The Better To Cut Plywood

What material to choose?

Tips for choosing a material:

  • To create decorative elements, a plywood sheet with a thickness of about four millimeters is suitable.
  • In order to decorate interior items with a carved panel, a plywood sheet with a thickness of eight millimeters or more is suitable.
  • A sheet of six millimeters thick is suitable for the manufacture of frame interior items. But if they are going to make frameless furniture, then they choose a sheet whose thickness is at least fifteen millimeters. It is quite possible to connect pieces of plywood end-to-end, without corners, but in this case it is necessary to make holes in the end part. For additional strength, sealant can be applied to the ends.
  • Plywood sheets with a thickness exceeding ten centimeters are mainly used as flooring on concrete screeds. In this case, a layer of waterproofing is placed between the concrete base and the plywood. How to cut 10 mm plywood? An electric jigsaw is the best choice for cutting plywood at this thickness. However, if you need to cut along a straight mowing line, you can do with a saw.

The Better To Cut Plywood


In order for the edges to turn out without chips, you need to choose the right tool:

  • Needle files are used when cutting complex shapes. Thanks to them, the edges can be made rounded or angular. Set includes triangular, flat and round files.
  • For rough products, it is quite possible to do with two files, flat and round.
  • When plywood sheets need to be processed before roughing the walls, use a flat rasp. With the help of it, the master will clean the edge from chips.
  • Small parts are sanded with sandpaper.
  • Another way to achieve even edges is to glue the "path" of the cut with insulating tape when cutting.

Edge protection against chipping with insulating tape

Sawing tips

How to cut plywood correctly to avoid chipping at the edges? To avoid such problems when working, you should take into account some of the nuances:

  • How to cut plywood with a jigsaw / saw to make it easier to work with? Several clamps will help the beginner master in such a matter. Thanks to them, cutting will be much easier. It is much more convenient to control the material and the tool when the sheet is firmly pressed against the table. Due to the reliable fixation of plywood, damage to the table itself can be avoided.
  • Drawings of any product can be found on the Internet.
  • Drawing from sheet to plywood can be copied.
  • How to cut plywood with a jigsaw to avoid chipping? When working with a manual jigsaw, you should always make sure that it moves perpendicular to the pile.

Correct position of the jigsaw in relation to the workpiece

Tips for working with a hand and electric jigsaw:

  • When working with an electric jigsaw, observe the tilt angle of the platform. Most often it can be customized.
  • In the process of cutting out simple shapes, you should monitor the position of the blade. Cutting should take place from the front of the contour of the figure.
  • If the cut is made in a straight line with the mowing line, then you should be guided by the pointer (on the platform). If there is no pointer, the contour should be drawn with a pencil.
  • To cut a complex hole with an electric jigsaw, you need to make a hole in any part of its contour. The drill diameter must be greater than the blade width.

Piercing the hole for the entrance of the jigsaw file with a special awl

  • If you are going to make a hole with a hand jigsaw, then the part should be pierced with an awl. Then you should thread the canvas through it. After the part is fixed again in the frame.
  • If an electric jigsaw is used, then the tool is turned in the process of work, and not a sheet of plywood (if you need to turn according to the picture). When working with a hand jigsaw, turn the plywood.
  • If you need to cut out a figure and a plywood sheet with cutouts, then first cut out the cutouts (turning the sheet is much easier than a small part).
  • During work, care should be taken that the material does not overheat. When the edge becomes hot, it is necessary to pause for a while to allow the file to cool down. Otherwise, the teeth will lose their sharpening.
  • The canvas should be well taut. Otherwise the file will break.

How and what to cut plywood without chips

Anyone who is going to create a piece of furniture from a plywood sheet, for example, a stool, a carved box, a wardrobe or a rocking chair, asks what should be taken into account when working to make the product reliable and attractive? Also, many are interested in how to cut plywood (with a jigsaw or a saw).

The sheet material should be cut on a solid installation to avoid the shaking of the treated area

To answer the question, what is the best way to cut plywood and how to do it correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances, subtleties that should be taken into account in the process in order to achieve a positive result before work.

How to choose a tool for cutting a plywood sheet?

To answer the question of how to cut plywood without chips, you need to find out which tool and in what cases is more appropriate to use.

The choice of cutting tool depends on the complexity of the pattern, more precisely on the bend radius that needs to be cut.

