What file is used to sharpen the saw

Sharpening and setting the saw

The main cutting element of any hand saw. a series of teeth cut into the blade and representing wedge-shaped cutters. Wood, in the manufacture of all kinds of products from it, is sawn along, across and at an angle Θ to its fibers, in this regard, transverse, longitudinal sawing and sawing at an angle to its fibers are distinguished, and in each case, use the appropriate type of saw, which differs from others in shape teeth.

When transverse sawing, transverse saws are used, the cutting edges of the teeth of which, when moving in the wood, cut its fibers like a knife and form a cut. Longitudinal sawing differs from transverse sawing in that the direction of movement of the saw is parallel to the grain of the wood. The leading edges of the rip saws cut the wood like knives in a plane, and, going deeper, form a cut. When sawing wood at an angle Θ, universal (mixed) saws with teeth that are an intermediate form of teeth for cross and longitudinal saws are used to its fibers.

Saw sharpening

Saw teeth sharpening. a kind of art that requires loyalty of hands, a good eye, and attention. It is not difficult to learn this business, you must have the desire and clearly adhere to the following rules:

  • The saw blade must be firmly fixed in a special device made of wood, which is also firmly installed on a well-lit work table. Sharpening saw teeth on stools or knees does not give a satisfactory result.
  • You should use a personal file, followed by cleaning the sharpened edges of the teeth with a velvet (with a fine notch) or file. It is desirable that the file is new, sharp and with a fitted handle. If at the right moment there was not one, then you can also use a second-hand one, but always brushed with a steel brush and rubbed with charcoal so that the file does not get clogged and does not become dull. When sharpening a tooth, the file should grip its metal and remove its layer depending on the pressure. And if it slides over the tooth without removing the metal, then the saw teeth are overheated or the file is worn out. In this case, it is necessary to repeat the sharpening with a new file. If in this case he slips over the tooth, then it remains to take another saw.
  • The file handle is clamped with the right hand, and the end of it is held by the left hand and the file is directed to the saw teeth. Working with a file, depending on the type of saw, is described below.
  • The pressure of the file on the teeth should be smooth and even and only to one side from you. When returning the file to its original position, it must not touch the teeth.
  • It is necessary to try to grind the metal from the edges of the teeth of at least the same thickness, driving the file the same number of times with the same pressure, which allows you to keep the angles, pitch and height of the teeth after sharpening.
  • Burrs form on the edges of the tooth from the side of the file exit, which reduce the sharpness of the tooth, and if they are not removed, then during the operation of the saw, they crumble, and the teeth become significantly dull. To remove burrs, the edges of the teeth are sharpened with a file with a velvet notch and deburred from the side edges with a wet donkey.
  • After sharpening the teeth, check their sharpness. Look at the tip of the needle and the edge of the razor blade: they are sharp, and do not shine in the light. And if they are dulled, then at the tip of the needle and on the edge of the blade, rounded surfaces appear, which reflect the light and shine well. The quality control of saw teeth sharpening is based on this principle. To do this, put the saw in front of your eyes and examine its teeth along the blade. If their cutting edges and tops are not shiny, then the saw teeth are sharpened satisfactorily, and if some of the teeth are shiny (this often happens), then they must be sharpened with a velvet file, deburred and re-check the light reflection from their edges and tops.

Cross saws. The teeth of the cross-cut saws are sharpened using a triangular file with a fine notch with a 60 ° apex angle.

To sharpen the teeth, the saw is clamped into a special device that allows its blade to be installed at an angle of 45-50 ° to the plane of the desktop. The file is led parallel to the working table at an angle of 60-75 ° to the saw blade and thus the left edge A1A2B2B1 is sharpened in the first tooth.

Saw teeth are sharpened in several stages. First, with a file, they pass along the left edges of the odd teeth located in the far row, adjusting the hands to the same movement. Then they pass the file along the right edges of the same odd teeth, completing the sharpening of the main cutting edges with very sharp tops. After finishing the sharpening of the odd teeth, the saw blade in the sharpening device is turned over and thus the even teeth that are in the far row are sharpened. When sharpening the teeth of cross-cut saws, it is necessary to carefully ensure that sharp main cutting edges with a dihedral angle φ = 60-75 °, a short cutting edge and a sharp point are obtained in each tooth.

