How to sharpen a hacksaw on wood. A simple way to sharpen a saw disk for a circular saw

How to sharpen a hacksaw on wood

Qualified experts know the following signs indicating the imminent failure of the saw:

  • When cutting wood, the hacksaw begins to sound differently;
  • It is visually noticeable that the ends of the teeth twisted, lost their severity;
  • The color of the teeth changes;
  • The force increases during sawing;
  • The direction of the saw is poorly aged;
  • Frequent jamming jamming in the wood occur.

Breeding of teeth must necessarily precede the process of teeth tightening. During breeding, the teeth should be reached from the plane of the hacksaw left and right at a certain angle. Too small angle of teeth deviation will lead to the fact that the teeth will be “planted” in a tree. And, on the contrary, too much the angle of deviation of the teeth makes the cut too wide, increases the amount of waste (sawdust) and requires too much muscle energy costs for the extension of the hacksaw. The aim of sharpening the teeth is to restore the next geometry of the teeth:

How to sharpen your circular saw blades, the easy way.

We offer to familiarize yourself with an oak. A tree from the northern hemisphere to make sharpening with minimal loss of time and quality, you need to use such special devices and tools as:

  • Workbench;
  • Locksmith vice;
  • Passatigi;
  • Grinding beam;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Transporter and caliper;
  • A hammer;
  • It is possible to use equipment that allows you to fix the hacksaw cloth with an angle of 90 or 45 degrees.

Be sure to use the following files:

Throughout the sharpening time, the file/file should move without jerks, it is necessary to provide constant pressure, movements should be made without deviations from a constant angle. The sharpening process goes only by the movements of the file “from yourself”. You need to return the file/file by air, while contact with the hacksaw should be absent.

When sharpening such teeth, a small.Rope three.Sided file is used. Tool movement direction. Angle of 60 degrees. The hacksaw is fixed in the device at an angle of 45-50 degrees to the workbench. The file/file should be driven strictly horizontally (preserving the angle of 60–75 degrees to the hacksaw), starting sharpening from the first left tooth.

You need to start with “setting up the hand of the hand with the tool”, for which they are carried out along each left edge of the odd row of distant teeth, which will give the movements of the hands the desired automatism. After that, the same is repeated, tightening the right faces of odd teeth to complete the sharpening of the cutting edge and pointing the peaks.

The teeth of the longitudinal sawing of the longitudinal sawing have an angle of less than 60 degrees, so they use subfilles with large notches or a small.Lowering file of a rhombic section. Three.Game files in this case are strictly not recommended. For sharpening, a hacksaw is vertically fixed in the device. There are two methods to sharpen a hacksaw that differ in giving various angles of tightening.

Straight. Nadphil/file is placed at an angle of 90 degrees. A direction parallel to the hacksow is given to him, both the rear and front cutting surfaces of each teeth. This is repeated for the entire far row of teeth. Then the hacksaw is turned over in a clamping device 180 degrees and repeated the same operation for other teeth that will be a long row.

Spit. This method differs from the straight one only angle of direction of the tool to the plane of the canvas. The angle of sharpening decreases from the straight to 80 degrees. The process occurs in the same way, but the teeth after sharpening resemble the teeth of a ray saw.

Grandfather method of sharpening

The method of sharpening hand saws with his own hands has not undergone special changes since our ancestors.

Below watch the video how it was done “on the knees” with the help of a supra.Fil and pliers:


Before returning the sharpness of the saw, you need to configure the teeth, that is, dilute them. Wiring is the installation of cutting teeth at a certain angle relative to the canvas and each other. If you look at the diluted saw, it is clear that they, alternating, deviate to the right and left of the plate plate itself. Such a configuration gives a hacksaw freedom in a deep cut. She does not get stuck, because it does not apply to the walls with the entire plane.

In order to “by eye” to set the right corner for every teeth, you need a solid experience that not every carpenter has. He comes after many dozens of sharpened saws. For less experienced carpenters, there is a tool called wiring. Its most primitive option is a flat steel plate with a slot. In this slot with a minimum clearance, a hacksaw is inserted into a stretch.

