What Kind Of Lubricant Is Needed For A Hammer Drill

How to lubricate a gearbox in a rock drill: lubrication and stages of work How to lubricate a gearbox in a rock drill, the choice of lubricant, the order of work, the features of lubrication of the drill chuck and the requirements for operation.

How to choose a drill lubricant?

One of the most popular products is diesel engine oil. Also graphite lubricant is quite good, it is often used for open worm gears. Litol 24 is also popular, but this grease also causes braking and additional heating. And it works for a relatively short time, unlike branded lubricant for a hammer drill and for cordless tools, it is extremely undesirable.

Why is the hammer drill overheating?

And now we lubricate all parts of the gearbox and assemble it in reverse order. Do not forget that excessive amounts can also affect the performance of the tool: the heating of the gearbox may increase significantly.

If the hammer drill began to heat up more than usual during operation, this does not mean that there is a problem with lubrication. Most likely, you used the chiseling mode for a very long time and the lubrication simply did not pass to all parts of the hammer drill in the right amount.

Another reason may be clogged motor cooling holes. In this case, there is only one solution: to clean the tool from dust and switch it temporarily to another operating mode. If the hammer drill works for half an hour like a regular electric drill, then the body temperature will drop significantly. Reducer must have the same temperature in any mode operation of the puncher.

How to lubricate a gearbox in a hammer drill: lubrication and stages of work

Every tool needs timely maintenance, and the hammer drill needs it first. After all, the work of this tool is accompanied by a huge number of reciprocating rotations and movements, and the volume of dust emitted from the working object has a high concentration. Under these operating conditions, careful maintenance of the device and timely replacement of the lubricant in the perforator gearbox are required.

What Kind Of Lubricant Is Needed For A Hammer Drill

Most users believe that if grease is present, it can be used indefinitely. This opinion usually exists among users due to the poor level of knowledge of the laws of physics, so let’s talk about the mechanism of the lubrication in more detail.

Can you disassemble the rotary hammer reducer yourself?

The tool reducer requires a lot of attention. It is not so difficult to lubricate the gearbox parts, but before the expiration of the warranty period, it is undesirable to lubricate the rock drill. You will be able to disassemble the gearbox in any case, but not everyone can assemble it. With the problem of gear lubrication it is advisable to contact the corporate service center or specialized workshops. This is a rather delicate job, therefore it is advisable to entrust it to professionals. But there are times when this nearest center is far from you, so you need to lubricate the gearbox yourself.

Pay attention to all details during disassembly. Some of them have absolutely no lubrication. This does not mean that the lubricant has already been used up. It’s just that some of the gearbox parts are not processed. You also don’t need to lubricate them. During disassembly, we try to remember as much as possible the location of the parts and the sequence of their disassembly. Thus, you will not have extra parts when assembling. All gearbox parts need rinse thoroughly with gasoline (or with a spindle) and wipe dry with a cloth. It is also necessary to wash the gearbox housing inside. There is no need to rush to the assembly: let the case dry well.

What is needed to lubricate the rotary hammer gearbox?

This lubricant is also demanding for the temperature regime of operation. But this does not mean at all that it is impossible to use lithol. There are factors when, during the use of domestic lubricating fluid, the impact force of the tool only increases and the noise level generated by it decreases. Over, this is true for a Chinese-built punch.

Users of the Chinese tool do not rely on warranty service, therefore they act at their own discretion from the very beginning of the operation of the hammer drill (or electric drill). As a hammer drill of any manufacturer has its own fundamental design features, then there is simply no single lubrication instruction. The main thing is that you have at hand:

  • Rags;
  • Perforator operating instructions;
  • Branded lubricant or its domestic analogue.

And then, as you already understood, we act clearly according to the instructions. And remember that anyway the perforator must be cleaned as much as possible from dust after work. Make sure that the lubricant level is not more than the reference mark. Most often, the perforator has a special container for the lubricant, that is, it will not be difficult to do this whole procedure.

It is undesirable to lubricate the gearbox in a hammer drill immediately after work, because hot parts, when cold lubricant gets on them, lose their physical characteristics. The drill shank also needs to be lubricated with lithol or grease. If the hammer drill has an open chuck, then it is advisable to process the oil seal. First, you need to disassemble it and wipe it thoroughly. The applied lubricant will make it possible to extend the service life of the device and will protect against dust getting into the tool. There are several types of lubricants:

  • For the gearbox;
  • For drill bits;
  • For drills.

Features of maintenance of an electric drill with a punch function

It is much more difficult to maintain an electric drill, which works with a hammer drill function. This hybrid of tools has some disadvantages, unlike a conventional rock drill:

  • They do not have special containers for pouring lubricant;
  • It is much more difficult to service the drill chuck.