Longitudinal saws. Rip saw teeth in which the angle π

Preventing the chain from dulling quickly

It is possible to extend the life of the chain without periodic sharpening if you pay special attention to careful maintenance of the headset. In particular, it requires:

  • Use of specialized oil, which must be added when refueling the chainsaw. To select the required concentration, it is recommended to read the instructions for the oil itself.
  • All unused volume must be disposed of.
  • During operation, it is recommended to periodically check the dimensions of the gap between the stop and the edge of the tooth. Ideally, it should be 0.7 mm.
  • In order to minimize the risk of tooth curvature and one-sided abrasion, the tire can be periodically rearranged 180 degrees.
  • The drive sprocket must be lubricated systematically. This must be done before each use of the saw. You can choose the oil that is diluted with gasoline and added to the fuel tank. But the M8 brand has the best performance.
  • Observe the tension indicators. The chain must be aligned with the grooves of the bar.

file, used, sharpen

Tips and tricks for sharpening at home

Andrey, Melitopol:

“I noticed that different sharpening angles are indicated on the chain boxes, they differ for different chains. The factory angle, for example, is more than 25 degrees, everyone writes that it is not less than 35, and in order to cut pine well, I set the angle to 40 or 45 degrees. Some machines do not move the chain back and forth, so they do not stand next to the factory sharpening at all! The thickness of the grinding wheel is also individually selected, and the shape of its edge must be constantly monitored. “.

Valentin, Dnipro:

“As a craftsman, my opinion is that file sharpening is the best in the world. Machine tools are, of course, good, but still heed the advice of an expert, I have been working with chains for ten years, no less. The machine will give you only 30 degrees horizontally and 45 degrees vertically for sharpening, and a file up to 10 degrees horizontally. The vertical of the file in degrees is the same, but the shape of the cutting edge does not change, and the working blade becomes wider. No other attachment will do this! Second: the machine always overheats, which is bad for steel, but the file does not. Third: the file spares the teeth, if you use it, the chain will last about six sharpenings, two longer than after the machine.

The main disadvantage of work is that you need to train to work with a file! Practice and only practice “.

Chain Teeth Characteristics

The chain teeth have several important parameters. These parameters include:

  • a cutting link device (consists of a base attached to a chain, a tooth blade with two cutting edges, a depth gauge that controls how deep the blade cuts into a tree, an end and top blade), the cutting action is performed not by the chain itself, but by the links, that is. teeth. They move on a chain, as if on a base, along a tree, and the link cuts the tree;
  • the angle of the end blade that allows the chain to cut through the wood (it is this angle that forms wood chips when sawing).

To carry out the correct sharpening of the chain, the owner needs to know:

  • chain metal type (soft, hard, medium);
  • chain pitch;
  • depth gauge distance.

How to sharpen the chain correctly depends on these two parameters. The softer the metal of the chain on the chainsaw, the more carefully you need to handle the file when manually sharpening. The upper edge of the file during sharpening should be located at an angle of 90 ° in the vertical plane and 30 ° or 10 ° in the horizontal plane.

Types of chainsaw sharpening and correct work with them

Next, we will tell you about several popular ways to sharpen the chain, which can be done both at home and in production.

How to understand that the chain is dull

The long service life of any chainsaw depends on proper care and use, including the chain headset. The good performance of the latter affects the performance of the device and performance parameters. Failure to sharpen in time can cause some problems in the operation of the saw itself. Most often these are:

  • curves cuts;
  • heavy loads on the saw, as a result of which the wear of the device parts increases, and hence a decrease in the service life of the entire device;
  • increased fuel consumption.

If, as a result of the sawing, small dust-like shavings are formed, and the saw itself sinks into the saw with great effort, then the target is dull.

There are other signs of chain bluntness:

How to sharpen a small chainsaw. (What file to use).

