Grinding the beam with your own hands outside. Features of grinding of profiled and glued beams

Grinding logging. pros and cons of log cabins, grinding features, nuances and stages of technology, error, finish processing Give maximum evenness and the best aesthetic qualities of the surface of the wood, as well as perfectly prepare it to protect against external factors, a special grinding of log cabins allows. We will analyze what are the main advantages, cons and […]

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How gasoline for a chainsaw is divorced. Features of the preparation and storage of the fuel mixture

How to breed gasoline for a chainsaw Those who constantly use the chainsaw, as it is clear to anyone else that it depends on the correct ratio of oil and gasoline when refueling the mechanism. Before using the power tool, you should pay attention to its brand and features, since each manufacturer recommends a different ratio of fuel. Lubricants. About […]

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How to rinse a carburetor on a chainsaw. Features of washing in an ultrasonic bath

Carburetor of the chainsaw Carburetor of the chainsaw.This is an element that is responsible for mixing the air fuel mixture. Not only the stability of the engine, but also the speed of the entire chainsaw depends on the state and serviceability of this important node. In this regard, each owner of the garden tool must study the design of the […]

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How to set up Chinese calm. Features and differences in the adjustment of the carburetor on the Chinese chainsaw

How to set up a single stroke of a riveting To independently configure the carburetor, you need to familiarize yourself with its device and remember the order of work that are carried out to adjust the parts responsible for the correct functioning of the constituent elements of the device and the parts near it. It is necessary to carefully handle […]

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How to run a new benzotrimer. Features of fuel preparation

How to run a gasoline trimmer correctly That’s right, the best solution will be the exact adherence of the instructions that conscientious manufacturers deliver together with the general instructions for using braids. But before performing this time for running.In correctly and accurately, you should prepare a special fuel mixture containing high.Quality gasoline and oil, the brands of which are indicated […]

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