SOLVED: Why Does My Trimmer Line Keep Breaking? Fixing Brittle String. STIHL trimmer troubleshooting

STIHL trimmer troubleshooting

The STIHL FS 94R Trimmer is one of the most popular and reliable trimmers on the market. It is a powerful, durable, and easy-to-use machine that can help you tackle a variety of lawn and garden maintenance tasks. However, like any piece of machinery, it can be prone to some problems. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common STIHL FS 94R Trimmer problems and provide some troubleshooting tips for addressing them.

Brief overview of the STIHL FS 94R trimmer

The STIHL FS 94R trimmer is a lightweight, professional-grade trimmer designed for use by landscapers, gardeners, and homeowners alike. It features a powerful 27.2 cc engine, a loop handle for improved maneuverability, and an adjustable shaft length. It comes with a semi-automatic head, allowing quick and easy line feeding.

STIHL FS 94R Trimmer Problems and Solutions

Difficult to Start

STIHL FS 94R trimmers are notorious for being difficult to start due to the design of the carburetor, which can cause the fuel to mix unevenly with the air. This can result in hard starting, unpredictable engine speed, and poor running performance.

To address this issue, you should clean or replace the carburetor, check the spark plug and air filter, and make sure the fuel is fresh and properly mixed with the correct ratio of oil. Additionally, you may need to adjust the carburetor settings and idle speed.

Carburetor Clogged

A clogged carburetor on a STIHL FS 94R trimmer can be caused by a variety of things, such as a dirty fuel filter, a blocked fuel line, or an accumulation of dirt and debris in the carburetor itself. To fix this issue, the carburetor will need to be disassembled and cleaned. It is recommended to use a carburetor cleaning kit to ensure that all the parts are properly cleaned and reinstalled.

Clogged Exhaust

If your STIHL FS 94R trimmer is having problems with clogged exhaust, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot and fix the issue. First, check to see if the clog is causing the machine to not run as well as it should. If it’s not, you can try cleaning the exhaust system by boiling water and using a plunger to suction onto the clog and pull it out.

If this doesn’t work, you may need to replace the muffler or carburetor. Second, determine whether or not the problem is caused by debris being caught in the muffler or carburetor cavities. If this is the case, take your trimmer into an authorized STIHL dealership and have them clean and adjust any needed parts.

Wobbling Head

The possible cause of the STIHL FS 94R trimmer’s wobbling head is a worn or misaligned cutter head. To fix this, you will need to remove the trimmer head and inspect the components. If the cutter head is worn out, you will need to replace it with a new one. If it is misaligned, you can realign it by adjusting the screws on the bottom of the head. Once the cutter head is lined up, tighten the screws and reassemble the head.

Leaking Oil

If you are having problems with your STIHL FS 94R trimmer, it may be due to a leaking oil. Here are some tips to help diagnose and fix the issue. The first step is to check the oil level in the trimmer. If it is low, you will need to replace the oil. If the oil level is high, you may need to adjust the trimming settings or remove some of the blades for a more even cut.If you still have problems after trying these tips, you may need to take it to a repair center.

Bearing Failure

If your STIHL FS 94R trimmer has been experiencing problems with its bearings, there are a few things you can do in order to troubleshoot and fix the issue.

First, check to see if the bearings are being abused or if they’re simply not working as they should. If the bearings are being abused, then you can try tightening them down a little bit until they start to feel more responsive. If the bearings are not working as they should, you can try cleaning them out and checking their level of lubrication. Finally, if all of these steps still do not help, then it may be necessary to take it in to have it repaired or replaced.

Excess Blade Vibrations

The STIHL FS94R Trimmer has a reputation for being one of the most reliable and efficient trimmers on the market. However, there are some cases where the excess blade vibrations can cause problems. If these vibrations are severe, it can cause the trimmer to malfunction or even seize up. Here are some tips to help troubleshooting this issue:

  • Go over your trimmer routine frequently and make sure that all of the blade adjustments are made properly. This will help reduce vibration and ensure that the trimmer is operating at its best.
  • Check the blades themselves for wear and tear. If they appear to be particularly noisy or if they have started making strange noises, it might be time to replace them.
  • Try using a different hand grip when holding the trimmer.

