What are the lobes for wood processing. Auxiliary tools

Manual jigsaw (choice and operation)

Currently, there are many specialized tools for cutting wood and other materials of similar density. Each type of device has its own characteristics, and is intended for a certain type of work. For example: the chainsaw is perfectly sawn the trunk of the tree, the circular will make an even, shallow cut, and the jigsaw will be able to cut out the most complex figure shape, even inside the workpiece. It is about the last tool, we will tell in this article. Subsequently, we will explain in detail what a manual jigsaw is, how to choose such an instrument of optimal quality and show how to use it correctly.

The design of the device is extremely simple and includes a handle and an arched frame with clamps and screws. A consumable element of a hand.lobby is a miniature file, the length of which can reach 130 mm. For a clearer view, what the jigsaw looks like, we added several images that clearly demonstrate the appearance of this device.

The assembly of the tool is as follows. Saw blade (be sure to teeth down), is fixed at the handle of the tool. Next, place the upper part of the file in the opposite groove and clamp with the help of fasteners. At the same time, the frame is slightly squeezed with a hand so that after fixing, the canvas is stretched. If the tool is assembled correctly, during its operation, a characteristic high sound should be heard. With insufficient tension, the files will break very quickly.

In order to demonstrate as much as possible how they collect a hand.lobby, the photo is not enough, and we added a visual video.

The choice of tools

Currently, a huge number of tool models are presented on the market. The of some can pleasantly surprise, but the quality of the goods does not always correspond to expectations. Below we will talk about several main points that will help you choose the best jigsaw in terms of price quality ratio.

There are several factors on which the durability of the jigsaw and the convenience of its use will depend. The main thing is the material manufacturing of the frame. The metal should be durable, with difficulty to even flexion. Aluminum frames have a slight weight, but their strength is minimal. The best material for the frame will be titanium or steel. Before you give your money for the tool, try to squeeze the frame at the site of fastening the file. If the parties converge almost without effort. this is junk, and it will be unbearably difficult for them to work. Another frame can be tubular or flat. Try to give preference to the second option, but only after the above verification for elasticity.

A regular jigsaw can have a wooden or plastic handle. A tool with a wooden handle is more reliable, as plastic sometimes fly out of the groove and can cause serious injury during operation. Needless to say, keeping the tool should be convenient, so you should choose by hand.

The fastening elements of the saw canvas should be conveniently delayed. It is difficult to grab and fix it with sufficient force, so you have to resort to the help of pliers or improvised objects, which is very inconvenient and increases the risk of breaking the thread. The fasteners should be delayed comfortably, with bare hands, without using improvised means.

Following the above tips, you can easily purchase the best jigsaw for a home or school. For a more clear understanding of the essence of the choice of tools, we recommend watching the video below.

Than the jigsaw is better than a saw?

Work for which both tools are used in essence is the same, but the result is different. The jigsaw owns an order of magnitude the highest qualities that the saw hardly possesses:

  • Thanks to the jigsaw, a smooth cut is provided, which is especially convenient if necessary for further grinding and polishing surfaces. The saw usually leaves a rough cut, which has to be processed in several approaches.
  • The jigsaw has a shift canvas, so that the replacement or selection of the tool becomes faster, while the tension of the canvas during the work is practically not changed.

Wood’s Automation and Control Solutions (Overview)

The jigsaw is much safer than a saw and only scratches can cause only scratches, at the same time a saw can be greatly damaged by the skin, clothes.

Thanks to the use of a small amount of source material for the manufacture of a jigsaw, it is also much cheaper than a regular saw.

Electric lobe device diagram

But it should be borne in mind that these tools are designed for various works for example, for sawing a large log, the thin canvas of the jigsaw is not suitable. Do not try to cut a tree with it, let it and a small. In addition, an electrolobian can overheat and even burn out at large loads, and the canvas may break. A big saw to cope with a log is much easier. Therefore, although the difference between the tools is, nevertheless, the main difference between them is a functional purpose.

