Where can I sharpen a chainsaw chain

Using special machines for sharpening

So, first we will consider the first way, how to sharpen a chainsaw chain on different machines. They are automatic (electric) and manual. These devices must be used when the chainsaw chain is already heavily running and requires a thorough restoration. After all, ordinary files can no longer cope here.

Chainsaw chain sharpening with an angle grinder

A very common misconception is that the use of an angle grinder can damage the chainsaw and its chain. This is not at all the case, although difficulties may arise in the process of work, since this method of processing the chain blade is the most laborious of all. Therefore, figuring out how to sharpen the chainsaw chain of an angle grinder, it is recommended to entrust this procedure to a professional in order to avoid the risk of damage to the equipment.

sharpen, chainsaw, chain

When performing such repairs, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • it is not necessary to remove the chain blade during sharpening
  • it would be most correct to use a disc for metal with a section of 2.5 mm, and it is better that its edges are rounded
  • the required angle at which sharpening is performed can be selected visually
  • with the correct execution of this procedure, the chainsaw chain can properly serve, withstanding 4-7 sharpenings.

This method of processing is notable for its low cost, in addition, it does not require a lot of time and does not take much effort. Nevertheless, for its high-quality implementation, it is extremely important to have special skills in working with an angle grinder.

How to determine the need for sharpening the chain in time?

There are many ways to sharpen your chainsaw. But it is also very important to know when to do this. Many people, using a chainsaw, do not at all understand at what point it becomes necessary to sharpen it. As a result, this becomes the main reason that, as work continues, the position of the star gear and the tire is disrupted, gasoline consumption increases several times, and the cutting quality gradually decreases, losing its former clarity.

For these reasons, it is necessary to determine in time when it is necessary to sharpen so that the tool does not deteriorate further. For this, there are several main defining features that can be seen in the nature of the work and in its result. So, these signs include:

Chainsaw chain sharpening scheme with a file.

  • The nature of the chips formed as a result of the work. As a rule, the chips become noticeably darker than usual over time, as the chain begins to dull significantly. In this case, its pieces can become either much smaller, or much larger (depending on the type of instrument).
  • Significant difficulty in work. This is achieved at the expense of tool performance degradation. As a result, it becomes more and more difficult for them to work. With skillful use, the chainsaw should not give significant fatigue.
  • Time-consuming work. When there is a noticeable dullness of the chain, the time spent on sawing something increases several times. So in the end, you may need a lot more time even to cut a non-solid and relatively thin material.
  • Quite often, dullness is visible even with the naked eye. In such cases, the chainsaw teeth become slightly rounded where they should be sharp and shiny. And if you touch them with your hand, then you will not feel absolutely any sharpness.
  • Strengthening the feed in the cut. As a rule, a well-sharpened chain can be pulled into the cut quite easily. But when she becomes dull, it becomes very difficult to pull her into the cut. Sometimes the first time you may not even succeed, in the end you will have to spend some time.
  • In a gradually dull chain of a chainsaw, during operation, in addition to shavings, the smallest dust can also be poured along with vertical sharp particles resembling thin needles. This is often the first sign that a tool needs to be sharpened.

Scheme of planing wood with a chainsaw tooth.

Today, there are two most common methods where it is best to sharpen a chainsaw chain.

This is the sharpening of the tool on the machine and with the help of a special set, which contains round and flat files, a stand for ease of work, a hook that will promptly clean the cavity of sawdust.

Chainsaw chain sharpeners

It would be most correct to entrust this work to a professional, but in the absence of one or due to the lack of special equipment, you can sharpen the chain yourself.

Equipment for this can be as follows:

  • file of the required diameter (round, flat and combined)
  • manual machine
  • automatic electric machine
  • Angle Grinder.

Each of these devices is in one way or another suitable for sharpening the chain and can be used without fear of damaging the device.