Exhaust Complications

The STIHL FS 94R is a powerful trimmer that can be used for a variety of tasks, from trimming grass and shrubs to cutting small branches. However, due to its high-powered engine, it is also prone to exhaust complications. Common problems include clogged or broken spark arrestors, blocked exhaust ports, and worn or damaged gaskets.

To troubleshoot these issues, begin by checking the spark arrestor for any obstructions or damage. If the spark arrestor looks fine, check the exhaust port for any blockages. If there are no visible blockages, then you may need to replace the gasket on the exhaust port.

Finally, inspect the muffler for any signs of wear and tear. If none of these solutions work, then you may need to take your trimmer in for professional servicing or repair. The technician should be able to identify the source of the problem and provide a solution that will keep your trimmer running smoothly.

Preventative Maintenance Tips

Recommended maintenance schedule for the STIHL FS 94R

The STIHL FS 94R Trimmer is one of the most popular trimmers on the market. It is a reliable, powerful and effective tool for trimming grass and weeds. However, like any machine, it can develop problems over time if not properly maintained. To ensure that your STIHL FS 94R Trimmer runs smoothly and reliably, it’s important to take steps to prevent problems before they occur.

Here are some tips for preventing common problems with the STIHL FS 94R Trimmer:

  • Inspect the trimmer blades regularly for signs of wear or damage. Replace blades as needed to ensure optimal performance.
  • Clean the air filter regularly to keep dirt and debris from clogging up the engine and reducing its efficiency.
  • Keep an eye out for any loose screws or nuts that may need tightening.
  • Make sure that all fuel lines are securely connected and in good condition so that fuel can flow freely from the tank to the engine.
  • Change out spark plugs at least once a year or after 100 hours of use to ensure optimal performance.
  • Check all hoses for cracks or leaks and replace them as necessary.
  • Make sure all belts are in good condition and properly tensioned so they don’t slip or break during operation.

Tips for keeping the trimmer in good working order

The STIHL FS 94R trimmer is a powerful and reliable tool for trimming large areas of grass and weeds. However, like any other piece of equipment, it can suffer from problems that can affect its performance. To ensure your trimmer is always in good working order, there are some simple tips you can follow to keep it running smoothly.

Regularly check and clean the air filter to make sure it is free from dust and debris that could clog the engine. Also, check for any signs of wear or damage on the spark plug and replace if necessary. It’s also important to check the fuel filter regularly and replace if needed. This will help prevent dirt or debris from entering the fuel line and causing engine problems.

Be sure to use only high-quality fuel when refilling your trimmer, as low-grade fuel can cause serious engine damage over time. Before starting your trimmer each time, inspect the cutting head for any signs of wear or damage such as bent blades or broken teeth.

If necessary, replace with genuine STIHL parts to ensure optimal performance. Finally, be sure to lubricate all moving parts regularly with a quality lubricant to prevent rusting or corrosion that could lead to failure of components over time.


By following the troubleshooting tips, you can easily fix the common problems associated with the STIHL FS 94R Trimmer. As with any other power tool, it is important to take the time to properly maintain and care for your trimmer to ensure optimal performance. With the right maintenance and care, you can ensure that your trimmer will provide you with many years of reliable use.

SOLVED: Why Does My Trimmer Line Keep Breaking? Fixing Brittle String

The line I was using was brand new, but it was very brittle and would break the moment it hit a brick or any other hard object. It meant I was going through a ton of trimmer line and not really accomplishing much.

But then, YouTube popped up the following video which solved my problem.

Weed Wacker String Keeps Breaking

Why does my weed wacker line keep breaking?

This video explains why this happens and how to solve it (skip to 3:44 to hear the trimmer line hack).

The reason line trimmer string breaks so easily is because it dries out, especially if it’s been sitting around for a long time.

The remedy is to to soak the trimmer line in water.

Soaking Trimmer Line In Water

If you haven’t watched the video, here’s what I did:

  • Put the trimmer line into a bucket of water
  • Leave it there for 24 – 48 hours (some say even a bit longer)
  • Take it out and let it dry in the sun
  • Test it out

As you can see, it’s not rocket science, but it’s one of those things that most of us need to be told about before we realize the issue.

I was amazed by what a difference this made to my weed eater line – it went from being extremely weak and brittle, to surprisingly strong and durable.

