How to properly cut paper with scissors

How to cut with scissors. Memo for parents

Daria Smirnova
How to cut with scissors. Memo for parents

How to teach a child to use scissors

The use of scissors requires special skills and abilities from the child. For a child, the task of cutting something can be very difficult, since he has to use all the fingers of his hand out of sync (thumb, forefinger and middle finger. each does his job)

How do you teach him to cut? How to do it?

Buy quality baby scissors.

Discuss the rules for using scissors with your child.

First, tell your child that the scissors can only be used to cut paper. (Do not cut clothes, tablecloth, crayons, fingers, hair, etc.). If there was a case that the child used the scissors for other purposes, take them away. Do not give until the child says he is ready to use the scissors for the intended purpose.

Second, talk about not walking, running, and jumping with scissors. Show how to properly pass scissors to another person.

How to teach a child to cut with scissors (cut with scissors)

Before giving your child the scissors, play fun games with him that will help improve hand-eye coordination and make your child’s fingers stronger.

To develop the ability to use both hands (to coordinate the movements of both hands, have the task of tearing a piece of paper into very small pieces. These pieces can be glued to the paper.

Have a child try punching holes in the paper. (strictly under your supervision)-this will make his arms stronger. An exercise with a rubber toy and water is also suitable. The child draws and squeezes out water this helps to make the fingers stronger.

After the child’s hand is ready to perform “Hard work”, teach him how to hold the scissors correctly.

How to hold the scissors correctly.

Have the child hold the hand with the thumb pointing up. Put one of the scissor rings on your finger.

Have your toddler insert the tip of the middle finger into the other ring.

Place the child’s index finger on the second ring (outside).

Ring and pinky fingers should be tucked in (rest against the palm). Sometimes the ring finger is inserted into the second ring along with the index.

Place a piece of paper in front of the child (above his eye level). When the child cuts the paper upward, he automatically picks up the scissors correctly.

Next, show your child how you yourself cut paper into strips, cut out circles and triangles. Be patient and support your child, even when he fails to make an incision. Over time, your child will develop skills better. (he needs practice).

Here’s how a child’s scissors skills develop:

The child begins to show interest in scissors and working with them.

The child holds the scissors correctly.

The child opens and closes the scissors at random.

A child can cut a piece of paper.

The child cuts off a piece of paper by making two or more consecutive cuts.

A child can cut a sheet of paper in half.

A child can cut a square.

The child cuts out more complex shapes.

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We teach children to work with scissors “We teach children to work with scissors.” Mastering the visual activity in kindergarten is important for the child, independently.

How to cut a snowflake out of paper in stages (cutting technology)

New Year is coming soon. And already now, many are interested in the question: How to cut a snowflake that falls from the sky from paper. You always want her to turn out beautiful and completely unusual, like in nature.

properly, paper, scissors

The process of making snowflakes is very interesting and creative. To get a hand-made and openwork craft, you need to choose the right paper. Then, taking into account certain options, fold it, first in a square, and then in a triangle. On the resulting blank, draw a snowflake scheme and, holding your breath, cut.

Glue the cut paper ornament on the windows and create compositions and patterns as if they were ice crystals. Attach a loop to the craft and hang it on the Christmas tree. The amazing feeling of a holiday comes already when you get acquainted with the cutting technology. Because everyone really wants his snowflake to look like a real one.

Nail scissors

Such a tool is indispensable for cutting out small pattern elements and small snowflakes.

At the same time, it is desirable that the scissors are with straight ends.

How to fold paper to cut snowflakes in stages

After we have considered many types of paper and different designs of the necessary scissors, now we can consider the very first stage of making a snowflake. this is folding the paper. The paper folding technology can be different.

And in order to get a hexagonal blank, from which a snowflake will be cut, you must first cut out a square of the desired size from a sheet of paper.

Colored paper for children’s creativity

It is suitable for making only small and not very complex snowflakes (fluffs).

