Where to go to cut a tree near the house

With a wedge

The wedge should only be used to remove healthy, level trees that do not tilt more than 1 degree to either side. In addition, it cannot be used to cut trees with a large crown, because it is difficult for them to calculate the difference in masses from the sides of the fall and the cut.

The exception is trees 1.5–3 m high, the thickness of the trunk of which does not exceed 20 cm. But even in this case, it is advisable to insure the saw with a rope tied to the trunk, which is pulled by an assistant.

Plastic and metal wedges without thread are used only in cases where it is necessary to cut a not too large tree alone.

After creating a notch, a wedge is inserted into it and slightly hammered with an ax. Then they make a cut or notch from the side of the fall and with the help of a rope create a force sufficient to tilt the trunk at an angle leading to a fall.

It is more efficient to use a plastic / metal wedge and a felling blade together. The wedge is used as a safety element, and the blade is inserted after creating a notch from the side of the fall and using it as a lever, tilt the barrel in the desired direction.

If there is an opportunity to cut a tree in any other way, it is better to use it, because working with any type of wedges or a felling blade requires a lot of experience and compliance with many conditions.

Manual cutting methods

When cutting down trees on their own, the same methods are used that are used by arborists, that is:

  • roll in the direction of inclination;
  • guy-house with a guy;
  • cutting in parts;
  • sawing down in parts with hanging.

Therefore, we will only talk about those differences that arise when you remove trees yourself.

Discussion of self-cutting on the forums

We have prepared a list of forums where users discuss various issues related to self-deleting trees:

With hanging

This method is rarely used when cutting down a tree on your own, because it is necessary to fix the curtain at least at the top of the tree, which means that this requires at least 2 supports of the corresponding height.

It is undesirable to use the trunk of a tree as a support, because when all the branches are cut and lowered, you will have to cut off a piece of the trunk, but it will be possible to hang it only in the area located below, and this will lead to strong swinging of the cut fragment after the drop.

Such a swaying fragment can knock a person down or knock over a ladder. Professional arborists often use this method, but they know how to cut trunks and branches so that, even being suspended from the lower section of the trunk, they do not harm them.

Therefore, where it is not possible to pull the rope between supports not tied to the tree, it is better to use other methods of felling the tree or call arborists.

What to do with cut branches and trunks?

After removing the tree, there are branches and trunk or pieces of trunk that must be disposed of in some way.

The most popular disposal methods are:

  • Incineration is ineffective and often illegal and can result in a fine. We recommend that you carefully read the articles (Burning foliage) and (Burning stumps), which provide information on legal requirements regarding the use of open fire in their areas.
  • Making firewood. even rotten wood can be sawn and chopped for firewood. Despite the fact that they will be less efficient than fuel from healthy wood, for some time they can heat a house or a summer house, which will save a little better firewood.
  • Making wood chips is one of the most versatile methods of disposal, because a lot of useful things can be done from wood chips. Read more about the use and manufacture of this material here.
  • Take it to the landfill. for the tree you will have to cut it into pieces that are convenient for loading, as well as pay for the services of the landfill where the solid waste is disposed of. Sometimes branches and trunks are taken to spontaneous dumps that pollute the landscape and pose a serious threat to nature. In addition, there wood will quickly turn into a combustible material, and even a small fire will be enough to create a large fire.
  • Make poles and poles. sawn branches and pieces of trunks work well for making poles and poles that can then be used in the garden. They can be used to make greenhouses, trellises for growing vegetables or a fence. They can also be used to make the frames of the walls of turluch buildings.
  • Crafts. Branches and trunk pieces are good for making crafts and homemade furniture. In this article, we talked about how to make crafts from stumps and roots, but you can also process other parts of the tree in the same way.

tree, house

The following video will also show you how to properly and safely cut wood with a chainsaw and a felling blade:

The third shows how a guyed tree is removed:

We have also prepared a video showing how not to do it, and what can happen if the trees are cut down incorrectly.

The first of them is a selection from all over the world of unsuccessful attempts to cut and fell trees, which led to various kinds of troubles:

The second video in this series is also examples of accidents. They remind us once again that cutting down trees is a serious job that requires the strictest adherence to safety measures and attention to even the smallest details.

Violations, negligence and inaccurate assessment of the situation can lead to serious consequences:

With a guy

To fell a tree on your own in this way, you need to prepare a guy. To make it, you can use a rope, a winch and some kind of stretching element, for example, a spring or a rubber band.

The stretching force should be 10–20 kg per meter of barrel length, and the difference in compressed and stretched states should be 30–50 cm per meter of barrel length, this will allow even without helpers to lay the barrel as accurately as possible in the chosen direction.

