Saw to jump leads to freeze freezes.

Syntactic analysis of the sentence

Each expression of thoughts consists of logically related proposals. To competently draw up a proposal that will completely convey the whole meaning, you need to know what it consists of, and what structure should be for a correct understanding. The more difficult the wording is, the more components that are difficult to catch and comprehend the first time. To simplify understanding, there is a syntactic analysis.

Syntactic analysis implies the study of the structure of the text. This is expressed through the identification of the relationship between certain parts of speech. The combination of phrases and sentences also plays an important role. Syntactic analysis of the text allows:

  • Make out how to build and what each individual sentence or phrase consists of.
  • Identify the relationship between individual words.
  • Determine the topics that belong to syntactic units.
  • Identify the main and secondary members of the proposal.
  • Determine the grammatical foundations.

With this analysis, the part of the speech, the characters, as well as the number of main members of the proposal, determine what time and inclinations.

What members of the proposal determine in a syntactic analysis?

Full syntactic analysis is performed in order to analyze the structure of the sentence and, thereby, increase the level of literacy in the field of punctuation. This analysis is carried out:

5 main members of the sentence are distinguished:

The subject and predicate are the main members of the sentence (noun or pronoun verb). The remaining 3 parts of speech are secondary. The definition is expressed by the adjective, the circumstance clarifies the place, or time, and the addition refers to the subject.

Why seedlings can disappear

The tree was buried, the root neck remained underground, which is especially dangerous for bone crops.

A seedling with an open root system was bought, and the survival rate in this case is small. The likelihood that he will get well is decreasing every hour.

The plant has not been sold for too long, it was already in poor condition.

The pit was prepared incorrectly, non.nutritious soil was used.

The roots were very damaged during landing.

Cheetah jumps into safari car, forcing man to freeze in place for 10 minutes

The tree was too often watered, the soil did not have time to dry out.

There was no watering at all, but there were no rains.

Plants are planted too close to each other, they are crowded.

Do not rush, digging up and throwing the purchased culture, because it can still be reanimated.

How to revive a seedling

Carefully inspect the barrel and branches. If there are no spots on the surface of the bark, the twigs are not dry, then the “green pet” is alive, but he needs strength to bloom, actively develop and increase the green mass. In this case, it is worth feeding the landings with a fertilizer, which contains all the necessary elements. But if the top dressing was introduced when landing, then this cannot be done.

If the earth is completely dry, the precipitation did not fall out, it is necessary to normalize watering. And if the soil is wet, then, on the contrary, reduce watering.

Process growth and root formation stimulant, pouring the soil with the drug, as well as spraying the branches and the barrel.

If the landings are fed too often, then seedlings begin to disappear. In this case, it is necessary to abundantly water the garden to wash the excess fertilizer.

When a wood or bush suffers, the branches dry out, it means that it will not hurt to carry out a transplant, while cutting down the sick and dried branches. The place should choose sunny, protected from the wind, and the soil is good to fertilize.

If nothing helps, the “green pets” look frozen or dried, then it remains to resort to the extreme method.

Exercise 43

From the burn, hedge, bottom, nis-sowed, nis-passing, rash, from-burning, close (near-root), nas-nasal, over-extensive, over-world, The building, non-vais, without time, bastardly, neither zgi, greet, re-set, punch, nis-stroke, o-bees, income, pro-Isa.the, blessed, is-black-blue, not-sown, leap-on, s-bit, over-senior, health resort, s-Balanced, c-reduced, c-life, non-loud, with.Goryach, s-loading, demon-planned, unwritten, unlocked, take-and-to-and-to-and-and-out, take to gather, pile up, perish, who has been burned, near-worship, c-shrew. Besp-Boynoy, Bes-Kulturita, Bez-U-Yo-Minor, Besmail, Currently, Crack, C-Dough, S-Get, S-Great, Bes-Class, Bes-Commissioner, from.the, make up, make it-and-be, excite, email, out-of-man, Is-on-Kon (centuries), Is-Polishchina, once spray, open, exemplary, to grab, to form, rash, prostrate, rash, rash, rash, out-to-face, rash, paved, diluted, paved Beslyutal, without excusable, Is-checked, under-throat, under-lobe, run-out, echoing.