This is because it tears easily and frays at the folds.

Paper scissors

You can cut a snowflake out of paper using different scissors. It is advisable to put them on your desktop and use them periodically.

Office paper

Its weight is usually 80 g / m2 and is well suited for cutting. Due to the fact that it is dense, it does not get soaked very quickly when glued and torn. All its layers do not slip relative to each other when folding the workpiece. Therefore, very complex patterns can be cut. It is also easy to draw on it the contours of an ornament or silhouette to create templates.

The paper comes in different colors, so you can cut a snowflake in a multi-colored.

Sometimes the paper is folded 12 times to make a blank. Therefore, it can be difficult to cut through all the layers of such thick paper. And this is her drawback. Sometimes even an unfolded snowflake has to be corrected with scissors, since the thickness of the paper affects the pattern.

There is office paper with a density of 65 g / m2, which is easier to cut than the previous one. However, it softens faster when glued.

If the snowflake pattern has a relatively simple complexity, then it is recommended to take thicker paper for cutting.

How to cut a snowflake out of paper with your own hands

When performing all the actions to cut a fluff, as I call a snowflake, all actions must be performed very accurately.

So that later with scissors do not cut through the folded crooked layers of paper.

And here it is a miracle. a man-made snowflake turned out.

This is how beautiful snowflakes are cut out of ordinary paper, but so patterned that nature “rests”.

How to teach your baby to cut with scissors: 10 tips for moms

Using scissors requires special skills and abilities from the child. For a kid, the task of cutting something can be very difficult, since he has to use all the fingers of the hand not synchronously (thumb, index and middle fingers. each does his job).

The smaller the child’s handle, the more difficult it is for him to use the scissors. However, many children from 2 to 3 years old are ready to learn how to make cuts on paper. And only by the age of 6, the skill of using scissors will not require any tension from the child. everything will happen “automatically”.

How to teach a child to cut?

Before giving your toddler a pair of scissors, play fun games with him that will help improve hand-eye coordination and make your baby’s fingers stronger.

To develop the ability to use both hands (to coordinate the movements of both hands), have the task to tear a piece of paper into very small pieces. These pieces can be glued to paper (if you tear the white paper and glue the pieces on the blue one is a snowball, if you tear the brown paper and then glue it on the silhouette of a bird these are feathers for a freezing sparrow). Let the baby try to punch holes in the paper with a hole punch (under your supervision, of course). this will make his hands stronger.

What can you Cut with Paper? Mr. Hacker Science Experiments

Fill the rubber toy with water. And let the baby squeeze out all the water. it will also help make your fingers stronger.
Play finger games using finger toys (this helps the baby learn to use his hand by working with different fingers at the same time). After the child’s hand is ready to do the “hard work,” teach him how to hold the scissors correctly.

What scissors to choose for a child?

  • To learn how to work with scissors safely and successfully, you need to purchase scissors with rounded ends for your child.
  • Also, when choosing scissors, it is worth considering the convenience of holes for children’s fingers. Ideally, it will be scissors, which have 2 pairs of holes: for the child and for the mother. This will help the child to correctly understand the movements in working with scissors.
  • The scissor pouch also comes in handy for safety. Just teach your child to put scissors into him every time after work.
  • Select the album sheet or magazine cover as the first object of cutting.

When is it time to give your child scissors?

If your kid shows interest in scissors, tries to cut a picture on his own, then you can try to teach him how to do it. How to do it? Buy quality baby scissors.

If your baby is left-handed, you should try to find scissors designed specifically for left-handed children (using ordinary scissors, holding them in their left hand, children do not see the line of the cut).

Discuss with your child how to use scissors:

How to hold the scissors correctly?

