the axis, and inserting a metal rod or screwdriver into them.
  • Unscrew the nozzle. You should know that the thread on the shaft is left. Therefore, to twist the coil of the trimmer for the grass should be right, that is, clockwise.
  • Disassemble the mowing head. Most often, the head cover is attached to the fixers. To remove it, you need to drown these latches into the case, pressing the edges of the lid. If your trimmer has a semi.automatic mowing head, which has a button from below, then disassembling the nozzle should be done carefully, since you can lose a spring that sometimes flies away when removing the cover.
  • Cut the required amount of fishing line. Usually its length is 5 meters. Use the cord of the diameter that is indicated in the instructions for the tool. It is not recommended to exceed the maximum diameter of the fishing line, since this will lead to increased load on the engine and greater consumption of gasoline.
  • Find the middle of the segment of the cord, folding it in half. You will get a loop.
  • Special grooves are cut out inside the coil (there may be holes). Insert the loop from the fishing line into this groove.
  • Wind a fishing line for a trimmer to a coil, turning it counterclockwise. You need to refuel the cord as evenly as possible, the turns should be laid without ceiling and with good tension. When the winding is finished, leave the free ends of the fishing line about 20 cm long and fix them in the grooves located on the sides of the coil.
  • Collect the braid head. Before you finally collect the nozzle, do not forget to insert a spring and washer (if it is available). Install the coil in the case, and prone the ends of the cord through the holes or eye.
  • Dress the lid and fix it with latches.
  • Screw the nozzle back to the gear shaft, also fixing it with a screwdriver. Tighten the coil of the trimmer for the grass will need to go to the left (against h. Arrows).

How to remove a coil from a trimmer for Huter grass

Trimmer for grass, gasoline or electric, is the only correct solution for mowing grass in places that cannot be used to work with a wheeled lawn mower. As a cutting tool in trimmers, metal knives or a special fishing line for a trimmer are used, which is inserted into a trimmer coil for grass. But, unfortunately, three.dimensional heads eventually become unsuitable. Some malfunctions can be eliminated with your own hands, and some may require a complete replacement of the mower.

Trimmer heads of mowers come in different designs, both simple and complex. The figure below shows a semi.automatic trimmer head from Husqvarna (Husqvarna) Motorcycles in a disassembled form.

This type of head is present in the configuration of most gas braids and electric trimmers, such as Stihl, Patriot (Patriot), Champion (Champion), Bosch (Bosch), Huter (Huter) and others. The head of the mower is quite simple. It consists of the following details:

  • mow your head;
  • button for semi.automatic cord supply;
  • coil (coil) in which the hair is supplied;
  • Spring;
  • eyes. through them hair;
  • trimmer head cover for grass;
  • Fishing line for a trimmer of hair (cord).

The following photographs also show simpler three.dimensional heads.

All these nozzles do not allow you to change the length of the hair in semi.automatic mode (after pressing the button). In the case of a cable break, the mower must be stopped and manually replaced.

The main malfunctions of the coil

Users of electric trimmers and black cutters often face the problem of semi.automatic mowing. Coil malfunctions can be as follows:

If the fishing line for the trimmer is not lengthened by the light touch of the trimmer button for the grass to the ground, the causes may be the following.

Option 1. there was a bite, that is, a clamping cord between turns. This problem usually occurs if the user wraps the coil unevenly, crossing the turns, or starts it with insufficient voltage. In the latter case, when the cutting head rotates at high speed under the influence of centrifugal force, the cord begins to contract, which leads to a possible twisting of the hair growth line. To eliminate the problem, you will have to disassemble the coil on the trimmer and correctly rewind the cord, that is, even spins with good tension.

Option 2. too short ends stick out of the head. A shock fishing rod may not appear when hitting the ground if its protruding ends have insufficient length (short). In this case, centrifugal force is not enough to stretch the fishing line for the trimmer. Therefore, it is necessary to stop the unit (turn off the engine or disconnect the electric trimmer for grass from the network) and manually stretch the fishing line for the trimmer, first pressing the button.

Option 3. Fishing line for a trimmer of hair is soldered inside the head of a mowing head. This makes the coil stop and do not rotate when you press the button. This is mainly due to several reasons: the poor quality of the cord, overheating of the coil with continuous operation of the unit, the effect of the line on solid objects.

  • In the first case, a cord can be made of low.quality and fusible materials that do not withstand mechanical and thermal loads. Therefore, preference should be given to “branded” fishing.
  • But if you are still acquiring the quality of unknown quality, and it is often soldered during operation, then you can follow the example of some users who, after filling the cord in the coil, moisten it or silicone lubricant (from a spray can) or mineral oil). This procedure significantly reduces the likelihood of soldering the coil of the wire.
  • In addition, it can be soldered if it is stuck in a solid object (stone, fence, dry branch, etc. D.) During the mowing. As a result, it is slightly stretched and diverted back to the head at high speed. The cord is heated due to friction, and its coils stick together. The only thing you can do to eliminate problems is to open a trimmer to the grass and rewind a fishing line for a trimmer.