Features of cutting tools

Each plywood cutting tool has its own characteristics when using. Consider the rules for working with plywood various cutting tools.

Speaking with a disc saw

The use of a guide when sawing a disc saw will help to avoid irregularities

To effectively cut the sheet using a disc saw, you should adhere to such rules:

  • Place a plywood sheet on a stable support and make the first slot closer to the middle of the canvas.
  • Sprinkled to adjust the depths. To do this, lower the disk and start the sawing, while the disk immersion depth should be 0.5 cm more than the thickness of the canvas.
  • In order to avoid injuries due to the high probability of reverse recoil, you should sit on the side of the cut of the saw.
  • Prepare a saw for the required cut. To do this, you should attach a saw shoe (part in front) to the canvas and install the blade on the fishing line for the cutting trimmer, after bent the casing.
  • Make sure that there is no interference at the bottom of the sheet.
  • Turn on the saw and slowly immerse its blade into the material. To prevent background, you should hold the saw tightly. After immersing in the slot of the disk and installing its shoe on the surface of the sheet, the protective casing should be returned back.
  • Draw a tool along the line to the end of the canvas.
  • Turn off the saw and only after its complete stop to remove from the slot.

Cutting with an electric jigsaw

Electrician allows you to make high.quality figure cuts

To obtain a flat cut, the sequence of actions must be as follows:

  • Reliably fix the material.
  • If possible, cutting is perpendicular to the fibers of wood, otherwise it will be very difficult to get an even edge.
  • In no case should not exert pressure on the tool, the cutting rate of this will not increase, but the tool is guaranteed to break.
  • The surface of the teeth should be lubricated with oil to facilitate the work (subject to work with increased strength).
  • It is undesirable to use the tool for a long time due to its heating and damage to the engine.
  • After use, you need to clean the jigsaw and grease it.

Work with a hand saw

Metal saw is well suited for working with plywood

Work using a hand saw entails much more labor cost compared to a disc saw. To correctly cut a sheet of plywood, you need to take into account the following rules:

  • Make a vertical cut along the cut line. To do this, place the saw blade and stretch the canvas so that the groove forms.
  • Tilt the saw canvas to form with a plane of a sheet of an acute angle (from 30 to 400) and begin to make smooth movements.
  • To preserve the evenness of the cut of the forearm and the shoulder should be located in one plane. When deviated from a given direction, it is necessary to slightly bend the saw in the right direction and continue to work.
  • In order to avoid the formation of fracture, you need to hold a sawn.in part of an unlucky hand.
  • At the end of the saw, it is necessary to again give the canvas a vertical position and finish the work, having carried out several movements perpendicular to the plywood sheet.

This is interesting: the solid coating of laminated plywood gives heterogeneity to the material, which causes chips when processing. Another reason for the appearance of such defects is determined by the speed of movement of the cutting edge, the shape of its teeth and the exerted efforts. Often the canvas of the jigsaw breaks out large pieces of plywood, due to the use of files with large teeth or pushing the upper part of the sheet.


The speed of the tool depends on the properties of its working mechanism, which has certain indicators. The main technical characteristics of the electrician are in power, cut depth and stroke frequency (saw). Let’s figure out what possibilities the same indicators open before the device.

The frequency of the course

Affects the speed and accuracy of the saw. For household models of jigsaws, the maximum number of repayment movements of the saw canvas is 3,000 per minute, when the professional reaches 3200. It is better to cut a tree with a high speed with a high speed, and for cutting metal, on the contrary, the minimum values ​​of this indicator are suitable.

Most modern jigsaws are equipped with a special regulator where you can set speed, optimal for working with a certain material. An analogue of the regulator, a sensitive launch trigger can also serve, the force of pressing on which affects the frequency of movements.


