Oil for compressor fubag than replacing. What kind of oil to pour in a piston air compressor

Features of maintenance of piston compressors

After buying any compressor, there is a need to carry out proper and timely maintenance. In the opposite case, you can get a minimum of incorrect operation of the compressor, the maximum. its quick breakdown. As a rule, manufacturers of compressor equipment in operating manuals recommend conducting certain maintenance work. Consider the features of servicing piston compressors on the example of recommendations from the Belarusian manufacturer “Remeza”. The piston compressors of this manufacturer can be attributed to classic oil compressors, so the basic maintenance rules (TO) can also be extended to everything else similar equipment from other manufacturers. So, let’s consider the main preventive work and stages of the points on the items.

Conduct an external compressor inspection.

The compressor external inspection should be carried out, the compressor’s working condition visually evaluate by external signs: before starting work, check the supply cable, safety valve, manometer, pressostat on the lack of damage, which may affect the serviceability of the action. Inspect the receiver for the absence of dents, cracks, check the reliability of the ground fastening.

Set the oil level and, if necessary, adjust it.

Every day, before starting work, control the oil level. This can be done using a viewing window, which is located on a piston block. The oil level in the crankcase of the piston block should be within the red observation glass mark. If necessary, share compressor oil to the required level. When changing the color of the oil (whitewashing. the presence of water, darkening. severe overheating), it is recommended to immediately replace it. Do not allow oil leaks from the compounds and oil entering the external surfaces of the compressor.

If a low level of oil is detected, it is necessary to adjust it, then eats to add. At the same time, oils of different varieties and quality should not be mixed. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates the type (brand) of the oil to which the compressor is seasoned. Next, you need to do working operations for filling the oil:

Check the density of air pipelines

Check the density of the air pipelines for a possible air leakage. Checking the density of the air pipelines should be carried out at the unconnected installation at a pressure in the receiver no more (0.5. 0.7) MPa.Noises of air passing in the compounds should not be heard. If necessary, you need to tighten the compounds.

Drain condensate from the receiver.

After each working shift, as well as at the end of work, it is necessary to drain the resulting condensation through the condensate drain valve, which is located at the bottom of the receiver. If this is not followed by this is given to the additional moisture in the pneumolinia, and in the receiver itself, over time, there will be corrosion of metal and rust, which will worsen not only the quality of the air at the output, but can be dangerous for subsequent operation. To drain condensate, the following actions must be performed:

Clean the compressor of dust and pollution.

It is necessary to ensure that the compressor is cleaned of dust and pollution for correct and long.term operation. It is recommended to clean all the outer surfaces, the piston block and the electric motor from dust and pollution, to improve cooling. Only cotton and linen rags should be used as wiping material.

After the first 8 hours of work.

It is necessary to check the tightening efforts of the bolts of the cylinder heads of the piston block. After the first 8 and 50 hours of work, it is necessary to check and, if necessary, tighten the bolts of the heads of the piston block cylinders to compensate for the temperature shrinkage. Tightening moment according to the table below. The tightening must be done exclusively after cooling the piston unit to the ambient temperature.

After the first 50 hours of work.

Check the tightening efforts of the bolts of the cylinder heads of the piston block.

Check the tension of the belts

After the first 50 hours of operation and then, check with each 300 hours of work and, if necessary, adjust the tension of the belts, clean them from pollution. With insufficient tension, the belts slipped in, vibration occurs with exposure to the bearings of the alternating load “Tighten”, overheating of the pulleys, overheating and reducing the efficiency of the piston unit. When the belts are pulled, then there is an excessive load on bearings with their increased wear, overheating of the electric motor and a piston unit.

To check the tension of the belts, the following actions must be performed:

The tension must be adjusted by the displacement of the electric motor, having previously released the bolts of its fastening to the platform. The pulley of the electric motor and the pulley of the piston block should be in the same plane

After the first 100 hours (every 100 hours.) work.

Replace the oil.

After the first 100 hours of work, it is necessary to replace the oil. Next, every 300 hours of work, you also need to change the oil. For refueling the compressor, it is recommended to use compressor oils with a viscosity of 100 mm 2 /s at 40 ° C. As a rule, compressor oil goes with the designation of 100 VDL or 100 ISO. Do not use oil for pneumatic tools or oil for screw compressors for piston compressors.