Trimmer Line That Doesn’t Break

Why does my trimmer line keep breaking?

I have discovered that the trick isn’t buying a thicker, stronger trimmer line that doesn’t break, it’s making sure your current trimmer line has a higher moisture content.

The most expensive trimmer line won’t be suitable for all weed eaters, especially the thicker products.

Unless you have a higher-powered unit like theStihl FS 55 or above, something like the 2mm I use should be fine.

Stihl FS 111R Line Feeding Problem Solved

Other helpful information from the YouTube Комментарии и мнения владельцев on Chickanic’s video, including the following.

My STIHL dealer told me the bucket of water trick a few years ago and it does help, but the problem I was having was the line pinching on itself in the spool and it would not feed.

I discovered several years ago a sure fire trick and that is to shoot a little silicone spray on the line, this was a game changer for me. Hope this helps someone else.

One extra advantage I’ve noticed with a hydrated line is the extra mass adds to the centrifugal force holding the line out perpendicular, creating a more powerful cutting force.

When I hit the really heavy stuff I always pre-soak the loaded spool from the night before. I add a few drops of dishwashing detergent to the water which breaks the surface tension of the water against nylon in a bunched state and also helps prevent friction lock of the cord in use.

When using a bump feed type head bump more often so that the trimmer line doesn’t get so close to the head.

The line does develop heat and when it is short or close to the head it transfers that heat into the spool and causes it to fuse together in the spool.

But there is plenty more great advice from experienced line trimmer users that you should check out in the video’s Комментарии и мнения владельцев.

Let me know your experiences with trimmer line that keeps coming out, and what you did to solve the problem, in the Комментарии и мнения владельцев below.

STIHL Trimmer Hard To Pull? Here’s What To Do!

STIHL trimmer cords can be hard to pull once pressure builds up in the engine. Fortunately, everyday users have found several methods to fix the issues and get you back to work.

STIHL trimmer cords become hard to pull when pressure mounts inside. That happens with blockage, too much fuel, temperature cycling, or carbon buildup. For these, you can clean filters and mix better oil and fuel. Otherwise, you want to unplug and pull the cord to clear the chambers.

Here are some ways to tackle a STIHL trimmer once the cord becomes hard to pull.

solved, does, trimmer, line

Reasons Your STIHL Trimmer Cord Is Hard To Pull

Before investing in more time-consuming efforts, there is some troubleshooting you can do.

When pressure builds up in the STIHL trimmer’s engine, you may find yourself trying too hard to get it started.

You may have tried to hold the shaft down with your foot to keep it down while you pull the cord as hard as you can. It takes several tries, but you finally get it started.

solved, does, trimmer, line

Otherwise, it can be as bad as only being able to pull the cord a few inches. The whole engine will move with it and refuse to let you hold it down.

When this happens, it can be challenging to determine the source of the problem. STIHL trimmers have many moving parts that need proper maintenance, and pinpointing the small component causing the issue might seem impossible.

However, when one of these trimmers malfunctions or becomes too difficult to use, you might have one of these issues:

The Fuel Compression Levels Are Not Ideal

High compression is the most common issue for a malfunctioning or difficult-to-use STIHL trimmer.

Fuel gets into the crankcase, which builds up pressure when this happens. Sometimes, the pressure can get so high that it becomes challenging to get the engine to turn over.

This push happens most when there’s too much fuel or temp cycling.

The machine has a one-way valve for air to get in but not out. So if temperature cycles apply to the tank, the air warms and cools, thus expanding and condensing. The condensation stage sucks in more air and creates more pressure. Then, the pressure pushes the fuel to the crankcase.

The Piston Head Has Carbonized

Small engines often need adjustments to the carbonation as they don’t have a compression release.

Without these adjustments, the ring will gunk up, and the combustion chambers will develop heat spots. These heat spots can create blockages in the chambers, preventing the compression from regulating.

The Valve Lash Is Malfunctioning

As a last resort, you can check under the valve cover to see how well the valves function. Both valves should open and close.

Why your line keeps slipping out and unraveling (Solution) / Jon’s DIY

solved, does, trimmer, line

Compression release needs the valves working to their fullest extent, opening all the way and frequently. The valve lash determines this. Excess lash can limit how well valves operate.

