How To Start An Eye Tiller

Tiller start without starter

How To Start An Eye Tiller

In tillers, certain elements often fail. Starters are among the first to break. However, this does not in any way affect the operation of the unit, or even its start-up. It is only important to know some secrets:

  • Dismantle the damaged part;
  • You will need a sturdy rope that is approximately 1 meter long;
  • In place of the former starter, there is a round element, on the wall of which you can see a hole into which you need to stretch the rope and securely fasten;
  • The rope should be wrapped around this round piece several times. As a result, you should have a cable about 40 cm long.

To start the engine, the rope must be tugged firmly. If nothing worked the first time, you will have to repeat all the steps again, since the rope does not remain on the part.

Tiller launch after winter

Tiller owners often face such a problem when the equipment does not want to start after wintering. This is due to storage conditions. If the car was in a cold room with high humidity, then in the end you may face a number of serious breakdowns.

Before the first start in the spring, you must completely change the oil and fuel. Ensure liquids are at ambient temperature. this is extremely important.

You may find that the tiller will refuse to start immediately. And this is quite normal. Let the technique warm up a little. It should warm up even after starting the engine.

If, nevertheless, the launch of the tiller failed, you need to perform the following actions:

  • Purge the fuel system. Remnants from gasoline or diesel could remain in it;
  • Check the spark plug. The contact can even be slightly cleaned with sandpaper;
  • Check all wires for breakage or damage.

Tiller launch

Tilleries have become almost an integral part of agriculture today. Many farmers have shifted all the most difficult and exhausting work to this technique. Now she prepares the land for planting crops, watering the plants, digging up potatoes, transporting goods, and even looking after the territory of the infield.

However, like any other technique, tillers require careful handling from the moment they are first launched. If you want them to serve you as long as possible, you should know all the nuances of starting a tiller.

In this article, we will talk about how to start the tiller correctly and how to do it after storage in the winter. Indeed, if you start it incorrectly, you may have serious problems that will require repair of the unit.

How to start a tiller correctly?

After you bought your tiller, you should not start it immediately, even if the consultants assure you that the equipment is completely ready for use. You need to start with preparatory work.

To do this, you need to first check the engine oil level. There should be enough of it. If not, add oil. If you start the engine without oil, it will immediately fail. On sale you can find tillers such as Caiman that have an oil level sensor. If there is little or no lubricant at all, the engine simply won’t start. This is very convenient and significantly extends the life of your equipment.

After that you need to add fuel. At the time of purchase, check with a consultant or in the operating instructions for the type of gasoline that is right for your tiller model. If the unit has a two-stroke engine, then the fuel must be diluted with oil in a certain ratio. Never use low quality fuel or fuel that is not suitable for your tiller.

The final step in preparing the machine for start-up is to check all connections and fasteners. All moving elements should not be tightly tightened. their work should be elastic, but smooth.

The diesel and gasoline tiller launches are slightly different. The gasoline unit is started in this way:

  • Open the gasoline tap;
  • The choke lever must be in the "start" position;
  • The ignition must be off;
  • Pump with a mechanical starter a couple of times;
  • Now you need to turn on the ignition;
  • Pull the starter again.

If you have an electric starter, then you can immediately turn on the ignition. The starter will quickly pump fuel into the carburetor.

With a diesel tiller, things are a little more complicated. The new unit is completely air-conditioned, unless, of course, no one started it. To pump it, you need to turn the starter. The process will take longer than starting a gasoline car, but in the end the tiller will start.

If you have a manual starter, you can jerk it, but you can also start the tiller in a different way. To do this, you need to open the fuel cock, and from it, unscrew each connection to the nozzle itself. You unscrew the connection, wait for the fuel to pour out, and tighten it, moving on to the next.

When starting mechanically, you need to open all the valves and put the gas in the middle position. After wringing out the decompressor, swing it a couple of times with your finger. Then lower the decompressor and pull to its original position. Press it again and do not hold, but immediately pull the starter. Tiller must earn.

Features of launching some models of tilers

Different tiller models start differently. In order not to face difficulties, you must carefully read the instructions, where everything will be detailed in detail.

So, to start the "Neva" tiller, you need to put the ignition switch to the "on" position. Then you open the petrol valve and close the choke. The throttle stick should be at approximately ¾ of the maximum reading. Pull on the starter and then open the choke. If you start the tiller in the cold season, then you need to open the damper gradually.

Tiller Ural is also quite easy to start. The shift knob must be in neutral and the gas tank must be open. Then close the throttle and choke and then start the engine.

The Patriot unit is started this way. The throttle should be at its maximum position. You need to pull the line a couple of times to purge, and then a few more times, but sharply and shortly, to start the motor. Turn the throttle to adjust it.

