What angle to cut ceiling plinths

Types of ceiling and floor plinths, choice of tools

The installation of baguettes and skirting boards is no less important stage of repair than any other. And trimming the corners here is the most difficult. It is important to choose the right tool for the job and the most appropriate way to cut.

Ceiling plinth

Ceiling moldings, also known as moldings, fillets, borders or just a skirting board, are most often used for finishing joints between the wall and ceiling, although sometimes they cover the inner corners, make a decorative frame or paneling, draw the niches and architectural elements. There are several of the most popular materials for making ceiling moldings:

Plastic (polyvinyl chloride). Wide and stiff moldings are easier to cut with a metal saw. If a more gentle tool is needed, a jigsaw is used.

Styrofoam (polystyrene foam). A very light and porous material that is best cut with a sharp construction or office knife.

Wooden baguettes. Saw blades with a serrated edge, specially designed for baguettes, are suitable for cutting. Hand-operated or electric jigsaws can also be used.

Skirting boards

A modern floor plinth can hardly be called a plank, closing a gap. It is a structural component that complements the design and accentuates the overall design. Baseboards are made of several materials:

Wooden ones can be made of solid wood or veneer. For trimming use flat or circular saws, jigsaws.

Plastic baseboards are dangerous competitors to traditional wood. Easy to install and cut with an ordinary metal hacksaw.

angle, ceiling, plinths

Aluminum baseboards are the last word in interior design. The cuts are usually made with an electric saw or a hand-held metal saw.

Only on wooden baseboards you will have to do a corner trim. Cut the rest evenly and connect it with special angles.

Before you cut the ceiling plinth in the corners, you need to understand the way the corners and joints are formed.

  • Chisel. In fact, it is an ordinary conductor with rails, tapered at right angles, 45 and 22.5 degrees. It’s enough to put the molding correctly and cut according to the template. Then the corner will be even, without warping. However, cheap models have poor fitting slopes, so it is difficult to find a perfect 45 oh there.
  • Sheet with a protractor. If you don’t have and don’t want to buy a protractor, take an ordinary piece of paper. Run a straight fishing line. that will be used to align the molding. Now use a protractor to mark on the sheet the point where the slope from the mowing line is 45 o.

The main problems begin when the molding has an ornament. Just like with wallpaper, it is repetitive and must be caught in the right place. To do this, bring a mirror to the cut point and see if it extends further. If not. the place needs to be relocated.

How to properly cut the corner on the ceiling plinth

Ceiling plinth, also known as a wainscot, frieze or baguette, is a finishing material, which is used on the final stage of the room renovation. In this case it not only masks possible irregularities of the upper edge of wallpaper or peeling plaster on the ceiling, but also serves as a decorative element, which gives completeness and uniqueness of the space.

Ceiling frieze in their apartment, many people install on their own, without attracting professionals. This work is not so difficult if you know how to choose tools and properly cut the corner on the ceiling plinth. The main thing when working with a ceiling frieze:

  • take into account the peculiarities of the material from which the fillet is made;
  • Have the right tools and use them correctly;
  • Know the intricacies of the step-by-step work.

Ceiling plinth. fillet

To do it correctly, it is important to strictly follow the existing recommendations and rules of finishing work. And then you will be pleased with the result.

In the attachment of the fillet (so called this element) there are no difficulties: virtually all varieties of products are attached to a reliable glue.

With the fact that to hang the ceiling plinth, even inexperienced repairmen have no difficulty. They are concerned about something else: how to properly trim a ceiling plinth? Virtually every room, no matter how intricately shaped, is equipped with corners.

And here in these inner corners, the individual elements of the skirting should be beautifully and evenly docked. And in rooms especially complex configuration will have to fudit and over the outer corners. Let’s try to figure out how to be in each of these situations, and how to cut the right part with the available tools.

Baseboard materials and cutting methods

First of all, let’s try to determine what can be made from the fillet, and what a particular material is better to cut.

On sale today you can find products made of foam (PVC), wood, polystyrene foam and polyurethane.

