How you can tell the difference between a genuine Chinese STIHL and an original


The packaging is difficult to distinguish, because the printing is so sophisticated. Fake saws are packaged in exact copies of the original boxes. You can tell the difference by the sticker on the packaging. If you have several saws in front of you, compare these decals and the numbers on them. At the very least they should be different. Each number is unique.

tell, difference, genuine, chinese, stihl, original

Please pay attention to the unique serial number on the box. All saws are made in factories in China.

“Made by STIHL in China” is no indicator of a fake. The saws are made in factories in China, under the direction and supervision of the Germans.

One visual difference between a fake STIHL saw box and an original STIHL saw is that the fake does not have a distinctive white stripe around the logo and along the length of the box.

Photos of fakes in Russia

In this section you will find photos of fake units, oil that have been seen in Russia recently. Examples of original STIHL units and fakes describe clear differences that you should pay attention to when buying.

If in doubt about the authenticity of a product, please contact your dealer.

Counterfeit STIHL oil in the city of Smolensk and Smolensk region is being sold. The bottles do not contain the original oil. Using such oil is dangerous and inefficient and can break both the saw headset and the engine, leading to high repair costs. sell fake BioPlus oil. Genuine STIHL BioPlus is very environmentally-friendly and breaks down quickly. Counterfeit chain oil is not only inadequate for the chain lubrication, it also does not meet the characteristics of the original oil.

Counterfeit STIHL oil. Smolensk, Kolhoznaya Square Market.

Counterfeit STIHL oil. Smolensk region, city of Smolensk. Yartsevo.

Counterfeit STIHL oil. Moscow, Entuziastov highway, 1 km from the MKAD.

Fakes on the internet.

Ads on sale of counterfeit STIHL chainsaws started to appear on forums and various sites in the Internet. For example, a fake that we wrote about before under MS 660 sells for 5 thousand. On the and www.benzomsk.There is trade in counterfeit STIHL products on the market for 200,000! All products branded with the STIHL trademark or similar in appearance are counterfeit. SADD MS 180 is a chainsaw, which does not meet any quality and safety requirements, is a copy of the original STIHL MS 180. At also sells fake oil. Be careful! Fakes are dangerous to life.

Attention! A very similar fake.

March 24, 2013. The fact of sale of counterfeit chain saws in the village of Bezhanitsy, Pskov region, was revealed. The saw was purchased at the central market of this village т. е. 1,890 below the recommended price of the original MS 180. I received 100 grams of oil as a gift. No warranty certificate. Date of sale, seller’s signature and serial number imprinted in the instruction manual. Sale was performed by an unknown seller from Velikie Luki (FORD Transit car). On subsequent visits to the market this seller was not met again.

The qualitatively new high level of counterfeiting of STIHL products revealed in this case should be noted:

  • This counterfeit is difficult to distinguish from the original even for a sufficiently qualified user.
  • Serial numbers are stamped on this fake.
  • The counterfeit chain has the STIHL logo stamped on it (this has never been seen before).
  • Relatively high quality packaging.
  • Embossed STIHL logo on almost all components, including the cylinder.

Be careful! Counterfeit products are dangerous to life.

Left original, right counterfeit. Chain sprocket cover nuts. Note the embossed badge stylized S.

MS 660. Novgorod region.

At the beginning of August the BPPD and IAP officers discovered another fake STIHL chainsaw in the Chudovsky district of the Novgorod region. The MS 660 was a victim this time.

  • The fake chainsaw bears the STIHL trademark symbol.
  • The color scheme of the forged chain saw is to an extent confusingly similar to the original STIHL colors.
  • The STIHL Germany lettering on the bar does not correspond to an original STIHL bar.
  • The shape and design of the bar and the shock absorber do not correspond to original STIHL bars.
  • The chainsaw itself is also very crude fake, similar only in color. No identical parts to the original STIHL MS 660 chain saw or any other STIHL chainsaw.
  • The sticker on the fake gas trigger cover is not standard, it has technical information and places of production.
  • The brake lever is on one side only, on all STIHL saws it is on both sides and has a special shape.

These are just some of the striking features that are visible to the customer. The real scary part is inside.

Top: Original STIHL MS 660 chain saw, left side view. Bottom: The fake gas trigger cover. Note the shape of the cover and the sticker.

Top: Original STIHL MS 660 chainsaw, right side view. Bottom: Counterfeit STIHL MS 660 as seen from right. Note the guide bar, the stickers and the shape of the saw.