Required chain sharpening frequency

There are no clear terms for the repair work with the equipment chain, it all depends primarily on how often the device is used, as well as on its technical characteristics. A person who has never dealt with such a device can easily sharpen a chainsaw chain with his own hands, having previously familiarized himself with certain rules. Do not forget that the tools used for this process may be different, and it depends on the type of model and the technology of work.

Therefore, you should understand in more detail how to sharpen a chainsaw chain using devices that are different for their purpose as correctly as possible, having studied each of the methods separately.

Where and how you can sharpen a chainsaw chain with high quality?

  • How to determine the need for sharpening the chain in time?
  • Using special machines for sharpening
  • Sharpening on a manual machine
  • Working with an automatic machine
  • Using a special sharpening kit
  • Highlights at work
  • Sequencing
  • Chainsaws are a very expensive and necessary tool. They are irreplaceable in the household if you have your own house and garden. After all, it is so easy and pleasant to do the job without making a lot of effort. Chainsaw, when properly operated, is able to economically consume fuel. Therefore, it makes no sense to think that it is better to do everything with an ordinary hacksaw if you have a choice: use an ordinary or high-quality chainsaw.

    Chainsaw tooth device diagram.


    But the chainsaw tends to get dull. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically sharpen its chain. But where to sharpen the chainsaw chain. You will have two options: take the saw to a special workshop or do it yourself.

    Chain sharpening methods using a machine

    One way or another, not every chain can be sharpened with a file. In the event that the cutting part is significantly deformed, such work will be very long and will require a lot of effort. If the situation is similar, it is best to use a machine.

    Such devices are of two types: electrical and manual. Both are based on one main element. this is either a whetstone or sharpening wheels.

    The algorithm for preparing this type of sharpening is as follows:

    • you need to loosen the screw adjusting the chain clamp
    • then it is required to adjust the chain so that its teeth are directed towards the sharpening element
    • at the end it is necessary to fix the equipment at a certain angle.

    When deciding how to sharpen a chainsaw chain using a machine, you can use one of two ways:

    • Sequential sharpening mode (teeth are machined in turn).
    • Machining every second of the teeth (left-handed and then right-handed or vice versa).

    How to prevent the need for frequent chainsaw sharpening?

    In order to operate the equipment as long as possible, while avoiding the need to sharpen its chain too often, the correct solution would be to follow the following recommendations:

    • the new chain must not be used together with the old drive sprocket, as well as the new sprocket with the old chain
    • a new element must be run-in immediately after installation by running it at low power for about one minute
    • it is important to always ensure that the blade tension is correct, otherwise malfunctioning equipment may cause injury
    • the cutting edge must always be lubricated. It is important that each of the elements receives the required amount of oil.

    If you follow the above tips, the chainsaw will last a very long time, while there will be no problems with its operation.

    A heavy load on the chainsaw rapidly dulls the chains, it happens that in one day the chain has to be sharpened more than once. How to sharpen a chain how to sharpen a chainsaw chain how to sharpen it yourself. How to sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands. Roll in the chain where it is located. For. Another factor of quick bluntness is the contact of the chain with the ground, even having hooked the ground with a tire a couple of times, you can immediately send the chain to sharpen, it will just finish cutting the tree species perfectly.

    Where can I sharpen a chainsaw chain

    It is very convenient to work with a chainsaw. Despite the fact that the unit weighs 5-7 kilograms, or even more, cutting a tree trunk into logs, you simply wonder how quickly this happens, and there is practically no fatigue. But then the moment comes when it is harder and harder for the tool blade to enter the wood. There is only one diagnosis. the saw is dull, so it is required to sharpen the chainsaw chain.

    If the chainsaw is used from time to time, several times a year, then it may not make sense to buy a special sharpening machine or accessories, it is easier to solve the problem by using the services of a service center. But if a chainsaw is a means of earning or there is a desire to master the sharpening process yourself, then you should definitely purchase a sharpener or a machine and manually carry out this simple manipulation with the chain. Let’s see below what the correct sharpening of the chainsaw chain is based on.

