How to call an electric screwdriver with a network multimeter. Do -it -yourself electric screwdriver repair…

How to check the engine of an electric screwdriver by a multimeter

The three main reasons that lead to the fact that you have to repair an electric screwdriver with your own hands are:

  • If the battery is not working or not charged.
  • The inclusion button does not function.
  • The electric motor shields were worn out or the anchor burned down.

Any electric screwdriver has the following basic elements in its design:

Causes of malfunctions of electrical screwdriver

Repair of the device most often has to be done in connection with the occurrence of various malfunctions that are characteristic of cheap devices and expensive. Among them stand out:

  • Failed battery.
  • Broken button for turning on the device.
  • Burned anchor.
  • The presence of whistles and various creaks during work.
  • Enhanced tapping of the clamp cartridge.
  • Inability to regulate the revolutions of electric screwdriver.
  • No switching of the reverse of an electric screwdriver does not occur.
  • The engine of the device does not stop spinning after the electric screwdriver is disabled.
  • The apparatus is turned on for a split second, followed by jerking off.

Consider the features of the elimination of each of these faults.

Elimination of malfunctions of electrical screwdriver

In order to make sure the battery of the battery of an electric screwdriver, it must be checked using a multimeter.

The battery should first be checked before its possible replacement. Check the battery with a conventional measurement of voltage levels using a multimer on the terminals of the device. You can check with any other tester check. In this case, the coincidence of the output voltage of the batteries in working condition should be observed if they are charged. The values ​​indicated on the batteries of the batteries 12V, 18V, etc. must be precisely observed. If this condition is not met, then the device should be replaced.

Possible malfunctions of the charger of an electric screwdriver lead to the need to disassemble it followed by a test using a tester that has already been used. Each battery included in the battery must be subjected to a similar check. After determining faulty elements, you should buy special elements of the same type in the store with a similar container to install them in the previous places, replacing the old ones with new.

When repairing the inclusion button, you must have a special skill and appropriate knowledge in the field of electronics. Disassembly of the device should be carried out with maximum attentiveness and caution. Otherwise, the opening of the device can lead to the fact that parts of a certain type can easily fall out of an electric screwdriver.

It is best to preliminarily make a sketch of the order of different springs, contacts and screws.

After you made sure that the cause of the breakdown in the battery, then it will need to be disassembled.

When the housing of the device is opened, the device must be checked for the presence of contacts in it, which darkened. If they have, it is necessary to clean them using sandpaper.

When the switch is already repaired, it is possible that the device will not adjust the number of revolutions if a smooth press is made on its trigger. At the same time, the functions of the device are not lost when pressing the trigger is complete. In this case, the malfunction itself is associated with the adjustment scheme. In this case, the switch is fully replaced.

If there is no reverse in the device, then it is replaced by a reverse switch, but you can try to repair it. For this purpose, reversal repair resembles the repair of the switch button. The switch cover is carefully lifted. Then the contacts are checked, their cleaning and assembly.

If charred or deformed contacts are found under the reverse lid, it is necessary to replace. With the button option, when the reverse is assembled in its case, that is, inside it, the button changes completely.

Diagnosis of the engine of the device

In the event that when lowering the button, the engine of an electric screwdriver continues to work, then the button will have to be changed.

When when the button is lowered, the engine rotation continues, which did not happen before, then the button changes completely. The reason for continuing the rotation of the button may be its release, which was not observed before. In this case, the button is required completely, or it is necessary to replace the transistor separately.

You can check the speed controller using a multimeter configured to call circuits. The revolution control regulator is not included in the general circuit acting as a result of the full pressing of the button. This begins to close the contacts. The wires in the amount of two are connected to the electric motor of the electric screwdriver, the same number is on the battery button.

The inclusion button is connected to the adjusting element or field transistor through 3 wires, which is located outside the body of an electric screwdriver. It is necessary to join the probes in order to call the supply connected to the electric motor and to the wire that is the input.

If there is the possibility, the probes are attached not only to the wire of the device engine, but also attached to the input contacts of the reverse. The device can show whether there is contact or it is not. Further, in the same way, all measurements are carried out for another wire, which is the input. After the reversal lever should be translated to repeat the measurements. If there are no contacts, then these changes affect the button.

The cause of the breakdown should also be sought in the brushes of an electric screwdriver engine.

If all the elements of the device are in good condition that showed the operations that were carried out earlier, then they must check in the state of the engine brushes are located. This can be done by turning off the engine from the button by attaching the multimer to its wires through the probes.