  • Fix a hacksaw in a vice so. It is necessary to ensure that the teeth of 2 cm protruding over the lips.
  • The teeth are clamped in the groove, after which they are bent in the middle.
  • First, you need to bend in one direction all the clock teeth, then in the opposite direction to bend the odd.
  • In the end, you can dilute the sponges of the width of the calculated width and try to draw a saw between them.
  • Excessively bent tooth will touch the vice. Bend it with pliers a little stronger.

Checking the height of the teeth of the hacksaw

Check the height of the teeth before sharpening the tool.

To do this, a sheet of plain paper is placed on a hard and even surface, and cuts are tightly pressed until a clear print is obtained.

If there are teeth protruding from the general row, traces of them will affect the print.

In the presence of higher teeth, they are carefully cut off with a flat file to the general level.

Features of sharpening


Before sharpening hand hacksaw on wood, it is necessary to check the wiring of the teeth. This is necessary so that the canvas does not jam in the process of cutting. The wider the wiring is, the wider the cut, respectively, the chances of jamming in this case is less.

However, it should be borne in mind that too wide wiring leads to a torn cut, in addition, for sawing, it will be necessary to make much more effort. Therefore, the best option is wiring, which is one and a half to two times higher than the thickness of the canvas.

As a rule, for this, teeth are bent at 0.25. 0.5 mm in each direction. True, if the wood of soft species is cut with a saw, then it is better to bend the teeth 0.5. 1 mm.

To perform high.Quality wiring with your own hands, you can use a special device, which is called. Wiring. This is a metal plate with a gap made in it, the width of which exceeds the width of the tool canvas.

Before starting work, the saw must be squeezed in a vice so that only teeth appear from them, which subsequently bent alternately.


First of all, it should be said that the sharpening of the hacksaw on wood may require different tools, depending on the shape of the cloves. So for a transverse saw you will need a trihedral file with a fine notch and an angle of about 60 degrees. If the tool is longitudinal, then you should use a rhombic file or roughly steamed files.

The instructions for performing this work looks like this:

  • The canvas must be clamped securely. To do this, you can use a vice and other devices.
  • Then the file should be sharpened with the left line on the first clip, holding the tool in relation to the canvas at an angle of 60 degrees. In this case, the movement of the file should be smooth and uniform, when the file is returned to the starting position, it should not touch the processed surface. I must say that when sharpening a longitudinal saw, the file can be kept in parallel to the table, t.E. Grind teeth at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Then all the left faces of odd cloves are sharpened in the same way.
  • After that, the right faces are pulled by the file.
  • Then the saw must be turned over and the teeth of the even row, which are now in the far row, should be turned over in the same way.
  • At the end of the work, it is necessary to remove all the burrs with a velvet file. If this is not done, then the saw will quickly become dull.

This is the sharpening of the hacksaw on wood is completed. Now you need to look at the tops and edges of the teeth. If they shine in the sun, then it is sharp enough, otherwise the operation needs to be repeated.

Here, perhaps, is all the basic information on the sharpening of a hand saw on wood.

Definition of the right moment

Without experience, people often hit the extreme to the extreme and either sharpen the saw every few days, or once a year. Determine the need to sharpen the time. The wrong approach.

There are a number of signs that indicate that the teeth are dull:

  • The canvas regularly stuck in wood.
  • When sawing, the sound changes, it becomes more “dumb”.
  • The shade of the teeth is changing.
  • The resistance of the material is significantly increased.
  • The ends of the teeth are noticeably rounded.
  • The blade leaves the cut line.

Tempered teeth are not to be sharpened. It is easy to distinguish them: they are black with a small blue tint.

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The process of sharpening

To sharpen the saw, you need to fix hard, so that when exposed to it, she does not vibrate with a file. Otherwise, the quality of work will be low.

Fix the canvas of the hacksaw vertically, often in a vice, in homemade clamps, But if there is neither one nor the other, then you can do without them.

Fixing method without special devices. “on the edge of the workbench”. The canvas of the hacksaw is laid so that only the teeth of the saw hangs from the edge of the table. However, the saw handles are always thicker than the canvas, and therefore the place next to it cannot be put tightly to the workbench. Therefore, you need to use the angle of the table, and then the handle of the saw will not interfere.

If there is a clamp, then you can fix this.

And this is a way without a clamp, fixation is carried out only by the hand of the sharpener. It is quite convenient and safe.

A file or suprafille is taken in the right hand, and, clutching the sheath of the hacksaw with his left hand, proceed to sharpening.