Such a deflection not only prevents the barrel from moving to the side, but also corrects its direction at the beginning of the movement, giving it additional acceleration. It is attached either to a steel pin driven into the ground, or to a nearby strong tree.

If it is not possible to drive a pin into the ground or tie a rope to a tree, then a parked car or an anchor driven into a solid wall can be used as a support.

If this is also impossible for some reason, then you will have to attract assistants who will pull the rope, directing the falling trunk in the right direction. In any case, the length of the rope must be at least twice as long as the height of the tree so that the helpers or support are out of the danger zone.

Who has the right to permit felling

Issuance of permits for pruning, demolition or transplantation of green spaces. a municipal service.

To obtain such a permit, first you need to apply to the district administration. to the department of landscaping, landscaping and transport or to the department of RATI. Specialists examine the area where trees need to be cut or demolished. In this case, they will definitely draw up an inspection report.

After that, the district administration will send a package of documents to the administration for the improvement of public spaces of the city hall. It is this department that issues permits for work.

The issued permit is valid for one year. That is, throughout the year, at any time, the applicant can engage in the demolition or pruning of the tree.

The resolution of the mayor’s office “On the administrative regulations for the provision of municipal services for the issuance of permits for the demolition, replacement, transplantation, pruning of green spaces” can be downloaded from the link (PDF file).

What to do if a tree in the yard interferes

First and foremost, do not try to chop off the branches yourself or, even worse, completely cut down the tree. This is at least unsafe: the barrel can fall onto a parked car or injure passers-by. The felling should be done by professionals under an agreement with the Criminal Code or HOA.

How to cut a tree legally

Trees are ennobled in Novosibirsk every summer. Dry, old and sick ones have to be cut down, and overgrown ones have to be trimmed. Let’s figure it out. who makes decisions about cutting down green spaces, who to complain about suspicious lumberjacks and where to go if tree branches began to climb through the window.

How to know if trees are being sawed legally

If you see that a tree is being demolished near your house, you can call the management company or the HOA and find out on what basis the work is being carried out and whether the mayor’s office issued a permit for them.

You can also contact the mayor’s office directly. the department for the improvement of public spaces. Contact phones: 227-52-73, 227-52-83, e-mail. zgribenko@admnsk.ru.

If the contractor does not have permission to cut down, call the police.

About the main thing in one line. subscribe to us and follow the news of the city in

If a tree interferes

When there is a lot of greenery in the city, it’s good. But what if the green foliage of the tree under the window does not make you happy, but only annoys, since even on the sunniest days the light does not penetrate the windows, you have to turn on the lighting all the time. The apartment is humid, cold, and all because a tree interferes with the penetration of sunlight.

What to do if a tree gets in the way? How to remove it from the local area?

It would seem that there is nothing difficult in cutting off too lush crowns, or even cutting down a tree that interferes with you in your own yard. However, the green spaces are under the control of the Department of Environmental Protection and Nature Management of the city administration, so you cannot simply cut down the tree. So, if a tree interferes with your life (by the way, according to the norms of SNiP 23-05-95, trees should not grow closer than five meters from the house)

Is it possible to cut a tree in the yard?

Quite often in the courtyards you can find old or overgrown trees that can threaten both the residents themselves or bystanders, and property. Because of this, residents often face the question “How to quickly and correctly cut down a tree in the yard?”.

Cut down a tree near the house where to go

Free legal advice: Of course, the presence of trees in front of multi-storey buildings is wonderful, they protect from noise and dust, decorate the appearance of the city, give us oxygen and are simply pleasing to the eye. In accordance with SNiP, trees should not be planted at a distance of less than five meters from a residential building.

This is not so easy to do. The management company is responsible for trees growing near residential buildings, and the removal of the disturbing

Cut a tree in the yard where to go

»Where to go to cut a tree under the window What to do if a tree in the yard right next to the house or near the window interferes?

This is why it is important to know when this type of application can be approved.

A tree must be cut down if: it grows too close to a residential building (everything beyond 5 meters does not belong to this point, taking into account sanitary standards) has dried up and may collapse at any time

Cutting trees in the adjoining territory of an apartment building

Each person, in accordance with the provisions of Russian legislation, has the right to a safe and comfortable living environment.

To ensure favorable living conditions, various rules and regulations of a sanitary nature are established. They have requirements for humidity, temperature, illumination of living quarters.

The vegetation surrounding apartment buildings must also be planted in accordance with the prescribed standards. If trees are planted too close to the house and obscure the light in the apartments, then they can be cut down. In what order is the felling of trees in the local area, we will tell further.

articles Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is unique.

Cutting down trees in the local area

The world is now arranged in such a way that you cannot even cut down trees near residential buildings without the permission of the law. But such a desire can often arise. For example, a person lives in a house, and because of the trees outside the window, the light does not enter the room at all.

