Which is better gasoline or electric chain saw


Due to the simplicity of the design, an electric chain saw may, other things being equal, be more reliable than a chainsaw. It does not have a complex internal combustion engine. The electric motor starts instantly and can be turned off at any second. It does not depend on the quality of the fuel and the availability of engine oil.

Modern chainsaws are also quite reliable. Long gone are the days when a lumberjack had to suffer for half an hour trying to launch the old “Friendship”. And now there is no need to carry a box of spare parts. The new chainsaw starts literally with one pull of the cord and serves faithfully for at least two to three years.

In addition, gasoline saws have historically been a tool for professionals. There are almost no cheap chainsaws, and the available ones are designed for difficult working conditions and heavy loads. Unfortunately, most electric saws are designed for rare use in “greenhouse” conditions and cannot boast of workmanship.

In any case, when buying a tool, you should not save. Whether the saw is even electric or gasoline. this is a complex technical device. The cheapest devices are unlikely to last long. And given that the saw is already source of increased risk, it is quite possible to get injured, saving money when buying.

Ease of service

The electric saw is very simple, and therefore easier to maintain. The electric motor is practically maintenance-free. To move the bar or change the saw chain, on most electric saws, simply unscrew the large handy nut with a handle by hand. Almost all maintenance is reduced to timely lubrication of the tire and the main gearbox.

It is very easy to start using your electric saw: just plug it into a power outlet. In the case of a chainsaw, you will need to prepare a fuel mixture, pour it into the gas tank, check for lubrication in the engine and gearbox. The petrol engine is started manually by pulling the starter cord firmly on the handle. It is not always possible to start the engine the first time. Sometimes you have to conjure up with the additional fuel supply valve and the position of the “gas” button at the time of start.

Gasoline chain saws require much more care and attention. In addition to lubricating the tire and gearbox, you have to carefully monitor the level of engine lubrication and the quality of the fuel mixture.

The mixture of gasoline and engine oil itself also needs to be prepared and the saw’s fuel tank refilled in time. After mixing, the fuel mixture is poorly stored, so it has to be prepared every time immediately before work.

Even changing the tire on a chainsaw is more difficult than on an electric one, since it requires a special tool.

But an experienced user can repair a chainsaw in his workshop, and even in the forest. Electric saws. if they break down, you have to take them to a specialized service center.


Most electric chain saws are designed for “home” use. They are compact, lightweight, but less powerful than chainsaws. If you need to cut several boards, trim openings in a wooden wall or cut some firewood, the performance of the electric saw is quite sufficient.

Gasoline saws were originally designed for bulky workpieces and have more power than electric ones.

If you need to cut thick logs, harvest a lot of firewood, cut strong beams during the construction of a house. a chainsaw will allow you to do this work much faster.

The unit is easy to carry from place to place, changing the area of ​​work. In order to start working in a new place, for an electric saw, you will need to install an outlet nearby and spend time re-arranging the electrical cable. In addition, during work, you have to make sure that the wire itself does not accidentally fall under the saw teeth.

Any engine heats up during operation. When working with an electric saw, you have to take breaks for ten to fifteen minutes every half hour to cool the motor. But chainsaws are able to work for hours without a break. This also leads to the fact that the chainsaw turns out to be a more productive tool.

Compare chainsaws and electric saws

There are many factors to consider when choosing a tool. This includes the required amount of work, and the conditions at the workplace, and possible restrictions on noise and environmental pollution.

Which saw is better: electric or gasoline?

Recently, electric chain saws are becoming more common. They are compact and low in price. an electric saw can cost ten times less than a gas one. However, in specific conditions, both one tool and the other have an advantage.

Scope of application

Differences in the design of the units lead to the peculiarities of using chain saws of different designs. When working at home, the master is not limited to connecting to electricity. The cable length of any electric saw is usually enough to reach the nearest outlet. At the same time, homework for the most part does not require high power or tool performance.

Logging and construction work involves a powerful and productive tool. Not every household electric saw will cope with cutting thick logs or sturdy beams. Gasoline units are much more convenient in these conditions.

Electric chain saws have no poisonous exhaust and are almost silent. The electric saw is lightweight and easy to operate. However, when working with an electric tool, be aware that high humidity (for example, morning dew in the garden) can lead to an electric shock to the operator.

Gasoline units are easier to carry from place to place. They are convenient when working in large rooms and in open areas. But chainsaws make a lot of noise and exhaust fumes require good ventilation in the workplace. The use of gasoline units in confined spaces is not always possible.

A comparison of the features of gasoline and electric chain saws shows that the electric chain saw is out of competition for small household jobs. Working in the forest, on a construction site, makes you give preference to chainsaws. But for summer cottages and gardening, both types of units are equally suitable.

It should only be borne in mind that working with an electric saw in high humidity conditions can be dangerous.

Design features

Chainsaw construction is not very different in general terms. In any case, the saw chain is the working element of the chain saw. It consists of small segments with a sharp tooth, which are pivotally connected to each other in a closed ring.