  • Have your toddler hold the pen with the thumb pointing up. Put one of the scissor rings on your finger.
  • Have your toddler insert the tip of the middle finger into the other ring.
  • Place the child’s index finger on the second ring (outside).
  • The ring finger and little finger should be bent (rest against the palm). Sometimes the ring finger is inserted into the second ring along with the index.
  • Place a piece of paper in front of the child (above the level of his eyes). When the child cuts the paper upward, he automatically picks up the scissors correctly.

Next, show your child how you yourself cut paper into strips, cut out circles and triangles. Be patient and support your child, even when he fails to make an incision. Over time, the child will master the skills better (he needs practice).

Here’s how your toddler develops scissor skills:

  • The child begins to show interest in scissors and working with them.
  • The child holds the scissors correctly.
  • The child opens and closes the scissors at random.
  • A child can cut a piece of paper.
  • The child cuts off a piece of paper by making two or more consecutive cuts.
  • A child can cut a sheet of paper in half.
  • A child can cut a square.
  • The child cuts out more complex shapes.

The opinion of the editorial board may not coincide with the opinion of the author of the article.


How to teach a child to cut cut-out pictures with scissors

Scissors have always attracted the attention of the child, and now the moment comes when you can offer him to cut it yourself. Already at the age of three, a child can be taught to cut out of paper. For this purpose, you need scissors with rounded ends that are comfortable for a child’s hand. First, you need to teach the child to hold the scissors correctly, and then use them.

When scissors become obedient in the hands of a child, he needs to be shown how to cut out of paper. First of all, the child must be taught how to hold the scissors correctly and cut the paper into strips. From the very beginning, teach your child to rotate the paper, not the scissors. They begin to learn how to cut strips using the example, then quadrangles (we cut the strips into pieces), triangles, circles. Patterns and ornaments can be made from them. Such activities develop well coordination and eye.

In addition to colored paper, you can cut out illustrations from old newspapers and magazines. Cut pictures can be pasted into a notebook with thick sheets.

For gluing, it is recommended to use potato starch or flour paste in order to eliminate the harmful effect if the glue gets into the child’s mouth (after all, he wants to taste everything). A thin layer of paste is applied with a small brush to the picture, which is pasted into a notebook (the child should have learned to glue it in a year). In this case, the illustration is firmly pressed with a sheet of clean white paper. Keep a clean cloth nearby to dry your hands. When the child is already more or less with the gluing technique, the mother cuts out squares, circles and triangles from multi-colored paper. The child places them on a piece of paper in a certain sequence, and then sticks.

In this case, the tasks can be different:

1) Stick four one-color quadrangles in one row.
2) Paste two red and two blue quadrangles, observing a certain sequence: one quadrangle is red, the second is blue, the third is red, the fourth is blue.
3) Glue two quadrangles and two circles, sequentially changing them.
4) Carry out the same work with triangles, placing them sequentially in shape and color.

Later, when the children learn to cut the necessary shapes out of paper themselves, they are assigned the following tasks:

1) Cut the paper strip into squares that can be used for ornaments, toy house windows, flags, etc.
2) Cut thin straight strips from rectangular paper. flagpoles, flower stalks, etc.
3) Cut off the ends of the rectangle obliquely to make a roof for a house, an airplane wing or parts of other objects.
4) Cut a circle out of a square, gradually rounding its edges (snow woman, chickens)
5) Cut fruits, vegetables, flowers, trees, butterflies. A rectangle of the corresponding color is bent in half and half of the intended object is cut out.
6) Cut out a number of items by folding the paper strip several times.

Making origami from paper gives a lot of joy to children. When teaching them this work, you should choose the right size paper, square or rectangular. The child must be taught to carefully and accurately determine the center of the sheet, bend the corners to the edges or the middle, superimpose the corners one on top of the other, depending on what kind of object is being made. The most important thing in the paper folding technique: the corner should coincide with the corner, the edge with the edge, and the folds should be carefully aligned. Children love to play with toys of their own making. Mom should help the child choose the paper, show how to fold it, where to cut it, how to glue it. At first, the whole family can be involved in making toys. When the necessary work skills have already been acquired, the child continues to work independently.