The electric jigsaw determines the speed of its operation at increased loads and is measured in watts (BT). A tool with a small power indicator will not be able to confidently cut a wooden bar with a thickness of more than 10 cm, since the saw canvas simply cannot cope with the resistance of the material. Choosing a jigsaw, it is enough to know the following facts about this parameter:

  • Power of 400-600 W is enough to saw wood with a thickness of 50-80 mm, as well as steel 3-4 mm. This is enough for most housework.
  • The indicator of 600-900 watts will allow you to confidently saw wood up to 100 mm, and steel up to 8. Such capacities, in most cases, have professional tools used in production when working with increased loads.

The depth of the cut

flows from the power of the tool, but not necessarily one formula. So, for example: 2 jigsaws with an equal capacity of 450 W can have a different saw depth of 50 mm on one and 65 mm on another device.

  • Budget jigsaws for home use have an average indicator of 60 mm for wood, 3 mm for steel and 4 for non.ferrous metals.
  • The maximum depth of cut from professional tools can be 160 mm for wood, 30 for aluminum and 10 for steel. In everyday life, such a reserve of power will not be too relevant.

The design of the device

In order not to lose and choose the best electric jigsaw in your understanding, it must not only meet the presented characteristics, but be reliable and convenient to work. The presence of additional functionality that simplifies certain types of tasks will not be superfluous, but about everything in order. Let’s start with the main thing.


On the shelves of stores, you can notice the jigsaws with two types of handles. bracid and mushroom.shaped. The first type is most common due to the convenience of use in everyday life, when performing standard tasks. The mushroom-shaped handle is more suitable for a figured saw and completely lies in the hand, but it feels like it is still inferior to the bracket.

When choosing a tool, note that the place of the grip is rubberized, and preferably with the penetration. Such a tool will lie in the hand more reliably, and vibration during operation will be slightly reduced.

Feeding a file

When working with an electric jigsaw, sooner or later, there is a need to replace the saw canvas: due to wear or to work with another type of materials. Such a need may appear once a year, a month, a week, or several times a day, and it depends on how actively you use the tool. Before choosing an electrician, you should answer the question: “How often will it be used?”And based on the answer, consider the optimal options. To date, 3 types of fasteners of the saw canvas are common:

one. Column clamp. The most common type of fastening, most common in budget models. It has a simple design and consists of a metal clamping pad with two screws for a hexagonal key (in most models). This mount is universal and can fix any types of files. Replacing the canvas requires relatively much time, which is very noticeable if you do it several times a day.

Screw clamp. It has some resemblance to the column, only instead of two screws installed in frontal, it is delayed by one, installed on the side. This mount is more reliable, and the replacement of the saws in it is a little faster.

Quickly sound mount. The most convenient and fast clamp, which allows you to replace the saw canvas in a couple of seconds without special keys. Reliability of fixation is a controversial question, and often depends on the model of the tool. Of the minuses, it can be noted, the possibility of using files with a certain thickness and type of shanks. It is better not to save on a tool with a similar type of mount and consider the proven brands (Makita, Bosh, Hitachi, Aeg). For uninterrupted work. the best option.


An important element of the design of the electrolobian, which determines the accuracy and quality of the saw. The sole can be stamped or cast. The first option is most often found on budget models and, according to experts, has a low margin of safety. In fact, with the proper operation of the tool, the stamped sole serves perfectly for many years, without any defects.

Most jigsaws with a cast sole can be attributed to the category of professional. Such a base is less subject to deformation and retains its form even with sloppy use of the device. If you plan to use the tool often and in the most unusual, harsh conditions, you should pay attention to the cast sole. For domestic use, quite enough stamped.

Having examined the main structural elements, it’s time to pay attention to additional functionality, expanding the ability of the tool and capable of bearing several times to the implementation of certain work. Modern jigsaws can have (or not have) the following auxiliary functions.

Support for maximum turnover states the speed of the saw canvas with a strong increase in loads, providing an invariable quality of the cut line. A fairly useful function when working with metal and other solid materials.