Bez-sound-but, o-Bes-Slav, to, under-and-na-na-nan (to dinner salad), pre-twisted, (plywood) came up, Novo-in-in-in leading, ot-trave, blessed-sed-eelnik, tone-toe stain, in-rack, light-rope, s-Sad-sd (from the train). s-Svyp (grain of three cans into one), court (criminal), C-Sud (money to a friend), s-si (dry branches of a tree), seo (rods), Ras-sor-cord, get in, s-Suda, without-z-mless, non-miynaya, uniform-sow, all-one, dawn nye, a-zvniya, reconcosure, recreation, ae-zr-t, rasp-sulfur, rash-sul-nick, rash-and-and-for Avets, once-jacket, rang, raz-sort-’, rash, rash, rally, Ros-Pisa-i, Ros-Skaz-ni, Ros-Svip-I,, District, shameless, o-biv-ka (for chairs), to be used to, (folk) in the dids, sub-gear (bill), time ( mouth), sub-praise (friend), in core (things),sub-deriva (passport).

Exercise 45

The emptiness that rested against silent contempt spread widely around me. 2. The commission is strict. Marries countlessly. 3. In early August, he began to have re.explosions and admission exams. four. I pretended to be sleeping, but in fact fell asleep when my mother fell asleep. 5. The whole past is forgotten. 6. In German literature, there were no successors not only Goethe, but even Hoffmann. 7. To our fairy tales, cute knight, tilt the hearing. eight. Olga Pavlovna almost fainted, but fear gave her strength. 9. Autumn brutally disfigured weed clay ground, putting it into a red tarry, grabbing the legs. ten. This same NCH despised not only me, but also my mother and all the cutter, whom she considered the creatures of the lower breed, unworthy even to approach her porch. eleven. Calculations of complex objects and designs. Then the low.arm work, crystal work. 12. Sparrows wide and silently rushed their beaks. 13. They parted in front of him, and they stopped hitting me. fourteen. Hospitable owners rose from the table. fifteen. And this king did not demand from his subjects neither admiration nor excessive respect for himself. 16. Skvortsov broke up and the most ruthlessly seduced the petitioner. 17. Endless wars were exalted by Napoleon; They overthrew him. eighteen. His eyebrows moved, wrinkles went along his forehead. 19. He cannot move, he cannot unclench his hands. twenty. Everything was scattered and in a mess, especially children’s underwear. 21. Countless stars burned in the deepest blackness. 22. The passenger voice of the translator continued to sound. 23. He unbuttoned the Plane, took out the card, looked around, on which it would be to spread it. 24. The field voltage became twice as high as a calculated. 25. I passionately wanted to talk to her, ask her. 26. Both ends of the street were blocked by shifted trips. 27. The nanny threw an angry, overwhelming look at me and something grumbled with an endless shaving mouth. 28. This is you, a low person, maybe you drink, not me! 29. She peered with anxiously at the impassive face of the mechanic. thirty. The roosters shouted in a muddy dawn. 31. He is the keeper of university legends. 32. The clerk pretended the door. 33. All my two.hour stay in the wasteland turned into genuine torture. 34. At the walls of Leningrad, the division increased its glory, became the guards. 35. This is more brilliant, but it was a transient. 36. The modesty of Belinsky was unprecedented and sincerely chn a. 37. And now he has been looking at and not hear him. 38. Countless lights flashed in the field where the troops were located with bivouac. 39. And no calculation, and no pity held wild hands. 40. The reasoning of this teenager amused her. 41. He did not accept gifts, because there was nothing to give. 42. A man in a red shirt, standing in a boat, was repelled by a long sixth from the shore. 43. I perched near the ajar doors of my father’s office. 44. And recall again not a premium my first city of village. 45. Let the obstacles beetduh. 46. A car drove into the stone gate of the receiver. 47. From a long stay in the water of the smoke and Kiryukha became purple. 48. Protection against decrepitude in the advanced years. accustomed measured work. 49. Having heard them, the nursing four were seized, the dragonfly sat on the reeds, the flowers leaned. fifty. But the artists overcame a cheerful mood in the hall. 51. The sentry blocked his way. 52. He willingly handed us the notorious assistance and also willingly and even hastily, trying not to complicate anyone, he left the carriage. 53. Suddenly, one fine day, Baroness was convinced that life, in essence, is a preservation thing. 54. He does not want to use the privilege of his foreign citizenship. 55. All living things were fired, tightened, lurked, each Cheka A, each fossa became protection. 56. Mainka, looking at her, chuckle.

Aviation, self.portrait, agricultural technology, agriculture, hemorrhage, circulatory, gasification, gas.containing, centrifugal, centrifuga, time, insane time, inference, cotalopia, seed production, cotyledon, crazy, electrification, electrify, gas.balcony, gasification, wool.designing, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, fruitful one a century, a while, a mindset, a mindset, anti.government, a tripod, a, a quasi.object, aircraft carrier, a weather service, a kinescope, a cinema, micron, radioimpulse, a magpie (gun), self.loving, costs, ordinacuenes, medanists, bloodthirsty, hemoistering, bloodstone, one and a half percent, anti.Popul anti.democratic, archaeologist, archaic, architects, archbishop, archibesty, airport, biology, biocoustics, geopolitics, helioconentor, hydraulic engineering, hydrometallurgy, pseudo.historical,The pet store, multivibrator, meteorological engineering, neo-fascism, thermoregulation, paleozoology, infrared, ultramodern, triangle, millennia, one hundred times, five-time, fabulist, bruise, conocrane, horse breeding, beast-like, long-range, longing, songwriting, extramptomatic, high-industry, high-industry.