Start simple, invite your child to cut out simple cutouts along the dotted mowing line, being careful not to go beyond it.

Clip art

When the child becomes comfortable with cutting out of paper, he can be offered to cut out the applique elements from the fabric or cut out a soft toy.

How to teach a child to cut with scissors: tips for parents.

The ability to cut paper is one of the indicators of a child’s well-developed fine motor skills. It can be difficult for a kid to master scissors, as it requires him to work with his thumb, index and middle fingers separately from the ring and little fingers. But after a certain amount of training, the child will be able to discover the applique and paper crafts.

Before starting to work with scissors, the child must learn the safety rules:

  • scissors can work strictly at the table;
  • you cannot play with them or walk around the room;
  • scissors can only cut paper (you cannot cut clothes, tablecloth, crayons, fingers, hair, etc.).


  • Have the child hold the pen with the thumb pointing up. Put one of the scissor rings on your finger.
  • Have the child thread the tip of the middle finger into the other ring.
  • Place the child’s index finger on the second ring (outside).
  • The ring finger and little finger should be bent (rest against the palm). Sometimes the ring finger is inserted into the second ring along with the index.
  • Place a piece of paper in front of the child (above the level of his eyes). When the child cuts the paper upward, he automatically picks up the scissors correctly.

It is important! Be sure to use a second scissors so that you can personally point out inaccuracies and show the correct action.


The first scissor opening movements can be practiced in the air, without paper. So that the child is not bored, play a game with him: “the bird flew into its nest. opens its beak wide and wide”, “chicks look out of the nest, call their mother. open their beaks finely and finely.” After the child understands how the scissors work, take paper that is thick enough to hold in his hands, such as pages from old magazines. Place the child on your lap and take his hands in yours, helping him to open and close the scissors. Over time, he will learn to do it on his own.

Next, show your child the simplest cutting techniques. Better to start by cutting strips. It is better if this work takes no more than two steps with scissors.

Once the child is comfortable with cutting strips, you can try to cut along the contours. To begin with, choose simple outlines with clear lines. For example geometric shapes. First a square or rectangle, then a triangle or trapezoid, and finally a circle.

Show your child how to cut by turning the paper. Help your child when he tries to cut with one hand and turn the sheet with the other. This will help him learn not to turn the scissors upside down (which happens quite often). Teach him to cut slowly, gradually, while controlling the position of both scissors and paper

Make learning to work with scissors a fun and creative game. Here are some more interesting ideas:

  • Snake cutting. Have your child fold the paper to make a large, long snake, and then cut it into smaller snakes.
  • Fringe. Have your child cut the edges of colored paper to make a stylish stand or fringed hat.
  • Collage art. Tear out pages from old magazines and have your child cut various shapes out of them, then glue them onto paper and create their own work of art.

And most importantly. praise your beloved child for any, even small, success, because he tries, first of all, to please you.

Green lawn

So we figured out how to properly hold the scissors for a child. Now let’s get down to practice.

  • Take a sheet of colored green paper.
  • Cut a strip of 6-7 cm.
  • Draw straight lines along the edge (3–4 cm backing off).
  • Explain to your baby how to cut the stripes.
  • Be sure to praise him for his efforts.
  • After that, glue the finished herb onto white cardboard.

This was the beginning of the application. Let’s move on.

How to hold scissors correctly for children?

  • Place the handle of the crumbs so that the fingers are in a straight position and the thumb is facing up.
  • Put the scissors on one of the thumb rings.
  • Then help your toddler to stick his middle finger into the second ring. If the size of the ring allows, then, you can insert the index and middle fingers at the same time.
  • The nameless and little finger should be clamped in a fist.
  • Hold a sheet of paper in front of the baby so that it is in your hands (hanging). Then the baby should try to make several cuts.