The Tooth Blades Have Moved Out of Place

You can also check the tooth blades’ offset if the torque seems low. Some blades won’t work well if they are off even by 0.005 inches (0.013 cm). When these blades are in the incorrect position, they might build up so much friction that they get hot and jam up.

There Is a Blockage in the STIHL Trimmer

Some other simple issues you can check for are:

These three problems can cause resistance and only need quick cleaning. The latter can clog the muffler.

Ways To Fix A STIHL Trimmer Cord That is Hard To Pull

So, now that you are more familiar with the many things that can go wrong with a STIHL trimmer, let’s look at some quick and easy fixes that could get you and your trimmer up and running again:

Check for a Compression Issue

One helpful approach that you can add to any troubleshooting effort is to turn off the switch and pull the cord when the machine is unplugged. Usually, in compression issues, the parts move freely if unplugged.

While it’s unplugged, you can check the cylinder. Sometimes it collects heavy carbon on the piston head. on that later.

Also, too much fuel can be in the crankcase, preventing fuel compression. The lack of fuel compression makes the engine pressure too compressed to turn over.

Otherwise, keep it unplugged and remove the spark plug. Loosening it enough to let air and fuel out is also doable.

Pull the cord all the way several times with the choke off and the throttle open. Pulling under these conditions lets the machine work through old or excess fuel and let it out through the spark plug hole. Keep at it until no more ejects from the spark plug hole.

Wipe down and insert the spark plug again. Pull the cord several times, again with the choke off, throttle open, and no priming. This process gives you the chance to notice when the engine uses the fuel in the cylinder. Eventually, the cord should pull easily.

Once it pulls with ease, you can start the engine. Starting works best if you have the optimum mix of oil and fuel.

If you still have issues, recheck the spark plug. You sometimes have to repeat the process if the plug is covered with fuel.

Decarbonize the Piston Head

Use premium synthetic oil and run it 50:1. Also, empty any old fuel and add fresh. Low-grade mix oil, especially after lots of use, encourages carbon buildup. So premium mix oil can save you lots of trouble.

Adjust the Valve Lash

This issue happens a lot with four-mix motors, and such products used to come with gauges and rocker cover gaskets. These days, a cord that’s hard to pull is a prompt to check for an excessive lash.

STIHL dealers also sell feeler gauges and rocker cover gaskets specific to trimmers separately.

solved, does, trimmer, line

Adjust the Tooth Blades

Recalibrating and adjusting the tooth blades might get your STIHL trimmer up and running again.

To recalibrate the blades, check for areas where they might have jumped out of position. Find the torque bolt on the top of the flat metal piece that holds the blades in place, and be sure that it is tight but not too tight. It should be firmly in place but not so tight that it is impossible to adjust by hand.

You may also want to look for blockages around the blade, such as clumps of mud or sap. If you find any, brush them away with an old toothbrush, wire brush, or anything else you might have lying around.

For a more in-depth look at how to adjust and work with the blades, check out this YouTube video from Dan’s Vlog:

Clean the Trimmer

A buildup of sap, dust, and other gunk can clog up the airflow in your STIHL trimmer, making it difficult or impossible for the device to start.

So, while you investigate other potential issues, use a brush or cloth to clean off the trimmer and check for obstructions in the exhaust, air valves, and anywhere else that you see debris buildup.

Final Thoughts

STIHL trimmer cords often become hard to pull when it gains too much pressure. They develop that pressure when the airways get blocked, have too much fuel, go through temperature cycling, or have carbon buildup.

To tackle any of these pressure causes, you have options. For blocked airways, you clean filters. If you have too much fuel or need better mix oil, you can empty the chamber and add what you need. But in stubborn cases, you want to unplug the trimmer and its spark plug and pull the cord repeatedly to clear the chambers.

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About Me

I’m Teddy, a small engine enthusiast, and occasional guitar player. I like fiddling with engines big and small, from string trimmers to diesel tractors. I’m no mechanic but I’m hoping that the troubleshooting guides on this site will save you a lot of time and headaches when it comes to fixing engines.

Weed Eater Dies When Giving Gas? Quick Steps To Troubleshoot

Sometimes a weed eater will start, and even idle just fine, but when you give it gas, it dies. This is often a sign that the engine is struggling to get sufficient amounts of either fuel or air. This article will give you some simple areas to check and explain the reasons why your small engine may be having trouble.