Saw to jump leads to freeze freezes

Write as many related words as possible, using various prefixes for their compilation. Saw, jump, lead, bloom, freeze, cut

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Answers and explanations 2

one.Fill, cut, cut, saw it off2.Witch, jump, jump, jump out3.Dive, withdraw4.Bow, foam, pepper5.frostbite, crush, freeze, freeze6.cross out, emphasize, cross out, cross out, cross out

To saw. cut, saw, cut, cut off. jump, jump, jump out, jump. start, bring, withdraw. Transfer, convey. Fake, shake. frozen, freeze, freeze, crush. cross out, cross out, cross out, emphasize

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How to write a good answer?

You need to add a good answer:

  • Answer reliably to those questions that you know the correct answer;
  • Write in detail so that the answer is exhaustive and does not encourage additional questions to it;
  • Write without grammatical, oographic and punctuation errors.
  • Copy answers from resources. Unique and personal explanations are well valued;
  • Answer not in essence: “think for yourself (a)”, “lightweight”, “I don’t know” and so on;
  • Use mat. This is disrespectful to users;
  • Upper register.

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Russian language is one of the East Slavic languages, the national language of the Russian people.

Saw to jump leads to freeze freezes

Write 5 related words as possible, using various prefixes for their compilation. Saw, jump, lead, bloom, freeze, cut

Difficulties with understanding the subject? Getting ready for exams, ikE or exam?

Take advantage of the form of selection of a tutor and study online. Trial lesson. is free!

Answers and explanations 2

1) Drink, cut, sawn, cut, saw off.2) jump, jump, jump, jump.3) carry out, start, withdraw, translate, reduce.4) bloom, harden, pepper, bloom.5) freeze, freeze, frostbite, frozen, frostbite.6) cross out, cross, cross out, draw.

Saw- drink, saw. drink, saw, cut. Jump-jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.Lead, bring, withdraw, bring, translate.Bloom, bloom, bloom, fainting, pepper. Freeze- freeze, freeze, frostbite, frostbite, defrost.Rip- cross out, cross out, draw, emphasize, cross out.Something like this.

You know the answer? Share them!

How to write a good answer?

You need to add a good answer:

  • Answer reliably to those questions that you know the correct answer;
  • Write in detail so that the answer is exhaustive and does not encourage additional questions to it;
  • Write without grammatical, oographic and punctuation errors.
  • Copy answers from resources. Unique and personal explanations are well valued;
  • Answer not in essence: “think for yourself (a)”, “lightweight”, “I don’t know” and so on;
  • Use mat. This is disrespectful to users;
  • Upper register.

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Difficulties with homework? Feel free to ask for help. Feel free to ask questions!

Russian language is one of the East Slavic languages, the national language of the Russian people.

Saw to jump leads to freeze freezes

Highlight the verbs and shapes of verbs, describe their meaning.

Gently pulled the earth out of the field, heat, a light forest of trembling, flowed, it was sleepily, as if he had heard somewhere a running noise somewhere. This noise was sometimes intensified, intensified, and then the shadow of the grid blushed, moved, sunlight flashed, shone both on the ground and on trees, the branches of which were bending and lightened, opening the sky.

Divide the following verbs into 3 groups by value: action, condition, attitude.

Form a temporary paradigm of verbs, highlight the ends.

In what forms the verb changes in people? Form the face of the verb.

In what forms the verb changes in numbers? Form the paradigm by the number of verbs.

Highlight the forms of the verb, determine the mood, time, face and number.

We went to the fading sounds of sad days.

Now. For these young suffering, I will give my life.

Oh, if I pressed my lively hand to my lips again! B.

Find the forms of verbs, divide them into two groups: conjugated and incorporate.

The volume increased, wet grass became denser and higher, the bushes became more frequent, and the horizon gradually narrowed. L.T.

While the invited gentleman examined his room, his things were brought: first of all, a white leather suitcase, a little worn, which showed that this was not the first time on the road. GRAM.

In one of these minutes I was even more surprised by the approaching continuous hum, for reasons that I could not guess. L.T.

Swallow with bribeta flew in the shade and was again taken with an arrow into the air. B.

