Which Spools Are Suitable For The Trimmer

Types of coils (heads) for gasoline and electric trimmers

The coil, or, as it is also called, the head for the trimmer is one of the types of cutting elements of the garden tool. Its main function is the timely supply of the line for smooth mowing of grass on the site. Here is the health and condition of the spool depends not only on the speed of the trimmer, but also on its effectiveness when working in different operating conditions.

All trimmer heads are pre-divided among themselves according to the type of cutting line feed. Depending on this factor, the following types of devices can be found on the market:

  • Manual. in spools of this type, the line must be fed manually. To draw out the correct amount of cutting line, stop the mower and lengthen the ends. The hand-held trimmer reel is considered the most reliable of all types. However, its use requires a certain skill, which can only be acquired with constant use of heads of this type;
  • Semi-automatic. to lengthen the ends of the cutting line, the lower end of this tool will need to be pressed to the ground. In this case, the operator must press the button that opens the anchor mechanism. At this time, centrifugal forces are triggered inside the spool, under the action of which the line is lengthened by the amount required for further work. The semi-automatic reel for the trimmer does not require dexterity. The only negative is the high for some models of THESE devices;
  • Automatic. this type of head does NOT need to stop the trimmer and does NOT require skill. The cutting line in them lengthens on its own during a decrease in the engine speed of the lawn mower. The automatic trimmer head is the most convenient device, however, due to its more complex design, the owner is forced to repair the device more often.

Which Spools Are Suitable For The Trimmer

In addition to being classified according to the line feed method, trimmer spools are initially divided according to the way they are charged with the cutting line. Depending on this factor, the following types of devices are found:

  • Fast. got its name from the fact that when attaching a new cutting line, the operator does not need to remove the head from its base. This saves time and makes the trimmer easier to use. For threading, you will need to push one of the ends of the new cord into its hole, and wind it around the head several times. After reaching a certain value, the second end of the line must be cut off;
  • Collapsible coils. to refuel them, the operator will need to turn off the ignition and remove the coil from the trimmer. After that, the new Cutting Line is wound up instead of the old one. At the end, the operator will have to assemble the head and install it in its original place.

The device of most reels for lawn mowers includes spools, which can be one- or two-piece. In the first type of attachments, the line used is wound evenly on each side. In two-section mowing heads, each of the SEPARATE parts of the cord must be wound around a specific part of the reel. Devices of the second type are considered the most convenient to use since the line in them does not bend at sharp angles and does NOT deform.

How to choose a trimmer head?

In order for the mowing head to show High efficiency, the lawn mower owner will need to choose the right choice. In this case, a number of factors must be taken into account:

  • Work experience. if a beginner gardener is engaged in the purchase, then it is best to purchase an automatic spool. Semi-automatic and manual spools are best for more experienced gardeners;
  • Material. the reliability of the coil depends on it. The most durable are metal models, but they weigh much more than standard plastic fixtures. When working with a metal spool, the lawn mower engine is subject to increased load, so you need to buy them only to work with a powerful lawn mower;
  • Line diameter used. for medium power trimmers, spools are used, which can be loaded with a line with a thickness of no more than 1.6 mm. For lawn mowers with a capacity above 2.5 liters. C. Attachments can be installed which can be loaded with cutting cord with a thickness of more than 2 mm.

Simplicity also plays an important role when choosing a coil. For beginners, spools are best suited, which consist of a minimum amount of parts. experienced gardeners can use heads that include more elements.

TOP 3 most reliable coils for household use

The market has its own ranking of the most durable mowing heads. They stand out for their simplicity of design, reliability and resistance to damage. These include:

  • 3rd place. Bosch K-103. This is a universal reel weighing approximately 300 g. It is most often used to complete lawn mowers by Makita and Hyundai. The model stands out for its low cutting line consumption, impact resistance and durability. The core and other parts are made of forged steel and the body is made of plastic;
  • Second place. Flymo 15. This Semi-Automatic trimmer model features a thin cup, which results in increased line consumption. However, it has proven itself well in mowing grass in rocky terrain. To work with it, you need to use only thin fishing line;
  • 1st place. EFCO 8100. This model is one of the most reliable mowing heads. It operates in a fully automatic mode, making it easy to feed with cutting line. Only a thin line is used to work with the spool. The body of the model is made of durable multi-layer plastic.

