How to Reduce the Supply of Oil to a Chainsaw Chain

How to Reduce the Supply of Oil to a Chainsaw Chain

The sharpened chain ensures efficient, safe and precise operation of the chainsaw. Sharpening chains for chainsaws is carried out as they become dull. To assess the degree of wear of the saw chain can be found by the strength of its tension. In the event that the chain "stretched", we can say that it needs sharpening. For example, professional lumberjacks can do this 3-4 times a day, while in everyday life such a need arises much less often. The frequency and intensity of using the tool have a significant impact here. As soon as the operator notices that the sawing is slower than usual, then it’s time to sharpen the chain.

In addition, the condition of the chain can be determined by the chips coming out from under the saw. A well-sharpened chain will produce uniform chips and sawdust of the same square shape. A dull chainsaw causes a large amount of dust and sawdust in the form of long needles, resembling sawdust from a hand saw.

Chainsaw sharpening video tutorial

Necessary tools and accessories

It is best to entrust the sharpening of the saw chain to a specialist. This is entirely justified if there is no automatic machine for sharpening chains at hand, and there are also no special skills in working with it. You can adjust the chain at home using a cylindrical file of the appropriate diameter. To do this, prepare a flat file and a special, suitable for a particular saw, combined template. A vice can significantly facilitate the work, which will free your hands to work with the tool.

Each link of the saw chain acts as a small planer, and the degree of sawing efficiency depends on the difference in the height of the limiter tooth and the cutting tooth. It is this difference that determines the depth of incision of the tooth into the wood. The ideal difference is 0.5–0.8 mm.

Sharpening the cutting teeth of a chain saw

When thinking about how to sharpen a chain of a chainsaw, you need to remember that cutting teeth are sharpened first. To do this, impose a sharpening template on the chain, making sure that the arrows of the template indicate the direction of movement of the chain. Sharpening should be done in measured and light movements with the main pressure on the front part with a certain angle to the surface of the chain bar.

Chainsaw sharpening angles can be different. Their size depends entirely on the chain pitch. So, for each tooth you need to take the same number of movements. In this case, one tooth needs to be sharpened on the left, and one on the right.

It is recommended to clamp the saw bar in a special vice. Then it will be much easier to first sharpen every second tooth on one side, and then every second tooth on the other.

Grinding tooth grinding

A key component of the saw set is the chainsaw tire. Its length determines the depth of cut. The shorter it is, the smaller the diameter of the trunk can handle a chainsaw. At the same time, it must be remembered that the bus length must correspond to the power of the device.

Insufficient engine power will lead to the fact that the operator will need to make considerable efforts when sawing, which will soon lead to wear of the headset, increased consumption of the fuel mixture, and possibly to failure of the chainsaw. Stitching of the limiter tooth is performed as follows: a template is superimposed on it and, using a flat file, the limiter tooth is grinded down to the level of the template.

Видео: How to Reduce the Supply of Oil to a Chainsaw Chain

In this case, the template has two main provisions: “S”. Soft, designed for soft wood, and “H”. Hard. for hard wood.

Here you need to understand that sharpening the limiter tooth without using a template threatens too low a cut. In this case, the risk of recoil increases, vibration increases, sawing accuracy deteriorates and the amount of waste increases.

Work step by step

Sharpening chains for chainsaws should be done at the same length. In this case, you should focus on the length of the tooth itself.

Work on sharpening chains for chainsaws begins with measuring the length of the "visor" of any of the blunt teeth. The angle between the “visor” blade and the side at the time of sharpening cannot be changed. In the event that the "visor" is slightly tilted down, the degree of the angle should be exactly 90 °. Otherwise, sharpening will not be effective.

When sharpening each tooth, its inner inner hole inevitably expands, so you need to carefully monitor that its base remains in a constantly horizontal position. over, the width of the hole does not have any effect on the efficiency of the saw.

On each tooth there is a depth limiter that controls the depth of entry of the saw tooth into the wood web. The distance between the tip of this limiter and the “peak” of the tooth should be 0.5-1.2 mm. And this value should always be constant.

An automatic machine for sharpening chains in one stroke is able to grind the limiter and the tooth to the same thickness. In order to maintain the initial parameters of the rounding of the hole in the depth gauge, after every third or fourth grinding it needs to be corrected. So the saw will not “stumble”, leave gaps and unnecessary notches.

How to do without sharpening longer

Thinking about how to properly sharpen a chain of a chainsaw, you need to know some rules, thanks to which the saw will easily deal with wood of any strength. Among them:

  • You cannot use the new chain with the old drive sprocket and, conversely, the new sprocket with the old chain. After grinding every two chains, you should change the asterisk to a new one.
  • Run each new chain before using it. To do this, install the chain, start the engine and drive the chain at low or medium revs for 1 minute before sawing. During this time, oil will fall on each lubricated part, the sprocket and chain will heat up well and run into each other. If necessary, adjust the chain tension when it cools down.
  • Always make sure that the chain is always tensioned. This is extremely important for the professional use of chainsaws, when the tool is often tilted to the side. Otherwise, a loose chain will slip off the tire and cause serious injury to the operator.
  • The saw chain must always be lubricated. Ensure a constant oil supply to the chain, guide rail and sprocket. The operation of the chainsaw without lubrication leads to an early failure of the saw tool and its headset. When operating at maximum engine speeds, the acceleration speed of the chain reaches 100 km / h. If there is a lack of oil or the use of improper lubricant, the chain flies off the toe of the tire, and the lubricant cannot get on the working part of the tire and the sprocket.
  • Timely sharpening chains for chainsaws will preserve the working qualities of the saw tool. A dull chain increases the load on the motor block and guide rail. And this also leads to breakage of the chainsaw.
  • It is important to ensure that the cutter depth gauge remains adjusted and tucked. These parameters should be checked after every 3-4 sharpening of the saw chain.

Before starting work, you need to think about where to sharpen the chain of the chainsaw. You can entrust this business to professional workshops, or you can do it yourself using the above tips. In addition, a lot of videos have been published on the Internet about sharpening a chainsaw chain. They will be a real visual aid for home masters.

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