Many modern models of jigsaws, starting from 2000, are equipped with an adjustable swing function (pendulum passage). The main task of this function is to accelerate the speed of the cut due to loss of the quality of the cutting line. This amplification is achieved by adding a file (up and down), movements directed back and forth to the standard reciprocating movements, in the direction of sawing. The pendulum course is used for a rough and fast sawing of a large volume of wood. For figured or just neat work, this function must be disconnected.

Smooth start

The name of the function speaks for itself. Instead of a regular, sharp start, a tool with a smooth start does not twitch the tool, but gains speed gradually. The function is designed to make the cut more neat, and in addition to increase the comfort from working with the jigsaw.

The angle of inclination of the sole

Many models of jigsaws (both professional and budget) are equipped with the function of inclination of the sole, which opens up the possibility of cutting the material from a certain angle to the instrument. The established limiters allow you to set only certain degrees of inclination provided for by the manufacturer (0, 15, 30 and 45). Depending on the model of the jigsaw, the inclination mechanism can be fixed with a key or a special fast.packed lever.

Additional functions

In the struggle for the consumer, manufacturers of the Lobziks release a lot of additional tools and accessories designed to facilitate the implementation of various works. Among the most popular additional devices can be noted:

  • Parallel emphasis is intended for the rapid performance of the sawdust parallel to the edge;
  • Stop-zirkul allows you to make accurate cuts around the circumference;

Rating of the best manufacturers of electrician

What reliable electrician to choose from a huge range of products? The rating of popular models, compiled by specialists based on reviews of real users, will help answer this question.

Budget models

A convenient and fairly functional model for the home for a quite acceptable cost. Household electric lobe with a capacity of 550 watts. Sprinking depth: wood. 55 mm; steel. 5 mm. C-shaped handle with a rubberized pad. Sole. stamped with an inclination of 45 ° in both directions. Functionality: 4-speed pendulum mechanism, electronic adjustment of the speed of rods from 0 to 3000 about./min, fixing the start button, blowing sawdust. Weight. 1.56 kg. Average cost. 1400

The disadvantage is the significant weight of the device.

Simple, reliable and convenient jigsaw for high.quality sawing of various materials. 500 watts motor allows you to easily perform cuts in wood, up to 70 mm deep. In this model, a system of extinguishing vibrations Low Vibration is implemented in this model. The rapidly.packed SDS mechanism allows you to quickly change the working canvases, without using an additional tool. Handle-C-shaped with a rubberized pad. Functionality: tilt of the support platform on 45 ° in both directions, a 3-speed pendulum mechanism, button adjustment of the speed of rod moves from 500 to 3100 rpm, fixing the start button, shaving sawdust, a pipe for connecting a vacuum cleaner. Weight. 1.6 kg. Average cost. 3600

Average price segment

Stavr LE-110/900L is the most powerful model in this category, which can almost everything. Engine power. 900 watts. Sprinking depth: wood. 110 mm, aluminum. 20 mm, steel. 10 mm. Handle-C-shaped rubberized. Sole. aluminum cast with a slope of 45 ° in both directions. Stroopily stroke. 24 mm. A feature of this model is the cast body of the gearbox and the lowest possible location of the support roller, which provide minimum backlash. Functionality: 4-speed pendulum mechanism, tilt of the support platform on 45 ° in both directions, electronic adjustment of the speed of rod moves from 500 to 3000 rpm, fixing the start button, shaving sawdust, laser marker, dust carrier with the ability to connect the vacuum cleaner. Summary: 2 hexagonal keys, parallel emphasis, wood canvas, metal and plastic, protective casing, a vacuum cleaner, coal brushes, sawing canvas for plasticity. 3.04 kg. Average cost. 5200

  • High power and performance;
  • Good build quality;
  • High.quality network cable, 3 m long;
  • Functionality.