How to check the engine of an electric screwdriver

All electric motors are classified according to different parameters. Power, characteristics of the internal chain, etc. D. But, as a rule, all malfunctions are typical of them. Therefore, checking (integrity) of electric motors for serviceability, regardless of their modification (constant, synchronous or asynchronous), type, power, purpose, etc. D., Performed according to the same algorithm.

And if the reader understands the meaning of all operations, he will easily conduct the simplest diagnostics of any of the electric motors to make sure that he works.


Before starting the test of the electric motor, it must be disconnected from the drive. Only in this case, the exact diagnosis of the product is guaranteed.

call, electric, screwdriver, network, multimeter

Kinematic check

One of the most common cases. This is when the tension is supplied, but it is “standing”, without any signs of “life”. It is not difficult to check the serviceability of the mechanical part of the engine. It is enough to turn its shaft manually, and a couple of revolutions. If this can be done without any effort, then the product is in good condition. Small backlash (sometimes it is) for some types of electric motors is quite acceptable. But if it is significant, then this should already be considered as a deviation from the norm. In this case, the full service of the engine (even in the absence of other defects) is not required.

Check the supply voltage

If the mechanical part of the engine is serviceable, then you should start testing the entire electric circuit. The nominal voltage must correspond to the value specified in the engine passport. You must verify this by making measurements on its terminals (contacts). To do this, just remove the lid from the camshaft. Why is it there?

There is almost no engine directly connected to the power source. There are always intermediate “links” in the chain. Even in the simplest scheme there is at least 1 element. Button (toggle switch, AB or something like that). Do not disconnect the cable connecting the engine to the power source. It is possible that the product itself is normal and does not start for a completely different reason (a circuit breaker malfunction, MP, a chain break in the power supply).

If the test showed that the voltage is supplied and it complies with the standard, the withdrawal is clear. Engine malfunction.

Visual inspection

You should start with the fact that, oddly enough, it literally smells of an electric motor. The easiest and most effective way to first determine if it is faulty. In most cases, in case of violations in the circuit, the temperature inside the case rises, which leads to partial melting of the compound. And this is always accompanied by a characteristic smell.

The darkening of the paint on the electric motor, especially on a separate segment, the appearance of dark sagging in places where the lids are attached to the ends of the case, is a sure sign of overheating.

Having removed the lid, inspect the inside of the engine from all sides. The connection of the connection will be immediately noticeable. If it “flows” strongly enough, then you will certainly have to repair the product. It cannot be considered completely efficient.

Inspectorate Council

This applies to collector.type models. The fact that they are installed does not indicate the serviceability of the engine. These interchangeable contacts have a certain limit of wear, and its real value is easy to visually evaluate by their length. Usually permissible exit. This is if the “height” of the brush is at least 10 mm. Although the specific product should be clarified. But in any case, if there is a suspicion of increased wear, it is better to replace them immediately.

Checking the contact group

The rotor has a rail. Not only damage to any of them or peeling, but even a deep scratch. A sign of a malfunction. It is possible that the electric motor will work for some time, but how and how effective is this a big question.

Test for the winding

For this, they are excluded from the scheme. The technique depends on the type of electric motor. The pins can be unscrewed or “tilted” by loosening the fasteners. Otherwise it is impossible to check their integrity. The engine windings are connected to a common circuit (“star” or “triangle”), and checking them in the original state is pointless. All of them “call”. Even with a break in case of short circuit.

The integrity of the winding

In fact, each of them. This is a properly laid wire. All of them are connected by a chain. Therefore, there should be only one “pair” of conclusions. Therefore, you need to take any of them (after removing all the jumpers) and in turn, using the multimeter, “call” with the rest. If, when checking a specific output, the device constantly shows φ (when measuring the resistance), an internal cliff occurs in this winding of the stator. Definitely. Under repair.

For a short circuit

The technique is the same, and it makes no sense to repeat the test. Assessed immediately, in parallel. Just keep in mind that if some terminals “call” with more than one wire, this means that there is a short circuit between the windings. Same. Only in the workshop.


In principle, the same. The only difference is that when checking the insulation of conductors, one tester-zond tester is constantly on the engine housing (firstly, you must clean a small “section” of paint), and the second is connected sequentially with all conclusions, into a change. If at least once the device shows zero resistance, then this conductor is “short”. And in this case, the repair is indispensable.