The condition that I once had was long, the estate was upset. ostrich

Find the infinitive, select formative affixes. What categories of verbs have infinitive?

Seven hours almost ended, and at eight o’clock he was ordered to wake up. L.

We cannot ride a sleigh with young armids for a century or acidic near double.glazed windows. P.

Today I get sick and are not going to dine, tell Molchalin and invite him to visit me. Gram

The rights of the heroes decided to find out; The military’s intentions were to stop, to stop any struggle, and then, as always, to conclude the eternal world until the first quarrel. Cr.

Find incompatible forms of the verb and gerupia, highlight forming affixes.

Wet shiny tires are noisy again on velvety juicy grass, periodically breaking into water and spreading light, long spray in all directions. B.

So, after talking, with addresses in his. Nikolai Grigorovich went home. AT. Sh.

With huge hands on his chest, bowing his head and constantly sighing, Grisha silently stood in front of the icons, then hardly fell to his knees and began to pray. L.T.

But the darkness of the night did not last long through the air curtain of the windows, and yours, waving a sleepy castle, played with an invisible dream. F.T.

There, in the open air, between the loaded carts, prayer began, and dead silence reigned in the crowd. B.

Gilded fields black and glossy, like velvet. Chapr.

Select all forms of verbs, determine their syntactic function.

You are not a prisoner. Do not wait for me, I will not return to where my star went on the morning on a bad day. approximately

In such a gloomy and meticulous mood, he climbed into his house on the fifth floor, cursing the road in a fleeting and urban culture, in the face of a sleepy and impudent Swiss. Chapr.

The officer led me to the hut, which stood on the high bank of the river, on the very edge of the fortress. P.

Welcome to creation. Procate, eat.

And his brother begins to make cucumbers, or to wet the beets, or plant potatoes. Please.

Sergey did not want to wake grandfather, but Arto did it for him. Chapr.

We came to the aid of the peasants and began working with all the rules for the fight against predatory animals. SEW

In the following verbs, highlight the basis of the present.

In the following verbs, highlight the basis of the infinitive.

Give the present and future time from the following forms of verbs, highlight the foundations of the infinitive and the present, indicate the differences between these times.

Give the infinitive to the following verbs, highlight the basics of the infinitive and the present, indicate different

Highlight the basics of the infinitive, form all possible forms of these infinitives, note the inconsistencies of the foundations of the past tense.

Make the verbs of this / future tense, highlight the basics, mark cases of parallel formations.

Divide the following verbs into two groups: productive and unproductive classes.

Find the forms of verbs, select the base in them, determine the class of the verb.

And once, when everyone was sleeping in the house, I left, frozen with fear of being caught, a mirror from the wall. and raised one of the boards with a kitchen knife. B.

The sun was hidden behind the cold peaks, and the whitish fog began to drift through the valleys when a road rang on the street and shouted a taxi. L.

Budilda dared to inform Semipalatov several times, but he simply waved his hand and, stepping on the board with Galamidov, convicted everyone in silence. N

His [Chichikov] was promoted and promoted, after which he presented a project to catch up with all smugglers, demanding only money for execution. GRAM.

Finding the keys in the indicated place, I already wanted to unlock the box, because I was stopped by the desire to find out that the tiny key hanging on one heap was unlocked. L.T.

Give examples of productive class verbs, highlight the basics, indicate the attributes of this class.

Connecting verbs, highlight conjugation.

Join the verbs that I want, run, highlight the endings. What are these verbs called?

Draw from the following verbs the form of the 3rd person in the plural of this / future tense, highlight the endings, determine the compound.

Find the verbs, highlight their personal endings, determine the conjugation.

You know how to break one thing, what is so buried, you yearn, moan, you are younger, and then cool and fly out of the window. AHM.

Nothing gives mercy when the spirit of the soul suffers, and a fleeting sound freezes in the desire of the soul. approximately

But as soon as Vladimir left the outskirts of the field when the wind rose and such a blizzard appeared that he did not see anything. A minute later the road slipped; The surroundings disappeared in a fog, cloudy and yellow, through which white flakes flew to the snow; The sky merged with the ground. Vladimir was in the field and in vain wanted to go on the road again; The horse accidentally stepped, from time to time went to the snow, and then fell into the hole; Sani rode every minute. P.

The loaf was in full swing. The endless shiny yellow field was closed only on one side with a high blue forest, which at that time seemed to me the most remote, mysterious place to end the world or uninhabited countries. was covered with shocks and people. In the high, thick rye, in some places you could see the bent back of the reap, on a compressed strip, a wave of ears when she moved them between her fingers, a woman in the shade, leaning over the cradle and scattering sheaves. along the cornflowers strewn with cornflower. L.T.