Above: Original STIHL MS 660 chain saw, left side view. Bottom: Fake chain saw blade. Note the shape of the guide bar, the label on the guide bar and the bar head.

MS 341. Leningrad region.

Fake chainsaws were spotted in Sinyavino on 31 July 2010. Some of these chainsaws were delivered to STIHL service dealers. As it turned out, chainsaws were sold throughout the Vyborg direction of the Leningrad region and at the exit from the city, from the hands and cars directly, without receipts and other documents, which is a direct violation of trade rules adopted in our country. This practice is quite popular in Russia at the moment. Dealers of counterfeits appear all of a sudden and work for no longer than a day and can be found at crossroads, along highways and in parking lots of large stores. As a rule, one and the same chainsaw model is sold, made in China, only the model names differ, the saws are offered at a deliberately low price at which it is impossible to buy a real professional chainsaw.

The features of this particular counterfeit:

  • The fake chainsaw bears the STIHL brand name and the name of the real model MS 341.
  • The color scheme of the counterfeit chain saw is similar to the original STIHL colors to the extent of confusion.
  • The lack of labeling on the tire is inconsistent with original STIHL tires.
  • The shape and design of the bar with a hole for the sprocket sprocket do not correspond to original STIHL bars.
  • The shape of the chainsaw itself is also a very rough fake, similar only in color. No identical parts to the original STIHL MS 341 chainsaw, or to any other STIHL chainsaw.
  • The sticker on the starter cover of the counterfeit does not comply with the standards, it has the place of manufacture and a strange mark RO in an oval.
  • The brake lever is on one side, while STIHL saws have a brake lever on both sides and a special shape.
  • On the chain sprocket side of the cover, there is a technical data sticker that is not found on original STIHL chainsaws.
  • No serial number on the chain saw in the places indicated.
  • The clutch design does not correspond to the original STIHL clutch.
  • The fake saw does not have the special patented oil and fuel tank covers as on the original saws.

These are just some of the striking differences that catch the eye of the customer. The real scary part is on the inside.

Above: Original, left side view. Bottom: Imitation, left side view. Notice the shape of the saw, the bar, and the starter cover with the sticker.

Top: Original, left side view. Bottom: Fake crank cover. Note sticker and tank lid.

Above: Original, front view. Bottom: Front view of fake STIHL clutch. Notice the muffler and the color of the crankcase, as well as the lack of a serial number.

Top: Genuine STIHL clutch. Note the “S” marking on the cover to distinguish original STIHL replacement parts. Bottom: Fake clutch. Note the lettering on it and its construction.

Top: Original, right side view. Bottom: Imitation, right side view. Notice the chain sprocket cover and the label on it, the size of the nuts and the shape of the chain saw.

Disadvantages of counterfeit products and the risks associated with their use. Watch this video.

Thoroughly inspect the chainsaw in the store

Counterfeit STIHL saws are often easy to spot with the naked eye. Pay attention to the following details:

Как отличить копию STIHL 180 от ОРИГИНАЛА

  • Assembly with sprocket head screws rather than flat-blade screws or allen screws.
  • On the back of the chain saw is a 9 digit serial number.
  • The muffler has the STIHL logo and part number.

In addition to this low quality can be identified by the dull paint shade, poor quality of plastic casting, as well as the lack of part numbers on the parts.

How to recognize a counterfeit STIHL ms saw

There has always been interest in good tools, both from customers and from counterfeit manufacturers. Chain saws have long been uninteresting in counterfeiting because of the complexity of making them, but demand has given birth to clandestine industries.

There are a lot of imitations and imitations of original STIHL saws on the market. In the article we will consider all the features and subtleties, how not to run into a fake, and whether there are differences in quality.

How to distinguish a fake STIHL MS-180

It is possible to buy a chain saw at the market or from unauthorized dealers and sell it as a genuine STIHL chainsaw. Why? Because STIHL is one of the best-known brands, its saws have earned a reputation for high quality and reliability. How to spot a fake?

First a few Комментарии и мнения владельцев. At the end of this article there is a video inserted where the author reports that STIHL is being counterfeited by the Chinese. And a Chinese STIHL can be counterfeit. Yes, it could be fake or it could be real. The country of origin may well be China. And it is not only the Celestial Empire that makes counterfeit chainsaws that are passed off as genuine products. There are examples from Malaysia, India, Pakistan and other countries.

Why a fake STIHL is worse than a real one:

  • There is no warranty;
  • As a rule the manufacturing quality is low;
  • Danger at work. It cannot be excluded that the brake will break or fail;
  • Spare parts and accessories do not fit.

