How to cut a molding with a wire cutter

Ceiling skirting boards: how to cut them correctly

Ceiling plinth is used to hide irregularities that are formed at the boundary between the wall and the ceiling, to give the interior an aesthetic finish.

How to glue a ceiling plinth, how to cut it, using a plier or in the absence of the device. such questions are asked by many beginners who prefer to do repairs in the apartment on their own. This article is devoted to these questions.

Tools for processing

Industrial cutting

So, we have voiced the general principles, now it’s time to move on to specifics. Before we cut the baguette, we need to select the appropriate tool, and the choice here will be quite extensive.

The baguette cutting guillotine allows you to make two symmetrical parts simultaneously

In baguette shops, either guillotines or end trimming saws are used to perform this operation. Both types of devices are characterized by their own features, the main of which we will describe in the table below:

The cutting part is powered by a foot-operated drive. Some industrial models are also equipped with hydraulic systems or electric motors, allowing to process thick workpieces.

For the cutting line to be even and clean, experts recommend using special discs.

Trimming saw with adjustable blade angle

Tools used in everyday life

If we have to work with wooden or plastic profile from time to time, it will be unwise to spend money to buy a guillotine (or more).

Much easier to get the following set of tools:

Making a baguette with a manual cutter from a flat board using shaped cutting elements

  • Manual milling machine, which is a must to buy a special shaped milling cutters for the baguette. This fairly simple device will allow us not only to choose grooves and form spikes to connect the parts, but also allow us to make simple fillets from ordinary boards and slats;
  • a hand saw for cutting baguettes. An ordinary hacksaw with qualitatively sharpened teeth, or a special saw, oriented to work with foam plastic, polystyrene and PVC will do here;
  • A painting knife with a sharp and long blade. Indispensable if we need to cut a lot and often foam fillets for ceiling finishing.

And yet the main detail without which you should not take on the work is the plane. It is a U-shaped tray with slots at fixed angles (most often 45 0. but you can also find a power plinth cutter for polygonal designs). Using this device, which limits the stroke of the saw or knife, we practically guarantee that the line of the cut will go where we need it.

Note! Of course, the labor intensity of the process is higher than when using a guillotine or trimming saw, and the result largely depends on the skill. So let me repeat. for professional work with workpieces it is better to buy a special machine tool.

Cutting a ceiling baseboard with a wire cutter

The chisel allows you to form an arbitrary angle with linear accuracy, but in its use there are some nuances. The design of the device is uncomplicated, and the simplest version can be made by hand yourself.

The wire is a tool for cutting ceiling moldings or other soft materials. Its function is to ensure that the angle of the cut is correct and accurate, and to make a nice angle. In the case of a baguette, most often you need to cut at 45 degrees. This tool is a plastic rectangular tray with slits on opposite sides. They serve as a guide for the direction of the saw. To cut the foam product, you will need a sharp knife. It is best to take a clerical, but you can also use a hacksaw blade for metal.

To correctly and evenly cut a part of the ceiling plinth, you need to put it in this device in the slots in the walls of the tray. To prevent the edges of the foam baguette crumbled and broke, before you start slicing, it must be pressed against the chair.

If you want to get the inside corner, you must trim at an acute angle, and if the outside at an obtuse angle.

If you have no experience with this tool, it’s better to practice on unnecessary pieces of Styrofoam at first. After the skirting board has been cut, its edges can be sanded with fine sandpaper. If you use a wire cutter in the work, the result will always delight you.

How to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth to surprise even an experienced surgeon

And now, finally, the finishing touches of home repair. the installation of ceiling ties. You pass one wall with ease, and then a corner appears in front of you.

A straight cut here will look ugly, but what can you do?? Call a surgeon you know, that he gave his steady hand to the edges of the strips the desired shape? No way, I, for example, do not have that. That’s why I always did by myself, and the result was clearly not worse. How? Tell.

Photo of a perfect corner joining baguettes

How to properly trim the corners of the ceiling plinth detailed instructions

The most difficult work in the installation of the ceiling plinth is considered the fit and match corners. For a beginner it’s a bothersome business, spoils a lot of materials for the trial and error method, which may never lead to anything. And the question of how to properly cut the corner on the ceiling plinth, we will try to answer.

In order to cut an overhead skirting board of foam plastic, use a box cutter.