Highlight the verbs, determine their transition / non.transitional.

Young Slavyanka is sitting in the house lately. In the distance, the purple strip in the sky shines. L.

He went on vacation. During the day, a new banner was blowing, but the shadow slowly fell on the fading flame. B.

well then? Neither I nor the local arrow managed to hide his void: he recognized me by claws for a moment, I recognized him only by my ears. P.

I yawn for dinner, forget to eat and drink, you believe, I forgot even lower the eyebrows. AHM.

Undoubted glance from head to toe, whether they really changed me in three years? Gram

Although boring, at least every sheet trembles over the river. But the stream flows and splashes, and, basking in the sun, shines and laughs at you. F.T.

Place nouns in brackets in the form of declination or generalized case, explain your choice. Indicate the possibility of parallel use of forms, mark the shades of values.

Highlight the verbs, determine their transition / non.transitional. Determine the semantic, moological and syntactic differences between transition and non.transition verbs.

And this word hit the costume in the face, blinded his eyes, sparkled with pupils. Chapr.

I calmly announced that they would stop pushing me, and I would go the other way. D.

There was no light in the village, as she walked uphill. B.

He was wounded in the head, on a slope to work. To the carp. He could no longer, he went like a ferryman. AT. Sh.

Poor Maxim Kuzmich lost weight, confused. N

Divide the verbs into two groups: transitional and non.transitional, prove your assumptions.

Find transitional verbs, indicate the subject and object of action called the verb, mark cases of the zero position of the object.

jump, leads, freeze, freezes

Demyan Gavrilich intended to cut soap and a loaf with the same knife.

He robbed me! She continued, sobbing.

I saw smiles, cookies, I heard a sigh.

Iva propagates another ruin. Old Arkhip, who, sitting at her root, caught fish from dawn until dawn.

They removed the plan of the mill and dam, measured the depth of the river, and, having lunch under the willow, left, and Archip sat under the wheel throughout the investigation, trembled and looked into his bag. They saved another person, some widow. N

Of the following transitional verbs, they form all possible forms of adjectives and participles, indicating the type, time and voice.

From the following non.transition verbs, form all possible forms of adjectives and participles, indicate the type, time and voice.

Highlight subjective transitional verbs, make active and passive constructions from them, analyze their semantics.

Give examples of odd monosyllabic verbs, make a phrase with them.

Divide reflective verbs formed from transition verbs into five groups: a) self.reflexive; b) reciprocating movement; c) total income; d) indirectly returns; e) return without objects.

Divide reflective verbs formed from non.transitional verbs into three groups by meaning: a) human condition; b) intensive effect; c) a weak manifestation of a sign.

Highlight return verbs, determine their value.

Shine, shine, distant star so that I always meet you at night; Your weak ray fighting darkness brings dreams to my sore soul. L.

The time will come to inspire happiness, the smell of everything that makes the world of God beautiful. approximately

It may happen that when you pass all the pages, your gaze will return to this, and you will say that this is correct. L.

I hear: a light trembling bow, as if from painful pain, blows, blows, and I am afraid that my heart will break, I will not add these delicate lines. AHM.

The snake rose from the clearing; He climbed high into the sky; higher and higher, it rises far and now goes beyond the horizon. F.T.

Highlight return unprotected verbs. Explain why they are outside the collateral.

Write sentences in which the following verbs have different shades of value.

Determine which of the following return verbs are included in the category of related items.

Attach the postfix to the following verbs, determine in which cases the lexical meaning of the words in which the application changes changes.

Select verbs, determine the form in which moods are used.

But Simonov, somehow dry as a bear, awkwardly objected: of course, I would be very glad of flattery. But you must admit that we are all equal in property. And God knows that they can speak badly. Chronism. Chapr.

Create a fairy tale with a happy ending! May the freckle come like the noise of the rain like the noise of the wind. Come up with a fairy tale. I ask you, let it smell like a loaf, warm, rye. Find it. Birth.

His behavior with Maria Gavrilovna was simple and free; But no matter what she said or did, her soul and his eyes followed her so close. P.

And you, sir officer? He could serve, go up to the division commander and, as far as he knows, maybe even higher. Chapr.

5.0, do not sigh of me, sorrow is sinister and in vain, I came here in a gray canvas in a strange and incomprehensible way. AHM.

b. Not lovers did not have lunch and left early, but that day, because Dmitry, according to Sofia Ivanovna, was sick of a tooth, we entered his room even earlier than usual. L.T.

Saw to jump leads to freeze freezes

Highlight the verbs and shapes of verbs, describe their meaning.