Perhaps some of the cheapest are baseboards made of foam plastic, which is a fragile, soft and brittle material.

Even the fingers of the hand can leave dents, creases and defects on them easily. To cut a nice and even corner of the baseboard based on PVC is difficult enough.

Inexperienced craftsmen can waste large quantities of purchased material for this very reason. Also, this polymer has high electrostatic properties, which explains its ability to collect dust.

It is best to cut such a skirting board with a hacksaw or a sharp construction knife.

How To Cut & Install Crown Moulding

Products made of polystyrene foam are also inexpensive, although this material is a more durable counterpart of traditional foam.

Can also be processed with a sharp tool.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Skirting boards made of extruded polystyrene foam are a bit more expensive, a bit denser and harder to cut. But they are much less likely to crumble and break.

This is why it is more convenient and easier to cut them. A hacksaw or sharp knife is handy for this task.

Polyurethane skirting boards for the ceiling are currently probably one of the most expensive.

But they justify their cost: moisture-resistant, quite strong and thick, quite elastic.

Placed over the kitchen stove, the baseboard can warp and even crack a little.

They are perfectly cut with a special knife, without crumbling. But these products are very sensitive to temperature changes.

Wooden skirting boards for the ceiling. these are quite heavy and thick products, hard and durable.

They are well machinable with a special fine-toothed hacksaw. You can also use a reliable metal blade. So how do you cut a ceiling plinth properly??

Prefabricated corners

Note that every master has the opportunity not to pore over the exact cut and fit corners.

In a construction store, you can buy a factory-made corner element, into which the prepared edges of the skirting can easily be inserted.

It is enough to measure the required length of the workpiece, and cut it at right angles.

All defects and flaws will hide this special element. But such a convenient way to use is not always possible, because the standard sizes of these factory corners may differ markedly from the size of the baseboard itself.

Such corners will stand out for their disproportionality, and it will not look very neat. But if the design of the room and the size of the blanks allow you to use this method, then you should not neglect it.

Those who have to use one of the methods of trimming the ceiling plinth, the following tips will be useful.

Material and name

The first material from which they began to make skirting boards for ceiling design, was plaster. They had to be cast in special moulds and then cemented to the ceiling with plaster mortar. Similar decorative elements were called studs and these days they are practically not used, and you can see them in old houses, which have remained virtually intact during this time. These are expensive elements of interior decoration, so no one uses them today, and their name is almost unknown to anyone. To date, there are cheaper and more practical skirting boards for finishing ceilings.

Nowadays, ceiling skirting boards are made from materials such as polystyrene or polyurethane. These are inexpensive decorative elements, which have a number of advantages associated with ease of installation, with the practicality and attractiveness, as well as “weightlessness” compared to elements of decoration from plaster, which have an impressive weight. Such plinths from polyurethane or polystyrene are made of various widths (from 5 to 250 mm), and also have a wide range of forms and drawings, so there is an opportunity to pick up such decorative elements for any style of registration. The only exceptions are the wooden buildings, decorated in the appropriate style, where elements of wood are taken as a basis, and there’s nothing to be done, because the style always dictates its own terms.

There are also plinths of plastic, which are not afraid of moisture, so they are used for finishing rooms, in which there is high humidity. For the sake of justice it should be noted that the polystyrene décor elements are also not afraid of moisture.

Trim ceiling skirting boards in the corners with some methods, while such options are not suitable for trimming skirting boards made of plastic.

How to cut ceiling plinths. at what angle to cut, cutting the corner, how to cut corners for the ceiling, with a wirejet, how to cut, slicing, how to saw

The ceiling skirting gives the ceiling a finished look. In addition, the product closes technical gaps or cracks that arise from wall irregularities. Install them on the perimeter of the room, because of this you need to cut and connect the fragments in the corners. Make a corner on the ceiling plinth is quite simple, if you take into account a few simple rules.