Anyone can experience similar cases and require a felling or cutting of a tree. However, according to the law, everything that is in the local area belongs to the city administration.

It is important to distinguish between a number of concepts that seem similar, but have a number of differences.

First of all, it is necessary to establish the difference between a felling and a cut of a tree.

How to cut a Tree down close to a house

Is it possible to cut a tree in the courtyard of the house and on your site and where to go?

»» Every person, in accordance with the provisions of Russian legislation, has the right to a safe and comfortable living environment. To ensure favorable living conditions, various rules and regulations of a sanitary nature are established.

They make demands on humidity, temperature, illumination of living quarters. The vegetation surrounding apartment buildings must also be planted in compliance with the prescribed standards.

If trees are planted too close to the house and obscure the light in the apartments, then they can be cut down. In what order is the felling of trees in the local area, we will tell further.

If a tree interferes

But what if the green foliage of the tree under the window does not make you happy, but only annoys, since even on the sunniest days the light does not penetrate the windows, you have to turn on the lighting all the time. The apartment is humid, cold, and all because a tree interferes with the penetration of sunlight. What to do if a tree interferes?

How to remove it from the local area?

It would seem that there is nothing difficult in cutting off too lush crowns, or even cutting down a tree that interferes with you in your own yard. So, if a tree interferes with your life (by the way, according to the norms of SNiP 23-05-95, trees should not grow closer than five meters from the house)

Cutting a tree by the administration on a private territory

Please tell me. I bought a house, on my (private) territory there is a huge poplar, dangerous for me and my house, the branch lies on the wires.

Is it possible to somehow force the Administration to force him to cut it down. A refusal comes to the statement about the saw cut, referring to the fact that the tree is on a private territory. Thank you! September 28, 2021, 13:54, question 764479 Alexey, g.

Minimize Victoria Dymova Support Officer Pravoved.ru Hello! Similar questions have already been considered, try looking here: site lawyers. Today 09/07/2021 we answered 577 questions.

Is it possible to cut a tree in the courtyard of an apartment building and how trees are cut down in the local area?

Is it possible to cut a tree in the courtyard of an apartment building and how is cutting done. Living in an apartment building imposes obligations on owners to neighbors.

One of them prevents an individual tenant from voluntarily chopping down a tree or shrub in the yard, even if they interfere a lot.

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Grigory Aleksandrov 02/01/2021 at 07:51 hello. I wanted to ask a question about trees. We invite the Criminal Code and the administration to draw up the minutes of the meeting and collect 2.3 signatures for permission to use the content article for cutting trees. Are the Criminal Code and the administration right??

Where to go to cut a tree in the yard?

Get free legal advice right now! Moscow: 7 (499) 490-05-98 St. Petersburg: 7 (812) 648-14-72 »» »An emergency tree in the courtyard of a residential building threatens the life and safety of the property of its residents and guests. But the felling of trees should be carried out only with the permission of the city authorities, as this is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In this article we will tell you where to go to cut a tree in the yard.

Some species of green space are valuable, so cutting them is limited or completely prohibited. Felling of valuable species is possible only as an exception or for sanitary reasons. These trees include: rare relict plantations; trees listed in the Red Book;

Is it possible to cut a tree in the yard?

Loading. Quite often in the courtyards you can find old or overgrown trees that can threaten both the residents themselves or bystanders, and property. Because of this, residents often face the question “How to quickly and correctly cut down a tree in the yard?”.

Where to go to demolish a tree near a private house?

288 lawyers are now online Near a private house. poplar grows not far from the main road.

The tree is old, very large, and threatens the house, people, power line mowing line, and the road. For a couple of years now we have been writing a letter to the administration. but each time the answer comes: “We do not have the money to demolish the tree this year. Write us a request in a year.

We’ve been writing for a couple of years. Then they wrote to the Prosecutor’s Office and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of K. The answer was as follows: “The administration has no money” The administration offered to cut it down. But since the territory is not private, but belongs to the state, then it makes no sense to demolish.

over, in case of illegal felling of a tree, a fine is imposed.

Guarding the law: where to complain if a tree was cut down without permission?

If the owner of the site where the tree grew, decided to do all the work on his own, due to which someone was damaged, then his compensation falls entirely on the owner of the site. If there is a firm belief that the tree is being cut down illegally, then you need to call the nearest police department and ask them to check the permit or the felling ticket. There is no responsibility for such an appeal, because there is always the possibility that the felling is carried out illegally, so timely information received will help prevent crime.

The procedure depends on the method of contacting the management company or the administration. If the appeal about cutting a tree that poses a threat was informal, that is, by phone or verbal,

Cutting trees in the adjoining territory of an apartment building

In principle, such a possibility is provided by law, but first you need to understand the terminology. Cutting or sawing a tree implies its complete destruction. Felling a tree implies the impossibility of its further growth, but the problem can be solved without completely destroying the plant. Sometimes it is enough to cut the branches of a tree or shrub.