What functions does the oil perform

There are quite important tasks for oil for piston air compressors. The main function is to ensure reliable, efficient and stable operation of the compressor. This is the performance of such tasks:

  • lubrication of rubbing elements and surfaces, which extends their service life;
  • cooling of the piston group, since during operation severe heating occurs;
  • gap seal;
  • reduction of detonation;
  • ensuring the tightness of the working chamber.

If the oil level is low, or the lubricant will be absent at all, the compression camera will reduce its tightness, which will negatively affect the performance and technical condition of the compressor.

Some ask how the special compressor oil differs from the usual motor, and whether it can be used. This option is undesirable. If we talk about how compressor oil differs in fact from car motor, then such nuances are released here:

  • higher environmental characteristics in compressor lubrication;
  • above fire safety indicator;
  • different viscosity parameters.

In theory, pour motor fluid. But there are no guarantees that the compressor will work stably and without problems.

It is rather suitable for one.time use when it is impossible to find a special lubricant, and the unit urgently needs to be launched into work. After that, immediately drain the engine oil, rinse the system and fill the suitable liquid. Better yet, try to avoid such situations in every way.

Oil requirements

Due to the design features of the compressor to the oils, special requirements are imposed for their operation. It is good for lubrication when it is in a closed system and a sealed case. But if we talk about the piston compressor, then the upper elements of the piston, as well as the cylinder, are in contact with the environment. As a result, the oil pollutes the compressed air created. Because of this, the equipment should simultaneously solve 2 problems:

Then what lubricant oil is poured into compressors to satisfy these requirements? It should have the following parameters:

  • Good adhesion. The lubricant will be held in the working area and not penetrate the air flow.
  • Stability at high temperature. The compressor heats up when working, so it is important.
  • High flash temperature. Creates all conditions for fire safety.
  • Viscosity. The composition should not be excessively liquid, otherwise it will flow out. But thick lubrication will be inefficiency.
  • Tendency to form deposits. We are talking about unwanted carbon deposits. The smaller there are, the more stable the air compressor works.

If the equipment operates at low temperatures, then you should still pay attention to such an indicator as the temperature of the solidification.

For air compressors, it is recommended to take a lubricant with a viscosity of 10-12, and with a flash temperature of at least 350 degrees Celsius.

If you do not know what oil you need to pour into your compressor, then just look into the technical documentation. There is a type, characteristics, volume and other parameters. Better compressor manufacturer, no one knows the answer to this question.

Even if the registration certificate has not been preserved, you can always find information on the manufacturer’s website, contact technical support, ask for advice in the store and so on.

Mineral against synthetic

Compressor oils can be both mineral and synthetic. This is important to consider when choosing.

The thesis can be drawn the following conclusions regarding these types:

  • Mineral compositions are cheaper;
  • Mineral oil is suitable for those air compressors that work periodically, and not constantly;
  • The mineral water has stiff temperature restrictions, so it is impossible to allow heating above 90 degrees Celsius;
  • Synthetic fluids are more expensive, but have improved characteristics;
  • Their temperature range is wide, and can reach 200 degrees Celsius;
  • Synthetics retains working characteristics at a negative temperature, which can not be said about the mineral analogue.

The service life of synthetic compressor oil exceeds the operational period of mineral oils by 3-4 times.

It is best to take synthetics for powerful, as well as constantly operated compressors.

We give several examples of which oil can be safely poured into your air compressor. Provided that their characteristics will comply with the requirements of the manufacturer of the unit.

Knowing now what special oil can be poured into the compressor, it is time to move on to the issue of it with your own hands.

Oil replacement in a piston compressor.