Based on the ways we need the following tools and materials:

Automatic Wire Stripper Crimper Cutter Unboxing and Review (From AliExpress)

The chisel is a very simple and useful tool, which is a kind of tray with walls cut at different angles.

In most cases, it is indispensable, because it reduces the likelihood of errors in trimming and saves a lot of time. It does not cost much, but will provide you with a properly fitted joints, and as a result. a beautifully decorated room.

A box cutter or a metal saw we will need in the event that the corners of the room are uneven, which is quite often. Then the method of marking comes to our aid.

Scheme of cutting the ceiling plinth in the outer and inner corners.

Most often we are faced with the need to cut the inner corners of the ceiling plinth, and they are the particular challenge. But there are a couple of secrets that will help us cope with this correctly. So, if we use a wire cutter, then we need to put it in such a way that its bottom was pressed against the wall just over the right slit with a mark of 45 degrees, and the entire long part of the leaf was on the left.

If it’s easier. the ceiling skirting boards must be placed upside down (the part of the skirting board that will be close to the ceiling, in the mortar, will be at the bottom, and the part that will be glued to the wall. at the top). That’s how we made the left-hand corner. For the right side, we turn our canvas so that its longest part was on the right, place it a little further to the left slit with a mark of 45 degrees and also neatly cut.

If for some reason you don’t have a jointer handy, but really need one, you can line it up on the table. To do this we spend two parallel mowing lines along the table at a distance of about 20 cm, connect them in the middle at right angles and draw two more mowing lines that would intersect with the connecting line at an angle of 45 degrees (the intersection point of the three lines should be clearly in the middle of each). Next, we attach the baguette to the required mowing line and cut on the same principle, as in the jigsaw.

Chairs. a device for easy and quick cutting of baseboards.

Another way to cut a ceiling plinth correctly is with the help of marking.

This is resorted to when the corners are oblique or obtuse. Marking is done in the following way: it is necessary to bring a ceiling plinth in that position in which it will be glued, and to lead a pencil on the ceiling a line of its inner edge. Then apply the second cloth from the other side and do the same manipulation.

Then one by one we attach the cloths and on each skirting board we mark the point of intersection of the inner edges of both cloths. Well, it’s just a matter of small things. we guide the fishing line between the marked point and the opposite edge and cut. This method is very convenient when all the corners of the room are different, and templates and devices do not fit.

How to properly cut a ceiling plinth with your own hands

Sometimes those who make repairs, ask themselves the question “What is the name of the ceiling plinth?”The names of this material are many. They are also a fillet, a molding, a cornice, a frieze. Regardless of the name, the installation technology is not much different.Ceiling plinth is not only a decorative element, which visually divides walls and ceiling, it also has the ability to hide joints between finishing materials of ceiling and walls.

How to properly cut a ceiling plinth: methods of cutting with a wire cutter, cutting arbitrary and rounded corners

There is nothing complicated in the process of installing a ceiling plinth. Here it is only important to decide on the appropriate adhesive for the material. However, the corners of the room can significantly complicate our work. They come in both interior and exterior.

Of course, resorting to the use of special fittings can be a tremendous time saver. It does not require any special skills, just care in doing the work. Another option for the assembly of the unfortunate corner will be to cut the edges of the skirting at an angle. Having an ideal geometry of the room, the question of how to properly cut the baseboard at an angle equal to half of the straight line is more than solvable. Also, to understand how to cut the baseboard will help you numerous videos on the network.

How to cut the baguettes at the corners of the jigsaw

During the repair at home, we try to improve the room and make it as attractive as possible. During the installation of the plinth on the gap between the ceiling and the wall, there is a question of how to cut the corner on the ceiling plinth so that it acquired an attractive appearance. sharp differences in space do not look quite pleasant to the eye. Let’s understand this issue in detail. Before you make the outer corner of the ceiling plinth, you need to decide on the type of molding. They differ in terms of the materials from which they are made.