It is required to cut a tree, where to go?

In your letter, be sure to refer to the norms of SNiP 23-05-95 and do not forget to indicate that the local management company did not respond to your application. If in this case your application remains unanswered, then it is time to file a statement of claim with the district court. To do this, you must have on hand all copies of previously sent applications. It is great if the application is collective, with the signatures of neighbors.

In especially severe cases, when the tree is dilapidated and poses a danger, you can contact the Ministry of Emergency Situations and refer to the prevention of an emergency. Not worth it, this is the case when the initiative is punishable. Unauthorized felling of trees in a common area is considered an administrative offense or a criminal offense, depending on the scale of the offense.

The minimum punishment for such an initiative is a fine from three thousand rubles (for individuals) to a million (for legal entities), and the maximum is imprisonment for a term of 3 to 6 years.

Is it possible to cut a tree in the courtyard of the house and on your site and where to go?

In principle, this possibility is provided by law. But first you need to understand the terminology.

In order to solve the problem, they need to apply for cutting to the authorized body.

If the tenants have appointed the management company responsible for the MKD, then this issue should be resolved through it. After all, the adjacent territory belongs to the property common to all residents of the house and must be kept in order.

How to clean a tree near a house legally

Prune a tree. eliminate a certain interfering part.

An application is required to be sent to her address, in which you need to indicate:

  • Full name and a number of other contact details;
  • House address;
  • Apartment address;
  • Which tree should be removed.
  • The reasons why a saw cut, felling or cut is required;

This application must be answered within 10 working days. If there is not enough light in the room due to the tree, then you need to resort to the help of another commission.

You need to call Rospotrebnadzor to study the room.

Where to go and what to do if trees are cut down illegally?

For this reason, Russian legislation establishes liability for unlawful acts of this kind, which is regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (hereinafter. the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter. the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

According to the current legislation, there are such types of trees, the sawing of which can only be carried out as a sanitary felling of plantations or in other exceptional cases.

In normal cases, it is impossible to obtain permission for their saw cut.

Here we are talking about the following tree species:

  • Species of particular value as a biological resource.
  • Species listed according to all the rules in the Red Book;
  • Various relict rocks;

The entry of biological species into the Red Book is regulated by the legislation of the subjects, since these issues are attributed to their jurisdiction.

How to cut tree near house without chainsaw. Pt 1

Go to action

  • Make a statement to the landscaping and landscaping department of your DEZ. State the problem in your statement, making sure to highlight the potential consequences of overgrown trees blocking light from entering your windows. Among them are:
  • Overgrown branches close the windows and prevent sunlight from entering the house. You have to constantly use electric light, which leads to an increase in the cost of paying for electricity;
  • Lack of natural light adversely affects your health and the health of your children (attach photocopies of certificates from the clinic);
  • Danger of injury. branches in a strong gust of wind can break the window;
  • Danger of injury to bystanders. fragments of a broken window can fly into the yard. If the tree is dry, branches may simply break off and fall.

Then ask to cut or trim the tree, because by blocking the light from your windows, the tree clearly worsens your living conditions. It can also cause serious accidents.

  • Take the application in DEZ, and be sure to register it under the incoming number and ask to put a date stamp on the copy. You can also send a notification email, leaving a copy for yourself. DES will be obliged to answer you within 21 days.
  • If the tree was not cut down, and there was no answer, write a statement to your superiors. This may be the head of the DEZ, the head of the Housing and Utilities Department, the district government. In the statements, refer to the lighting standards, to the fact that, according to SNiP 23-05-95, trees should not grow closer than five meters to the house. In each application, indicate the fact that the lower authority violated the procedure for considering complaints, that is, did not respond after a month. Promise to write higher and higher.

The tree under the window interferes: where to go to cut it down?

Very often, residents of the first and third floors suffer from the problem of overgrown trees that close the windows of apartments. According to sanitary standards, tall trees should grow no closer than five meters from the wall of the house. In the opposite case, overgrown trees in front of the windows block the light of the sun and provoke dampness. What can be done in such a situation?

First and foremost, do not try to chop off the branches yourself or, even worse, completely cut down the tree. closing your window. Firstly, there can always be someone dissatisfied in the house and write a statement, after which you can be charged a serious fine for a sawn tree. it is up to 5 thousand rubles.

Secondly, a sawn tree can fall on the road, on someone’s garage, car, injure passers-by, break the windows of the lower floors. and this is not only material, but also criminal liability.

If nobody responds

In case of inaction of all of the above services, you can file a statement of claim with the court at your place of residence. It is better if it is collective, with the signatures of neighbors, whose windows are also covered by these trees. Having copies of all statements and letters on hand, you have every right to have your complaint examined in court.