If the bending radius is no more than one centimeter, then a hand jigsaw is used. If the width of the material is about a millimeter, then in this case, you can create many complex shapes.

If the bending radius is more than three centimeters, then an electric jigsaw is used. What file to cut plywood with? First of all, it should be noted that the radius depends on the width of the material, therefore, the smaller the saw teeth, the more intact the veneer layer will be. For this reason, in order to cut out complex shapes, they use a cloth for metal.

The sketch should be applied to the back of the plywood. This will help prevent chips from rising (if it does rise, then only from the back side).

If you want to cut in a straight line with the mowing line, then a circular saw is most appropriate. With the help of such a tool, you can achieve an even and clean cut.


If we take into account all the subtleties and nuances during work, then the result of all negative moments can be avoided.

How and how to cut chipboard and plywood? A few tips

Of the household tools, the most suitable for cutting chipboard is a hand-held circular saw. But even when cutting chipboard with its help, a number of problems arise: 1) it is very difficult to follow strictly in a straight line of the mowing line, the saw wags; 2) chips are formed.

Are there any ways to solve these problems? There is. It is about them that we will tell today. By the way, all these tricks apply to cutting plywood.

Tip 1: Cut the chipboard on the floor with full support

Full support cutting means that when you push the saw to the end, the chipboard to be cut will not fall off immediately.

If you want a very smooth and clean cut, the chipboard is best cut on the floor. This will give you a 100% solid, stable base. The chipboard will not move even if you pile on top of it to complete the cut. You will also be sure that the cut piece will not fall off, split or fall.

Place 5 × 10cm blocks under the chipboard sheet perpendicular to the direction of the cut. Bars will have to be sacrificed as the saw will go through them. The more stable your chipboard sheet is, the neater the cut will be.

Tip 2: Adjust the cutting depth

Adjust the depth so that no more than half of the disc teeth protrude beyond the bottom edge of the chipboard or plywood (see photo above). It may not seem important to you, but believe me, the depth of cut has a significant impact on the quality of the cut. With this setting, the prong cuts the material rather than chops it, and the saw also stabilizes so that it vibrates less during the cutting process. Both of these factors make the saw marks on the chipboard cut less noticeable.

Position the saw along the edge of the chipboard, raise the guide and watch from a close distance to set the correct cutting depth. By the way, at the same time it would be good to check the saw blade for damage, because a saw with bad teeth will make a rough cut. One more point: the saw is designed so that its stroke goes upwards, so chips are most often formed on the surface of the chipboard that faces upwards, and the cut from the side of the surface looking downwards is cleaner. Therefore, place a good face down when cutting chipboard.

Tip 3: Use a rigid, long, straight object as a guide for ripping.

It is convenient to use a narrow long piece of chipboard, 16 mm thick and about 30 cm wide, which was professionally cut in a specialized workshop, as a guide for making a straight straight cut. All that is needed is to tighten the ends with a clamp.

It is generally best to have the metal base plate of the saw blade rest against the edge of the guide to maximize the stability of the saw during cutting.

Tip 4: check the guide before making the cut

Tip 5: cut at a constant speed without stopping

Cutting speed will depend on many factors, including the type of saw and blade sharpness, and the material you are cutting. In general, the sharp disc passes through the chipboard sheet with little resistance, as if it were melting wood. If you feel like you have to push and push the saw, it means that you are sawing too fast or the blade is dull. Cutting too fast tears the chipboard fibers and leaves noticeable marks on the cut. Too slow can cause the disc to overheat and ignite the wood.

Then you will get both marks and a burnt mark on the cut. This is why it is best to cut on the floor when you are making a long cut. You can crawl on your knees directly on the chipboard, following the movement of the saw, you do not need to stretch or bend.

Tip 6: Take a disc with a lot of teeth

In principle, all discs from the picture above are capable of making a good cut on chipboard and plywood. As we wrote above, the more teeth, the better the cut. However, the downside of the 140-tooth disc is that it dulls faster than the other three. Especially if you are cutting chipboard. Take a 40 or 56 tooth disc. Better to keep one more in reserve. 56-tooth disc is commonly used for cutting laminated parquet.

It must be removed carefully, pull it in the direction perpendicular to the cut (see photo below), so as not to damage the chipboard laminate.

And one more piece of advice. If you need to cut expensive material from the front side, tape the saw platform with adhesive tape so that it does not leave scratches on the surface of the sheet.