    Than manual sharpening is inferior to machine

    You can get used to and carry out manual sharpening of the chainsaw chain without much difficulty. But there are some nuances here, because in the first place it is not as effective as sharpening with a machine. The biggest disadvantages of manual chain cutting teeth sharpening are:

    • Difficulty keeping the required angle. You don’t need to think that you can sharpen the chainsaw chain with just one round file, for this operation you will need at least a special guide and a second flat file.
    • Low speed of the operation. It is necessary to fix the guide on the tooth, manipulate with a round file, check the gap of the limiter, if it is necessary to correct it with a flat file, and only then proceed to the next tooth.
    • The need for experience. Despite the various helpers for sharpening a chainsaw by hand, first of all you need to feel the process, and this requires some experience.

    Chainsaw sharpening angles and tooth configuration

    To be able to sharpen chains correctly, the first step is to figure out what functional elements a single link or cutting element consists of:

    • Base. the lower part of the tooth, which has holes for connecting to the rest of the chain elements and during operation hides in the guide channel of the bar. It is this part that is lubricated.
    • A special stop is an element of the tooth structure that allows the cutter to remove only a certain thickness of wood chips in one pass. Thanks to him, the chain does not get stuck in the fibers, and the chainsaw does not wedge.
    • The so-called tooth scapula is a cutter consisting of vertical and horizontal working surfaces that form cutting edges.

    Tooth blades, or cutting edges, must be sharpened at a specific angle, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve optimal sawing characteristics of the chain. The upper blade (horizontal) has the function of plunging the tooth into the wood and forming a groove. Side or end blade (vertical) helps to trim fibers from the side.

    The most important thing when sharpening a chainsaw is to achieve the correct angle of the upper blade, which should be within 60-50 degrees. The angle of the end blade is maintained within 85-60 degrees. It is also worth adhering to the angle in the plan (sharpening angle), namely, what is clearly visible when you look at the chain link from above. it departs from the side edge along the front mowing line and should be 10-15 degrees.

    The productivity of the operations of sawing wood in the transverse direction increases if the angle of sharpening of the chainsaw chain is increased to the maximum possible and vice versa. Chains designed for longitudinal cutting of a tree trunk should be sharpened at an angle of approximately 10 degrees.

    Under no circumstances should the depth gauge be touched once again: improper grinding can lead to vibration during tool operation. Its debugging is done according to a special template.

    When sharpening the chainsaw is required

    Sharpening chains for chainsaws is often not done right, some users simply do not pay attention to signs of dullness, as a result, the chain becomes dull and this significantly affects the quality of cutting wood. How to sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands. All possible sharpening methods: files, tools, angle grinders, machines. The load on the engine is colossal, ultimately the fuel consumption increases significantly, the drive sprocket and the tire of the chainsaw are destroyed. As a result, the wear of all components of the saw increases and the work productivity is miniaturized, also leads to the complete failure of expensive equipment.

    Chainsaw chain sharpening is not much different from other types of sharpening; today there are enough all kinds of devices and various grinding equipment. The chain tooth of a chainsaw is not a simple design, the top and side edges are located at a specially designed angle, so sharpening the chainsaw chain is quite difficult.

    Chainsaw chain can be sharpened up to 10 times with the correct sharpening equipment.

    Video examples of our work on sharpening knives and other tools

    A significant degree on the performance of the chainsaw has its competent and correct use; for high-quality sawing, a sharp and well-sharpened chain is required, because a properly sharpened chain is much more important than a powerful motor and chains need to be sharpened as they become dull.

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    When chain sharpening is required

    Sharpening of chains for chainsaws is often done at the wrong time, some users simply do not pay attention to the signs of dullness, as a result, the chain becomes dull and this significantly affects the quality of wood cutting. The load on the engine turns out to be colossal, as a result, fuel consumption increases significantly, the drive sprocket and the tire of the chainsaw are destroyed. As a result, the wear of all components of the saw increases and the productivity of work decreases, and also leads to the complete failure of expensive equipment.