  • the speed of the tool has decreased;
  • uneven and sharp sawdust is formed;
  • it is necessary to make great efforts to cut wood;
  • the chain has stretched or began to sag.

We offer you a short rating of chainsaw chain sharpeners from the category of inexpensive:

All models described are suitable for chain sharpening on saws and chainsaws. A small work space is required to place the machine: a stable table and a power source to connect the device to the network.

How to Sharpen Circular Saw Blades. Trend Diamond Sharpening Tips

Oregon chainsaw chain sharpening machine. video with an overview of the operation of the device. Oregon is suitable for sharpening 91VX chains; 91VPX in.325 ″ and 3/8 ″ steps; LPX in steps of 325 ″ and 3/8 ″; BPX 3/8 ″ pitch, LGX.

Video about the Dnipro-M NSM-550 machine


For sharpening and straightening saw chains, two types of files are used. The first is a round file with a diameter corresponding to the diameter of the rounding of the working edge of the saw tooth.

For sharpening saw chains of household tools, round files with a diameter of 4, 4.8 mm are used, due to the fact that they have a small tooth. For professional models, more powerful chains with a larger tooth are used, and accordingly files with a diameter of 5.2, 5.5 mm are needed.

In order to sharpen correctly, it is not enough to sharpen only the cutting edges of the tooth; it is also necessary to adjust the cutting depth limiter. If this is not done, the chain will not cut into the material being cut to the required depth, which will noticeably reduce the speed of work and, just like in a situation with a blunt chain, can lead to overheating of the saw motor due to insufficient load on the motor. This work is done with a flat file.

Sharpening as a business service. what is needed for this

To provide mass sharpening services, that is, to create a business in this direction, a lot of equipment and conditions are required. The following are the main materials, equipment and consumables that will be required to create a mini-workshop:

  • heated room with electricity supply, space for a machine tool, chair, shelving (minimum area 2 square meters, mains voltage 220 volts);
  • machines with washers for various disks (electric grinder);
  • sharpening discs, including diamond;
  • grinding wheel;
  • mounts for tools such as skates, scissors, chainsaws;
  • touchstone. a die for manual sharpening;
  • hammers;
  • small tools (hacksaws, screwdrivers, keys, etc.);
  • vice;
  • spindle oil;
  • lamps;
  • punch;
  • storage boxes, baskets, furniture.

How to properly sharpen with files

First of all, the power tool must be prepared. It is installed on a flat surface, it can be a table or workbench. The chain is pulled to the maximum, set to brake mode, for which the lock lever is turned. They inspect the saw teeth for their defects: chips, cracks, complete fracture, etc.

As for the process of sharpening chains for chainsaws with your own hands, there are several recommendations here:

  • file teeth need to be sharpened from the inside out;
  • there is a mark on the chain that the manufacturer applies specifically to indicate the degree of sharpening;
  • the sharpened tooth should be located in the middle of the chain for ease of work;
  • sharpened, removed the chain from the block, advanced the next tooth to the middle, put on the brake.

We work with a file

The best solution is simple gadgets for sharpening work. This set includes a round and flat file, special holders, a gauge template, a hook for removing chips, etc. Structurally, “adaptations” may differ, but the functionality has a common logic.

The diameter of the round file is directly related to the chain size:

  • – Chains with ø 1.3. require a file of ø 4 mm (used much more often);
  • – Chains with ø 1.6. require a file ø 5.2 mm;
  • – For sharpening the depth gauge, use a flat file.

Sharpening process

  • Having previously “turned on” the chain brake, firmly grip the tire of the chainsaw in a vice (a firmly clamped saw is the key to successful sharpening)
  • Set the template so that the arrow points towards the nose of the tire. Be sure to mark (with chalk) the tooth from which you started sharpening, otherwise you can go along the second circle;
  • Sharpen in the direction of the arrows. Remember, there is a special factory cut on each tooth in the chain. It indicates the maximum sharpening angle.
  • In addition to the cutting tooth, there are stops on each link. Their sharpening is carried out as needed. This is necessary when, as a result of sharpening, the height of the tooth decreases, and problems arise in the operation of the chainsaw. As a rule, the limiter is sharpened after 2-3 sharpening of the teeth;

“If you don’t have the skills to sharpen, it’s better to start with inexpensive chains.”.