How to cut plywood at home

Determining the optimal tool for cutting wood-based panels is not a difficult task, standard equipment can be used for the process.

Features of cutting tools

Each plywood cutting tool has its own characteristics when used. Consider the rules for working with plywood with various cutting tools.

Hand-held electric saw

  • Saber. An alternative to a jigsaw, but more suitable for quickly trimming off excess without creating an even and accurate edge.
  • Disk. It is used most often because it enables large-scale work. The disadvantage of the device is that cutting is possible only in a straight line.

A reciprocating saw is not designed for precise cutting, so it can only be used for rough cutting of plywood, while a circular hand circular saw is considered one of the best options for such work.

It is better to cut plywood according to the specified dimensions using the latter option, taking into account some features of the application:

  • Adjustable immersion depth minimizes edge damage.
  • Small format carbide discs with frequently spaced teeth are suitable for work.
  • Ease of use. The tool is lightweight and does not require a dedicated installation platform.

When choosing a suitable disc, you need to pay attention to the setting of the teeth: a slight discrepancy is convenient for thin materials, a larger one for thick plates.

Adhesive tapes

To protect the back side of the plywood, tape is glued along the mowing line of the cut. This method helps to prevent large pieces from breaking off, which is especially effective if the decision is made to use a hand or electric jigsaw. However, not all adhesive tape is suitable for this purpose. For example, masking tape in this case will be completely useless due to the small margin of safety.

Before you start sawing, a tape-tape reinforced with fiberglass or aluminum is glued to the surface. The requirements for its width are as follows: on both sides of the mowing line, there should be a margin of 1.5-2.0 cm.It is better to paste by pressing the tape with a dry cloth, avoiding the formation of wrinkles and gluing.

After the saw blade or electric jigsaw has stopped working, remove the tool after disconnecting it from the mains. Then proceed to peel off the tape. At the same time, great care should be taken so that sharp movements do not cause the separation of small fragments of the laminated surface, which inevitably form during cutting. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon the use of materials with a strong adhesive base. When choosing such a tape, one should take into account its adhesive ability and ease of cleaning from a rough surface.

How to cut plywood

In the production of various finishing works or in the manufacture of furniture, the use of plywood is a common practice. At the same time, home craftsmen face a choice: how to cut plywood and how to achieve a perfect cut without chips. When cutting such material, some difficulties arise: the sheet is large, and the structure of its base creates difficulties when sawing. Knowing some of the features, you can achieve excellent results when working with an electric jigsaw, hand saw or circular saw. The main condition is to ensure reliable fixation of plywood.

Plywood is a practical and easy-to-handle material

Hand saw

When cutting plywood with a hand saw, physical effort has to be made due to the high density of the material. This tool is used when it is necessary to cut a sheet of plywood into equal pieces.

A hand jigsaw is considered the best tool and allows you to decide in advance how to cut plywood without chips, saving yourself the need to purchase electrical tools. With its help, you can make a small number of elements of complex shapes. Having certain skills in working with a jigsaw, you can make a neat cut, however, due to high labor costs and low productivity, this method cannot be called optimal.

If you do not have electrical tools or a simple jigsaw at hand, then you should resort to using a simple hand saw. To cut the sheet conveniently and avoid chipping, the tool blade must have a large number of small and well-sharpened teeth. The angle of inclination of the saw to the plywood sheet must be sharp. It is recommended to avoid jerking and make steady movements with strong pressure.

Saw cutting tips

How to cut plywood without chips will become clear after reading the basic recommendations about the workflow:

  • The plywood sheets are cut on the floor with absolute support;
  • It is necessary to adjust the cutting depth, which can affect the level of cut quality;
  • In the longitudinal direction of the cut, a long straight object is used as a guiding tool;
  • Before making a cut, you should check the guide;
  • It is recommended to cut at high speed, which should not be changed;
  • When cutting with a circular saw, the discs must be selected with the largest number of teeth;
  • The cross-cut is advised to be done with adhesive tape.

Hand tool

Who does not know how to cut plywood at home, you should look at the information below. The main tools for cutting plywood are distinguished:

  • Hand saw;

Plywood is considered a fairly dense material, so you have to apply physical force while cutting it with a hacksaw by hand. The device is usually used to divide sheets into equal fragments. The teeth should be small to avoid damage to the structure of the material.