Premium models

Professional level tool with low noise and vibration for comfortable long.term work. Power. 720 W. File stroke. 26 mm. The depth of cut: wood. 135 mm; Steel. up to 10 mm. Mushroom handle with a rubberized pad. Sole. cast with a slope of 45 ° in both directions. The device uses a rapidly causing file mounting. Functionality: 4-speed pendulum mechanism, electronic adjustment of the speed of rods from 800 to 2800 about./min, smooth start, function of maintaining speed under load, backlight, anti.vibration system, dust pipe. There is a special overlap on the sole to protect the workpiece from scratches. Weight. 2.4 kg. Complex: Case. Average cost. 10300

A powerful professional model to solve any problems. A 700 W engine allows you to easily cut wood with a thickness of 135 mm, aluminum. up to 30 mm. Working equipment changes easily thanks to the rapidly.packed mechanism for fixing the file. Functionality: 4-speed pendulum mechanism, electronic adjustment of the frequency of rods of the rod from 0 to 3100 about./min, smooth start, adjustment of inclination of the sole without a key of up to 45 ° in both directions, anti.vibration system, the function of maintaining revolutions under load. Feature: modular design for simple access to key tool components. Weight. 2.8 kg. Average cost. 11500

  • Excellent technical characteristics;
  • Functionality;
  • Anti.vibration system;
  • The function of maintaining speed under load.

Rules for working with a jigsaw

The quality of the cut and the service life of the saw directly depends on the ability to use the jigsaw. For example, with a strong pressure on it, the canvas will overheat and the quality of the ends of the processed part will leave. That is why you need to know the basic rules for working with this tool.

The main recommendations

You can formulate several general rules that are suitable in all cases:

  • Stupid files need to be changed, if this is not done, then the engine will have an additional load, and this is not quite good;
  • It is strictly forbidden to put pressure on the jigsaw in order to accelerate the cutting process;
  • You can use the patterns for a wood jigsaw if necessary to make a drink of large length and complex configuration;

A few simple templates for cutting a jigsaw

note! Plastic should be cut at minimum speed, the fact is that with an increase in the number of fluctuations in the canvas of the edge of the plastic, they can simply melt.

  • The processed element in no case should be kept with one hand, and the other saw. In this case, you can forget about accuracy in this case. The part is necessarily fixed on the table, preferably with clamp, so that it is guaranteed not to move;
  • When working, it is recommended to turn on the pendulum mode with the cut along the fiber, this will reduce the risk of leaving the canvas to the side;
  • It is better to cut next to the line, thanks to this, it is not necessary to take into account the admission to the thickness of the cut.

7 Woodworking Tips & Tricks You Really Should Know | Evening Woodworker

The thread of the jigsaw

This tool can be used not only for simple sawing of lumber, but also to create spectacular patterns. For example, wood-free patterns for platbands allow you to create a truly unique window design.

Everything that was needed for the manufacture of this beauty. boards, stencil and jigsaw

Regardless of the type of pattern, everything comes down to cutting a tree or plywood of various patterns from an array or plywood.

When figuring cutting on wood, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • When creating a pattern, first it is applied through a stencil on a board or plywood;
  • Then the process of cutting is itself, the jigsaw is started by scrub and carefully without additional pressure is carried out along the contour;
  • If necessary, turning at an acute angle, you need to hold the file in place and neatly rotate. A small hole is formed in this place, in which it will be possible to turn the canvas and continue the process. It is clear that this hole should be located outside the marked circuit;

A scheme illustrating the cutting of an acute angle

  • If necessary, cut a closed hole, first its contours are marked, then a through hole is made within its limits, a jigsaw file is started into it.

To facilitate the thread process, you can use the overhead thread, and divide it into separate parts. In this case, stencils for wood jigs are selected, forming a whole pattern, then they are divided into parts, elements of the future pattern are cut out of thin plywood or boards and then simply fixed on the basis. In this way, you can create almost any large.scale pattern of the demon of special efforts.

Additional functions

To choose an electric jigsaw with all the functions you need, but not overloaded at your expense with excess bogs, you need to understand these functions.