After the first attempts, show him by your example how to deal with a piece of paper. Do not rush the child, remember that caution and safety are above all.

When is the time

It is believed that the smaller the hand, the more difficult it is to use scissors. Despite this, most children show interest in cutting out pictures from 2-3 years old. And only by the age of 6 years, the skill of using scissors will not require special skills from the kid, since it will be brought to “automatism”.

If your child is interested in scissors, and even more so trying to cut out a picture on his own, then you can try to teach him how to use this tool.

Before moving on to the question related to how to teach a child to use scissors, you need to read the information on how to choose the right scissors.

Important! If your child is left-handed, then you should give preference to scissors made especially for such children. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient for the child to use the tool, since he will not be able to see the line of the cut.

Let’s build a house

  • Prepare a sheet of paper of any color.
  • Draw a square on it. On A4 sheet, it is enough to draw one line.
  • Have your baby cut off the unwanted piece of paper.
  • This square should be glued over the grass, the implementation of which we considered above.

As you know, a house cannot be without a window and a roof. Of course, a door is still needed, but we will assume that it is located on the opposite side of the house.

Cutting Scissors With Paper

  • Draw a triangle on a piece of colored paper (brown, gray, or black).
  • The kid should cut it carefully. If the child cannot do this on his own, then help him.
  • Then glue the finished triangle on the house.
  • All the roof is ready.
The window can be made according to the same instructions as the house, only a square should be cut out, and then glued to the house.


How to teach children to cut with scissors? This is a very exciting activity if you approach it creatively. Children really like to cut pictures, shapes from colored paper, as well as make appliques and collages.

How to hold scissors correctly for children? How to teach a child to use scissors?

  • May 24, 2019
  • Child development
  • Irina Sergeeva

Almost all children understand from birth what scissors are. They regularly come across this tool, as parents trim their marigolds. Of course, such a process cannot but arouse crumbs of curiosity and interest. How to hold scissors correctly for children? How to teach a kid to use this tool? We will consider these and other questions in the article.

What activities should be?

How to properly hold scissors for children is already clear. What classes are suitable for beginners? First, the child must learn to cut the paper into pieces. Let him choose the order of actions. Your task is to control his actions during the lesson.

Fact! Scissor classes aimed at cutting paper have a positive effect on the development of fine motor skills, patience, perseverance and the formation of other important qualities.

Terms of use

Before proceeding to consider the issue of how to teach a child to cut with scissors, it is necessary to familiarize him with safety measures.

Perhaps these are the main safety measures that a child must follow.

Scissors. What do you know about them?

For preschoolers and pupils of grades 1-11

Record low registration fee 25 R.

Class 1 technology

Topic: Scissors. What do you know about them?

1) Educational: to acquaint with the types of scissors, with their device, generalize and supplement the knowledge about the rules for handling scissors.

2) Developing: develop the ability to properly cut paper with scissors, plan activities.

3) Educational: cultivate the desire to work carefully with cutting tools, accuracy when working with glue.

Lesson steps

Student and teacher activities.

Formed UUD

Organizing time

I have workers,

Hunters help in everything.

Don’t live behind a wall-

Day and night with me:

Loyal guys! (fingers)

Friend to friend helper. (arms)

A dozen friendly brothers,

How nice it is to live when they are not afraid of work.

You just need to accustom them to work.

adherence to the rules of greeting.

Introduction to the problem of the lesson.

Not big, not small.

He has a lot of worries:

He cuts and cuts. (Scissors) Slide 1

-See we opened our jaws,

You can put paper in it:

The paper in our mouth

Split into pieces.

Regulatory: accept a learning task.

Cognitive: perform operations of analysis, classifications, cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions.

Announcement of the topic, tasks of the lesson.

1) Get acquainted with the scissors device, with the types of scissors.

2) Recall and supplement the rules for handling scissors.

3) Learn how to properly cut paper with scissors and practice cutting.