At first glance these are only some of the reasons not to buy fakes. You can buy a no-name chainsaw for 6 to 7 thousand bucks, and it will run fine. A regular STIHL MS 180 costs at least 11,000, even closer to 12,000. In this case, its technical characteristics (engine power, tire length, etc.).п.) Isn’t any better than the competition.

The first signs of a fake Stihl

In most cases, you can only get chainsaws mixed up in a rush. Assembly, appearance and workmanship are very different. The problems begin only if you buy the saw without looking. How is it possible to mix it up?

These samples even have a different color, not to mention the rest. It is an obvious assumption that the seller who sells the saw is going to tell the buyer that some saws have red caps No, they don’t. Only as orange as it is. And only this shade.

Here is a photo from the official website of the company, a division of the United States:

Two similar-looking chainsaws, but one is the original and the other is also not a fake counterpart, with different logos, a different company, but in design, colors and layout pretending to be the same chainsaw.

Here is a more complicated task (although it is not a 180, but the principle is the same):

There should be no stickers anywhere except on the brake. And the blue color is not about us at all.

In general, the list or as they say checklist verification of authenticity should be as follows:

  • The use of company colors;
  • The use of a corporate font;
  • Bumps everywhere except on the brake handle;
  • The evenness of the gaps, the location of the inscriptions;
  • Quality of packaging (high quality corrugated cardboard with a good quality printing). On the box be sure to have a sticker with the serial number, country of manufacture. The same information on the sticker should be applied to the body of the saw;
  • The presence of the same serial numbers on the packaging, the serial number sticker on the end of the saw, the engraving located under the exhaust system (above the sticker);
  • Tire nuts with the STIHL logo (stylized “S”);
  • Logo on the drive sprocket;
  • The logo on the piston (!) Yes, it is unlikely that someone will get in there, but still;
  • The absence of any holes at the place where the sprocket is mounted on the tire;

On the issue of stickers everywhere except the brake handle is used. Although some have learned how to fake them. But not all.

Most importantly, it is forbidden to sell new saws anywhere but to authorized dealers.

How to protect yourself from buying a fake

Genuine STIHL chain saws in the professional and semi-professional categories cost a lot of money. You should therefore buy the tool you need with the utmost care and responsibility. Fakes can be made with varying degrees of fidelity, but they are almost always made in a hurry on low-grade equipment, which should not go unnoticed by an experienced craftsman. The following tips help you to distinguish between counterfeit and quality products.

  • Beware of buying chain saws from unauthorized dealers. STIHL has a well-developed dealer network in Russia with standardized trade rules and a unique pricing policy. You would be sure to let your STIHL dealer show you a commercially accepted sales authorization from this reputable company. If you are offered a new STIHL chainsaw on the market for a reduced price, you are definitely dealing with a crook.
  • Check the marking on the product. The serial number should be embossed on the frame under the muffler and duplicated by stickers on the saw and in the carton.
  • The company logo is always on the box, not the easy-to-remove sticker but the embossed logo or the high quality paintwork.

Original STIHL tire

The box

The boxes of the devices look exactly the same. But according to the size goes the difference the original box for a couple of centimeters longer than the fake. In addition, the original box necessarily has a sticker indicating:

  • the model of the chainsaw;
  • bar code;
  • The serial number of the device (the number has nine positions and is assigned separately to each saw). The presence of this number is mandatory without it the repair in the service center is impossible!


One of the main telltale signs that the STIHL MS 170/180 chain saw is a counterfeit is the presence of a fuel gauge in the kit. Original chainsaws are very rarely equipped with such a device.

The screws

Take a close look at the screws on the original chain saw “asterisk”. Counterfeit products mostly use a flat-blade screwdriver or hexagon socket.

However, some copies are very close to the original, so the screws are also made under “sprocket”.

Fuel and oil tank covers

The replica covers are made very accurately, except that they are not inscribed “STIHL”.

The gas tank lid on the original STIHL saw is marked with STIHL lettering

The back of the chain saw

Original product has a 9-digit serial number sticker on this area. It must match the one on the box.

Muffler cap

Original muffler cover engraved “STIHL” and the model part number. Copy muffler completely smooth.

Air filter

The air filter on the original STIHL chainsaw is very tight. White on top and brown on the other side. Filter holder with engraved product reference.

Engine oil

Saw requires timely maintenance. It is preferable to use original oil and original chains.

Original STIHL chainsaw, what a beast it is?

Recently, or rather a couple of years, I see a lot of non-original STIHL chainsaws on the market, It is quite understandable, these chainsaws are very popular and of very high quality.