    A heavy load on the chainsaw quickly dulls the chains, it happens that you have to sharpen the chain more than once in one day. Another factor of rapid blunting is the contact of the chain with the ground, even having hooked the ground with the bus several times, you can immediately send the chain to sharpening, it will simply stop cutting wood with high quality.

    Working on the machine

    The most convenient way to bring the tool into working order is to sharpen chainsaw chains on a machine. For these purposes, manufacturers produce manual machine tools and electric chain sharpening machines.

    The first is a system of round files, guides and stops. The device is made in such a way that it is directly attached to the tire of the chainsaw. The operator only needs to move the file along the guide several times and rearrange it to a new tooth, all this is done without rearranging the devices.

    We appeal to specialists and everyone who knows how to sharpen chainsaws: share your experience in the comments, write what machines and methods are best used in this matter.

    Chainsaw sharpening

    Chainsaw chain sharpening is not much different from other types of sharpening; today there are quite different devices and various grinding equipment. The chain tooth of the chainsaw has an unusual design, the upper and side edges are placed at a specially designed angle, therefore sharpening the chainsaw chain is quite difficult.

    A significant degree on the performance of the chainsaw has its competent and correct implementation, for high-quality sawing, a sharp and previously perfectly sharpened chain is required, because a correctly sharpened chain is much more important than a massive motor and it is necessary to sharpen the chains as they become dull.

    Chain sharpeners

    The round file holder has a mowing line that allows it to be correctly positioned in relation to the chain. The holder fits onto the sharpened tooth in accordance with the line orientation. In this case, the insert itself rests on the upper edge of the tooth and the depth gauge, and the file is located under the cutting edge.

    The use of a holder ensures that the file will fit to the tooth at the correct height. There are different tool holders for different pitches of the saw chain. The correct choice of holder, combined with the correct file diameter, ensures that the file protrudes over the back of the tooth by 1/5 of its diameter. Use only special saw chain files.

    Before sharpening the chainsaw chain, it is advisable to secure the bar. When sharpening, it is necessary, while maintaining the position of the holder and pressing the file to the sharpened edge, to make several (2-3) turning movements away from you. Do not try to press too hard on the file, the movements should be smooth and measured. Rotate the file regularly to avoid one-sided wear. All other teeth are sharpened in the same way. It is more convenient to first sharpen the teeth in one direction, then change the position and do the same with the teeth in the other direction.

    When sharpening all teeth, do the same number of strokes with the file at the same pressure. This will result in the same tooth length. All cutting teeth must be of the same length. Different tooth lengths cause uneven chain running and cracking. If the length of the teeth is not the same, all cutting teeth must be filed to the length of the shortest tooth.

    After several sharpening of the cutting teeth, the depth gauge is ground. To do this, a template is superimposed on it so that the stopper falls into the slot, and the tip protruding from the slot is grinded with a flat file.

    The principle of using another set for sharpening chainsaw chains does not differ from the first, although its design is different.

    A round file is also used for sharpening the cutting tooth, and for sharpening the depth gauge. flat. A special template provides parameters for sharpening both cutting teeth and stops. In the first case, it is superimposed on the chain in such a way that it falls into its slots. The file, placed on the template and brought under the cutting edge, rests on the guide rollers. The direction of movement of the file must be parallel to the lateral edges of the template.

    When sewing the stopper, the template is applied so that the stopper falls into the slot, near which it says SOFT (for soft wood) or HARD (for hard wood). As in the case of the first device, the file is seamed with smooth, even movements of the flat file away from you.

    Do-it-yourself chainsaw sharpening

    The tooth of the chain planes the wood like a plane, and the thickness of the chips is adjusted by the height of the stopper.