Despite the stability and durability, all of these coils are an order of magnitude cheaper than the second, lower-quality analogs, which makes them the leaders in the post-Soviet space.

How to choose the right one?

Before purchasing this equipment, you need to understand for what purpose it will be used. For a large area with a flat lawn, it is better to purchase a light model with low power. If you need an accomplishment of a summer cottage, then you need to choose a more powerful model.

What it is?

The trimmer consists of a cutting element, a bar, a motor and a handle with a control mechanism.


The main technical characteristics of the trimmer are:

  • Power;
  • Equipment weight;
  • Type of power supply (mains or battery)
  • Engine location (top or bottom)
  • Cutting element type;
  • Rod type.

All this must be taken into account, buy this or that device.

Cutting tool

To make the cutting process easy, you need to choose the right cutting element.

Trimmer head: types and description

One of the common devices for cutting grass is the trimmer. It is very easy to operate and maintain. That is why it has become popular among the population. Its significant advantage is its low weight. Even a child can handle such equipment.

Mowing head for trimmer

It is a special assembled coil, inside of which the cord is located.

The trimmer head is classified by line feed method:

  • Manual. In this case, the name speaks for itself, that is, the line is fed mechanically. To make the cord even longer, you must stop the trimmer and manually pull the ends.
  • Semi-automatic. If you want to replace the cord, the trimmer head needs to touch the ground. In this case, a special button is pressed and the anchor mechanism opens. Further, the cord lengthens due to centrifugal force. The main feature is that the procedure takes place when the trimmers are on.
  • Automatic. To make the cord elongate, the engine speed is reduced. Further, with increasing x, the line is fed automatically.

From the above, it follows that the manual mowing head for the trimmer is inconvenient.

Classification by filling method

The trimmer head can have several ways of threading the line:

  • Quick Chargers. The new cord is wound without disassembling the coil, that is, it is not necessary to remove it from the device. The end of the new element is pushed into the coil and then wound a certain number of times. When a specific value is reached, the cord is cut. This type of trimmer head is manufactured by Shindaiwa and Speed-Freed.
  • Collapsible. Here the name speaks for itself. To replace a new line, you need to remove the spool from the equipment, then unwind the old line and wind up a new one.

Design features

It should be noted that the trimmer cutter head contains special arrows. They allow you to rotate the coil in different directions. If it becomes necessary to wind the line in the direction of rotation of the shaft, it turns to a specific position. A large amount of wound cord can damage the equipment. The two arrows are only found on imported models. Single Arrow Heads on the Market Now.

If the cord is NOT wound after the impact of the semi-automatic head, then its previous winding was performed incorrectly. That is, after the trimmer head was installed, the user did NOT pull the ends of the line out of the grooves. Another unpleasant moment when mowing grass can be the sintering of the coil turns.

For various models of trimmers, a semi-automatic head is used, consisting of two parts. a body and a spool. Both elements contain springs. The second part can be performed in several versions:

  • One-piece. both parts of the line are wound together;
  • Two-piece. each end is wound on a specific part; this type is the most effective, as the line does NOT get tangled and does NOT sinter.

There is a simple and cheap way to convert a one-piece spool to a two-piece one. This requires a sturdy plate. From it you need to cut a circle, the diameter of which should be equal to the thickness of the spool. In this case, the thickness is taken near the place where the line is wound. This circle moves freely. Next, a cut is made on the ring, put on a spool and connected with glue or tape.

How to wind the line onto the Patriot trimmer reel?

Almost every beginner when using a trimmer is faced with the problem of changing the line. While changing your line is easy, you need to learn how to do it right. Changing the fishing line with the proper skill will not take more than five minutes. you just have to constantly practice it. This article will look at changing line using Patriot trimmers as an example.


In order to change the line, you need to remove the old one (if it was).

The reel is the part of the trimmer structure that is located inside the mower head, drum or bobbin. Heads may vary depending on the manufacturer. But this article only covers Patriot, although their mechanism is used by many other companies.

Instructions on how to unscrew the manual head on the trimmer, described below.

  • First of all, you need to clean the head from dirt and adhering grass, if it is dirty. To do this, lift the mower head up and, grasping the casing, remove the special protective cover that is on the drum.
  • The next step is to remove the spool from the drum. The reel can be easily removed even with one hand, because it is NOT fixed in any way inside the drum.
  • The drum itself is bolted to the trim tabs. This bolt must be unscrewed, after which you can easily pull out the drum. To do this carefully, you should support the drum with the spool, while unscrewing the screw counterclockwise.
  • Now you can pull the coil out. As mentioned above, it is NOT secured by anything, except for a hook with a metal shaft, so it does not need to be pulled out with force. Carefully, in a circular motion, pull the spool out of the drum.
  • Now it remains to remove the old fishing line and follow the following instructions.

Installation of the spool and drum in their original place is performed according to the reverse algorithm.

Before threading the line, make sure you have purchased the correct thread for the trimmer. In the event that the string is not suitable, the fuel or energy consumption increases, as well as the load on the engine of the lawn mowers.

In order to replace the thread itself directly, you need to prepare a whine cut of the required size. Most often, this requires about 4 m of line. The specific figure will depend on the parameters of the whine, for example, its thickness, as well as on the parameters of the coil itself. If you cannot accurately determine the length, you can do the following: insert and wind the thread to such a state that the coil is fully charged (the level of the line will be compared with the protrusion in the sides of the coil). Necessary Make sure that the line is sitting flat in the reel.

The instructions for threading the line into the spool are described below.

  • The prepared thread must be taken and folded in half. It should be ensured that one edge is longer than the other by 0.1-0.15 m.
  • Now you need to take the ends in different hands. The one, which is smaller, needs to be pulled up to a larger one, so that it becomes 2 times shorter. When bending, you should maintain an offset of 0.15.
  • Find the notch inside the coil baffle. Gently thread the loop you made earlier into this slot.
  • To continue working, it is necessary to determine the direction of winding the thread in the bobbin. To do this, it is enough to inspect the coil. there should be an arrow on it.
  • If it was not possible to find a pointer arrow, then it is quite possible that there is a written designation. An example is shown in the photo below. Inspect the coil head. It has a direction indicator. However, this is the direction of movement of the coil. To get the winding direction, you need to wind in the opposite direction.
  • Now you need to load the spool with line. It is worth noting that there are special guide grooves inside the coil. When wrapping, whine, you must follow these grooves, otherwise you can damage the trimmer. At this stage, you need to charge the coil very carefully.
  • When the user has wound almost the entire thread, take the short end (do not forget about the 0.15 protrusion) and pull it into the hole located in the wall of the spool. Now you need to repeat this action in the same way with the other end (on the other side).
  • Put the reel itself in the head of the reel, before passing the line through the holes inside the drum.
  • Now is the time to put the drum back in place. After that, you need to take the ends of the line with both hands and pull them to the sides. Then you need to put the lid back on (here you can safely make an effort, until you hear a characteristic click).
  • It remains to do the “cosmetic work”. We need to see if the thread is too long. You can start the trimmer and check in practice if everything is comfortable. If the thread comes out a little long, you can cut it with scissors.

Frequent mistakes

Although winding the line is a very simple task, many beginners can wind the line incorrectly. Below are the most common mistakes.

  • Many people, when measuring the thread, think that 4 m is a lot. Because of this, people often measure less, and, accordingly, they do not have enough line. DO NOT be afraid to measure a lot, because you can always cut off the excess.
  • In a rush, some people do not follow the threading grooves inside the spool and wind the thread randomly. This causes the line to come out of the reel and may even cripple.
  • For winding, use only the appropriate line. This error is the most common. You need to monitor not only the thickness and volume of the line, but also its type. You should NOT use the first line that comes across for wrapping, which will not meet the goals. For example, it is not necessary to use a thread on young grass if it is necessary to mow dead wood.
  • Do not turn on the device in full winding and collecting. Although this is obvious, some people do this in order to check if everything is done correctly.
  • In no case should you confuse the direction of refueling, as this will overload the engine, and it will soon come out of working condition.

It is quite common for beginners to make mistakes, so you need to follow the tips given in this article.

See below for how to replace line with Patriot trimmer.

How to wind the line onto the Patriot trimmer reel?

Almost every beginner when using a trimmer is faced with the problem of changing the line. While changing your line is easy, you need to learn how to do it right. Changing the fishing line with the proper skill will not take more than five minutes. you just have to constantly practice it. This article will look at changing line using Patriot trimmers as an example.


In order to change the line, you need to remove the old one (if it was).

The reel is the part of the trimmer structure that is located inside the mower head, drum or bobbin. Heads may vary depending on the manufacturer. But this article only covers Patriot, although their mechanism is used by many other companies.

Instructions on how to unscrew the manual head on the trimmer, described below.

  • First of all, you need to clean the head from dirt and adhering grass, if it is dirty. To do this, lift the mower head up and, grasping the casing, remove the special protective cover that is on the drum.
  • The next step is to remove the spool from the drum. The reel can be easily removed even with one hand, because it is NOT fixed in any way inside the drum.
  • The drum itself is bolted to the trim tabs. This bolt must be unscrewed, after which you can easily pull out the drum. To do this carefully, you should support the drum with the spool, while unscrewing the screw counterclockwise.
  • Now you can pull the coil out. As mentioned above, it is NOT secured by anything, except for a hook with a metal shaft, so it does not need to be pulled out with force. Carefully, in a circular motion, pull the spool out of the drum.
  • Now it remains to remove the old fishing line and follow the following instructions.

Installation of the spool and drum in their original place is performed according to the reverse algorithm.

Before threading the line, make sure you have purchased the correct thread for the trimmer. In the event that the string is not suitable, the fuel or energy consumption increases, as well as the load on the engine of the lawn mowers.

In order to replace the thread itself directly, you need to prepare a whine cut of the required size. Most often, this requires about 4 m of line. The specific figure will depend on the parameters of the whine, for example, its thickness, as well as on the parameters of the coil itself. If you cannot accurately determine the length, you can do the following: insert and wind the thread to such a state that the coil is fully charged (the level of the line will be compared with the protrusion in the sides of the coil). Necessary Make sure that the line is sitting flat in the reel.

The instructions for threading the line into the spool are described below.

  • The prepared thread must be taken and folded in half. It should be ensured that one edge is longer than the other by 0.1-0.15 m.
  • Now you need to take the ends in different hands. The one, which is smaller, needs to be pulled up to a larger one, so that it becomes 2 times shorter. When bending, you should maintain an offset of 0.15.
  • Find the notch inside the coil baffle. Gently thread the loop you made earlier into this slot.
  • To continue working, it is necessary to determine the direction of winding the thread in the bobbin. To do this, it is enough to inspect the coil. there should be an arrow on it.
  • If it was not possible to find a pointer arrow, then it is quite possible that there is a written designation. An example is shown in the photo below. Inspect the coil head. It has a direction indicator. However, this is the direction of movement of the coil. To get the winding direction, you need to wind in the opposite direction.
  • Now you need to load the spool with line. It is worth noting that there are special guide grooves inside the coil. When wrapping, whine, you must follow these grooves, otherwise you can damage the trimmer. At this stage, you need to charge the coil very carefully.
  • When the user has wound almost the entire thread, take the short end (do not forget about the 0.15 protrusion) and pull it into the hole located in the wall of the spool. Now you need to repeat this action in the same way with the other end (on the other side).
  • Put the reel itself in the head of the reel, before passing the line through the holes inside the drum.
  • Now is the time to put the drum back in place. After that, you need to take the ends of the line with both hands and pull them to the sides. Then you need to put the lid back on (here you can safely make an effort, until you hear a characteristic click).
  • It remains to do the “cosmetic work”. We need to see if the thread is too long. You can start the trimmer and check in practice if everything is comfortable. If the thread comes out a little long, you can cut it with scissors.

Frequent mistakes

Although winding the line is a very simple task, many beginners can wind the line incorrectly. Below are the most common mistakes.

  • Many people, when measuring the thread, think that 4 m is a lot. Because of this, people often measure less, and, accordingly, they do not have enough line. DO NOT be afraid to measure a lot, because you can always cut off the excess.
  • In a rush, some people do not follow the threading grooves inside the spool and wind the thread randomly. This causes the line to come out of the reel and may even cripple.
  • For winding, use only the appropriate line. This error is the most common. You need to monitor not only the thickness and volume of the line, but also its type. You should NOT use the first line that comes across for wrapping, which will not meet the goals. For example, it is not necessary to use a thread on young grass if it is necessary to mow dead wood.
  • Do not turn on the device in full winding and collecting. Although this is obvious, some people do this in order to check if everything is done correctly.
  • In no case should you confuse the direction of refueling, as this will overload the engine, and it will soon come out of working condition.

It is quite common for beginners to make mistakes, so you need to follow the tips given in this article.

See below for how to replace line with Patriot trimmer.

Head classification based on line feed principle

Depending on the method of feeding the line, the spools for trimmers are divided into the following types:

  • “Fast” heads. in THESE reels, the attachment of a new line is carried out without disassembling the product. To do this, the tip of the line must be pushed into the coil and wrap it a couple of times around its surface. As soon as the required amount of fishing line is wound, the excess part is cut off. Such a mowing head is quite convenient to use and saves time, especially if a beginner uses the trimmer;
  • Collapsible heads. from the name you can understand that to refuel the coil with fishing line, it must be disassembled. Then a new line is wound inside the reel, after which the trimmer head is installed on the base;
  • Semi-automatic heads. their design includes parts, spool, body and springs. Coils of this type are divided into one-section and two-section. In the products of the first type, the fishing line is wound evenly on both sides. In two-piece heads, the line is wound separately from the corresponding side. The reel of the second type is considered the most practical and reliable, since the cutting line will never get tangled in it and will NOT break.

Types of spools for trimmer according to the method of feeding the cutting line

The design of a modern trimmer consists of a motor, bar, control handles and a cutting head. The latter can be a disc, which is designed to remove weeds, and a coil, which is used for mowing grass. The reels are divided among themselves according to the line feeding method. The following types of heads are distinguished on sale:

  • Manual. in such reels, the line is fed mechanically. To do this, each time you need to stop working with the trimmer and manually pull the line from the reel. On the one hand, this may seem inconvenient, since in order to pull out the required amount of fishing line, you need to remove the reel from the trimmer. Nevertheless, it is the manual trimmer reel that is considered the most reliable in terms of operation;
  • Semi-automatic. when working with such reels, to increase the line, you need to touch the head with the surface of the ground and at the same time press a special button that opens the anchor mechanism. The line is fed by centrifugal forces. The main feature of such reels is that the line feed is performed when the trimmer is turned on. The semi-automatic trimmer coil has one significant drawback. a relatively high cost;
  • Automatic. in such heads the line is fed by increasing the speed of the trimmer engine. The main advantage of such coils is their ease of use. However, the automatic trimmer head has several drawbacks. High cost and frequent breakdowns of the line feed mechanism.

Another type of coil that stands apart from other products is the universal coil. Heads of this type can be installed not in one, but on many models of trimmers, which significantly expands the scope of their application. The universal head has a low cost, but it is quite strong and reliable.

Many experts agree that the Semi-Automatic Reel is the best choice for a farm application. It is reliable enough, and bought it once, the owner will spend the same amount as when buying 2-3 hand reels.

Trimmer reel

The spool, or trimmer head, is an important part of the garden tool, which is responsible for the correct mowing of the grass. There is a wide variety of coils on the market today that differ in several ways. Below we will consider the features of the classification of trimmer heads and the scope of application of different types in practice.

TOP 3 Most Popular Trimmer Coils

Different trim heads have their own advantages and disadvantages. We offer you our TOP 3 of the most popular models of mowing heads, which have practically no drawbacks:

  • In third place is the Bosch K103 universal coil. Most often, this model is used for Makita and Hyundai trimmers. Among the advantages of this head should be highlighted High strength and a wide range of applications. this model is successfully used both for cutting fresh grass and for working with dry vegetation;
  • The second place is taken by the Flymo 15 reel. This reel is a universal product with semi-automatic line winding. The model is equipped with a completely metal core, which significantly increases the life of the head;
  • First place is taken by the Efco 8100 head. This automatic reel is considered by many gardeners to be the best model on the market today. It is lightweight, made of quality materials and is able to withstand minor blows to stones.

All of these models are of high quality and are in high demand among buyers. However, when buying them, you should be careful not to purchase a non-original Chinese reel released under the name of one of THESE brands.

Coil weight

The weight of the reel plays a very important role, since the spinner has to hold the rod in his hands all the time. The lighter the reel, the less stress on the hands, which means more comfortable fishing. But here, as they say, there are pitfalls. The lighter the coil, the weaker it is, since such a coil is made of lightweight, not strong materials. But if this material is lightweight but strong, then such a reel can cost a lot of money. For non-professionals, this is a matter of principle, since sometimes fishing turns into a rather expensive hobby. As for the professionals, they prefer light, expensive, branded reels more so that they do NOT fail at the most decisive moment. For amateurs. this is the golden mean: the cheap one should not be taken for fundamental reasons, and the expensive one is simply not needed.