If the tree in front of your windows is old and dry, and constantly threatens to collapse of branches, you can contact the Ministry of Emergency Situations (to prevent an emergency).

Get support

Also try to collect all kinds of references. If there is a child in the family, contact the district clinic to provide a certificate of his weakening, soreness caused by a lack of sunlight. For yourself, you can “arrange” anemia from the lack of light and neurosis. especially since the lack of sunlight and heat can really provoke them.

Who should cut trees in the local area.

Many law-abiding land owners are not https://wap.google.com/xhtml/search?q=%E0%B2%B9%E0%B2%BE%E0%B2%A1%E0%B3%81%E0%B2 % A1% E0% B3% 8C% E0% B2% A8% E0% B3% 8D% E0% B2% B2% E0% B3% 8B% E0% B2% A1% E0% B3% 8D% E0% B2% B8 % E0% B3% 86% E0% B2% B2% E0% B3% 86% E0% B2% A8% E0% B2% BE% E0% B2% 97% E0% B3% 8A% E0% B2% AE% E0 % B3% 86% E0% B2% 9C% E0% B3% 8D% E0% B2% AE% E0% B2% BE% E0% B2% A1% E0% B2% B2% E0% B3% 81% E0% B2 % 87% E0% B2% A6% E0% B3% 81% E0% B2% 89% E0% B2% 9A% E0% B2% BF% E0% B2% A4site: gazuru.linknum = 100filter = 0gbv = 1sei = 0 know whether it is permissible without breaking the law. Is it possible to cut a tree in the courtyard of the house and on your site. The management company cut down a tree in the Pravoved yard. You can cut a tree in the courtyard of an apartment building. In the vast expanses of our country, there are regions where, at the municipal level, the owners of private households are entitled to. Any adjoining territory is owned by a certain private either. In the courtyard of an apartment building, on municipal and state land.

Find out what a fine you can get for a tree cut in the city, on your site, in the forest and in other places, what its size depends on, what other penalties are provided for illegal sawing, and what aggravating circumstances may be. Cut a tree in the courtyard of a private and apartment building where to go. I bought a house, on my private territory there is a huge poplar, which is dangerous for me and my house has a branch lying on the wires. Often the question also arises of who should cut down trees in the adjoining territory of a private house. There are 4 trees in front of the house, they interfere with the entrance to the garage and the entrance to the house, they are very large and create a shadow on the floor of the garden. Who is the owner of the trees planted in front of the border of a private house. Concreting the yard of a private house and paths in the garden. HOW TO SAW A TREE ACCORDING TO THE LAW AND WITHOUT PENALTY Yandex Zen.

In Russia, mechanical cutting of trees is used mainly in logging. Such a need arises when felling in the yards of residential and apartment buildings. How much does it cost to cut trees in the country, in your yard or any other plot of land? We will learn how to properly cut down a tree next to a private house with our own hands, saw it down with a chainsaw in parts and other methods. Cutting trees on the adjacent territory of an apartment building. Neighbors cut down a tree that grew next to a two-storey building. How to cut a tree correctly, can you do it yourself. Where to complain if a tree was illegally cut down in the courtyard of the MKD. 3 Cutting of trees in the adjoining territory of an apartment building. If the tree is on a private plot that is privately owned, then the owner of such a plot has the right to cut it down, if. Where to go to cut down a tree in the yard. Can a neighbor cut a tree in my area.

Cut a tree in the courtyard of a private house

Accordingly, deforestation on the territory of a private plot will not be considered. How to correctly write a statement to cut trees in the yard. In the courtyard of the house, in front of my windows, 6 trees were cut down, they will make parking. Where to go to cut a tree near the house. Cutting trees in an urban environment, in the courtyards of houses is possible if available. It’s nice when planted out in the courtyard of a residential apartment building. If permission is received, it remains to decide who should cut the tree near the private house. An emergency tree in the yard can be dangerous to life and property. To remove a tree in the country or in the courtyard of a private house, you need to obtain an appropriate permit. The cost of cutting down a tree is determined in an agreement between the management company and the organization. Is it possible to cut it down at the request of one person, if. Many people believe that cutting down a tree in their country house or in the yard is a simple matter, and.