During the operation of the piston oil compressor, the need for “valve”, or oil replacement occurs periodically. In this article we will talk about how to do it right in practice, step by step. The process itself is quite simple, but in practice some questions may arise, which we will try to answer. First of all, it should be noted that in piston oil compressors, special oil is used, with its specification (characteristics), which meets the recommendations for the compressor operation. The main indicators of the quality of the oil are: viscosity, acidity, water.soluble acids and alkalis, oxidation, water and mechanical impurities, flash temperature. We will not go into the specifics of these values, since they had previously covered these points in one of the articles. We note only the fact that the oil you purchased for piston compressors should contain an index 100 (oil viscosity 100 mm 2 /s at 40 ºC.), letter contractions can be different VDL, ISO, VG, VCL, P, PD, etc.D. Only this oil can be used for piston oil compressors. It can be in its composition, mineral, synthetic, semi.synthetic and contain various additives that prevent foaming and the formation of Nagar elements. Therefore, if you are adding little, then in no case can you mix various oils, since they can contain various additives that can enter into conflict with each other and have a negative impact on the work of a piston compressor. Thus, if you decide to add oil, then you must certainly know the brand of oil, which was previously used. If you do not know this, then it is recommended to drain the old and completely pour new oil.

So, what are the rules and procedure for replacing oil in piston oil compressors? We will analyze these moments in order. It is recommended to completely replace the oil after the first 50 hours in compressors with direct drive, and after the first 100 hours in compressors with belt drive. Next, it is recommended to change the oil every 300 hours of work. You can also decide on the replacement of oil based on visual observations of it: when changing the color of the oil (whitewashing. the presence of water, darkening. severe overheating) is also recommended to replace it immediately.

To replace the oil in a piston oil compressor, it is recommended to perform the following actions:

compressor, fubag, replacing, kind

Turn off the compressor (press the button on the press stratum or transfer the lever to the “OKL” position or to the “O” or “OFF” position, depending on the execution. After that, the electric motor will stop and the pressure will be reset from the discharge air duct and the piston unit. Next, it is necessary to reduce the pressure in the receiver to the atmospheric. And finally, turn off the introductory switch or disconnect the compressor supply cable from the electric network.

Next, you need to wait until the oil in the compressor has cooled after work to a temperature of 50-80C.

After unscrew the plug.in opening plug located on the piston block at the top of the crankcase.

Loosen the drain plug located at the bottom of the crankcase.

Find the old, unnecessary container for collecting waste oil to the drainage, completely unscrew the drain plug and drain the oil.

Pour new oil intended for piston compressors to the desired level into the flooded hole.

How To Replace An Obsolete Air Compressor Pump

The oil level in the crankcase of the piston block should be within the red observation glass mark.

compressor, fubag, replacing, kind

The gas supply volume of different models of compressors can be different from 0.3 liters and above. In piston compressors with belt gear, on average it is 0.5-0.9 liters.

Next, tighten the plug plug.

All, all the necessary procedures are completed, now, you can again include the compressor in the network and start work. When turning on, you can hear that the piston block began to work a little quieter and dimely. So, the oil replacement was good for him and was carried out in a timely manner.

To refuel the compressor with oil pneumatic store.Ru recommends using only proven oils. Therefore, it is necessary to contact either the manufacturer’s passport, or choose from those oils that have proven, for example, Mannol ISO 100 or Fubog VDL 100 oil.

Compounds for screw models

You can recommend a substance with good viscosity in the first place, and not resistant to high temperature. Good sealing properties are also required. The minimum value of the permissible viscosity is 7 mm² /s. Only this indicator will be ensured by reliable sealing of the gaps between the teeth and the depressions of the mechanism. In oil, which is used with screw models, the fire temperature should be at least 180 ° C. This provides a quality cooling of steam when compressed.

Opinions about which oil to pour into the compressor are divided: some praise mineral, others say that synthetic is better. Mineral. cheaper and is usually used when the compressor is used infrequently. In this case, there is a temperature restriction. no more than 90 ° C. Higher temperature can cause ignition or detonation. The service life of the oil is short. 2-4 thousand. hours, depending on the brand and manufacturer.

Synthetic oil has different properties:

  • High viscosity allows its use for any screw compressors.
  • Heating to 180-200 ° C does not violate the structure of the substance and does not lead to detonation. Therefore, he is considered universal.
  • Well shown itself when working in low temperatures: it can be used in the winter on the street.
  • The service life is up to 8,000 hours, which is 2-4 times longer than the mineral.

Synthetic oil costs more than mineral, and it is preferred to buy it when the compressor is used often and actively.

Choice by characteristics

Carefully study the marking. The main thing is that there is heat resistance and high thermo.oxidative stability. Mobile parts are heated in the process of large temperature and the use of a poor.quality product can cause fire. These characteristics should indicate the capacitance.

