Which Oil And Gasoline To Choose For Refueling Lawn Mowers With A Two-Stroke Or Four-Stroke Engine

Which Oil And Gasoline To Choose For Refueling Lawn Mowers With A Two-Stroke Or Four-Stroke Engine

Internal combustion engines used in lawn mowers are two and four stroke. For users to know, a 4-stroke engine lawnmower oil is poured separately from gasoline. For a two-stroke engine, a fuel mixture is prepared with the addition of oil. At the same time, different compositions are recommended, which can not be replaced and mixed.

The function of the oil in the engine of a lawn mower

Two-stroke and four-stroke internal combustion engines are installed on gas mowers. The movement of the knives is provided by the energy transmitted to them from the internal combustion engine. It occurs due to the expansion of gases generated during the explosion of gasoline or fuel mixture in the combustion chamber. In this case, gas compression is provided by the movement of the piston.

For the system to work well, the minimum necessary gaps must exist between the mating parts. If their sizes increase due to wear of the working parts, this leads to a deterioration in the operation of the motor unit, and eventually to the complete impossibility of its launch. The problem is that the required pressure is not reached for igniting the fuel mixture mixed with atmospheric air.

Motor oil covers the engine parts with a thin film, this slows down their wear, and also prevents the appearance of scoring on the metal surface of the mating structural elements. This is the main role of oil in the gasoline drive mechanism of a lawn mower.

Destruction of knots caused by friction between parts does not stop completely, but the use of high-quality materials significantly slows down the process.

In addition to reducing friction between the interacting parts of the internal combustion engine, the use of oil allows you to:

  • to provide better cooling of the drive unit during operation, improving heat transfer processes between metal and atmospheric air;
  • perform work by operating the motor at maximum speed, which increases labor efficiency and reduces time costs;
  • protect the metal of the drive mechanism from corrosion during winter downtime.

Quality oils reduce the negative effects of elevated temperature on engine parts. By removing heat, they increase the operating time of the unit to overheat.

Motor oil is a special material that ensures the trouble-free operation of the engine and other systems in the lawn mower. Neglect of its quality leads to various breakdowns of the unit.

Video: Which Oil And Gasoline To Choose For Refueling Lawn Mowers With A Two-Stroke Or Four-Stroke Engine

Fuel selection

Preparation of fuel for a two-stroke engine consists in mixing special engine oil (it is bought in the same place as lawn mowers or spare parts for cars) with gasoline. Mineral oil is mixed with fuel in a ratio of 1 to 32 (or 1 to 35), and if it is synthetic, then a ratio of 1 to 50. all this should be indicated on the package. You can prepare fuel for the lawn mower for the whole season, for this, 100 g of oil is added to the 5-liter canister of gasoline.

To the question: “What gas to use?”. the answer is simple: the brand should not be higher than that indicated by the manufacturer of the lawn mower. The octane number matters. the higher it is, the longer the fuel burns, if you use a higher grade fuel, this will reduce the operating time of your device. The four-stroke engine has a crankcase, which contains lubricant that lubricates the motor, so it is only refueled with gasoline. But it will have to be changed at intervals of 50 hours, whatever it may be, since there is no special oil filter.

Only a cooled engine can be refueled, and the tank cannot be filled to capacity, you need to leave a little space for expansion. Of course, safety rules must always be followed.

The difference in the operation of 2 and 4 stroke engines

For two-stroke engines, there are two ways to lubricate the piston system and crank mechanism:

  • adding oil to the fuel in the exact ratio;
  • pour oil separately, the mixture is formed when the fuel is inlet into the cylinder.

In the photo, the oil supply through the plunger pump dispenser into the inlet pipe of the combustion chamber.

The second scheme has the future, while the first method is used in gardening. the preparation of a combustible mixture. New engines are quiet, economical, but more complex.

To prepare a combustible mixture, you can use the table and the dispenser.

The four-stroke engine has an oil tank, which is used to create protection for the rubbing parts. In this case, the lubrication system consists of a pump, an oil filter and tubes supplying the composition to the nodes. A crankcase or reservoir method of lubrication may be used. In the first case, oil is supplied to the system from the crankcase and from there pumped into the supply tubes. With a "dry sump" drops of oil collected in a pan are again sent to the tank.

In the photo, wet sump grease and dry sump grease.

The difference in oil composition for different types of engines is fundamental. Oil for a lawn mower with a 4-stroke engine should maintain a constant composition for a long time. The composition for two-stroke engines during combustion should have less mineral inclusions in order to prevent the formation of soot.

If you have the recommended oil, you should not experiment with the selection of another composition. If not, select the recommended for 2 or 4 cycle models. Use gasoline above the recommended brand. prematurely go on to replace burned-out valves, other components.

An important characteristic when choosing a protective ingredient is its operating temperature. The additive must be resistant to heat, but not thicken at low temperatures. Therefore, for each mechanism, depending on the operating conditions, there is a brand of oil.

Video "All about the operation of lawn mowers"

Detailed video instruction for the operation and repair of lawn mowers.