Currently, the pendulum course has become an attribute of even the most budget models. When this option is turned on, the blade begins to move not only up and down, but also back and forth. This accelerates the cut, but at the same time lowers the quality of the surface. The length of the pendulum passage is regulated by the switch located on the side wall of the device. It makes sense to turn on the option with large volumes of sawing and disconnected when performing a curved or requiring special accuracy and quality of the cutting surface.

The angle of inclination of the sole

If the budget allows, it is better to choose a model with this function. Turning the sole to a certain angle around the longitudinal axis, you can make a cut at an angle of 30, 45, 60 degrees. In professional models, these provisions are not fixed, and the angle can be changed smoothly, focusing on the transport.

Lobzik with a pendulum course and a variable angle of inclination of the sole

On inexpensive models, the mounting of the sole is carried out with a key. hexagon, in more expensive. quick way, a special clamping lever.

Smooth start

For a novice master who has no more experience, it is better to choose a model that has the possibility of smooth starting. It allows you to start the cut at minimum speeds, smoothly increasing them. This will allow you to accurately start the cut on the intended line, excluding the blockage of the blades or the led to the side.

Maintaining speed under load

It is worth choosing an electric jigsaw with such a function if a large amount of work with solid wood or metal is planned. The function protects the engine from overload, stabilizing the number of revolutions using an electronic circuit.

Blowing chips

Such an option must certainly be chosen to those who intend to cut. The chip blowing system using the air flow from the fan. the engine cooler, blowing off the sawdust from the working area, providing good visibility.


The illumination of the working area will be very useful in conditions of insufficient lighting, in constrained conditions.

Laser pointer

The device with a laser pointer is reasonable to choose when a large number of cuts are required in a straight line.

The option allows you to save time on marking, noting only the initial and final cutting points on the workpiece, and conduct an electric jigsaw on a straight line illuminated by a laser.

How to choose the right electric lobe

To choose the right jigsaw, it is necessary to analyze all its characteristics in the aggregate.

Revolutions as an aspect when choosing

The number of revolutions, which determines the speed of the stem, is set depending on the material of the workpiece. So, for wood, select the maximum number of revolutions to get an even and neat slice. For plastic and metal. on the contrary, minimal to avoid overheating of the blade and material, respectively.

Adjustment of the pendulum passage

Choose a model with a pendulum course should be if there is a large number of straight cuts. The pendulum course, or additionally fluctuations in the blade back and forth with a small amplitude, can significantly increase the cut rate, while reducing the quality of the surface. True, it is now difficult to find a model without a pendulum course.

Replacement of a saw

The method of replacing the blade greatly affects the convenience of working with an electric jigsaw, and if you plan a large volume of a variety of cuts with a frequent change in the material and the method of cutting and directly affects the performance. For the common cartridges and saws of a European model with a cross.shaped file of a file, there are two ways to change a file:

  • Screw clamp. the saw is fixed in the cartridge with a turnkey screw. hexagon.
  • Quickly removable clamp. the saw is fixed using a special lever pressed by your finger. The change of blade occurs in a couple of seconds.

Cut the blanks at an angle

Adjusting the angle of installation of the sole also allows two fixation methods. turnkey screw. hexagon or non.clockwork, by squeezing the lever.

A non.clue method is much faster and more convenient, but requires a thorough check of the quality of fixation in the chosen position to avoid the occurrence of a backlash and rattling during operation.

What to pay attention to when buying

Each construction tool store can offer a wide list of jigsaws for professionals and home masters. When choosing, you should pay attention to power, type of power, design features. An important characteristic that determines the scope of use is the depth of the cut. Expanded functionality simplifies work, makes sawing neat, high.quality.


The main characteristic of the tool electric motor. Affects performance. For a home workshop, it is recommended to buy inexpensive electrician with a capacity of 400-500 watts. This equipment has a low weight, cuts a wooden board 6-6.5 cm and steel sheet, 6 mm thick. For professional activities, jigsaws with motors 600-900 watts are recommended. The equipment copes with a tree of 7-14 cm, steel 10 mm, and the system protection systems from overheating allow you to operate 4-6 hours a day without the risk of premature failure.