What to consider when checking the engine

  • Testing with “control” (battery indicator) will not allow you to completely check the engine. Therefore, with the help of this method, it is impossible to clearly judge its performance.
  • There is another malfunction, although quite rare. Interd Deecemal closure. This can only be determined using a special device. If after all the checks the engine does not start or does not work properly, further testing should be entrusted to a specialist in a specialized store. Coordination of resistance of windings (there are such recommendations). Waste of time. Deviations in the tester by 1. 2 Ohms may not be found (it is necessary to take into account the permissible measurement error depending on the class class).

The history of the appearance of the device

Shurovyrt is a power tool. Its main purpose, the following from the name, tighten or unscrew the mounting element. After the electric drill was invented in 1868, the development of the power tool was widely used. The fundamental companies Dewalt, Bosch, BlackDecker, Makita and Hitachi developed the industry, creating new devices. The appearance in 1934 of the screw with the Crusade entailed the demand for an electric tool to twist it. Especially in demand, he ended up in mechanical engineering. The first this kind of device was called Gaikovit. With the advent of batteries, the device received mobility, and the name Shurovyrt entered use. Its mass production began in the early 80s. Modern devices are constantly being improved, but to a greater extent this applies to the method of autonomy and control. The design of the device remains unchanged.

In order to make sure the battery of the battery of an electric screwdriver, it must be checked using a multimeter.

The battery should first be checked before its possible replacement. Check the battery with a conventional measurement of voltage levels using a multimer on the terminals of the device. You can check with any other tester check. In this case, the coincidence of the output voltage of the batteries in working condition should be observed if they are charged. The values ​​indicated on the batteries of the batteries 12V, 18V, etc. must be precisely observed. If this condition is not met, then the device should be replaced.

Possible malfunctions of the charger of an electric screwdriver lead to the need to disassemble it followed by a test using a tester that has already been used. Each battery included in the battery must be subjected to a similar check. After determining faulty elements, you should buy special elements of the same type in the store with a similar container to install them in the previous places, replacing the old ones with new.

When repairing the inclusion button, you must have a special skill and appropriate knowledge in the field of electronics. Disassembly of the device should be carried out with maximum attentiveness and caution. Otherwise, the opening of the device can lead to the fact that parts of a certain type can easily fall out of an electric screwdriver.

It is best to preliminarily make a sketch of the order of different springs, contacts and screws.

After you made sure that the cause of the breakdown in the battery, then it will need to be disassembled.

When the housing of the device is opened, the device must be checked for the presence of contacts in it, which darkened. If they have, it is necessary to clean them using sandpaper.

When the switch is already repaired, it is possible that the device will not adjust the number of revolutions if a smooth press is made on its trigger. At the same time, the functions of the device are not lost when pressing the trigger is complete. In this case, the malfunction itself is associated with the adjustment scheme. In this case, the switch is fully replaced.

If there is no reverse in the device, then it is replaced by a reverse switch, but you can try to repair it. For this purpose, reversal repair resembles the repair of the switch button. The switch cover is carefully lifted. Then the contacts are checked, their cleaning and assembly.

If charred or deformed contacts are found under the reverse lid, it is necessary to replace. With the button option, when the reverse is assembled in its case, that is, inside it, the button changes completely.

What problems in the operation of the device can be detected when checking the anchor of the corner grinder by the tester

If you have sufficient knowledge to perform the correct disassembly of the power tool, then in some cases you can yourself with your own hands diagnose the cause of the breakdown of the device. Checking the anchor of the corner grinder by the tester for the inter.seal circuit will determine further actions regarding the detection of malfunctions or repair of equipment. If the part is not damaged, but the tool still does not work, seek help from qualified specialists. Checking the anchor of the corner grinder by the tester allowed to accurately detect the cause of the equipment failure? Repair of technology in the presence of the necessary tool can be performed independently in such cases:

  • The winding damaged in the upper visible layers can be tried to stock up. Such an anchor will last another time. After sealing, it must be checked or rolled with a multimeter;
  • With inter.flip circuit, rewinding of the winding or replacement of the anchor is required.

Diagnosis of breakdowns and repair of an angular grinding machine can be carried out under voltage. This work, for your own safety, will be award to professionals.