  • The file should not go beyond the upper part of the cutting edge by more than 1/5 of the working part of the file. The pressure is carried out with the same effort;
  • The movement of the grinding tool is performed in one direction “away from you”, and the number of movements for each tooth must be equal;
  • To sharpen a vertical plane, the position of the file must be at right angles;
  • For sharpening the horizontal plane, file position, at an angle of 20-30 °
  • If there are teeth of different heights, the reference is the smallest.

Advantages: Ability to “charge the saw” in the field. At the same time it’s cheap.

Topics. some expert advice:

  • Before starting work. run in the chain. To do this, run the chain at a low speed for ≈ 1 minute. During this period, the lubricant will fall on every necessary part, and the chain and the sprocket will warm up and “rub” together. If necessary, adjust the tension (after the chain has cooled down);

“Announcement in the newspaper: I am changing the chainsaw for a prosthesis”.

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Quote of wisdom: It’s not about the word, but the tone in which the word is pronounced (Belinsky).

Sharpening machines

In service centers, no one uses files for a long time. Because the correct sharpening of the chain is precisely the correct parameters of the angle of the teeth and the height of the limiter.

It is difficult to achieve this manually, and the service center guarantees the quality of the operation being carried out with the long-term operation of an electric or chainsaw.

The variety of sharpening machines is surprising. Here are both ordinary simple mechanical devices and electrical ones. At the same time, manufacturers offer small-sized machines that are installed directly on the bus, desktop, in which the chain is installed without a bus.

The simplicity of the production of the sharpening procedure is due to the fact that the sharpening machine has a retainer in its design, in which the chain is fixed. It is installed so that the chain is fixed in it vertically.

You can adjust the installation location of the fixture. This is quite simple to do, because the retainer can move horizontally. The angle of inclination is determined by the abrasive disc (circle), which is mounted on the motor shaft. Thus, the sharpener is positioned at the required angle set at the factory. But it can also be changed depending on the required degree of inclination.

For example, for cutting hardwood, an angle of 20-25 ° is required, for softwood. 30-35 °, to cut wood along the grain, you can use chains with a tooth angle of 10 °.

The disc is rotated by an electric motor, but its immersion is carried out by the operator manually. But here, too, you can set the required parameter so as not to increase the depth of the cut. By the way, the disc is a removable element.

Sharpening angle grinder

Professionals consider this work to be primitive. There is a risk of tire damage, and not only.

Process (seemingly easy, but really difficult)

  • The chain also stays on the bus;
  • We attach a metal cutting disc with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm to an angle grinder. It is advisable to take not a new one, that is, with a worn edge;
  • We put an obstacle in front of the chain and the tire (the chip will come off);
  • We carry out sharpening at the desired angle;
  • Upon completion of work, the chain must be properly tightened.

With a professional approach and a “full hand”, the number of sharpenings in this case can be more than 7.

“For a beginner, it is better not to“ experiment ”with a saw, a chain, etc. with your body parts! “

Advantages of the method: Fast, cheap and does not take up energy;

Disadvantages: Requires special skills, a steady hand and the ability to comply with safety techniques.

External signs of a dull chainsaw tooth

Among the most popular chainsaws are tools of the Austrian company Stihl, in particular, Stihl-180 (to be exact, Stihl MS-180-14 ”). You can cut off branches with such a chainsaw, and cope with branches of medium diameter. a power of 1500 W quite allows it. Despite the high-quality steel, which the specified brand (we do not consider Chinese fakes!) Uses for the manufacture of teeth, self-sharpening will require skill and time.