How to remove the coil and replace the fishing line for the trimmer

The owners of the trimmers, mainly beginners, confuse, bordering on panic, when it becomes necessary to change the cutting tool or fishing line for a trimmer in a reel. Very often, when trying to unscrew the mowing head, users simply make it unusable, not suspecting that it is unscrewed in the opposite direction. So that this does not happen, if you need to replace the tool, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the instructions given later.

  • Before refueling the fishing line for the trimmer to the coil, drown out the engine of motorcycles or de.energize the ethletric trimmer for the grass to avoid injuries that may occur in case of accidental rotation of the cutting tool.
  • Unscrew the nozzle mounted on the gearbox shaft. To do this, the shaft must be fixed by combining holes on the puck and on the axis, and inserting a metal rod or screwdriver into them.
  • Unscrew the nozzle. You should know that the thread on the shaft is left. Therefore, to twist the coil of the trimmer for the grass should be right, that is, clockwise.
  • Disassemble the mowing head. Most often, the head cover is attached to the fixers. To remove it, you need to drown these latches into the case, pressing the edges of the lid. If your trimmer has a semi.automatic mowing head, which has a button from below, then disassembling the nozzle should be done carefully, since you can lose a spring that sometimes flies away when removing the cover.
  • Cut the required amount of fishing line. Usually its length is 5 meters. Use the cord of the diameter that is indicated in the instructions for the tool. It is not recommended to exceed the maximum diameter of the fishing line, since this will lead to increased load on the engine and greater consumption of gasoline.
  • Find the middle of the segment of the cord, folding it in half. You will get a loop.
  • Special grooves are cut out inside the coil (there may be holes). Insert the loop from the fishing line into this groove.
  • Wind a fishing line for a trimmer to a coil, turning it counterclockwise. You need to refuel the cord as evenly as possible, the turns should be laid without ceiling and with good tension. When the winding is finished, leave the free ends of the fishing line about 20 cm long and fix them in the grooves located on the sides of the coil.
  • Collect the braid head. Before you finally collect the nozzle, do not forget to insert a spring and washer (if it is available). Install the coil in the case, and prone the ends of the cord through the holes or eye.
  • Dress the lid and fix it with latches.
  • Screw the nozzle back to the gear shaft, also fixing it with a screwdriver. Tighten the coil of the trimmer for the grass will need to go to the left (against h. Arrows).

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Preliminary preparation

First of all, to wind the fishing line, it is required to remove the coil (bobbin, spool) from the trimmer for the grass. specific actions will depend on the complexity of the configuration and the type of product itself:

  • Small electric trimmers for grass with a working location of the engine and coils in the lower part, as a rule, have side keys on both sides of the bobbin. With the simultaneous press on them, the upper part of the coil, along with the internal contents for winding the fishing line, is disconnected, while the lower remains on the trimmer. It is advisable to analyze the bobbing in an even smooth place, so that the spring does not jump out and not be lost;
  • Electric and gasoline trimmers for grass with a curved rod without the ability to install a knife, as a rule, have coils with a special lamb: in such structures, you should hold the spool in a fixed position with one hand, and rotate the fixing bobbin on the bar with a barack’s baracks. After disconnecting the nut, the whole bobin is removed.
  • Electric and gasoline trimmers for grass with the ability to install a knife on a straight rod (for example, trimmers for STIHL grass) have a hole. For the immobility of the bar, a screwdriver or another suitable object is inserted into this hole and, with slow rotation, such a mutual arrangement is achieved when the screwdriver enters the hole and the bob is fixed. After that, the coil body is scrolled clockwise (with the left thread) and removed from the trimmer for the grass.

For the second and third cases, the coil, depending on the design, are versed in various ways. In the bobbins with a lamb, lamb is twisted, in the reels with latches, latches-fixers are pressed and one part of the coil is freed from the other. If the halves of the spool are connected by thread, then it is enough to turn them with your hands in the opposite directions until they are completely developed.

The device is a trimmer head

Semi.automatic trimmer heads are considered the most popular in the market. A typical representative of the mechanisms of this type is a universal semi.automatic head, which is equipped with electric trimmers for grass and lawn mowers such well.known brands as Bosch, Huter, Husqvarna, etc. Its device is shown in the figure.