In the case of screw models, it is especially important to create hermetic gaps, so the use of oil with a viscosity of less than 7 mm² /s is unacceptable. In this case, the operating temperature is not so important, but the use of brands in which this indicator is 90 ° C is not recommended. Otherwise, the oil will have to be changed much more often than in the passport to increase the compressor service life.

Studying the marking, pay attention to the designations. As a rule, standard options: SAE 20, SAE 40, SAE 60, etc. D. You can find such a marking: SAE 20W, SAE 30W. Here the letter W says that oil can be used in the cold season. At a temperature.20 ° C or.30 ° C Visitance will provide high.quality pumping.

The main characteristics taken into account when choosing compressor oils

The main properties of lubricants for compressors operating on an electric engine or ICE:

  • Viscosity. Characterized by values ​​of 1-15. Optimal value-10-12. This composition is well held in the lubricant zone. The product with less viscosity is consumed very quickly. Viscosity also characterizes the tendency of lubrication to the loss of working characteristics at high temperatures. The higher the valid value, the more stable the product to heating.
  • The presence of additives. In high.quality lubricants from well.known manufacturers, there are always additives that increase valuable working properties. antioxidant, anti.icine, anticorrosive, temperature stability. In the domestic marking, the letter “P” indicates the presence of additives, in foreign. I.
  • The temperature of self.flaming. For air compressors, lubricants are recommended, in which this parameter is not lower than 350 ° C.
  • The temperature of the solidification. This is an important quality, taken into account if it is necessary to operate compressor equipment in winter conditions.

How to choose the right oil for filling in an air piston compressor

The best option is the purchase of the oil indicated in the technical passport to the compressor, and its filling in the volume, which slightly exceeds the indicator recommended by the manufacturer.

If there is no technical passport for equipment for any reason, you can resort to the following methods:

  • find the official website of the manufacturer or company producing compressors with similar technical characteristics;
  • get a consultation in a store that is an official dealer of the brand, or in a service center serving such units;
  • When buying used equipment, ask the seller about the features of maintenance of compressor equipment.

A particularly important characteristic that must be taken into account when choosing lubrication is the temperature restriction.

How to choose the right oil for filling in an air piston compressor

The best option is the purchase of the oil indicated in the technical passport to the compressor, and its filling in the volume, which slightly exceeds the indicator recommended by the manufacturer.

If there is no technical passport for equipment for any reason, you can resort to the following methods:

  • find the official website of the manufacturer or company producing compressors with similar technical characteristics;
  • get a consultation in a store that is an official dealer of the brand, or in a service center serving such units;
  • When buying used equipment, ask the seller about the features of maintenance of compressor equipment.

A particularly important characteristic that must be taken into account when choosing lubrication is the temperature restriction.

Examples of oil marking

For uninterrupted operation of air compressor equipment, it is recommended to use only special certified compounds. Possible options:

  • Arian K-12. Inexpensive mineral oil, which is poured into compressors that provide an average and high level of pressure. Differs in a reduced amount of sulfur. Another low-gray product is Arian K-28. Its advantage is the complete absence of mechanical inclusions.
  • BP ENERSYN GCS-180. Synthetic composition, which is prohibited to combine with mineral. Designed specifically for piston compressor units. Contains antioxidants.
  • Fubag. The oils of this German brand can be used in air compressors and other brands, including Chinese. They contain a set of additives that prevent oxidative processes at any temperatures and the formation of coke deposits.
  • KM100 Encor 40612. Economical due to the minimum level of evaporation. This oil can be poured into the compressor in winter, since it is adapted to work at low temperatures.
  • Mobil Rarus. A product suitable for all types of air compressors. It is characterized by: reduced viscosity, high fire temperature, low ability to form carbon deposits.
  • Mineral oil “ZMK-PS” is an acceptable option for household compressors. This wear.resistant product does not require frequent replacement.
compressor, fubag, replacing, kind

How to change oil in an air compressor

Then we’ll talk about how to replace the oil in the compressor of the air. The optimal frequency of the device is indicated by the manufacturer in the technical documentation. However, with accuracy, we can say that the replacement of the lubricant is carried out after the first 20-50 hours of operation of the compressor.