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How to identify a charger malfunction

Before you take on the repair of charging an electric screwdriver, you need to check if the battery block is really the reason for the lack of charge of the battery. After all, a tool battery is much more likely to be the first. How to check the battery for serviceability is described in detail in this material. The easiest way to make sure that the repair of the charger of an electric screwdriver is required is to include a power supply in the outlet, and look at the indicators. Typically, each charging unit has an indicator backlight, which reveals the recovery of the battery charge (whether the battery is charged). If the indicators do not glow, then the block with a high probability is faulty, and its repair is required. However, there is no need to draw hasty conclusions here. To make sure of the charging block from an electric screwdriver, you need to do the following actions:

  • Pick up a tester or multimeter
  • Turn the power supply in the outlet
  • Set the permanent voltage measurement mode on the multimeter. The voltage value depends on the tool itself. To find out the value of the output voltage, you need to inspect the sticker with the description. Typically, the amount of output voltage is in the range from 9 to 24 V
  • The red pike of the multimeter is required to touch the positive contact of the charger, and black to the negative (or minus)
  • Pay attention to the multimeter screen, and the values ​​that he shows

Depending on the readings of the multimeter, you can draw the corresponding conclusions:

  • If there are no indications, that is, on the screen the number “0” is a non.working block, and therefore requires repair or replacement
  • If the indications of the multimeter correspond to the value indicated on the power supply. the device is regular, and the cause of the multimeter inoperability is hidden with a high probability in the tool battery
  • If the readings on the device are below the values ​​indicated on the power supply, that is, at the rate of the output voltage of 9V or 12V, the device shows 3V, 5V or 7V (or other values). the elements of electronics are out of the system, so you will need a small repair

There is another option for the development of events. the device shows the values ​​above the denomination indicated on the charger block. Such situations are rare, and if the block gives out voltage, higher than indicated on the power supply, then this can disable the battery or reduce its resource. In this case, you also need to resort to the repair of the charger from the electric screwdriver. If the check in a multimeter confirms the malfunction of the charger, then it is time to start searching for a malfunction.

What can break in charger from an electric screwdriver

About what breaks in charging an electric screwdriver is known to specialists who are faced with the problem of instrumentalness daily. Buying a new charge for an electric screwdriver is irrational, so if the battery of the power tool does not gain a charge, then it is necessary to start repairs with the search for the cause of the breakdown.

The reasons for the inoperability of the charging blocks of batteries are the following details and mechanisms:

  • Fuse. all electrical appliances that are not “in the basement” have protective elements, and one of those is a fuse. He protects the charge of the charger from overstrain, wandering currents, short circuits, etc.P. To do this, in the design of the circuit, a fuse is used, designed for the corresponding current rating, the value of which depends on the voltage of the battery. Usually its face value is 5A, and it is placed immediately after the transformer in front of the rectifier bridge. The fuse has a cylindrical design of transparent glass with steel contacts on the sides. Inside is the “hairy”, which is designed to pass the current with a limit of up to 5a (on different models, the current value may vary)
  • Rectifier or diode bridge. if the fuse is serviceable, and how to check it is described below, then we proceed to the consideration of the diode bridge. These are four diodes that are designed to straighten current from the alternating from the network to a constant, required for charging the battery. To fix the rectifier, you will need to fall out of a faulty diode or all the diodes, and replace them
  • The capacitor is a large cylindrical barrel, which very often causes the device to fail. The capacitor swells, as a result of which the fuse is out of order, and often this entails the burnout of the diode bridge
  • The high.voltage transistor of the inverter, which very often fails on charging blocks of screwdrivers, designed for 220V

What element would not have failed, but first you need to make sure that the breakdown is precisely in the power supply itself. After all, they often sin on the power supply, although in fact it is high time to replace the battery. If you are going to repair charging an electric screwdriver, then you should start by checking the device for a malfunction. The instructions are described above how the check checks the block itself, so now we will find a faulty element, which is the cause of charging inoperability.

Performance of work

The reason for the repair was unstable operation of the power button. With a full press, the engine of an electric screwdriver stopped working.

To diagnose the malfunction, it is necessary to disassemble the case of the electric screwdriver. For this, remove the battery, with a flat screwdriver, remove the decorative overlay on the housing (under it there are screws of the housing). The overlays on plastic fasteners are fixed, which are quite easy to break.

Unscrew the screws of the body mounting screws with a crucible slot (in our case 8 screws) and carefully disassemble the case.

When opening it is clear that the power transistor was melted. The transistor is involved in the smooth regulation of the revolutions of the electrical screwdriver. When the button is completely pressed, the engine power circuit closes directly, providing operation at full power. Most likely the problem is in the button.

You need to make sure that the engine is about. To do this, disconnect the two wires of the engine power from the button, pull them out and press the narrow flat screwdriver to the button’s spring contact.

In order to get to the second wire, we take out the contacts of the battery and the button from the grooves in the housing of the electrical screwdriver.

We connect the engine of the electric screwdriver to the battery contacts (polarity is not important). Check rotation.