    Intense sawing will quickly dull the chain. Several sharpenings may be required over the course of one day. The problem is aggravated by the fact that the tooth quickly dulls when it meets the ground. It is enough to hook the soil with the tire once or twice, and the work can be stopped. the shavings become fine and the saw stops going deep into the wood.

    The sooner dull teeth are sharpened, the less material needs to be removed during sharpening, as a result. the service life of the saw chain is longer. Determining the moment when sharpening is already required is quite simple. An important feature is the feed force. A properly sharpened chain is pulled into the cut with just a little pressure. If, on the contrary, the chainsaw is forced to cut by increased feed force, then the teeth are dull. A dull chain can also be recognized if only small chips fly out of the cut instead of coarse thick chips.

    In this situation, the chainsaw must be sharpened urgently. Do not cut with a dull or defective saw chain. the consequence is high stress in the body, high cyclic load, poor cutting results. In addition, this means a decrease in productivity, high fuel consumption and increased wear of all parts of the chainsaw.

    General rules for sharpening chainsaw chains

    Chain Teeth Parameters

    To achieve optimal cutting properties, the tooth blades are given specific angles. The back of the tooth falling back at an angle forms the posterior angle of the upper blade. This angle is needed to cut the upper blade into the wood.

    The backward tapering blade of the tooth forms the back angle of the end blade. This angle is needed for side cutting of the chips.

    The edge of the end blade forms a rake angle with the sliding surface of the cutting link. Front angles for different types of chains vary from 60 ° to 85 °.

    The back angle of the upper blade characterizes the backward tilt of the upper blade.

    This angle is measured relative to the sliding plane of the cutting link and, depending on the type of saw chain, ranges from 50 ° to 60 °. The top blade is the main blade and the back corner of the top blade. this is the most important corner. The clearance angle of the upper blade is difficult to measure, the correct value is obtained by observing other prescribed values.

    The sharpening angle or entering angle is obtained by measuring from the top cutting edge at right angles to the guide bar.

    How to sharpen your own chainsaw teeth for less than 40

    The sharpening angle can be changed, depending on the application. Rule of thumb: the larger the sharpening angle, the higher the cutting performance when cutting non-frozen softwood. Reducing the sharpening angle when cutting frozen and / or hard wood contributes to a smoother saw blade and less vibration. However, sharpening angles greater than 35 ° and less than 25 ° should be avoided (except for rip chains where this angle is 10 °).

    The rake angle, sharpening angle and upper blade angle change when sharpening. These angles have a decisive influence on the cutting performance of the chain. Be sure to observe the prescribed values.

    A depth gauge is located on each cutting link in front of the tooth scapula. The difference in height between the top edge of the depth gauge and the front edge of the back of the tooth is defined as the distance of the depth gauge.

    The depth of penetration of the upper blade into the wood (chip thickness) and thus productivity depends on the distance of the depth gauge. The distance of the depth gauge is set depending on the chain pitch and the type of execution. Normally, it should be 0.5-0.8 mm, more often 0.6 mm. High values ​​will lead to an increased tendency of the chainsaw to kickback, too much grip and chain vibration. Low values ​​lead to a drop in performance. Since the distance of the depth gauge decreases with each sharpening of the saw due to a decrease in the upper edge of the tooth, the depth gauge also needs to be filed periodically. after 5-10 chain sharpenings.

    Chainsaw chain sharpening machines

    Stihl produces two modifications of hand-held machine tools. stationary FG 2 and mobile FG 1, mounted directly on the tire. There are analogues of less well-known companies, comparable in price with the simpler devices described above.

    The working part of these devices structurally resembles a bow saw, into which a round long file is inserted instead of a saw blade. FG 1 and FG 2 not only sharpen the chains, but also straighten them, adjusting the length of the top edge of all teeth to the same size. on the smallest tooth, which is taken as the control one. A rather complex configuration mechanism allows you to set all the necessary parameters. Sharpening is carried out in 2-3 movements, after which they proceed to the next tooth, keeping for it all the settings that were made for the control tooth. This ensures the same sharpening parameters for all teeth. When sewing the stopper, the round file changes to a flat file.