Why does my weed eater die when giving it gas? The most common causes of a weed eater dying when throttled are fuel issues, insufficient air intake, or problems with the exhaust. You should follow the path that the fuel travels to identify the issue.

Note that if your weed eater isn’t starting at all, that could be a different set of issues so be sure to read Gas Weed Eater Won’t Start: Causes and Steps to Troubleshoot.

Check out the DynaTrap Mosquito Flying Insect Trap – Kills Mosquitoes, Flies, Wasps, Gnats, Other Flying Insects – Protects up to 1/2 Acre (link to Amazon).

Let’s get started with the troubleshooting process so that you can get back to your yard work.

Ready for an upgrade? Check out the latest Echo string trimmers (link to Amazon).

Fuel Issues

When it comes to gas-powered weed eaters, the problem often lies with the quality and flow of fuel.

Let’s deal with the obvious first and get it out of the way.

First, make sure you have enough gas in the tank. I know, I know… it seems ridiculous. But we’ve all had that moment of frustration just to realize the tank had nothing but fumes. So check this.

If the tank has plenty of fuel, be sure the primer bulb is filling properly before you start the engine. Sometimes we forget to do this in the midst of working. Blame it on the heat!

And those primer bulbs tend to dry-rot and crack over time so make sure it’s not sucking in air when you depress it.

It’s also possible that the type or mixture of fuel you are using has caused an issue. Know this: Bad gas will sometimes allow a weed eater to start but once you try to rev the throttle, it dies.

As a rule, I strongly recommend using ethanol-free gas in your weed eater. Most manufacturers allow for up to 10% ethanol but it’s not worth the risk. Ethanol can really mess up a small engine.

Your best bet is to opt for a pre-mixed fuel like Husqvarna XP (link to Amazon). It’s ethanol-free, has a high octane rating, and has a much longer shelf life than a homemade fuel mix.

Commercial pre-mixed fuel also has the correct levels of fuel stabilizers and assures a precise gas-to-oil ratio for optimal small engine performance.

Fuel Filter

If you have been using a less-optimal fuel, it’s worth checking your fuel filter.

When a weed eater starts okay but dies when throttled, it often indicates that there is restricted fuel flow. A fuel filter can get clogged with impurities to a point that it allows a small amount of fuel through (enough for starting and even idling) but won’t let it through at a rate sufficient to rev up.

It’s worth checking this and cleaning the filter (or replacing it since they are so inexpensive). And if you do mix your own, make sure your two-stroke oil hasn’t gone bad. It doesn’t last forever like people think it does.

Air Filter

When the fuel has passed through the fuel filter, it enters the carburetor where it’s mixed with air. If your air filter is clogged, it will literally suffocate the engine when you rev the throttle.

Depending on your model, it’s usually just a matter of turning a plastic knob or unscrewing a single screw to remove the air filter cover and gain access. Clean it or replace it depending on the type of filter it is. They are pretty cheap.

Checking the Carburetor

A carburetor is a component in gasoline engines. It ensures air and fuel work together to start a combustion engine. It is also one of the most frustrating parts of a small engine and a big reason that I’ve been seriously considering the benefits of moving to electric yard tools.

Although it’s a fairly simple mechanism, there are a number of things that can go wrong with a carburetor. However, since your weed eater is starting and only dies when giving it gas, that does help us to slim down the potential issues a little.

Now, the obvious issue that you need to check before we get technical is whether or not your carburetor is clogged. I’ve had great success with SeaFoam motor treatment (link to Amazon).

However, there are plenty of carburetor cleaning options on the market. The important thing to remember is to make sure the carb isn’t clogged before proceeding into the next, more technical steps.

Let’s look at these areas of your carburetor:

These are the most common culprits of a carburetor when a weed eater starts but stalls when throttling.

If you want to see this visually, Home Garage has an excellent walk-through video on YouTube that takes you through a lot of what we are going to cover:

Thriving Yard aims to simplify the unnecessarily complex process of growing and maintaining a healthy, thriving lawn and garden. Unlike corporate website companies who write articles from an office overlooking a major city, the authors on this website live in small towns and regularly use many of the tips and recommendations provided in their own garden and lawn care. Read