Cut a tree, cut the stump crosswise, in https://wap.google.com/xhtml/search?q=Gen%C3%A7kamera%C3%B6n%C3%BCndesilindirlersite:oylut.buzznum=100filter=0gbv=1sei=0 the resulting fill the cracks with salt and wrap with foil. 1 Where to go to cut a tree near a private house. Despite the fact that residents of private houses are also the owners of the plots on which they are located, the responsibility for cutting down trees is distributed between them and the local. Who should cut trees near houses in villages. Cut down a tree in the courtyard of a private house. Where to go to saw down a tree in the courtyard of the MKD. These trees cannot be cut down without permission and subsequent planting of other greenery. Where to go to cut a tree in the courtyard of an apartment building. Next, you will learn how to properly cut a tree. We cut down the emergency pine tree, https://wap.google.com/xhtml/search?q=Scaricaonlineilpresentestuprosite:ssatyo.buzznum=100filter=0gbv=1sei=0 which hung over the house.

On the site Sometimes it happens that there is one on the acquired plot. We will consider all these questions in our article. Cut down a tree in the courtyard of a private house. Heaters for cars parked in the yard. How to cut down an emergency tree Internet version of the newspaper. The trees on your property may be part of the forest plantation. Application for cutting a tree A statement of claim to the court for cutting trees at the border of the plots. If the tree was not cut down, and there was no answer, write a statement. Where to go to saw down a tree in the yard, under the window. We will figure out where to call, to the housing office or write to the administration to cut down an emergency tree, cut down a dangerous, dry tree, how to apply for cutting trees under the window and near the balcony, in the yard. Where to go to cut down a tree in the yard, under the window of an apartment or near a private house. Cases when tenants are not obliged to pay for tree felling. How Ulyanovsk residents cut down a tree according to the law and without a fine in their.

Is it possible to cut trees on my site, including.

If the tree is on a private plot that is privately owned, then the owner. A felled tree can face administrative liability and a fine. from 34 thousand rubles. Permission is required for saw cut in https://docs.google.com/document/d/13r3nWcct8RZ6Hxoawj9qRzC-Uqw3WWqdliKI672ePZs/mobilebasic forest zone or in the yard. If you need to find out why you cannot cut a tree near your house, on your land, you must first of all clarify what kind of plantings are growing. For a comfortable stay, the courtyard of an apartment building must be well-groomed. How to remove a tree near a house according to the law Summer cottage, garden, vegetable garden. Land owners are responsible for trees that grow outside the yard.

Before cutting down a tree near a house, you need to contact the city administration and obtain the necessary permission. Where to go to saw down a tree in the yard in 2019. But our article will focus on how to cut down a tree in a private courtyard. What is the fine for a tree cut in the forest and in planting, you can. Cut down a tree in the courtyard of a private house. In a similar way, the issue of trees located behind the fence of private ownership is resolved. To cut a tree under the window, you first need https://wap.google.com/xhtml/search?q=Pornoonlinemamako%C5%84czysite:elace.buzznum=100filter=0gbv=1sei=0 to contact the Housing Inspectorate or Rospotrebnadzor to check. If you do not know how to remove an old tree, contact the professionals or study this review and do it yourself. If the tree is on a private plot that is privately owned, then the owner of such a plot has the right to cut it down, unless otherwise specified by the maintenance rules.

The situation is as follows: a tree is growing in the courtyard under the windows; you are not going to cut the tree down. The tree grows at a distance of more than 5 from the house, but 2 apartments. Who should cut down a tree located on my site. Cutting down trees is very difficult. At the same time, having cut down one, an organization or an individual is obliged to plant two instead. Penalty for a sawn tree in the city and near the house in 2020. In the courtyard on Popov Street, utilities cut down all the trees. The green zone was cut clean. So bright in the courtyard. They are such a tree that is dry or dying, damaged by hollows, has diseases, or stands closer than five meters from the house or near nets. the administration refused to file it, they do not do it.

Penalty for a sawn tree in the city, in the forest or on your own.

Thus, if the tree is in the power transmission security zone and threatens to fall, then the network organization should cut. sent to the housing and communal services organization there the application was accepted but https://wap.google.com/xhtml/search?q=%D0%A8%D1%83%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%94%D0%BC%D0 % BE% D1% 87% D0% BE% D0% BB% D0% BE% D0% B2% D1% 96% D0% BA% D0% B0% D0% B4% D0% BB% D1% 8F% D1% 81 % D0% B5% D0% BA% D1% 81% D1% 83site: atsa.xyznum = 100filter = 0gbv = 1sei = 0 warned that no one will cut down there is no way to finance. a water utility in the courtyard of a residential building broke a tree and 3 acacia bushes, referring to the fact that there is a water supply, but. Cutting down trees is a complex and costly process. Who should cut trees in the private sector. Cut down a tree on your land plot felling law.

How to cut a tree in your area, in your yard, in your dacha In apartment yards https://wap.google.com/xhtml/search?q=E%C4%9Ferkad%C4%B1n45varm%C4%B1onasekssite:wiahu.buzznum=100filter = 0gbv = 1sei = 0 houses a tree can grow on municipal or private territory, because the land around the house is. we have a dry tree near the courtyard of a private house. So, trees are cut down where to complain and what to do. A neighbor in the country threatens to cut down a tree in my area. They are not subject to ownership. A tree near an apartment building disturbs one of the tenants. Here it will most effectively protect the house from the evil eye and damage. A tree fell in the courtyard of the house and damaged an expensive car, who will compensate the car owner or the management company.