Permanent lubrication is required only for the bit tip. The amount of lubricant is minimal: you just need to clean the drill from dust and apply a small (the size of a match head) amount of grease to the tip. The same requirements apply to the lubrication of a conventional rotary hammer drill. An excess amount of grease on the drill will not harm the tool mechanism, but it will splatter in any case and can damage the repair of the room. But if the grease is brought into the gearbox in an excessive volume, it will simply leak out.

There is little to say about professional rotary hammers. In home use, this tool, as a rule, does not exist. Here, first of all, the price of the instrument plays a role, therefore, it is chosen much less often. But at the same time this tool is considered the simplest and unpretentious in operation. There is usually no problem with the lubrication of this tool, because the design of the mechanism is very simple.

The gearbox also does not have any features that make it difficult to maintain. It’s simple: we unscrew the drain valve, pour the used grease into the container, rinse the reservoir for the punch lubricant, tighten the drain hole and pour new grease to the desired mark. The gearbox of this rock drill is serviced in the same way as described above.

Types of lubricants for the gearbox

Lubricant is a viscous substance required to reduce the coefficient of friction between individual moving parts of mechanisms. At the same time, it is impossible to completely remove friction, therefore, to avoid wear in the perforator gearbox, its timely replacement is required. During friction, small metal particles are separated from the tool and enter the oil as metal dust. Because of this, the oil loses its properties. At the first stage, the viscosity of the substance changes, and at the second, it itself causes additional tool wear. Viscosity is the most important parameter of the oil, which should be the first to pay attention to when choosing.

There are two types of lubricants:

  • Liquid;
  • Consistent.

Liquid lubricant is similar to engine oil. It can be used only in rotary hammers with a gearbox with a sealed housing. To keep the oil inside, the tool shafts are protected by sealing glands.

Replacement of liquid lubricant is carried out through grease fittings, special holes with a tight-fitting cap. It is highly efficient as it can evenly cover the entire surface of gears and other elements.

Also, liquid oil helps to cool the gearbox, while, in case of overheating of the tool, the pressure in the gearbox housing increases significantly. This can lead to loss of oil through the oil seals.

Grease is more common. The grease has a thick, pliable consistency and excellent adhesion. It differs in the method of application; to replace it, the gearbox must be disassembled. This allows you to directly control the required amount of lubricant. At room temperature, it is quite thick and adheres perfectly to metal elements. The advantage of grease is that its use does not require complete tightness, just the use of good gaskets and bushings is sufficient.

During operation, the temperature of the lubricant rises and, melting, evenly covers the surface of the mechanisms. After finishing work, it cools down and is held on the gears.

When choosing a manufacturer, it is worth adhering to one rule, the oil manufacturer must correspond to the manufacturer of the rock drill. Almost every manufacturer develops oil based on the requirements and characteristics of their own tool. Typically, the technical documentation of the tool contains information about the type of lubricant recommended for use. The documentation also contains a list of the power tool models for which it is suitable. Do not underestimate these recommendations, since even the slightest deviation in technical characteristics can negatively affect the performance of the tool.

Among the lubricants of domestic production, Vityaz can be distinguished. It is produced in the Moscow region and is sold in a tube weighing 100 g. Convenient to use, narrow tube nose is excellent for applying oil to the holes of gearboxes.

How to properly lubricate the gearbox

After choosing the type and manufacturer of the oil, you can begin routine procedures. For working with liquid high-temperature lubricants, most modern tools are equipped with special oilers. A hole with a cap is installed for pouring oil, the location of which is indicated in the documentation.

The whole process of replacing liquid oil can be divided into stages:

  1. Removing the cap. The removal scheme is indicated in the instructions.
  2. Drainage of mining residues. If the old oil is too dirty, the perforator gearbox should be flushed with a special solution.
  3. Blowing out the mechanism with compressed air.
  4. Filling with new grease. The amount of oil should correspond to the recommendations specified in the instructions and should not exceed the level of the control mark.
  5. Closing the filler hole with a protective cap.

When there is no filler hole and you need to use grease with the disassembly of the mechanism, it is worth contacting the service center.

Self-oil change with disassembly of the gearbox must be carried out according to the instructions and special tools. Before work you need to prepare:

  • Locksmith tools (screwdrivers, pliers and hex wrenches);
  • Selected type of oil;
  • Petrol;
  • Clean pieces of cloth.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Study the instructions provided by the punch manufacturer for understanding the punch design.
  2. Cleaning the body from dirt, dust and old oil residues.
  3. Parsing the cartridge:
  • First you need to remove the rubber and retaining rings with a screwdriver;
  • The casing is removed;
  • The pressure ring is removed;
  • The spring and balls are removed.
  1. Next, the mode switch is removed. Such manipulation should be performed strictly according to the instructions, since each model is performed differently.
  2. Using a key and a screwdriver, the back of the case is disassembled. This is necessary to detach the brush from the manifold.
  3. The front part of the case is removed.
  4. The gearbox is removed.
  5. Taking a piece of cloth, moisten it with gasoline and wipe the removed elements and the inside of the case.
  6. Let the parts dry and then wipe them down with a clean cloth.
  7. It is necessary to completely lubricate the gears and other elements of the gearbox so that the grease covers the entire gearbox with a thick layer.
  8. Punch assembly.