How to cut ceiling plinths

The chair is good to use in rooms with even corners. But often the angle between the walls is not equal to 90 degrees. which means that it is unreasonable to cut the baseboard with a template designed for a 45-degree cut. In this case, manual marking with a pencil (or marker) and a ruler is used.

The method of cutting in this case looks like this:

  • The skirting board is applied to the corner, a pencil is drawn with a fishing line along its outer edge.
  • Applied to the other side, the mark is repeated. As a result, the ceiling should get a cross, marking the place where the edges of the two elements of the plinth converge.
  • Installed in place a section of the baseboard, which will be glued to the appropriate wall. On it with a pencil mark the position of the cross on the ceiling, and on the lower edge. the junction point of the two walls. Read in a separate article about how to make stucco on the wall by yourself.

Cutting method with pencil and ruler

How to trim a ceiling skirting board in the corners, using a plier

This tool is a U-shaped chute. In its sides there are several slots for the blade. They are positioned so that the blade can be set at a given degree. The device is not difficult to find at the construction market and in the store. To make it yourself you will need a U-shaped profile of suitable width or an oblong box.

In the middle of the workpiece, draw a square and make furrows in the sides all the way to the bottom. Placing the saw into the furrows farthest apart, we get the required 45 degrees. The sides should not bend or wobble while cutting, otherwise the blade will get stuck in them, and the cut will turn out uneven. Only work with products made of solid materials that hold their shape well. Make sure that the product is absolutely reliable, and its sides will not fall off at the most crucial moment. When you have a sharp object in your hand, you can get hurt.

Inner joint

Before the ceiling plinth is glued and the corner is cut, it is applied to the place of installation. This is necessary not only to check how flat the base is. This makes it easier to see where the workpiece is going to be and to position it correctly in the jigsaw. Let’s imagine that its bottom is the ceiling. Place the rail in it. Turn the tool towards us with the open side, from which the main part of the baguette, intended for mounting, looks out. Now press the baguette with its perpendicular back edges against the bottom and left wall. Insert the saw into the holes so that its handle is on the left and closer to us. Do not force the handgrip, because this would leave marks in the edges. The blade should move smoothly, trying to avoid burrs and chips.

If the holes in the sides are too wide, you have to watch the warping of the saw. It is desirable to consider the thickness of the blade when making the jigsaw. The product must cut smoothly and freely. A gap with the walls is necessary, but it’s better to keep it to a minimum. it will simplify the task and help avoid mistakes.

One of the most important moments is the final stage, when the saw is almost finished. The hanging part of the workpiece should be secured in the hand. Plastic and styrofoam often kinks under their own weight, creating dents. Wood can crack along the grain. The bottom of the front usually suffers. Dents cannot be corrected. The solid will not be difficult to glue back in place of the torn piece. It will have to be cut off and fastened to where it came off. You can use PVA glue, “Moment”, any other compound. Press the chip firmly against the smeared surface. Remove excess glue carefully with a cloth or tissue.

The second slat is a mirror image of the first, so it is attached to the right side of the jigsaw. Otherwise, the technology is the same as for the first slat. It is cut at the same angle, but from the other side.

Outer joint

In this case the parts are fastened the same way. To make a cut of the lath pressed to the left sidewall, the saw is inserted from the side of the right.

In the case where the lath is an integral part of the outer and inner joint, first make out the inner. Then the rail is put to the place of installation to make a marking for the external. It is very risky to make it at once. You can cut off the excess, and then the length of the prefabricated element is not enough. It will leave a noticeable gap. It is easier and faster to perform actions in the right sequence.Step by step instructions on how to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth with your own hands, see the video.

Skirting boards on the ceiling: how to cut corners?

Any repair work always ends with a finish. In rare cases, the interior of the room can do without a ceiling plinth, its presence helps to hide the joints of finishing materials used for wall and ceiling surfaces, in addition, we should not forget about the decorative function, which carries this element. It is not difficult to decorate the perimeter of a room simply by fastening it in a straight line. Much harder is to cut it correctly in the corners without spoiling the material and spending a minimum of time and money.