You should pay attention to the following external signs of a dull cutting chain:

  • A tapered section appears on the working corner of the tooth.
  • When moving from the working angle to the upper face, the radius rounding is visually distinguished.
  • At the moment of the initial feed, even with a relatively low intensity, the introduction of the working edge of the tooth into the thickness of the wood is performed with great resistance.
  • At the stage of steady-state cutting, the chainsaw chain begins to vibrate, and the noise level of the chainsaw increases markedly.
  • When sawing in the longitudinal direction, the cut surface has rough tears and wood chips. The chips themselves become much smaller in size.

A trial test is carried out on dryness, and in no case on wood with high humidity. The sharpening frequency depends on the main cutting direction. If it is performed mainly in the axial direction, then sharpening will have to be done much more often.

How to sharpen a chain on a chainsaw with your own hands

Determining when a tool needs maintenance is simple. It becomes clear in the process of work on the following grounds:

  • the shavings become small;
  • significant effort is required;
  • the saw jams;
  • strong vibration is felt;
  • cutting time increases.

Looking closely at the chain, you can visually make sure that the edges do not have the necessary sharpness. Having found that the time has come to sharpen them, this procedure cannot be postponed. First, the job becomes unsafe for the performer. Secondly, there is an unwanted load on the power unit. And thirdly, a lot of time is lost, some of which is better spent on sharpening.

The sharpening principle is based on the design features of the link. It consists of a body on which the L-shaped cutting edge is located. The vertical edge is straight and the horizontal edge is angled. A cutting depth gauge is located in front of the tooth. All these elements need to be processed.

The seaming cutter part reduces the chain profile height. If the height of the limiter is not removed in parallel, then it will not allow the tooth to sink into the wood to the required depth, so it is also grinded. Stop dressing is done in significantly smaller volumes.

The cutting edge is reduced when sharpening in height by a fraction of a millimeter. It is this value that you need to focus on when processing the limit stop. For work, you can use a file, an angle grinder (angle grinder), special mechanical devices and electrical tools.

Electric sharpening machines

They are equipped with special adjustment functions to help you position the chain at a certain angle. At the same time, it is possible to accurately and accurately bring the disc to the chain teeth. There are machines equipped with automatic vices. They are switched on when the disc approaches the edge to be sharpened. Convenience and functionality are of course high. You can find models at “lifting” prices.

Tests on technology 7 cells (boys)

Test 1 Physical and mechanical properties of wood. 7kl

Test 2. Design and technological documentation.

Test 3. Sharpening woodworking tools

Test 4. Setting up planers, jointers and sherhebel

Test 5. Deviations and tolerances for the dimensions of parts

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“Tests on technology 7 cells (boys)”

Test 3. Sharpening woodworking tools

1.In order for the saw blade to move freely in the cut, produce:

a) sharpening the teeth;

b) the spread of the saw teeth;

c) cutting saw teeth;

d) finishing the blade.

What operation is called setting the saw?

a) alignment of the teeth in height;

b) alternate bending of the teeth in both directions;

c) alignment of the teeth in width.

3.For what and how the debugging is performed?

a) debugging is performed on a fine-grained bar. for deburring;

b) finishing is performed on a sharpening machine. to align the cutting edge;

c) lapping is performed on a touchstone. to obtain a sharp cutting edge.

4 what is called a touchstone?

a) an abrasive wheel on a sharpening machine;

b) fine-grained bar;

c) a device for controlling the angle of sharpening of the blade.

What operation is called jointing?

a) aligning the saw teeth on a planing machine;

b) alignment of the teeth by cutting off the protruding tops;

c) removing all saw teeth to apply new ones.

6.What file is the saw to sharpen for rip sawing?

The distance between two opposite vertices after routing should be:

b) 2 times the thickness of the saw blade;

c) 3 times the thickness of the saw blade;

d) 1.5 times the thickness of the saw blade.

Test 4. Setting up planers, jointers and sherhebel

1.For rough planing of wood, use:

a) wooden plane; b) a jointer;

c) sherhebel; d) electric hand planer.

2.When planing, at the beginning of the movement, the plane is pressed against the workpiece:

a) with the left hand; b) with the right hand;

c) with both hands equally.