Starting the tiller correctly after winter

Before starting the tiller after a long winter downtime, you need to carefully prepare it. First of all, it is necessary to take the equipment out of the garage and inspect it. there should be no foci of corrosion on the metal surfaces of the agricultural unit, the appearance of which can be triggered by high air humidity. In case of corrosion, it will be necessary to remove it, treat problem areas with a special rust converter and paint the areas.

After that you will need:

  • Drain old fuel from tank and remove old gearbox grease. The latter must be thoroughly rinsed and dried. Next, you need to fill in fresh fuel and new transmission oil;
  • Flush the fuel pipes, make sure that they have not lost their tightness and that no cracks appear on their walls;
  • Remove all filter elements provided in the design, rinse them thoroughly in clean gasoline, dry and reinstall. Damaged filters must be replaced;
  • Remove and disassemble the carburetor, blow it out with compressed air or flush it with gasoline. After that, completely dry parts of the fuel unit must be assembled and installed in place;
  • Check the drive belts. due to high humidity, cracks could appear on their surface. in this case, the elements must be replaced immediately;
  • Disassemble and inspect the power unit’s CPG. if burrs or traces of rust appear on the walls of the unit, they will need to be removed;
  • Unscrew and check the plug. there should be no traces of scale and resinous deposits on it. Otherwise, the candle needs to be cleaned and dried. After that, it is necessary to ventilate the engine, several times sharply pulling the starter cable towards you;
  • Check the ignition system gap and re-set it if it was violated;
  • Inspect the controls and make sure that the throttle and brake cables are tensioned as required for operation;
  • Remove, recharge and reinstall the battery, if it is included in the tiller’s design. At the same stage, you need to check the terminals and contacts of the electrical wiring. there should be no signs of oxidation on them;
  • Check the pressure in the tires and pump them up as indicated in the instructions for the tiller;
  • Inspect the chassis of the tiller and tighten the loosened bolts;
  • Check the mechanism for connecting attachments and trailed equipment.

Only after all the above actions can the tiller be launched.

To start an agricultural unit with a gasoline engine, you must:

  • Open the gas supply valve fully. At the same time, the fuel suction lever should be in the "Start" position, and the clutch lever in the "Disconnected" position;
  • Perform pumping with a recoil starter, several times by sharply pulling its rope towards you;
  • Move the ignition lever to the "On" position and pull the starter rope towards you a few more times;
  • As soon as the engine of the used tiller is started, you will need to quickly move the fuel suction lever to the "Run" position.

If an electric starter is provided in the gasoline tiller device, then the operator just needs to turn on the ignition and press the engine start button.

Starting a diesel tiller is a little harder.

This will require:

  • Unscrew the valve intended for supplying fuel, gradually unwinding each standard connection from it;
  • As soon as the fuel reaches the injector, you need to open all the valves in the structure and set the throttle lever to the middle position;
  • Press and hold the decompressor until the fuel is pumped to the cylinder;
  • Release the decompressor and start pulling gently until it returns to its original position;
  • Press the decompressor again and at the same moment quickly pull the starter rope towards you.

After starting the power unit, you need to give it time to fully warm up. this may take from 5 to 10 minutes. It is important not to subject the tiller to long-term high loads, since after winter its moving parts must have time to warm up and become covered with a continuous oily film.

How to start a tiller. in detail for beginners and not only

Any branded tiller consists of many complex mechanisms that are activated when the built-in power unit is started. At the moment the engine is turned on, the units of the agricultural machine are subject to increased load, therefore, the working life of each of the tiller’s factory systems directly depends on the correct start of the standard motor. To reduce the load and extend their service life, the user must learn the correct procedure for starting the motor, taking into account different weather and operating conditions.

Tiller Neva. how to start yourself?

Before starting the engine directly, check the oil level in its crankcase. To do this, unscrew the filler cap located in the front of the power unit. There is a threaded dipstick at the end of the plug. If the oil stain reaches this thread, then there is enough lubricant to run the engine.

To properly start the Tiller Neva, you must:

  • Move the ignition switch to the "On" position;
  • Open the fuel supply valve;
  • Close the standard throttle valve;
  • Set the accelerator lever to about 3/4 of the maximum permissible speed;
  • Pull the starter rope towards yourself until resistance appears;
  • Pull the starter cable sharply towards you. as a result, the engine should start and instantly stall;
  • Slowly open the throttle valve;
  • Pull the starter rope towards you a few more times until the engine starts and starts idling.

It is possible to turn off the engine of the Neva Tiller only when it is idling. otherwise the risk of failure of the standard magneto will increase.

How to start a tiller without a starter?

In some cases, the operation of the tiller becomes impossible due to the breakdown of the trigger. It can fail anywhere, including in the field, far from home. To solve the problem and start the tiller, you do not always need to take it back to the garage.

Sometimes the design of agricultural units allows you to start their power unit without using a starter.