If the engine is working, a button is necessary. It is important to choose a button for this electrical screwdriver, since in size not all buttons can become in the grooves. The button is sold with the battery terminals and transistor.

To do this, connect the engine to the terminals of the buttons. At this stage, the polarity of the connection is not important.

Connect the battery contacts of the new button to the battery.

Press the button and check the direction of rotation of the engine. We pay attention to the position of the direction of the direction of the direction. This is necessary in order to choose the usual position of the rotation direction button for you. If the situation does not correspond, it is enough to change two wires from the engine with each other.

Possible devices of devices. We carry out repairs on our own

If your tool began to work worse or completely stopped fulfilling its direct duties, it is time to diagnose and try to cope with them. First, check the wires for damage and the voltage in the outlet, for which you can turn on any other device. TV or kettle.

If the voltage is lower, you will have to replace the batteries with new. If the battery is working normally, the power supply is serviceable, check the availability of problems in the device. The most common malfunctions:

Knowing how the power button is connected, you can quickly solve the problem. In addition, the problem with the drill can occur due to dust in the tool, since the drill “picks up” the wood, and brick, and other materials. Therefore, caution should be taken when cleaning the device after each use. This is the only way to reduce the risk of malfunction due to instrument pollution. That’s why, after you made repairs in the apartment, immediately clean the drill.

Read what lithium batteries are needed for electric screwdriver

How to call wires or cables with a multimeter

To repair home wiring or on.board network of a car, you always need to know how to call wires with a multimeter. This device tests the integrity, serviceability of the cable, they can check the insulation resistance and the current voltage in the home power grid. This is an indispensable meter for the installation of wiring and the practical implementation of electrical projects.

For proper work with the multimeter, you need to configure it. This means that you need to choose the value supposed to measure, and the limit of its functioning, that is, the value for which it will not go out.

Symbols on the front panel of the meter

The multimeter can be checked by various electrical values: current strength, voltage, resistance, frequency. Also, with its help, the performance of various radio elements is tested: resistors, capacitors, diodes and transistors. The very part of the word “multi” implies the presence of several types of measurements. To select these types on the front panel of the tester, a pen is provided, the turn of which can be selected the required value.

There is a type of multimeters of a higher class, for example, Agilent, the choice of measurement values ​​in which is made not by a rotary handle, but by buttons. To select the size, just press the button on this value corresponding to this value.

In most cases, the symbols depicted on the multimeter case depict the designations of electrical values ​​or conditionally graphic designations of radio elements accepted in physics, expected to the test. On the front panel you can find such symbols:

  • U is a symbol of stress;
  • B. denotes volts, this is also a measure of stress;
  • I. this is a current, when the handle is set on this designation, the current strength will be measured;
  • A. ampers, a measure of current strength;
  • Ω, r is a symbol of resistance;
  • OM. a measure of resistance, om;
  • -| | with this icon the capacitor is indicated, the multimeter will measure its capacity;
  • Diodes and transistors are also marked on the tester case with their conditionally graphic designations.

But not only the measured values ​​are indicated on the front panel of the tester: holes for connecting probes also have their own designations. One of the meter’s nests will always be busy with a black probe. This is a common hole, it is usually marked by the inscription COM, which means “general”. In addition to him, the multimeter has two or three working holes designed respectively for measuring voltage, small current and large current.

The nest marked by the sign U, ω, Hz is designed to measure resistance, voltage and frequency, as well as for the test of various radio elements. Here you also need to install a probe for calling wires and cables for a cliff.

The hole with the inscription MA (MA) is used to check small currents (up to 1 ampere), and with the inscription A (10 A) it is necessary to measure high amprage.

Also near the voltage and current badges are symbols ~ or this indicates the nature of the measured value: direct or alternating current or voltage.

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Limits of measured values

In addition to the designations of the values ​​of the tested parameters, the designations of the measurement limits are applied to the front panel of the multimeter. There are no these inscriptions in more advanced equipment, since the tester electronics itself selects the limit based on the signal supplied to it in the input. However, most multimeters involve manual settings of measurement limits.

Typically, the limits are set by numbers with multiple 2: 2, 20, 200 Thus, when choosing the limit, you should be guided by the rule: choose the restriction above the measured, but one order. For example, to measure the voltage in the home power supply (in the outlet), you need to select the measurement mode of the alternating voltage and the measurement limit of 2000 volts. And to call the wires with a multimeter, you need to select the resistance mode and the minimum measurement limit of 2 ohms. However, for long cables, a larger measurement limit is required. 20 Ohms. Additionally, you can turn it on the sound signal button, which is supplied when a short circuit occurs (chain availability).