You can not mix oil from different manufacturers. They may include a different set of additives, which in the case of mixing are able to react. This will lead to such an undesirable phenomenon as precipitation loss

Then the equipment is served with frequency every 500 hours of operation, but at least once a year. If the compressor operation occurs in complex mode, then the lubricant will need to be changed more often.

To perform service, you must do the following:

  • Stop the compressor, turn it off from the power and disconnect all the connected tools.
  • We are waiting for a while so that the details of the device are cool.
  • Testing all the air to zero values.
  • Install an empty container for waste oil.
  • On the piston block we find a drain plug, unscrew it.
  • Unscrew the tick of the drain.
  • We delete the remains of the previous material using special washing liquid (pour it and let the compressor work for 10-15 minutes).
  • We pour new material into the compressor, controlling the level through the viewing window. If such a window is absent, an oil measuring probe is required. You need to pour slightly higher than the maximum level value.

Further during operation, the level should be regularly checked: for the optimal mode of operation, the compressor should be at a height of 2/3 of the distance between the maximum and minimum mark on the probe or viewing window.

Characteristics of oils used during the operation of compressor installations

There are varieties of piston compressors for which oil is not required. They are used if necessary to get compressed air at the output without impurities and with the most reduced indicators of relative humidity. Rings from composite materials are used to compact piston units of such units. In such compressors, soot on working details is not formed (which is their main advantage). But at a price, such compressors definitely lose their oil.

The optimal lubricant should satisfy the following requirements:

  • Maximize the heating of compressed air as the compressor is working duration increases.
  • Possess properties that are not changing with an increase in temperature and pressure.
  • Having a minimum coke number. the percentage of a solid carbon residue, which is formed in the process of thermal decomposition of oil.
  • Have stable physical and chemical properties, in particular the parameters of the outbreak, droppings, solidification and melting.

All characteristics of domestic oils are regulated by relevant state standards. Thus, the permissible flash and ignition temperatures determine GOST 6356 and GOST 4333, the stability of the chemical composition is GOST 11063, and the tendency to the formation of the oil soil. GOST 10585.

The upper limits that determine the suitability of oil for use in piston air compressors are considered:

  • humidity. not higher than 1.5%;
  • sulfur. no more than 3%;
  • ash (or coke number). not higher than 0.14%;
  • flash temperature. at least 100 110 ° C;
  • The temperature of self.flaming. not lower than 350 ° C.

Importance of oxidation, corrosion activity and minimum mechanical impurities are also considered important indicators.


Not so many firms produce compressor oils. Their products differ in value, viscosity, temperature of the solidification and other parameters. What oil is poured into the air compressor? Here are a list of a number of manufacturers:

  • “Arian K-12”. Used in piston compressors of medium and high pressure. Contains 0.3% sulfur; freezes at.25 ° C, viscosity varies from 11 to14 mm² /s. It is inexpensive.
  • BP ENERSYN GCS 180. Synthetic oil for piston compressors. Can heat up without harm to high temperature. Contains corrosion preventing oxidation inhibitors. Expensive.
  • Mobil Rarus 429. Universal oil suitable for screw and piston compressors. Due to the high level of cleaning, good viscosity and high ignitional temperature are provided. Extremely low indicator of the formation of coke deposits, which extends the service life. Expensive.
  • “Arian K-28”. Universal mineral oil. High viscosity. 26-30 mm² /s, due to this it can be used in screw compressors. Sulfur minimal. There are absolutely no mechanical impurities, which allows the product at temperatures from.10 ° C. Inexpensive.
  • VDL 100 Fubag. Piston compressor oil. A large number of special additives prevents the oxidation of mobile parts even at high temperatures. Also, burning is not formed on them. Expensive.

Having studied these parameters, you can easily choose the oil for the Remeza compressor and other compressors.

AMSOIL Synthetic Compressor Oil. Changing the oil in 2 air compressors

Selection of the desired oil for air-piston compressor

In order for the air compressor to work normally, it is necessary to choose the appropriate oil for the air piston compressor. The composition of such a liquid should perform several functions at once. When choosing this product, it must be borne in mind that almost every type is characterized by individual characteristics. For each specific case, the corresponding liquid is selected.