3.Easy in work and quality of planing depend on what?

a) from the carpentry workbench and working posture;

b) from the working posture and the setting of the plane;

c) from a plane and a carpenter’s workbench.

4.How should the cutting edge be located above the sole of the planer?

a) without skewing with a ledge of 0.3. 0.5 mm;

b) a slight misalignment with a protrusion from 0.3 to 0.5 mm is allowed.

c) without distortion with a protrusion up to 3 mm.

5.What is the chipbreaker installed for??

a) to form smaller chips so that it does not clog the taphole;

b) to obtain a smoother surface;

c) to facilitate the process of wood planing.

6.How to clean a clogged planer entrance?

a) disassemble the plane and clean the tap hole; b) use a durable metal rod;

c) push through with a chip or disassemble the plane; d) push through the chips with a metal plate.

7.Strugs with a wooden block are disassembled as follows:

a) strike with a mallet on the back of the shoe;

b) hitting the front of the shoe;

c) strike with a hammer on the back of the shoe;

d) apply light blows with a hammer on the side.

8.How to eliminate the skew of the cutting edge on planers with a wooden block?

a) hammer blows;

b) disassemble the plane and reinstall the knife;

c) blows with a mallet from the sides of the wedge.

Large size plow with double knife, designed for precise planing of large surfaces and long edges. this is:

10.In a correctly installed scherhebel knife, the blade located under the sole of the shoe protrudes:

a) by 0.5. 1 mm; b) by 1. 3 mm; c) by 3. 5 mm.

Test 5. Deviations and tolerances for the dimensions of parts

1.The size of the parts according to the drawing is 0.2. Parts with the following dimensions are suitable:

When determining the size of the allowance for processing, take into account:

a) the difference in the size of the workpiece and the finished part;

b) the difference between the largest and smallest dimensions of the workpiece;

c) the difference in the overall dimensions of the part.

What size is called nominal?

a) the size, relative to which the limiting dimensions and permissible deviations are determined;

b) the largest size by which the part can be made;

c) size equal to the algebraic difference between the permissible sizes.

4 what is called bottom deviation?

a) the smallest size that can be used to make a part;

b) the algebraic difference between the largest size tolerance and nominal;

c) the algebraic difference between the smallest limit and the corresponding nominal size.

a) the difference between the largest and smallest limiting dimensions;

b) the numerical value of a linear quantity in the selected units of measurement;

c) the size relative to which the deviations are determined.

6.If the shaft diameter is less than the bore diameter, a fit is formed:

7.The difference between the dimensions of the workpiece and the part is:

How many qualifications are there??

What is the name of the zone enclosed between two lines corresponding to the upper and lower limit deviations?

10.The size obtained as a result of processing and established by measurement with a permissible error is called:

c) the greatest limiting;

d) the smallest limiting.

Test 2. Design and technological documentation.

Information about the manufacturing process of products is given:

a) on the product drawing;

b) in the technical drawing;

c) on the assembly drawing;

d) on the technological map.

Technological documentation is:

a) a set of graphic and text documents;

b) a unified system of design documentation;

c) graphic and text documents that determine the manufacturing technology of the product.

The main technological documents are:

a) diagram. drawing, sketch;

b) route, operational map and technological operation;

c) technological, route and operational map.

Technological map is:

a) a document that records the entire process of processing a part and product;

b) an operation performed at one workplace;

c) a list of transitions and installations.

Technological operation is:

a) part of the entire production process;

b) a complete part of the technological process, performed at one workplace;

c) description of individual routes in manufacturing technology.

Turning on a lathe is:

a) technological operation;

b) technological transition;

c) route map.

Which document indicates the sequence of manufacturing products?

c) in the technological map;

d) when marking the product.

The technological map for the manufacture of a metal product does not include:

a) the name of the operations;

b) a sketch of processing;

c) equipment with tools;

d) production process.

9.Visual volumetric image of the part, made by hand, indicating the size and scale. this is:

a) sketch; c) drawing;

b) technical drawing;

A conditional image of an object, made according to certain rules with the help of drawing tools. this is: