Is it possible to redo the trimmer for grass in the boat motor. A few tips

Alteration: a motor for a boat based on a trimmer for grass

Any fisherman who has an inflatable boat in stock sooner or later begins to think about acquiring a motor for her. But, having learned the price of ready.made solutions, many begin to look for alternative engine options for their boat. Fortunately, the craftsmen have already figured out how to redo the lawn mower, an electric screwdriver or a lawn mower in the boat engine. But the best option for these purposes is a gasoline trimmer for grass, which has in its design all the necessary mechanisms and elements.

First of all, it is worth considering the main advantages of using a trimmer for grass for the manufacture of a boat motor:

  • The cost of a trimmer for grass is much lower than the cost of a finished engine for a boat;
  • very economical fuel consumption;
  • reliability during operation;
  • light weight, which is very important when using a trimmer for grass on rubber boats;
  • translucent fuel tank, through the walls of which the level of gasoline is clearly visible;
  • A rather sealed design;
  • A hard shaft is installed in the bar;
  • To control the unit there are finished elements (starter and gas).

All these qualities of the device put it in the first place, if we take into account other options for alterations. So, for a trimmer for grass (required by a power of 0.7 kW) to turn into a full.fledged boat engine, it is necessary to purchase a special set of nozzles or make them with your own hands.

Ready set of nozzles

At the moment, there are ready.made nozzles for a lawn mower, allowing you to convert your mower into a boat motor with minimal efforts.

The prefix already has a ready.made solution for attaching it to the gasoline engine of a trimmer for grass.

Also, the control handle with the muffler button is attached to the bar. The gas handle is made according to the likeness of the bicycle (meaning a bicycle with speed switching) and has a rattle that fixes the selected position.

This set even includes a special clamp, designed to fix the entire structure on the boat (on the vessel).

The nozzle for a trimmer for the grass is collected without difficulty, since its design is very simple. Only remains:

If you read the reviews on the Internet about this device, then they are mainly positive.


Alteration of a trimmer for grass in the boat motor

Motor boats are the most effective tool for moving through water. They are popular among fishermen and tourists, and among other lovers of outdoor water rest. However, the wide distribution of motor boats is prevented by a fairly high cost of engines directly for them. That is why many are interested in the question of replacing mass.produced boat engines with an alternative, cheaper engine. As one of the most popular options, it should be noted the manufacture of a boat motor from a trimmer for grass. How can this be done. in the material further.

You can perform a home.made boat motor from a trimmer for grass. First you should prepare materials and tools:

  • trimmer for grass with a capacity of 3 liters.With.;
  • steel sheet 2 mm thick for the screw;
  • welding machine;
  • fasteners;
  • clamp for installing the engine on board the boat;
  • corner grinder;
  • drill.

Before work, you need to create drawings indicating all the sizes necessary for the work of parts and nodes, as well as the scheme and installation procedure.

It is necessary to find out the size of the screw, which depends on the power and weight of the boat with the load. It should be borne in mind that the screw with sizes 3×10 cm installed on the ICE can transport a boat with passengers with a total weight of up to 120 kg.

Stages of work on the manufacture of a motor:

  • To make a motor for the boat, first you need to redo the bent shaft.
  • Then make a screw.
  • Replace the engine plastic overlay with a switch.
  • Attach the shaft to the engine from the mowing.

Alteration of the curved shaft

First you need to redo the curved shaft. To do this, take a nut 2 cm high in the shape of a cylinder with a cut inside. The unscrewed nuts and bolts must be preserved, since they have a non.standard thread. Then redo the bar with a hard shaft. They pull out a flexible shaft from the rod by removing the nut.

The end of the bar does not have bearings, they are replaced by a sleeve, so it needs to be cut out. Remove the tread. Since the metal pipe is curved, it is difficult to align it, so it will not be used. Instead, you should choose a duralumin pipe of the same diameter, or smaller than the diameter of the sleeve.

A bronze bushing is installed in the pipe. To do this, slightly rub the pipe. Then you should carefully adjust the sleeve on the groove with a hammer. At the same time, it is not recommended to make efforts so that the sleeve does not deteriorate. The tread is cut to the desired diameter and put in the bar. If the tube has a large diameter and it is difficult to put it in the hole of the ICE head, then it should be sharpened to the required size.

Instead of a flexible shaft, take a steel rod and connect it to the engine shaft. Then twist a screw onto the shaft and fixed with a nut. Then you need to fix the bar with the inner shaft using adapters to the engine. They need to be performed in a lathe. Different models of mowers can have features that need to be taken into account.

The ability to use a trimmer for grass as a boat engine

In fairness, it should be noted that domestic craftsmen learned to use internal combustion engines from lawn mowers and chainsaws as a boat engine. However, the most simple option in the manufacture of a home.made engine to motor is the use of a gasoline trimmer for grass, which, in addition to a small cost:

  • has a set of all the elements and mechanisms necessary for controlling;
  • has a fuel tank;
  • characterized by the minimum fuel consumption and high reliability in work;
  • It differs in small weight, which allows you to use it on rubber or plastic boats;
  • ensures the tightness of the structure and.

Nevertheless, in order to use a motorcycle as the basis of the motor for the boat, it will need to be modified. This is due to the fact that initially the engine of the trimmer for the grass should function at maximum speeds at a low torque, and for the motor for the boat, another mode of operation is required. However, remaking the trimmer for grass will require certain skills in the performance of locksmithing work. In addition, he will need to develop drawings of some details and have the necessary set of tools at hand.

The benefits of alteration of the trimmer for grass in the boat motor

Using a trimmer for grass as a boat engine has a number of significant advantages and advantages.

The benefits of such a technical solution:

  • Small cost: a trimmer for grass is much cheaper than a professional boat motor;
  • small fuel consumption with sufficient performance;
  • reliability and tightness of the structure, taking into account individual nuances of use;
  • small dimensions and weight of the tool, which is also very practical and convenient for use in light boats;
  • fuel control thanks to the transparent walls of the tank;
  • Hard shaft inside the bar.

Engine power should be at least 0.7 kW. Ready.made nozzles for alteration (prefix for mounting to the engine, a special adjustable handle with a muffler button, fastening) can be purchased. After installing them on a trimmer for the grass, it remains only to connect the gas cable to the engine and connect the wires with the silencer.

How to make a boat motor with your own hands from a trimmer for grass?

To create a boat engine from a lawn mower, a direct rod is suitable. If the rod of a trimmer for the grass is curved, you will have to work on its improvement.

Algorithm occurs according to this algorithm:

  • First, remove the standard nut (in the drawing below it is indicated by the number 2). Do not throw it away and do not lose it, since it is impossible to replace the factory parts with ordinary nuts.
  • Spin the rest of the fasteners, pull out a deedwell and flexible shaft from the bar (in the drawing numbers 8 and 9).
  • Choose a new duralumin bar with a slightly smaller inner diameter. Gently place a bronze sleeve in it (in the drawing).
  • Cut the tread (part 0) to the required size and insert it into the bar.
  • If the external diameter of the rod is too large for the engine, set it.
  • Using a regular nut, fix the screw.
  • The shaft fastening to the motor occurs using adapters. There are no universal drawings for this detail, since different models of trimmers have their own design features. You can order this part in a lathe or make it independently from plywood. The design will be attached with 4 screws.

If there is no way to purchase a ready.made set for remaking, which was mentioned earlier, the adjusting handle can be taken from a sports bicycle.

The screw can also be made independently from a piece of duralumin, using the drawing below:

A step is the distance from the blade to the horizontal surface. The angle of inclination is regulated by plots. To do this, the workpiece is pre.heated.

To refuel a motor from a trimmer for grass on a boat, use only high-quality fuel and lubricants. Dilute gasoline with oil in the corresponding proportion. The first 10 kilometers do not expose the engine with high loads. this will be the period of running. Depending on the engine power, a boat with such a motor can develop a speed of 5 to 8 km/h.

Below is a video that shows the work of such an unit::

Cargo and high.speed screws

The right choice of screw will save fuel and operate the motor in the optimal mode. Even if the existing screw (for example, complete) is completely satisfied with all the parameters, it is still worth remembering that the screws are primarily a consumable, and it is better to keep a “spare” at hand anyway. For example, you can purchase a pair of screws for various operating conditions:

  • High.speed. Allows you to quickly go to the glider, but even with a low load, the engine speeds are very falling. Optimally suitable for high.speed “Climb” lightly.
  • Cargo. A screw with a smaller speed will show itself perfectly in transitions with a large load.

How to make a motor boot from a chainsaw with your own hands

In order to independently make a boat motor, using a chainsaw as a donor, it is enough to have basic knowledge about how the engine for the boat and the desire to do the work with your own hands.

Of the tools and materials, you will need a minimum that we will consider just below. The whole design is quite simple and concise, the main thing is to remember the algorithm of alteration and not forget the purpose of all the main details of the structure.

Necessary materials for the boat motor

For a successful embodiment of the idea of ​​creating a boat motor from a chainsaw, we will need Donor Details, which were listed above in the section “device and principle of operation of the device”. But the tools that are desirable to have for manufacture:

  • lathe;
  • set of bolts and nuts for the size of fasteners;
  • metal corner;
  • steel blanks;
  • ruler;
  • calipers.

If there is no turning machine, then do not worry, this type of work can be done by order in the corresponding workshop at the turner.

Which chainsaw to use

There is no fundamental difference which chainsaw to use to alteration in the boat motor. Any, even the weakest engine of the household level chainsaw is a power unit that can give the necessary power to start rotation of the rowing screw.

From domestic chainsaws, any models of the Ural brand can be distinguished, the models of the German company STIHL, for example, well.established STIHL MS 260 saw, will be a great choice. All Germans are distinguished by their great power and reliability of the design.

It is much more important not the presence of a chainsaw with the most powerful engine, but the ability to correctly read drawings and diagrams, as well as have initial welding skills. manufacturing instructions

The main idea of ​​the manufacture of a boat motor from a chainsaw is to replace the sawing headset of the chainsaw with a screw device for rowing. We will only replace the mechanisms without making changes in the fundamental scheme of the saw motor.

For the correct connection of the engine with a screw nozzle and the transmission of torque, you need to grind a new coupling and replace the spring with a weaker. We reduced the parameter of the clutch moment and adjusted all the sizes of the structure.

Then, with the help of a channel, fasten the engine and shaft, leaving the required distance between the main frame and the coupling. The gearbox from the corner grinder is welded from the other end of the shaft. The rotary mechanism is made of a thick.walled pipe with a slightly larger diameter than the diameter of the main shaft.

When the rowing screw and the gearbox shaft are connected together, you need to pour transmission oil. Using a little plumbing sealant, we close the lid. This design does not involve the use of gas handle, but it can also be made independently from the bicycle handle of speed switching. For more comfortable movement on water, you can install a muffler.

The diagram of the converted gearbox for the chainsaw. gearbox; B is a mounting hairpin with a nut; g. reverse traction; d is the converted shaft of the drive.

The drawing of the rowing screw


Considering the motor from the trimmer for the grass, you should pay attention to the fact that it will be strong at the time of operation.

Installed a trimmer for grass for his rubber boat. I did not expect that it would be so high.speed, so when designing it is necessary to pay attention to the power.

A friend has. He is generally glad to his motor, especially his efficiency, says that he would not have changed to another.

My boat is very nimble, and all thanks to a motor from a trimmer for grass. I did it myself, there were no special problems, though I had to use a lot of finished details.

Trimmer for grass is a light engine for a boat. Due to high efficiency and power, it is very popular.

Step-by-step instruction

All work is divided into several stages:

    Preparation of the rowing screw shaft. To do this, the bar is disconnected from the trimmer body for the grass, the sleeves are unscrewed from it, playing the role of sliding bearings and the flexible shaft is removed. Then the curved lower part is cut off from the bar.

This method will no longer allow the benzotrimmer to return to its original state. Therefore, if in the future it is planned to use a trimmer for the grass for its intended purpose, then you should not cut the bar. It can be replaced by a pipe segment of stainless material of a suitable length. It is desirable that its diameter corresponds to the diameter of the bar. This will allow the use of complete bushings and shaft fastening to the engine housing.

When fixing the engine, it is advisable to use gaskets from the old auto.opening between it and the mounting elements. This will reduce noise and extinguish part of the vibrations.

It is difficult to determine the optimal shape of the rowing screw by eye. It is better to download one of the options from the network in advance and, according to its requirements, bend the blades. Two.lobed screws are easier to make and centered with than three.lobed. Therefore, for the first experiments, it is more reasonable to dwell on the option with two blades. With a screw diameter of the order of 100 mm and engine power in 3l.With. A similar design will be able to set the boat with a total mass of 120-150 kg.

The final step check the performance of the resulting boat movement.

Questions and answers

It is necessary to replace a flexible shaft with a steel pin due to a large load on such a system of transmission of torque. Under load, a flexible shaft due to twisting will not be able to rotate evenly, the boat will move with jerks. In addition, in this mode, the standard shaft of a trimmer for grass will not work for a very long time.

A purchased screw has a verified shape, which allows to achieve the maximum efficiency of the entire structure. In addition, boat screws are often sold complete with the necessary mounting elements of the bushings. This simplifies the alteration of the trimmer for grass to the boat engine, but requires certain financial investments.

Yes, this is possible, and even it will turn out to achieve a greater speed. However, in this case, the design will have to be finished with the gearbox, since the power of the engine of the trimmer for the grass is not enough to rotate the large screw. You can use a gearbox from a trimmer head. It will require a couple more stripes to fasten it. To extend the service life of the gearbox, it is necessary to monitor the constant presence of lubrication in its body.

How to use a boat motor from motorcycles correctly?

Using a trimmer for grass, like a boat motor, the operator needs to constantly monitor the condition of the engine, and give him time to cool.

In addition, to extend the operating life of a boat motor from a trimmer for grass will help:

  • Checking all the mounts available in the device. before each launch of the motor, you need to carefully inspect the latches that hold the engine elements from the trimmer for the grass;
  • the engine is refueling from the trimmer for grass only with the gasoline and oil that was used for operation of motorcycles;
  • timely cleaning and replacing the air and fuel filter of the engine;
  • regular verification and timely replacement of the fuel pump;
  • inspection and, if necessary, replacing the spark plug.

Weed Wacker Whipper Snipper Outboard Motor Part 1

The regular ventilation of its standard cylinder will also help to extend the operating time of the boat ICE from a trimmer for grass. To do this, about once every 2 months, you need to twist the spark plug, and it is rarely possible to pull the starter cable 4-5 times. After the procedure, the candle can be screwed back to the place and continue the operation of the engine.

Features of a homemade engine

When converting the motor, it should be borne in mind that they were developed to perform different functions. The trimmer for grass functions at large speeds and a small spinning moment, and the boat motor should do the opposite. Therefore, alteration of the device requires special tools and even a drawing.

The engine from a trimmer for grass is more convenient and easier to build, since it has a number of necessary components of the mechanisms:

  • very economical engine;
  • Impressed unpainted fuel tank, which allows you to easily control the amount of fuel;
  • the presence of a starter and gas in the device;
  • a rod equipped with a hard shaft.

What is a nozzle for remaking a trimmer for grass in the boat motor

The trimmer for grass has a higher speed speed of the blades, which makes it possible to move around the water with higher speed, which will begin to proceed with fishing faster than with a motor. Everyone saw how the work of a trimmer for grass. how the lawn and ordinary grass cuts, but here, its blades are turned the other way and at the same time, performs the function of the most economical motor.

And the most important thing is that absolutely everyone can control it. the most important thing is to understand, the higher the blades themselves are to the surface of the water, the faster the speed of turnover and thereby. higher speed.

But if the trimmer for the grass is lower, the speed will be lower. But the most important drawback of the trimmer compared to ordinary boat engines is that they are very loud and you should not use them to the full, if you do not want to frighten off the fish.

Is it worth buying a nozzle to remake a trimmer for grass in the boat motor

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question, since someone is very accustomed to the motors for boats, while others have never used them. At the same time, if you want a really powerful boat for yourself, then naturally the most profitable and effective solution will be the installation of a standard trimmer for grass. But it should be borne in mind that this option is universal. As mentioned above. the most important thing is to competently combine.

Many experts recommend the blades similar to the blades of your old motor. It is very important that it is necessary to install in strict accordance with the instructions.

It is best to install together with a person who has already carried out such operations and is ready to help at the most difficult moments of transforming a trimmer for grass into a boat motor.

In addition, you should also pay attention to at that time that additional fuel must be taken with yourself, and as well as an ordinary lawn mower, you should give the opportunity to “relax” because due to very long use, a trimmer for grass-motor can simply get out of building right on the water.

The larger the blades, the more effective the trimmer itself will be for the grass.

Alteration Motokosa is as follows:

Initially, there is an alteration of the main bent shaft: first a regular nut is removed from the bobbin with a special fishing line. It seems to be a small tube, the length of which is 20 mm.

At the same time, the nut should be preserved, since the thread on the motorcycles is unusual and it is almost impossible to find the same.

Then the plastic lining with keys is removed. After that, at the very end of the most bent pipe, there is a standard bronze sleeve (often called a sliding bearing). it must be carefully cut out, after that you need to remove the diral shaft, unscrew the nut and metal shaft.

The most important thing is to choose the right blades. Everything here directly depends on what dimensions your boat has.

It is very important to turn its attention to the fact that the best solution will be to enter in the search “Motors to the boat” and on the first site that fall on the site, where the motors are sold and ask a question to the consultant who will offer you his help. you say your own dimensions car, and then, when you get a suitable motor, you need to look at the technical characteristics and find out the dimensions of the blades.


At the moment, there are ready.made nozzles for a lawn mower, allowing you to convert your mower into a boat motor with minimal efforts.

The prefix already has a ready.made solution for attaching it to the gasoline engine of a trimmer for grass.

Also, the control handle with the muffler button is attached to the bar. The gas handle is made according to the likeness of the bicycle (meaning a bicycle with speed switching) and has a rattle that fixes the selected position.

This set even includes a special clamp, designed to fix the entire structure on the boat (on the vessel).

Reel vs Rotary Lawn Mowers // Pros and Cons, Cut Quality, How To Mow Low

The nozzle for a trimmer for the grass is collected without difficulty, since its design is very simple. Only remains:

If you read the reviews on the Internet about this device, then they are mainly positive.


Materials and tools

When selecting equipment, you need to pay attention to two things: power and voltage. These parameters are basic, and the quality of the finished electric motor depends on them

The power depends on the chosen drill (this is exactly the tool in this case), so first of all you need to choose this equipment.

When selecting a drill, it is necessary to focus on its power. This indicator should exceed one hundred and fifty watts. It is not worth taking a tool with less characteristics. In this case, the finished device will not work effectively in moving water (that is, swim with such an unit on the river will not work). It is best to use a battery.

The peoporator is equipped with a reverse, has several operating modes

This circumstance is important for the motor, which will move the swimming agent, since it will allow the future to control the speed of the electric motor

The second important parameter is voltage. You should not use batteries for eighteen volts. They are difficult to find and they are expensive. The best choice will be a drill working ten or twelve volts. Such a battery is relatively cheaper, and, most importantly, it is much easier to find on sale.

After choosing optimal equipment, you can collect materials. To create an engine, you must first get:

  • Electric drill that will perform the function of the motor.
  • Clamps with which the drill will be attached.
  • Gearbox. You can use the element from the corner grinder, if it is supposed to install the motor on the boat transicure.
  • Round pipes with a diameter of twenty millimeters.
  • Profiled pipes (2020 millimeters).
  • Round metal rod. It will be used to create an electric motor shaft.
  • Sheet metal from which screws will be made.

You will also need some tools:

  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • welding device;
  • corner grinder;
  • electric drill with a set of drills;
  • Electric screwdriver screws if a tree is used when creating a motor.

After all the elements are collected, you can start creating a boat electric motor with your own hands. The whole procedure consists of several stages. Work should start by creating a lifting mechanism for impeller. In order for the future device to work normally, it is recommended to carefully follow the instructions provided below.