Rotary hammer reducer grease

Any tool based on complex mechanisms requires timely maintenance. A hammer drill is one of such tools. This is due to the fact that its use is accompanied by significant loads on the mechanism of reciprocating movements. Also, work is accompanied by a large amount of dust, which, if concentrated in the air, can adversely affect the operation of the tool.

Many users believe that if the grease for the hammer drill reducer is present on the mechanism, then the tool can be used for an unlimited amount of time. But in fact, the correct choice of lubricant and its timely replacement will help the hammer drill to maintain working condition for the entire warranty period. Next, we will analyze which lubricant to use, when and how to change it..

Selection features

Choosing a lubricant for a hammer drill does not require much effort and knowledge, the main thing is to pay attention and study the attached instructions in order to understand how to lubricate the gearbox. It indicates the appropriate type of grease, usually a brand name, the recommended viscosity and water resistance.

Among the specialized manufacturers stand out: Makita, AEG, Bosch, Lubcon. It is also worth highlighting manufacturers of lubricants for various purposes, such as Shell, Castrol and Ravenol. They manufacture high quality products that, when used correctly, will help you get the best performance from your rock drill.

Especially noteworthy is the Ultra grease. They are of medium consistency between liquid greases. This allows it to be used in both sealed and non-sealed gearboxes.

In some cases, when there is no relevant information in the documentation, other types of oils can be used. A diesel engine fluid is often used to replace the gear lubricant. Some craftsmen prefer graphite lubricant. In some cases, Litol 24 can be used for an amateur tool. But for professional hammer drills, it will not work, as it leads to an additional increase in temperature and unnecessary braking, and also requires more frequent replacement to maintain properties.

When choosing how to lubricate a gearbox, you need to focus on your own tool and on what purpose and how often it is used.

Equipment overheating reasons

Many home craftsmen have a question about how to use a hammer drill so that the housing of its gearbox does not overheat. First of all, you should find out the reason for the excessive heating. One of these reasons may be too much grease in the inner part of the gearbox, which also negatively affects the performance of the device.

The reason for the intensive heating of the perforator gearbox may be that an insufficient amount of lubricant is supplied to its internal parts. This can happen when the hammer drill is used for too long in chiseling mode.

Through this hole in the punch body, grease is periodically added during operation

Another common cause of device overheating is clogged holes that supply cooling air to the hammer drill motor. In such cases, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the rotary hammer from dust and put it in the normal drilling mode for a while. When operating in this gentle mode for about half an hour, the temperature of the gearbox housing should drop.

Gearbox and Rock Drill Bits Lubrication: Proper Tool Care

Rotary hammer lubrication extends its life and makes its use more efficient. In order for the effect of the lubricant to bring the expected results, when choosing it, one should take into account not only the characteristics of the lubricant, but also the technical parameters of the device for which it is planned to be used. When choosing how to lubricate a rotary hammer, one must also bear in mind the fact that different parts of such equipment need different types of lubricant.

Correct Lubrication of the Rotary Hammer Gearbox

There is an opinion that the presence of grease on the moving elements of the rock drill allows you to postpone its replacement for a long time. Meanwhile, this opinion is fundamentally wrong, and in order to change it, it is enough to get acquainted with the principle by which lubricants work.

Taking proper care of your hammer drill

The hammer drill is a hybrid of two types of equipment used to create holes in different materials. Unlike the classic hammer drill, such a drill has some design flaws, which makes its maintenance more difficult and not very convenient. Such disadvantages, in particular, include:

  • Lack of a special container into which the lubricating composition is poured;
  • The complexity of servicing the cartridge due to the peculiarities of its structure.

The main care of a drill with the functions of a hammer drill is that after each use, the drill of such equipment (including the tail) must be well cleaned of drilling waste, and before inserting such a tool into the drill, a small amount should be applied to its shank lubricants (you can use ordinary grease). Excessive lubricant on the shank will not harm the tool and equipment used, but may adversely affect the appearance of the surface you are drilling, as excess lubricant will spray out from the rotating chuck.

Impact Drill Gear Lubrication

As a rule, drills with the functions of a perforator are purchased for domestic use, since their price is quite affordable, and they do quite well with their functions when performing simple repairs around the house. Despite the fact that these power tools have the features mentioned above, maintenance of the rotary hammer drill is not time-consuming and does not cause problems even for inexperienced users.