Of course, by non-original chainsaws we mean the production of “China”, in which there is an oographical error in the name of the saw, a significantly different shade of cladding, in general, the elements that directly indicate that the thing is created by a parallel edition, HOWEVER, I’ve noticed chain saws “sort of” STIHL, which means they are visually almost identical to the original products, and it’s hard to tell the difference?

The main feature of an ORIGINAL STIHL chainsaw, in particular the model MS 180, the marking of absolutely ALL chain saw components, starting from brand-name nuts, up to body elements, i.e. plastic, are present as markings, vin numbers, and branded “S” or “STIHL” logos!

Exactly this chainsaw purchased in 2014, from an official dealer (marked on the map of the official supplier of products in Russia), at a price of 8000.

Model MS 180, bar length 35 cm, Absolutely ALL native, even the spark plug has not yet changed, only the chain. I bought a couple of spare, as soon as one loses its sharpness, I change it for a new one, then I take it to the machine at the store, to sharpen.

With the right choice, and proper care, ORIGINAL STIHL chain saw will be happy with trouble-free operation for decades!

I will speak out about the choice of engine oil, I gave up my original STIHL, in favor of little-known on the market Two-stroke oil for chainsaws and lawnmowers LIQUI MOLY, part number 8035.

Oil LIQUI MOLY bought in passing in the hypermarket AvtoALL, 800 liter container, by comparison, last season I bought on draft the original oil from the offices, 600 for 600 ml, including packaging, of course I do not carry a separate container for the oil!

I suspect that LIQUI MOLY engine oil is as good as STIHL quality and better in price. especially since there are plenty of fake “Stihl” oils on the market.

Case for chainsaw Light 400-L 850 mm, production TBag, PVC material (cheaper variant of the cover). intended for transportation of chain saw in a car, as well as for STORAGE of chainsaw in living conditions!

No matter how hard you try, the hot mixture tank, when fuel is in it, is WAY off, so, film cover (PVC), will eliminate this problem, in addition, the cover retains the SURFACE. after the chainsaw has been in the cover for several days, when you open it, the smell of the mixture literally “hits” the head. topical for those who temporarily store their chainsaw in a residential area!Article number. T008270

Vacation season, cottages, camping trips are coming up. don’t go wrong with a handy tool!

Designation and specifications

The STIHL MC660 is a chainsaw for professionals. Its price is an indication at once that it is intended for those, who earn with it, t.к. It is obscenely high compared to the price of chain saws for household purposes. But don’t think that the STIHL 660 isn’t worth the money that it sells for. Buyers pay for quality, high power, great resource, reliability and unpretentiousness.

The STIHL 660 is no longer in production any more, t.к. The more modern STIHL 661 is available instead, but the chainsaw can still be purchased from an authorized dealer.

This chainsaw has a specific purpose, that is, to cut brushwood.к. Its power allows you to uncrank the trunks of large trees, to work on mobile sawmills like “Logosol” or “Murka”.

Below is a video of using the 660th Stihl model in a mobile sawmill.

The saw has a power of 7.1 liters.с., weighs more than seven kilograms. Because of its great weight and power, this model is not suitable for delimbing or construction work, but is used for felling and crosscutting.

As standard, the chainsaw was supplied without a saw headset, which means that the buyer has the option to choose the necessary length of the bar and the chain design.

Where do they sell fake STIHL chain saws?

You may be sold a copy of the STIHL MS 660 chainsaw at shopping malls, cottages and even in the backyards of your home. Price starts at 100, and depending on your skill to bargain, can drop to 50.

Scammers usually use the same story:

  • Chainsaws were given out as wages at a construction site or in a factory.
  • Bought a stolen batch on the cheap.
  • Was already bought, but friends or mother-in-law gave another five.
  • Need a drink or need money fast.
  • A lot of fakes on bulletin boards.

If you need a chainsaw for a couple of days, and you’re not going to cut wood on an industrial scale, then the fake STIHL MS 660 chainsaw will be very useful to you. Although the Chinese fake is of worse quality than the original, but is quite capable of “sawing” wood, in ancient times, people were able to cope with more scarce tools. It is not sorry to drop, throw, catch nails and other things, you can pour anything into the tank, as long as it burns, and after its failure, throw this chainsaw in the attic, and forget it as a bad dream.

When you see how the product works, you think the saw is good. This illusion is because the sellers fill the tank with pure gasoline. After a performance, the life of an “undershield” is reduced by 50%. If you have fallen for this trick and bought the car, then use the car as it is, with the fuel that the seller has filled.