Torture the teeth of the saw through one. The movements of the file with this method are spent downward. The file is applied to the pulled tooth and move down with an effort with an effort with an effort.

The file must be kept with a slope in two planes. In horizontal. This is about 30 degrees. In vertical. About 60 degrees. The angles of inclination are individual for each saw, because they can differ both in the shape of the tooth and its size.

This is what should turn out: to the right of the pointer pointer-processed teeth, on the left-no.

To the right of the pointer pointer-processed teeth, on the left-no

sharpen, hacksaw, wood, simple

The tool used

Since the saws differ in shape and for its intended purpose, their teeth are different. And to sharpen a hacksaw efficiently, you need a different tool.

Triangular suprafil with one working side. The profile of this tool is not standard, if the usual triangular file is equal and the workers, then this file has one working side, and in shape it is an is an is an is an is an is an is an is an is an is an is an is an is an isolated triangle with a very large base.

It is convenient to process small or oblique teeth with such a triangular suction with one working side. When working, it acts only on the processed surface, on others it only slides. There is no risk of grinding a neighboring tooth.

Ordinary triangular suprafil. A compact tool that is convenient to sharpen most standard wood hacksaws.

Triangular file. Perfect for sharpening saws with a large tooth.

How to sharpen a hand hacksaw on wood and dilute the teeth

Sooner or later, any canvas of the cutting tool becomes unusable and is blurred. In this case, the whole tool is not necessary to change. It is enough to make proper sharpening. This can be done with the help of those devices that are already available in the house (most often). Of course, nothing will work out if you do not own the correct technology of performing all actions. In the article master plumber tell you how to sharpen a hand hacksaw on wood and dilute the teeth.

To ensure high cut quality, you need to understand the mechanism of exposure to the edges of the teeth of the hacksaw on the processed material. Unlike steel and plastic wood, the material is heterogeneous, it is because of this quality that several types of saws were developed that differ in the profile of the teeth, the angle of their sharpening and the degree of divorce. All varieties of hacksaws for wood, their characteristics and technical data are indicated in GOST 26215–84.

The main types of teeth of the hacksaw for wood: 1. For transverse cutting type 1; 2. For transverse sawing type 2; 3. For longitudinal sawing type 1; 4. For longitudinal sawing type 2; 5. For universal sawing

There are three types of hacksaws: for transverse, longitudinal sawing, as well as universal. The main difference is in principle of cutting: when sawing wood across the fibers, fragments of different densities are found on the path of the tooth. On the one hand, this circumstance plays on hand: the formed chips have a smaller size and is easily removed from the contact zone, which allows sharpening on both sides of the tooth for sawing, both in the direct and in the opposite direction of filing. On the other hand, cutting across the fibers is partly on a blow, respectively, more stupid angles of the descent of the cutting edges are necessary.

Sawing wood along the fibers can be described as repeated microstalum cycles. The force exerted on the tooth, in this case is uniform, therefore the teeth have an asymmetric shape and are directed by the tip towards cutting. In this case, the edge formed at the top of the tooth is directed strictly perpendicular to the plane of the canvas. When sawing along the fibers, elongated chips are formed, the removal of which is difficult from the contact zone. Also, with longitudinal cutting, more moisture, tar and adhesive substances are noted, which, in combination with the first factor, does not allow sawing in both directions. Stick removal occurs with direct submission of the tool: the perpendicular direction of the edge helps to release sawdust towards sawing. With the reverse movement, the removal of the remains of the chips and the self.Cleaning of the edges are ensured.

The teeth of all types of hacksaws have wiring, they are alternately tilted in different directions from the longitudinal axis of the canvas. Due to this, in the longitudinal profile of a number of teeth of the hacksaw, a certain semblance of a swallow tail is formed. Two sets of cutting wedges formed by the acorns of the cutting edges of the teeth. Accordingly, at the bottom of the cut, the hacksaw forms two grooves, which ensures uniform stepped and effective chips.

Qualified experts know the following signs indicating the imminent failure of the saw:

  • When cutting wood, the hacksaw begins to sound differently;
  • It is visually noticeable that the ends of the teeth twisted, lost their severity;
  • The color of the teeth changes;
  • The force increases during sawing;
  • The direction of the saw is poorly aged;
  • Frequent jamming jamming in the wood occur.