Gently pulled the earth out of the field, heat, a light forest of trembling, flowed, it was sleepily, as if he had heard somewhere a running noise somewhere. This noise was sometimes intensified, intensified, and then the shadow of the grid blushed, moved, sunlight flashed, shone both on the ground and on trees, the branches of which were bending and lightened, opening the sky.

Divide the following verbs into 3 groups by value: action, condition, attitude.

Form a temporary paradigm of verbs, highlight the ends.

In what forms the verb changes in people? Form the face of the verb.

HE DONE WITH. One Piece Chapter 1063 Reaction/Discussion

In what forms the verb changes in numbers? Form the paradigm by the number of verbs.

jump, leads, freeze, freezes

Highlight the forms of the verb, determine the mood, time, face and number.

We went to the fading sounds of sad days.

Now. For these young suffering, I will give my life.

Oh, if I pressed my lively hand to my lips again! B.

Find the forms of verbs, divide them into two groups: conjugated and incorporate.

The volume increased, wet grass became denser and higher, the bushes became more frequent, and the horizon gradually narrowed. L.T.

While the invited gentleman examined his room, his things were brought: first of all, a white leather suitcase, a little worn, which showed that this was not the first time on the road. GRAM.

In one of these minutes I was even more surprised by the approaching continuous hum, for reasons that I could not guess. L.T.

Swallow with bribeta flew in the shade and was again taken with an arrow into the air. B.

The condition that I once had was long, the estate was upset. ostrich

Find the infinitive, select formative affixes. What categories of verbs have infinitive?

Seven hours almost ended, and at eight o’clock he was ordered to wake up. L.

We cannot ride a sleigh with young armids for a century or acidic near double.glazed windows. P.

Today I get sick and are not going to dine, tell Molchalin and invite him to visit me. Gram

The rights of the heroes decided to find out; The military’s intentions were to stop, to stop any struggle, and then, as always, to conclude the eternal world until the first quarrel. Cr.

Find incompatible forms of the verb and gerupia, highlight forming affixes.

Wet shiny tires are noisy again on velvety juicy grass, periodically breaking into water and spreading light, long spray in all directions. B.

So, after talking, with addresses in his. Nikolai Grigorovich went home. AT. Sh.

With huge hands on his chest, bowing his head and constantly sighing, Grisha silently stood in front of the icons, then hardly fell to his knees and began to pray. L.T.

But the darkness of the night did not last long through the air curtain of the windows, and yours, waving a sleepy castle, played with an invisible dream. F.T.

There, in the open air, between the loaded carts, prayer began, and dead silence reigned in the crowd. B.

Gilded fields black and glossy, like velvet. Chapr.

Select all forms of verbs, determine their syntactic function.

You are not a prisoner. Do not wait for me, I will not return to where my star went on the morning on a bad day. approximately

In such a gloomy and meticulous mood, he climbed into his house on the fifth floor, cursing the road in a fleeting and urban culture, in the face of a sleepy and impudent Swiss. Chapr.

The officer led me to the hut, which stood on the high bank of the river, on the very edge of the fortress. P.

Welcome to creation. Procate, eat.

And his brother begins to make cucumbers, or to wet the beets, or plant potatoes. Please.

Sergey did not want to wake grandfather, but Arto did it for him. Chapr.

We came to the aid of the peasants and began working with all the rules for the fight against predatory animals. SEW

In the following verbs, highlight the basis of the present.

In the following verbs, highlight the basis of the infinitive.

Give the present and future time from the following forms of verbs, highlight the foundations of the infinitive and the present, indicate the differences between these times.

Give the infinitive to the following verbs, highlight the basics of the infinitive and the present, indicate different

Highlight the basics of the infinitive, form all possible forms of these infinitives, note the inconsistencies of the foundations of the past tense.

Make the verbs of this / future tense, highlight the basics, mark cases of parallel formations.

Divide the following verbs into two groups: productive and unproductive classes.

Find the forms of verbs, select the base in them, determine the class of the verb.

And once, when everyone was sleeping in the house, I left, frozen with fear of being caught, a mirror from the wall. and raised one of the boards with a kitchen knife. B.

The sun was hidden behind the cold peaks, and the whitish fog began to drift through the valleys when a road rang on the street and shouted a taxi. L.

Budilda dared to inform Semipalatov several times, but he simply waved his hand and, stepping on the board with Galamidov, convicted everyone in silence. N

His [Chichikov] was promoted and promoted, after which he presented a project to catch up with all smugglers, demanding only money for execution. GRAM.

Finding the keys in the indicated place, I already wanted to unlock the box, because I was stopped by the desire to find out that the tiny key hanging on one heap was unlocked. L.T.