Ceiling decorative elements are made of different materials:

Purchase the types of baguettes that suit you best. It all depends on what load the decorative element must endure during installation and use. temperature, chemical attack, humidity, shock. Many people pay attention to the price, but you should not do this, saving money, of course, saves your budget, but it does not help create an attractive appearance.

molding, wire, cutter

The most budgetary is considered to be a skirting board of polystyrene, but the quality of this material leaves much to be desired. It is capable of crumbling when trying to bend and even during slicing. Foam easily burns and breaks down because of the solvents contained in some types of building adhesives. But its installation is simple and itself it is light. Polystyrene is also a durable material. It has a matte surface and a clear relief, if compared with foam. It is difficult to deform it by a careless movement, and it practically does not burn. A skirting board made of polystyrene can be cut easily with a letter knife. But it is also capable of breaking, if it is strongly bent. The biggest strength is in polyurethane moldings. Due to the fact that it is composed of rubber, this material has a high rate of plasticity and with its help it is easy to create curved details decoration. It does not absorb water like polystyrene and is recommended for kitchens, bathrooms and even car washes. PVC baguettes are also popular, and all thanks to the low price and a wide range of colors. Gluing a baguette made of PVC is simple, it is lightweight and fairly strong.

molding, wire, cutter

Ceiling plastic skirting boards are easy to cut, so the corners are flat and they are easier to combine with each other on the walls at the ceiling.But the strongest and most durable material for baseboards is wood. Although wood does not bend as easily as previous types of baguettes. Installing the baguettes made of wood is difficult, because it requires jewelry calculations. wood requires some treatment with antiseptics and paint. Wood is not glued like plastic, you need dowels and self-tapping screws to install it. The outer corner of the ceiling plinth will be difficult to cut from the wooden decorative elements.


Let’s see how to properly cut a ceiling plinth. In any case, for more convenience, cutting all types of baguettes requires a wire cutter. It allows you to make precise cuts and properly cut corners.

The chisel is a special carpentry tool. which allows you to cut skirting boards and other elements at 45 and 90 degrees. The mortar can be made of aluminum, plastic or wood. The advanced models of the plinth plinth have the ability to cut at an angle of 60 degrees, or the possibility of an adjustable swivel mechanism. It is convenient if you need to cut the baseboard to go around an unusual corner.

Cut the ceiling skirting boards can be done without a plier, if the accuracy of the eye allows. But once it comes to the corners, it becomes a big challenge. At first, it seems that the angle of 45 degrees you can cut yourself, but after a couple of tries, you’ll see that it is difficult. Before you can cut the ceiling plinth in the corners of the room, you need to take accurate measurements and markings.

Note! If you do not know how to properly cut the corner on the ceiling plinth and fear for the result of the work, you should ask an expert for help.

Cut corners on the ceiling baseboard

Let’s figure out how to properly cut a ceiling skirting board using a jigsaw:

We put the baguette to the ceiling to measure the required length, make a mark, before cutting the corner of the baseboard. alt=rx-dk-diy220016_mark-placement_s4x3-jpg-rend-hgtvcom-1280-960 width=660 height=495 / 2. Insert the baguette into the inside of the jig, in a position that coincides with the position on the ceiling. The baguette should be pressed against the far wall of the chair, in relation to you, for easy cutting and accurate measurements. Choose a 45-degree position on the jig, insert a hacksaw or knife, depending on the tool used.

Tip! Cut the workpiece, do not apply too much pressure on the tool

Proceed to cut the second part of the angle, and insert the second piece of baseboard into the wood skating rink against the far wall. Use a knife or a hacksaw to cut the mirror like a corner on the baseboard. 4. Fix the baseboard corner on the wall. In fact it’s very easy to cut a skirting board into 45 degree corners with a diagonal cutter. As a jig, you can use improvised means, and what is already a matter of your imagination. With the help of the chair is easy to make the inside corner of the ceiling plinth, and external.

Special corner pieces

In construction stores you can find special skirting boards for corners, which are already cut in the desired shape and configuration. Of course, you should measure the angle of the ceiling beforehand and choose decorations by marking on paper, it will be more convenient and there is no chance to make a mistake.

Materials for ceiling plinth

To begin, let’s study the materials from which our test subject is made.

To understand how and what to cut, it is desirable to know the density and other characteristics of the material.

  • Foam. The cheapest and weakest material, but the mechanical strength is not really needed for a product that decorates the ceiling.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam is somewhat denser and slightly harder to handle. But just a little: it can be cut with a regular knife if necessary.
  • Wood is the hardest material to work with. To cut it you will have to use only a hacksaw.

Tip: Better with fine and frequent tines. This will make the cut much smoother. Even a metal blade will work.

A metal hacksaw is not only suitable for wood