How to wrap the saw, and what it is

Pilary wiring is a bending of teeth in different directions for a given value. This is done so that the saw does not jam in the material during the processing process, goes easily and without effort. The larger the beeps of the teeth, the less the risk of staging the canvas in the wood. However, too wide wiring will negatively affect the cutting process. The maximum value should not exceed 2 mm.

If dry material is cut, then the width of the wiring should be 0.3-0.5 mm, if raw wood is processed, then the extension should be 0.5-1.0 mm.

To perform wiring, you can use special ticks. The required bending is installed on them, after which the tool is set up. The process is carried out quickly and efficiently, but ticks are expensive. Therefore, many use dilutor plates that are emphasis and manual setting.

Before bending, the saw must be securely fixed in a vice. Teeth are processed through one: first one side, then the other. In this case, the extension must be carried out from the middle of the incisor, and not from the base. Otherwise it may break.

Video Description

Here is another video that tells and shows how to drag a saw with an angle grinding machine:

When a hand saw on wood is sharpened, each master fulfills a number of rules:

  • The most reliable fastening of the hacksaw to the workbench or other motionless basis is carried out when using a vice or clamp. This will make it possible to sharpen the saw and reduce the likelihood of an injury.
  • Good lighting of the workplace is ensured so that you can perfectly see even very small teeth.
  • The movements are performed by a sharpener instrument exclusively in one direction, if the process is carried out by a file.

How To Sharpen A Crosscut Hand Saw

In addition, to quickly check the quality of sharpening, use sunlight. When the rays gets, the teeth begin to shine if the process of their pointing is performed correctly.

Classification of hacksaws

Table Saw Blade Sharpening. How to Sharpen Saw Blades. Simple Method

  • Tooth size. The speed and quality of the sawing depends on this parameter. Over, the criteria are mutually exclusive. A hacksaw with a small tooth gives a high.Quality and pure cut, but the speed below and effort is made more. A large tooth saws faster and easier, but the edges of the cut will be “torn” and rough. In the parameters, the size of the tooth is indicated in “TPI”, the number means the number of edges per 1 inches. The higher the value, the smaller the teeth
  • Tooth shape. This parameter determines the direction of the cut (along or across the fibers), the type of wood, and the vector of the attached force (from yourself or to yourself). Of course, there are universal canvases. The proper sharpening of the hacksaw is performed in accordance with the shape of the tooth
  • Type of steel canvas. Classification of material is a separate topic, we are interested in the method of processing. The canvas can be hot, not hot and combined. In the latter case, only teeth are hardened. This can be determined by the shade of the metal. The potato steel is darker.

This “disadvantage” is compensated by the slow process of ditches. If you do not get a nail or a hard knot. A red.Hot canvas will last a long time. True and the price is appropriate.

How to sharpen a knife on wood at home

In order to produce correct and correct sharpening, it is necessary to get sided in this tricky business. You should have an excellent eye, not be distracted during operation and confidently keep the tools. During work, you need to build on these rules:

  • Fix the saw blade reliably. It is best to fix it in a strong vice. Between the canvas, we skip wooden planks so as not to melt the tool.
  • Use only verified goods. The file of it will be remarkable, after which a supra.Filing or file with a small notch will go. Anyone is suitable, ideally. Recently purchased. If this is not available, it is better to grate the old steel brush and wooden corner.
  • You need to be extremely neat when you carry out grinding. The file will perfectly go through the metal and capture the upper layer of the canvas. If one tool is overheated or clogged, it should be changed by another.
  • When hidden, fulfill the rules for holding materials. The handle should be wrapped in the right brush, and the end is clamped with the left. Pressure on the hacksaw should be as smooth and smooth as possible. It is necessary to make movements only in one direction.
  • The maximum amount of metal should be grinded from the material. With an incorrect approach, the canvas can be even more dull and clogged. It is better to immediately decide on a certain number of movements and pressure force, so that the sharpening is uniform.

Alignment of the height of the links

If the teeth of the hacksaw have different heights, then when sawing they perceive the load unevenly. This increases the wear of higher elements and reduces the functional ability of a hacksaw, since low teeth practically do not participate in the process of sawing.