For this you need:

  • Unscrew the screws and remove the trigger;
  • Clean the place under the standard starter, removing dirt and moisture from it;
  • A crown is located under the starter, which is necessary for the constant connection of the engine crankshaft with the starter drum. On the rim of this crown, you will need to wind any cable, making 4–5 full windings around the element;
  • Pull the free end of the cord slightly towards you until resistance. this means that the piston has risen up;
  • Turn off the decompressor by moving its lever to the zero position;
  • Pull the cable sharply towards you.

When starting the tiller without a working starter, it is strictly forbidden to wind the free end of the used cord around your finger or wrist. This can lead to serious consequences, including a fracture of the phalanx of the finger. In addition, when the engine is turned on, the used cord must not get inside the rim, as it can be pulled by the crankshaft into the engine compartment.

How to get tillers of popular brands?

Depending on the design features and the manufacturer, agricultural units can be launched in one sequence or another. It is important to remember this, since an incorrect algorithm of actions can gradually lead to serious damage to equipment.

How to start a tiller Ural?

Before starting the Ural brand tiller, you need to make sure that its air filter is completely clean. You also need to inspect the spark plug. the factory "disease" of agricultural machinery of this brand consists in the frequent leakage of engine oil from a separate tank into the engine cylinder.

Replacing the oil seals will help to solve this problem for a short time, but they are enough for about 20 hours of operation.

To start a tiller Ural, you need:

  • Move the throttle control lever to the closed position:
  • Set the accelerator to minimum speed;
  • Turn on the fuel supply valve;
  • Pull the starter rope slowly until resistance appears;
  • Pull the starter rope out sharply towards yourself. as a result, the motor should start;
  • Open the throttle and allow the engine time to warm up.

After that, you can proceed to the operation of the tiller on the site.

How to start a tiller correctly?

Tillery is a rather serious and not cheap gardening technique. If you want it to fully perform its functions, serve for a long time and reliably, then you need to carefully look after it and follow all the recommendations for use prescribed by the manufacturer.

When you bought the equipment, it is important to know how to start the tiller correctly. There is a certain sequence of actions, consisting of preparing the equipment for launch and its direct launch.

Preparatory stage

After that, you need to fill in fuel. In the operating instructions, you will find information on which gasoline is suitable for your particular model of the tiller. Also, you can check this information with the sellers. Another important point concerns two-stroke engines, where gasoline must be diluted with oil in a certain proportion.

Only after that you can proceed directly to the inspection of the entire tiller. That is, you must check all the joints, the fastening of the steering wheel and wheels, the clutch and gas cables, and so on.

Step-by-step instructions for starting the tiller

After all the checks, you made sure that the oil is filled in a sufficient amount, gasoline or diesel fuel corresponds to the model of your tiller, and all fixtures and systems are in correct and working condition. Now we will tell you how to start a tiller:

  • Gasoline Tiller. You need to open the gasoline tap, and the choke lever should be in the "Start" position, and also turn off the ignition. After that, you need to pump it a couple of times with a manual starter, turn on the ignition, and pull the starter again. In this state, the tiller will start, and you must move the choke lever to the "Run" position. If your model of equipment has an electric starter, you can immediately turn on the ignition and start it;
  • Diesel Tiller. Diesel Tillers are known to be a little harder to start. over, if you plan to work on it in the winter, then you should be aware that diesel fuel tends to freeze. Therefore, you first need to warm up the equipment, and only then give loads. So, if the unit is new, then its entire system is airy. To pump it, you need to work as a starter. If the starter is manual, you can, of course, pull it yourself, or you can do the following procedure. Unscrew the fuel supply valve and unscrew each supply connection from it. In this case, you need to unscrew, wait until the fuel flows and tighten again. Keep doing this until you reach the nozzle. For manual starting, open all valves and set the gas to the middle position. Hold the decompressor with your finger, squeeze it out and pump it several times. After that, release it and pull until it returns to its original position. Now press the decompressor again, and without supporting it press the starter. Tiller must start.

As you can see from the above, gasoline and diesel tillers start differently. It is important to carefully read the instructions for use and strictly follow the manufacturer’s advice. Also, you need to use only high quality fuel and oil, suitable for your type of tiller. And then you will not face problems when starting and further working on the machine.

Preparing to launch

If the new tiller fails to start, then most likely there is not enough oil in the engine. This applies primarily to the technology of the Cayman and VasterYard brands, the engines of which have a special sensor that blocks the start of the engine when the oil level or quality is low. Therefore, if the equipment of these brands does not start, you need to top up, or even better. change the oil in the engine.

On tillers of other trading companies, where there are no such sensors, it is also necessary to check the oil level before starting. If this is not done, then sooner or later the oil level will be critically low, and you will ruin your tiller seriously and for a long time.