    The electric chain sharpener for chainsaws is simple and convenient to use. It has an adjustment system that allows you to set the chain at the desired angle and bring the disc exactly to the sharpened edge. There are machines that automatically clamp the vice when lowering the disc onto the chain.

    How to sharpen a chainsaw chain with a file?

    It is not very convenient to work with a standard file, and therefore we suggest purchasing a special set. a round file with a holder, a flat file to grind the depth limit and a special hook that helps to clean the chainsaw.

    Use the dedicated chain sharpening kit

    The first tool is convenient in that it has a special mowing line of the guide, thanks to which you can work correctly. The blade rests on the depth gauge as well as on the upper line of the cutting tooth, while the file will be placed under the cutting edge.

    So, in order to sharpen the chainsaw chain with a file, you need to follow certain instructions:

    • Initially, firmly and neatly fasten the tire, select the files by diameter;
    • Start sharpening correctly so that only 1/5 of the round file protrudes above the cutting edge;
    • When sharpening, the file must be moved only in one direction, and not back and forth;
    • After every few sharpenings, adjust the cut stop.

    Follow the rules to make sure the process goes well

    If we talk about the sharpening sequence, then it looks like this:

    • Installing the chain brake;
    • Positioning the tool according to the template;
    • Marking the first tooth (so as not to go to the second sharpening circle);
    • Sharpening.

    How to sharpen a chainsaw chain correctly?

    If you want to learn how to sharpen the saw chain correctly, so that after this process the tool works efficiently and without possible increased wear, you will need to adhere to some rules.

    The height of the cut stop and the tip of the cutting link angle after each sharpening must meet the initial criteria set by the manufacturers, and therefore there is nothing to “force” here, you just need to sharpen the chain correctly. In addition, the links should not be strongly grinded or changed, since the normal functioning of the saw depends on their identity. If you make a mistake exactly here, then not only the strongest loads on the engine and the body are possible, but also an open circuit, which is always very dangerous.

    How to sharpen a chainsaw chain correctly: professional recommendations

    Before choosing a round file for sharpening a chain, it is necessary to study its parameters, and choose a tool clearly for the parameters of the tooth and pitch. Most often, the chain pitch is in the region of 4-5.5 mm. The tool should not protrude more than 1/5 above the upper edge of the tooth. In addition, during sharpening, you need to correctly hold the file in relation to the planes. strictly at right angles to the vertical plane, and at an angle of approximately 10-30 ° to the horizontal (depending on the type of chain).

    Chainsaw teeth sharpening technical guidelines

    You can also use a special tool for sharpening, since it is quite difficult to constantly work with only one round file.

    Chainsaw chain blunt problem

    It is possible to understand that the chain has become dull not only by the slower passability of the cut, but also by the vibrations of the tool, which are well felt by the hands. Dulling the chain can be provoked by intensive work, sometimes it even happens that the chain has to be sharpened several times in one working day. The reason for this is a large amount of work and additional factors. contact with the ground and with harder wood elements, for example, knots.

    Sharpening the saw chain on time not only improves the quality of work, but also increases the service life of the tool

    Working with a dull chain can lead to very serious problems, and not only is it slow cutting and increased fuel consumption, but vibration is transmitted to the body, which leads to destruction of the tire and drive sprocket. It is this that significantly reduces the productivity of the tool and leads to serious wear and tear on almost every unit of the chainsaw. Thus, either permanent repairs, or replacing the saw with a new one, which with such an attitude will last no longer.

    Recommendations for sharpening the saw chain on the machine

    In the process of sharpening, it is advisable to follow some rules that will help you complete the work quickly and without any problems:

    • The correct level of sharpening will be the shortest tooth, which should be taken as a reference point;
    • Sharpening should not be very deep, as this can seriously affect the strength and durability of the link;
    • After sharpening all saw teeth, be sure to purge and oil.