Check and straighten the height of the cutting elements is advisable to. The easiest way to check is the following. The saw is tightly pressed against a sheet of paper laid on a flat, smooth surface. The profile is printed on paper, and the visible location is manifested, according to which you can compare the size of the teeth. If teeth with increased height are detected compared to others, then the saw is clamped in a vice, and with the help of a flat file they shorten.

The need to sharpen the saw-cut

Any cutting tool will work well on one condition. If it is sharp. Hacksaw in this case is no exception. In a manual saw, the cutting element is the teeth that are cut on the canvas in the form of wedges. During work, it was precisely these teeth are blown, that is, there is a rounding of cutting side and front edges, because of this it becomes the stroke of the hacksaw is heavy, and therefore it is necessary to press it hard.

Sawing a stupid hacksaw. One torment. It is necessary to spend a lot of effort and time, it is difficult to make a saw at a right angle with such a saw. Incorrectly sharpened saw, it leaves the line of cut to the side, it clamps and wedges in the cut. You can determine the sharpness of the saw by the sound of work and the splendor of the cutting edges. To restore the cutting abilities of the teeth, they sharpen the hacksaw on wood, giving them sharpness and while maintaining their parameters: the size of the corners, height and step.

However, remember that not all hacksaws can be sharpened. Hacksaws with hot teeth are not to be sharpened. In order to identify a hot tooth, you need to look at its color. If the tooth is hot, it has a black color with a characteristic bluish tint. To sharpen not hot teeth, you should use a file with a fine notch.

How to make teeth wiring

Any sharpening of a hacksaw, whether it is a two-handed or one-handed saw, begin with a 1.5-2 mm dental wiring in different directions from each other. This wiring will serve as a larger cut and a faster output of wood sawdust out, without clogging the working surface.

Make wiring at the same distance from each other with a special device, which has the appearance of a metal plate with a slot. In this case, the canvas should be clamped in a vice so that the teeth barely protrude from the vice. The slot in the device has certain dimensions, this prevents the improper bend of the teeth. It is enough to put on a slot on each tooth in order, with further bending in the required direction (the opposite chamfer on the tooth. It should look inside).

How to sharpen a hacksaw on wood

To sharpen a hacksaw on wood, the canvas similarly should be fixed in a vice. Nadphili or triangular files with small notch are used to drag the links of the saw. Not many people know how to properly Nataerate a tree on wood, so this process should be given as much attention as possible.

  • Initially, you need to pick up a file. You should use a file with a fine notch, which should be held with one hand by the handle, and the second by the tip of the tool.
  • The angle of sharpening is determined, which is usually from 15 to 30 degrees. The angle is usually determined by eye, but if it is difficult to do, then you can use special home.Made devices, for example, a wooden block. To do this, the bar is grind until it has the shape of a rectangular triangle with angles of 30 and 60 degrees.
  • The most important thing when working with a file is the pressure on it. To ensure uniform sharpening, you need to perform the same number of passages with a file for each tooth. With experience, you will learn to ensure uniform removal of the upper layer of metal.
  • Using the prepared device, sharpening angles are controlled. Similarly, the process is carried out from the back of the canvas.

Now you know how the teeth of the canvas of the hacksaw on the wood is. But the process does not end there, since it will be necessary to align the teeth in height. If they have different heights, then the uniformity of sawing will be violated. If there are links that are above the rest, then their shortening is performed using the same file. Check is carried out using a sheet of paper to which the canvas should be applied down. After that, the size is compared, and the shortening procedure is repeated.

If sharpening is not your profile

There are exceptions to the rules, but how without them it will not work to sharpen saws with hot teeth. But do not rush to be upset: they remain sharp even more than usual even with constant intense loads. For example, I would not refuse the Gross Piranha hacksaw: this is just that rare case when a universal tool is not inferior in quality to a special. Teeth with trihedral laser sharpening equally easily and smoothly cut a tree, chipboard, fiberboard and PVC. Of course, the ergonomic shape of the handle and the Teflon coating of the canvas are important: women are still less for women than in men, therefore, similar qualities of the tool are valuable for us.