  • Corps (pos.6) with a lid (pos.1), equipped with special eyes (poses.5) through which the cutting cord is displayed;
  • Shpulya (pos.3), on which a fishing line for a trimmer is wound (pos.7);
  • a pressing spring (pos. four).

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There are other simpler heads.

The procedure for removing a mowing head of a trimmer for grass.

The design and fastening of the working part of the electric scooter differ significantly between different manufacturers. But given that in our markets there are many copies of less well.known brands, the procedure can be suitable for owners of other portable garden equipment for lawns and herbs.

Trammering head replacement tool.

To replace, remove the cutting head from the tool, we need a spark nozzle that usually comes with the kit, or a flat wide screwdriver. Using a hexagon, instead of a sprocket, it will not work, the nozzle slides, licking the edges of the star onto the screw.

remove, head, huter, lawn

Review: trimmer head Huter. One of the serious ambush of trimmers Huter.

A semi-automatic head with a fishing line for trimmers Huter Eth-1200 is supplied with a 2mm thick with a thick-colored fishing line of 5m.Height of the head 320g.The head has a bobbin with a fishing line and two metal holes through which the ends of this fishing line are removed that carry out the mowing of the grass during the rapid rotation of the head of the trimmer for the grass.Designed for electric trimmers Huter Get-1200SL.

When the grass is spent, the ends of the fishing line wear out and their length decreases.Therefore, the radius of the capture of the mowing becomes less.You can restore the length of the ends of the fishing line with a slight blow to the ground of the button located in the center of the head, when the head of the trimmer for grass is gaining momentum.

After that, the two ends of the fishing line will supply, the excess of which will be cut off when the trimmer for the grass rotates for the grass.

Sooner or later, one of the cutting ends under the root breaks out at the fishing line and it is necessary to re.dispatch it, or the fishing line for the trimmer ends and it is necessary to wind up a new one.

In short, it becomes necessary to remove the head cover and pull out the bobbin bobbin from the housing.The most interesting begins here.A similar situation is described in the fable of Ivan Andreevich Krylov “Monkey and glasses” 🙂

The fact is that the trimmer head Huter has a unique design.I have never met any company.Open it for reloading fishing line is not for the faint of heart.

Description of how to do this is missing.The inscription on the back of the head of the head in English “click to open” did not help.Pressed, tried to turn the body in both directions.Nothing helped.

Finally realizing that my brains were not enough for the first non.destructive discovery, he reconciled with this and began to look for knowledgeable people.The cheerful and friendly saleswoman in my village store for the sale of power tools and devices for them helped. Antonina, showing how this is done. Thanks to her for that!

Over time, I, of course, forgot this unique experience.To bow again to Antonin was already inconvenient.I had to turn on the brain, and it is objectively and in detail to deal with the problem.The Internet was prompted by the method of uprooting the head of the head head of the head.Which did not suit at all.

From the video found, the head device understood.It turned out that the lid is held on four holders attached in the nests of the body and is fixed with a latch.Having squeezed which the corresponding screwdriver with a flat blade and turning the body clockwise, you can easily remove the lid and pull out the bobbin with the remains of the fishing line.

Fishing line refueling is standard and described in detail in the description of a trimmer for grass.Also not simple, but you can figure it out.

When using the head for a sufficiently long time, a little earth, the remains of grass and all dirt are packed into it.For the benefit of the case, I cleaned the dirt from the body and the outer parts of the head.

The head is not difficult to assemble.Necessary:- Title the ends of the fishing line into the corresponding holes of the case:

In the photo, among other things, on the bobbin you can see slits for fastening fishing line sizes from 1.6 to 2.6mm. For electric trimmers, Huter Get-1200S is recommended a fishing line for a trimmer with a diameter of 2mm, which is reliably fixed in the slots for fishing line 2.4mm.

Next:- Combine holders with the corresponding slots in the hull cover. with a simple press on the back of the case with an inserted bobbin with a fishing line. click the latch. turn the body counterclockwise.

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I received great satisfaction after it was finally able to remove the lid of the head :)) The feeling of victory over the rebellious and hostile to you nature 🙂 as a taming of Claudt’s horses on the Anichka bridge of St. Petersburg.

Buy or not such a head for trimmers?Only if there is a desire to fight her when replacing a fishing line.In addition, the weight of this head is 15g above the weight of a similar head from Patriot trimmers.How important is it. I don’t know.

The plastic is ordinary, I haven’t scattered yet.But, people complain of its fragility. With careless attacks on the ground, it can be crumbled.

In fact, the thread in the head is standard left m10x1.25 LH.Accordingly, the head for fishing line with a diameter of 2mm can be used standard with the same thread, for example, from a trimmer for Patriot grass.

Offers at different of different manufacturers in the market enough.From the most democratic to completely prohibitive for automatic heads.You can choose the most suitable for you.