  • Elements of different shapes are also created from plywood sheet with band or circular saws. Due to the high speed of rotation of the cutting wheels, it is difficult to get a neatly perfect cut. Therefore, in the work it is advised to use cutting wheels, which are equipped with small teeth, intended for work processes exclusively with wood.
  • Any plywood can be easily cut with a jigsaw with a fine saw. To do this, you just need to press the tool against the tile and guide it carefully, without jerking. Upon completion of the cutting process, the edges of the sheets are advised to be sanded.

The better to cut plywood and in what quantity. A hand jigsaw is considered the ideal tool for making small quantities of complex parts. With a certain skill, it can allow you to get neat cuts. The manual method of cutting cannot be called productive, especially since it is very tiring.

  • When creating rectilinear forms of cuts, a circular saw with fine-toothed cutting wheels is used. Cutting wheels for chipboard can quickly cope with the task of cutting plywood sheets. In this case, the saw is guided with a slight pressure and at a slow speed.
  • If you do not have jigsaws and power tools among the available tools, you should try to saw the material with a regular saw manually. The tool should be fine-toothed and well-sharpened. In the process of cutting, the blade is led at an acute angle to the surface of the plywood sheet. Movements should be carried out even with great pressure, and without jerking. Careful work should be done especially at the end of cutting, because the slightest wrong movement can lead to the formation of a large chip, thus rejecting an already finished element.

How to cut plywood. recommendations and instructions

How to cut plywood, despite the fact that its sheets have a minimum size of 12.2×12.2 cm. After all, during construction and repair work, fragments of smaller parameters and various shapes, sometimes even curved, are needed. Cutting this material cannot be avoided, as it has become a necessity in most cases.

Laser cutting

How to cut plywood with a laser and what parameters of the material should be cut with this tool. Plywood can be cut in this way to a thickness of 8-10 mm. This process may vary depending on the type of wood, the type of glue and the processing option. It is better to cut the de-resinated coniferous plywood sheets. Birch plywood is not recommended for cutting, and material with formaldehyde resin is even harder to cut. The upper part of the cut is always dark. The mode and level of cut quality for all types of plywood are determined by experiment.

The cutting process with a laser will allow you to make parts without mechanical influence on the sheets. This prevents chips and lint from appearing at the edges. The laser beam has such a small diameter that it will allow you to cut elements with parameters of several millimeters and complex geometric shapes.

The maximum material thickness that a laser can cut depends on the power level of the laser emitters and is often limited to 15-20 mm.

The principle of work requires a level of training. After all, wood is a fairly flammable material, so it must be constantly cooled. To do this, the tool blows up along the cutting part, which is manually adjusted. This way you can achieve maximum cleanliness of processing without the formation of deposits. At the same time, processing of elements of a technical nature is performed, which can last longer.

Laser is the best option for those interested in how to cut plywood figuratively.


How to cut 10mm thick plywood with a hand router, the following recommendations will suggest:

  • The cutter is fixed in the collet.
  • The number of engine revolutions suitable for this work process is set.
  • The required milling depth is adjusted using the immersion limiter when working with plunge cutters or a specific value of the overhang of the cutter relative to the base is fixed when working with edge cutters).
  • Installs a pilot bearing or beveler ring or other equipment to help maintain the desired cutter path.

Working with a hand router

The following basic safety measures are noted when using a router when cutting plywood sheets:

  • The cutter must be fastened and adjusted with the power cord unplugged.
  • Operating a hand router requires careful attention and concentration. During milling, you need to clearly stand on your feet and firmly hold the router with your hands. Do not work in a state of fatigue or absent-mindedness to avoid injury.
  • The processing element must be firmly fixed, otherwise it can break off the cutter and rush with great force and speed.
  • It is necessary to beware of possible impacts when the instrument touches the material. To avoid impact, you need to hold the router firmly, firmly pressing it to the base and move it with smooth movements. Clothing should be selected for work without loose parts that might catch the tool.
  • It is better to avoid inhaling the fine dust that occurs during the milling process. It is sucked off with a vacuum cleaner. You can use a respirator.

Thus, it became clear what can be used to cut plywood and basic recommendations with the principles of work when cutting.

How to cut plywood

In the production of various finishing works or in the manufacture of furniture, the use of plywood is a common practice. At the same time, home craftsmen face a choice: how to cut plywood and how to achieve a perfect cut without chips. When cutting such material, some difficulties arise: the sheet is large, and the structure of its base creates difficulties when sawing. Knowing some of the features, you can achieve excellent results when working with an electric jigsaw, hand saw or circular saw. The main condition is to ensure reliable fixation of plywood.