Tester connection

To check the parameters of the electrical charts and call the wires and cables, you must correctly connect the meter into the test chain. When checking for the integrity of the chain, the necessary section concluded between the terminals of the meter is checked. Therefore, the tester is connected to the terminals of the circuit. If the voltage is measured, the multimeter must be connected in parallel to the area on which the voltage is checked.

When measuring the current, the multimeter must be connected sequentially to the gap of the test chain, for example, between the output of the power source and the terminal terminal.

call, electric, screwdriver, network, multimeter

Checking the parameters of the electrocope

When checking electric circuits, many of their parameters can be tested. This is the current, and the voltage in the network, and the signal frequency. But to determine the serviceability, it is only necessary to call the chain to integrity and check the insulation resistance. Both can be performed by a multimeter.

In order to know how to nickname the electric wiring with a multimeter, you need to correctly configure the measuring device and correctly perform measuring actions. To check the integrity of the wire, you need:

  • Connect the black probe of the multimeter into the nest with the inscription COM, and red in the nest with the inscription U, ω, hz;
  • The meter’s handle must be installed in position 20 Ohms;
  • Connect measuring contacts to both ends of the wire. If the ends are in various places of the room, you need to use a pre.proven extension wire;
  • The value will be displayed on the tester screen. If the value does not exceed 2 Ohms, then the integrity of the wire is not broken. If the readings are not set at the same level or more than 8-10 Ohms, it means that there is a gap in the chain.

The wires in the car and the train of various electronic devices are tested in the same way.

In addition to checking integrity, wires are tested for insulation resistance. This can also be done by a multimeter:

  • The probes remain in the same holes as when checking integrity;
  • The measurement mode is selected the same. resistance check;
  • The measurement limit must be selected the largest. 20 or 200 megaim;
  • Touch the probes to the different.dimensional veins of the cable: to phase and zero or to the phase and screen. In the car, this is a mass and signaling;
  • An infinity should remain on the screen, if there is any meaning instead, then there is a closure somewhere. Changing values ​​speak of interference on the network.

In addition to conventional wires, there are high.voltage wires that withstand large loads on current and voltage. These include candle wires in cars. The current flows over them, which is required when starting the engine, this current reaches 80-150 amperes. Know how to check the high.voltage wires with a multimeter is required when diagnosing the electronics of the car. The call of these wires occurs according to this scheme, with the difference that it is necessary to establish a greater limit for measuring the resistance. Usually this limit must be set at 20 kilo.

After that, you need to find the ends of the wire and connect the probes of the multimeter to them. The resistance of this wire will be displayed on the device screen. It should be in the range from 1 to 10 kOhm.

In trucks, as well as in networks located in places subject to constant mechanical stress, are placed conductors with a screen. armor or armored pipeline. In the armor.pipeline, a feature is only a screen made of durable metal. You can check the integrity and isolation of the armored pipeline in the same way as that of the usual one, you only need to have access to its ends and output of the screen.

Types of electrical faults

The malfunctions for the electric part in the screwdrivers can appear in the following form: the tool does not turn on when pressing the launch button; The speed of rotation of the cartridge is not regulated; It is not possible to change the direction of rotation when moving the lever; During the operation of an electric screwdriver, sparking is noticeable and a crack and clicks are heard.

In circumstances in which the tool does not want to turn on when pressing the start button, it is necessary to control the entire electrical circuit along the chain (from simple to complex). First of all, the battery is checked. The tester is measured at the output of the battery. If the voltage is below the normalized value (indicated on the battery case), then you must first try to charge the battery. If the charging did not help, then the entire battery is extracted, and the voltage on each element is measured (the voltage should be 1.2 V). Repair in this case consists in replacing a faulty battery.

The second in turn the element in the electrical circuit is the button switch. Using the device, the performance of mobile and motionless contacts is evaluated. When the electric signal does not pass after pressing the button circuit breaker, first of all, you need to clean the contacts with a small grinding skin.

If the malfunction remains, then the repairs of the button are inappropriate, and it should be replaced.

Very often, the repair of the tool is to replace the brushes, as they are subject to active wear and burning. First, the state of contact brushes should be visually assessed. If the wear of the brush is noticeable by more than 40% in length, then it must be replaced. The repair consists in removing the brush holder from the case, removing the damaged and installing exactly the same, but a new brush. In addition, the breakdown of the capacitor is often found; Therefore, it is necessary to check the capacity of the start.up capacitor. In case of non.compliance with the value of the capacity of the face value (indicated on the case), the capacitor is replaced by a new one with the same capacity.

