How to Stir Gasoline Oil For Chainsaw

The chainsaws of various companies are based on a two-stroke internal combustion engine, which drives the cutting headset of the tool. To activate the internal combustion engine, the proportions of gasoline and chainsaw oil are used. Combining gasoline with oil is a must, so if you just bought a tool, you need to understand the features of its refueling.

Why gasoline is mixed with oil for refueling chainsaws

Dilute gasoline with oil to avoid failure of the internal combustion engine. The reason for this is the design features of the lubrication system of two-stroke engines. In the design of such engines there is no chamber for pouring motor oil, and if fuel is filled without lubricant, the crankshaft, piston, bearings and connecting rods will not receive lubrication. This will significantly reduce the service life of all of these parts, therefore it is forbidden to fill clean fuel.

Gasoline and chainsaw oil must be filled in appropriate proportions, which makes it possible to effectively lubricate rubbing parts. Lack of lubricant or its excess will lead to negative consequences in the form of carbon deposits. In order for the tool to work properly, you need to refuel it not only with high-quality materials from the first day of operation, but also observe the correct proportions.

For the engine to work properly, the main thing is to fill in clean fuel without pollution.

The ratio of gasoline and oil for chainsaws

The proportions of oil and gasoline for refueling two-stroke engines of chainsaws of different brands is 40 to 1 or 50 to 1. This ratio is standard, which is used not only by beginners, but also by experienced filers. It is this ratio for the preparation of the fuel mixture that is close to ideal, and provides lubrication of the rubbing parts of the crank mechanism and piston.

How much oil do you need to pour in gasoline in milliliters? Per ml ratio of oil and gasoline 1 to 50 is 20 ml per 1 liter. In order to prepare the right mixture, pour 1 liter of gasoline into a plastic bottle and dilute it with 20 ml of oil. To correctly measure how much oil to pour, you should take a special measuring container and fill it to the appropriate mark. If it is immediately planned to prepare 2 liters of fuel, then 40 ml of lubricant must be added to this amount of gasoline.

There are other ratios offered by different manufacturers. These values ​​of the ratios differ slightly, but if you subtracted other values ​​in the passport to the tool, then you need to stick to them. Values ​​of 1 to 50 or 40 are standardized. Pour 15 ml of oil per 1 liter of fuel in the summer, and in the winter add at least 20-25 ml. Knowing the recipe for the preparation of the mixture, you should also figure out the question of which gasoline to pour into the chainsaw?

Видео: How to Stir Gasoline Oil For Chainsaw

Gasoline and chainsaw oil. which is better

Often, beginners ask, which is better to take gas for your tool? In order not to make a mistake in the selection, it is recommended that you read the instructions for the tool. In the instructions, each manufacturer indicates the corresponding brand of fuel. If the manufacturer indicates that the octane should not be lower than 95, it is not recommended to pour 92 gasoline.

Engine oils for two-stroke engines are produced by such manufacturers:

Usually, the ratio is indicated on the bottle with lubricant, so it will be difficult even for beginners to get confused with the preparation of the fuel mixture. Under no circumstances should you use refining even as chain lubricant. This will lead to the fact that soon it will be necessary to carry out tool repairs.

Instructions for refueling a chainsaw

Knowing the ratio of the preparation of the benzo-oil mixture, you can proceed to refuel it. The fueling instruction is as follows:

  1. First you need to prepare the mixture. Combining the two main components, mix them thoroughly.
  2. Place the tool on a clean and even surface. Before unscrewing the gas tank cap, it is necessary to clean or blow off sawdust, dust and dirt
  3. The neck of the tank should look up
  4. Install a small watering can in the neck, then pour fuel
  5. Control the refueling process, as the tank volume is small, so it quickly fills up
  6. Fill up to a full maximum, as when you close the tank lid, the remaining fuel will splash out
  7. After the fuel is poured into the tank, immediately add lubricant to the chain
  8. Fuel consumption and chain lubrication are approximately the same, therefore both tanks must be refilled
  9. After refueling, you can start to start the engine

It is better to start the engine not at the place where the refueling was carried out, but to move to a distance of 2-3 m. The tool is ready to work, and you can start to start it. How the chainsaw engine starts can be found in this material (link).

What will happen if you pour mining into a chainsaw

If you do not want your chainsaw to fail at the wrong time, use only high-quality fuels and lubricants. It is forbidden to mix mining with gasoline. The reasons for this are the following factors:

  • Another viscosity of the material, so mining is not able to provide effective lubrication of rubbing parts and mechanisms
  • The mining contains small metal particles and chips, which, falling into the tank, will lead to clogging of the fuel filter and channel. If grease enters the cylinder with small particles, they will leave their mark in the form of accelerated wear on the piston rings
  • Emission of a large amount of black smoke, which indicates the burning of oil

Surrogate materials cannot be poured not only into the tank with gasoline, but also into the tank for chain lubrication. What will happen if you use mining in the tank to lubricate the chain, you can see in the video.

How to Stir Gasoline Oil For Chainsaw

Using the instructions, you can independently prepare the correct fuel mixture, on which the chainsaw will work. With improper dilution of the fuel mixture, not only the tool life is reduced, but its performance is also reduced.