Type of power

Release lobe with power from the battery and household power supply. Models with batteries have a large weight, not intended for long.term work, but completely autonomous. This technique is used by roofers, construction teams that are not equipped with portable electric generators. Network jigsaws are light, have a low price, are equipped with a cable, from 1.5 to 4.5 meters long. When choosing a tool for working in winter, it is worth paying attention to the quality of the braid. It should be elastic, resistant to low temperatures. A model with a short cable is suitable for a home workshop, a long electrical wiring will be required on the construction site.

Design features

Gadgets are produced that have or do not have a pendulum mechanism. The peculiarity of this node is that it provides not only the vertical movement of the canvas, but also the movement of the file horizontally. This increases performance. The pendulum course can have a different number of steps. The more of them, the higher the quality of the cut.

Litzes have a stationary or adjustable platform. Fixation at a given angle simplifies the implementation of complex cuts. Gadgets can have a standard or fast.packed cartridge.

The depth drank

The basic characteristic for the jigsaw determines the maximum thickness of the processed material. Manufacturers in the technical documentation indicate two parameters: the depth of wood and steel. For a home workshop, equipment is enough that can process a board 60-80 mm. The jigsaw will help to perform finishing work, cut out decorative jewelry. Professionals should choose a model capable of cutting a beam of 100-120 mm.


Electrician can have the following additional functions:

  • Revolutions. helps to choose the optimal mode and improve the quality of the cut;
  • The illumination of the working area is relevant at the construction site in conditions of uneven lighting;
  • Blowing the working area. removes the sawdust from the cut line, is required when performing responsible projects;
  • Smooth start. makes neatly cut materials with a decorative layer;
  • Laser marker. will help control the fishing line for the trimmer of the saw.

The possibility of connecting a vacuum cleaner simplifies cleaning, reduces the dust level in the air.

Choosing an expert.Ru recommends

Firms produce electrician with different functionality, technical capabilities. It makes no sense to overpay for l, capable of sawing 120 mm timber when the tool is selected for cutting the laminate or wood-based stove. Team Vyborexperta.RU recommends the following brands of jigsaws, taking into account the scope of application:

  • Makita 4329. for a home master who plans to repair, redevelopment;
  • Bosch GST 850 BE. the choice of a furnituremist;
  • Metabo Steb 65 Quick. for working with a laminate veneered plywood;
  • DEKO DKJS1000. with a limited budget;
  • Zubble L-400-for a home workshop;
  • Fiolent PM 5-750E m-for assembling frame houses;
  • Dewalt Dwe349. Choice of a Professional Builder.

All models from the review are worthy of attention, but only the most reliable and functional jigsaws received the status of the best power tools in their categories.

The scope of application

The most widely used, the jigsaw has received in the field of woodworking in the manufacture of decorative, design elements. The tool has become an indispensable assistant for working with wood and its derivatives (wood-fiber slab, wood-cutting plate, plywood and other). Capable of doing jewelry, a jigsaw (manual or electric), has become an integral attribute of any carpentry workshop. In domestic use, the device is equally highly in demand and allows you to perform a huge range of work.

In addition to working with wood, the jigsaw can be confidently used for the sawing of plastic, ceramic tiles, glass and even soft metal. For cutting fragile materials (glass, tiles), there are special saw canvases covered with abrasive spraying. Metal files, unlike wood, have a stronger alloy and small teeth. To work with plastic, you can use both canvases for metal and wood.

If you consider only manual models, we can say with confidence that work with them can be equated with relaxation. A person engaged in figured sawing is completely focused on work, training attentiveness and concentration. In case of error, you can simply start by a new. The workflow perfectly develops the imagination and motor skills of the hands, and inexpensive materials make it available for each.

Types of jigsaws

There are many varieties of a tool for figured sawing. Litzers can be manual and electric, network or battery, portable or portable, amateur and professional. Below, we will give the most popular types of jigsaws and tell what features they possess.