How to cut a tree on your own in a garden. It is necessary to cut down trees, uproot stumps, remove shrubs. 4 Where to go to cut down a tree in the yard. The world is now arranged in such a way that you cannot even cut down trees near residential buildings without permission. Where to go to cut or cut down a tree in the yard. Deciding how to cut a tree in the yard is still not enough, you need to have all the safety rules for carrying out such work. Permission to cut a tree 120 pieces of advice from attorneys and lawyers. In the urban area, you need to take a fine covering the cost of the destroyed city or private. Every person, according to the provisions of Russian law, has the right to a safe one Cost of services How much does it cost to cut a tree in the yard. Cutting down trees is difficult and strictly regulated by various.

It is strictly forbidden to cut trees in the courtyard of the house. Is it possible to cut a tree on your own in the local area. Cut down a tree in the courtyard of a private house. If the planting is done correctly, it is necessary to cut down the trees in the local area of ​​the private. We do not live here permanently, it may well happen that. Under my window, the management company cut down a tree by the root. They cut down trees to complain about illegal logging in the city. The arrangement of the territory of a private house necessarily includes coverage. In the courtyard of the village, residents are cutting down a tree, not paying attention to Комментарии и мнения владельцев and attempts to stop. If you are choosing trees and shrubs for landscaping your yard, heed the advice of your ancestors. How to cut a large tree near a private house. Deputatskaya, 38, during a long stay, they form a large amount of exhaust gases.

I ventured to cut down an oak on my site without drawing up a permit for the demolition of green spaces is quite expensive and time-consuming to issue, a whole package of docks is needed. Who is responsible for pruning trees in apartment yards. How to make a request not to saw a tree in the yard. Trees are a strategically important resource that cannot be cut down uncontrollably to. Is it possible to cut a tree in the courtyard of an apartment building, etc. Illegal felling of trees is an environmental crime.

Cutting a tree at a summer cottage is a little more difficult. Cutting trees in the adjoining territory of an apartment building A tree is the same real estate as a house or apartment, because it is located. The need to cut down a tree or remove overgrown shrubs often arises. Cutting a tree on a site or a summer residence, basic concepts and terms, legislative regulations. Cutting or cutting down even small trees by yourself is a difficult and dangerous process Who should cut trees in the yard.

What is needed to cut a tree in the courtyard of an apartment building?

Each person, in accordance with the provisions of Russian legislation, has the right to a safe and comfortable living environment. To ensure favorable living conditions, various rules and regulations of a sanitary nature are established. They have requirements for humidity, temperature, illumination of living quarters.

The vegetation surrounding apartment buildings must also be planted in accordance with the prescribed standards. If trees are planted too close to the house and obscure the light in the apartments, then they can be cut down. In what order is the felling of trees in the local area, we will tell further.

In the courtyard of an apartment building

In apartment buildings, you need a good reason to legally log down. For example:

  • This tree is emergency and threatens the lives of people;
  • This tree threatens or harms communication;
  • The plant is located near the house;
  • This plant blocks the view from the windows and the light;
  • It spoils the appearance of the yard, but since this factor is subjective, you will need the consent of most of the residents.

Next, you will need to send the act to the “Association of Homeowners” or local authorities for further consideration. This process can take a long time. from ten days to one month.

If you receive an official response from these authorities, then very soon you will be assigned a felling time and sawing will take place. This will be done at the expense of the general home care fund.

Where to go to cut down a tree under the window?

Green spaces in city courtyards purify the air, improve the environment, and give them an aesthetic appearance. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. For many residents, trees can become a real problem: breaking glass in a strong gust of wind, damaging a car parked near the house, constantly blocking the sun, causing unpleasant dampness in the house, etc.

It would seem, what is the problem here? Can you just cut down a dead, sick or overgrown tree? And the whole catch is that cutting down trees without permission is considered a violation and involves administrative liability, consisting of a fine of several thousand rubles plus the amount for harm caused to the environment.

In addition, a tree can unexpectedly fall on someone’s property or, even worse, injure passers-by. and this is already criminalized.

So what should the residents of private and apartment buildings (especially the first three floors) do, which suffer most from old and overgrown plants and, as a result, lack of sunlight? Where to go to cut a tree in the yard?

How much is?

8000 rubles is the minimum. When removing a large number of plantings, the price for each will be reduced in relation to the amount of work.