Lubricant selection

A versatile and relatively inexpensive lubricant that can be used on most modern rock drill models is diesel oil. Compounds based on graphite are actively and successfully used to lubricate rock drills. Such compositions, in particular, are used to lubricate open-type worm gears.

Why do punch elements need lubrication

Lubricant, including that used for a perforator, is a viscous substance, the use of which is necessary to reduce the coefficient of friction between structural elements of a mechanical device moving relative to each other. Thus, the lubricant only reduces friction, but does not completely eliminate it, therefore, the lubricating composition is gradually saturated with wear products of rubbing parts with metal dust. As a result, not only does the viscosity of the lubricating composition change, but it itself becomes the cause of more intensive wear of the equipment.

Over time, the grease becomes dirty and loses its properties

How to choose the right lubricant for a specific rock drill model? First of all, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of the equipment manufacturer, which necessarily indicates both the required type of lubricant composition and the frequency of its replacement. It is especially important to be guided by such recommendations before the warranty period for the hammer drill has expired. Otherwise, in the event of a device breakdown, you will not be able to take advantage of the manufacturer’s warranty obligations.

After the expiration of the warranty period, many owners of rotary hammers begin to use not proprietary formulations for lubrication, but their cheaper counterparts lithol or solidol. Of course, such lubricants are not able to harm the structural elements of the perforator, but when using them, it should be borne in mind that they should be replaced much more often.

Gearbox lubrication

The hammer drill reducer is the most complex structural unit of the device, therefore it requires special attention. It is not so difficult to lubricate the hammer drill gearbox, but self-assembly of a pre-disassembled unit can cause serious difficulties. If the hammer drill is still under warranty, then it is best to contact a specialized workshop with a question about lubricating its gearbox, which provides warranty service for such equipment.

A detailed diagram of the device of your punch will help you understand the mechanism and correctly assemble the tool

If the hammer drill you own is not covered by any warranty or the warranty period for your equipment has already expired, and the authorized service center is far enough away, you can lubricate the gearbox yourself, observing the maximum accuracy and care. To do this, you need:

  • A set of locksmith tools with which you will assemble and disassemble the perforator gearbox;
  • Clean rags;
  • The composition itself for performing the lubrication.

Native grease for the Makita P-08361 gearbox. Refueled upon initial tool assembly and recommended for maintenance

It is better if the lubricant is a proprietary agent specially designed for equipment of a certain brand. So, it can be grease for a Makita rotary hammer or grease for a Bosch rotary hammer. If you do not have a branded lubricant, but you cannot buy it, you can also use inexpensive domestic lubricants.

It is very important that you have instructions for the hammer drill you are going to lubricate. Naturally, if you are the owner of a Makita or Bosch hammer drill, this should be a manual for the equipment of these particular brands.

All parts of the gearbox must be completely cleaned of old grease

Having carefully studied the instructions for the hammer drill, you can begin the procedure for lubricating its gearbox.

  • Before disassembling, the rotary hammer should be well cleaned of dust.
  • When disassembling the gearbox, it is advisable to immediately remember how the elements of its design are located in it. It should be borne in mind that it is not recommended to disassemble and lubricate the gearbox immediately after using the hammer drill. This is explained by the fact that the still hot parts of the gearbox can lose their physical characteristics when a cold lubricant gets on them.
  • After all component parts of the gearbox have been removed from its housing, they should be thoroughly washed with gasoline or spindle oil and wiped dry.
  • The inside of the gearbox housing must also be washed, wiped clean (as far as possible) and allowed to dry completely.
  • When disassembling the perforator gearbox, you can pay attention to the fact that there is no lubrication on some elements of its design. This only means that such parts do not need lubrication and there is no need to apply it to them.
  • As mentioned above, it is better to use a proprietary lubricant for the gearbox of a drill or hammer drill, which has a number of advantages. In particular, branded lubricants retain their original characteristics much longer, so they can be used much less frequently. In addition, the proprietary lubricant composition has such an important quality as water resistance, so it effectively protects the metal parts of the hammer drill from moisture and, accordingly, from corrosion. As a good alternative to branded lubricants for a hammer drill or drill gear, you can use Metabo oil, the cost of which is quite affordable.
  • After lubrication of all elements, the gearbox must be carefully assembled following the reverse sequence.

Before performing this procedure, the tool shank must be thoroughly cleaned. After that, a special lubricant for rock drill drills or regular lithol is usually applied. In addition, if an open-type cartridge is installed on the perforators, it is advisable, after wiping it, to process its oil seal, which will provide more reliable protection of the inside of the device from dust entering it.