Plywood is a practical and easy-to-handle material


To cut the plywood sheet correctly, you must use a suitable tool and follow some rules:

  • Before cutting, you need to take all measurements and check yourself in order to avoid annoying mistakes;
  • During operation, it is necessary to monitor the power cord;
  • Before using the tool, you need to adjust the cutting depth to an unnecessary value;
  • The saw blade must be suitable for cutting plywood;
  • The use of the saw should be accompanied by the use of protective gloves and goggles;
  • Dull saw blades are more dangerous than sharpened ones;
  • When cutting plywood, it is necessary to observe safety not to put your hands close to the blade;
  • Do not start work without power tool skills.

Circular Saw

Plywood sheets can be cut into various shapes using a circular or circular saw, but the main purpose of these tools is to create rectangular cuts. It is very difficult to get a neat cut when cutting material because the speed of rotation of the discs is very high. In this regard, preference should be given to those cutting wheels that have small teeth and are used for working with wood. When processing plywood, it is good to use cut-off wheels designed for sawing chipboard.

Tip: when cutting the plywood sheet, care should be taken that the pressure on the sheet is low and the rotation speed of the disc is low.

When making furniture or repairing it, you often have to choose how to cut laminated plywood. To get a clean cut, it is necessary to select discs or blades that have frequent and fine teeth. The angle of their sharpening, as well as the shape, is of great importance. It is advisable to select discs with a positive sharpening angle and different shapes of teeth (alternation of trapezoidal and straight teeth is observed). If the disc has negative sharpening angles, then it is necessary to reduce the speed, otherwise the wood will burn.

A relationship has been established between the size of the chip and the saw teeth: small ones leave less damage than large ones. The set of teeth has an impact on the cleanliness of cutting plywood. Best results are achieved with minimal wiring. You can check this parameter using a regular ruler. Sawing a thick sheet with a disc with a minimum set of teeth should not be, since the increased friction will cause it to burn and pinch the disc.

Electric jigsaw

Cutting any plywood is best done with an electric jigsaw. When working with this tool, you should use small files, cut the blade, pressing the jigsaw and avoiding jerky movements. At the end of the process, the ends of the material are processed using sandpaper.

You should not purchase low-quality tools, since after a 5-meter cut, there is a strong bluntness of the cutting edge, which causes the appearance of chips. The lack of setting and the opposite sharpening of the adjacent teeth and the small width allow you to make a complex figured cut. But these qualities of fine cut files cause the blades to be brittle.

Finish cutting of plywood can be done using blades for working with metal parts. The size of the teeth of such saws is minimal, which greatly slows down the cutting speed, but allows you to achieve the highest quality. Since the width of the metal files is large, it is possible to carry out a figured cut only with a large bending radius (0.6-0.8 m).

Electric jigsaw cutting

To obtain an even cut, the sequence of actions should be as follows:

  • Fix material securely.
  • If possible, cut perpendicular to the grain of the wood, otherwise it will be very difficult to get an even edge.
  • In no case should you put pressure on the tool, the cutting speed will not increase from this, but the tool is guaranteed to break.
  • The surface of the teeth should be lubricated with oil to facilitate work (when working with heavy wood).
  • It is undesirable to use the tool for a long time due to its heating and engine damage.
  • After use, you need to clean the jigsaw and lubricate it.

Sawing with a circular saw

To effectively cut a sheet with a circular saw, you should follow these rules:

  • Place the plywood sheet on a stable support and make the first notch closer to the middle of the sheet.
  • Adjust the cut in depth. To do this, lower the disc and start cutting, while the immersion depth of the disc should be 0.5 cm greater than the thickness of the blade.
  • Position yourself to the side of the line of action of the saw to avoid injury due to the high probability of kickback.
  • Prepare the saw for making the required cut. To do this, attach the saw shoe (part of it in front) to the blade and install the blade on the cutting line, having first bend the cover.
  • Make sure there is no interference at the bottom of the sheet.
  • Switch on the saw and slowly immerse the blade in the material. Hold the saw firmly to prevent kickback. After plunging into the slot of the disc and installing its shoe on the surface of the sheet, return the protective casing back.
  • Guide the tool along the mowing line to the end of the blade.
  • Turn off the saw and only after it has come to a complete stop, remove it from the slot.