Give examples of productive class verbs, highlight the basics, indicate the attributes of this class.

Connecting verbs, highlight conjugation.

Join the verbs that I want, run, highlight the endings. What are these verbs called?

Draw from the following verbs the form of the 3rd person in the plural of this / future tense, highlight the endings, determine the compound.

Find the verbs, highlight their personal endings, determine the conjugation.

You know how to break one thing, what is so buried, you yearn, moan, you are younger, and then cool and fly out of the window. AHM.

Nothing gives mercy when the spirit of the soul suffers, and a fleeting sound freezes in the desire of the soul. approximately

But as soon as Vladimir left the outskirts of the field when the wind rose and such a blizzard appeared that he did not see anything. A minute later the road slipped; The surroundings disappeared in a fog, cloudy and yellow, through which white flakes flew to the snow; The sky merged with the ground. Vladimir was in the field and in vain wanted to go on the road again; The horse accidentally stepped, from time to time went to the snow, and then fell into the hole; Sani rode every minute. P.

The loaf was in full swing. The endless shiny yellow field was closed only on one side with a high blue forest, which at that time seemed to me the most remote, mysterious place to end the world or uninhabited countries. was covered with shocks and people. In the high, thick rye, in some places you could see the bent back of the reap, on a compressed strip, a wave of ears when she moved them between her fingers, a woman in the shade, leaning over the cradle and scattering sheaves. along the cornflowers strewn with cornflower. L.T.

Highlight the verbs, determine their transition / non.transitional.

Young Slavyanka is sitting in the house lately. In the distance, the purple strip in the sky shines. L.

He went on vacation. During the day, a new banner was blowing, but the shadow slowly fell on the fading flame. B.

well then? Neither I nor the local arrow managed to hide his void: he recognized me by claws for a moment, I recognized him only by my ears. P.

I yawn for dinner, forget to eat and drink, you believe, I forgot even lower the eyebrows. AHM.

Undoubted glance from head to toe, whether they really changed me in three years? Gram

Although boring, at least every sheet trembles over the river. But the stream flows and splashes, and, basking in the sun, shines and laughs at you. F.T.

Place nouns in brackets in the form of declination or generalized case, explain your choice. Indicate the possibility of parallel use of forms, mark the shades of values.

Highlight the verbs, determine their transition / non.transitional. Determine the semantic, moological and syntactic differences between transition and non.transition verbs.

And this word hit the costume in the face, blinded his eyes, sparkled with pupils. Chapr.

I calmly announced that they would stop pushing me, and I would go the other way. D.

jump, leads, freeze, freezes

There was no light in the village, as she walked uphill. B.

He was wounded in the head, on a slope to work. To the carp. He could no longer, he went like a ferryman. AT. Sh.

Poor Maxim Kuzmich lost weight, confused. N

Divide the verbs into two groups: transitional and non.transitional, prove your assumptions.

Find transitional verbs, indicate the subject and object of action called the verb, mark cases of the zero position of the object.

Demyan Gavrilich intended to cut soap and a loaf with the same knife.

He robbed me! She continued, sobbing.

I saw smiles, cookies, I heard a sigh.

Iva propagates another ruin. Old Arkhip, who, sitting at her root, caught fish from dawn until dawn.

They removed the plan of the mill and dam, measured the depth of the river, and, having lunch under the willow, left, and Archip sat under the wheel throughout the investigation, trembled and looked into his bag. They saved another person, some widow. N

Of the following transitional verbs, they form all possible forms of adjectives and participles, indicating the type, time and voice.

From the following non.transition verbs, form all possible forms of adjectives and participles, indicate the type, time and voice.

Highlight subjective transitional verbs, make active and passive constructions from them, analyze their semantics.

Give examples of odd monosyllabic verbs, make a phrase with them.

Divide reflective verbs formed from transition verbs into five groups: a) self.reflexive; b) reciprocating movement; c) total income; d) indirectly returns; e) return without objects.

Divide reflective verbs formed from non.transitional verbs into three groups by meaning: a) human condition; b) intensive effect; c) a weak manifestation of a sign.

Highlight return verbs, determine their value.

Shine, shine, distant star so that I always meet you at night; Your weak ray fighting darkness brings dreams to my sore soul. L.

The time will come to inspire happiness, the smell of everything that makes the world of God beautiful. approximately

It may happen that when you pass all the pages, your gaze will return to this, and you will say that this is correct. L.

I hear: a light trembling bow, as if from painful pain, blows, blows, and I am afraid that my heart will break, I will not add these delicate lines. AHM.

The snake rose from the clearing; He climbed high into the sky; higher and higher, it rises far and now goes beyond the horizon. F.T.

Highlight return unprotected verbs. Explain why they are outside the collateral.