Convenient handle and Teflon coating of the canvas will facilitate the work of Gross Piranha with a saw

It would be nice to take one more in the company to the first saw. The folding saw on the village of Gross Piranha will be indispensable in the garden: it will help get rid of dryness, come in handy for trimming large branches of trees (teeth with laser sharpening leave the smooth edge of the cut. If you start the repair, it will not let you down here: with the same ease the tree, plywood, fiberboard, PVC will cut. It is also convenient to capture a folding saw on a picnic or vacation in nature. The folding saw on the tree of Gross Piranha is ideal for work in the garden and picnic in nature If you work firewood, Matrix Master can not do without a two.Handed saw. Who had to saw the logs, they will confirm that the work is not easy, so a good tool is especially important. The length of the canvas of this model is 1000 mm

This saw was created specifically for working with a large massif: a long canvas, large hardened teeth with 2D sharpening and comfortable handles will facilitate hard physical work as much as possible. That is, even adolescents, people aged or fragile women will be able to turn a log into logs.

Large hardened teeth with 2D sharpening and comfortable handles will facilitate hard physical work as much as possible

Perhaps my way of sharpening and wiring a saw will seem rude to someone and I will never be able to sharpen a hacksaw of a carpenter, but I am not going to master this profession yet.

You can sharpen the saw with your own hands

And to work in a summer cottage, you can sharpen a saw with your own hands, tested in practice! Lovely ladies and dear gentlemen, and you someday have encountered the need to hide the saw? Share in the Комментарии и мнения владельцев with your way to keep a file))

Svetlana, thank you very much! Especially for mentioning the wiring of teeth. I completely released this moment. In the fall, when I sawed trees, the saw clinked all the time, and I was angry and tormented. As I remember now, the almost even row of teeth, and I, the nonsense, sinned for sharpening.

Diana, but nothing! We still learn something, sometimes at will, sometimes life makes life))) I (if there is an opportunity for me to do it) I always try to learn: to mow a trimmer, and put bricks, and plaster, and put the tiles, and put the tiles, and to charge the battery))) you never know what is useful in life. But I can already (albeit at the level of a terry newcomer, but still)))

sharpen, hacksaw, wood, simple

In our country house, three hacksaws are lying dumb, preserved, and one new one, which we saw. So I thought, to sharpen them. And it would be happiness for us. The instrument is from the Soviet Union, there the metal is of high quality, only the teeth were dull). I also remember that dad from time to time sharpened hacksaws, and bred a file and teeth. But who then looked at the process? And not girlfriend it was the case. And now the husband says, it’s easier to buy new ones)))

You live far, otherwise if you decided to throw them away, I would buy them at the price of new ones))) Soviet hacksaws have a different quality, if they are correctly diluted and sharpened, they are extremely gorgeous and better than new ones that they have a better metal. And thicker, they go out for much longer and the teeth rarely break, even if they gleze and accidentally fly into a nail. As I figured out the example of the two randomly found (I sold a plot, and I threw everything out of a dilapidated barn, well, I got in, I have such a strange habit, to spin around the shed garbage). I began to chase such hacksaws. In addition to these scabbard, I got a door handle, I didn’t regret the metal either, I was on a goose greenhouse, where in the summer tomatoes, screwed up, slightly crushing, so that the bolts crawled (it was apparently designed for thin screws).

I also have an old armor.Piercing saw in the country. Left from the old owners. We must try to sharpen.

Now, just in case (you never know anyone in the world), I’ll throw it, these little things, I even had two of them, one of mine, and I found the other in the trash, which the neighbor was going to take the landfill, it was slightly rusty, but also conveniently She to breed. And it is extremely uncomfortable and dangerous to breed pliers, you can easily break the teeth.

Wrestling for saws

sharpen, hacksaw, wood, simple

This is “bred”, that is, the teeth of the saw bend a little to the side. There are other types of such a tool. I have such a “wiring”: Very comfortably. The angle of sawing is clearly set.

Andrey, why is it? And how to breed a saw such a thing? Although I noticed that the Direct’s saw in different directions. And why?

It is like forceps. Using a rotating wheel, set the bending angle. Put the tongs on the tooth of the saw. Click. The tooth is bent. Then rearrange the forceps through 1 tooth and press again. So to the end of the canvas. Then rearrange the saw with the other side to bend the teeth missed during the first passage and repeat the operation again throughout the saw canvas through the tooth. The teeth are bent in a checkerboard pattern. The main thing is not to confuse the initial tooth. Unfortunately, I failed to find a video instruction on the move. Only this: YouTu.Be/Hz0mzesxexy