The easiest type of jigsaw, which appeared back in 1500. To our time, this tool has come almost unchanged. Has a low speed of cutting and is used in thin, and even jewelry. Great for creating crafts and solving small household problems.


A modern analogue of a hand.lobby, equipped with an electric drive to increase the speed of work. Used for sawing (curly or direct) wood with a thickness of up to 2 cm. Professional models can play much thicker blanks. In the presence of special saw paintings, it can saw glass, ceramics and even sheet metal. Deservedly considered one of the most popular tools in the sets of home masters. Lobziki with electric drive can work both from the network and from the battery.


Stationary models of jigsaws for enterprises or home workshops. Differ in increased power and ease of work. They are considered professional equipment. Most models have a sawdust pipe and guide for a more accurate cut of the workpiece. Compared to conventional electric jigsaws, the quality of the cutting of a liner machine is much higher, but they are many times more expensive.


The name of the device speaks for itself. This type of jigsaw is intended for the most subtle, jewelry work. Outwardly, very similar to a regular manual jigsaw, but has more compact dimensions and a composite, adjustable frame. Saw canvases for such tools are so miniature that working with them, sometimes under a microscope.

Technical parameters of differences

When buying a jigsaw, you need to know how reliable, it is productive for which materials is intended, how quickly and deeply makes cuts, on which it depends.

Engine power. the class of tools, performance depends on this parameter. A 900 W power is characterized by professional tools with the possibility of continuous operation and maximum cut depth. A 300-500 W engine is installed on a household tool, which is quite enough for homework.

The depth of the cut corresponds to the length of the canvas of the jigsaw

Reza depth. an indicator that determines the thickness of the blanks you can work. Lobzik for homework with a low power indicator cut wood with a thickness of up to 70 mm, metal up to 4 mm. Powerful electric jigsaws are able to process elements made of wood with a thickness of more than 100 mm, steel. up to 10 mm, aluminum. up to 20 mm.

Universal jigsaw Makita 4329×1

The stroke frequency is the third important characteristic that determines the speed of sawing and the choice of material. For example, if you purchased a model with a high frequency up to 2500 move/min., you can use it only to work with wood, since for solid materials you need a low stroke frequency.

Metal cutting with an electric jigsaw

I advise you to choose universal electrician, in which manufacturers provide a wide range of speeds. For example, Makita 4329×1 has a range of 500-3100 move/min. and will be able to cut all materials, including hard steel, plastic, soft wood.

Electric jigsaws have much more parameters, but these are these three. determining when choosing.

Useful additions from manufacturers

Each manufacturer is interested in improving his product, making it unique, with a higher price. But, at the same time, such an improvement in the tool, the addition of new functions he likes the consumer, since it becomes more convenient from year to year, additional options appear that facilitate the work, increase performance. However, only you choose which of the following functions you need in your work:

  • Pendulum. increases the speed of direct cut, but is not used in the curvilinear movement of the jigsaw. The pendulum course means the movement of the file not only up and down, but also forward and forth, its speed can be adjusted for different materials;
  • blowing the working area. is carried out using a fan that cools the engine. This is a useful option, since the fishing line for the cutting trimmer becomes visible, in addition, the saw is easier to enter the material;
  • smooth start. makes it possible to reduce the load on the network, facilitates the entry of the canvas in the part without damage to the material, due to the absence of a jerk;
  • electronic speed control, which maintains constant value when the load increases. There are many advantages of this function: protecting the engine from overload, maintaining the speed parameters and tool power;
  • illumination. increases the visibility of the cut line and the accuracy of processing for the operator;
  • laser pointer. marks a fishing line for a cutting trimmer, excluding the need for manual marking.

Each master dreams that the acquired mechanism justifies his expectation, and also wants to meet the planned budget. I hope that after our conversation you can do an analysis and determine exactly what materials you plan to use a jigsaw, what quality cut is needed for you. The qualified managers of our store will also help you in these and many other questions to save your time, effort and means.