Be sure to read the operating instructions before using for the first time. Do not be lazy to do this, since some models are produced with 2-stroke engines, for which the gasoline must be diluted with a special oil for normal operation. The technique and proportions of such dilution are just described in detail in the instructions.

Before starting the engine, do not forget to fill the tank with gasoline or diesel fuel. The vast majority of gasoline tillers run on A-92 gasoline, but A-95 will not damage the engine, especially given the current quality of gasoline. With diesel fuel, too, not everything is clear: in winter, the diesel engine will not be able to work on summer diesel fuel, because in the cold it thickens and clogs the fuel lines. The instructions for use clearly describe at what temperature you need to switch to winter diesel fuel, and at what temperature to summer. Follow these guidelines strictly and your technique will be fine.

How to start a tiller correctly?

The operation of any engine begins with its start. But the trouble is that, having made a purchase, the new owners have no idea how to start the tiller correctly. A paradox: manufacturers attach step-by-step instructions to each copy of their products, in which the sequence of actions for the operation and maintenance of their offspring is detailed, and the buyer ignores these recommendations with perseverance worthy of better use, believing that he already knows everything.

Tiller launch

Immediately before starting the tiller, you need to check and adjust all connections, primarily the clutch, gas and reverse, as well as the steering wheel mount. Correctly adjusted joints should move smoothly, smoothly, but with little effort at the start of the movement.

To start a gasoline tiller with a manual starter, you need to open the gas cock, set the choke lever to Choke, turn off the ignition and make 3-5 strokes with the starter. Then turn on the ignition and pull the starter again. Once the motor is “alive”, the choke lever must be set to RUN. On gasoline tillers with an electric starter, everything is much simpler: just turn on the ignition and you can start immediately, because when you press the Start button, the electric starter itself starts pumping gas into the carburetor.

It is a little more difficult to start a diesel tiller. Initially, its starting system is airy, and it must be pumped, vigorously turning the starter until the engine starts.

If the engine is equipped with a manual starter, then you can pump it in another way: open the fuel supply valve and sequentially open all the connections until diesel fuel appears from them. It spilled a little. we close the connection and open the next one, repeating all over again, and so step by step we get to the nozzle.

When starting the diesel engine manually, you need to open all the supply valves, set the gas to the middle position and squeeze out the decompressor. While holding it with your finger, pump it several times, and then gently pull it to return it to its original position. Then press the decompressor again and immediately pull the starter to start the engine.

When buying, be sure to ask the seller to tell and show you how to start your future tiller correctly. So you will not only familiarize yourself with all the nuances of its launch, but also be able to make sure that your tiller works.

Engine won’t start

Unstable idle speed

Smokes tiller

White smoke is pouring out of the tiller, begins to work in the "bucket".

Tiller malfunctions

In this thread, we will disassemble the malfunctions of tillers and cultivators of all brands, Salute. Neva, Bison, etc., and their elimination and repair. Most of the malfunctions are typical for all types of tillers, their engines and other components.

Engine power dropped

It often happens that a previously serviceable tiller that has served for several years suddenly loses power.

Engine runs intermittently, stalls

For forward gear:

  • А-1180 vn I GOST 1284.1-89;
  • А-1213 I GOST 1284.2-89.

Installing belts on Tiller Oka

In order to carry out the replacement, it is necessary to determine what size of the drive belt for the Oka Tiller is required. The following drive belts are on sale:

Why tiller Oka doesn’t start:

  • The tank is out of fuel;
  • The oil level in the crankcase is below normal;
  • Tiller Oka’s ignition system requires adjustment, or is out of order;
  • Carburetor adjustment required;
  • The filters are clogged and need to be replaced;
  • Spark plugs are burnt out, smoked or damp;
  • Oil seals are out of order.

After operation it is necessary:

  • Thoroughly clean and wash the tiller;
  • Dry in the shade;
  • Lubricate all components and mechanisms;
  • Put in storage.

No less important is the second point. "Oil change". The first replacement is done after running in the tiller. Every 25 hours worked, the oil level in the gearbox is checked, and the fluid is topped up if necessary. The transmission oil is changed every 50 hours of operation.

Routine inspections should be carried out after the first 100, 200 and 500 operating hours; it is recommended to completely change the oils both in the crankcase, gearbox and transmission.

It is recommended to fill the following engine oils into the Oka tiller engine:

  • M-53 / 10G1;
  • M-63 / 12G1.

We offer you to see a small one, which shows the oil change in the Tiller Oka gearbox:

Wheels (cutters) stopped rotating:

  • The clutch cable is loose;
  • It is necessary to change stretched or torn belts, this will help restore the performance of the Oka tiller.

Reducer leaks:

  • The reason may be worn out cuffs of the axle shafts, they must be replaced with new ones;
  • Oil seals require replacement.