Line guide bracket

There are no special requirements for its device, since its task is to ensure the correct winding of the fishing line (or rather, it must ensure that the fishing line hits the roller) and the correct blocking, and a clear opening and fixation. When buying a coil, it is better to inspect the bow of the line guide for burrs. Burrs significantly affect the durability and strength of the line.

What are the spinning reels

3 types of reels have become widespread, which are known to spinningists today. These are coils such as:

Spool and spool size

The spool size depends on the spool size and vice versa. The size of the coil indicates its ability to withstand certain types of loads: the larger the coil, the more power it has, which means you can catch big fish with it. Each spool indicates how much line and how thick it fits on the spool. The size of the reel is marked with numbers 1000, 2000, 3000, etc. At the same time, you can easily, even by these numbers, determine how much and which line fits on the reel. For example: reel with 3000 designations Holds 100 meters of line, 0.3 mm thick or 300 meters. 0.1 mm thick.

To fish NOT large predatory fish, for example, perch, it is enough to have a reel with the designations 1000-2500. You just need to choose high quality coils. Reel sizes from 3000 to 5000 are more suitable for tough fishing conditions when large fish are caught. Larger reels are rarely used because larger fish are found in seas and oceans.

Smoothness and ease of movement of the coil

Such characteristics have a serious impact on the outcome of fishing, as it allows you to easily and correctly control the bait and evenly lay the line on the spool. NOT correct laying creates problems during fishing, as it is possible for the line to become entangled during casts, and this will not give the possibility of casting the bait far and accurately, which is important.

The spool mechanism during operation should NOT create extraneous noise, as they are transmitted along the line to the bait and can alert the fish. The smoothness of the spool is also important, so be sure to check it by running your finger along the side. If there are even the slightest notches, it is better not to buy such a coil.


They are very popular among anglers, as they are installed both on spinning rods and on other fishing equipment. Its use does not require much practice: after the first casts it is really possible to master the casting technique and carry out various types of postings. These types of reels are produced for different fishing conditions, different sizes and different materials are used. The spinning reel is very easy to use. Before casting, it is necessary to fold back the line guide bracket and press the line against the rod with your index finger (fix). After that, the bait is cast. When the rod is at a certain point (somewhere at an angle of 45 degrees), the line is released, after which it begins to unwind from the spool under the influence of the weight of the bait and giving it acceleration. The greater the weight of the bait, the further it can be cast. When the bait is in the water, the line staple is returned to its original position. After that, the wiring is carried out. The spinning player begins to wind the line on the spool with the rotary movements of the handle, and the line layer allows you to do it neatly.


Such reels are also called marine reels, since they are designed for catching large fish. These are quite powerful reels with a long casting distance and line reeling speed. Recently, experienced spinners have increasingly begun to install them on spinning rods. How much it is right is up to them to decide. But this type of reel also requires experience and is not suitable for beginners. When mastering the technique of wiring, you don’t necessarily have to have a cool, expensive reel.

Line laying mechanism

Spinning reels can have one of two line lay mechanisms: with an endless screw or with a slide.

Both mechanisms, made with high quality, allow you to lay the line evenly, without the formation of furrows and humps.

There are 2 types of line winding: straight and cross. Straight winding provides a tight and even lay, with more line space on the spools. But this winding has its drawback: adjacent turns often cling to each other, which affects the quality of casting.

This drawback is only for cross winding, but less line fits on the spools.

In addition, rectilinear winding can be cylindrical, in the form of a straight and reverse cone. With the cylindrical method, the cord is laid parallel to the spool, and in the case of a reverse and straight cone. at a certain angle.

Friction brake

A friction brake is an element that is found in almost all reel designs, but spinningists do not always use it, since it is not always possible to catch a large fish. However, it can be front or rear.

The front clutch is considered to be smoother and more responsive than the rear clutch, but the rear clutch is more comfortable to adjust. In addition, the reel with the rear drag is easily repaired and can be easily replaced with a new one, along with the spool.

Friction brake performance is assessed by the smoothness of the line bleed.