Completely from the ground, without pulling back: Up to 20 cm. 500 rubles. Up to 30 cm. 600 RUB Up to 40 cm. 800 RUB Up to 50 cm. 1100 RUB Up to 60 cm. 1200 R. Up to 70 cm. 1300 RUB Up to 80 cm. 1500 r.

Fully off the ground, with a pull:

Up to 20 cm. 800 RUB Up to 30 cm. 1100 RUB Up to 40 cm. 1400 R. Up to 50 cm. 1800 R. Up to 60 cm. 2000 R. Up to 70 cm. 2400 r.

Without hanging, in large parts, with the possibility of throwing off branches on the ground: Up to 20 cm. 1500 rubles. Up to 30 cm. 2500 RUB Up to 40 cm. 3500 RUB Up to 50 cm. 4800 RUB Up to 60 cm. 5800 RUB Up to 70 cm. 6500 r.

With hanging of the top: Up to 20 cm. 3000 rub. Up to 30 cm. 4500 RUB Up to 40 cm. 5500 RUB Up to 50 cm. 7000 RUB Up to 60 cm. 9000 RUB Up to 70 cm. 11000 r.

With hanging all branches that can damage something: Up to 20 cm. 4000 r. Up to 30 cm. 6000 RUB Up to 40 cm. 8000 RUB Up to 50 cm. 10,000 RUB Up to 60 cm. 13,000 RUB Up to 70 cm. 15,000 r.

With hanging branches and trunk: Up to 20 cm. 4500 r. Up to 30 cm. 6900 RUB Up to 40 cm. 9900 RUB Up to 50 cm. 11900 RUB Up to 60 cm. 14900 r. Up to 70 cm. 17000 r.

Cut off dried branches, without hanging: Up to 20 cm. 900 r. Up to 30 cm. 1100 RUB Up to 40 cm. 1400 R. Up to 50 cm. 1800 R. Up to 60 cm. 2300 RUB Up to 70 cm. 2600 r.

Cut dry branches with hanging: Up to 20 cm. 1000 r. Up to 30 cm. 1300 RUB Up to 40 cm. 1600 R. Up to 50 cm. 2300 RUB Up to 60 cm. 3000 RUB Up to 70 cm. 4000 r.

Bucking. Portable parts: Up to 20 cm. free Up to 30 cm. 200 rubles. Up to 40 cm. 300 rubles. Up to 50 cm. 500 rubles. Up to 60 cm. 800 RUB Up to 70 cm. 900 r.

In the oven 40 cm: Up to 20 cm. 200 rubles. Up to 30 cm. 300 rubles. Up to 40 cm. 400 rubles. Up to 50 cm. 500 rubles. Up to 60 cm. 800 RUB Up to 70 cm. 900 r.

Removed completely into parts that are transferred: Up to 20 cm. 300 rubles. Up to 30 cm. 350 RUB Up to 40 cm. 500 p. Up to 50 cm. 900 RUB Up to 60 cm. 1100 RUB Up to 70 cm. 1300 r.

Removal of stumps: than 50. from 30 rubles. per cm;

Less than 50: Up to 30 cm. 1100 R. Up to 40 cm. 2250 RUB Up to 50 cm. 3350 RUB Up to 60 cm. 4850 RUB.

Where to go?

This is one of the most important questions when you start to act. If you need to destroy or slightly shorten trees growing near houses and are haunted by you, you need to contact the management company.

An application is required to be sent to her address, in which you need to indicate:

  • House address;
  • Apartment address;
  • Full name and a number of other contact details;
  • The reasons why a saw cut, felling or cut is required;
  • Which tree should be removed.

This application must be answered within 10 working days.

If there is not enough light in the room due to the tree, then you need to resort to the help of another commission. You need to call Rospotrebnadzor to study the room.

This commission will determine whether there is really a lack of lighting in the room or whether it is the paranoia of the resident. They will rely on clear regulations to make this conclusion.

If they make a positive decision, then a written copy must be attached to the application to the management company. After that, the sawing or cutting of the tree will already be carried out.

Naturally, there are times when companies don’t even try to fix something. Then you just need to contact a higher authority. For example, to the main department of housing and communal services. You can also write them a free-form application.

  • Basic contact details;
  • About that tree, which interferes with life, grows in the local area and requires a saw cut;
  • How the management company defaults on its obligations.

The application should refer to one of the provisions of the legislation.

According to the Building Code, trees in the local area cannot grow closer than 5 meters from the house.

If no one answers you you will have to go to court. In order for the case to gain momentum, a collective complaint should be written. To do this, collect the signatures of neighbors and send a complaint. After the trial, the problem will probably be fixed.

A certain group of skilled workers will be sent for a log or saw cut, which will fix the problem. This team must carry out the sawing or pruning of the tree, in full compliance with the norms of the law. The state cannot allow the tree to be cut down personally.