To achieve stable operation of the device, it is necessary to find out exactly what kind of oil to fill in the piston air compressor. This liquid should perform various functions that provide stable operation of the device with normal maintenance. Failure to fulfill any function reduces the productivity of the apparatus, can even disable it. The most important properties of the fluid of the piston compressor are:

  • Protection of parts from increased wear.
  • Great heat discharge.
  • Reducing engine detonation.
  • Sealing the work chamber of compression.

The correct selection of fluids

In order for the device to show high performance, you need to choose compressor oil for piston compressors, and all its parameters must comply with the individual requirements of the device.

The most important indicators of such a liquid are:

Consumption depends on the operating temperature. It increases when it is increased. This is what causes frequent lubrication. What oil is pouring into the compressor air piston to reduce heat exchange indicators. is usually solved taking into account the fluid brand and the recommendations of the manufacturer.

Professionals advise using only fluids intended for a specific model. The oil brand is indicated in the technical description of the device. The manufacturer indicates the best option. Today, the most popular lubricants are considered:

The latter species differs from others with its properties. Its kinematic viscosity is affected by the operating temperature. If it is equal to 40 degrees, the viscosity value approaches 150 kV. mm/s. If the temperature reaches 100 degrees, the viscosity begins to decline. Its value becomes 10.6 kV. mm/s. If there is a problem, which oil is poured into the air compressor, Eco Mak brands, Shell Corena p 150 liquid can be considered an ideal option.

Selection of a suitable type

It is not always possible to immediately choose the desired type of lubricant for filling in the piston compressor. The most important parameter in the classification is its viscosity. For screw motor devices, sealing properties are considered the main. The permissible viscosity value is 7 mm2/s, at a fire temperature. 180 degrees.

Which is better: mineral water or synthetics

This problem arises quite often. Someone prefers synthetic products, and someone considers mineral lubrication of better. It all depends on the frequency of using the device. If the compressor is rarely turned on, it is better to fill in a mineral water, especially since it costs much cheaper. In addition, its operating temperature is 80. 90 degrees. Mineral fluid has a short life.

The properties of a synthetic product are much better. High viscosity makes it possible to pour lubrication into any compressor. Even when the temperature reaches its maximum values ​​(200 degrees), the liquid structure remains unchanged, the engine does not detonate. Therefore, such a product refers to a universal group.

Synthetics allows you to carry out work at low temperature. The period of operation of such a liquid is several times more. Of course, the cost of synthetics is much higher, but the quality of such oil compensates for all costs. The liquid is actively used in workshops where the compressor works constantly.

Review of popular oils

Of course, the lubricant for the compressor can be called specific material. It is intended for specific work. Manufacturers recommend using only certified, high.quality products. You can replace them with other materials, among which several types are considered the most popular.

The most popular of them is “Arian K-12”. Mineral designed for the work of the piston compressor. The oil hardens when the temperature drops below. 25 degrees. The viscosity varies in the range of 11-14 mm2/s.

BP ENERSYN GCS 180. Synthetics. Can be operated at high temperature. Thanks to special oxidation inhibitors, it protects the details from corrosion.

Mobil Rarus 429. Refers to universal products. Can be operated in any compressor. Has excellent viscosity, ignites at high temperature. Lubrication is designed for a long period of operation.

“Arian K-28”. Universal mineral oil. The degree of viscosity is in the range of 26-30 mm2/s. There is practically no sulfur in the liquid. Due to the absence of various mechanical impurities, the liquid can be used at temperature.10 degrees.

“VDL 100 Fubag“. A special product for filling in a piston compressor. Thanks to special additives, the lubricant protects the parts from oxidation when the temperature reaches high values. The liquid prevents the appearance of burning on the surface of the parts.

Decryption of marking

The special designation of lubrication is used. To choose the right type of oil, you need to know how the designation is deciphered.

Very often for filling the compressor, the CS: GO-19P brand with designations is used:

  • “K”. compressor;
  • “C”. made of sulfur oil;
  • “P”. in its composition are special additives;
  • 19. the value of viscosity when the temperature reaches 100 degrees.

Recommendations of professionals

It is advisable to fill the lubricant specified by the manufacturer into the device. It gives maximum performance and fully corresponds to the characteristics of the device.

The oil level should exceed the required volume. There is no separate lubricant system in these devices. Oil enters the system directly after capturing the lubrication with a crankcase.

compressor, fubag, replacing, kind