How to independently repair screwdrivers?

The usefulness and convenience of using an electric screwdriver during repair in the house is not in doubt. With the help of this tool, the combination of wooden elements is much accelerated and facilitated. Repair of screwdrivers, produced independently, has become a necessity for many.

Circuit of the battery electrical screwdriver.

Any, even the highest quality, the tool someday fails. There are many reasons for this. Repair of automatic electric screwdriver is no exception to the rules, this is a completely natural phenomenon, and it must be prepared for it in advance.

The principle of operation and the main nodes

Before starting the repair of a screwdriver with your own hands, it is necessary to understand the principle of its work and what parts it consists of. The main difference between a screwdriver and another power tool is the use of a mechanism that stops the rotation of the working part of the device. This happens when the resistance is as configured for the tool. This value is unstable and can adapt. There are two varieties of the device:

Regardless of the variety of the device, the principle of action is the same for them and is built on the transfer of the rotational moment. He determines which fixed tool will be able to tighten the screwdriver. To increase the rotating moment in the devices, gearboxes with a large gear ratio are used, but the speed of rotation is reduced. In screwdriver operating from the network of alternating current, the value of the rotational moment correlates with the power consumption of the tool. The main parts underlying the screwdriver device, whether it be makita, hitachi or bison, as follows:

  • electric motor;
  • push button;
  • revolution control regulator;
  • chuck;
  • the electronic unit;
  • gearbox.

The electric motor rotates with the set speed of the spindle, using a planetary gearbox for this. The torque is regulated by the coupling, and a clamping cartridge or a hexagonal holder is put on the spindle. This cartridge is installed in a shift device called “Bit”. Screwed by a screwdriver by an electronic circuit and switching a reverse.

Reverse occurs due to a change in the polarity of power. A single.phase collector electric motor of continuous current is used as an engine. Such an engine is designed to connect to the AC network. The winding of the excitement is connected sequentially to the anchor winding and is divided into two parts. One turns on to the anchor, and the other after it.

The tool uses a planetary type gearbox. The reducer includes sunny and ring gears, satellites, drive. The shaft of the electric motor rotates the solar gear, which transfers the torque to the torch, and they already directly affect the drive.

The gearbox is produced by a single and two-stage. In the second case, a double drive associated with the shaft is used. The design of two drove and satellites is located in the middle of the ring gear. It is fixed through special grooves on the case. Along the entire perimeter, the ledges of the ring gear rest against the spring.loaded balls through the ring. The load regulation mechanism acts on the ring through the controlled spring, the effort of which changes by rearranging the regulator.

The revolutions are controlled using a pulsed circuit collected on a microcircuit with a wide-mulse modulation (PWM). The controller controls the field transistor operating in the key mode. The frequency of pulses changes using a variable resistor. The resistance of the resistor depends on the effort that is applied to the button.

Screwdriver clutch is a rattle. If the load on the cartridge exceeds the permissible value, then the load regulator is triggered. The force of the spring becomes insufficient to hold the ring gear, and it leaves the balls. The electric motor begins to rotate the gear of the idle. When switching to the electric drill mode, this gear is turned off and does not participate in the work.

As a power source, the battery with a voltage of 12 V or 18 V is most often used. It characterizes the power of the device.

The battery consists of several elements installed in one case and connected in series. The case has a special latch that allows you to quickly extract the battery.

Dismantling of a screwdriver

Most often, to find a malfunction and repair the device, you will need to disassemble it. Since all devices are outwardly similar, reminiscent of the shape of a gun, their disassembly can be represented in the form of recommendations for repairing the Interskol screwdriver:

  • First of all, the battery block is disconnected. To do this, you need to press on the latch and unfasten the module.
  • All the screws using a crossbow are removed along the perimeter of the device.
  • After unscrewing the screws, the two halves of the case are disconnected, while the structures installed in the grooves adhere to.
  • The speed switch, the start button and the reverse mechanism are neatly disconnected.
  • A gearbox is extracted from the removed half. To remove it, you will need to crank the gearbox in the seat.

The assembly occurs in the reverse order. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that all the removed elements and wires are located in the recesses specially executed for them.

To make a lubricant of mechanical parts or restore the gearbox, often the latter has to disassemble. For this, the protective plate is first removed, after which screws are removed in a circle, and the upper cover is removed. Visit materials are used as lubrication, for example, lip. It is important to note that it is almost impossible to carry out a serious repair of the screwdriver gearbox with your own hands, since separately the gears are not produced by manufacturers. Therefore, when it is damaged, you will have to replace the entire block.