    Why sharpen a chainsaw?

    Well, in principle, everyone understands the answer to the question, but there are also some subtleties of the process that specialists will tell us about.

    So, sharpening a chainsaw chain is not the most difficult process if you have everything you need at hand, and you also have experience in this matter. But it is worth focusing on the complex geometry of each tooth in the chain, due to which this process is seriously complicated. In addition, according to the technology of using a chainsaw, any beginning of the process is implied with a pre-sharpened chain, because if you cut wood with a blunt chainsaw, then you will not only reduce the efficiency of the process, but also subject the mechanisms of the tool to serious wear. That is, before any work, the chainsaw must be in full working order, and the chain must be sharp. Pros say a sharp chain is more important than engine power.

    Why is it necessary to sharpen the chainsaw chain on time?

    Chainsaw chain sharpening on the machine

    It is far from every time that you can sharpen with a file, because with improper operation or with rare maintenance of the saw, the chain grinds unevenly, and it is almost impossible to make all the teeth of the same size and the same sharpening with a file. Therefore, it is recommended to use special machines for this process, manual or electrical.

    Thanks to the complex mechanism of such machines, it will be quite simple to sharpen the chain correctly. By adjusting the settings for the smallest tooth, the machine accurately adjusts all the teeth to its size and produces uniform sharpening, which provides the best performance in further work.

    How is the sharpening of the chainsaw chain on the machine?

    Initially, the control tooth is sharpened, according to which all parameters are set. Further, without changing the settings, the remaining teeth of the chain are evenly sharpened.

    Having such a machine at hand, you will no longer need to think about how to sharpen an angle grinder chainsaw chain, but simply follow the rules for working on the machine and quickly get a ready-made saw chain for use:

    • First of all, loosen the chain clamp adjustment screw;
    • Next, install the saw in the machine so that the links are directed to the sharpening stone;
    • After that, the sharpening angle is set, which by default is 30 ° (but there may be other options), the sharpening polarity is also determined;
    • Sharpening occurs in two ways. sequentially or through the tooth, which is much more convenient, since such a sharpening will take less time, and there will be practically no chance of making a mistake.

    What rules must be followed in order to make the correct sharpening of the chainsaw chain on a special machine?

    Where can you sharpen your chainsaw chain?

    For many summer residents, this will not be a problem, since there are many service centers and workshops around us, where such an issue is resolved very quickly. But, say, you live in a small town and there is no service nearby, you currently don’t have money to sharpen a saw, your summer cottage is very far from the city, and it is very difficult to transport a chainsaw by hand. in general, there are a lot of reasons to sharpen the chainsaw chain on your own, and therefore, today we are analyzing this process. That is, answering the question, we will say very simply. we will sharpen the chain right at the dacha, where we need a chainsaw in work.

    Where and how to sharpen a saw chain that is dull?

    How is a chainsaw sharpening: technical recommendations

    It is highly undesirable to work with such a set of tools all the time if you are the owner of an expensive tool. Sharpening of such a technique can be carried out only as a last resort, and it is better to constantly sharpen the saw chain on professional equipment. If you picked up a sharpening kit, use the recommendations for sharpening technique:

    • Do not press the file too hard, do each movement very carefully;
    • Rotate the file constantly around its axis so that not only does the chain sharpen evenly, but also the file does not grind on one side, which can lead to uneven sharpening in the future;
    • The teeth of the chain must be sharpened consistently and in the same way;
    • It is more convenient to sharpen the teeth in one direction, and then change the position and sharpen the teeth in the other direction;
    • For each tooth, you need to determine the same pressure on the tool and make the same number of sharpening movements, so you can ensure uniform sharpening of the entire chain;
    • If the chain has teeth of different lengths, you should focus on the shortest one, and grind off the remaining teeth to its length.

    Correct sharpening of the chainsaw chain. note.