Write sentences in which the following verbs have different shades of value.

Determine which of the following return verbs are included in the category of related items.

Attach the postfix to the following verbs, determine in which cases the lexical meaning of the words in which the application changes changes.

Select verbs, determine the form in which moods are used.

But Simonov, somehow dry as a bear, awkwardly objected: of course, I would be very glad of flattery. But you must admit that we are all equal in property. And God knows that they can speak badly. Chronism. Chapr.

Create a fairy tale with a happy ending! May the freckle come like the noise of the rain like the noise of the wind. Come up with a fairy tale. I ask you, let it smell like a loaf, warm, rye. Find it. Birth.

His behavior with Maria Gavrilovna was simple and free; But no matter what she said or did, her soul and his eyes followed her so close. P.

And you, sir officer? He could serve, go up to the division commander and, as far as he knows, maybe even higher. Chapr.

5.0, do not sigh of me, sorrow is sinister and in vain, I came here in a gray canvas in a strange and incomprehensible way. AHM.

b. Not lovers did not have lunch and left early, but that day, because Dmitry, according to Sofia Ivanovna, was sick of a tooth, we entered his room even earlier than usual. L.T.

Why, with age, a wise person should not have friends: 3 wise quotes of Yuri Levitansky

Children make friends by clicking a finger, it is enough for them to find out the name of their “new best friend” and accept it in arms without a second thought. Over time, a person loses some of his friends, and by old age should not have them at all. Why? Yuri Levitansky believed that friendship was fraught with great danger than a clear enemy: “From a clear enemy, we expect the worst, and from a friend only beautiful, the best” but each of our friend. A simple person who has his own interests, his weaknesses and desires, we do not want to think that a friend can betray or wish a bad, but human nature always prevails: “Most of all we are wounded by the closest ones, because our souls are open to them “”. [Click to read] [more]

With age, the list of those people whom we considered friends are reduced to units: “Where there was understanding, there it will go, where there was trust, there will be no trace, who was called a friend, once, will leave forever”. This is the law of life: the longer we are friends with someone, the more we meet misunderstanding, envy, meanness and hypocrisy, you only need time to manifest itself: “Do not give your hand to your best friend, today she saved you because not It is difficult, but tomorrow you will come to the well and he will say: jump, so you need “. This does not mean that the people around are bad, we ourselves are to blame for what they called them: “Can you call the wolf a calf and wait for him to eat one grass, and then consider it a traitor if he eats a herd? Only because we called him a calf?””. The wolf remains a wolf, as do not call it: “Tell a person to a friend and do not be disappointed, remember:“ Man. This is a person, whatever called him “”.

How to relate to people around to avoid disappointments in life? ️

Yuri Levitansky believed that by calling a person a “friend”, we are trying to tame him, no matter how strange it sounds, to do it safe and friendly, although it is impossible to do this to the end, it is impossible to tame a person as a faithful dog. The problem is not bad friends, but in our expectations: people are not bad and not good, but calling someone else, we expect that he will pass fire and water with us. We so want. We are glad to be deceived, but once an hour of reckoning for our illusion will come: a person remained a man, neither bad nor good, but we waited for the best. That is why an adult, wise man does not make friends: “A wise man does good and does not wait for the same in response, which means he will not be disappointed”.

The essence of human relations always remains that two people are involved in them. Whatever the relationship: friendly, marital, related, sooner or later will make themselves human relations, with their interests and goals, self.interest and motives. You can protect yourself only one thing: do good, if you want, communicate, if interesting, help, if there is an opportunity and desire, but never wait for the one with whom you communicated well and friends will always be favorable to you: “Everyone can sympathize with your failure, but few can be happy with your success “. People change. This is in human nature, you do not need to keep “friends” who have become unpleasant, as well as to turn his nose from those who were not paid attention to: “Friends become others, having delivered you from everything, and you remembered their face like that, that was. Before that, “.

Characterization of the sentence

According to the purpose of the statement By intonation (by emotional coloring) By the number of grammatical foundations By the number of main members of the proposal By the availability of secondary members –

After you press the “Parse” button, you will get the result of a syntactic analysis of the sentence. The number of characters in the text and the number of words will be indicated on the top of the result.

Each part of the speech is highlighted in a separate color, if you want to display only certain parts of speech in the sentence, select the part you need in the toolbar.

What is the analysis option to choose?

Homonyms are the same words in writing, but different in meaning, such words can fall into the sentence and the program cannot determine what meaning the word carries. Here you need to choose the right analysis of the word into the sentence, see the context.

To do this, you will be helped by the moological signs of the word to see them to your word and, in the opening menu, select “All Characteristics”.