The next element that has to be disassembled is the cartridge. It is a rapidly packed design, which is fixed using a threaded connection, a screw, or a cone of a morse. In the first method, it will be necessary to unscrew the mount with a hexagonal key, and then, by installing the key in the cartridge, squeeze it tightly. The cartridge is unscrewed by rotation of the key.

With a second form of connection, using a screwdriver counterclockwise, a screw located in the middle of the sponges of the cartridge is twisted. Further, by installing and holding a M-shaped key in the lips, the key must be turned counterclockwise with a sharp movement. Extracting mounting with a cone Morsa is neatly blows into the end of the cartridge.

Makita DF012D Electric Screwdriver Review

Types of drives in batteries and their properties

Batteries are based on the electrolysis process. It is based on the transformation of energy using reactions of restoration and decay. Occurs using an anode and a cathode.

Three types of batteries are distinguished depending on the main components:


Popular in screwdrivers, household appliances, mobile phones, as replacing drives like AA or AAA. Have a large capacity and ability to self.discharge. Among them, 2 options “fillings” are used in screwdrivers: nickel in combination with the cadmium Ni-CD) or metal-gydride (Ni-MH).

Nickel-cadmium battery. The most common species. Specific electricity of each battery. 65 kWh/kg. They are quickly charged. Reliable and durable (the number of charge cycles. division. 3500). Voltage usually 1.2 V. Among the minuses of Ni-CD: “Memory effect”.


Used in UPS, car systems with a voltage of 12.7v. Have a smaller container, 2-4 times less than nickel analogues. Last longer than everyone else. Able to withstand heavy loads.


The most expensive options. They are used in the screws of brands Makita, Bosch. The basic principle of work is the process of decaying a substance into ions, so the battery is called as lithium-ionic and have a Li-Lon marking.

One of the common types of lithium battery is 18650. The name of this battery indicates its size (18 × 65 mm). Capacity 1.6-3.6 a/h. Voltage. 3.7V.

Before checking the battery, you need to eliminate the “memory effect” that appears in the battery with improper charging and self.discharge. This is the property of the batteries to accumulate crystals that interfere with fully charging.

The self-discharge effect of Ni-CD reaches 20%, Ni-MH-30%, Li-Lon-8%.

To eliminate the “memory” of the battery, 3-4 cycles of the discharge. the extension must be carried out. You can do this through the load. It is provided using a regular incandescent lamp in 12V, connected to the multimeter and battery (the instruction of the correct connection is described below).

With multiple repeating the operation, the battery restores initial performance if the reason was in insufficient capacity and “memory effect”.

Check the indicators under load

This means that we will check, during what period of time the battery of the electrical screwdriver will be completely discharged, provided that the additional load is connected to it. for example, an electric light bulb.

call, electric, screwdriver, network, multimeter

The load level must be selected, focusing on the power of the battery. If it is not indicated in the operating instructions, it should be calculated independently. It will be equal to half the current of the current given by the battery during work multiplied by the current of the current source. Typically, this indicator is from 35 to 40 watts, which means that the headlight from the car from 35 watts, or a 12-volt bulb can serve as a load.

To remove the battery readings, you need to connect to the lamp through the ammeter, and the indications themselves are removed with a voltmeter. Connection time is two to three minutes, after which we measure U. If it is less than 12.4 volts, some “bank” certainly failed. A significant decrease in the brightness of the light bulb may also indicate a malfunction of the battery. If it quickly goes out in two to three minutes, the battery is clearly out of order, and its capacity is very small.

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call, electric, screwdriver, network, multimeter

The performance of the screwdriver cartridge

The run of the screwdriver cartridge indicates the availability of problems with the serviceability of the reducer tool, which is located directly behind the electric motor. This is another reason why the screwdriver does not work with a full return.

Spare parts for planetary screwdrivers

The output shaft of this gearbox is the place of attachment of the cartridge; Therefore, if we are talking about the mileage of the cartridge, we must remember the inconsistency of the gear shaft. The reasons for this may be as follows:

  • A) the curvature of the gear shaft;
  • B) the wear of the gearboxes;
  • C) the failure of the supporting bearing of the gear shaft;
  • D) the maximum production of pins on which the satellites of planetary programs are installed.

All of the above parts of factory origin are not subject to this repair. The problem of beating the cartridge of the screwdriver in this case is solved by replacing the parts of the gearbox with new.