4) Do the job with scissors.

read, extracting the necessary information, analyze, draw conclusions.

dialogue with the teacher, express your point of view.

the presence of motivation for creative work, work for the result.

Discovery of new knowledge

1. The device of scissors.

(rings, screw, blades) Slide 2

2. Generalization and addition of rules for the safe handling of scissors. Slide 4

You need to pass the scissors in a closed position with the rings forward.

Store in a case.

Do not play, do not swing while working.

Do not bring close to the face, to the eyes.

On the desk, place on top in a closed position.

Thinking how not to hurt yourself and your neighbor, not to spoil your clothes and crafts.

Do not take in mouth.

Work it. put the scissors in the case.

3. Acquaintance with the types of scissors.

(manicure. for nails, workers. are used most often in everyday life, at home, at work, tailors. a tailor, seamstress, cutter, school. children use.)

-There are many more types of scissors: for the gardener, hairdresser, bookbinder and people of other professions. But more on that in the next lessons.

4. Acquaintance with rational methods of holding and cutting scissors.

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep

As if a pine tree was tied with a white kerchief. (Winter)

Covered with snow, like silver.

On fluffy branches

White fringe. (S. Yesenin. “Birch”)

Work planning.

Work plan: (brought out together).

Cut geometric shapes

Think over the layout on the sheet

Arrange items on the sheet

Decorate a snowman (nose, eyes, broom, buttons, snowflakes.)

ability to listen to the interlocutor.

the ability to work on the points of the drawn up plan.

Cognitive: the ability to extract the necessary information, understand it in schematic form, perform analysis, classification, draw conclusions.

Independent work.

(Proverb of the Snowman “Measure seven times, cut once”) Slide 9.

Communicative: express and substantiate your point of view.

adequately assess your achievements.

Summing up the work.

Exhibition of works by rows.

(The pros and cons of the works are named. The best works are placed in the exhibition The Snowman.)

What rules for handling scissors do you remember??

control the process and the result of activities.

participate in the creative process.

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How to properly cut paper with scissors

My daughter began to show interest in scissors very early, probably because I often use them in the kitchen or when doing handicrafts. Therefore, we often cut something together with her: her and my hand fit well into the rings of large kitchen scissors.

Soon Diana wanted to cut the paper herself. Of course, nothing worked the first time. You need to be patient and show, teach your child how to properly cut with scissors.

And it turns out that in this case, not a small success depends on the scissors themselves! My daughter did not succeed for a long time, I attributed it to age, inept hands, until GOOD scissors fell into her hands. and everything worked out right away, she could cut for hours, she likes it so much. Meanwhile, it is extremely beneficial for the development of the hand and fingers.

Many mothers do not trust their child with scissors. But if you stick your fingers into the rings of scissors along with the children and cut out some figures, you get an excellent workout for the hand.

For acquaintance, buy children’s scissors, which have rounded ends with a small ring for the thumb, an elongated ring for the index and middle. these are the most comfortable. If the scissors have the same rings, then the thumb and middle finger are inserted into them, and the index finger lies down, as it is convenient for him.

For lessons in learning to work with scissors, it is better to use fairly thick paper, you can use cardboard, but not thick cardboard, since it is sometimes difficult to cut even for an adult. By the way, the covers of magazines, the covers of those magazines are well suited.,

which are thicker and thicker than regular landscape sheets or colored paper.

A little time will pass and you will see that the child is already confidently holding the scissors.

Don’t rush to throw your shredded paper into the trash. You can make interesting applications from the scraps together with your baby. For example, if the baby is going to cut colored paper, then by spreading a little glue on a white sheet, you can make rain from pieces of blue, a lawn, grass from green, and so on. To get some kind of landscape, draw the sun, trees, you can have a bird and everything else that your imagination is capable of.

You yourself will not notice how such an interesting activity will captivate you no less than your baby. After all, we are all children at heart, we want to play, rejoice and have fun, as our children do.