The movement of the chain is guided by an elongated groove bar along the end of the entire perimeter. At the ends of the bar there are sprockets, between which the saw chain ring is stretched. The groove of the bar, along which the tensioned chain slides, guides its movement and provides pressure on the chain when cutting.

The assembled set of a bar, sprockets and an installed saw chain is called a “saw set”.

On one side, the headset is attached to the frame and the chain saw motor. In the tire attachment point, one of the sprockets is connected to the main gearbox of the unit and provides the chain drive with the power of the unit engine. The mount allows you to rotate the headset and change its angle of inclination relative to the motor unit.

The difference between the two types of saws lies in the design of the motor. An electric chain saw uses an electric motor as a motor. The gasoline saw for driving the chain contains an internal combustion engine.

Most of these units use two-stroke engines. They require gasoline with a small amount of engine oil to operate. The exact brands of gasoline and oil, as well as their proportions, are indicated in the instrument’s passport.


Using an electric saw, the craftsman is “tied” with a wire to an electrical outlet. When working indoors, this is completely easy.

Another extreme situation is a forest, for example. To start the electric saw, you will need a stand-alone generator. This is often quite handy, but a gasoline saw will still provide the advantage of moving.

Even in a garden area, a long electric cable will create significant inconvenience. The wire must be moved from place to place, make sure that it does not damage the garden plantings and does not fall into the reservoir.

The light weight and compactness of a power saw can outweigh the disadvantages of a power cord. Still, it is much easier for women to wield an electric saw. A man is more likely to give preference to a chainsaw. albeit heavy, but providing greater freedom of movement.

Gasoline or electric saw: which is more reliable?

Reliability, as one of the indicators of quality and durability, is determined not only by the technical capabilities of the device, but also by the goals set by the user. The main criteria to be guided by when choosing a petrol or electric saw are:

  • volume of work;
  • endurance;
  • productivity;
  • the cost of the device and its consumables;
  • comfort.

The benefits of chainsaws

  • autonomy;
  • high power;
  • wider range of working conditions;
  • maintainability. the absence of service centers or workshops in the vicinity will not be a problem: the owners of chainsaws can diagnose and fix their most common malfunctions themselves.

Disadvantages of electric saws

The main disadvantage of this tool is its connection to the power supply and a limited working radius. In order for an electric saw to work away from networks, an autonomous generator will be required. The length of the cable also limits the range of the device. you will have to use an extension cord to use the saw on a roof or basement.

Benefits of electric saws

  • light weight and compactness;
  • lack of atmospheric emissions;
  • ease of use;
  • reduced level of sound pressure and vibration on the handles;
  • no need to run the saw, adjust the carburetor and other operations required for chainsaws;
  • low energy consumption.

Electric saw device

  • Electric motor hidden in a plastic case.
  • Oil tank and tank for supplying petroleum products.
  • Front and rear handles with start buttons.
  • Emergency brake lever.
  • Saw assembly including chain, bar and fasteners.

In electric saws, unlike gasoline analogues, as a rule, there is no clutch disc. Instead, a soft start button is used, which allows you to gradually gain momentum.

Cons of chainsaws

  • a complex design scheme. a number of working units are connected to the engine. a clutch, guide, sprocket, oiler, the cutting set itself, the interaction of which requires constant monitoring in order to avoid breakdowns and repairs;
  • large assembled mass;
  • perceptible vibration and sound impact during the sawing process;
  • the release of harmful gas emissions, toxic to humans and nature as a whole;
  • exactingness to the quality of the combustible mixture.


In terms of safety, chainsaws are ahead of electric ones due to the lack of an electric cable, which you have to constantly pay attention to. In wet and rainy weather, it is impossible to operate electric saws, as well as in damp rooms.

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Regarding possible injury by the cutting part. the saws are absolutely identical, you can only get injured in case of gross violation of the operating rules.

Lever for instant stop of the chain in case of kickback. It is equipped with both electric and gasoline chain saws.

Ultimately, it is quite difficult to determine which is better than an electric or chainsaw. It all depends on the specific tasks and operating conditions. Judging by the prevalence and popularity of tools, then both varieties of chainsaws have the right to life and do an excellent job with their tasks. It is only important to buy a quality tool, not cheap fakes.

Saw headset

Equipped with electric and gasoline saws with the same saw set, with chains of the same pitch and tooth profile. But the length of the tire, and, accordingly, the number of teeth on the chain, are different. Chainsaws are equipped with tires ranging from 35 cm to 1 m long, depending on engine power. Electric saws are equipped with tires no more than 0.5. 0.6 m.

But this parameter is not as important as it might seem. It is correct to compare only saws of the same power, and for chainsaws with motors of 2.4. 3 kW, a tire longer than 0.5 m is rarely found. So, according to this parameter, the tools are approximately equal. In logging areas where saws with meter tires are required, electric saws do not work, therefore, it is not worth comparing them.

When choosing a chainsaw and an electric saw, the price does not play a decisive role. Operational properties are much more important. But if you take semi-professional saws, for example, a STIHL 180 chainsaw and a Makita UC4020A electric saw (with comparable power of 1.5 and 1.8 kW), then the price of an electric saw is almost 40% lower than a gasoline one.

What’s better. chainsaw or electric chain saw

Chainsaws are among the most common among woodworking tools. This is determined by their performance, compactness, and relatively low cost of consumables. Practically only an endless toothed chain interacts with the tree, the resource of which is quite high, and only periodic sharpening is required from maintenance.

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which, better, gasoline, electric, chain

There are two types of chain saws. gasoline and electric. The first set in motion the saw chain using a two-stroke gasoline air-cooled engine with a power of 1.5. 5 kW, the second. an electric motor with a power of up to 2.5 kW. If we compare the consumption of fuel and electricity, then for gasoline and electric saws, the cash costs for cutting 1 m 3 of material will be approximately the same.

But to determine which is better than a chainsaw or an electric saw, it is necessary based on a set of characteristics, and not just the cost of fuel or electricity. Purchase costs, maintenance, ergonomics, maintainability and ease of use are equally important factors influencing the choice.

Design features of electric and gasoline chain saws

Power and performance

As already mentioned, the power of electric saw engines rarely exceeds 2.5 kW, while for chainsaws it can reach 5. 6 kW. But even an electric saw of 2.5 kW cannot be compared in performance with a gasoline of similar power. The fact is that an electric saw with an average load can work continuously for up to 40 minutes, after which it must be turned off for 20 minutes so that the motor cools down.

Chainsaws do not have this problem, if you do not take into account the cheap household tools. Semi-professional and industrial do not require such stops and can work for 8 hours a day with virtually no stopping. Time for refueling with fuel and oil does not count. this operation takes several minutes. It is worth considering that oil is also poured into the electric saws.

Chainsaw chain speed is 25. 30% higher than electric chain speed. Accordingly, productivity increases as well. Taking into account the possibility of quick movement of the operator with the chainsaw on the construction site or along the board or log, which is difficult for the electric saw due to the presence of the cable, the productivity increases even more. If we compare a chainsaw and an electric saw of the same power, then the performance of a gasoline one is slightly higher.

Complexity of maintenance and use

Electric chain saw device

The saw headset of an electric saw is similar in design to a chainsaw. But in an electric saw, as a rule, there is no clutch; instead, a soft start button is provided. In many cases, this is completely insufficient. the idling mode, when the motor is running, but the chain does not move, is more convenient and safer.

In terms of engine power, electric saws are significantly inferior to gasoline ones. the maximum power does not exceed 2.5 kW. Attempts to create more powerful electric saws have not been crowned with success. the mass of the engine and power consumption increase sharply, which affects both the convenience of the tool and its cost.

A protective arc, in most cases, is on each electric saw and works according to the same principle as on a gasoline one. An oil pump is also present. often pumps of the same model are installed on electric saws as on chainsaws. They provide chain and bar lubrication in all operating conditions. The oil flow rate depends on the chain speed.

It is worth noting that one of the main mistakes of electric saw users is hidden here. If in a chainsaw oil is poured into the pump tank every time you refuel, then when using a chainsaw, this is often forgotten. This leads to rapid wear of the saw headset and frequent replacement of chains and bars.

Gas Chainsaw V.S. Electric. SHOCKING OUTCOME ! ! !

There is a misconception that on electric saws, the chain and tire wear out faster due to low speed. If you fill in oil on time, then the resource of the saw headset is the same in both cases. Only performance depends on the speed.

Handle. 2. Electric motor 3. Oil tank plug.

Inertia chain brake 5. Tire.

Chain 7. Bar fixing screw and chain tension.

Chainsaw device

The basic unit of the chainsaw is a high-speed engine (12. 14,000 rpm) with a volume of 40. 60 cm3. A feature of such an engine is that gasoline of the A92 or AI95 brand is mixed with a special oil immediately before filling the tank. If you refuel the chainsaw with clean gasoline, the engine will fail a few seconds after starting.

Interlocked with the engine:

  • centrifugal clutch;
  • leading sprocket;
  • tire;
  • chain lubrication oil pump;
  • brake.

The engine is started with a recoil starter (lanyard). The handle of the chainsaw is equipped with an anti-vibration mechanism and a special inertial protection. if the saw chain gets jammed, it can be thrown back strongly, there is a real possibility of injury to the sawer. The protective arc, in contact with the operator’s hand, instantly stops the engine and eliminates the possibility of damage from the rotating chain.

Saw chains are used in several types, for their selection the most often used classification is by pitch. the distance between the lower teeth meshing with the drive sprocket.

The chain thickness is in the range 1.3. 1.6 mm. For household and semi-professional saws, a chain with a thickness of up to 1.45 mm is sufficient, for professional ones used for felling wood, chains with a thickness of 1.5. 1.6 mm are required.

Tire. 2. Chain 3. Inertial chain brake 4. Cylinder cover.

Starter handle 6. Safety trigger 7. Throttle trigger 8. Throttle lever.

Rear handle 10. Oil tank cap 11. Front handle 12. Fuel cap.